Criteria for assessing final qualifying work at a university. Criteria for assessing final qualifying work. Practical orientation of the WRC

The assessment of the WRC is carried out in two stages

Stage 1. Preliminary assessment of VKR.

Preliminary assessment is carried out by a reviewer. The reviewer, based on the criteria specified in section 1 of table - 3.1, assigns a rating according to 4 levels:

    excellent - all criteria are fully met;

    good - almost all criteria are met;

    satisfactory - the criteria are not fully met;

    unsatisfactory - criteria are not met.

Table -3.1 Evaluation criteria

Name and description of evaluation criteria

Codes of competences tested using the criterion

(see Curriculum)

SECTION 1. Criteria for assessing the implementation of high-tech work

The validity of the choice of topic and the accuracy of the formulation of goals and objectives

the validity of the choice of topic, the accuracy of the formulation of the goals and objectives of the work; relevance and completeness of disclosure of the stated topic; compliance of the title of the work, the stated goals and objectives with the content of the work.

Logical and structured text of the work

writing logic and the presence of all structural parts of the work; the relationship between the structural parts of the work, theoretical and practical content.

Quality of analysis and solution to the task

the ability to formulate and competently present the problem of research and development work and propose options for its solution; completeness of task implementation.

Quality of selection and description of information used

quality of choice of research tools; reliability of data and their adequacy to the tools used; completeness and relevance of the list of references.

Research nature of the WRC

independent approach to solving a given problem/task; development of your own approach to solving a given standard/non-standard problem.

Practical orientation of the WRC

connection between the theoretical principles discussed in the work and international and/or Russian practice; development of practical recommendations, justification and interpretation of the obtained empirical/practical results.

Quality of work design

design of the work in accordance with the requirements set out above (correct design of individual elements of the text - paragraphs of text, headings, formulas, tables, pictures - and links to them; maintaining the levels of headings and subheadings; presence in the text of references to works and sources indicated in the list of references, etc.).

SECTION 2. Criteria for assessing VCR protection

Presentation of work

the ability to present work, outlining the main tasks and results obtained in a limited time.

Completeness and accuracy of answers to questions

Stage 2. VKR assessment State Examination Commission (SEC).

The overall grade for the final qualifying work is determined by members of the state examination commission on a collegial basis, taking into account the correspondence of the content to the stated topic, the depth of its disclosure, compliance of the design with accepted standards, the student’s ability to demonstrate his own vision of the problem and the ability to defend it motivatedly, mastery of theoretical material, demonstrated during the defense. the ability to competently present it and reasonably answer the questions posed, based on the criteria specified in section 1 (criteria for assessing the implementation of scientific and scientific research) and section 2 (criteria for assessing the protection of scientific research) of Table 3.1. The State Examination Committee issues a single assessment, agreed upon by all members of the commission, at 4 levels. The final grade is given taking into account the reviewer's assessment.

Grades for final qualifying works are given by members of the examination commission at a closed meeting and announced to graduating students on the same day after signing the corresponding minutes of the commission meeting.

The assessment of the WRC is carried out in two stages

Stage 1. Preliminary assessment of VKR.

Preliminary assessment is carried out by a reviewer. The reviewer, based on the criteria specified in section 1 of table - 3.1, assigns a rating according to 4 levels:

    excellent - all criteria are fully met;

    good - almost all criteria are met;

    satisfactory - the criteria are not fully met;

    unsatisfactory - criteria are not met.

Table -3.1 Evaluation criteria

Name and description of evaluation criteria

Codes of competences tested using the criterion

(see Curriculum)

SECTION 1. Criteria for assessing the implementation of high-tech work

The validity of the choice of topic and the accuracy of the formulation of goals and objectives

the validity of the choice of topic, the accuracy of the formulation of the goals and objectives of the work; relevance and completeness of disclosure of the stated topic; compliance of the title of the work, the stated goals and objectives with the content of the work.

Logical and structured text of the work

writing logic and the presence of all structural parts of the work; the relationship between the structural parts of the work, theoretical and practical content.

Quality of analysis and solution to the task

the ability to formulate and competently present the problem of research and development work and propose options for its solution; completeness of task implementation.

Quality of selection and description of information used

quality of choice of research tools; reliability of data and their adequacy to the tools used; completeness and relevance of the list of references.

Research nature of the WRC

independent approach to solving a given problem/task; development of your own approach to solving a given standard/non-standard problem.

Practical orientation of the WRC

connection between the theoretical principles discussed in the work and international and/or Russian practice; development of practical recommendations, justification and interpretation of the obtained empirical/practical results.

Quality of work design

design of the work in accordance with the requirements set out above (correct design of individual elements of the text - paragraphs of text, headings, formulas, tables, pictures - and links to them; maintaining the levels of headings and subheadings; presence in the text of references to works and sources indicated in the list of references, etc.).

SECTION 2. Criteria for assessing VCR protection

Presentation of work

the ability to present work, outlining the main tasks and results obtained in a limited time.

Completeness and accuracy of answers to questions

Stage 2. VKR assessment State Examination Commission (SEC).

The overall grade for the final qualifying work is determined by members of the state examination commission on a collegial basis, taking into account the correspondence of the content to the stated topic, the depth of its disclosure, compliance of the design with accepted standards, the student’s ability to demonstrate his own vision of the problem and the ability to defend it motivatedly, mastery of theoretical material, demonstrated during the defense. the ability to competently present it and reasonably answer the questions posed, based on the criteria specified in section 1 (criteria for assessing the implementation of scientific and scientific research) and section 2 (criteria for assessing the protection of scientific research) of Table 3.1. The State Examination Committee issues a single assessment, agreed upon by all members of the commission, at 4 levels. The final grade is given taking into account the reviewer's assessment.

Grades for final qualifying works are given by members of the examination commission at a closed meeting and announced to graduating students on the same day after signing the corresponding minutes of the commission meeting.

Defense of the work is the final stage of the state final certification. It is carried out at a meeting of the state examination commission for the defense of the thesis.

The work done by a student (several students together) is work performed demonstrating the graduate’s level of preparedness for independent professional activity.

Independent professional activities of graduates are defined in section “3. Characteristics of the professional activities of graduates who have completed the bachelor’s program” and the corresponding sections of the general educational program.

Section 3 has the following subsections:

3.1. Area of ​​professional activity

3.2. Objects of professional activity of graduates;

3.3. Type of professional activity for which graduates are prepared;

3.4. Objectives of professional activity

In accordance with this, the main indicators and criteria for assessing the content of the thesis are:

Indicator – Area of ​​professional activity reflected in the VKR. Criterion – corresponds (does not correspond) to the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education.

Indicator – The object of professional activity reflected in the VKR. Criterion – corresponds (does not correspond) to the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education.

Indicator - Type of professional activity inherent in professional development. Criterion – the type of professional activity corresponds (does not correspond) to the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education.

Indicator – The graduate’s readiness to solve professional problems corresponding to the type of professional activity. Criterion – the problem solved in the WRC corresponds (does not correspond) to the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education.

The following indicators and their criteria are proposed as additional to the main indicators:

Compliance of the VKR with the professional standard (if any). Criterion – yes (no).

Relevance of the topic of work. Criterion – the topic of the WRC is relevant (not relevant).

Correctness of the problem statement. Criterion – the task is posed correctly (not correctly).

Correct use of research methods, techniques, technologies and models. Criterion – the research methods, techniques, technologies and models used are correct (incorrect).

Originality and novelty of the results obtained, scientific or production and technological solutions. Criterion – the research methods, techniques, technologies and models used have originality and novelty (do not have originality and novelty).

Possibility of using work results in practice. Criterion – using the results of the work in practice is possible (not possible).

The rating scale for VKR protection is “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory”.

In general, the level of preparedness of a graduate for independent professional activity is assessed by the state examination commission:

On " Great non-standard situation regarding original algorithm without errors;

On " Fine» – with the graduate’s readiness (ability) to solve the problems of professional activity in non-standard situation regarding famous algorithm without errors;

On " satisfactorily“if the graduate, during the defense of the thesis, demonstrates a set of knowledge and skills, indicating his readiness (ability) to solve the problems of professional activity in typical situations according to famous algorithm without fundamental errors.

If the assessment is positive, the state examination commission makes a decision to assign the graduate the qualifications specified in the university license.

Failure to comply with the above criteria means that the level of preparedness of the graduate for independent professional activity does not meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, which entails an assessment "unsatisfactory" and failure to assign him qualifications corresponding to this educational program.

Structure of final qualifying work

The final qualifying work has the following structure:

1. Title page.

2. Assignment for the master's project.


5. Main part.

6. Conclusion.

7.List of sources used.

8. Applications, including illustrations.

The given sections of the thesis must follow in a strictly specified order.

The subject matter of the thesis must be relevant, correspond to the current state and prospects for the development of science, and orient the student towards the effective solution of problems in the field of finance and credit.

The formulation of the topic of the work must correspond to the content, goals and objectives of the WRC;

Research and analytical nature of the work;

Specificity of setting work objectives;

Practical significance;

Application of modern methodology and scientific research methods;

Justification of the results of the work in its content.

Requirement for research and analytical focus of work means that the final qualifying work should not be descriptive in nature, or represent a retelling of existing publications on the stated topic. On the topic of research and development work chosen by the student, an analysis of the current state of the problem should be carried out, cause-and-effect relationships should be established, the necessary explanations given, trends and patterns identified, conclusions drawn, specific tasks set and recommendations given.

In addition to deep theoretical knowledge in the work, the student must demonstrate the ability to independently creatively solve practical issues in the field of finance and credit, taking into account the latest legislative and regulatory acts, instructions, regulations and methods on the problem under study.

Requirement of practical significance of the work boils down to the fact that the work must be performed on the basis of specific materials collected by the student during practice. Based on the collected materials, the student must conduct an analysis of the problem under consideration, carry out the calculations necessary to solve the problems, make generalizations and conclusions, and justify specific recommendations relevant to the topic under consideration.

Application of modern methodology and scientific research methods means that the work should be based on modern scientific methodology (i.e., a system of categories, principles, laws and methods) for conducting research.

When presenting the material of the WRC, a logical sequence and correct presentation should be observed, taking into account the terminology accepted in the subject area of ​​the work.

Front page is the first page of the document and serves as a source of information necessary for processing and searching for the document. A title page template is provided in Appendix 1.

Assignment for the VKR contains its topic, approved by order of the rector. An example of completing an assignment for a high-level research project is given in Appendix 2.

In this case, headings, their heading indexes and indicated page numbers must be given in strict accordance with the text. Only the main chapters and subsections of the thesis are numbered with indices. The introduction, conclusion, list of sources used and appendices as independent sections of the thesis are not numbered.

Below is a conditional version of the content of the thesis:

1.1. Local budget as the economic basis of local self-government……………………………………………………………….. ............
1.2. Formation of local budget revenues in the Russian Federation…………….
1.3. The procedure for carrying out local budget expenditures………...
2.1. General characteristics of the municipal formation “Rzhevsky district”…………………………………………………………....
2.2. Analysis of local budget revenues of the Rzhevsky district in 2012-2014. ........................................................ ........................................................ .......
2.3. Analysis of the expenditure side of the budget of the Rzhevsky district in 2012-2014. ........................................................ ........................................................ .......
2.4. Problems of generating revenues and implementing budget expenditures of the Rzhevsky district and ways to solve them.................................................... ......
CONCLUSION................................................. ...........................................
LIST OF SOURCES USED....................................................
APPLICATIONS........................................................ ...........................................

Introduction(2-4 pages) should contain:

Justification for choosing the topic of the WRC, its definition relevance, practical significance for the organization of finance at the micro and macro levels;

Wording object And subject research. The object of research is a direction of calculation-economic or analytical activity (in the case of a general theoretical topic of work) or a real economic entity, on the example of which the thesis was carried out (in the case of an applied topic). The subject of the research is directly related to the title and purpose of a specific graduate work and characterizes the connections, dependencies, and relationships that reflect the subject of the research. For example, the object of the study is LLC XXX, and the subject of the study is the financial relations that arise in the process of formation and use of financial resources in this organization.

Wording goals And tasks research. The purpose of the thesis in a brief form (one or two sentences) sets out the content of the future work. The objectives of the thesis detail the goal, are formulated in accordance with the work plan, and also serve as a guide for assessing the completeness and integrity of the completed research.

- Scientific information base The thesis, which reflects the state of knowledge of the topic of the work and contains a short list of the main legal acts regulating the topic of the thesis, and also lists the full names of 4-5 authors from the list of sources used, whose works are devoted to the topic being studied.

An overview description of the chapters of the thesis (the structure of the thesis indicating the technical abstract, the following content: “The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used, applications (if any).” You should also briefly outline the content of the chapters of the thesis (the volume of descriptions – one, two paragraphs per chapter). The following phrase follows: “The main part of the work (without appendices) consists of * pages, includes * figures, * tables. The list of used sources contains * titles. The volume of appendices is * pages. - * pages.”

The structure of the introduction should follow the above order. In this case, it is also necessary to highlight in the text italic font marked keywords.

Main part The work must contain materials reflecting the essence and results of the research. It is recommended to divide this part into 2 chapters. In turn, each chapter can include 2-5 sections. It is not recommended to increase the number of sections, as this can lead to a significant increase in the volume of the research project. The work should not be divided into subsections of a lower level. However, in the text of the work, you can reflect the logical structure of individual narrative issues by citing headings that are not indexed in the first sentence of a paragraph or on a separate line, highlighting them in font (for example, as is done in this paragraph). Such subheadings are not included in the main content of the work.

The volume of the main part of the thesis should be within 50 – 60 pages. In this case, you should evenly distribute the amount of work between paragraphs, keeping them within the range of 5–10 pages.

In the first chapter are being considered theoretical the fundamentals of the problem under study, the main (general) trends in the development of the phenomenon (process) being studied, i.e. a theoretical justification is made on the main issues and research methodology. For example, an analysis of basic concepts and terms, a review and systematization of literature, legal regulation, financial, economic and economic-statistical apparatus, etc. are carried out.

A description of all issues of methodological support on the chosen topic of work should also be provided; it is possible to consider international experience in the field under study.

As an example of the title of the first chapter of the work, we can suggest the following: “Theoretical and legal foundations for analyzing the probability of bankruptcy of an enterprise in the Russian Federation.”

The volume of the first chapter, as a rule, should not exceed 40% of the total volume of the work.

In the second chapter should reveal the practical issues of the research conducted at the WRC. If the work is carried out using the example of a specific enterprise, in order to emphasize the applied aspect of the chapter, the name of the research object should be clearly indicated in its title, for example, “Analysis of the probability of bankruptcy of LLC XXX.” In this case, in the first paragraph of the chapter it is necessary to give a brief organizational and economic description of the object (enterprise) under study. However, the content of the second chapter of the work should not contain consideration of issues of a general economic nature, the specifics of legal and regulatory regulation, and the analysis methods used. This chapter provides direct results of the study using the example of the enterprise or organization in question. The material in the second chapter should contain the bulk of examples, calculated indicators, tabular and illustrative material.

In the last paragraph of the second chapter, the problems identified as a result of the analysis should be identified and issues of improving the organization of finances at the object of study should be considered, and basic recommendations and proposals for solving the identified problems should be formulated.

When writing the chapters of the main part of the thesis, special attention should be paid to the stylistically and grammatically correct formatting of the text, the use of professional vocabulary and special terms. The thesis material must be extensively accompanied by tabular and illustrative material. A sufficient number of figures and tables can subsequently significantly simplify the preparation of presentation materials for the defense of the thesis.

The volume of the second chapter should not exceed 40% of the total volume of the work.

In conclusion The thesis, 3–4 pages long, contains a brief summary of the research performed. Using the results of the main part of the work, a justification for solving the tasks should be provided. However, you should not repeat the previously presented numerous numerical calculation results or a detailed description of methodological recommendations. It is enough just to highlight the main points of the conclusions and indicate the values ​​of the most important indicators. The conclusion should not contain figures, formulas or tables.

List of sources used must include a numbered list of all printed publications and electronic information resources, materials used in the thesis. When using the results of completed coursework (projects) in work, the latter are also included in the list of sources as manuscripts. Citing a source in the list is possible only if there is at least one link to it in the text of the work. Falsification of references in the thesis is not acceptable. Rules for formatting links and a list of sources are given in the next section.

When illustrating individual provisions of the thesis with numerical data from reference books, textbooks, monographs and other sources, as well as quoting or freely paraphrasing the fundamental provisions of other authors, it is necessary to make references to the relevant sources. The presence of such references not only does not detract from the student’s merits, but also emphasizes his scientific integrity and makes the work more convincing. Unspecified borrowings of the thoughts of other authors reduce the quality of the work, turning it from a form of creativity into a product of compilation.

When preparing your thesis, special attention should be paid to the relevance of the legislative and regulatory framework used for the research. All codes, laws, regulations of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as other regulatory documents mentioned in the work must be cited indicating the date of adoption and the date of the last edition and sources of publication.

It is necessary to take a balanced approach to the inclusion of materials from the literature in the text of the thesis. You should not excessively expand the list of sources used through single references to publications not directly related to the topic of the work. The optimal size of the list of sources is 30 – 40 items. At the same time, the list includes educational literature and articles from periodicals published in the last five years before the date of defense of the thesis. It is possible to use materials from monographs and other scientific publications with an earlier date of publication if their content is mentioned in a historical or general theoretical context.

The illustrative part of the thesis is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the relevant standards.

It is allowed to present the illustrative part in A2, A3, A4 formats when using the appropriate scales.

Parameter name Meaning
Rubric (thematic category) Management

The criteria for assessing the final qualifying work, as well as the process of its open defense before the State Attestation Commission, are based on the full list of requirements for a graduate established by the current state educational standard of higher professional education in the field of training 08.02.00 - Management, and taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MAMI (Humanitarian-Economic Institute named after V.S. Chernomyrdin).

The assessment of the VCR, as well as the procedures for its protection in the State Attestation Commission, is carried out by:

Supervisor of a graduate student in the preparation of his graduate work;


Members of the SAC taking part in the meeting at which the defense of the WRC takes place.

To receive a grade, a student must demonstrate:

Excellent. The relevance of the WRC topic is substantiated. The content of the work fully reveals the stated topic. The structure of the work logically reveals the methods of achieving the goal and the sequence of solving the assigned tasks. The recommendations proposed in the work are formulated personally by the author, and reflect the requirements of current regulatory documents and contain modern methods of solution. The work fully complies with the current requirements for the registration of the thesis, established by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MAMI (Humanitarian-Economic Institute named after V.S. Chernomyrdin). The bibliographic list is designed in accordance with the requirements of the state standard and corresponds to the topic of the study.

The report on the provisions of the WRC was carried out at a high level. The author demonstrated an understanding of the problem, mastery of modern computing equipment, and the ability to promptly answer questions from members of the State Attestation Committee.

OK. Shortcomings have been identified in substantiating the relevance of the WRC topic. The content of the work sufficiently reveals the stated topic of the work, the structure of the work is logical, the goals and objectives are justified. The text of the work reveals the sequence of solving the tasks. The recommendations proposed in the work were formulated with the direct participation of the author (for example, together with the head of the research and development work), and reflect the requirements of current regulatory documents and contain modern solution methods. The work fully complies with the current requirements for registration of the thesis, established by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MAMI (Humanitarian-Economic Institute named after V.S. Chernomyrdin). The list of used literature is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the state standard and corresponds to the topic of the study.

The report on the provisions of the WRC was completed at a good level. The author demonstrated an understanding of the problem, mastery of the basics of modern computing, and was able to quickly answer most of his opponents’ questions.

SATISFACTORY. In justifying the relevance of the topic of the WRC, there are references to outdated norms. The content of the work as a whole reveals the stated topic, however, the description of some issues is missing or insufficiently complete. The structure of the work has a logical connection between the sections, however, there are significant comments regarding the disclosure of methods for achieving the goal and the sequence of solving the assigned tasks. The proposals considered in the work were not formulated by the author (for example, ideas described in periodicals were used) and do not always comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents. Methods for solving problems posed in the WRC are not relevant in modern conditions. The work fully complies with the current requirements for the registration of the thesis, established by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MAMI (Humanitarian-Economic Institute named after V.S. Chernomyrdin). The list of used literature is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the state standard and corresponds to the topic of the study.

The report on the provisions of the WRC was completed at a satisfactory level. The author has not demonstrated a full understanding of the problem. He showed mastery of the basics of modern computing and also managed to answer most of the questions of the members of the State Attestation Committee.

unsatisfactory- the content of the work does not disclose the stated topic of the thesis or does not correspond to the stated goals and objectives. The text of the work is of a compilative nature, conclusions on the work are missing or not sufficiently substantiated, the work was not provided within the deadlines established by the department.

Below the threshold value, which in the current scoring system does not correspond to a score of 3 points, lies the area of ​​non-compliance of the graduate’s level of training with the requirements of the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education in the field of training 02/08/00 - Management, which entails not awarding him a bachelor’s degree.

The criteria for grading by members of the State Attestation Committee are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 - Criteria for assessing BR by members of the State Attestation Commission

The formation of the final assessment of the BR by each member of the SAC is carried out according to the scheme presented in Table 4:

Table 4 - Methodology for determining the assessment in the protocol of a member of the State Attestation Commission

At the end of the defense, the State Attestation Committee discusses the results of the defense in a closed meeting. The final grade for BR is assigned based on the determination of the arithmetic average grade of all members of the State Attestation Committee and taking into account the student’s academic performance while studying at the university. In case of disagreement between the members of the SAC, the decision on the final assessment of the BR is achieved by a simple vote by a majority of votes, it should be taken into account that the members of the SAC have one vote, the chairman of the SAC has two votes.

The final score for BR is given in the protocol. Members of the State Attestation Committee can note: the degree of development of the problem, the scientific novelty and practical value of the work, the presence of independent developments by the author, etc.

Based on the results of BR protection, the SAC can:

The results of the SAC meeting are announced publicly. The State Attestation Commission decides to assign appropriate qualifications to graduates.

If a student does not agree with the decision of the State Attestation Committee, he, within 3 hours after the end of the defense procedure, can submit an appeal to the chairman of the State Attestation Committee in the form of a written statement, which must state the reasons for the disagreement and provide reasonable arguments. The SAC, at an unscheduled meeting, must consider this application within 24 hours and make a decision on it. The decision of the SAC on the appeal is communicated to the student in writing.

CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING VKR - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION OF VKR" 2017, 2018.

The structure of the work should be logical and consistent with the goal. Its conclusion should present clear, substantiated conclusions that contribute to the resolution of the problem posed and outline prospects for its further development. The work must be written in literary language, carefully verified, the scientific reference apparatus must comply with current GOSTs and these recommendations, contain applications in the form of diagrams, tables, graphs, illustrations, etc. The student’s introductory speech should be brief and logical, contain the main provisions of the thesis, as well as clear and reasoned answers to questions from members of the State Examination Committee.

When determining the grade for defending a final qualifying thesis, the following are taken into account:

Compliance of the work with general requirements;

Graduate report on each section of the work;

Answers to questions;

Reviewer rating;

Feedback from the manager.

Final assessment of the WRC consists of a set of criteria taken into account by the State Examination Committee and is graded on the following scale: “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”.

General criteria for the final assessment of the protection of VRC:

“5” (excellent) – the work fully complies with the general requirements for thesis (target focus, depth of research and completeness of coverage of the issue, evidence of conclusions and validity of recommendations, competent design); when defending, the graduate presents the material competently, specifically and in a logical sequence, provides convincing arguments, and fully answers the commission’s questions; review and review contain a recommended rating of “excellent”

“4” (good) – the work generally complies with the general requirements for the thesis (target focus, depth of research and completeness of coverage of the issue, evidence of conclusions and validity of recommendations, competent design); when defending, the graduate presents the material competently, specifically and in a logical sequence, gives a convincing argument, and generally answers the questions of the commission; review and (or) review contain a recommended rating of no lower than “good”

“3” (satisfactory) – the work does not fully comply with the general requirements for the thesis (target focus, depth of research and completeness of coverage of the issue, evidence of conclusions and validity of recommendations, competent design); when defending, the graduate presents the material in a logical sequence and answers the commission’s questions hesitantly;

“2” (unsatisfactory) – the work does not fully comply with the general requirements for the thesis (target focus, depth of research and completeness of coverage of the issue, evidence of conclusions and validity of recommendations, competent design); during the defense, the graduate presents the material in a weak logical sequence, does not answer all the questions of the commission, the answers are inaccurate, uncertain;

For scientific supervisor student are:

Clarity of the theoretical and practical parts of the study.

Validity of problem solutions, problem analysis.

Interrelation of tasks to be solved

Quality of work design (general level of literacy, compliance with standards)

Reasonedness of conclusions (by chapters and in the conclusion of the work)

Application of computer technologies at work

Degree of independence, discipline

Criterion "Great" "Fine" "Satisfied." "Unsatisfied."
1. Clarity of the theoretical and practical parts of the study Sufficient clarity of both components Sufficient clarity of theoretical components and insufficient experimental Sufficient clarity of experimental components and insufficient theoretical The clarity of individual concepts is vague, there is no theoretical justification
2. Validity of solutions to the research problem, analysis of the problem The solution to the problem is justified completely and thoroughly, the problem analysis is complete The solution to the problem is justified, the analysis of the problem is not complete enough The solution to the problem is partially justified, fragmentary information about the problem is given The problem is not solved because the solution to the problem is not justified
3. Recommendations for practical use Use in the work of medical organizations Use in the work of medical organizations No recommendations
4. Interrelation of the tasks to be solved All parts of the study are interconnected and correlated with a more general scientific problem The solution of problems is interconnected, but the place of the solved problem in connection with a more general scientific problem is not sufficiently determined Problem solving is generally interconnected, but there is relative isolation of parts of the study The research objectives have not been solved; there is a fragmented connection between individual objectives and parts of the research.
5. The quality of the thesis design Very high: the work is completed in accordance with the requirements High: there are minor deviations Average: there are no more than two violations Low: There are several serious violations
6. Reasoned conclusions (by chapter and at the conclusion of the work) Each chapter and conclusion contains the author’s personal position, supported by arguments Each chapter and conclusion contains reasoned conclusions There are conclusions, but not for all sections of the work No conclusions
7.Use of computer technology at work The student used ICT in his work when conducting research, completed the work 100% independently and efficiently (data processing, design) The student used ICT in his work while conducting research, completed the work independently (data processing, design) The student did not use ICT during the research The student did not use ICT in his work when conducting research or completing work
8.Degree of independence, discipline Very high degree of self-organization, independence and discipline High self-organization, independence and discipline Average self-organization, independence and discipline Low self-organization, independence and discipline

The score may be reduced in the following cases:

1. Design

Presence of uncorrected typos and missing lines.

Lack of names of tables, graphs, histograms.

Lack of explanations and symbols for tables and graphs.

Absence of “Introduction” or “Conclusions” in the work, or both.

The presence of errors in the design of the bibliography: a lot of “blind” footnotes (when there is a footnote to the author of the idea, but there is no link to the work itself).

There are errors in the design of the bibliography: the list of references is not made in accordance with GOST.

Omission of individual paragraphs or even entire chapters in the table of contents.

2. Disadvantages of the theoretical chapter of the work

The presence of factual errors in the presentation of “other people’s” experimental results or theoretical positions.

Lack of references to important literary sources directly related to the problem being solved.

Using large chunks of other people's texts without indicating their source (including diplomas of other students).

Lack of analysis of works devoted to the research problem.

The theoretical part does not end with conclusions.

The title of the work does not reflect its actual content.

The theoretical and practical parts are not interconnected.

There is a coincidence in the formulation of the problem, goals, and objectives of the work.

3. Disadvantages of the practical chapter of the work

The work does not contain a detailed description of the research procedure.

There is no interpretation of the results obtained in the work.

The conclusions are constructed as a statement of primary data.

A model for implementation and dissemination of research results is not presented

4. Ethical aspects of thesis research

For reviewer main criteria for evaluating work student are:

Degree of disclosure of the topic of work

Correct formulation of the goals and objectives of the work, definition of the object and subject of research

Compliance of research methods with the stated goal of the work

The relationship between the theoretical and practical parts, the logic of presentation

Level of interpretation of the obtained research facts from the perspective of the tasks being solved

Compliance of the findings with the stated goal

Criterion "Great" "Fine" "Satisfied." "Unsatisfied."
Content aspect of the work (presence of problems) The current problem is clearly identified and justified based on an analysis of the situation The current problem is clearly defined and justified based on an analysis of the situation. The problem is identified without analyzing the situation The problematic link is not identified
Degree of disclosure of the topic of work The topic is fully covered The topic is sufficiently covered The topic is partially covered Topic not covered
Correct formulation of the goals and objectives of the work, definition of the object and subject The goals and objectives of the work, the object and subject are defined correctly and competently The goals and objectives of the work, the object and subject are defined The goals and objectives of the work, the object and subject are partially defined The goals and objectives of the work, the object and subject are not defined
Compliance of research methods with the stated goal Full compliance Sufficient compliance Partial match Inconsistency of research methods with the purpose of the work
The relationship between the theoretical and practical parts, the logic of presenting tasks All parts of the study are interconnected and logical All parts are interconnected, but not logical enough Problem solving is generally interconnected, but parts of the study are isolated Fragmented connection between individual tasks and parts of the study
Level of interpretation of the obtained research facts from the perspective of the tasks being solved The presence of a personal position in the interpretation of the information received (causal relationships have been established) The obtained facts are interpreted from the perspective of the problems being solved The obtained facts are interpreted from the perspective of the problems being solved, but there are inconsistencies in the interpretation The obtained facts are not interpreted from the perspective of the tasks being solved
Compliance of the findings with the stated goal Conclusions are clear, clearly stated and on target Findings are fit for purpose Findings are partially consistent with the goal Conclusions are not fit for purpose
Recommendations for practical use Certificate of implementation on use at work or feedback on implementation in a medical organization The opportunity for use has been identified and there are clear instructions Opportunity identified for use No recommendations

Quality of protection(the criteria are given in the table) depends on rhetoric, clarity and clarity of oral presentation, knowledge of the details of your work and the current state of the problem under study, reasoned answers to questions, effective use of illustrated material (schemes, diagrams, tables, etc.).

Criteria taken into account by members of the State Examination Committee when assessing protection final qualifying work:

Clear formulation of goals corresponding to the specialty profile;

Validity of research methods;

Complete mastery of the material;

Professional literacy;

Practical orientation;

Professional image;

Speech literacy, stylistics;

Imagery of speech;

Emotional impact on the audience;

Detailed answers to asked questions;

Registration of work in accordance with requirements;

Using a computer presentation performed at a high professional level.

In cases where the thesis does not fully meet the above requirements, it is assessed with a lower score.

Criteria for determining the quality of VCR protection

Criterion "Great" "Fine" "Satisfied." "Unsatisfied."
Speech on defense of thesis - clear, concise presentation of content; -absence of contradictory information; Demonstration of knowledge of your work and ability to answer questions - a clear statement of the content of the work, an excessively brief statement of conclusions; - absence of conflicting information, demonstration of knowledge of your work and ability to answer questions - a lengthy presentation of the content of the work; a fragmented report with very brief or no conclusions; confusion in concepts; lack of answers to a number of questions posed in the work - a lengthy presentation of the content, a fragmentary report in which there are no conclusions; confusion in concepts; lack of answers to a number of questions; demonstrating a lack of in-depth knowledge of analyzing one’s work
Answers to questions that arose about work Logical, briefly and convincingly formulated, given to the essence of the question posed Logical, very briefly formulated, raise additional questions because they are incomplete Elements of illogicality, fragmentation in lengthy answers, confusion of the answer Lack of logic, errors and confusion in answers, inability to find the right analogy in the work performed

The evaluation of a final qualifying work is not the result of a simple arithmetic operation - obtaining an average score from addition and division. Members of the state examination commission, during the defense of the thesis, students' answers to questions, are required to determine the level of knowledge, skills of the graduate, his potential capabilities, ability to use these developments in practice in the general context of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and make their judgment in the form of a certain assessment on a four-point scale ( Appendix 11).

Appendix 1

Sample/design template title page final qualifying (diploma) work

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