To transfer a child from one school to another. How to transfer to another school: step-by-step instructions. What documents to bring to the new school

A situation often arises when parents decide to change schools for their children. This process takes a lot of time, effort, and nerves. However, it can be organized as easily as possible without leaving your home. It is enough to have the Internet and know the rules for submitting an application to transfer a child to another school through State Services.

Portal public services Russian Federation provides detailed information for registered users, with the ability to explore school organizations. Apply to electronic form Both parents, guardians and guardians have the right.

Caring parents always notice changes in the mood of children who refuse to go to school, and make every effort to create comfortable conditions. For what reasons does the need to change establishments often arise:

  1. Lack of clubs and sports sections in the organization. At the same time, the child has sporting or creative potential.
  2. Crowded class, teachers are not able to pay maximum attention.
  3. Moving to a new place of residence.
  4. There is no in-depth study of another language at school.
  5. Conflict situations with peers.
  6. Termination of work educational organizations.
  7. Misunderstandings with teachers.

Advice. For children, changing their usual environment becomes a serious challenge. Therefore, before deciding to transfer, psychologists recommend that parents weigh the pros and cons. And only after confidence in the decision taken 100%, you can start the procedure.

How to transfer a child to another school through State Services - where to start?

First of all, you need to select a suitable organization on the official website. All services are available to authorized users. The registration procedure can be done on the portal. To create accounts, you must correctly fill out the specified fields, including mobile number, place of registration, email address, full name, personal account insurance number, identification code. Access to " Personal account» will open after confirmation by email or SMS.

To start searching for a suitable organization, you need to go to the “Education” section. Here are links to school websites by region (with address, telephone numbers, detailed information). This allows educational institutions to monitor the availability of available seats in the classroom.

Important information! It is worth parting with the old school only when the final decision on enrolling students in classes at the new institution is made through the portal. Only after this is it recommended to start collecting documents. The answer comes within 5-7 business days.

The following documents are required for translation:

  • a certificate stating how long the child studied at the previous school;
  • a report card with current marks, certified by the seal and signature of the manager;
  • medical card;
  • for students in grades 9-11 – a certificate of general education;
  • application of guardians (parents) for expulsion.

After this, you can create an account on the government services portal. You will need to fill out the fields that indicate the first name, patronymic, last name of both the child and the parent, family affiliations, place of registration, information from the passport and birth certificate.

Foreign citizens must provide additional document, confirming the right of residence of the legal representatives of children to reside on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Useful information. After choosing a suitable school, it is recommended to go to the “Comments” section and read the reviews, wishes, and comments about the institution left by the students’ parents.

Submitting an application electronically

After selecting the application and filling out the required fields, all that remains is to click on the “Submit Application” column and wait for the decision to be made.

Taking into account the fact that many school organizations are overcrowded, the State Services portal has a special section in which services are distributed for children of different ages - from first-graders to high school students. When choosing the necessary items, parents immediately go to internal resources to clarify the required class and fill out applications. There is no need to re-enter information about the child; it appears in the form automatically. All that remains is to check the data again

Important to know! When choosing a school, you can click on several institutions at the same time, confirming with checkmarks. Places for students are provided exclusively within the designated organization. Once notified of registration, trustees will be able to register on a first-come, first-served basis.

Transferring a child to another school through State Services – special conditions are required

Some children require special conditions to learn. To do this, you need to contact the Central Pedagogical Medical and Psychological Commission. And provide papers: passports of the guardian (parent), scan and original of the child’s birth certificate.

The CPMPK issues a conclusion and a list of special educational organizations. After this, you can start searching for the necessary schools on

Where to go if you have questions?

If adults need to know the additions, they can contact the Department of Science and Education of the capital. The Information Center provides educational services with detailed consultation.

There are several options for contacting:

  • Apply in person - reception hours are on weekdays (from 9.00 to 19.00);
  • send a question to the email address [email protected]:

With the modern dynamics of life and increasing needs, the question of transferring children from one school to another does not seem incredible.

There are many reasons for transferring a child to another school.

People change their place of residence due to the purchase of a larger apartment, due to moving to another city due to a new job.

Some parents want their child to receive advanced knowledge in a gymnasium or lyceum - and for this purpose they have to part with their previous school.

Some have long been in a conflict situation with a teacher or peers, and changing schools is the only way out from a similar situation.

It seems that everything is simple: changing schools should lead to the most improved conditions for the child, then why do this? Those parents who have transferred their child to another school know how difficult it will be for him psychologically, even to the point of becoming an outcast. But this, of course, is an extreme critical case.

Let's try to figure out how to safely transfer a child to another school, is it worth doing, when and what is the best way to transfer a child?

Let's consider the reasons for transferring a child to another school:

1.Change of family residence(as a result of buying a new apartment, as a result of a change of job, parents’ divorce, a change of area of ​​residence to a more prosperous one). There is still a choice here: if a change of place of residence occurred within the same city, then parents should think carefully: whether to transfer the child to another school or not, is it possible to travel by transport to the previous school without traumatizing the child with the transfer? If this opportunity is not available, then a transfer to another school is inevitable.

Most difficult option– transfer of the child to another school in another city. Because in this case, the child finds himself in new circumstances: new home, yard, street, city - everything is unknown. Old friends and acquaintances are far away, you can’t even invite them to visit on the weekend, you won’t meet. Plus to everything - new class, their own rules, perhaps a slightly different curriculum.

2.Changing a school to a specialized school, gymnasium, lyceum, school with any specialization(sports, medical, language). In this case, the child will have to undergo a preliminary screening test, based on the results of which the school management will give an answer: whether the child will be accepted into the educational institution or not, as well as whether there are free places and whether it is even possible to transfer the child to this school.

3. Conflict situation in the previous school. Often the child himself asks to be transferred to another school if there is an acute conflict with classmates, class teacher, teachers, director.

If the situation is not resolved and moving to another class in the same school does not change the situation, then, of course, parents are thinking about changing schools.

So, when is the best time to transfer your child to another school?

Basically, any time. The most favorable transfer will be from September 1 after the summer holidays. At this time, all schoolchildren are experiencing some difficulties in adapting to the resumed educational process and to the new workload. In addition, it is likely that your child will not be the only newcomer in the class and will meet new kids it will be easier, if there are several new ones.

In the middle of the year, a transition is also possible (preferably from the beginning of a new quarter), but, as a rule, at the end of the year, few parents want to change schools, due to the increasing workload at the end of the annual quarter, and give the child the opportunity to finish their studies in the same place.

The procedure for transferring a child to another school:

  1. Find a suitable (local) or desired (with any specialization) school.
  2. Talk to the school administration about the availability of places, because... Priority right to enrollment in school has those children whose area of ​​residence is assigned to this school;
  3. If there are free places at the chosen school, find out what screening tests (tests, exams, psychological consultations) the child can expect. Complete all prescribed procedures;
  4. Collect the necessary documents from the previous school (personal file, an extract from the class register about the child’s certification, medical record), having first written an application for the child’s expulsion from school in connection with the transition to a new one. The application must indicate the number of the selected school;
  5. Write an application to enroll your child in new school, submit all necessary documents.

The translation procedure is quite simple. But how much worry, worry, and grief he conceals within himself. The child will have to part with old friends and establish contact with new guys, which is quite difficult, especially at the middle level, when the guys have already formed their own team. In addition, at this age, children develop some critical character traits: ridiculing the newcomer, making fun of him for the purpose of testing, plotting against the newcomer, increased aggression, opposition.

How can you help your child move to another school?

Let's figure out what difficulties await us initial stage when the child moves to another school.

  • Firstly, a new school curriculum. Even if schools follow the same program and cover the educational material at approximately the same time, there are a great many differences in the presentation of the material and its depth, in conducting lessons, and testing home material. At first it will be difficult for the child to get into the desired rhythm and educational process, especially since a newcomer will not always receive help from new classmates.
  • Secondly, building relationships with peers. As a rule, in a children's group, an internal psychological wall is erected in front of the new member, and his rejection appears. It is quite difficult for a beginner to get through this wall and takes some time. How quickly he will enter the new society depends on various factors: character traits, sociability, inner calm, goodwill, ability to avoid conflict. The favorable environment in the classroom largely depends on the class teacher.
  • Thirdly, longing for the old school. The child will miss his old friends, his position, authority (if he was a leader or occupied a worthy place of honor among his peers), the previous atmosphere in the classroom. Fourthly, increased workload if the child moved to another school with in-depth study any object, or some kind of bias. Those. first you need to catch up with the program you have already completed, and then constantly study at an accelerated pace, increasing the volume of material studied.

How to help a child when he moves to another school?

Let's try to give some tips that will help set your child in the right mood if he transfers to another educational institution:

  1. If the child studies at elementary school, then try to get acquainted with the new school in advance, the road to school, show the child where the wardrobe, dining room, toilet are located;
  2. Meet the class teacher and director. Talk to them about the child, tell as much information as possible about his character, characteristics, and reasons for the transfer. It is possible to find out the existing procedures in school and class;
  3. Visit regularly parent meetings, get in touch with other parents, participate in joint activities of the class and outside it (attend joint trips to the theater, cinema, skating rink, performances, holidays);
  4. Arrange meetings with the child’s old friends, do not stop communicating with them;
  5. If a child resists moving to a new school, he needs to be motivated. Determine the benefits obtained from the new school ( best area, in-depth study of subjects, new friends, the opportunity to change your image, etc.);
  6. Praise for achievements, do not compare with other children in terms of academic performance;
  7. Protect him from household chores for a while, communicate more with the child, ask about his day, about new friends;
  8. If possible, invite new guys to visit or arrange a joint trip.
  9. Do not speak negatively about any aspect of the new or old school.

Recommendations on how to make a positive first impression:

  • - ensure that the child is neat, friendly, polite and neat;
  • - set the child in a positive mood, try to calm him down internally;
  • - try to establish contact with your desk neighbor;
  • - at first, take the position of an observer, do not participate in the internal conflicts of the class, try to help classmates, but do not “be smart” if the child’s knowledge turns out to be higher than the rest. Otherwise, he will be perceived as an “upstart” and negative results are guaranteed.

Warning signs to look out for:

  • - the child completely refuses to go to school;
  • - the child stops all attempts to talk about the new school and classmates;
  • - brings a clean diary for a long time; - bruises appeared;
  • - cries at the mention of school. If parents cannot cope with the problems that have arisen on their own, it is worth contacting a specialist, a psychologist.

A situation may arise when a child needs to be temporarily transferred to another school. In this situation, it will be easier to establish contact with classmates, because a temporary person does not cause such negativity and rejection as a general “new guy”, but rather more curiosity and interest.

Possible difficulties in the temporary transition:

You can also hear from many parents: “I want to transfer my child to another music school. Is this possible? Nothing is impossible.

The most common reasons for transferring to another music school there is a conflict with the teacher and proximity to home or to the main school (parents’ place of work). There is nothing complicated about how to transfer a child to another music school (in the process itself). You need to talk with the director of the music school about the availability of free places and write statement. It is not necessary to indicate the reason for the transfer. Most likely, an audition will be held for the child, at the end of which it will be known whether he will be accepted into the school or not.

Anticipated difficulties when entering a new music school:

  • - interaction with a new teacher; - possible change in technology;
  • - contact with a new group.

Thus, moving to a new school for any child (sociable, withdrawn, capable or lagging behind) is a lot of stress. The parents’ task is to prepare him for this as much as possible, to be a reliable support and friend.

Moving is an integral part of life. Very few people manage to live their entire lives in one house. Many even move with enviable consistency - according to at will or forced. And almost always in such situations it is necessary to transfer the child to another school, even if it is just moving to a neighboring neighborhood. In addition, there are other reasons to change educational institutions, for example, if your son or daughter has strained relationships with classmates or does not have the desired educational profile.

How to transfer a child to another school

Transfer to another school may be required if the original school has ceased its educational activities

The subtleties of the procedure for transferring a child to another educational institution are described in the following legislative acts:

  • Order No. 177 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 12, 2014;
  • Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012.

According to these documents, translation consists of 2 main stages:

  • expulsion from the first school;
  • admission to another.

A child cannot be admitted to a new school until he has been expelled from the previous one. But before expelling, you need to make sure whether there are free places at the new school. You should ask the school principal or secretary about this.

Step-by-step algorithm for transferring a child to a new school:

  1. Contact the new school and receive written confirmation that your child will be accepted. Most often, parents are given a corresponding letter signed and stamped by the director.
  2. Submit an application for expulsion to your previous school, attaching the above letter to it. The application is written in free form addressed to the director of the school (or its owner, if the school is private). In the application, indicate the child’s full name, date of birth, class and field of study, as well as the name of the new school. A letter from a new school may not be necessary, but it is often indispensable.
  3. Wait for the deduction. Within 3 working days, the school issues a corresponding administrative act. This act indicates, among other things, the name of the child’s new place of education. Then, within 3 working days from the date of issuance of the act, the school issues parents a certificate of expulsion.
  4. Take all documents for the child from the previous school.
  5. Take these documents to the new school where the child will study. An application for enrollment must be added to them. It is also written in free form addressed to the director or owner of the school.
  6. Wait for official admission to study. The procedure will be completed within 3 business days from the date of submission of documents. Upon completion of the procedure, an administrative act is issued.

In addition to the legislative side of the issue, we should not forget about the moral one. The child should be prepared for the transition and explained to him why it is necessary. Every parent can find the right words. The main thing is not to confront your child with a fact, otherwise adapting to a new place will become a very difficult task for him.

What documents will be required

Requiring the submission of other documents as a basis for enrollment of students in the host school in connection with a transfer from the original organization is not permitted

You only need to submit 2 documents to the old school from which you are picking up your child:

  • application for expulsion;
  • letter from the host school mentioned earlier.

When applying to a new school, you must provide the following documents:

  • application for enrollment;
  • original of the child’s identification document (passport or birth certificate);
  • if the child is under 14 years old, you will also need a passport of one of the parents;
  • student's personal file;
  • an extract from the class register with the child’s grades and exam results, if any (the extract must be certified by the school’s seal).

The child’s parent receives the personal file and transcript from the previous school. Therefore, you only need to prepare passports and applications yourself.

Methods for completing a transfer

Carefully study the order of the head of the school (administrative act educational institution) that the child is admitted to school

There are several ways to change school for your child:

  • contact both schools in person. This is the best way, because in this case there will be no questions for the parents, and the procedure will definitely be successful;
  • first expulsion, and then enrollment. This happens if you plan to move to another city. Then the child can be expelled in advance, instead of the new school, indicating in the application only the new locality;
  • via the Internet. For this purpose, the website “Government Services” is used. It allows you to submit an electronic application to both schools, as well as send scans of documents. But then you still have to come to the new school in person with your child to give the original documents.

The procedure for transferring a child from one school to another is a simple process. From start to finish it can be completed in a week or even less. If the child is the only one who present moment is enrolled in school, then change educational institution can generally happen within one business day. It is much more difficult to prepare a child for such a transfer, to convince him that this is really necessary. Here you will have to try hard.

The question of how to transfer a child to another school may arise in different circumstances.

This could be a family move, a desire to get more quality education, the need to leave the old establishment.

Whatever the reason, the scheme for transferring children remains the same.

How to transfer a child to another school

First you need to make sure that the school that the parents have chosen has places available and the child can be accepted.

Usually problems arise if the translation is carried out in the middle academic year.

Since all classes are formed in the summer, there may not be room for a new person.

Reasons for refusing to accept a student may include:

  1. Lack of places: in this case, the school must have all the conditions to accept children living in its assigned territory. In other words, when a family moves to a new place of residence, the local school to which this house is assigned must accept the child. Consequently, the student must be registered at the new place of residence.
  2. Lack of certain skills in a schoolchild: if a child wants to enter an institution with in-depth study of any discipline, sports school or art school, he must demonstrate that he has the necessary skills. If they are absent, the commission may refuse.

Good to know: for a student's transition between educational institutions corresponds to Article 67 of Federal Law-273.

What is needed for translation

In order for the child to be accepted, parents must pick up documents from the old school and transfer them to the new one.

But not everything is so simple: the administration of the institution needs confirmation that the child is being transferred to a new place and does not stop studying forever.

Please note: Russian law states that school education is compulsory, and therefore schools are obliged to ensure that all children receive it, regardless of their and their parents’ wishes.

Therefore, parents first need to contact the new school and get confirmation of their child’s acceptance into the class. This may be an enrollment order or a concluded agreement for private institutions.

On their basis, a certificate of enrollment is issued: it, together with an application for expulsion from the educational institution, is transferred to the “old” administration. The application must also state the reason. After this, documents will be issued.

You can also make the transition through the State Services portal. To do this you will need:

  1. Register on the site.
  2. Select a school from those assigned to the district.
  3. Find information about the enrollment of schoolchildren and write an application electronically.

Required documents

Each school will have its own list of documents depending on the requirements of the administration.

It mainly consists of:

  1. Applications for admission: sample can be collected on site.
  2. Birth certificates or passports, if one has already been issued to the student.
  3. Passports of one of the parents.
  4. Personal matter and brief description from the class teacher: this will help teachers get to know the new student.
  5. A medical card and a document confirming vaccinations: this will prove that the student is not contagious and will not become infected from other children.
  6. Statements with annual notes if the transfer occurs at the end of the year. It's about about a diploma or diary. If the transfer occurs in the middle of the year, a transcript of grades must be presented.

Please note: If a family moves to another city and cannot receive documents in the specified way, it is better for them to discuss in advance with the administration of the old school the possibilities of transferring papers - for example, through mail or upon presentation of a copy of the certificate of enrollment.

Is it worth translating?

It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question, since it all depends on the reasons for the transfer.

If the whole family moved to another locality or area of ​​the city, the student will physically not be able to attend the old class, and he will have to transfer. If the new place of residence is located close to the old one, transfer is not necessary.

The same applies to other reasons: for example, the desire to give the child a better education (for example, by moving to a private school or with a special education) may help the child later upon admission, but the absence of friends in the first days is unlikely to be beneficial.

Take note: It’s worth visiting the school with your child in advance, getting to know the class teacher and the class - this will help you adapt faster to the new place.

The student’s desire will also play an important role in the decision: if he doesn’t like the new place, or he doesn’t want to leave his friends, adaptation can be seriously difficult. It is worth discussing everything with him in advance, explaining the need for translation.

When is the best time to translate?

The best option would be the beginning of the school year: after the holidays, schoolchildren come to new classes and meet new people.

This will help you quickly get to know your classmates and make friends.

It will be easier for the teacher, especially if the family first gets to know all the teachers.

The second most popular time is the beginning of the holidays: a break before school will help the teacher get to know the new student.

Please note: especially noted winter holidays: New Year and the new quarter promote acquaintance.

But transferring a child in the middle of a quarter can seem stressful not only for him, but for the entire class. The child will not only have to make friends, but also adapt to the new pace of the program and get used to the teachers, which may affect his academic performance.

A student’s transition to a new educational institution almost always brings stress for the child: he will have to get used to a new place, friends and teachers.

To make the transition as painless as possible, you should meet the teachers and class teacher in advance and show the student future school, and also prepare a translation for the beginning of the school year.

Watch the video that explains how to transfer a child to another school through the State Services portal:

| 12.10.2015

You moved to another area or you are not satisfied with the quality of teaching, and you decided to transfer your child to another school. After primary classes many parents transfer their children to schools specializing in foreign languages or some sciences. The reasons for the transfer may be different, but the problems will be the same in all cases.

Assess the situation

If the school is located in another area, first of all, assess the child’s readiness for an increased workload, an increase in the number of lessons and homework, for the fact that he will have to get up earlier and spend more time on the way to school. If your child younger age, then perhaps the distance from the new school to your home should be one of the main selection criteria.

Transferring to a new educational institution is associated with certain problems and difficulties, and not only of a psychological and adaptive nature.

First problem.
You have chosen a new school for your child, but there are no free places in this school.

You need to select a school for your child in advance. This problem usually occurs when parents decide to transfer their child in the middle of the school year. Contact your district education department and check availability at the school you are interested in.

Second problem.
The child may have to undergo testing or even take an exam at the new school.

Prepare your child for the fact that if he transfers to a school with a more complex program, he will have to undergo testing. In primary school this is testing with a psychologist, in secondary school - school subjects to check your level of knowledge. To enroll in senior specialized classes, you will have to pass a test or exam in your core subject. Moreover, the level and complexity entrance exams(tests) depends on the status of the new educational institution. If the child does not pass the test, he will be denied admission. They can help you preparatory courses, which exist in all good gymnasiums and lyceums. You should know about them in advance.

Third problem.
The administration of the educational institution asks to provide financial assistance to the school.

Often, when deciding whether to transfer a child to a new school, the administration raises the question of the need to provide sponsorship. Parents may be informed about insufficient government funding, the need to purchase equipment, teaching aids, cleaning classrooms.

Remember, parents cannot refuse to admit their child to school on the basis of their failure to provide sponsorship. This is illegal and criminal. The exception is private schools.

Procedure for transferring to another school

You have checked the availability of places in the new school, the child has passed the necessary tests, and the issue of financial assistance to the school has been resolved. So, the school administration agreed to accept the child. The procedure for transferring a child to another school federal level not settled. Schools are guided by their Charters and Regulations. But the general order is this.

First, you need to get a certificate from the secretary stating that your child has been accepted to the new school. With this certificate, you must contact the director of the old school and write an application for the child’s expulsion due to transfer to another school.

After the expulsion order is signed, parents must be given all the documents, including a personal file, a medical record, a diary certified by the school seal with annual estimates, and, if necessary, a certified extract of current grades. All this must be taken to the new school and an application for enrollment must be written there, on the basis of which the director of the new school will issue an order.

Documents required for transfer to another school

  • personal matter
  • medical card,
  • a diary with annual grades certified by the school seal,
  • a certified statement of current grades (if the child transfers during the school year),
  • passport of one of the parents indicating the place of residence.

Psychological difficulties and ways to solve them

To help your child adapt more easily when moving to a new school, talk to the school principal and the new class teacher. Find out what traditions and rules exist at school, what they are additional classes, circles and sections. Tell us about your child, how he interacted with classmates, what successes he achieved, and what he was interested in. And then tell your child about your visit to school. It is advisable if you do this before you make the final decision to move to a new school.

Introduce your child to the school in advance. If your child is a primary school student, help him meet future classmates outside of school, find new friends on a joint walk or excursion. This will make it easier for the child to adapt to a new team and a new environment.

Before making a final decision, consult a psychologist. There are certain categories of children for whom moving to another school can be quite difficult - timid and uncommunicative children, children who have health problems or limited opportunities, children with complex characters.

Taking into account the child’s personality traits, a psychologist can give advice on how to behave in a new class and evaluate the whole complex possible problems and can offer solutions.

The child goes to a new school

Learn the way to a new school, especially if your child is an elementary school student. Pay attention to the area in which the school is located.Show your child the most convenient and safe route.

Remember - the first impression is important. Think in advance what the child will look like. Accuracy, politeness and a positive attitude are very important for successfully joining a new team.

What's next?

Carefully monitor changes in your child's behavior in the first months after he moves to a new school. Pay attention to whether the child’s behavior has changed, what his mood is, whether he is tired. If it is obvious that the child has not adapted well to the new school, try to find out what the problem is and try to solve it. try to help your child establish contacts with classmates, organize his rest and monitor his academic workload. The main thing is to respect his personality, take into account his wishes and capabilities.

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