Gridnev Sergey Gennadievich. The head of Ivanteevka, Sergei Gridnev, representatives of the administration and the council of deputies got acquainted with the work of city cultural institutions

About the “achievements” of the Ivanteevka city administration in 2012 January 16th, 2013

Summing up the results of 2012 in the newspaper “Pulse of Ivanteevka” No. 100 dated December 22, 2012, S.G. Gridnev joyfully informed the reader: “I am pleased to note that we did all this and much more with you together, together...” . “The assistance confirms that the city administration did not do much else with the residents, and residents often categorically objected to what the city administration did in 2012, as well as in other years.

Let’s continue summing up the administration’s work for 2012:

1. nbsp; Last year, the construction of an 18-story residential building on the street was completed. Trubnikovskaya, where S.G. Gridnev achieved the following results:

With a standard population density of 250 people/ha, the actual population density was 4500 people/ha, i.e. increased by 18 times! The result was a human anthill;

An underground parking lot for 500 cars has not been built, i.e. the residents were blatantly deceived;

  • the playground is surrounded by a double ring of parking lots and is polluted, which is dangerous for the health and lives of children;
  • the insulation of houses along 1st and 2nd Nizhnyaya streets was disrupted;
  • there is no required number of parking spaces for vehicles of residents of the built house and the adjacent house;
  • The technical and economic indicators of the project have not been met;
  • the rights and legitimate interests of residents of block No. 9 of Ivanteevka were violated in terms of creating decent living conditions.

2. Master plan The city of Ivanteevka does not correspond to the interests of city residents and does not take into account their comments and suggestions. The city center is designed in the swampy area of ​​the river. Teaching under 500,000 volt power lines! Residents can rest there if they remain alive.

  1. Infill development is taking place in the city. High-rise buildings are being built where the administration can earn bonuses. The city fathers do not think about the residents and are not responsible for anything. E. Sukhanova fled to Pushkino, E. Ampilogova - to Korolev and further to Germany, S. Gridnev is looking for a suitable city where he can live peacefully in his own cottage.
  2. New roads in the city are not being built, old ones are not being expanded, and reconstruction is not being done. Road repair comes down to changing the asphalt surface by patching potholes on city roads. The purpose of road repairs is to spend the allocated funds and again “knock” them out of the regional budget. And so every year.
  3. For the first time in the history of Ivanteevka, good results in sabotaging the construction of children's preschool institutions, namely: repairs were sabotaged for 4 years kindergarten No. 8 on the street. Zhiltsova, 5 years the examination of the kindergarten project on the street was sabotaged. Tolmacheva, 7 years old they promise to begin construction of a kindergarten on the street. Tolmacheva.
  4. For the first time in history, the Ivanteevsk prosecutor’s office revealed corruption in the Committee on Education and youth policy, organized under the leadership of the chairman of the committee Kozlova M.M. S. Gridnev “severely” punished the perpetrators, making one reprimand per 9 people, i.e. each received 0.11 comments. To receive a full reprimand, you must engage in corruption for at least 9 years.
  5. For the first time in the history of the city, the 20th anniversary of the sabotage of road construction in the Yuzhny microdistrict was celebrated. Until now, the so-called roads, or rather directions, do not have an owner, i.e. ownerless, and therefore the administration does not clear them of snow or repair them. S. Gridnev has a 100% lack of conscience and responsibility. Prosecutor I.A. Chernyshev sees nothing, hears nothing and does nothing. Apparently he acts within the framework of Ivaneevsky legislation. The administration is allowed to create. Whatever you want!
  6. For the first time in the history of Ivanteevka, S. Gridnev did not have 4 years to find out where in the Yuzhny microdistrict it was located and to whom. belongs to the Historical and Archival Street, as well as who is the owner of the road at the entrance to the microdistrict and who should repair it. Maybe S. Gridnev should announce an auction to solve this problem? Residents of the neighborhood will chip in and pay the costs, just as they have already paid for the costs of repairing this road twice.

Self-respected Sergei Gennadievich! Do you have at least a little conscience and even less responsibility to resolve this issue in 2013? Answer the residents of the Yuzhny microdistrict.

9. For the first time in the history of Ivanteevka, S.G. Gridnev did not have 4 years to resolve the issue of allocating a children’s playground on the street. Green plot of land measuring 20*20 meters. Tell residents how much they need to pay you to resolve this issue. You must understand that children are not solvent and cannot give a bribe. “Assistance” earnestly asks you not to steal children’s childhood. Perhaps, for your strong position towards children, B. Gromov will present you with a medal before retiring.

10. nbsp; For the first time in the history of Ivanteevka, S.G. Gridnev achieved the allocation of land plots for large families in the Kolyma swamps of the Klinsky district, where there are no communications within a radius of 20 kilometers. Now he will decide the question from which area to bring communications. Maybe, with the help of Gazprom, a gas pipeline will be installed there, Chubais will install electricity, and A.I. Vovk will install a water pipeline from Ivanteevka and let large families they suffer there to the fullest. As they used to say: “Thank you to our dear party for our barefoot childhood.”

  1. For the first time in the history of Ivanteevka, together with E.V. Sukhanova, you fabricated 26 documents in the Yuzhny microdistrict and apparently will not stop there if the relevant authorities do not stop you. Residents want to know when you will stop violating the rights and legitimate interests of residents of the Yuzhny microdistrict and stop fabricating documents using non-existent ones for this purpose. document called “TERRITORY PLANNING PROJECT FOR QUARTER “24”.
  2. For the first time in the history of Ivanteevka, search teams unearthed in the archives of the newspaper “Pulsa Ivanteevka” illegal sawyers of the regional budget, part-time journalists, who for more than 20 years have been donating their non-existent talents to their native administration, as well as its directing and leadership force represented by the Ivanteevskaya faction of United Russia. The Motherland duly paid tribute to the best sawyers of the “Pulse of Ivanteevka”, famous citizens of Ivanteevka Yu.V. Kuznetsov and E.V. Zakharycheva, and in addition to the previously received local awards in an official setting, presented them on behalf of Russia with the “Verdict” dated 08.08.2012. Considering modesty of the recipients” and, at their insistent request, they were awarded in a special regime, without witnesses or newspaper readers. This “certificate” should take its rightful place among the awards and certificates displayed in the newspaper’s editorial office.
  3. For the first time in the history of Ivanteevka self-respected S.G. Gridnev I couldn’t buy a luxury Lexus for myself with someone else’s money. Something didn't work out. And how he wanted to approach the regional bureaucrat in style and from the height of his own stature to prove to the late Vladimir Ilyich - not to be confused with “Assistance” - that in Russia the state can be run not only by a cook, but also by a history teacher.

Where is M. Lomonosov, who came to Moscow from Kholmogory on some kind of creaking cart?

“Assistance” thanks S.G. Gridnev, E.V. Sukhanova and Ivanteevsky deputies for their constant attention to the problems of the city and for the future human attitude to the residents of Ivanteevka. “Assistance” hopes that in 2013 you will turn your face to the residents of the Yuzhny microdistrict. “Assistance” addresses the teachers of school No. 5 with a question: Why, when nominating S.G. Gridnev to the position of head of the city of Ivanteevka, did you keep silent about such abilities of Sergei Gennadievich?”

In 1983 he graduated from secondary school No. 44 in Sevastopol.

In 1984 he entered the Faculty of History Kirovograd State Pedagogical Institute named after. A.S. Pushkin. From 1985 to 1987 he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR. In 1987, he continued his studies at the university and at the same time worked as the head of a department in the Leninsky district committee and in the Sevastopol city committee of the Komsomol of Ukraine.

In 1989, he began working in his specialty as a history teacher and deputy director for educational work. high school No. 38 of the city of Sevastopol.

In 1993, at the age of 27, he was appointed director of secondary school No. 12 in Sevastopol.

In 1996 he completed postgraduate studies at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (in absentia). In the same year, after moving to Ivanteevka, he headed Moscow secondary school No. 568.

In January 1997, in the wake of perestroika, he was elected director of secondary school No. 5 in Ivanteevka. Under his leadership, the school became the winner of the priority national project “Education” and received the title “ Best school Moscow Region-2007”, the organization of children's self-government in schools was recognized as the best in the Moscow region.

Awards, diplomas

Honorary Education Worker Russian Federation, laureate Federal level All-Russian project “Professional Team of the Country”.

The head of Ivanteevka Sergey Gridnev, the head of the city administration Alexander Rakin, his first deputy Elena Ampilogova, the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Deputies Elena Sukhanova and deputies of the Council of Deputies of Ivanteevka visited cultural institutions of the city and got acquainted with their work from the inside as part of the visiting Deputy Day.

Reporting on the state of cultural institutions in Ivanteevka today, the head of the cultural committee, Alexander Leonov, said that the network of cultural institutions in the city is represented by municipal institutions: cultural and leisure types:

MAUK "Palace of Culture "Yubileiny",
- MBUK “Cultural and leisure center “Pervomaisky”; institutions additional education cultural spheres
- MBOU DOD "Children's Music School of Ivanteevka",
- MAOU DOD Children's art school in Ivanteevka, Moscow region,
- MAOU DOD "Ivanteevsk City Children's Art School"; other cultural institutions
- MBUK Municipal Music and Drama Theatre,
- MBUK "Ivanteevsky Museum of History and Local Lore",
- MBUK Centralized library system (Central City Library named after I.F. Gorbunov and 3 branches, children's library),
- MBUK "City Park of Culture".

The workforce of cultural workers remains stable. Municipal cultural institutions employ 244 people. Of these from higher education- 120 people, with secondary specialization - 77. This year, 6 people took advanced courses.

In order to increase the efficiency of cultural institutions, municipalities were created in 2012 autonomous institutions culture and institutions of additional education in the cultural sphere by changing the type of existing municipal institutions: Palace of Culture "Yubileiny", Children's Art School, Ivanteevsk City Children's Art School, and municipal budgetary institutions spheres of culture: Cultural and leisure center "Pervomaisky", Ivanteevsky Museum of History and Local Lore, Centralized Library System, Musical Drama Theatre, Children's Music School, City Cultural Park.

Expenditures on cultural institutions in the city of Ivanteevka increased from 59.85 million rubles in 2012 to 80.77 million rubles. - in 2014.

In 2012, 8 million 673 thousand rubles were allocated from the city budget for the Program of Events of the Culture Committee, in 2013 - 20 million 475 thousand rubles, in 2014 - 21 million 422 thousand rubles. A significant increase in program funding in 2013 was associated with the celebration of the anniversary (75th anniversary of the city), in 2014 - with preparations for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Second World War.

The volume of paid services increased from 7 million 130 thousand rubles in 2012 to 7 million 800 thousand rubles in 2014.

In 2014, 2,313.4 thousand rubles were spent on strengthening the material and technical base of the city’s cultural institutions. funds from the city budget for major repairs - 515.6 thousand rubles. (in 2012 - 348.1 thousand rubles and 907.1 thousand rubles, respectively).

The average salary of employees of cultural institutions for 10 months of 2015 was 28,683.46 rubles. (according to the road map, by the end of 2015 the figure should reach 29,049.47 rubles). For 10 months of this year, the average salary of teachers was 37,360.34 rubles (according to the “road map”, the figure by the end of 2015 will be 38,783 rubles). According to the forecast, the above indicators of the “road map” will be achieved by the end of 2015 through compensation and incentive payments.

For the implementation of the municipal program of the city of Ivanteevka, Moscow region “Ensuring unhindered access of people with limited mobility to social infrastructure facilities in Ivanteevka for 2014-2016,” 370 thousand rubles were allocated and spent to cultural institutions of the city in 2014, 484.8 thousand rubles - in 2015.

500 thousand rubles were allocated for the implementation of the municipal energy saving program in 2014, and 700 thousand rubles in 2015. Each cultural institution in the city of Ivanteevka has its own official website.

During the current period of 2015, the book stock compared to 2013 (162.1 units per 1000 residents) increased and amounted to 170.5 units per 1000 residents of printed documents (books, brochures).

Attendance at the Ivanteevsky Museum of History and Local Lore increased from 134 units per 1000 population in 2012 to 171 units in 2014.

The number of people involved in clubs, associations, and sections has increased various directions and club formations, it amounted to 1037 people in 2013, for 9 months of 2015 - 1383.

At the beginning of 2015-2016 academic year In institutions of additional education for children in the cultural sector, the number of students increased and amounted to 966 people (in 2013 - 687, in 2014 - 747).

Summing up the results of the on-site Deputy Day, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Deputies of Ivanteevka Elena Sukhanova emphasized that such off-site events are held in Ivanteevka quite often. Visiting institutions allows deputies to understand how effectively funds are spent, the allocation of which for daily activities and development by the institution is approved by the Council of Deputies of the city. This is especially important during the formation and in anticipation of the approval of Ivanteevka’s budget for the next year.

We present to your attention a photo report about a visit to the Children's music school, Children's Art School, Children's Library and Central City Library named after. I.F. Gorbunova:

Chairman of the Ivanteevka Culture Committee Alexander Leonov (pictured on the right) introduces the new head of the music school, Nadezhda Volynkina, to the guests of the institution

In the hall of the first floor of the Children's Music School

Nadezhda Volynkina tells representatives of the city administration and the Council of Deputies about the current state of affairs at the school, the successes and achievements of its students and teachers, and shares plans for the development of the institution

In the photo from left to right: Head of Ivanteevka Sergey Gridnev, First Deputy Elena Ampilogova, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Deputies Elena Sukhanova and Chairman of the Culture Committee Alexander Leonov

Musical greeting. Performance by the choir of high school students (director Irina Klochkova)

On the territory of the Children's Art School

Chairman of the Culture Committee Alexander Leonov introduces the director of the art school Lyudmila Nesnova to the guests of the institution

In the hall of the Children's Art School

Attending a painting lesson

School director Lyudmila Nesnova talks about an exhibition of children's works made by school students as part of the training program of the budgetary and extra-budgetary departments of the school

In the school exhibition hall

Chairman of the Culture Committee Alexander Leonov introduces the head of the Children's Library Taisiya Azarkina and the new director of the Ivanteevka Central Library System (CLS) Ilya Snegirev (pictured on the right) to the guests of the institution

Subscription Hall of the Children's Library. Director of the Central Bank Ilya Snegirev tells guests about the work of the institution

A quiz based on the fairy tales of Alexander Pushkin is being held in the Reading Room of the Children's Library. Guests watch her progress

During a visit to the office-museum of Ivan Fedorovich Gorbunov at the Central City Hospital named after. I.F. Gorbunova - the leading institution of the Central Bank of Ivanteevka

Reading room of the Central City Hospital named after. I.F. Gorbunov in the background is an exhibition of decorative and applied arts “Russian souvenir has conquered the whole world”

Exhibition hall. It constantly hosts exhibitions of artists from Ivanteevka, Pushkino, Shchelkovo, Fryazino, Balashikha and other cities of the Moscow region. On the walls there are works by Ivanteevsky

Hall of Arts. At the end of the excursion, the director of the Central Library Ilya Snegirev tells the guests of the institution about its work, achievements and plans for the development of the city’s library system

Information – Press service of the Mayor of Ivanteevka
Photo – “ArtMoskovia”

The head of Ivanteevka develops the traditions of the “comedy club”, laid down by the famous countryman I.F. Gorbunov

Among the many brilliant qualities of the Head of the city of Ivanteevka, Sergei Gridnev, one more should be included - the talent of an unsurpassed storyteller. Obviously, this is due to the fact that our city is the birthplace of I.F. Gorbunov, a unique artist of the spoken genre, the founder of the stand-up comedy genre in Rus'. His gift of speech, his ability to deftly snatch out the most necessary, most relevant words admired Turgenev and Dostoevsky, and aroused the delight of numerous listeners.

The stand-up genre mainly involves the author's monologues in front of an audience. The most striking example of such a show in Russia is the Comedy Club. Therefore, I.F. Gorbunov can rightfully be considered the forerunner of Pavel Volya, Garik Martirosyan and other “residents”. Ivanteevka already had the chance to somehow get into this television project, but the experience was, to put it mildly, unsuccessful.

Maybe the producers chose the wrong people?

But the “karma” of Ivanteevka as the homeland of the “founder of the comedy club in Rus'” obviously bore fruit a century and a half later. It should be admitted that I.F. Gorbunov acquired a very talented follower, one might say, a receiver of his conversational talent, an emanation if you like! We are, of course, talking about the head of the city, Sergei Gennadievich Gridnev.

Guys, I am responsible for Ivanteevka!

All last year we observed a quantitative increase in the messages of the “Sergei Gridnev answers” ​​genre (and his election campaign even took place under this simple slogan). And in the coming year we see how quantity turns into quality! Messages like “Sergei Gridnev answers” ​​are increasingly gravitating towards works of rhetorical art. In art, as we know, a fact of life becomes only a starting point for the author’s imagination. And the main thing in it is the creation of a work that is pleasing to the reader (listener), in which the decisive role is played not by the facts of present reality, but by pictures, images, and imaginary events. Thus, they must be judged according to the laws of art, i.e. evaluate syllable, style, rhetorical devices, etc. Now we can safely say that Sergei Gridnev is a real artist, a boyan, in whose work one can see the motifs of the Russian popular print, the tales of Bazhov (and other storytellers), the intonation of “folk stories” by Leo Tolstoy...

Therefore, we want to declare him an honorary member of the club of lovers of I.F. Gorbunov’s work “Gorbunov and Vanteevo”. We propose to evaluate the beauty of his works not in retrospect, but, so to speak, online. And today we propose to analyze one of the recent pearls of his art, namely, the work entitled “The ski slope in Ivanteevka does not stand idle for a day,” which appeared on the administration website on January 29 and has already received more than 5 thousand views.

But bark beetles are against it!

This work begins with a question from a certain “Svetlana Ivanovna,” who seems to be interested in whether the tree nursery will deprive winter sports lovers of their favorite ski track behind the Trud stadium.”Hello, dear Svetlana Ivanovna!”, the Head begins his answer. How much real, and not ostentatious, respect for the common man there is in this initiative!

“Ivanteevka really was and remains a city of amateur skiers of all ages, from which real professional skiers often emerge, athletes who defend the honor of the city, region, and country.” A superbly constructed phrase, which contains the intention for the development of skiing in the city, a powerful effort to correct the deplorable situation, because there are fewer and fewer amateur skiers in the city, and we have not heard of real professional skiers for a long time, especially those who defend the honor of the country. But appreciate the flight of fancy! "The honor of the country!" It sounds! “For more than twenty years, the management of the Ivanteevsky tree nursery has been meeting the city residents halfway, giving them the opportunity to ski in the forest area.” Only a person who is well acquainted with the situation in the Ivanteevsky tree nursery will appreciate the depth of this phrase! It turns out that the management of the nursery does not sit idly by, it “goes forward.” Is this the same management whose trees are being eaten up by the bark beetle? Is it the same management that allowed clear-cutting in 2013, about which a criminal case was initiated?Then neither the “nursery management” nor Mr. Gridnev himself “noticed” that illegal clear-cutting was taking place on the territory of the nursery, the size of which was more than 3 hectares. The forest fund of the Russian Federation in the territory of Ivanteevka suffered damage in the amount of 18 million 757 thousand rubles.Is this the same leadership that runs Ivanteevka? The author does not give an answer, leaving us room for thought. And at the same time, pay attention to the hidden threat in this phrase: they say, amateur skiers, if you behave badly, the management of the tree nursery may one day not “meet halfway.” This rhetorical device, let's call it “the hidden threat”, the author masterfully masters it.

We'll put all the kids on the ski track

“Thanks to this, the traditional ski slope, which is more than seven kilometers long, becomes the center of significant sporting events every winter.” The author is delicately silent about which ones exactly? I haven’t heard about regional-level competitions on the Ivanteevskaya ski track for a long time. Although, to be honest, just a few years ago they were not a novelty here. But appreciate the following passage: “The ski track does not stand idle for a day. Children from the ski section of the Youth Sports School are constantly practicing here, competitions are regularly held, and not only on a city scale (by the way, on the fourth of February on the ski slope there will be a sports competition among pre-conscription youth).” This definition of “kids” is not touching, isn’t it? And again, how do you like this phrase: “not only on an urban scale.” Which one? Again a figure of silence, but how beautifully said! “On weekdays there are a lot of city residents on the highway. Ski rental at the Trud stadium is in great demand. There is indeed ski rental, as well as rental of the skating rink for money. Question: where does the income from this activity go? I'm sure they go towards the development of winter sports in Ivanteevka, and not into someone's pocket? “Moreover, in order to avoid unpleasant situations associated with heavy snowfalls, so that the ski track is always in working order, snow removal equipment is assigned to it. True, there is no particular need to resort to it, since the ski track is well-trodden by athletes and is constantly maintained in good condition thanks to numerous skiers.”This final phrase sums up all the best that Sergei Gennadievich has in his arsenal. The only working "Buran" with a slight movement of the hand turned into a "snow removal equipment"? Or do you mean shovels by technique? Actually, the reason for our previous one was that this “Buran” was broken, and they could not find the funds to repair it. And then - oh, miracle - the director of the stadium announced yesterday that Buran had been repaired. And, they say, the ski track will now always be ready. I really want to believe in this, but the very last phrase from Sergei Gennadievich’s answer is alarming: they say, there is no need for “snow removal equipment”, the athletes will roll their own ski tracks. Here we can see the “Do It Yourself” ideology, already familiar to us from previous publications about our “strong mayor’s office”: you need a ski track - so go ahead and roll it yourself. What, in fact, the townspeople have already done more than once, having discovered a route not used by Buran. However, even they are powerless against the pits on the descents. Without sprinkling them with “boranshchik” they are really dangerous, because... Both children from youth sports schools and amateur skiers can fall and break something. Without Buran it is impossible to prepare the track for any competition! And we will definitely report how this was done at today’s Spartakiad of pre-conscription youth...

But in general, as we see, it turns out to be an oil painting: a rosy-cheeked child is towing a ski track on the track near the Trud stadium. And they don’t need Buran to defend the honor of the country!

Oh yes, Sergey Gennadievich! Oh yeah, it's a storm! That is, I apologize - boyan! Bravo! Everywhere he appears, smiles, joyful excitement, and laughter immediately appear! We will definitely continue to follow the life and work of this wonderful storyteller.

Gridnev Sergey Gennadievich


In 1983 he graduated from secondary school No. 44 in Sevastopol.

In 1984 he entered the history department of the Kirovograd State Pedagogical Institute named after. A.S. Pushkin. From 1985 to 1987 he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR. In 1987, he continued his studies at the university and at the same time worked as the head of a department in the Leninsky district committee and in the Sevastopol city committee of the Komsomol of Ukraine.

In 1989, he began working as a history teacher and deputy director for educational work at secondary school No. 38 in the city of Sevastopol.

In 1993, at the age of 27, he was appointed director of secondary school No. 12 in Sevastopol.

In 1996 he completed postgraduate studies at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (in absentia). In the same year, after moving to Ivanteevka, he headed Moscow secondary school No. 568.

In January 1997, in the wake of perestroika, he was elected director of secondary school No. 5 in Ivanteevka. Under his leadership, the school became the winner of the priority national project “Education”, received the title “Best School in the Moscow Region-2007”, the organization of children's self-government in the school was recognized as the best in the Moscow region.

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