Describe an animal in English. Description of animals in English: every dog ​​has his day. Farm animals in English

Description of the animal's appearance not often required in practice. Most often we describe our pet, usually a cat, dog, parrot, or hamster. But describing animals is even more fun. Let's take, for example, a tiger. What a beautiful animal! So today you will find out how to describe any animal in English and get a complete list of words on this topic to study. Read on!

How to describe an animal in English (words)

  1. muzzle - muzzle
  2. tail - tail
  3. whiskers - mustache
  4. paws - paws
  5. fur/ hair – wool
  6. beak - beak
  7. wings - wings
  8. hoofs - hooves
  9. claws - claws
  10. skin - skin

Animals like people have bodies, legs, eyes, ears, noses, teeth, necks.

Maybe when describing animals in English you will need adjectives you may need:
  1. rough - rough
  2. smooth – smooth
  3. soft - soft
  4. sharp - sharp
  5. long - long
  6. short - short
  7. big - big
  8. huge - huge
  9. little - small
  10. thick - thick
  11. thin - thin

Description of an animal in English (practice)

Let's describe, for example, a tiger.

Have you forgotten anything? Here are some more words...

We will most likely not return to describing the animal in English, so keep in mind that there is a difference...

Exercise. Describe the animals from the presentation (below), and at the same time remember their names. Be sure to use adjectives as well as a list of additional words.

List of additional words on the topic “Description of an animal in English”

  1. horn - horn
  2. beak - beak
  3. mane - mane
  4. feather - feather
  5. belly - belly
  6. shell - shell, shell

Names of animals in English (presentation)

So, watch the presentation and remember names of animals in English. It will appear on the second slide with its full image in the upper left corner. Don't forget to describe several animals.

Well, let's get started. What animal is it?

It was English lesson on the topic “Appearance. Description of an animal" for beginners.. It's possible!

We are all, to some extent, dependent on our smaller brothers. These cute little bundles of happiness bring us joy and lift our spirits. And although not all animals can be called cute, this makes their role in the existence of planet Earth no less important. Animals in English is the basis that all students go through when studying English. So that your vocabulary does not end with dogs and cats, you need to make a little effort. C"mon!

To make it easier for you to learn the names of animals in English, we have divided them by type. For example: domestic, farm, wild and exotic animals. In this article you will find lists where animals are presented in English with transcription. We are sure that you had no idea about the existence of some of the list.


Those very favorites that many want to acquire. Most of the words below may not be new to intermediate or beginner level students, but they can be extremely relevant to beginners learning English. Also, a list of pets in English for children will be very useful. In addition, animals in English for children and adults will be easier to learn if you use the Training section, which is absolutely free for all our registered users. You can simply create a list of words called “Animals”, the translation of which you will enter there. After studying this list, English will seem a little easier to you. And to ensure that your spelling is correct, we have added a transcription to each word.

So let's get started.

Pets in English:

cat cat
kitten kitty
dog dog
puppy["pʌpɪ] puppy
hamster["hæmstə] hamster
parrot["pærət] parrot
guinea pig["ɡɪnɪ pɪɡ] guinea pig

Farm animals

Those friends who benefit us in the household are our irreplaceable helpers and breadwinners. You may already be familiar with most of the words on the list, but words like “lamb” and “kid” are less common. In English vocabulary, however, they will not be superfluous. When you are in a store abroad, now you definitely won’t be at a loss, if, of course, you want such meat.

Farm animals in English:

chicken["tʃɪkɪn] chicken
rooster["ru:stə] rooster
turkey["tɜ:kɪ] turkey
gobbler["gɔblə] turkey
goat[ɡəʊt] goat
billy goat goat
kid kid
sheep[ʃi:p] sheep
ram ram
lamb lamb
bull bull
cow cow
calf calf
horse horse
stallon["stæljən] foal
colt foal
mare mare
pig pig
sow female pig
piglet["pɪɡlɪŋ] pig
rabbit["ræbɪt] rabbit
kit rabbit, kitten
doe female (rabbit, deer, hare, goat, rat, mouse, ferret, kangaroo)
buck male (rabbit, hare, deer, antelope, sheep, goat)

Wild animals

Those that delight and frighten us are those, unfortunately or fortunately, that are not found in our country and cities, such as in Australia or Africa. But what if you happen to go on a luxury safari in Africa? It's worth improving your wildlife vocabulary to fully understand or even correct your guide.

Of course, you may never meet some animals in real life, but broadening your horizons has never harmed anyone. By the way, if you are not aware, it will be very useful to watch programs about wild animals in English. This way, you will improve your listening skills and also expand your vocabulary. Also remember that when learning new words, be it fruits, vegetables or animals, the English translation must be from a trusted source.

Wild animals in English:

crocodile["krɒkədaɪl] crocodile
deer deer
elephant["elɪfənt] elephant
elk elk
fox fox
giraffe giraffe
goat[ɡəʊt] goat
hare hare
hippopotamus hippopotamus
hyena hyena
jaguar["dʒæɡjʊə] jaguar
leopard["lɛpəd] leopard
lion["laɪən] lion
lynx lynx
marten["mɑ:tɪn] marten
mink mink
mole mole
mongoose["mɒŋɡu:s] mongoose
monkey["mʌŋki] monkey, monkey
mouse mouse
hedgehog["hedʒhɔg] hedgehog
muskrat["mʌskræt] muskrat
otter["ɒtə] otter
panda["pændə] panda
panther["pænθə] panther
polar["pəʊlə] fox arctic fox
puma["pju:mə] cougar
raccoon raccoon
rhinoceros rhinoceros
sable["seɪbl] sable
squirrel["skwɪrəl] squirrel
tiger["taɪɡə] tiger
tortoise["tɔ:təs] turtle (land)
wolf wolf
yak yak
zebra["zi:brə] zebra

Exotic animals

And these are the most unique, strange, disappearing and rare, crawling and rustling “troubles” that are phobias for many. Let them remain in your life only in your vocabulary. Although, you can have a cute turtle at home, just like a snake, but this is not an acquired taste. And, for example, you can even find a lizard in your country house. There are rumors that you can even buy a penguin for $5,000, but this must be a very carefully considered purchase.

Exotic animals in English:

hissing cockroach hissing cockroach
triton["trʌɪt(ə)n] tritone
piranha piranha
scorpion["skɔ:pɪən] scorpio
salamander["saləmandə] salamander
chameleon chameleon
tarantula tarantula
green iguana green iguana
tamandua ant-eater
flying squirrel["flaɪɪŋ "skwɪr(ə)l] flying squirrel
kinkajou["kɪŋkədʒu:] kinkajou (chain-tailed bear)
Chanterelle Fennec[ʃæntə"rel "fɛnɛk] fennec fox, African fox
skunk skunk
capybara capybara, capybara
hermit crab["hɜ:mɪt kræb] hermit crab
bush baby galago (prosimian)
alligator["alɪɡeɪtə] alligator
crocodile["krɒkədʌɪl] crocodile
emu["i:mju:] emu
ostrich["ɒstrɪtʃ] ostrich
penguin["pɛŋɡwɪn] penguin
snake snake
tortoise["tɔ:təs] turtle
lizard lizard
chinchilla chinchilla
kangaroo kangaroo


Any animal, like a person, has the right to a happy existence in this world. Make the decision to buy a pet consciously; do not leave your beloved kittens at home alone for days. Even wild animals are of great benefit to flora and fauna; it is important to love and protect nature.

Let all the animals in English be easy for you, develop with EnglishDom and become better every day.

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

*if you have difficulties and cannot understand the text, then use an online translator, simply select the text and click the “translate” button that appears, but it is better to first try to translate it yourself!

The Cow.

Cows are very useful to mankind, in supplying them with milk from which both butter and cheese are made. Their young ones are called calves, and the flesh of calves is veal. A good Cow will give about fifteen or more quarts of milk a day, but much depends upon the quality of the pasture she feeds upon. Her age is told by her horns; after she is three years old a ring is formed every year at the root of the horn, so that by counting the number of circles, her age may be exactly known. Cows are sometimes prettily marked with black, brown, and yellow spots, and, as they lie scattered about a green meadow, add much to the charms of a landscape.

View translation


Cows are very useful for people. They supply them with milk from which butter and cheese are made. Their young are called calves, and the meat of the calves is veal. A good cow will produce about fifteen or more quarts of milk per day, but much depends on the quality of the pasture on which she feeds. Her horns show her age. After she turns three years old, a ring is formed at the base of the horn every year, so by counting the number of circles, her age can be accurately known. Some cows are beautifully spotted with black, brown and yellow spots. And, when they lie in disarray on a green meadow, they add charm to the landscape.

List of words

cow- cow
useful- useful
mankind- humanity
to supply- supply
milk- milk
butter- oil
cheese- cheese
calf- calf
flesh- meat, body
veal- veal
to depend- depend
quality- quality
pasture- pasture
to feed (fed, fed)- eat, feed
age- age
horn- horn
ring- ring, bezel
to form- arise, create
root- root
to count- count, count
number- number, quantity
circle- circle
exactly- exactly, exactly
prettily- Beautiful
marked- marked, marked
spot- spot
to scatter- scatter, scatter
meadow- meadow
to add- add, add
charm- charm, charisma
landscape- landscape, landscape

Let's come up with a Beast Unknown to Science? Or even Alien? Or (what horror) a Terrible, Terrible Monster? Second year children can easily do this in English.

1) First you need to come up with and draw what an animal unknown to science looks like. Well, for example, like this:

We need to clarify who this is. Otherwise, suddenly no one will understand that this is an animal unknown to science (or a Monster. Or an Alien from outer space).
In order to make a caption for the picture, we use the phrase:

This is a...- This (this is exactly what is drawn here) - ...

For example:

This is a monster. - This is a monster.
This is an alien. - This is an alien
(note: AN alien because the word alien begins with a vowel).
This is a dragon. - This is a dragon.

Let’s write about our beast unknown to science like this:

This is my animal. - This is my animal
(Please note: we use OR a (an), OR my. A - some kind in general, but MY is no longer some kind, but MINE. Therefore, they cannot be used at the same time: either an animal, or my animal)

2) Our beast needs to come up with a name or name. Let his name be... well, for example, Bumpsy.
Let us remember that we talked about people’s names like this:

His name is... - His name is ...
Her name is... - Her name is ...

About animals they usually do not say he and she, but use the word it:

Its name is... - His (not human) name is ...

So it turns out:

Its name is Bumpsy. - His name is Bumpsy.

3) We need to describe what our animal looks like. You can tell what size and color it is, whether it is funny or scary, cheerful or sad. All descriptive phrases in English begin like this:

I am... - I am ...
He(she, it, my monster, this animal, the alien) is... He (she, it, my monster, this animal, an alien) There is ...
They(you, we, the children, the animals, the monsters) are... They (you, us, children, animals, monsters) There is ...

Since we are describing an animal, it turns out like this:

It is... - It (not a person) There is ...

But we have already given our beast a name, so now we can call it that:

Bumpsy is little. It is green and yellow. It is very funny.- Bumpsy is small. It's green and yellow. He's very funny.

4) Now let's figure out what our animal can do. We remember that for this we need the verb can (I can, I can):

It can... - It can (can) ...
It can't... - It cannot (cannot) ...

It turns out:

Bumpsy can jump. It can swim and dance. It can play football.
Bumpsy can jump. He can jump and dance. He knows how to play football.

Bumpsy can't sing or play the piano.
Bumpsy can't sing or play the piano.

5) Maybe our animal likes (or doesn’t like) something. Let us remember how we spoke about ourselves in such cases:

I like... - I love...
I don't like... - I don't like...

And now we are not talking about ourselves, but about someone else (about her, about him, about this). This means that the verb like must change (I love, and he loves). In English, the verb ends with S:

It like S ... - He (not a person) loves IT
It does S n"t like... - He (not a person) doesn’t like...

It likes jam and ice cream. It doesn't like to sing.
He loves jam and ice cream. He doesn't like to sing.
(Please note: It doesn't like to sing. - He doesn’t like (what’s wrong) t?) ne t.)

6) We can come up with who (or what) our animal has. Don't forget about the S ending on the verb:

It has got...- He has...
It hasn't got...- He doesn't have...

Bumpsy has got a mother and a father.
Bumpsy has a mom and dad.

It has got many toys.
He has a lot of toys.

Bumpsy hasn't got a bike.
Bumpsy doesn't have a bike.

7) And finally, we can figure out where our animal lives. Don't forget about the S ending of the verb live:

It lives...- He (not a person) lives...

For example:

It lives in the forest.
He lives in the forest.

________________________________________ ______________________________________

Here's what we ended up with:

This is my animal. Its name is Bumpsy. Bumpsy is little. It is green and yellow. It is very funny.

Bumpsy can jump. It can swim and dance. It can play football. Bumpsy can"t sing or play the piano. It likes jam and ice cream. It doesn"t like to sing.

Bumpsy has got a mother and a father. It has got many toys. Bumpsy hasn't got a bike.

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