Public organization of teachers. Pedagogical societies. See what “Pedagogical societies” are in other dictionaries

Pedagogical societies

voluntary associations of educators - teachers, educators and other workers public education aimed at participating in the development current problems theories and practices of training and education.

In Russia, the first P. o. appeared in the 2nd half of the 19th century. in conditions of the rise of the socio-pedagogical movement. Founded in 1860, the St. Petersburg P. region. united advanced teachers to develop problems of public education aimed at transforming the content, methods and organization of teaching and education in school. The creators and active members of the P. o. were P. G. Redky, K. D. Ushinsky, A. A. Chumikov, N. Kh. Wessel, V. I. Vodovozov, A. S. Voronov. I. I. Paulson, D. D. Semenov, V. Ya. Stoyunin, F. G. Toll and others. In 1869 P. o. was officially recognized by the Ministry of Public Education. In 1876-77 the society published the monthly magazine “Pedagogical Chronicle”. Its members organized pedagogical courses and convened pedagogical congresses; A library and a savings and loan bank were opened for teachers. In 1879 P. o. was closed by the government as a "harmful organization". In 1898, a group of progressive scientists created the P. o. at Moscow University. In the work of P. o. P. G. Vinogradov, N. A. Umov, D. N. Anuchin, N. D. Zelinsky, A. P. Sabaneev, V. I. Guerrier and others participated. His activities were of a liberal-bourgeois nature. The rise of the social movement on the eve of the Revolution of 1905-07 led to the disengagement of members of society; a group of Bolsheviks came to leadership - I. I. Skvortsov-Stepanov, M. N. Pokrovsky, S. I. Mitskevich. Board of the P. o. sought a professional association of teachers, used society for legal revolutionary propaganda. By. contributed to the development of the most pressing social and pedagogical problems: joint education, restructuring of the content and methods of work at school, teacher training, etc.; At the initiative of the society, several congresses on public education were held. With P. o. there was a museum, a library, and a lecture bureau. In 1907, by decision of the government of P. o. was closed. At the beginning of the 20th century. By. were created in Kazan (1900, at the university), Yuryev (now Tartu, 1909), Tomsk (1910). Developing questions preschool pedagogy and the Frebel Societies were involved in promoting preschool education institutions (the first in St. Petersburg since 1871).

By. in the USSR. In 1929, a society of Marxist teachers was organized at the Communist Academy. Among the founders are N. K. Krupskaya, A. V. Lunacharsky, A. S. Bubnov, Ya. B. Gamarnik, M. N. Pokrovsky, N. A. Semashko, S. T. Shatsky, M. M. Pistrak , M. S. Epstein, L. R. Menzhinskaya and others. Directions of the society’s activities: the development of Marxist pedagogy, critical study of foreign pedagogical experience, the fight against reactionary bourgeois pedagogical teachings, propaganda of Marxist-Leninist ideas in the field of culture and public education. Branches operated in regional centers, at higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, large schools etc. In accordance with the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On primary and secondary schools” (September 5, 1931), the activities of the society were aimed at providing methodological assistance to teachers and improving the content curricula. The society existed until 1935. In 1960, by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the P. O. was created. The RSFSR is a scientific and pedagogical public organization designed to promote the implementation of the activities of the CPSU and Soviet government in the field of theory and practice of teaching and communist education of children and youth. District (city), regional, regional, and republican (autonomous) branches have been organized locally, which have a network of primary organizations in educational institutions, scientific and methodological centers, public education authorities, etc. As of January 1, 1973, the Pod. (72 regional, regional and republican branches) united over 800 thousand members. Among the collective members of the P. o. comprehensive schools, preschool and out-of-school institutions, vocational schools, specialized secondary schools and higher education institutions educational institutions, research institutes, enterprises, collective farms, etc. Supreme body P. o. - congress convened at least once every 4 years; the congress elects the Central Council, which is at the head of the P. o. Under the Central Council and local branches, sections, laboratories, institutes and other creative associations are created on a voluntary basis, which organize and conduct conferences, symposiums, pedagogical readings etc. Materials of these scientific and practical events are published in the form of books and brochures. In the 60s By. created in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

By. They also exist in a number of other socialist countries (Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia).

G. S. Tsovyanov.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “Pedagogical societies” are in other dictionaries:

    Pedagogical and educational societies- public organizations in the field of education. In Russia, until 1917, educational societies operated with the goal of developing education in general; scientific pedagogical, developing issues of theory and practice of education; professional...

    I Contents of the article: General overview. O. Anthropological. O. Astronomical. O. Biblical. O. Geological and mineralogical. O. Naturalists. O. Literary. O. Mathematical. O. Medical. O. Musical and performing arts. ABOUT … Encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    PEDAGOGICAL AND EDUCATIONAL SOCIETIES in Russia- In Russia there were up to 1917 societies. ped. organizations can be divided into 3 main groups. type: educational, etc., promoting the development of education in general and in particular. its types; scientific pedagogical, developing issues of theory and school. practices; prof.... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    TEACHING SCHOOLS - educational institutions secondary vocational education (this also includes pedagogical lyceums and colleges), meeting personnel needs preschool institutions, primary and basic high school; have legal status... ... Vocational education. Dictionary

    PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES- a set of theoretical and practical disciplines aimed at developing concepts for effective education and upbringing of various segments of the population of society in accordance with accumulated traditions, capabilities (material, personnel and ... Philosophy of Science: Glossary of Basic Terms

    Periodically held meetings of teachers, teachers, pedagogical scientists and other public education workers, representatives of the public, with the goal of generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience. In the USSR... ...

    Pedagogical magazines- In Russia, materials on pedagogical problems from the 18th century published in literary and political magazines (including in the publications of N.I. Novikov, who introduced an independent pedagogical... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Psychological and pedagogical principles of VET personnel management- Management is objectively inherent in regularities and its effective implementation does not tolerate arbitrary “body movements”. Therefore, management must be built in accordance with nature, i.e. in full accordance with objective laws. The most important... ... Encyclopedia of modern legal psychology

    In Russia, societies of figures preschool education, whose goal was to spread the system of F. Froebel (See Froebel). Created since the 70s. 19th century in a number major cities St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa, Tbilisi, etc. F. o. opened... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Pedagogical museums- cultural institutions that collect, study and store cultural monuments and documents in the field of education and pedagogy. In Russia until 1917 M.p. were created under educational districts, directorates and inspections of public schools, established... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary


  • Pedagogical views of Plato and Aristotle, F. F. Zelinsky. Translation by S. V. Melikova and Professor S. A. Zhebelev, edited and with an introductory article by Professor F. F. Zelinsky. Publishing house of the newspaper 'School and Life' Reproduced in the original...

Pedagogical Society

The motto of the primary organization of the pedagogical society of Novosergievsk Secondary School No. 3 named after. General A.I. Elagin "Like-minded people": "MUST! HARD! GREAT!"

Work plan of the primary organization "Pedagogical Society"

MOBU "Novosergievskaya secondary secondary school No. 3"

for 2018-2019

Main tasks of the work:

1. Preparation and participation in events dedicated to the Year of the Volunteer.

2. Support pedagogical activity school employees who actively use effective educational technologies, as a condition for improving the quality of education in the process of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard.

3. Promotion of development and dissemination information technology V educational space region.

4. Continuation of work on generalizing and disseminating teaching experience, forming a library of pedagogical skills.

5. Continued work on social support teaching staff and veterans pedagogical work.




1. Organizational work

Draw up a work plan for the primary organization for 2018-2019

September 2018

N.P. Podshivalova

L.L. Kudashkina

Take part in the work of district meetings on the activities of public organizations

During the year

Active pedagogical society

Provide assistance in the work of the Council of Veterans of Pedagogical Labor

During the year

E.V. Danilova

Together with the primary trade union organization of the school, continue the work of the club of young teachers “Yuventa”

During the year

Club Council

Globenko A.M.

Kudashkina L.L.

Expand the scope of methodological support for teachers on the website of the Pedagogical Society

During the year

Kuznetsova T.V.

Continue building the database educational materials, related to the standardization of education, developed and tested by teachers.

During the year

Kudashkina L.L.

2. School self-government, psychological and pedagogical education of parents and teachers (conferences, seminars, meetings, round tables)

Organization of a network festival professional excellence"Search. Creation. Success"

January, February, March 2019


Dissemination of the advanced pedagogical experience of PE teachers in the media, Internet communities of teachers, and on the school website.

During the year

Active pedagogical society, methodological advice

Participation in webinars, Internet conferences

During the year

NGO Administration,

asset of the pedagogical community

Round table“Education is the basis for protecting the younger generation from substance abuse” in collaboration with the Central District Hospital.

January 2019

Administration of the NGO, administration of the Central District Hospital

Organization of a school scientific and practical conference for students and teachers.

February 2019

Mstislavskaya Yu.S., Makovchik N.Yu., activist of the pedagogical society

Participation in the regional conference of schoolchildren and teachers

March 2019

Mstislavskaya Yu.S., Makovchi N.Yu., activist of the pedagogical society

Joint meetings of the Juventa Young Professionals Club and the Veterans Council.

1 time per year

Belousova G.V., Pirogova N.A., Popova N.I.

School-wide participation parent committee in solving educational issues of public organizations

1 time per trimester

Makovchik N.Yu.

Participation of the School Council in resolving issues regarding the organization of cooperation with social partners of public organizations, in the work of round tables on the formation of a healthy lifestyle

Once every six months

Podshivalova N.P.

3. Working with veteranslabor

A charity event for the Day of the Elderly, Victory Day, volunteer assistance to veterans and school retirees.

1.10.18 - 25.05.19

Administration, trade union committee, Veterans Council

Participation of the Veterans Council in the work of school methodological councils.

During the year

Danilova E.V.

Holiday greetings to veterans.

During the year

Danilova E.V.

Organization of a holiday for Veterans “Health Day!” Visit to the Dolphin swimming pool



Ivashkov S.V.

4. Research and creative work, competitions

Organize the participation of schoolchildren in Olympiads at various levels, competitions “Student of the Year”, “Leader”

During 2018, 2019

Makovchik N.Yu., Mstislavskaya Yu.S.

Organize the participation of school teachers in professional competitions “Teacher of the Year”, “Leader of Education”, competition the best teachers, competition “I give my heart to children”

During the year

Kazeeva N.V., Platonova I.V.

Organize a school-wide holiday “Health Day”, “Native School Day”

School administration. asset of the pedagogical society

Organization festive events for Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, New Year, March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day, last call.

During the year

Active pedagogical society, trade union committee

Organization of participation of teachers in Internet competitions

During the year

Kuznetsova T.V.

Primary organization cooperation plan

Pedagogical Society, Veterans Council,

primary trade union organization

Municipal educational institution "Novosergievskaya secondary school No. 3"

for 2018 - 2019




Compiling lists of veterans


Belkina T.V.

Danilova E.V.

Continue participation in the work of the district Veterans Council to create the history of education of the Novosergievsky district

During the year

Belkina T.V.

Lomakina N.S.

Participation in the “Teacher’s Day”, “Knowledge Day”, “ Last call", graduation parties, etc.


Vyazikova V.A.

Mstislavskaya Yu.S.

Opening of the photo exhibition “Museum Pedagogy” for Teacher’s Day


Danilova E.V.,

Belkina T.V.

Round table “Step into the profession” with the participation of young professionals


Bylkova Z.N.

Podshivalova N.P.

Participation of members of the primary organization in the Day of the Native School

February 2019

Petina N.I.

Podshivalova N.P.

Coverage of the work of the primary organization through the school website, the regional newspaper “Voice of the Outback”

During the year

Vyazikova V.I.

Mstislavskaya Yu.S.

Assisting veterans in resolving social, housing, and utility issues,

During the year

Bylkova Z.N., Lomakina N.S.

Congratulations to veterans on holidays and birthdays. Organization of events “Vivat Anniversary!”

During the year

Belkina T.V.

Danilova E.V.

Participation of members of the primary organization in pedagogical councils, methodological days, open events

During the year

Belkina T.V.

Kudashkina T.V.

Participation of veterans in working with young specialists

During the year

Kuleshova L.I.

Mstislavskaya Yu.S.

Participation of members of the primary organization in educational work schools

During the year

Demikhova V.I.

Mstislavskaya Yu.S.

Participation of the chairman and deputy chairman in meetings of the School Council

According to the School Board's plan

Belkina T.V.

Podshivalova N.P.

Design of the section of the school’s Book of Honor “Veteran of Pedagogical Labor”

During the year

Vyazikova V.A.

Lomakina N.S.

Reporting meeting of the primary organization

August 2019

Belkina T.V.

Podshivalova N.P.

Danilova E.V.

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