KGU named after Tsiolkovsky hostel is new. KSU students have a new dormitory

As we already wrote, on Wednesday, March 18, Minister of Education and Science of Russia Dmitry LIVANOV to Kaluga.

First he visited the KF MSTU. N.E. Bauman and discussed the possibility of building a new campus on the Right Bank. However, the implementation timeframe and cost of the project have not yet been announced.

Then the federal official opened a new 14-story dormitory for KSU named after. Tsiolkovsky at the intersection of Stepan Razin and Tulskaya streets, which will be able to simultaneously accommodate 884 students. They will begin to move in this summer.

We were given the task of building a dormitory at a cost of 38 thousand rubles per sq. m. m., - said a representative of the developer company.

Are you done? – Livanov asked.

Of course not,” he replied. - City center, expensive land... There will be 13 clubs, a first-aid post, and a laundry. Including the club “Relax”, “Dance and Yoga”, “Theater and KVN”, “What? Where? When?".

It was not hidden behind the scenes that the developer estimated the cost of the work at 700 million rubles, while the region was ready to allocate only 550.

The new academic building of KSU is promised to be completed by September 2016. In addition, a gym will be built (without a swimming pool), in which three groups can train simultaneously. And the gym's stands will be able to accommodate up to 1,500 people. They promise not to forget about the spacious parking lot.

Then Livanov examined the hostel itself.

There are 20 rooms on each floor. Boys and girls will be housed in sections. Each room has a bathroom, shower, refrigerator, microwave. It is possible that electric stoves will be installed later.
Room of 25 sq. m is designed for four people.

At first glance, this is an ordinary table, but with a slight movement of the hand it turns into a bed.

Journalists also tried to disassemble and assemble transformable beds.

When it all started, I didn’t really believe that all this would happen,” admitted Rector of KSU Maxim KAZAK.

This is only the first part of the complex that will be created here. But in general, when it is implemented, it will include not only a dormitory, but also an academic building and a sports complex,” Livanov noted in his speech to students. - It is very important for us that in a region such as the Kaluga region, one of the flagships of the economic development of our country, there is a powerful and truly developing university.

The educational building located nearby is expected to be completed by the fall of 2016.

The minister of our entire country - education and science - arrived, - said Governor of the Kaluga Region Anatoly ARTAMONOV. - I am very grateful to you for this... When, on your initiative, a rating assessment of higher educational institutions in our country was carried out, it was discovered that our university did not have enough space to meet the standard per student. We were somehow crowded here, we got used to it, well, it seemed okay. And you quite rightly pointed out to us that this cannot continue like this: either you solve this problem, or the university may even suffer such an unpleasant fate as closure. Then we quickly began to move our feet and brains... We agreed that we would do it ourselves, and then there would be compensation for our costs from the federal budget...

Views from the upper floors of the hostel:

Livanov’s visit ended with communication with students.

By the beginning of the academic year, a new dormitory was opened for students of Kaluga State University who came from other cities. The move-in of residents is in full swing in the building on Kutuzov Street.

The dormitory is designed for 210 people. Students are accommodated in rooms with their own showers and toilets, two people each. Each floor also has two kitchens, a laundry room and a classroom.

The residents of the new apartments were students from the Institute of Legal History, the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Foreign Languages. According to the chairman of the trade union organization of KSU students, Tatyana Sidorova, students from these faculties were selected according to a “historically established tradition.” In the previous dormitory, which burned down several years ago, it was historians, philologists and linguists who lived.

Now the students who have moved into the dormitory are unpacking their things and tidying up their rooms. According to them, they could not even imagine that they would live in such good conditions.

“We really liked this hostel,” say first-year students Anna Platonova and Polina Petukhova. – It looks like a hotel, which is great. We never knew there were such luxurious hostels.

At the moment, students of KSU named after. Tsiolkovsky live in three dormitories. More than 1,500 students received rooms in buildings on Nikolo-Kozinskaya, on Stepan Razin and on Kutuzov Street. Naturally, the price for accommodation varies depending on the living conditions. However, it does not exceed a thousand rubles.

– As the chairman of the trade union organization, I monitor the price. The payment in the new hostel is simply ridiculous - 922 rubles per month. In my opinion, these are pennies,” noted Tatyana Sidorova.

There are still free rooms in the new building. They were allocated specifically for student families with children.

Dear students!

Check-in of 1st year students into the dormitory will be organized according to the following schedule:

on the process of settling into a hostel (for a student)

1. From the directorate of the institute 1, take an application form for a dormitory and fill it out.

2. Sign the application from the director/dean or his deputy.

3. Get the application endorsed from the head of the hostel 2 and issue a warrant for settlement. Get acquainted with the hostel.

4. Endorse the application and sign the order from the Vice-Rector for the Development of the Socio-Cultural Environment and Education (Main Building, Room 114). Time: first 15 minutes of every hour.

5. In the cab. 114 (Main Corp.), submit an application, present a warrant and passport. Sign contracts. Receive a receipt for payment of accommodation.

6. Pay for your stay at the cash desk (Main building, 1st floor) or at an ATM. Don't forget to take the receipt!

7. Return to the head of the dormitory. Present a receipt for payment, give a warrant and a medical certificate. Find out information about the registration procedure and the Rules of Residence.

Attention! Before moving into the hostel (item 7) you must:
1. Go to first aid station 3 and issue a medical certificate;
2. Prepare a 3x4 photo.

1 - information on the location of dean’s office employees responsible for the settlement:




Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences (IFMEN)

Institute of Culture and Arts (IKI)

Institute of Management, Economics and Finance (IUEF)

Institute of Humanities and Social Technologies (IGNIST)

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (IPP)

p. Novy, no. 1

Law Institute (YUI)

Institute of Automated Systems and Technologies (IAST)

Institute of Design and Technology (IDT)

2 - information about the location of dormitories

Head of the dormitory


Ogorodnikova Olga Sergeevna

Per. Voskresensky, 17

LapshinaOlga Petrovna

St. Dalnaya, 1

Galyamina Elena Yurievna

Studenchesky proezd, 2

SoshenkoVladimir Vladimirovich

St. Dalnyaya, 1-b

Kolpakova Nelly Gennadievna

st. Lagernaya, 15.

Vikhareva Elena Vitalievna

st. Shchemilovka, 21

3 - check with the directorate employee about the location of the first aid station. For students of IGNIST, YuI, IPP, IKI, the first aid station is located in building “B1”, room. No. 8 (1st floor, to the right, to the end of the corridor). For students of IUEF, IAST, IDT, IFME, the first aid station is located in the main building, room. No. 239 (2nd floor) You need to have with you a passport, SNILS (pension insurance certificate), compulsory health insurance policy, fluorogram results, if they are not in the medical certificate submitted when submitting documents).

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