Gdz on world history 7. Useful workshops on Russian history for seventh graders and workbooks for them

  • The History Workbook will eliminate the lag in the subject and help you achieve significant success in studying the discipline. Use it correctly!
  • GDZ- this is an excellent opportunity to quickly catch up on missed material, effectively consolidate and qualitatively test acquired knowledge, and also expand your educational horizons. Ready-made answers online should be regarded as a path to self-improvement, and not an ordinary cheat sheet.
  • In the process of studying historical realities Russia 16-18 centuries. Seventh graders face a number of difficulties. The course is replete with dates, facts and events that are difficult to understand and remember. Teachers and students are encouraged easy way organize information. A. A. Danilov developed a series of structured homework assignments that gradually lead course students to the goal:
    relevant tables;
    training exercises;
    developmental tasks.
  • Go through the thorny path of becoming together with Russia without difficulty! The Reshebnik, created by professionals in their field, will become a useful guide during the Time of Troubles, new economic phenomena, church schismatics, Peter's reforms and Catherine's breakthroughs.
  • Useful workshops on Russian history for seventh graders and workbooks for them

  • The end of the 17th and 18th centuries - from the time of Peter the Great to the accession and reign of Paul the First - one of the most difficult and intriguing eras in Russian history. Numerous palace coups, two eras of “female” rule - 4 empresses on the throne at once - two Catherines, Anna Ioannovna, Elizaveta Petrovna. And - great victories and achievements, expanding the borders of the empire, strengthening its power. Seventh graders study all this in class national history. Help them fully master the course school curriculum will allow high-quality teaching aids and solvers for them.
  • Plus - the desire to work painstakingly and scrupulously GDZ, remembering and analyzing not only the essence, but also the technology for recording the correct answer. The latter is especially important for those seventh-graders who plan to participate in historical subject Olympiads and competitions. After all, an incorrectly displayed result often leads to an unfortunate loss of points and can cost you a victory or a prize. In any case, classes using collections of ready-made homework assignments should be based on the principles:
    - consistency, that is, the construction and implementation of a competent training plan that takes into account basic level the student’s knowledge, his goals and the amount of time planned to be spent on preparation;
    - complexity, application of effective teaching materials, selection of appropriate manuals for it and complementing it;
    - regularity of self-monitoring and self-testing in order to quickly identify and correct all existing gaps, shortcomings, and shortcomings in the work.
  • The selection of educational materials can be entrusted to specialists - subject teachers, tutors, heads of clubs and courses, or done independently. As a basis, many people use the teaching aid whose program is used on school lessons history. You can supplement the basic theoretical textbook with interesting and useful workshops. Among these experts name workbook on the history of Russia for grade 7, compiled by A. A. Danilov and L. G. Kosulina. The collection contains tasks of varying levels of complexity and format. For example:
    - crosswords and analytical tasks;
    - analysis and evaluation of information from historical sources and certificates, documents;
    - test materials;
    - comparative tables;
    - cartographic tasks.

5th ed. - M.: 2017. - Part 1 - 80 p., Part 2 - 80 p. M.: 2010. - Part 1 - 80 p., Part 2 - 80 p.

The workbook is integral part CMD to the revised in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of the main general education textbook by A. Ya. Yudovskaya and others “General History. History of modern times. 1500-1800. 7th grade." The notebook is intended for independent work schoolchildren at home and in class. For each paragraph of the textbook, tasks are offered that are aimed at developing students’ universal educational activities. Tasks marked with an asterisk (*) are of an increased level of difficulty. For the final test of students’ knowledge and skills, the notebook includes a variety of test tasks in OGE format for each chapter of the textbook. The manual is addressed to students.

Part 1.

Format: pdf(2017, 80 p.)

Size: 10 MB


Part 2.

Format: pdf(2017, 80 p.)

Size: 10 MB


Format: pdf/zip(Both notebooks) (2010; 80+80 pp.)

Size: 19.7 MB

Download: RGhost

Dear seventh graders!
By completing the various tasks included in the workbook, you will be able to systematize, test and consolidate the knowledge that you have acquired in the process of studying the history of modern times.
Tasks marked with an asterisk (*) are of an increased level of difficulty.
Most of the tasks proposed in the notebook are designed for short, clear and succinct answers. If the space allocated in the notebook is not enough to complete the task, we advise you to continue working on a separate piece of paper and then carefully glue it to the margin of the corresponding page of the workbook.

  • The workbook on Modern History was developed by teacher A. Ya. Yudovskaya together with L. M. Vanyushkina. The manual (part 1 and 2) for the 7th grade Federal State Educational Standards textbook includes a variety of tasks - seventh graders will have to fill in empty columns of tables, select answers from a list, complete sentences, fill in contour maps.
  • Methodologists and teachers note the value of notebooks for learning - repetition, deepening knowledge, improving work with maps. However, some seventh graders, finding it difficult to make decisions, give up and are upset by receiving bad grades.
  • Benefit GDZ serves as a real with a magic wand- completed tasks are easily checked, online mode is provided. The text of the notebook is given in full; if you lose the manual, you can work with the electronic version. If a task seems incredibly difficult, you can use a workbook to understand the cause of the difficulties. The main thing is that the solution turns out to be impeccable, there is enough time for the remaining disciplines, and seventh-graders have a lot of lessons.
  • It often helps parents GDZ- a manual, reliable verification of remote sensing is provided. Parents decide for themselves whether to allow a student to use a workbook. When used wisely, the benefit brings tangible benefits.
  • New history - useful workshops for seventh graders with solution books

  • Experts call the vast period of world history - from 1500 to 1800, covering three centuries - the Modern Age. During this period, countries were formed and began to actively develop, which today play leading roles on the world stage. By carefully and thoughtfully studying the modern era in world history, one can understand and analyze the roots of today’s international problems and conflicts, the possibility of exiting them, stabilization in the sphere of political and economic development. It is this period that is studied in world history lessons by seventh graders. Since, according to statistics, many 7th grade students take part in subject history Olympiads and competitions, for quality preparation they need effective educational materials and solvers for them.
  • Planning and implementing work on GDZ, follows:
    - objectively assess your initial level of knowledge;
    - decide on goals, priority and secondary;
    - formulate a plan based on the assigned individual tasks;
    - from time to time, regularly, carry out self-monitoring, assessing the results achieved, their dynamics, promptly identifying and eliminating problems, adjusting plans;
    - select the optimal set of teaching aids for each specific case.
  • A specialist - a tutor, the head of a history club, a subject teacher - can help solve the last problem. The main emphasis should be on workshop manuals that allow a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the complex theoretical material. It is not necessary that a collection of practical tasks be part of the one used in school UMK- the main thing is that the sections and topics roughly coincide, and the exercises themselves differ in level of complexity and format.
  • Among the effective collections, experts name a workbook on the history of modern times for grade 7, compiled by A. Ya. Yudovskaya and L. M. Vanyushkina. The workshop contains a variety of practical tasks and materials:
    - historical information;
    - logic problems and crosswords;
    - analytical material;
    - tests, the format of which is similar to that offered for the discipline at the OGE.
  • The tasks presented in the manual vary in difficulty level. Those that belong to an advanced level and are suitable for preparing for the Olympiads are marked with an asterisk.

Order the solution book and it will soon be on the website

  • Facilitating admission to university. You can give your child the end goal of everything. educational process, thereby convincing him of the need for good studies. Parents often tell their children that if they do not study well, they will not be able to acquire good profession in the future, and will go to wipers.

  • Meals at school should be well organized. The student must be provided with lunch and a hot breakfast in the canteen. The interval between the first and second meals should not exceed four hours. The best option should be for the child to have breakfast at home; at school he eats a second breakfast

  • A certain relationship has been established between childhood aggression and difficulties in the learning process. Every student wants to have many friends at school, have good academic results and good grades. When a child fails to do this, he does aggressive things. Every behavior is aimed at something and has a meaning.

  • In any Olympiads and all kinds of competitions, a child, first of all, expresses himself and realizes himself. Parents should definitely support their child if he is passionate about intellectual competitions. It is important for a child to recognize himself as part of a society of intellectuals, in which competitive moods reign, and the child compares his achievements

  • A picky child may not like school food. Often, this is the most common reason for a schoolchild to refuse to eat. It all happens because the school menu does not take into account the taste needs of each individual child. At school, no one will exclude any product from the diet of an individual child in order to

  • In order to understand how parents feel about school, it is important to first characterize modern parents, whose age category is very diverse. Despite this, most of them are parents who belong to the generation of the nineties, which was a difficult time for the entire population.

  • The first school gatherings remain forever in the memory of each of us. Parents begin purchasing all the necessary office supplies starting in August. The main school attribute is the student uniform. The outfit must be carefully selected so that the first grader feels confident. Introduction school uniform is justified by many reasons.

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