About the results of the admission campaign to universities. Conscious choice of profession

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the results admissions campaign 2017.

Applications submitted (as of the deadline for accepting applications on August 6, 2017):

To the main places within the control figures:

General medicine - 1066

Pediatrics - 749

Dentistry - 689

Pharmacy - 296

To places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services:

General Medicine - 582

Pediatrics - 369

Dentistry - 410

Pharmacy - 131

Admission of students for 1thcourse at 2017 year

(as of 08/15/2017)



Budget form


Contract form







General Medicine




Total for specialties/areas of HE training

Target admission in 2017

Subject name Russian Federation/ executive authority / single-industry municipal formation of the Tver region

Competition by specialty
1 Bryansk region 14 14 (100%) 1,1-1,3
2 Vladimir region 2 2 (100%) 2,0
3 Vologda region 4 4 (100%) 1,0
4 Kaluga region 4 2 (50,0%) 0-2,0
5 Kostroma region 9 5 (55,6%) 0-1,0
6 Moscow region 35 24 (68,6%) 0,5-0,8
7 Novgorod region 2 2 (100%) 1,0
8 Pskov region 7 7 (100%) 1,0
9 Tver region 80 80 (100%) 1,0-1,1
10 Tula region 13 12 (92,3%) 0,8-7,0
11 Yaroslavl region 2 2 (100%) 1,0
12 Federal Medical and Biological Agency 14 8 (57,1%) 0-1,2
13 Federal Penitentiary Service 4 4 (100%) 1,0
14 Urban settlement - Western Dvina 1 0 -
15 Urban settlement - Kuvshinovo 1 1(100%) 1,0
16 Urban settlement - Udomlya 1 0 -
17 Urban settlement - village. Zharkovsky 1 0 -
18 Urban settlement - village. Kalashnikovo 1 1(100%) 1,0
19 Urban settlement - village. Spirovo 1 1(100%) 1,0
20 Velikooktyabrskoe urban settlement 1 1(100%) 1,0

TOTAL 197 169 (85,8%) 0-7,0

Competition and passing score in 201 7 year (general competition)

Competition and passing score in 201 7 year (agreement)

Results of admission of students for 1thcourse at 2017 year

Total Enrolled481 people, of which:

· for places within the target figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget - 335 (plan - 335 places);

· places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services - 146 people.

By target reception based on 20 contracts with 11 regions - constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 7 single-industry municipalities Tver region, FMBA and FSIN enrolled 169 people.

Enrolled in target places

Tver– 198 people, incl. by targeted reception from among the residents Tver region- 89 people.


· from 29 regions - constituent entities of the Russian Federation,

· within a special quota (subject to benefits) – 6 people (1.8%),

· received a certificate (diploma) with honors (with a gold medal) - 167 (34.9%) of the total number of enrolled students,

· those who received a gold TRP badge - 21 (4.4%) people.

Enrolled in residency and postgraduate programs

For residency programs: in total - 227 people, of which on a budgetary basis - 108 people (including within the framework of targeted admission - 78 people), on a contract basis - 119 people.

Enrolled from among residents of the Tver region and the city.Tver– 133 people, incl. by targeted reception from among the residents Tver region- 55 people.

For postgraduate programs: total - 35 people, of which 8 people on a budgetary basis (full-time education), 27 people on a contract basis (including full-time training - 1 person, by by correspondence- 26 people).

Representatives of Tatarstan universities share their observations and expectations from the 2017 admissions campaign

Realnoe Vremya completes a series of articles about what is happening in the higher education market in Tatarstan. This time we asked representatives of universities to tell us how the admissions campaign is going, what they remember about last year’s admission of applicants, what areas of study yesterday’s students want to get into, and what new their university can offer in 2017/2018 academic year. As it turned out, most universities note an increase in the average score of applicants, and some universities have been offering new educational programs since 2017. The most popular areas traditionally remain law and economics, but interest in tourism is growing.

  • Deputy Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of KNRTU-KAI

    In 2016 GPA The number of students enrolled at the university was 71, which is 2.4 points higher than the previous year. This allowed KNRTU-KAI to take 134th place in the ranking of universities with admission targets of more than 300, compared to 150th place in 2015.

    The level of preparation of applicants in general scientific subjects is growing from year to year, but despite this, KNRTU-KAI conducts an additional educational module (the so-called zero semester) in physics and mathematics, which lasts two weeks. The number of Olympiad participants increased 2.4 times in 2016.

    The number of applications submitted in 2015 was 9,852, and in 2016 - 10,237 (an increase of 3.9%). As a rule, interest in engineering specialties is growing from year to year, so this year we expect an increase in applicants compared to 2016. Competition is also growing in secondary vocational education majors. The areas of training with the greatest competition in 2016 were “Engines aircraft", "Standardization and Metrology", "Thermal Power Engineering and Heat Engineering", "Nanoengineering" and "Mechanical Engineering". Also, the areas of “Aircraft Engineering”, “Laser Engineering and Laser Technologies”, and “Information Security” are always very popular. We expect this trend to continue in 2017. This year, in addition, a new master's degree has appeared at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics - “Nanomaterials”.

    This year there are no significant changes in the admission procedure; legislative norms are stable. As for the organization of the reception itself, we tried to make the reception of documents more interesting and exciting for young people by diversifying the hall of the 7th educational building of KNRTU-KAI - the place for receiving documents - with interesting engineering exhibits, corners for recreation, including active ones.

  • Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of the Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU-KKhTI)

    The number of budget places for bachelor's and master's programs allocated to KNRTU-KKhTI this year was 3,795. Of these, 727 places are provided for bachelor's programs and 2,068 for master's programs. Still remains in technological university and specialty - the classic form of higher education, when after 5 years of study the qualification of an engineer is awarded. There are 141 such places in KNRTU-KKhTI in 2017, and they are mainly associated with defense specialties.

    Based on the results of last year’s admissions campaign, the most popular areas of training were those related to the technology of chemical-pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, information systems, information security, applied mathematics, design, petrochemistry, oil and gas business and oil and gas refining equipment. Budget places in these areas were taken by those whose Unified State Examination results in three subjects exceeded the 200 point mark. The maximum passing score in 2016 was recorded in the field of “Oil and Gas Engineering”: 227 points. We expect that this year the situation with the preferences of young people will not change radically. However, due to the reduction in the number of budget places (there are 450 fewer allocated places than last year), we can expect a slight increase in competition.

    Among the innovations of 2017, I can note our first enrollment in master's programs via correspondence education - 21 budget place highlighted under the direction " Social work and conflictology."

    We are pleased to note the increase in the number of foreign applicants. Currently, 1826 students are studying at KNRTU foreign students from 59 countries of the world. This figure increases every year. So, last year there were 1,767 people, and the year before - 1,312.

  • Rector of Kazan State medical university

    The 2017 admissions campaign will be held in accordance with the Procedure for admission to higher education programs. The changes will affect persons permanently residing in Crimea - they will be admitted on conditions similar to those for the admission of applicants from other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The practice of taking into account the individual achievements of applicants will continue; since 2016, the Procedure for Admission to Universities of the Russian Federation has determined the right to award points for a diploma with honors to graduates of secondary vocational educational institutions.

    The number of applicants to participate in the competition generally depends on the total number of graduates educational institutions, graduates of schools and colleges. The number of applications submitted in 2015 and 2016 is 6,555 and 5,975, respectively. It should be noted that Tatarstan schools graduated 15,867 eleventh-graders in 2016 - 15% less than in 2015. There is a trend towards an increase in the number of foreign students - currently their share in the total student population is 21.5% (in 2015 - 18.2%).

    The greatest competition at Kazan State Medical University in the 2016 admission campaign was for the specialty “ Medical biochemistry”(28.8 people per place), and from the “classical” specialties for the university - to “Dentistry” (15.8 people per place). Pharmacy closes the top three (15.03 people per seat). There are no new areas of training for admission in 2017 at Kazan State Medical University.

  • Vice-Rector for educational work KSASU

    Overall, we were satisfied with the results of the 2016 admissions campaign. Check digits We easily completed admissions on a budget in all areas of training with good results Unified State Exam for applicants. In addition, successful admission of bachelors to a paid form of education was carried out. We have also increased enrollment in paid master's programs compared to previous years. Every year we accept more applicants with high Unified State Exam scores. The average score increases, and accordingly the level of preparation of applicants becomes higher.

    The number of people wishing to enroll in KSASU in 2016 was higher than in the previous year. Taking into account the active career guidance work carried out in 2017, we also expect a significant increase in the number of applicants. The most popular areas of training from year to year remain such as “Construction” and “Architecture”. The specialty “Construction of unique buildings and structures” is also in great demand. Most likely, the interests of applicants will remain the same. We are currently in the process of licensing new areas of training for bachelors and masters, but we do not yet have time to implement them for 2017. Although this year in the field of “Construction” we are offering our applicants several new interesting master’s programs.

    The 2017 admissions campaign will not be much different from

    past years. In preparation for it, we focused on speeding up the procedure for applying to our university, for which we increased the number of operators. This year, career guidance work has been intensified not only within Tatarstan, but also in other regions of Russia. The number of foreign students at KSASU has increased in recent years, and the dynamics are positive. In 2016, this trend continued, and in 2017 we plan to recruit at the level of last year.

  • Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Volga State Academy of Physical Culture and Technology

    The population's attitude towards healthy image life, which requires a professional approach. There is a sense of demand for qualified personnel. Sports activities declared a national idea in Russia. Hence the demand for coaching and teaching staff, including for work in educational organizations. Every year the quality of preparation of applicants is growing, and this is noticeable in how the applicant passes the Unified State Exam and entrance examinations at the Volga Region Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism.

    The competition among applicants to the Academy increases every year. Moreover, the growth rates are approximately the same in all directions. This year we are also expecting an increase in competition in all areas. The profile of sports training in a chosen sport is in stable demand. The most in demand specialties are in physical education and adaptive physical culture. The popularity of such areas as “Service”, “Hospitality”, “Tourism” is also increasing. There are no plans to open new areas of training in 2017. But in the competition group “Sports training in a chosen sport” the number of sports increased to 19.

    The main differences between this year’s admissions campaign and last year’s are as follows: applicants from the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol are admitted on a general basis (last year a separate quota was allocated for them), applicants entering the competitive group “Sports training in a chosen sport” will take traditional practical tests on general physical training additional exam in the chosen sport. In addition, the number of budget places in master's programs in four competitive groups has increased.

  • Head of the press center of KSPEU

    Overall, impressions from last year’s admissions campaign were positive. The quality of training of students admitted last year, in comparison with students of previous years, can be assessed by the average score, which for full-time study in 2016 in the general competition for budget places increased and amounted to 66.9 (in 2015 - 65.9 ).

    The greatest competition in 2016 was observed in such areas of training as “Automation technological processes and production", "Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering", "Thermal power engineering and heating engineering", "Applied informatics" and " Applied Mathematics" No new areas of training or specialties appeared at our university in 2017.

    This year there were no changes in the organization of the admissions campaign, as the admissions rules remained unchanged. Expectations for the current admissions campaign are generally positive, just like last year, this is due to the fact that a lot of work has been done to improve and improve the quality of education, scientific activity and the life of students at the university: a new 19-story dormitory was built and put into operation, a major overhaul of dormitory No. 1 and the hall of building B was carried out, improvements training centers and laboratories.

  • Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of TISBI University

    As positive impressions from the 2016 admissions campaign, in contrast to the admissions of previous years, we can point out the greater activity of schoolchildren in choosing areas of study and greater interest in the availability of state accreditation educational programs, as well as tracking comments from Rosobrnadzor. The number of applicants for admission in 2016 increased by 20% compared to 2015. The 2017 admissions campaign is expected to increase applicants by 30%.

    The priority areas of training for 2016 applicants were “Jurisprudence” and “Applied Informatics”. At this reception, a large enrollment is expected in the areas of training “Economics”, “Management” and, accordingly, in “Jurisprudence” and “Applied Informatics”. Since 2017, TISBI has been offering new areas of training: a bachelor’s degree in “Software Engineering” and a master’s program in “Protection of the Rights of Citizens and Businesses” as a profile in the field of study “Jurisprudence”.

    There are no particular differences in the admission rules for the 2017 admissions campaign compared to 2016. Citizens permanently residing in Crimea and in the federal city of Sevastopol are deprived of the right to apply for allocated places (quotas) from general budget places. In addition, employees Federal service troops national guard The Russian Federation, among others, has a preferential right of enrollment. A law also came into force that abolished the requirement that a disabled person have a conclusion about the absence of contraindications for education upon admission. In addition, the admission deadlines and stages of enrollment in budget-funded places have changed slightly.

  • Rector of Kazan innovative university named after V.G. Timiryasova (IEUP)

    The 2016 admissions campaign was memorable for the fact that, compared to previous years, more applicants who were motivated to study and with an active life position came to our university. Since 2015, taken into account individual achievements applicants, for which additional fees are given to the amount competitive points, and this is not only academic achievements, such as a certificate with honors and results of olympiads, but also sports - results of passing GTO standards and other sports competitions, participation in volunteer movement, achievements in the arts. All this encourages schoolchildren to participate more in various events, broadens their horizons and helps them realize the importance of their civic position. I think this innovation in the admission procedure is beneficial for the entire education system.

    In 2016, traditionally greatest number those wishing to study came to the training areas “Economics” and “Jurisprudence”. There was also high competition for the “Applied Informatics” direction, and we think that this year the competition will be two to three times higher - we have announced admission to budget places for this direction.

    We noticed that in the last two years the interest of applicants in the areas of “Tourism” and “Linguistics” (with the profile “Theory and Methods of Teaching”) has increased significantly Chinese language"). This is primarily the result of attracting native teachers to teach language disciplines foreign languages. It is obvious that in 2017 the competition among applicants for these areas will be quite serious.

    There are no significant changes in the admission rules compared to last year; the innovations concern special cases. For example, in connection with changes to the federal state educational standard in the bachelor's degree program "Jurisprudence", only persons who already have higher education. Persons entering this direction after completing 11 classes or on the basis of a high school diploma vocational education, can study only full-time or part-time. Despite the fact that the new educational standard comes into force on September 1, enrollment in August does not provide the opportunity for these applicants to study by correspondence.

    Our university is not opening new specialties in 2017. We do not strive to expand the range of training areas we offer - our task is to provide deep knowledge and quality education. When forming lists of implemented areas of training and volumes of admission, we consult with personnel partners who are prominent players in the labor market of Tatarstan. Their proposals, developed taking into account the development trends of the regional economy and the forecast needs of the labor market, form the basis of the admissions campaign strategy and educational process. In this way, new profiles are formed within the framework of already implemented areas of training.

    For applicants in 2017, we have announced admission to the bachelor's program "Economics" with a new profile "Economics of Enterprises and Organizations." Two new profiles have appeared in the master's program - “Financial Economics” within the framework of the “Economics” direction and “Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages” within the framework of the “Pedagogical Education” direction.

Maxim Matveev, analytical service of Realnoe Vremya

According to Rosobrnadzor, this year about 618 thousand graduates took the Unified State Exam. Moreover, more than half of them could count on a budget place in Russian university. As stated by the head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva, in 2017 this figure reached 57%.

For several years now, schoolchildren have shown a steady interest in natural science disciplines, the number of those who did not pass exams has halved, and in a number of subjects there has been an increase in average scores, RIA Novosti reports. Following this, the averages also increased entrance points to universities, and in some specialties – quite significantly.

In a conversation with RIA Novosti, the rectors of several capital universities noted that they are seeing an increase in the average Unified State Exam scores of applicants.

"If we talk about the average score of state employees, it increased by almost 2 points. This is quite significant. It was 77.5 - now 79.5. This is considered a fairly large increase in the average score per year, because the intake is quite large - about a thousand state employees which we accept,” said Vladimir Filippov, rector of RUDN University.

He noted that out of a total of 47 areas of training that the university accepted, the average Unified State Exam scores increased in 37 specialties, and in 18 of them very significantly - by more than 10 points.

According to the rector of NUST MISIS, Alevtina Chernikova, every third person admitted to this technological university provided a certificate of secondary education with honors, and the total Unified State Examination score was 250 or higher. In addition, the number of incoming Olympiad winners and prize-winners has increased by 50%.

“An obvious trend is the growing popularity of specialties in the field of materials science and IT nanotechnology. According to the results of the 2017 admissions campaign, they became the most popular areas among applicants, the competition for some of them exceeded 50 people per place,” said Alevtina Chernikova.

An increase in interest in engineering specialties was also noted at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, and now, in terms of the level of demand, these areas of training are approaching economics in popularity.

"This year, the most unexpected change was the increase in scores for engineering majors. In particular, for the previously not the most popular specialty" Technological machines and equipment" not only the average score increased, but also the enrollment of students on a non-budgetary basis exceeded the planned figures three times," said the rector of the university, Viktor Grishin.

Earlier, representatives of universities noted that this year there has also been a trend of growing interest in professions in the field of IT media.

“The most significant trend that has begun to be observed in the last few years is a more conscious approach to choosing a profession. This can be seen from the questions applicants ask during the admissions campaign. Despite the fact that the choice is still closely related to the views of parents “, where the main indicators in the overwhelming majority of cases are the conditional “prestige” of the specialty and the potential level of wages, generation Z still does not make a choice solely based on material criteria,” said the rector of the Plekhanov Russian Economic University.

He noted that the guys began to ask questions more often about the possibility of further implementation, employment, options for continuing their studies and undergoing internships.

Rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University Igor Remorenko noted that today’s applicants and first-year students have become less like “walking encyclopedias” and, of course, do not have such a good command of the facts known to the older generation, but they quickly find the necessary information and are able to reason.

“It seems to me that they navigate complex, problematic situations faster than those who came to the university five years ago. I like them, they are talkative, interested in different things, are very willing to choose elective courses, compete for them. They are interested project work. In terms of encyclopedicism, of course, they know less than before, but in terms of diversity of interests, readiness to mobilize and achieve something, they are not inferior to previous generations,” he said.

As Igor Remorenko told RIA Novosti, the first feature of this year’s admissions campaign was that universities have learned to accept and take into account the individual achievements of applicants, which include various Olympiads of different levels and competitions.

“That is, if earlier some (universities) timidly tried, now the list of individual achievements for which universities awarded additional points reached several pages in university documents on the organization of admission,” said Igor Remorenko.

According to him, this year the range of such competitions was quite large. And, despite the fact that on average the share of applicants for whom these additional points actually play a role in admission is only up to 5-7%, the guys still tried to earn these points.

"The second feature was last year demographic decline. Now those who were born at the turn of the 2000s are entering universities. The next 10 years are the years when demographic growth will begin, and many rectors hope that instead of reducing the teaching staff every year, it will be possible to attract new teachers and researchers,” said Igor Remorenko.

According to information

MOSCOW, August 14 - RIA Novosti. Graduates of Russian schools have finally become first-year students, and university rectors summed up the results of the 2017 admissions campaign. About how much the average Unified State Exam scores have increased, how schoolchildren began to choose their future profession and how this year’s admissions campaign differed from previous ones, RIA Novosti was told by the rectors of capital’s universities.

According to Rosobrnadzor, this year about 618 thousand graduates took the Unified State Exam. Moreover, more than half of them could count on a budget-funded place at a Russian university. As stated by the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva, in 2017 this figure reached 57%.

For several years now, schoolchildren have shown a steady interest in natural sciences, the number of those who failed exams has halved, and in a number of subjects there has been an increase in average scores. Following this, the average entrance scores to universities increased, and in some specialties - quite significantly.

Average Unified State Exam scores increased

In a conversation with RIA Novosti, the rectors of several capital universities noted that they were seeing an increase in the average Unified State Exam scores of applicants.

"If we talk about the average score of state employees, it increased by almost 2 points. This is quite significant. It was 77.5 - now 79.5. This is considered a fairly large increase in the average score per year, because the intake is quite large - about a thousand state employees which we accept,” said Vladimir Filippov, rector of RUDN University.

He noted that out of a total of 47 areas of training that the university accepted, the average Unified State Exam scores increased in 37 specialties, and in 18 of them very significantly - by more than 10 points.

“I was pleased with the average scores in some specialties... for which the competition was previously low. For example, in chemistry,” Filippov noted.

According to the rector of NUST MISIS, Alevtina Chernikova, every third person admitted to this technological university provided a certificate of secondary education with honors, and the total Unified State Examination score was 250 or higher. In addition, the number of incoming Olympiad winners and prize-winners has increased by 50%.

“An obvious trend is the growing popularity of specialties in the field of materials science, IT and nanotechnology. According to the results of the 2017 admissions campaign, they became the most popular areas among applicants, the competition for some of them exceeded 50 people per place,” Chernikova said.

An increase in interest in engineering specialties was also noted at the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov, and now, in terms of demand, these areas of training are approaching economic ones in popularity.

“This year, the most unexpected change was the increase in scores for engineering majors. In particular, for the previously not very popular specialty “Technological Machinery and Equipment,” not only the average score increased, but also the enrollment of students on a non-budgetary basis was three times higher than the planned indicators.” , said the rector of the university, Viktor Grishin.

Earlier, representatives of universities noted that this year there has also been a tendency to increase interest in professions in the field of IT and media.

Conscious choice of profession

“The most significant trend that has begun to be observed in the last few years is a more conscious approach to choosing a profession. This can be seen from the questions applicants ask during the admissions process. Despite the fact that the choice is still closely related to the views of parents “, where the main indicators in the overwhelming majority of cases are the conditional “prestige” of the specialty and the potential level of wages, generation Z still does not make a choice solely based on material criteria,” said the rector of REU. Plekhanov.

He noted that the guys began to ask questions more often about the possibility of further implementation, employment, options for continuing their studies and undergoing internships.

“Traditionally, questions about the possibilities of learning foreign languages ​​are popular - in many areas we teach two languages, and there are seven optional ones to choose from,” he added.

Rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University Igor Remorenko noted that today’s applicants and first-year students have become less like “walking encyclopedias” and, of course, do not have such a good command of the facts known to the older generation, but they quickly find the necessary information and are able to reason.

“It seems to me that they navigate complex, problematic situations faster than those who came to the university five years ago. I like them, they are talkative, interested in different things, they are very willing to choose elective courses and compete for them. They are interested in project work “In terms of encyclopedicism, of course, they know less than before, but in terms of diversity of interests, readiness to mobilize and achieve something, they are not inferior to previous generations,” he said.

The Rector of REU emphasized that today for effective employment, regardless of the chosen specialty modern graduate A university should be flexible. According to him, a young employee must be able to work at the intersection of professions, be able to complete tasks remotely using various IT solutions, be able to communicate with people, quickly search and process information, have a high level of mobility and learning ability, including self-education skills. Moreover, according to him, this applies to almost all professions.

Features of the 2017 admissions campaign

As Remorenko told RIA Novosti, the first feature of this year’s admissions campaign was that universities have learned to accept and take into account the individual achievements of applicants, which include various Olympiads of different levels and competitions.

“That is, if earlier some (universities) timidly tried, now the list of individual achievements for which universities awarded additional points reached several pages in university documents on the organization of admission,” Remorenko said.

According to him, this year the range of such competitions was quite large. And, despite the fact that on average the share of applicants for whom these additional points actually play a role in admission is only up to 5-7%, the guys still tried to earn these points.

“The second feature was the last year of demographic decline. Now those who were born at the turn of the 2000s are entering universities. The next 10 years are the years when demographic growth will begin, and many rectors hope that instead of cutting professorial positions every year, teaching staff, it will be possible to attract new teachers and researchers,” Remorenko said.

He explained that this does not apply to all universities, but universities expect a redistribution of specialties in the future.

“Universities must take timely orientation and offer updated modern models of education. Those who offer modern educational technology, will show good promising employment, teach you how to expand your knowledge of foreign literature, and will become attractive to future students,” said the rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

The results of the admission campaign for bachelor's and master's degrees at the Pushkin Institute have been summed up.

In 2017, the institute carried out enrollment in the undergraduate programs “Domestic Philology”, “Applied Philology”, “Teaching Philological Disciplines”. Over the past three years, the “Applied Philology” program has attracted the greatest interest among applicants.

On average the competition was 5.5 people per 1 budget place. « Distinctive feature This year's admissions campaign saw an increase in the number of applicants with 100 Unified State Exam points specialized subjects or who are winners of Olympiads.Almost a quarter (24%) enrolled first-year bachelor's students have the following results"- says the vice-rector for educational work Elena Koltakova.

A third of first-year students have a certificate with honors, their GPA Unified State Examination is equal to 93. The average Unified State Examination score of first-year students has increased: in 2017 it was 89.1 points, which exceeds last year’s value (88 points).

According to Elena Koltakova, many freshmen (45%) took part in olympiads and other competitions, which allowed them to receive additional points for individual achievements when entering the institute.

Students of the Pushkin Institute in 2017 were: school graduates from 26 regions Russian Federation. In addition to Moscow and the Moscow region, applicants from Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Rostov, Samara, Yaroslavl regions, the republics of Buryatia, Komi, Mari El, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Krasnoyarsk and Krasnodar territories, etc.

« Five of our freshmen have volunteer experience and we hope they will become involved.international volunteerprogram “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world” and will participate in institute projects"- says Elena Viktorovna.

This year, admission to the master's program was carried out for the following programs: “Russian as a foreign language”, “Russian language and intercultural communication", "Philological support for the media."

« Our first-year master's students showed excellent results in entrance exams, because the average score of those enrolled is 93.3, and 46% of freshmen have bachelor’s degrees with honors", notes Elena Koltakova.

Students entered the master's program from 32 regions of Russia- graduates of the All-Russian Academy foreign trade, Kazansky federal university, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Novosibirsk National Research state university, RANEPA, Sakhalin State University, and, of course, the Pushkin Institute and other Russian universities.

The greatest competition was for admission to the Russian as a Foreign Language program. "This program is " business card“Institute,” comments the vice-rector. “Master’s students get the opportunity to undergo foreign internships in their specialty, and later teach Russian to foreign schoolchildren and students.”

There was a serious competition when enrolling in new program master's program, opened in 2016, - “Philological support of the media.” Students of this program have the opportunity to participate in master classes and undergo internships on leading television channels, radio, magazines, and newspapers.

The Pushkin Institute is a recognized leader in the field of training personnel for global Russian studies; students from 150 countries have studied within its walls. Foreign students from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vietnam, Greece, China, Kyrgyzstan, Congo, Cuba, Latvia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Montenegro, Japan and other countries will come to study for bachelor's and master's degrees.

August 30 at 11.00 There will be a meeting between the leadership of the Pushkin Institute and the first-year students.

Congratulations on your admission!

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    35 353 0 Hello! In the article you will get acquainted with a table that lists the main diseases and the emotional problems that caused them, according to Louise Hay. Here are also affirmations that will help you heal from these...

  • Book monuments of the Pskov region

    The novel “Eugene Onegin” is a must-read for all connoisseurs of Pushkin’s work. This large work plays one of the key roles in the poet’s work. This work had an incredible influence on the entire Russian artistic...