Short school course of the Russian language. Russian language. A short theoretical course for schoolchildren. Litnevskaya E.I.

Part 1. Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphics and spelling


Russian language today in middle management(grades 5-9) there are three official alternative educational complexes, certified by the Ministry of Education, recommended by it and distributed to school libraries.

Complex 1 is an educational complex (authors: M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L. T. Grigoryan and others for grades 5-7 and S. G. Barkhudarov, S. E. Kryuchkov, L. Yu . Maksimov, L. A. Cheshko for grades 8 and 9), reprinted more than 20 times by 2000; today this complex continues to be the most widespread.

Complex 2 is an educational complex edited by V.V. Babaytseva, which appeared in the early 90s.

Complex 3, edited by M. M. Razumovskaya and P. A. Lekant, began publication in 1995.

These complexes have no conceptual differences: the material is structured at levels from phonetics to syntax and is “diluted” with spelling, punctuation and speech development. However, some discrepancies in the theory (transcription system, status of formative suffixes, system of parts of speech, description of phrases and types subordinate clauses), terminology and the order of sections create tangible difficulties both for the student (especially when moving from school to school) and for creating a program for admission to a philological university.

It is also necessary to keep in mind the possibility of teaching in a number of schools in alternative and experimental curriculum, which represent a significantly modified Russian language course. Unfortunately, in lately appeared large number educational literature extremely dubious quality.

A feature of this stage of development high school is that after a long break the Russian language in high school introduced as a compulsory subject.

Existing programs and manuals intended for studying the Russian language in grades 10-11 can be divided into several groups: programs in which practical significance Russian language as an academic subject (spelling-punctuation or speech), and programs in which the main emphasis is on strengthening the theoretical base, its systematization (for the humanities or - already - philological profile).

There are programs and benefits for each of these types. Manuals with a practical spelling and punctuation focus include, for example, “A Manual for Russian Language Classes in High School” by V. F. Grekov, S. E. Kryuchkov, L. A. Cheshko, which has already gone through about 40 reprints. Purely practical orientation They also have manuals by D. E. Rosenthal “Russian language. 10-11 grades. Manual for general education educational institutions", "Russian language for high school students and those entering universities", "Russian language. A collection of exercises for high school students and those entering universities.”

The second group includes programs and benefits with an enhanced speech focus. This is A.I. Vlasenkov’s program “Russian language. grades 10-11”, provided with a manual for students “Russian language: Grammar. Text. Styles of Speech” by A. I. Vlasenkova and L. M. Rybchenkova (published since 1996).

The third group includes programs and manuals with a strong theoretical orientation. The main user of these programs is the future philologist, who, due to the variety of programs and textbooks for high school, often receives conflicting information about the language. The future philologist needs a systematizing course that can become an intermediate link in a single “school-university” chain and ensure the continuity and continuity of teaching the Russian language. Especially for senior classes of gymnasiums, humanitarian lyceums on Faculty of Philology Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov created a program for a systematizing course in the Russian language, repeating, generalizing and deepening students’ knowledge of language theory, developing students’ skills and abilities to work with language material of different levels of complexity. The program is provided with a textbook “Russian language: A textbook for in-depth study in high school" in 2 volumes, authors V. A. Bagryantseva, E. M. Bolycheva, I. V. Galaktionova, L. A. Zhdanova, E. I. Litnevskaya (M., 2000).

In addition, in high school, the Russian language course is often replaced by a course in stylistics, rhetoric, or literature.

Such a variety of textbooks and teaching aids on the Russian language acutely raises the question of the need for repeating and generalizing materials on the Russian language. The proposed materials systematize and summarize information about the Russian language as a language system, presented in three main educational complexes, commenting on the differences between them if necessary. Spelling and punctuation are included in the proposed materials only in a theoretically generalized form; specific spelling and punctuation rules are not considered.

Linguistics as a science. Main branches of the science of language

Linguistic science is represented in school study by the following sections studying modern Russian literary language:


Lexicology (in the school course traditionally called vocabulary and including material on lexicology and phraseology),

Morphemics and word formation (called in different complexes, depending on their specificity, either morphemics or word formation),



Sections such as graphics and spelling are usually not studied independently, but are combined with other sections. Thus, graphics are traditionally studied together with phonetics, spelling - throughout the study of phonetics, word formation and morphology.

Lexicography is not studied as an independent section; Information about dictionaries is presented in the main sections.

Stylistics is studied during lessons on speech development.

Punctuation is studied in conjunction with the syntax section.

Branches of linguistics describe language from different angles, i.e., they have their own object of study:

phonetics - sounding speech,

morphemics - the composition of a word,

word formation - word derivation,

lexicology - vocabulary of a language,

morphology - words as parts of speech,

syntax - phrases and sentences.

Morphology and syntax make up grammar.

Modern Russian literary language

The object of study of all sections of the science of the Russian language at school is the modern Russian literary language.

Modern is a language that we understand without a dictionary and which we use in communication. These two aspects of language use are not the same.

It is generally accepted that without a “translator” (dictionary, reference book, commentator) we understand the language starting with the works of A. S. Pushkin, however, many expressions used by the great poet and other writers and thinkers of the 19th and early 20th centuries modern man will not use, and some will not understand; In addition, we read the texts of the 19th century in modern spelling, and not in the one that was in force at the time of their writing. Nevertheless, most of the sentences from the Russian work classical literature of this time correspond to the norms of the modern Russian language and can be used as illustrative material.

If we understand the term " modern language“As a language that we understand and use, then the language must be recognized as modern starting from the second half of the twentieth century. But even during this historical period, significant changes occurred in the language, especially in its vocabulary: many neologisms appeared, many words became passive vocabulary(see lexicology section).

Thus, the term “modern language” is understood in two meanings:

1) the language we understand without a dictionary is the language from Pushkin;

2) the language we use is the language from the middle of the 20th century.

Russian language is the language of the Russian people and the Russian nation. It belongs to the group of East Slavic languages ​​and stood out in the XIV - XV centuries along with Ukrainian and Belarusian language from a common ancestor language - the Old Russian (East Slavic) language.

Literary language is the language of culture and the language of communication of cultural people. The hallmarks of a literary language are its normalization (the presence language norm) and codification.

Literary norm - a set of rules for selection and use linguistic means in a given society in a given era. It serves for uniformity in the use of linguistic means (identical and therefore understandable pronunciation, spelling and word usage), filters the flow of borrowings, jargon, dialectisms; restrains the excessively rapid development of the literary language to ensure the continuity of speech culture.

Codification is the fixation of language norms in written and oral sources (dictionaries, reference books, textbooks, speech of cultural people).

Literary language is part of the national language, which also includes dialects, professional vocabulary, jargon, and urban vernacular.

Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphics and

Moscow: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2006 - 240 p.

The manual contains a systematic presentation of all sections of the Russian Language course with an overview of the material presented in three educational complexes, as well as diagrams and samples of analysis of all linguistic units and comments on these analyses. The purpose of the manual is to generalize and systematize students' knowledge about language and speech.

The manual is compiled in accordance with the theoretical principles adopted in pre-university training at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.

For high school students, applicants and teachers.

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Table of contents
Part 1. Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphics and spelling
Linguistics as a science. Main branches of the science of language
Modern Russian literary language
Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphics and spelling
Sound and letter
Phonetic transcription
Formation of vowels and consonants
Vowel sounds and vowel letters Stressed vowels
Unstressed vowels
Consonants and consonants
Voiceless and voiced consonants
Positional stun/voicing
Reflection of deafness/voicing of consonants in writing
Hard and soft consonants
Positional softening of consonants
Indication of hardness and softness of consonants in writing
Functions and spelling of b and b
Positional assimilation of consonants based on other characteristics. Dissociation of consonants
Simplification of consonant clusters (unpronounceable consonant)
Qualitative and quantitative relationships between letters and sounds in the Russian language
Graphics. Spelling
Writing morphemes (meaningful parts of a word)
Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling
Use of capitals and lowercase letters
Transfer rules
Rules for graphic abbreviations of words
Phonetic analysis
Part 2. Morphemics and word formation
Subject of morphemics. Morpheme. Alternation of vowels and consonants in morphemes
Classification of morphemes in the Russian language
Word-forming morphemes: prefix, suffix
Formative morphemes: ending, formative suffix
Formative suffix. Verb stem modifications
Principles of morphemic word analysis
Algorithm for morphemic division of the stem
Connecting elements in a word (interfixes)
Zero word-forming suffix
Morphemic parsing(analysis of words by composition)
Subject and basic concepts of word formation
Means and method of word formation
Ways of education independent parts speeches
Formation of words by moving from one part of speech to another
Derivative analysis of the word
Reflection morphemic composition words and their word-formation relations in dictionaries
Part 3. Lexicology and lexicography
Lexicology and lexicography
The word as a unit of vocabulary. Meaning of the word
Single and polysemous words. Direct and figurative meanings of the word. Types of portable values
Outdated vocabulary
Common vocabulary and vocabulary of limited use
Special vocabulary
Slang vocabulary
Stylistic layers of vocabulary
Original Russian vocabulary
Borrowed vocabulary
Old Slavonicisms
Speech. Text
Speech styles. Genres of speech
Scientific style
Formal business style
Journalistic style
Artistic style
Conversational style
Types of speech
Part 4. Morphology
Parts of speech in Russian
Classification of nouns by meaning
Animate and inanimate nouns
Rod like morphological feature noun
Number as a morphological feature of a noun
Case as a morphological feature of nouns
Declension of nouns
Morphological analysis of a noun
Classes of adjectives by meaning
Declension of adjectives
Degrees of comparison of adjectives
Completeness/brevity of adjectives
Transition of adjectives from category to category
Morphological analysis of the adjective
Places of numerals by meaning
Digits of numerals by structure
Grammatical features of cardinal numbers
Grammatical features of ordinal numbers
Morphological analysis of the numeral
Pronoun as part of speech
Places of pronouns by meaning
Classifications of pronouns according to grammatical features
Grammatical features of pronouns-nouns
Grammatical features of pronouns-adjectives
Grammatical features of numeral pronouns
Morphological analysis of pronouns
Analysis of pronouns-nouns
Analysis of pronouns-adjectives
Analysis of numeral pronouns
Classification of adverbs by function
Classification of adverbs by meaning
Grammatical features of adverbs
Degrees of comparison of qualitative adverbs with -о/-е
Comparative degree
Condition category
Morphological analysis of the adverb
Indefinite form verb (infinitive)
Transitivity/intransitivity of the verb
Aspect as a morphological feature of a verb
Mood as a morphological feature of a verb
Tense as a morphological feature of a verb
Face as a morphological feature of a verb. Impersonal verbs
Genus. Number. Relationship between verb categories
Morphological analysis of conjugated forms of the verb and infinitive
Dependence of the number of participial forms on transitivity and verb type
Active participles
Passive participles
Participles and verbal adjectives
Morphological analysis of the participle
Analysis of the participle as a verb form:
Analysis of the participle as an independent part of speech:
Morphological analysis of gerunds
Scheme of morphological analysis of gerunds as a verb form:
Scheme of morphological analysis of gerunds as an independent part of speech:
Analysis of gerunds as verb forms:
Analysis of the participle as an independent part of speech:
Functional parts of speech
Morphological analysis of the preposition
Morphological analysis of the union
Morphological analysis of a particle
Part 5. Collocation
Phrase. Connection of words in a phrase
Part 6. Proposal
The sentence as a unit of syntax. Classification of sentences by purpose of utterance and intonation
Members of the sentence. Grammar basis. Classification of offers by quantity grammar basics
Simple sentence
Main members of the proposal
Subject, ways of expressing it
Predicate. Types of predicate
Simple verbal predicate, ways of expressing it
Compound verb predicate
Compound nominal predicate
Features of agreement between the predicate and the subject.
Inconsistent predicate
A one-part sentence, the expression of the main member in it
Definitely personal, indefinitely personal sentences, generalized personal sentences
Impersonal offers
Name sentences
Secondary members of the sentence
Types of secondary members of a sentence. Grammar and syntax question
Definition, ways of expressing it
Addition, ways of expressing it
Circumstance, ways of expressing it. Types of circumstances
Classification of simple sentences by prevalence and completeness
Complex sentences
Homogeneous members of the sentence
Separate members offers
Introductory words, phrases and sentences.
Plug-in structures
Direct and indirect speech
Parsing simple sentence
Sequence of operations during parsing
Ways to emphasize sentence members
Designation of words and phrases that are not parts of the sentence
Description of the complicating members of the sentence
One-part sentences
Complex sentence
Compound sentence
Complex sentence
Classification of types of subordinate clauses
Complex sentences with attributive clauses
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses
Adverbial clauses
Complex sentences with clauses of time
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of reason
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of purpose
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses
Complex sentences with comparative clauses
Complex sentences with clauses of manner of action
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of measure and degree
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses
Types of subordinate clauses in Russian
Complex sentence with two or more subordinate clauses
Non-union complex sentence
Complex syntactic constructions(complex sentences of mixed type)
Parsing complex sentence
Parsing order
Constructing a proposal diagram

Part 1. Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphics and spelling


Russian language today in middle management(grades 5-9) there are three official alternative educational complexes, certified by the Ministry of Education, recommended by it and distributed to school libraries.

Complex 1 is an educational complex (authors: M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L. T. Grigoryan and others for grades 5-7 and S. G. Barkhudarov, S. E. Kryuchkov, L. Yu . Maksimov, L. A. Cheshko for grades 8 and 9), reprinted more than 20 times by 2000; today this complex continues to be the most widespread.

Complex 2 is an educational complex edited by V.V. Babaytseva, which appeared in the early 90s.

Complex 3, edited by M. M. Razumovskaya and P. A. Lekant, began publication in 1995.

These complexes have no conceptual differences: the material is structured at levels from phonetics to syntax and is “diluted” with spelling, punctuation and speech development. However, some discrepancies in theory (transcription system, status of formative suffixes, system of parts of speech, description of phrases and types of subordinate clauses), terminology and the order of sections create tangible difficulties both for the student (especially when moving from school to school) and for the formation programs for admission to a philological university.

It is also necessary to keep in mind the possibility of teaching in a number of schools using alternative and experimental curricula, which represent a significantly modified Russian language course. Unfortunately, recently a large amount of educational literature has appeared of extremely dubious quality.

A feature of this stage of development of secondary school is that after a long break the Russian language in high school introduced as a compulsory subject.

Existing programs and manuals intended for studying the Russian language in grades 10-11 can be divided into several groups: programs in which the practical significance of the Russian language as an academic subject is reinforced (spelling-punctuation or speech), and programs in which the main emphasis made to strengthen the theoretical base, its systematization (for the humanitarian or - already - philological profile).

There are programs and benefits for each of these types. Manuals with a practical spelling and punctuation focus include, for example, “A Manual for Russian Language Classes in High School” by V. F. Grekov, S. E. Kryuchkov, L. A. Cheshko, which has already gone through about 40 reprints. The manuals by D. E. Rosenthal “Russian Language” also have a purely practical orientation. 10-11 grades. A manual for general education institutions”, “Russian language for high school students and those entering universities”, “Russian language. A collection of exercises for high school students and those entering universities.”

The second group includes programs and benefits with an enhanced speech focus. This is A.I. Vlasenkov’s program “Russian language. grades 10-11”, provided with a manual for students “Russian language: Grammar. Text. Styles of Speech” by A. I. Vlasenkova and L. M. Rybchenkova (published since 1996).

The third group includes programs and manuals with a strong theoretical orientation. The main user of these programs is the future philologist, who, due to the variety of programs and textbooks for high school, often receives conflicting information about the language. The future philologist needs a systematizing course that can become an intermediate link in a single “school-university” chain and ensure the continuity and continuity of teaching the Russian language. Especially for senior classes of gymnasiums, humanities lyceums at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov created a program for a systematizing course in the Russian language, repeating, generalizing and deepening students’ knowledge of language theory, developing students’ skills and abilities to work with language material of different levels of complexity. The program is provided with a textbook “Russian language: A textbook for in-depth study in high school” in 2 volumes, authors V. A. Bagryantseva, E. M. Bolycheva, I. V. Galaktionova, L. A. Zhdanova, E. I. Litnevskaya (M., 2000).

In addition, in high school, the Russian language course is often replaced by a course in stylistics, rhetoric, or literature.

Such a variety of textbooks and teaching aids on the Russian language acutely raises the question of the need for repeating and generalizing materials on the Russian language. The proposed materials systematize and summarize information about the Russian language as a language system, presented in three main educational complexes, if necessary, commenting on the differences between them. Spelling and punctuation are included in the proposed materials only in a theoretically generalized form; specific spelling and punctuation rules are not considered.

Linguistics as a science. Main branches of the science of language

Linguistic science is represented in school study by the following sections studying the modern Russian literary language:


Lexicology (in the school course traditionally called vocabulary and including material on lexicology and phraseology),

Morphemics and word formation (called in different complexes, depending on their specificity, either morphemics or word formation),



Sections such as graphics and spelling are usually not studied independently, but are combined with other sections. Thus, graphics are traditionally studied together with phonetics, spelling - throughout the study of phonetics, word formation and morphology.

Lexicography is not studied as an independent section; Information about dictionaries is presented in the main sections.

Stylistics is studied during lessons on speech development.

Punctuation is studied in conjunction with the syntax section.

Branches of linguistics describe language from different angles, i.e., they have their own object of study:

phonetics - sounding speech,

morphemics - the composition of a word,

word formation - word derivation,

lexicology - vocabulary of a language,

morphology - words as parts of speech,

syntax - phrases and sentences.

Morphology and syntax make up grammar.

Modern Russian literary language

The object of study of all sections of the science of the Russian language at school is the modern Russian literary language.

Modern is a language that we understand without a dictionary and which we use in communication. These two aspects of language use are not the same.

It is generally accepted that without a “translator” (dictionary, reference book, commentator) we understand the language starting with the works of A. S. Pushkin, however, modern people will not use many expressions used by the great poet and other writers and thinkers of the 19th and early 20th centuries, and some will not understand; In addition, we read the texts of the 19th century in modern spelling, and not in the one that was in force at the time of their writing. Nevertheless, most of the sentences from the works of Russian classical literature of this time correspond to the norms of the modern Russian language and can be used as illustrative material.

If we understand the term “modern language” as the language that we understand and use, then we must recognize the language as modern starting from the second half of the twentieth century. But even during this historical period, significant changes occurred in the language, especially in its vocabulary: many neologisms appeared, many words passed into the passive vocabulary (see the lexicology section).

Thus, the term “modern language” is understood in two meanings:

1) the language we understand without a dictionary is the language from Pushkin;

2) the language we use is the language from the middle of the 20th century.

Russian language is the language of the Russian people and the Russian nation. It belongs to the group of East Slavic languages ​​and emerged in the 14th - 15th centuries, together with the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages, from a common ancestor language - the Old Russian (East Slavic) language.

Russian language - Brief theoretical course for schoolchildren - Litnevskaya E.I. - 2006.

The manual contains a systematic presentation of all sections of the Russian Language course with an overview of the material presented in three educational complexes, as well as diagrams and samples of analysis of all language units and comments on these analyzes. The purpose of the manual is to generalize and systematize students' knowledge about language and speech.
The manual is compiled in accordance with the theoretical guidelines adopted in pre-university training at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.
For high school students, applicants and teachers.

Part 1. Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphics and spelling
Linguistics as a science. Main branches of the science of language
Modern Russian literary language
Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphics and spelling
Sound and letter
Phonetic transcription
Formation of vowels and consonants
Vowel sounds and vowel letters Stressed vowels
Unstressed vowels
Consonants and consonants
Voiceless and voiced consonants
Positional stun/voicing
Reflection of deafness/voicing of consonants in writing
Hard and soft consonants
Positional softening of consonants
Indication of hardness and softness of consonants in writing
Functions and spelling of b and b
Positional assimilation of consonants based on other characteristics. Dissociation of consonants
Simplification of consonant clusters (unpronounceable consonant)
Qualitative and quantitative relationships between letters and sounds in the Russian language
Graphics. Spelling
Writing morphemes (meaningful parts of a word)
Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling
Use of uppercase and lowercase letters
Transfer rules
Rules for graphic abbreviations of words
Phonetic analysis

Part 2. Morphemics and word formation
Subject of morphemics. Morpheme. Alternation of vowels and consonants in morphemes
Classification of morphemes in the Russian language
Word-forming morphemes: prefix, suffix
Formative morphemes: ending, formative suffix
Formative suffix. Verb stem modifications
Principles of morphemic word analysis
Algorithm for morphemic division of the stem
Connecting elements in a word (interfixes)
Zero word-forming suffix
Morphemic analysis (analysis of a word by composition)
Subject and basic concepts of word formation
Means and method of word formation
Methods of forming independent parts of speech
Formation of words by moving from one part of speech to another
Derivative analysis of the word
Reflection of the morphemic composition of a word and its word-formation relations in dictionaries

Part 3. Lexicology and lexicography
Lexicology and lexicography
The word as a unit of vocabulary. Meaning of the word
Single and polysemous words. Direct and figurative meanings of the word. Types of portable values
Outdated vocabulary
Common vocabulary and vocabulary of limited use
Special vocabulary
Slang vocabulary
Stylistic layers of vocabulary
Original Russian vocabulary
Borrowed vocabulary
Old Slavonicisms
Speech. Text
Speech styles. Genres of speech
Scientific style
Formal business style
Journalistic style
Artistic style
Conversational style
Types of speech

Part 4. Morphology
Parts of speech in Russian
Classification of nouns by meaning
Animate and inanimate nouns
Gender as a morphological feature of a noun
Number as a morphological feature of a noun
Case as a morphological feature of nouns
Declension of nouns
Morphological analysis of a noun
Classes of adjectives by meaning
Declension of adjectives
Degrees of comparison of adjectives
Completeness/brevity of adjectives
Transition of adjectives from category to category
Morphological analysis of the adjective
Places of numerals by meaning
Digits of numerals by structure
Grammatical features of cardinal numbers
Grammatical features of ordinal numbers
Morphological analysis of the numeral
Pronoun as part of speech
Places of pronouns by meaning
Classifications of pronouns according to grammatical features
Grammatical features of pronouns-nouns
Grammatical features of pronouns-adjectives
Grammatical features of numeral pronouns
Morphological analysis of pronouns
Analysis of pronouns-nouns
Analysis of pronouns-adjectives
Analysis of numeral pronouns
Classification of adverbs by function
Classification of adverbs by meaning
Grammatical features of adverbs
Degrees of comparison of qualitative adverbs with -о/-е
Comparative degree
Condition category
Morphological analysis of the adverb
Indefinite verb form (infinitive)
Transitivity/intransitivity of the verb
Aspect as a morphological feature of a verb
Mood as a morphological feature of a verb
Tense as a morphological feature of a verb
Face as a morphological feature of a verb. Impersonal verbs
Genus. Number. Relationship between verb categories
Morphological analysis of conjugated forms of the verb and infinitive
Dependence of the number of participial forms on transitivity and verb type
Active participles
Passive participles
Participles and verbal adjectives
Morphological analysis of the participle
Analysis of the participle as a verb form:
Analysis of the participle as an independent part of speech:
Morphological analysis of gerunds
Scheme of morphological analysis of gerunds as a verb form:
Scheme of morphological analysis of gerunds as an independent part of speech:
Analysis of gerunds as verb forms:
Analysis of the participle as an independent part of speech:
Functional parts of speech
Morphological analysis of the preposition
Morphological analysis of the union
Morphological analysis of a particle

Part 5. Collocation
Phrase. Connection of words in a phrase

Part 6. Offer
The sentence as a unit of syntax. Classification of sentences by purpose of utterance and intonation
Members of the sentence. Grammar basis. Classification of sentences by the number of grammatical stems
Simple sentence
Main members of the proposal
Subject, ways of expressing it
Predicate. Types of predicate
Simple verbal predicate, ways of expressing it
Compound verb predicate
Compound nominal predicate
Features of agreement between the predicate and the subject.
Inconsistent predicate
A one-part sentence, the expression of the main member in it
Definitely personal, indefinitely personal sentences, generalized personal sentences
Impersonal offers
Name sentences
Secondary members of the sentence
Types of secondary members of a sentence. Grammar and syntax question
Definition, ways of expressing it
Addition, ways of expressing it
Circumstance, ways of expressing it. Types of circumstances
Classification of simple sentences by prevalence and completeness
Complex sentences
Homogeneous members of the sentence
Separate members of the sentence
Introductory words, phrases and sentences.
Plug-in structures
Direct and indirect speech
Parsing a simple sentence
Sequence of operations during parsing
Ways to emphasize sentence members
Designation of words and phrases that are not parts of the sentence
Description of the complicating members of the sentence
One-part sentences
Complex sentence
Compound sentence
Complex sentence
Classification of types of subordinate clauses
Complex sentences with attributive clauses
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses
Adverbial clauses
Complex sentences with clauses of time
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of reason
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses
Complex sentences with comparative clauses
Complex sentences with clauses of manner of action
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of measure and degree
Complex sentences with subordinate clauses
Types of subordinate clauses in Russian
Complex sentence with two or more subordinate clauses
Non-union complex sentence
Complex syntactic structures (complex sentences of mixed type)
Parsing a complex sentence
Parsing order
Constructing a proposal diagram

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