Axiom verge прохождение

Axiom Verge не посоветуешь всем поклонникам классических Metroid. Невыразительная даже на фоне других «пиксельных» работ графика и своеобразное музыкальное сопровождение являются наименее спорными составляющими проекта. Здесь приходится обшаривать каждый закоулок в надежде наткнуться на единственно верную тропинку или апгрейд, а пара боссов вынуждает действовать с точностью до десятых долей миллиметра.

В результате неудачного эксперимента на одной из исследовательских баз произошел взрыв. Ученый Трейс находился в эпицентре происшествия и уже попрощался с жизнью, но в следующее мгновение он очутился в неизвестном месте: то ли в иной реальности, то ли на другой планете. На связь с ним вышла таинственная незнакомка и попросила помочь ей. Она же сообщила, что в соседней комнате лежит оружие. После короткого диалога с новой знакомой герой отправился в путешествие.

В сюжете переплетаются судьбы далеких миров с массовым геноцидом их обитателей, величественные роботизированные создания с загадочным прошлым и их окутанные мраком мотивы. Долгое время испытываешь неприятное ощущение, будто Трейса обманывают и манипулируют им. История умело скрывает главные откровения, и интрига сохраняется вплоть до финала. Жаль, но недурственное научно-фантастическое повествование подано в характерной для бюджетных игр «под ретро» манере с текстовыми разговорами и скоротечными сценками.

То, что Axiom Verge — верный последователь двухмерных частей серии Metroid, заметно сразу. Трейс пробирается по цельному миру-лабиринту. По пути он наталкивается на не шибко агрессивных супостатов, многие их которых мешают ему в процессе прыжков по платформам. Незатейливая акробатика и стрельба по забавным зверушкам разбавляется применением различных устройств.

Герой получает в распоряжение аналог бура и пробивается через твердые породы, учится высоко прыгать, хватается за поверхности крюком-кошкой, проходит сквозь стены и выпускает управляемого дрона. Похожее на маленького паучка создание способно пробираться в узкие проходы и добывать полезные вещи. Определенные режимы стрельбы из чудо-пушки используются не только в бою, но и для активации выключателей.

Кроме того, Трейс завладевает гранатами, позволяющими пробираться через «заглючившие» участки уровней. Эти области представляют собой бесформенный набор цветастых пикселей, будто картинка действительно отображается некорректно. Также посредством устройств можно, в частности, замедлять врагов или превращать их в некое подобие «глюков». Выглядит необычно и забавно.

Карманы Трейса постоянно пополняются по мере прохождения кампании. Какие-то находки надолго становятся верными спутниками, иные служат ключами к указанным дверям, и про них быстро забываешь, а другие обзаводятся новыми функциями. Героя заставляют осваивать все чудеса инопланетной техники и комбинировать их. В этой составляющей Axiom Verge если не превосходит объект подражания, но вплотную к нему приближается.

Испытания тоже усложняются. Мелкие твари приклеиваются к Трейсу и высасывают из него здоровье, иные отродья обладают иммунитетом к большинству типов урона, а некоторые неожиданно выпрыгивают прямо перед носом. К этому добавляются непростые акробатические упражнения с уклонениями от падающих валунов и путающихся под ногами созданий.

Увы, Axiom Verge огорошивает излишне старомодным подходом к организации приключения. У героя есть миссия, но обнаружить ключевые объекты предстоит самому. Трейсу не сообщают, в каком регионе находится его цель и какое устройство (или устройства) необходимо для ее достижения. Собирать элементы воедино приходится самостоятельно, не имея возможности оставлять пометки на карте. Иногда протагонист обнаруживает прибор в одной точке, а применить его должен в другом конце мира. Не помните, где это? Приготовьтесь к долгому забегу по изученным локациям.

Потратив немало времени на безуспешные попытки разобраться с задачей, приходишь к выводу, что у Трейса еще нет нужного приспособления. После проверки остальных потенциальных путей и серии неудач получается преодолеть препятствие. Из-за этого приключение растягивается, протагонист носится взад-вперед по одним и тем помещениям и расстреливает возрождающихся врагов.

По ходу дела имеет смысл заняться обнаружением тайников. Дополнительное здоровье, повышение показателей оружия и новые режимы стрельбы для «пушки» Трейса делают жизнь чуточку проще. Секретов в игре полно, вплоть до обнаружения паролей, которые надо вводить в специальное устройство (спрятанное от постороннего взора). Эти коды меняют внешний облик героя или окружающую его реальность. Так что посещение знакомых декораций после получения новой игрушки обязательно оборачивается новыми открытиями.

Все это делает уничтожение рядовых противников менее хлопотным занятием, а также является едва ли не обязательным условием для победы над местными боссами даже на нормальном уровне сложности.

Несколько схваток с боссами превращаются в серьезное испытание ловкости, когда необходимо оставаться невредимым на крохотной арене в окружении роя снарядов. В такой обстановке без должной подготовки выжить практически нереально. Как следствие, сбор бонусов становится ключевым этапом прохождения кампании.

В раздел развлечений «не для всех» Axiom Verge отправляет оформление локаций. Проект смотрится невзрачно в сравнении со многими другими «пиксельными» сородичами. Бедные на детали уровни, отличающиеся зачастую лишь цветовой гаммой, вызывают грусть и негативно сказываются на атмосфере изучения таинственной вселенной. Музыкальное сопровождение совмещает приятные мелодии и режущие слух звуки.

В игре есть режим Speedrun. Ориентирован он, само собой, на скоростное прохождение. В нем на экране появляется таймер, чтобы вы могли видеть, сколько времени затратили на путь к финальным титрам.


Игра отталкивает посредственным арт-дизайном. Но это самая незначительная из ее неоднозначных особенностей. Утомительные прогулки туда-сюда вкупе с поиском единственно верного маршрута и сбор бонусов в качестве обязательного занятия занимают немалую часть 15-часовой кампании. Замечательная основа с разнообразными устройствами и стабильным пополнением их списка, прыжками, увлекательными сражениями и схватками с огромными созданиями от этого страдает, как минимум в глазах пользователей, кто привык к грамотному сочетанию «старой школы» и новых идей. С последним у Axiom Verge все очень и очень печально.

  • Интересная история с элементами научной фантастики
  • Много разнообразных приспособлений
  • Грамотное сочетание всех важных для жанра составляющих
  • Масса полезных секретов
  • Напряженные битвы с боссами, пускай и с перегибами в финальной части


  • Невзрачные декорации (даже по меркам «пиксельных» проектов) и смехотворный внешний вид некоторых врагов
  • Игра периодически оборачивается утомительным поиском единственно верного маршрута
  • Резкий скачок сложности в завершающей части кампании

Axiom Verge — это инди-проект в футуристическом жанре, разработанный силами одного разработчика и выпущенный в 2015 году на платформах восьмого поколения и персональных компьютерах. Большая часть экземпляров игры была продана через цифровую дистрибуцию типа Steam или PSN, но чуть позже публике была представлена и физическая копия в ограниченном количестве от компании «IndieBox».


Игра знакомит нас с ученым по имени Трейс, который работает в лаборатории, где-то в Нью Мехико. Однажды, проводя очередное испытание, происходит авария, при которой здание обрушилось и погребло нашего изобретателя под обломками. Казалось бы, что вот и конец… но нет. Неожиданно, Трейс просыпается в странном помещении, с совершенно чуждой для человека архитектурой. И еще этот странный голос, пробудивший его от небытия и говорящий ему, что нужно найти оружие в соседнем помещении. Кто с ним говорил? Что произошло? Где и как он здесь оказался? Да и что в конце концов ему теперь делать? На все эти вопросы, наш ученый-инженер найдет ответы по ходу игры. Где-то это будут редкие записки, оставленные неизвестной цивилизацией. Какие-то ответы найдутся у неожиданных союзников. А некоторые вещи, Трейс вспомнит сам.


Игровой процесс представляет из себя 2D платформер с поиском вещей и решением головоломок. Главный герой находит в самом начале игры универсальное оружие, которое на протяжении игры будет неоднократно улучшено. Помимо новых режимов стрельбы, будет найдена лазерное сверло, нужное чтобы пробить некоторые препятствия, вставшие на пути. Другие участки маршрута будут заблокированы цифровыми блоками, неуничтожимые обычными средствами. Очистить путь поможет особенная пушка — глючащая пушка. То есть, она программным методом изменяет данные определенного участка пути и тем самым убирает доселе неразрушаемые блоки. Также это чудо-орудие может перепрограммировать и врагов, наделяя их новыми свойствами. Одних она делает беззащитными, других наоборот может значительно усилить, третьих же наделить способностями, которые помогут вам попасть в недоступные места. Так что нужно не забывать и применять ее почаще. В ходе странствий Трейс найдет и много других улучшений, не связанных с огневой мощью, но тем не менее помогающих пройти дальше. Например, это будет ремонтный дрон, могущий пролезть в узких местах. Пожалуй, стоит упомянуть и специальный крюк, с помощью которого можно будет взбираться на ранее недоступные высоты. Но помимо сбора полезного оружия и оборудования, не ленитесь искать усилители здоровья, увеличивающие полоску здоровья, и бонусы для увеличения дальности, и мощности стрельбы. Все это значительно облегчит борьбу с боссами.

Теперь немного и про игровой мир. Он разбит на девять больших областей, каждая из которых в свою очередь разделена на мини-секции и помечены на карте в виде квадратиков. Каждая область имеет свой дизайн: как в визуальном плане, так и в музыке. Противники также меняются и становятся сложнее. Одна из девяти областей расположена в центре мира и соединяет между собой остальные восемь. Там, в качестве своеобразного транспорта, используется забавная биомеханическая голова, парящая слева на право и наоборот. Почти в каждой области есть босс, а также две или три камеры для сохранения игры и восполнения здоровья. Еще, частички здоровья можно выбивать из противников. Во многих локациях спрятаны секреты, в поисках которых игрок проведет немалую часть времени. Да и по большей части весь геймплей игры, как раз и выстроен на обшаривании многочисленных секций уровня, для того чтобы отыскать очередное устройство, которое поможет преодолеть очередное препятствие.


В качестве завершения можно сказать, что Axiom Verge отличная игра, разработанная в жанре метроидовании и имитирующая тот же графический стиль и музыкальное сопровождение. Да, она конечно во многом повторяет тот же метроид, в том числе заимствует некоторые геймплейные элементы и из других игр. Но разве игра оттого стала неинтересной? Отнюдь. Дело в том, что разработчик игры за пять лет работы, очень хорошо смог сбалансировать и разнообразить геймплей и сложность игры, придумал уникальные игровые элементы, нарисовал хорошую пиксельную графику, написал очень годный саунд — и все это в совокупности не должно оставить равнодушными поклонников старых восьми и шестнадцати битных игр. Так что, очень рекомендую!

Axiom Verge Прохождение / Axiom Verge Walkthrough Плейлист Axiom Verge: Прохождение Axiom Verge - экшен-приключение, которого вы ждали десятилетия. После аварии в лаборатории ученый очнулся в загадочном чуждом мире. Это далекая планета? Далекое будущее? Или комплексное компьютерное моделирование виртуальной реальности? Проникните в потайные уголки большого, лабиринтообразного мира, чтобы раскрыть его секреты и узнать свою роль в этом мире. Откройте массу оружия, предметов и способностей с их уникальным применением. Вам потребуется вся ваша смекалка, чтобы найти все их. Сражайтесь со странными био-механоидными конструкциями, смертоносным последствием древней войны, и демонами собственной психики. И, наконец, развалите саму игру, используя глюки, чтобы искажать врагов и решать головоломки. Понравилось? Подписывайся на канал - Я ВКонтакте - Мой первый, музыкальный, проект - Так же смотрите другие прохождения на канале: · Dying Light: · Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition: · Legend of Grimrock 2: · Mortal Kombat 9: Komplete Edition: · Rogue Legacy: · The Legend of Korra: · UnEpic: Все плейлисты - Первые взгляды - Старая школа - Упоротые коопы - Ссылка на данное видео - Всем удачи! :) JOIN VSP GROUP PARTNER PROGRAM:

Основная заслуга , которую мы выбрали лучшим платформером 2014 года, в том, что ей удалось выдержать баланс между грамотным современным дизайном и калейдоскопом отсылок к эпохе NES.

С история вышла иная. Игра, в которую человек-оркестр Том Хапп вложил пять лет жизни и безмерную любовь к классическим Metroid , выглядит как Metroid , ощущается как Metroid , но при этом всеми силами пытается доказать, что она не очередной идейный наследник, а следующая ступень эволюции и попытка представить, что было бы, если б после серия не переключилась на шутеры от первого лица.

Однако в большинстве случаев она попросту повторяет пройденное.

В космосе никто не услышит ваши крики

Молодой ученый Трейс в результате катастрофы попадает на неизвестную планету, где с ним связываются мыслящие суперкомпьютеры Русалки. То есть буквально — Rusalki. Они просят о помощи: на мир надвигается «Ужасное Неотвратимое Зло», и только Трейс способен всех спасти. Герой нехотя соглашается помочь и при этом бросает фразу, емко характеризующую весь сюжет Axiom Verge : «Что-то мне эта история про Избранного кажется не слишком правдоподобной».

История здесь проста и предсказуема, а единственный важный поворот заставит вас разве что закатить глаза: «Ой, ну кто бы сомневался...» При этом диалоги и кат-сцены, постепенно раскрывающие предысторию, в изобилии валятся вам на голову на протяжении всей игры.

Одна из первых встреч с Русалкой.

Вскоре вы все сюжетные сценки будете проматывать по инерции, лишь бы поскорее вернуться к геймплею.

С ним тут все гораздо лучше. Там, где Самус Аран сворачивалась в шарик, чтобы протиснуться в узкие туннели, Трейс вызывает крохотного управляемого робота, который может открыть дверь или расчистить путь, пока хозяин прячется за силовым щитом где-нибудь в укромном углу.

Еще есть бур, с помощью которого можно пробиваться сквозь каменные преграды и грунт (но только в отведенных на то местах - это все же не и не ), а ближе к середине игры герой получает скалолазный крюк.

К этому моменту локации становятся ощутимо просторнее, а их структура вызывает в памяти . Крюк помогает быстро удирать от противников и красиво преодолевать большие расстояния. Однако придется терпеть неудобное управление: малейший просчет при раскачивании, и вы рискуете сорваться и улететь на несколько уровней вниз, проклиная все на свете.

Когда в арсенале появится вот такой миниатюрный робот, его можно будет отправлять на разведку, не рискуя собственным здоровьем.

С буром тут все-таки особо не развернешься, но он и без того полезен - например, на этом отрезке помогает сократить путь. Учитывая крюк, Axiom Verge местами похожа на футуристическую версию Bionic Commando . У Трейса даже анимация раскачивания такая же, как у Натана Спенсера.

Увы, Axiom Verge вообще вынуждает терпеть многое. Локациям, несмотря на отличную стилизацию, не хватает оригинальности и шарма, чтобы компенсировать долгий поиск с возвратом и нарушить унылый цикл «поиск маршрута - зачистка - освоение новой механики - битва с боссом». А сами битвы с боссами в итоге оказываются просто проверкой на способность запоминать паттерны. К финалу же они вообще превращаются в хаотичный bullet hell и становятся необходимым злом, а не эпичной кульминацией уровня.

Сбой системы

Первая пара часов запросто может отбить у вас весь интерес. Но потом появляется Address Disruptor - пушка, заставляющая врагов и окружение в прямом смысле «глючить». И интересно даже не столько то, что она может открывать недоступные прежде пути (это обычное дело), сколько то, что она способна «перепрограммировать» почти любого противника.

Кто-то при этом слабеет, кто-то, наоборот, становится сильнее. Назойливые змеи, выпрыгивающие из-под земли, в альтернативной версии оставляют за собой каменный «хвост», за которым можно укрыться от противников посильнее. Свисающие с потолка «барнаклы» превращаются в безобидных жучков и валятся на землю. Улитки, стреляющие лазерными лучами, после «перепрограммирования» начинают наносить урон не вам, а вашим противникам. Другие монстры обращаются в камень и служат платформами, третьи приобретают новые способности или выбрасывают лечебные сферы.

Из чистого любопытства устройство хочется сочетать с другими видами оружия, экспериментировать в поисках рационального подхода к разным противникам и увлеченно «прощупывать» новых монстров: что изменится, станет ли от этого больнее и, самое главное, как трансформацию можно будет использовать в будущем. В такие моменты Axiom Verge проявляет себя как сильная самобытная игра... но лишь до тех пор, пока ее идеи опять не померкнут на фоне слепого подражания классике.

Процесс «взлома» гриба в самом разгаре. Вылетающие пузырьки превращаются в твердые платформы, по которым можно подняться наверх.

Axiom Verge иногда довольно жуткая... ...А иногда - очень красивая. Жаль, что приходится много времени проводить в душных катакомбах всех цветов и форм.

* * *

С заявленной программой Axiom Verge справляется. Не настолько хорошо, чтобы встать в один ряд с шедеврами, но все же усердно и с искренней любовью к первоисточнику. Излишнее увлечение прошлым отнюдь не делает ее плохой игрой или некомпетентным платформером (с этим как раз все хорошо). Проблема в том, что игра стала заложницей своей же привязанности к давно минувшей эпохе. Там, где та же Shovel Knight стремилась превзойти классику, Axiom Verge просто старается стать «такой же».

Axiom Verge is a 2D sidescrolling platformer in the style of classic Metroid with a large inter-connected world that you gradually explore to find new tools and fight large bosses. This guide is based off of the PS4 version of the game, so button prompts reflect that.


Directional pad / left stick

Movement & aiming

Use left & right to move left & right. Down allows Trace to duck. Diagonal directions & up aim the gun in that direction.

Press in any direction to open the weapon wheel. Then use the stick to highlight the weapon you want to use.

While in the weapon select menu, press L3 or R3 to designate quick select 1 or 2 respectively. Outside of the weapon select menu, you can press the button to instantly switch to the designated weapon. Pressing the button again will return you to the weapon you were using prior to switching.

Press X to jump. Holding it down makes Trace jump higher.

Press Square to fire Trace"s equipped weapon.

Grapple / Cancel

Press Circle to fire out the grapple and swing along ceilings like Bionic Commando.

Once the Remote Drone has been obtained, you can fire a drone out to take control of while Trace stays behind protected by an invincible shield.

Locks Trace in place so you can aim freely without moving.

Address Disruptor

Once the Address Disruptor has been obtained, you can fire out a conical beam that glitches enemies and some environmental objects.

Once the Address Bomb has been unlocked, you can use a bomb ammo to fire off a large bomb that will glitch everything on screen instantly.

Once the Laser Drill has been obtained, you can use it to drill through some walls and floors. It also does a small but constant amount of damage to enemies.

Pauses the game and opens the menu.

Pauses the game and opens the inventory menu.


And here we are at the meat of the guide. For the first area, I"ll go very in depth and describe almost every step along the way to kind of ease you into the game. After that, I"ll try to limit the explanations to merely getting items and say things like "follow the linear path until you reach a dead end" for the uneventful parts in between. In order to ensure that you know exactly where to go at all times, I"ll provide maps at the start of each section that should look similar to yours if you follow this guide. Each map will have numbers on them showing each item you should collect along the way, and those items will be numbered, as well as bolded & underlined in the text portion of the guide.

In order to limit backtracking, I"m not going to make you go back to each area after you get a new upgrade just to get one or two items. Instead I"ll only direct you to get things that are along the general path towards the next major objective. I may miss a couple things, but it shouldn"t be difficult to make your way through the game following my guide. After the final upgrade is collected, there will be cleanup sections that"ll have you going back to each section and collecting everything that is left over before the final area of the game.

I recommend you either keep a close eye on all the walls as you progress through the game, or better yet, click the link down below for a high resolution Secret World map. There will be five of them in random places throughout the game, and they contain extra items to collect that don"t count towards 100% completion. Since there"s so many possible places for them to be, I can"t really point them out to you, so it"s up to you to be on the lookout! Your game"s visuals will start to distort a bit, and the Vita version tends to slow down when you"re in the vicinity of one.

Eribu: Axiom Disruptor, Nova, & Laser Drill

After the starting cutscene, head left into the next room to find the 1: Axiom Disruptor weapon. You can use it (or any weapon really) to break those red bubble blocks. Head back to the starting save point and use your gun to head right a couple rooms until you come to one that scrolls vertically. Head up to the top right doorway and enter it. Make your way through this room, dispatching the various enemies as they impede your progress. Eventually, you"ll reach a red switch that you"ll have to shoot to turn off a pink barrier that blocks your way. You may notice that coming back there"s no way to reach the other red switch to turn off the barrier again, but that won"t be a problem. Beyond the barrier, head up through a few rooms until you find the 2: Nova weapon at the top, then head back down.

Now equip the Nova and use it to shoot that otherwise inaccessible red switch and turn off the pink barrier once more. Backtrack left until you get to the vertical area from before. Now use your Nova again to hit another red switch and gain access to the door at the top left of this area. Head inside, carefully take out the large amount of enemies, and then start shooting the wall of red bubbles at the end of the room. You"ll find 3:Size Node 1 of 4 in the middle. Collect it and head back to the vertical room once more. Go nearly to the bottom and take not the bottom right door, but the one right above it into another smaller vertical room. Use the save room through the door at the top left, then head through the top right a couple rooms to fight the first boss: Xedur .

Boss Fight 1: Xedur

Since he"s the introductory boss, he"s really not all that difficult. He goes back and forth along the top of the screen and switches between two attack patterns at set intervals. The first pattern has him shooting three bullets periodically in three directions: diagonally upward, forward, and diagonally downward. The downward ones are the only ones that really pose any threat and can be easily dodged due to their slow moving nature. His second pattern periodically drops time-release bombs. They are harmless initially, but can damage you during their explosions. Simply wait for one nearby to explode and walk to where it was to be safe.

One major gimmick of this game is that bosses speed up the more damage they take. So while this fight may seem like a cakewalk at the start, it does get a bit hectic by the end. Just play it safe and use the two floating blocks as cover. You can only damage Xedur by shooting his large brown fleshy parts, so just keep shooting upward at him as he passes over you or diagonally if he"s out of reach. Eventually you should be able to take him down. Worst case scenario, the save point was only a couple rooms back so it"s quick and easy to get back into it.

After the boss fight, head right to the next room to pick up the 4: Laser Drill upgrade. Now use it to drill the blocks underneath you and drop down. Head into the next room, drill the blocks above you, then switch to your Nova weapon to shoot the red switch and continue left to find more blocks to drill. After the first set of blocks, you"ll find 5:Power Node 1 of 6 . Drill through the final blocks (a little faster this time thanks to the Power Node!) and then make your way back to that tall vertical room. Once you"re there, go down into the last unexplored door in the room at the bottom right.

Go down through the drillable blocks, then continue right into the next room. Be careful of the Green Cephalopod enemy that blocks your path, and head all the way down to the bottom of this vertical room and enter the door on the floor. You can enter the doors on the right side along the way if you want, but they just lead to some pretty quick dead ends. Also note the large glitchy patch blocking the way through the door to the left. My favorite weapon is behind it, but it requires (at least) two upgrades that won"t be found for quite a while. Once you"ve reached the next room, head right (the left room is just another dead end that requires upgrades you don"t have yet) to eventually find 6:Health Node 1 of 9 , then continue right into the next room and then down once more to reach the next area of the game.

Absu: Kilver & Address Disruptor

You"re officially in the second area of the game. As I said at the top of the section, here is where I no longer hold your hand and instead give a more brief outline of where to go. This trip should get you three powerups in addition to the Kilver & Address Disruptor you"re mainly here for.

The first door on your left will lead to a save point. Save and head right through the next door down. Continue right until you reach a door in the floor and go through. Drop down all the way and head left to find Elsenova. Say hello and then pick up the 1:Kilver gun. It acts like a shotgun and is one of the better weapons in the game in my opinion. Exit left, use the new Kilver gun to shoot the red switch on the other side of the pink barrier to disengage it, then head down once more. Go right until you reach a door that leads up into the ceiling. Head up through a couple large rooms until you reach the room with a skull on the wall and a red door signifying a boss fight. Head left through the white door to save and then go back through the red one to fight the boss when you"re ready.

Boss Fight 2: Telal

Another relatively simple boss fight. Telal will switch between two attacks and then cry out and take a couple steps forward or back. The first attack has him firing two shots back to back from the holes in his head a total of five times. They alternate between the upper hole and the lower hole. You can just stay on the ground to completely avoid them, but if you"re standing on the floating blocks, you can jump over the lower shots and either duck or jump over the higher shots. His other attack is just firing his triple-shot gun a couple times. You can either jump over them or simply stand up on the floating blocks to completely avoid them.

Since he can only be damaged by shooting the large yellow mass on his back, you"ll have to spend a majority of your fight on the floating blocks jumping and shooting his back with the Axiom Disruptor (or Nova if you want it to take extra long). OR if you want to be a cheapo, you can just damage boost through him to stand behind him and fire at his back with no fear of taking any more damage from him.

After he"s vanquished, head down into the next room and work your way around until you can get the 2:Address Disruptor upgrade. You"ll immediately have to use it to continue on, so jump up to the upper left and aim at the parts of the background that seem to be glitching a little bit. You"ll hear some beeps and boops as blue squares appear if its working. Eventually, they"ll fully glitch out and become platforms you can jump onto. Continue right and this time you"ll have to glitch some bubbles to make moving platforms that you can ride up to the door to the right. Next, go down and fall down the vertical room, collecting 3:Health Node 2 of 9 along the way and then exting down once more.

In the next room, you can use the Address Disruptor to glitch out the Pink Giant Diatom enemies, which will make them break some blocks in their surrounding area. If you are patient, they"ll eventually break a path that leads to 4:Size Node 2 of 4 . There"s also a save point down below the Size Node if you want to save. Afterwards, head through the door to the top right of the room. Here you"ll find an enemy that"s fun to glitch out. If you glitch one Green Glider enemy, it will glitch all of them and give them shared health. Kill one and the rest of them die too. After you"ve had your fun, head right a couple rooms. Save in the top left room here if you need it, otherwise head through the bottom right door and drop down to enter the next room on the right. Drill through the obvious blocks and then continue drilling through the not-so-obvious blocks right and then up towards the big Sudran Squid enemy. Take him out safely with the Kilver and collect your prize, 5:Power Node 2 of 6 . Finally, head down and enter the door at the bottom to reach the next area.

Zi: No Weapons/Upgrades

There"s nothing to collect here at all, so just look at my map and follow it to the next area. It basically boils down to going up and right until you reach the next area, though you"ll be coming back relatively soon. The difficulty starts to ramp up a bit here. Try using the Address Disruptor to glitch out enemies from a safe distance as that almost always makes them easier to deal with. Also be careful not to run into the steam as it does a bit of damage.

Kur: Field Disruptor & Firewall

This"ll be another short area as you"re really only coming here to get an upgrade and then head back to the previous area. I remember thinking I must be missing so much the first time I was playing... but nope! It"s just routed out that way. The first room on the right is a save point if you need it. As you make your way up the first vertical room, you can glitch the Laser Urchins to make them harmless, and doing so to the third one and then making it fire to the left will reveal a safe way to climb just about the whole room. Glitch the nearby Laser Urchin at the top to make yourself an exit and then head a little up and right into the door.

Continue right until you reach a wall and a way down. Take it, then go right and head to the bottom to find the 1:Field Disruptor , which will allow you to jump higher. Head back to the previous room and use your fancy new high jump to jump up to the top left corner of the room. Walk behind the wall and you"ll stumble upon the 2:Firewall weapon. Now backtrack all the way to Zi, the previous area. Or, if you"re lazy and saved at the start of this area, simply quit the game (and make sure to save your progress) and then load your game to spawn down at that save point.

Zi: Modified Lab Coat & Bioflux Accelerator 1

Head left into the first vertical room, then use your new higher jump to exit through the top left door here. Continue right until you reach another vertical room and head up. At the top you, you can use the door on your left to save, then head right to see another skull in the background... you know what that means! Still your heart and head right for the next boss fight.

Boss Fight 3: Uruku

This guy is a bit more complicated than the last two, but not all that much harder. He"s made up of many breakable parts, and his main body won"t become vulnerable until some of them are destroyed. I like to destroy all parts of him personally, but you"re welcome to skip some if you so desire.

The pink parts on his tail will lob balls of energy that explode when they touch the ground and are probably the most dangerous of all the parts. I highly recommend you jump up to the bottom most pink block and fire away with the Axiom Disruptor until you see an orb coming your way. Retreat away quickly and then return to whittle them down. They don"t take too many hits. He may also start charging up a green laser while you"re down there. Again, retreat back to where you entered the room and you should be safe. Once the bottom bits are destroyed, wait for it to be clear and jump up onto the middle most pink block.

He"ll scream a bit and then crouch down to fire a bunch of shots. Just keep mashing fire while he"s screaming and then jump up out of the way as the barrage of bullets approaches. You should be able to get quite a few hits in on the laser arm before retreating. You"re perfectly safe from all attacks if you wait on the second highest pink block. Eventually the laser should break and you can work on the top guns. They"re the easiest... just stand on the top-most pink block and fire away.

Once they"re down, use your Address Disruptor to create another set of pink blocks directly in front of you. Jump up on to them, hold L1, aim diagonally downward towards the bosses mouth and fire away until he dies.

Alternate Strategy (thanks to Philipp)

Look to the top of the screen to see a single pink block near the center (a little to the left of the boss"s weakpoint). Use the Address Disruptor to create a couple footholds leading to it, then stand on that block. Equip the Firewall and just start lobbing shots downward into his mouth when it opens. You"ll be safe from all attacks up there and can easily beat the boss without taking any damage.

Once he"s down, make your way right by creating a bunch of blocks near the bottom with your Address Disruptor. Keep making them up and right and head into the top door. Activate the pink switch here, then head right again into the next room to find a 1 :Modified Lab Coat just begging to be taken. It lets you phase through walls by running up beside them and then double tapping the direction of the wall (and holding that direction). Use it to leave the room, then head back to the boss room. Re-make some footholds to reach the spot next to the Health Node. Phase through the wall there and pick up 2:Health Node 3 of 9 , then continue backtracking to the vertical room.

Drop down until you reach the bottom right door and enter it. Head inside, defeat a couple enemies, and jump up onto the floating block there. You can use your drill to break some blocks in the ceiling between the two floating blocks, and after some effort you"ll reveal the text document 3 :Security Notice ... though it"ll just look like a bunch of gibberish right now. After that, return to the prior vertical room and head down until you come to the path to the right that you"ve already been through. Enter that doorway and go to the middle part of the room to find a large floating block. Jump up onto it and then jump up and to the right into the false ceiling to find 4:Size Node 3 of 4 . Now I"ll recommend a short detour to get a few items, one of which will be nice for the next boss fight. Return to the previous vertical room, drop down and enter the left door. Drill up into the center of the ceiling of this room to reveal a hidden pathway. Jump up and then up and to the left to collect 5:Health Node Fragment 1 of 20 , then continue left to the room past the save point.

Here you"ll need to defeat that Scorpiant enemy up and to your left and then go hug the wall to the left. Phase through it and then walk behind another wall to pick up 6:Range Node 1 of 4 . Now go through the door at the top left of this area and follow the only path to an optional upgrade called the 7:Bioflux Accelerator 1 , which will give you scorpion-like appendages that shoot bullets forward at max health. When you"re finally done with that, you"re gonna need to backtrack all the way up and to the right to get back to Kur. I"ll let you decide how you want to go about doing that.

Kur Part 1: Remote Drone, Hypo-Atomizer, & Address Disruptor 2

As if to make up for barely exploring this area the first time you were here, now you"re going to be spending a large chunk of time here getting multiple upgrades, upgrades, and powerups along the way. Start off by saving if you feel so inclined and then make your way up the long vertical room. A little past halfway you"ll have to use the Modified Lab Coat to phase through a wall and pick up 1:Power Node 3 of 6 right on the ground, then continue up and into the next room. The next couple rooms are very large and require some significant platforming. For the first one, drill through the wall on ground level, avoid the giant and deadly Armadillo enemy, then phase through the wall and start your ascent to find a door in the ceiling at the top right.

The next room has another save point at the bottom right if you need it. You"ll need to zig zag a bit more to make your way through this room, but it"s relatively straightforward. You"ll want to exit through a door in the wall at the top right once again. Once inside, phase through the barrier and drop down to collect the 2:Remote Drone upgrade. Now you can press Triangle to fire a drone out and control it. As far as I know, you can go as far away from your body as you want, but your skills are pretty limited, so I don"t imagine you"ll get too far. It"s also worth noting that you can press Triangle while the Drone is still being fired in its ball form to activate it prematurely. Use your new drone to enter the small path in the wall to the right and eventually find a red switch to deactivate the pink barriers, then switch back to Trace and backtrack all the way to the long vertical room.

Drop down to the point where you need to phase through the wall, do so, and then go into the door on your right one map square down. Use your Drone & Lab Coat to make your way to the door in the floor, then go inside. Use your Drone once more to navigate through the room and hit a red switch to deactivate the pink barrier. To take down the Gray Ghoul enemies easily as the Drone, just get close to them and hold L1 to freeze yourself in place. Then whittle them down as they jump over you again and again, never actually hitting you. Once the barrier is deactivated, switch to Trace and head down to the lower left of the room to find an 3:Address Disruptor 2 . Use it to exit the room and then double backtrack to the first large room up above.

Head right and instead of using the Address Disruptor to go right along the ground level, jump up to find a narrow pathway the Drone can fit through. Fire it in, enter the door there, and then go the only way you really can until you eventually find the 4:Hypo-Atomizer weapon. Return to Trace, then drop down and glitch your way right. Make your way through the next couple straightforward rooms, glitching the lava(?) to make a foothold when it seems like you can"t proceed any farther. In the square 2x2 room, go to the right side and look up to the left to see a little alcove. Glitch the nearby Laser Urchin and make it fire its laser left to reveal a pathway. Then fire your Drone up there and follow the path to eventually find 5:Health Node Fragment 2 of 20 . Return to Trace and continue right into the next vertical room. At the top left is a save point and the top right is the next boss.

Boss Fight 4: Gir-Tab

This boss is a bit more randomized than previous ones, but he really only has a couple attacks. His first and most frequent attack is when he fires his guns in a set order of left, right, and then top. If he"s standing, you can just duck to avoid all of them, but if he"s crouching, you"ll have to jump over the lower shot. His second attack is a flamethrower out of his tail that he fires diagonally downward. You"ll usually have enough room to just back up and get out of the way. He also moves around pretty sporadically and can even jump at you, so you could almost consider that another attack.

The biggest issue with this boss is that his yellow weakpoint is behind him. So you"ll have to use either the Nova with timed detonations, or, thanks to my suggestion to go get that Range Node in the previous area, you can just duck down with the Hypo-Atomizer and blast away. The vertical bullets will just barely reach his weakpoint and whittle him down slowly but surely.

Kur Part 2: Grapple, Reflector, & Enhanced Drone Launch

After the boss is destroyed, head right into the next room, then up, then right once more to find a blue switch. Hit it to activate some Drones, then continue right and up yet again. This giant room has two powerups and an upgrade in it, so start by heading left and then up the zig-zagging path. This path is just overrun with enemies, so take your time and methodically take them all out as safely as possible to avoid too much damage. Eventually there will be a double pink barrier with a small Drone path nearby. Follow it and zap the red switch to proceed as Trace. Up top, save in the left room if you want, and then go right until you reach a gap. Try to jump at the very edge of it and hold right the entire time. The floor will break under you and you"ll fall down and right. You should see the 1:Grapple upgrade as you"re falling. Use your Drone to follow the narrow pathway up to it and collect it, then return to Trace.

I highly recommend you take some time and really try to get the mechanics of the claw down in this area. It"s built to be sort of a training course to learn how to use it, and there are plenty of times you"ll need it coming up. Once you"re skilled enough, make your way up to where the Grapple upgrade was as Trace and then look up and right to find a hidden pathway in the ceiling. Follow it to find 2:Health Node Fragment 3 of 20 . Continue going up to the ledge you jumped off of and either use your claw to take the upper path, or claw along the lower ceiling to reach 3 :Power Node 4 of 6 . Now backtrack to the small 1 x 2 vertical room above Katrahaska and head left two rooms. 4:Health Node 4 of 9 is just sitting in the middle of the room, so grapple to it, then head left and start drilling left, down, left, up, left, up, and left once more to find yourself back at a familiar room.

From here, head left into the large room, then continue left past the boulders that drop and look up and left. You"ll need to grapple along the ceiling here to continue, picking up 5:Health Node Fragment 4 of 20 along the way. Next, head up, and then back all the way right to find a door in the ceiling to go through. In this next room, make your way up until you can start going right, then do so and drop down when you find a pit. Head all the way right and look up to see a path for the Drone to take. Jump, shoot it up, and press Triangle again when it"s at its peak to activate it and land up on the ledge above. Head right as the Drone, then go up when the path splits to find a note called 6:Public Notice . After that, go back to the fork and go down instead. Enter the door and follow the linear path until you reach the room with two Carnivorous Silk Bug enemies hanging from the ceiling. Jump up and laser the left wall to find some breakable blocks and head inside to find 7:Health Node Fragment 5 of 20 , which will increase your max health. Return right and follow the path to find the 8 :Reflector gun, then return to Trace.

Make your way back to the start of the area (which requires you to phase through a couple walls with the Lab Coat) and this time head up as far as you can go. You"ll notice a Cyan Scissorbeak"s beak sticking out of the wall up above. Glitch it and then jump up to make it fly out of the wall. It will leave a rock trail behind it that you can drill a part out of and shoot your Drone on top of. Follow the path all the way to the left to find 9 :Power Node Fragment 1 of 18 , and a note below titled A :Journal Page that you"ll have to drop down to get, then return to Trace. Head right along the ceiling, then up into the gap to find a door to the right. Once inside, drop down and head right to get B:Enhanced Drone Launch , which lets you fire your Drone significantly farther than before. Use it to hit the red switch above, then exit the room. You"re all done here for now, so head a~ll the way back to the vertical room at the start of this area and enter the second door on the left about halfway down. I recommend you start using the Enhanced Drone Launch to fill in as much of the map as possible from now on.

Indi & Eribu: No Weapons/Upgrades

I"m making this a section right now because it"s the first time you"re here, but I won"t do so later. This is a very small area that boils down to a long corridor with six exits. Each one leads to another area, so this is meant to be a shortcut to quickly travel between areas, which is why there"s only one or two things to actually collect here. One possible one is down on the ground right by where you entered. There is a green enemy called a Slug that, when glitched out, will create 1:Health Node Fragment 6 of 20 as you approach it. Your real goal here is to go as far left as you can to get back to the starting area of the game, Eribu. You"ll have to walk along the ground to get all of the map, but to go as fast as possible, you can ride the giant head named Oracca by landing on it while facing left. She"ll fly along the ground at breakneck speed and get there in no time.

Side note: Since this is the first chance to get this strange Health Node Fragment, I listed it here. However, there is a glitch to duplicate this fragment if you feel like doing so. Basically, if you glitch multiple Slugs before collecting the Fragment it drops, then they will keep making them. That essentially limits you to as many Fragments as there are slugs in the room, and the most you can ever find in one room is four. Because you need five fragments to upgrade your health, it doesn"t serve much of a purpose other than providing health boosts a little earlier than you would normally get them.

In the farthest left room of Indi, you can fire your Drone up into the ceiling and make it go right, then up, then left to reach the spot where the Red Nautilus enemy is roaming around. Make the Drone go down into the bottom left corner there to find 2:Journal Page . Afterwards, head into Eribu and go left until you reach the first vertical room, then go up and right into the door above, which will lead to the next major area.

Ukkin-Na: Trenchcoat

Head left until you reach the first vertical room. Jump up and glitch the mechanical Annihiwaiter enemy to make him stand up. You can ride him as he walks left and right, so use him to jump up to where the Pillbug enemy is, then go up and right to find 1: Health Node Fragment 7 of 20 , then return to ground level and continue going right until you reach a save point. Exit through the top left door here, and then get ready to follow a long and trippy linear path. In all honesty, there"s nothing to collect and nothing really worth mentioning on this entire path other than the white hallucinations near the end that are invincible but quite damaging to you. So just take out the things you can, avoid the things you can"t, and eventually you"ll make it to the top. You can feel free to save before the boss, but trust me... it"s so easy that it practically beats itself.

Boss Fight 5: Vision

I sincerely hope you play this boss fight and enjoy it for what it is instead of reading this section and spoiling all the fun.

Basically, this isn"t really a boss fight. Your hallucination is so bad that you now think you ARE the boss and that a clone of you is trying to kill you. You can fire your bullets down at him, but he"s invincible and the only way to proceed is to die. You can speed it up a little by getting down right next to him, but like I hinted before, this fight beats itself eventually.

Once the boss is beaten, you"ll wake up a bit farther along in the area next to Ophelia. Exit right to a long vertical room, and feel free to save in the room to the right. Make your way up and you"ll find 2:Health Node 5 of 9 just sitting there. Keep going up and right towards the boss room, then start backtracking down the area you went while hallucinating. It"ll look quite different now. In the room where the Giant Boulderback enemies burst out of the pillars, glitch the farthest left one to make it destroy its hiding place as it lands. Kill it after it goes as far down as it can and then fire your Drone down inside to find a hidden pathway at the bottom of the room. Follow it and 3:Power Node Fragment 2 of 18 is yours for the taking at the end. Return to Trace and continue down a couple more rooms until you reach the large 2 x 4 room.

Go down, left, and circle around to enter another door in the ceiling that leads to a parallel vertical room. At the top you"ll find an upgrade to the Modified Lab Coat called the 4:Trenchcoat . It makes it so you can warp freely by double tapping a direction. It also lets you go through walls that are two blocks wide and even lets you go through ceilings and floors, but those have to be only a single block tall. Use it to get the 5: Power Node Fragment 3 of 18 you no doubt saw as you entered this room. Afterwards, head to the vertical room below the 2 x 4 room. Use your new ability to phase through the wall and enter the top left door here to find a note titled 6:The Breach at the end, then head back to the vertical room and keep going down until you reach the Save Point on ground level. Save if you want and head right to reach the next area.

Edin Part 1: Address Bomb

Head for the right exit in this giant room, and be careful as the enemies are pretty good about punishing poor playing here. In the next room, a couple Brown Ghouls are hiding in the ground, so I like to crouch-walk as I constantly fire the Kilver to trigger and kill them before they can do much of anything. Head down to the bottom right of this room and then start drilling the bottom left wall as far as you can go. Next, jump up and warp left to reach the visible area there. Go left and warp down to fall to the next visible area. Shoot out your Drone and fire its laser down into the floor at the bottom right to create a passageway. Follow it until its right next to the visible area next to the door and shoot up. You can keep drilling left, but I think that"s only to find a possible Secret World entrance. Enter the door and on the other side is 1:Range Node 2 of 4 . Get it, then backtrack and enter the door in the floor for a quick detour to Indi.

In Indi, you can teleport to get the note titled 2:Athetos and save in the room to the right, then go back up into Edin. In the room to the right, there"s another note titled 3:Axiom 1 for you to collect at the top. Get it and head left into the next room. Ride a couple rising platforms up (and get irritated at all the things hitting you as you do), and then start glitching the Adult Giant Greenworms. Wait around until you hear them break a bunch of blocks, then head to the right of the area they"re walking around, drop down, and hold left to find yet another note titled 4:Vykhya Translation that provides a helpful code for later. Go back up top and ride the third rising platform so you can reach the ledge near the door. Before you enter it, turn around and start grappling along the ceiling until you reach the different looking part at the end. Swing towards it and as you get right next to it, double tap up to teleport inside of it. Teleport one more time to get on top and go right to find 5:Health Node Fragment 8 of 20 , then go down and enter that door.

Past the worms is a save point, and another boss room coming up. This one"s just as hard as the last one, so drop down and have fun!

Boss Fight 6: Aborted Clone

Attack either pod a few times to make it disintegrate, then attack the other one to reveal the boss.

Now it"s up to you whether you want to put it out of its misery or let nature take its course. If you choose not to attack it at all and let it die, you"ll get a trophy.

After the boss, you"ll die and get sent back to the previous save point. Don"t worry if you"re going for a deathless run as this death is unavoidable and does not count. Go back through the boss room, then go into the door on the left, then down, then head for the center of this bigger room to find the 6:Address Bomb upgrade. It has limited ammo, but can glitch anything (that is capable of being glitched) almost instantly. With your new upgrade in hand, exit through the right door. Use a couple Address Bombs to clear a path and make a foothold in the tree near the left door and then climb up above to enter the top left door. There are five Brown Ghouls hiding in the ground, so use the same crouch-walk + Kilver strategy to eliminate them and then go hug the left wall. Double tap left to warp through, take out the deadly Will o Wisps, and collect 7:Power Node 5 of 6 and 7: Health Node 6 of 9 . There"s still a lot more to do here, so head back to the large room at the start of the area.

Edin Part 2: Shards, Drone Teleport, Bioflux Accelerator 2, & Distortion Field

Head left along the ground and you"ll see a glitchy spot where you can use your Address Bomb which will lead to the 1:Shards weapon. Directly above it on the ceiling is a door behind another glitchy spot. Simply walk right to find a hidden door leading to a note titled 2:Oracca . Left leads to a save point, so save if you want to and then head up, left into the next room, and then up once more into a large room. The top right of this room has a door that leads to a small room with a save point on the right and a skull in the background signifying a boss fight. Save and head left to face him. After a couple fake-outs, this boss will actually put up a fight.

Boss Fight 7: Ukhu

You can only damage this boss by hitting its mouth when its open. It will kind of float around in a weird pattern, scream, and then stab its stinger or lob a couple purple blobs forward. It"s best to lead it to the left a bit so you have room to retreat to the right when it screams. Now you CAN use the Axiom Disruptor (or any gun with range really) to fire diagonally upward at its mouth when its open and whittle it down. I"ve done it in the past and it doesn"t have that much health, so it doesn"t take too long. But the real strategy is to wait for it to release three little enemies and glitch them. They become linked once glitched so killing one kills all of them, and when you do, they explode for massive damage. Ideally, you want to try and line the glitched enemies up with the boss so when it opens its mouth, you can shoot them to detonate them and kill the boss in one fell swoop. It"s not easy though, so prepare to die.

Once the boss is down, head left and use your Drone to pick up one of the best upgrades in the game: 3:Drone Teleport . Now you can press Triangle when the Drone is active to teleport Trace to its location. There"s only one more mandatory upgrade, so you can go almost anywhere in the game at this point. Head into the room on the right to try out your new ability, and head back to the large room. Go stand in the middle and look for a single grey block without any bricks directly underneath it. Double tap down into the gap, then use your Drone to clear a path down farther. Teleport Trace and then warp right and drill to find a note titled 4:The Kuliltu . Go down into the next room and left into a small room. Use your Drone Teleport a few times to get 5:Health Node 7 of 9 , then go right two rooms. Shoot your Drone up and to the right and follow the path there using Drone Teleport whenever necessary and you"ll come across 6:Power Node Fragment 4 of 18 . Afterwards, go down until you reach the large room below.

Drop down to the highest level of the structure below and go to the far left edge. Now this is a bit tricky, but what you need to do is jump off to the left, aim diagonally up and left, fire your Drone and let it hit the wall, teleport to it, then immediately double tap left to warp through the wall. It"ll probably take multiple tries, but once you finally do it, you"ll gain access to 7:Bioflux Accelerator 2 which will add a couple more tails when you"re at max health. Warp through and go to the far left wall. Fire your Drone up and make it land in the little alcove above. Teleport to it, then jump out and fire your Drone up again to find another alcove above. Teleport once more and then start grappling along the ceiling to eventually find 8:Health Node Fragment 9 of 20 .

Make your way to the room left of the top right save room for the final item in this area. Once there, glitch the Adult Giant Greenworms there to have them carve a path for you above. Then fire your Drone up, Teleport to it, warp through the wall, and go pick up the 9:Distortion Field weapon. Now go get any remaining parts of the map and you"ll be 100% finished with this area.

E-Kur-Mah: Sudran Key & Red Coat

In order to reach this area, you"ll need to go to the topmost room of Kur. Before you change areas, in top left corner of that topmost room, you can collect a note titled 1:From the High Priestess by using your Drone Teleport. With that in hand, use Drone Teleport once more to reach the door on the right side and go to the next area. Right off the bat, one of the hardest enemies is waiting for you. You can only glitch these using Address Bombs, but it makes them harmless and afraid of you, so it"s worth doing if they"re giving you grief. Head to the lower middle part of this room and drill into the right column there to find a note titled 2:Anonymous Quote . Exit through the door in the ceiling and then follow the linear path until you reach a large room.

The bottom left door leads to a save room, so you should probably use it. Next, go right and follow the linear path through this room. There"s plenty of stuff to drill, but there"s only two places where you actually need to do so. One is the bottom right corner which leads to a note titled 3:The Land of Civilized Kings . The other is at the top of this room. Go up there and then drill straight down the middle of the right mass of blocks underneath you. After you pass the two white blocks sticking out of the right wall, start drilling right and you"ll find the 4 :Sudran Key eventually. Backtrack up and left two rooms to find that the 5 :Power Node 6 of 6 is now accessible. Keep backtracking to the first room of the area.

The lower right door is now open thanks to the Sudran Key, so take that path as far right as you can go to find another save point. Save and head down the next three vertical rooms. Another save point, another save. Head through the bottom left door in the save room and make your way down the winding path inside this giant room. Without the Passcode Tool upgrade, you can"t access one square on the map or get the Quantum Variegator weapon that it hides. It was either make you take a detour when you got Drone Launch to get the Passcode Tool, or make you detour later to get this weapon (which I believe is faster). Once you reach the bottom, go down a couple rooms and then follow the path here, drilling as necessary to reach the best upgrade in the game: the 6:Red Coat . Not only does it let you warp farther and faster, it leaves a damaging trail that can also instantly destroy drillable blocks. Use it to break the blocks inside a wall below to find 7:Power Node Fragment 5 of 18 . With this Red Coat, you can officially go anywhere in the game... well, almost anywhere. There"s still the Passcode upgrade in Zi that is required to go to a few rooms.

Backtrack to the large room above and head right along ground level. Where the ceiling has a gap, shoot your Drone up and fire upward when it activates to break some blocks. Do it once more to clear a path to a small pathway up right. Finally, shoot the Drone up into it to find 8:Health Node Fragment 10 of 20 at the end. Keep on backtrackin" to the first vertical room you went down inbetween those two save points. There"s a note titled 9:Official Letter that you must"ve seen on the way down and can now get thanks to the new Red Coat. Double-backtrack to the lower save point and take the upper left door to go back to Kur.

Kur Cleanup: Ion Beam & Tethered Charge

You"ll come out near the top right of Kur, so head left six rooms until you reach the far left large room. Head left and up from the pink barrier below to find a little alcove with a Carnivorous Silk Bug hanging there. Hug the left wall and double tap to warp into the visible gap. Hug the left wall here, and double tap again to warp and break some blocks revealing another gap. The bottom left block hides the 1:Ion Beam weapon.

Next, head down to the long vertical room below and head into the first door on the right as you descend. Go all the way right until you reach a wall and a door in the floor that should be familiar. Instead of going in the door this time, drill the middle part of the wall to reveal a small pathway. Fire the Drone inside and keep breaking blocks to eventually find 2:Health Node Fragment 11 of 20 . Return to Trace, jump up, double tap up to warp, and hold right to have Trace reveal another path above the last one. Follow it into the next room.

Head right and start glitching the Purple Flying Krill to make them into moving footholds. Use them to climb up and left. Drill around the ceiling here where to find a small pathway for the Drone to fit through. Fire it in, Teleport to it, then follow the hidden path of breakable blocks to the right side of the room. Drop down, break through more blocks, and fall all the way down to pick up the 3:Tethered Charge weapon. With that, you should have all the collectibles in Kur. Head left along this path to fill out the final parts of the map and you will end up in the room where you got the Field Disruptor. Now make your way back to Zi.

Zi & E-Kur-Mah Cleanup: Passcode Tool, Voranj, & Quantum Variegator

Go down the first vertical room, then left a couple rooms to one with two Brown Ghoul enemies as you enter. Follow the path of this room left, up, and right. Instead of going down, land on the small foothold on the top right here and warp right three times to find 1:Health Node Fragment 12 of 20 . Now go back into the previous vertical room"s bottom floor. Stand on the middle yellow spot on the floor and double tap down to fall into it. Double tap once more at the bottom to fall through again and find 2 :Health Node Fragment 13 of 20 . Climb back up and go right, then down another vertical room, and left into Veruska"s room. Now shoot your Drone up into the little gap above her head to enter a door there. The bottom room here has a note titled 3 :Sudran Translation that provides a passcode, and the door to the left has the 4 :Passcode Tool that allows you to use that code. You can feel free to enter REVEAL-SUDRAN and REVEAL-VYKHYA now to make the gibberish notes readable. You can also put in JUSTIN-BAILEY to make Trace wear a one piece swimsuit, which is a reference to the original Metroid.

Head back to the vertical room with the Health Node Fragment, and take the bottom left door and continue heading left through a four room gauntlet of enemies. At the end, you"ll be rewarded with 5:Power Node Fragment 6 of 18 , which will complete a Power Node and give you a strength boost. Head back to the nearest vertical room and start climbing until you reach the part with steam and Brown Ghoul enemies. You should see a small pathway where your Drone can fit, so fire it in there and Teleport to it. Follow the linear path until you reach another room with Brown Ghouls. Take the middle door here and you"ll get a note called 6:English . Afterwards, go back to the last room, take the lower door, and head right to find 7:Voranj at a dead end. The last thing to collect here is back in the room to the right of the boss room. Head up there through the top door and grapple along the ceiling to find 8:Power Node Fragment 7 of 18 . With that in hand, you might as well fill in the rest of the map and then take that detour I mentioned earlier to go collect the 9:Quantum Variegator weapon. Just head for the single black spot in E-Kur-Mah and input the code ISKART-EHANZU to reveal a path to it. I recommend you save somewhere in Zi so you can just save & quit to warp back after you have the weapon. Next up is Absu!

Absu Cleanup Part 1: Inertial Pulse

Simply to avoid a cluttered map, I"ll split this cleanup into two sections. From the bottom right entrance of the area (leading to Zi), head up to the first 2 x 2 room. You"ll see a pink barrier with a red switch behind it. Laugh at the silly puzzle and just warp through. The left wall here has breakable blocks that hide 1:Health Node Fragment 14 of 20 . Now take the top right door and follow the path there until a dead end. There"s a path of breakable blocks on the right wall, so follow it and you"ll find the 2:Inertial Pulse weapon waiting at the end. Now go back to the prior room and take the bottom left door. Drop down the second pit as far as you can go and drill to reveal a small path for your Drone. Send it in and you"ll find a note titled 3:Drones at the end. In the next room left, you"ll immediately see another spot for your Drone. Fire it in, Teleport to it, then go down to the room below to find 4:Range Node 3 of 4 . Return to the last room and break the wall in the top right corner to find a note titled 5:Reply: The Outsider .

Head left to the next room again and warp through the floor to reach the ground floor with a door. Enter it and follow the linear path to 6 :Power Node Fragment 8 of 18 . Return to the 2 x 3 room and save by going through the top left door so you can save & quit to get back to it quickly. Now go up four rooms, left one, and then into the top right door there to find 7 :Health Node Fragment 15 of 20 there, then save & quit to go back to the save point. Drop down and go through the door below the save room. Smack dab in the center of the room, you"ll have a hard time missing a note titled 8:Journal Page just sitting there. Head down in the room left of the Journal Page you just collected to find a short linear path that leads to another note titled 9:The Storm . On to part 2!

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