Federal Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia). History of divisions and mergers of the Ministries of Education in Russia

5 interesting facts about the Minister of Science and higher education(this is new) 16 years in finance and only four years in science “Stunning!”: how the RAS reacted to Kotyukov
We, citizens of Russia, will, of course, see who is who and what will come of it... But we still need to know some preliminary information about the new appointee of the new ministry.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced the composition of the new government. The Ministry of Education was headed by Olga Vasilyeva, and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education was headed by 41-year-old Mikhail Kotyukov, head Federal agency scientific organizations (FANO). Here are some interesting facts about the new minister Kotyukov.

So, 5 facts

1. Got into politics thanks to my teacher

Mikhail Kotyukov graduated from Krasnoyarsk state university(KSU) with a degree in finance and credit in 1999. His managerial career began there. KSU Dean Valery Zubov was elected governor Krasnoyarsk Territory, and he decided to conduct an experiment - to involve his young students in management. Mikhail Kotyukov was among those who were offered a post in the regional administration. While still in his third year, he became the chief economist of the credit department of the Financial Directorate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration. By the end of his training, he was appointed head of the control and audit department of the Financial Administration.

2. I spent 16 years in finance and only four years in science.

IN different times Mikhail Kotyukov worked in the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, was engaged in private business, and was deputy governor and minister of finance of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In 2012, he became Deputy Minister of Finance of Russia Anton Siluanov. A year later, Dmitry Medvedev appointed him head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO), created as part of the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There were those who were perplexed why Kotyukov was appointed to such a post. Some believe that his candidacy was promoted by Olga Golodets, who oversaw the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and before that worked with him in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

3. Became head of FANO at age 36

The Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations appeared in 2013 as part of the reform Russian Academy Sciences (RAN). Until 2018, FANO led scientific organizations, but on May 15 of this year the agency was abolished - it will become part of the new Ministry of Science and Higher Education. When FANO was first created, many scientists were extremely skeptical - they did not like the fact that FANO would be led by a person who had nothing to do with science. In addition, they were afraid that after the reform there would be more bureaucracy. Summing up the results of Mikhail Kotyukov’s work, some scientists say that they expected the worst. Others believe that the activities of FANO still had a negative impact on the scientific community.

4. For four months he was vice-rector of the Siberian Federal University

And this is all that connected Mikhail Kotyukov with science before he was appointed head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations. He served as Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance from March to July 2007. Former colleagues claim that Kotyukov “left a bright and indelible mark on the university.”

5. Almost nothing is known about his personal life.

Kotyukov’s colleagues recall that he was always a non-public person - he could talk about work as much as he wanted, but never about his personal life. It is known that Mikhail Kotyukov has a wife, son and daughter. The editor of the Krasnoyarsk newspaper Konkurent, Igor Rudik, describes the official as a “tall, athletic, charismatic” man with a “reputation as a child prodigy.” According to Rudik, in one of his interviews Kotyukov admitted that he grew up in quite poor family without a father - his grandmother and mother were involved in his upbringing.

On May 15, Vladimir Putin issued a decree according to which the Ministry of Education and Science will be divided into two departments: the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The first department will be responsible for school and secondary special education, and the second - for the development of universities, science and nanotechnology.


The current head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, Mikhail Kotyukov, will become the Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed on the personalities of all ministers and government deputies proposed by the head of the Cabinet of Ministers.

One of the main changes in the structure of the government, which became known on May 15, was the division of the Ministry of Education and Science into the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. The corresponding draft structure of the new government was presented to the president in the evening by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The competence of the Ministry of Education will include issues general education, while the second department will be responsible for higher educational institutions and the development of science in general. As the prime minister explained, such a decision “will allow us to better concentrate our capabilities for the development of one education system and another education system.”

From the goals and objectives of the new ministry it follows that its activities will be divided into two parts: supervision of university and academic sciences.

Therefore, the pressing question now is how these flows of funds will be reformatted.”

According to the expert, Mikhail Kotyukov will be helped in his new position by his interdisciplinary and diverse experience in previous positions. “He also worked at a university, he understands the mechanics and features of university management from the inside, on the other hand, he worked as a manager in social sphere, working in the Ministry of Finance, continues Leshukov. — And finally, for the last few years he has had a difficult job at FANO, where he had to communicate with various representatives of science in our country: academicians, officials, and university science. This wide experience should be of benefit, since the tasks before him are complex.

— to build cooperation between academic and university science.”

Traditionally, the figure of Mikhail Kotyukov from academic science has aroused more critical opinions. After all, for the last four years, it was FANO that has been in charge of the operational management of universities, which, as part of the RAS reform, moved away from the Academy of Sciences. And most scientists say that with the arrival of FANO, the amount of paperwork and problems with bureaucracy has increased for them.

“Stunning! “An amazing option,” one of the academicians interviewed by Gazeta.Ru sincerely exclaimed upon learning of Kotyukov’s appointment. “It is, of course, a disgrace to appoint a person with a financial background who has never worked in science as head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education!”

This is complete nonsense. He doesn’t understand what science is; he needs to work in it for a certain number of years to understand what kind of field of activity it is.

But still this is not the worst option. The cautious positivity stems from the fact that at least he listened to the scientists. He fully listened to the opinion of the Scientific Coordination Council of FANO, he understood his shortcomings in terms of education and experience, that is, he is a trainable person.”

According to a scientist who agreed to speak with Gazeta.Ru on condition of anonymity, it is “not very harmful” for a minister of this caliber to have an international reputation—and not a managerial one, but a scientific one. “Imagine - he will steer Russia’s participation in international scientific projects. You have to understand what kind of projects these are!” - he added.

Earlier, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Alexey Khokhlov, reacted positively to the news of the division of the Ministry of Education and Science. “Of course, I see some advantages in this; I have repeatedly said that I will support any reorganization scheme if universities and scientific institutes will be in the same department. This is what happened, and I am very satisfied with this,” said the academician. “Science requires an influx of new personnel, so it is closely related to higher education. The separation went the right way. After all high school, kindergartens, nurseries - these are still special issues, and let the Ministry of Education deal with this, although there are also issues related to higher education, because we have schools and colleges at universities. But, nevertheless, these issues can be resolved within the framework of two departments.”

“I have great respect for Mikhail Kotyukov. He is certainly a qualified person with a state mind, and I understand that he is squeezed within certain limits,” said Mikhail Marov, academician, head of the department of planetary research and cosmochemistry at the Institute of Geochemistry and analytical chemistry RAS

Earlier, by decree, the President of Russia abolished the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (FANO), transferring its functions to the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

From now on, the functions of managing academic institutions are transferred to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The main tasks to be solved by this Ministry are formulated in the presidential decree.

In particular, this is a 50% update of the instrument base and the creation in Russia of at least fifteen world-class research and educational centers with the participation of innovative enterprises that produce final products.

“I think the new ministry will concentrate on fulfilling these tasks. But still we must not forget that the most important sector of science is academic science. She must preserve her identity, and I hope she will preserve it,” Khokhlov is sure.

The current Ministry of Education and Science was created in 2004 and is the legal successor of the Ministry of Education, transformed in 1999 from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Until 1996, primary and secondary education was managed by the Ministry of Education, and higher and postgraduate education and science by the State Committee for Higher Education.

Previously, the current deputy head of the Ministry of Education and Science, Academician Grigory Trubnikov, and the head of the Russian Science Foundation, Alexander Khlunov, were named as candidates for the post of Minister of Science.

On introducing to the State Duma a bill on issues of state accreditation of educational activities Order No. 1149-r dated June 9, 2018. The purpose of the bill is to legislate the mandatory recording of information on independent assessment of the quality of student training during state accreditation of educational activities. It is proposed to supplement the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” with a provision stipulating that the Regulations on State Accreditation of Educational Activities should establish mandatory recording of such information.

May 14, 2018 The Commission on Legislative Activities approved a bill on issues of state accreditation of educational activities The purpose of the bill is to legislate the mandatory recording of information on independent assessment of the quality of student training during state accreditation of educational activities. It is proposed to supplement the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” with a provision stipulating that the Regulations on State Accreditation of Educational Activities should establish mandatory recording of such information.

April 27, 2018, Development of Crimea On additional budgetary allocations for the construction and reconstruction of the Artek International Children's Center Order No. 782-r dated April 27, 2018. From the reserve fund of the Russian Government, funds in the amount of 3.3 billion rubles are additionally allocated to finance work on anti-landslide and engineering protection of the territory of the dormitory buildings and the innovation center educational technologies children's camp "Solnechny" MDC "Artek".

April 23, 2018, Social support for certain categories of citizens On introducing to the State Duma a bill to clarify certain issues of legal regulation in the field of education Order No. 742-r dated April 23, 2018. The purpose of the bill is to bring the two pieces of legislation into line with the provisions and terminology Federal Law“On education in the Russian Federation.”

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April 2, 2018 The Commission on Legislative Activities approved a bill to clarify certain issues of legal regulation in the field of education The purpose of the bill is to bring the two legislative acts into conformity with the provisions and terminology of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

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March 7, 2018 Instructions from the Ministry of Education and Science following the meeting of the Government Commission on Social and Economic Development of the North Caucasus Federal District About the situation on the labor market of the North Caucasus Federal District.


, st.  Tverskaya, 11
55°45′37″ n. w.  37°36′33″ E. d. HGIOL

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) - a federal executive body of Russia that operated in 2004-2018 (and earlier in 1996-1999) and carried out the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of education, scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities, development of federal centers of science and high technologies, state scientific centers and science cities, intellectual property, as well as in the field of youth policy, education, guardianship and trusteeship, social support and social protection of students and pupils of educational institutions.

It ceased to exist due to the division into two departments: the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Film for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    ✪ “An Hour with the Minister” - Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva

    Round table Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    ✪ Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Vasilyeva O.Yu. at PMOF-2018



The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) was formed in 2004 and was the legal successor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, transformed in 1999 from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (1996−1999), which was formed from two departments: until 1996, primary and secondary (including secondary specialized and vocational) education was managed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (1991−1996), and higher and postgraduate education and science were managed by the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Higher Education (1993−1996) and the Ministry of Science Higher Education school and technical policy of the Russian Federation (1991−1993). The latter was reorganized (by transferring to it issues high school from the Ministry of Education) from the Ministry of Science and Technical Policy of the RSFSR, which existed for only two weeks in November 1991, which united the departments of the USSR and the RSFSR: the RSFSR State Committee for Science and Higher Education, the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology. The Ministry of Education of the RSFSR (later the Russian Federation), created in 1988 (with the merger of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR and the RSFSR State Committee for Vocational Education), became the legal successor during the collapse of the USSR in 1991:

  • USSR State Committee for public education(−), formed as a result of the merger of three ministries of the USSR:
    • Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR (Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR)
    • Ministry of Vocational and Technical Education of the USSR.

The Ministry was formed during the creation of the first Fradkov government by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 314 of March 9, 2004. It received the functions of adopting regulations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, abolished by the same decree, as well as the functions of adopting regulations of the abolished Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation (in the field of science) and the reorganized Russian Trademark Agency.

At the same time, the functions of law enforcement, management and control in the fields of education, science and intellectual property were transferred to the jurisdiction of the created four federal services and agencies controlled by the ministry - the Federal Agency for Education, the Federal Agency for Science, the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks and the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and sciences.

On the same day, Andrei Alexandrovich Fursenko, who had been acting Minister of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation since November 2003, was appointed minister.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 158 of April 6, 2004 established the number of the central apparatus of the ministry - 380 people - and the addresses of its location: Tverskaya Street, house No. 11/4; Bryusov lane, house number 21, buildings 1 and 2; Chistoprudny Boulevard, building No. 6 (the Federal Agency for Education was located in the building of the former Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on Lyusinovskaya Street). It was also established that the central apparatus has 6 departments in the main areas of activity, and the minister has two deputies.

On May 20, 2004, the Federal Agency for Science, subordinate to the ministry, was renamed.

Established on August 13, 2005 additional position Secretary of State - Deputy Minister.

On August 18, 2008, the number of deputy ministers was increased to five, the number of central staff was increased to 430 people, and the number of departments was increased to seven.

On May 15, 2010, the number of deputy ministers was increased to seven, the number of central staff to 850 people, and the number of departments to eighteen.

Under the auspices of the Ministry and the Federal Agency for Education, the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is held in 21 subjects (2007 data). The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia coordinates the implementation of the Priority National Project “Education”.

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 4, 2010 (came into force on March 10), the Federal Agency for Education (Rosobrazovanie) and the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation (Rosnauka) were abolished with the transfer of their functions directly to the Ministry of Education and Science.

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2011, the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks was renamed the Federal Service for Intellectual Property and removed from the subordination of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, along with the expansion of the range of issues regulated by it.

In the second half of the 2010s, the idea of ​​dividing the Ministry of Education and Science into two departments was periodically voiced: one responsible for education, the other for science.

On May 15, 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science was divided into two separate ministries - the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Rosobrnadzor and Rosmolodezh came under the control of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Competence of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science regulates in the following areas:

  • scientific, scientific and technical activities and innovative activities in the scientific and technical field;
  • development of federal centers of science and high technologies;
  • state scientific centers and science cities;
  • education, guardianship and trusteeship of minor citizens;
  • social support and social protection of students and pupils of educational institutions;
  • unique scientific stands and installations;
  • national research computer network of a new generation and information support for scientific, scientific, technical and innovation activity.



Deputy Ministers

  • Fridlyanov, Vladimir Nikolaevich (April 5, 2004 - May 15, 2010)
  • Svinarenko, Andrey Gennadievich (April 8, 2004 - March 22, 2007)
  • Livanov, Dmitry Viktorovich (November 19, 2005 - March 27, 2007) - Secretary of State
  • Sentyurin, Yuri Petrovich (April 27, 2007 - November 11, 2010; until June 16, 2010 - Secretary of State)
  • Kalina, Isaac Iosifovich (September 11, 2007 - November 9, 2010)
  • Miklushevsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich (September 1, 2008 - October 19, 2010)
  • Khlunov, Alexander Vitalievich (September 1, 2008 - February 8, 2010)
  • Ponomarev, Alexey Konstantinovich (June 9, 2010 - April 17, 2012)
  • Mazurenko, Sergey Nikolaevich (March 25, 2010 - June 7, 2012)
  • Bilenkina, Inna Petrovna (June 15, 2010 - August 1, 2012)
  • Lobanov, Ivan Vasilievich (June 16, 2010 - January 28, 2011) - Secretary of State
  • Kambolov, Marat Arkadevich (November 12, 2010 - August 2, 2014)
  • Dulinov, Maxim Viktorovich (November 17, 2010 - June 9, 2012)
  • Remorenko, Igor Mikhailovich (February 3, 2011 - July 20, 2013; until June 5, 2012 - Secretary of State)
  • Klimov, Alexander Alekseevich (June 14, 2012 - September 9, 2016)
  • Fedyukin, Igor Igorevich (June 14, 2012 - June 6, 2013)
  • Povalko, Alexander Borisovich (June 18, 2012 - December 15, 2016)
  • Tretyak, Natalya Vladimirovna (June 18, 2012 - December 8, 2016; until August 2, 2013 - Secretary of State, after - First Deputy)
  • Tolstikova, Ekaterina Andreevna (September 11, 2014 - November 12, 2016)
  • Pereverzeva, Valentina Viktorovna (from March 22, 2017) - first deputy
  • Kaganov, Veniamin Shaevich (from June 25, 2013)
  • Ogorodova, Lyudmila Mikhailovna (from August 26, 2013)
  • Kuznetsova, Irina Vladimirovna (from December 1, 2016)
  • Trubnikov, Grigory Vladimirovich (since January 25, 2017)
  • Zenkovich, Pavel Stanislavovich (from February 6, 2017) - Secretary of State
  • Sinyugina, Tatyana Yurievna (from March 25, 2017)

Structure of the central office

Departmental awards (description)

Medal of L. S. Vygotsky

Medal of L. S. Vygotsky- departmental medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, established by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 546 dated May 12, 2016 (clarifications made by order No. 1223 dated September 26, 2016). The establishment of the medal was associated with the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the birth of L. S. Vygotsky, who made a significant contribution to the development of sciences about human development in nature, culture and society.

Award procedure

The L. S. Vygotsky Medal is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation from among teaching staff and figures in the field of psychological sciences with academic degree candidate or doctor of sciences and carrying out scientific or educational activities(hereinafter referred to as employees) who made a significant contribution:

in the development of the cultural-historical approach in psychology; in improving methods of psychological and pedagogical support citizens; in scientific and methodological provision of psychological support. The medal is awarded to employees who have worked in the field of psychological sciences for at least 20 years, including in the educational or educational institution nominated for the award. scientific organization at least 5 years.

Description of the award badge

The L. S. Vygotsky medal has the shape of a regular circle with a diameter of 27 mm with a convex side on both sides 0.5 mm high and 1 mm wide; it is made of nickel silver alloy with subsequent oxidation.

On the front side of the medal is a direct relief-graphic image of a portrait of L. S. Vygotsky. Along the circumference of the medal on the right side there is a relief inscription in the letters “LEV SEMENOVITCH VYGOTSKY” and the years of his life are indicated 1896-1934.

On the reverse side there is the inscription “Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation” in a circle, in the center in convex in capital letters in 4 lines the inscription “FOR MERIT IN THE FIELD OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES”, from bottom to top along the circumference to the right and to the left - one laurel branch.

Using an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a quadrangular block measuring 25 mm by 15 mm, covered with a white silk moiré ribbon 20 mm wide. In the middle of the tape are two vertical transverse blue stripes 3 mm wide, separated by a white stripe 1 mm wide. The side edges of the tape are bordered by a blue stripe 1 mm wide. At the bottom of the block there is a relief image of laurel branches. The reverse side of the block is a metal plate with a pin-shaped fastening.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The award was established on January 13, 1999 by order of the Ministry of General and vocational education Russia No. 44 dated January 13, 1999. In 2004, in connection with the renaming of the ministry, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 84 dated October 6, 2004, the regulation was revised and published under the name “Regulations on insignia in the field of education and science.” Transformed and ceased to exist in its previous form on September 26, 2016 in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1223 dated September 26, 2016.

Award procedure

Employees of educational institutions (organizations) of higher and additional professional education, education management bodies, employees of educational institutions (organizations) of other ministries and departments, as well as employees of enterprises, organizations, ministries and departments are awarded for:

  • significant successes in organizing and improving the educational process in the light of modern achievements science, technology and culture, implementation of educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education, as well as programs of relevant additional education and retraining of specialists, ensuring the unity of training and education, shaping the intellectual, cultural and moral development of the individual;
  • implementation in educational process forms and methods of organizing and conducting classes, monitoring knowledge and new technologies that ensure the development of student independence and individualization of their learning;
  • success in practical training of students, graduate students and trainees, management of research and design activities of students;
  • advances in research on current problems fundamental, search, applied sciences, including issues of education;
  • achievements in regional, federal, international educational and scientific-technical programs and projects, implementation of regional interuniversity programs in priority areas of science, technology and culture;
  • progress in development educational literature and production teaching aids and equipment;
  • merits in the preparation and improvement of pedagogical and scientific qualifications of scientific and pedagogical personnel, retraining of specialists in the system of higher and postgraduate professional and relevant additional education;
  • successes in organizing financial and economic activities, development and strengthening of the material, technical and experimental production base of educational institutions (organizations);
  • constant and active assistance to educational institutions (organizations) in the training of highly qualified specialists and the development of the material and technical base of educational institutions (organizations).

Awarded to employees who have worked in the relevant vocational education system for at least 15 years.

The award is made by order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation.

Presentation badge“Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation” and the corresponding certificate for it are issued in a solemn atmosphere at the place of work of the awarded person.

Privileges of the awarded

Honorary workers of higher professional education of the Russian Federation working in educational institutions, subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a monthly incentive bonus of up to 20 percent inclusive of the official salary may be established at the expense of the educational institution.

Description of the award badge

The award badge is a medal attached with a lug and ring with a rectangular block measuring 25 mm by 15 mm and covered with a white silk moiré ribbon. The side edges of the tape are bordered by a blue transverse strip 3 mm wide at a distance of 1 mm from the edges, and in the middle there are two more transverse strips 3 mm wide. At the bottom of the block there is a relief image of laurel branches. On the front side of the medal there is the inscription “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education”, bordered on the right side by an olive branch.

The award badge is worn on the right side of the chest under the state awards of the Russian Federation.

See also. Retrieved March 18, 2018.
  • The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation will deal with issues of youth policy in Russia
  • The media reported on plans to divide the Ministry of Education and Science into two departments (undefined) . Lenta.ru (August 20, 2016). Retrieved May 12, 2018.
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