Russian language

  • “And put this strait on the map

    “And put this strait on the map

    By the time our ship left the Pomeranian Bay roadstead and headed east, we could no longer sit in the cabin and, crowded in the pilothouse, watched as more and more new ones opened up around every turn...

  • Welfare


    A person feels confident in the future within himself when his well-being, which contains various nuances of his life, is at a noble level. Welfare -...

  • What does sarcasm mean in simple words?

    What does sarcasm mean in simple words?

    It is very difficult for a person in the modern world, filled with lies, falsehood and insincerity, to remain sane and adequate without relating to everything that is happening, to the surrounding reality with...

  • My gallery.  Francesco del Cossa

    My gallery. Francesco del Cossa

    Francesco del Cossa. Italian Quattrocento artist, worked for many years in Ferrara, then in Bologna, forgotten for centuries and rediscovered in the 19th century. Vasari did not know del Cossa very well, confused...

  • What is prosak in women?

    What is prosak in women?

    The word “prosak” has become quite widespread in films thanks to the catchphrase “get into trouble,” which is interpreted as “getting into a difficult situation.” However, the word...

  • Undeclared Greco-Turkish War

    Undeclared Greco-Turkish War

    Greece reported that Turkish planes invaded its airspace on February 16. Six Turkish fighters, two armed with missiles, crossed the border and left only after...

  • What is sarcasm in a love relationship?

    What is sarcasm in a love relationship?

    Truly strong relationships can only exist between people who understand each other. Unfortunately, even kindred spirits sometimes lose touch due to innate selfishness. Oddly enough,...

  • What types of remuneration are there?

    What types of remuneration are there?

    Employee benefits are all costs that an employer incurs based on a negotiated employment agreement. On the one hand, the process of determining payments must take into account the activities...

  • Mood - what is it?

    Mood - what is it?

    People often live without giving much importance to their emotions and do not understand the important role feelings play in achieving success. Few people really think about what a mood is and how...

  • The meaning of the word imposing in the Dahl dictionary

    The meaning of the word imposing in the Dahl dictionary

    The word we will consider today is one we hear less and less every year. However, it is there and it is worth discussing. The adjective “imposing” is what we will devote time to. After all, you can't miss the opportunity...