Putin is not in the best mood going to his inauguration. The poem “maybe not at its best” Natalya Georgievna Astafieva Not at its best

Maybe not really at its best,
nevertheless I lived, having fallen in love,
without offending anyone in the world,
without killing a mosquito out of boredom.

On the ground in your linen shirt
ran, washed by spring,
larks, squirrels and daisies
the world was shared in half with me.

The bright forest will relieve my fatigue,
there is already an unnecessary burden off my shoulders,
I have little time left to live on earth,
but I’m not afraid to go into the ground.

I accept the grave cold,
it became too crowded on the ground.
Let me with your hand, darling
He will place it on the table in a light coffin.

And the wreath that I carry from the forest,
like a crown, he will place it over his forehead:
I will lie in it like a bride,
in a white dress or blue.

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You are now reading a poem, Maybe not in the best possible way, by the poet Natalya Georgievna Astafieva

The exact list of guests at the inauguration of Russian President Vladimir Putin will only be known on inauguration day, May 7. Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder are expected to attend. The participation of current heads of state in Putin’s inauguration is still a big question. – ed.

The fact that European leaders will not come to Putin for the inauguration will not be accepted by the people in any way. TV won't tell them anything about this. By the way, Berlusconi and Schroeder are private individuals or hired employees of Rosneft. Putin's friends may come - Hungarian Prime Minister Orban and Czech President Zeman. Well, what is it? This is funny.

It is unclear whether Nazarbayev will be there, but Lukashenko most likely will be there. But this is all nonsense! Who is Lukashenko? The only person Putin is interested in is the Chairman of China. But it is also not yet clear whether he will be at this event.

But people don't care at all. People don’t think about it at all, they don’t know, and they won’t tell them anything on TV. They won’t tell him: none of the Western and world leaders came to the presidential inauguration. They won't say anything at all.

The political elites in Russia don't care either. What difference does it make to them? They already know that they are being pressed all over the world, that sanctions lists are being drawn up, etc. A significant part of the political elite in Russia hates Putin much more than all the English prime ministers combined. For the British, Putin is a political enemy, but for a significant part of the Russian elite, he is the man who got them into a difficult situation. That's why they hate him. But the more they hate, the more they suck up to him in order to hide their feelings. And the more they suck up, the more they hate. Well, the usual vicious circle. In any case, the Russian elites have no reaction and cannot have one.

The only person who is really uncomfortable with this is Putin himself. Well, what can he do? Drive world leaders to Moscow by force? No, it can't.

The presidential inauguration in Russia is formally a federal meeting at which Putin will speak. I assure you that the protocol will be followed to the smallest detail. In fact, Putin is not in the best mood going into this inauguration. To hell with them, after all, with foreigners. Even no popular rejoicing is noticeable. Putin was elected by a huge, incredible, overwhelming majority... Well, where are these cheering crowds? Where is it all? Where is this delight?

For some reason I haven’t seen people on the streets wearing T-shirts with Putin’s image on them. And I haven’t heard about the demonstrations in honor of his inauguration either. Maybe some poor fellows will be driven away. But the fact that there is no enthusiasm among the people about the inauguration is for sure. True, there is no dissatisfaction or negative feeling. People are absolutely indifferent, submissive, aloof and that’s it. Putin is Putin, Medvedev is Medvedev, Sechin is Sechin. Whoever is appointed will be the one.

Read the statements famous people- about how they see life.

Happiness is not sought after like gold or winnings. It is created themselves, by those who have enough strength, knowledge and love.

What's wrong with someone laughing for no reason? Why do you need a reason to laugh? A reason is needed to be unhappy; You don't need a reason to be happy. Happiness is natural and causeless. Osho

Old people always advise young people to save money. This is bad advice. Don't save nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty. Henry Ford

There are no perfect people - just find someone as crazy as you. © Eddie Murphy

Never think that you did something wrong in the past. Always look to the future with your head held high. Don't be sorry.

The complete absence of the need to prove something to someone is a good sign of harmony within.

I wanted to go back, to catch the vanished moment, but I immediately thought that even if we turned back, it would be different, not even the sun would remain in the sky

Your time is limited, so don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Steve Jobs

A man said and a man did - these are two different men!

I suffered because I was bound, and now I suffer because I am free. Frederic Beigbeder

There's no point in beating yourself up when there's nothing you can do. Erich Maria Remarque.

The drop began to cry that it had parted with the sea,

The sea laughed at the naive grief.
Omar Khayyam

It is very important for a woman how a man treats her. A woman first falls in love with her attitude, and only then with a man.

Laugh heartily and get plenty of sleep - those are two best medicines from any ailment.

It is impossible to offend a wise person, because you cannot be offended by the truth, and untruth is not worth attention. It is better to have a twisted psyche, crazy ideas, to be incomprehensible and a little sick in the head, than to be no different from the nightstand that stands by your bed.

Sometimes a person appears in your life... and everything goes to hell... both your mood, your mind, and your brains...

I have never felt as cold anywhere as with you.

Don’t judge someone else’s past - you don’t know your future. The older and wiser a person is, the less he wants to sort things out. You just want to get up, wish him well and leave.

Friendship is everything. Friendship is more important than talent. Stronger than any government. Friendship means only a little less than family. Mario Puzo "The Godfather"

Never dive deep into a person. One day you will want to come up for air and hit your head on the ice. It’s not hard to kill love, it’s hard to kill memories. There are people in the world whom you simply love. Just like that. Not for anything. You feel good just thinking that they exist. They may be very far away, in other cities, even in other countries, but you know that they love you too. Just like that.

In fact, anyone will hurt you. You just have to find someone who is worth your suffering. - Bob Marley

Don't fear God - fear yourself. You yourself are the creator of your blessings and the cause of your disasters. Hell and heaven are in your own soul.
Pierre Marechal

Because of the fear of being alone, you do so many things that are not even you.

At first I plan to go to work in full dress, but in the morning my laziness says: “here are the jeans. Here is the sweater... Stomp like that”... Public opinion– this is the opinion of those who are not asked. Bruce Willis

You can never forget what you want to forget most. Chuck Palahniuk

The world is a book, and if you haven't traveled, you've only read one page.

There is something about music that cannot be written down. Life cannot be written down, the heart cannot be written down... the moment of creation is inherently elusive...

Nothing really belongs to us except the past.

I didn’t love you less, I just decided that I should value myself more... Angelina Jolie

A friend is known in need... A hero in battle... A wife in poverty... A husband on maternity leave.

People manage to do only one thing perfectly - disappoint each other. Requiem for a Dream

Remember - this day is not subject to exchange or return.

The calmer and more balanced a person is, the more powerful his potential and the greater will be his success in good and worthy deeds. Equanimity of mind is one of the greatest treasures of wisdom.

On our life path nothing is accidental. All our meetings are predetermined. And for what? So that each of us learns something.

Time passes, but habits remain.

We live in a world where a smile no longer means good attitude to you. Where kisses don't mean feelings at all. Where confessions don't mean love. Where everyone is lonely and no one is trying to change it. Where words lose all meaning because they carry lies.

In an instant you can become a different person. It’s as if the whole Universe, which was secretly hidden from you all your life, suddenly opens up to you.

I'm tired of people. But I love to laugh. I can't laugh alone.

One of the secrets happy life- continuously give yourself small pleasures.

The best gift that fate gives us is the people to whom we say “thank you for existing.” Ersin Tezcan

The surest sign of truth is simplicity and clarity. A lie is always complex, elaborate and verbose. L.N. Tolstoy

Unexpressed emotions never die. They are buried alive, but later they emerge not in the best shape.

The stars are better visible through the slid down roof.

Nowadays people can come up with a whole speech to justify themselves. But they can't say a simple phrase: "Sorry, I was wrong."

How can you trust your inner voice if in the morning, when you have to go to work, it says that you need to sleep?

The correct answer comes to us in the very first seconds. It is only then that experience comes into play. Alex Dubas

It is better to fall sometimes than never fly. You must love life more than the meaning of life. F.M. Dostoevsky.

After so many extraordinary things happen to you in a row, you inevitably begin to think that there are not so many truly impossible things in the world.

Nothing makes life more interesting than fighting for it. © Robert Heinlein

What does it take to enjoy life?
- Look around you. Matsumoto Jun

Life is suffocating without purpose. @ F.M. Dostoevsky

Nothing disappears without a trace. For better or worse, nothing can be completely forgotten. Something always remains in people's hearts. And what is stored in someone's memory will never disappear. Do not imitate others. Find yourself and be yourself. © Dale Carnegie

It is impossible to live in this world, but there is nowhere else. Obviously, only my head is placed incorrectly on my shoulders, because everyone else knows much better what I need to do and what to avoid: only I myself, a pathetic madman, cannot advise myself anything! Don't we all look like statues with other people's heads attached to them? Isn't it true, dear neighbor? Oh no, you are just the exception. Friedrich Nietzsche

The highest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved; they love for your own sake, or rather, they love in spite of you. © Victor Hugo

For example, I really love it when it rains on Sunday. Somehow you feel more comfortable. Erich Maria Remarque Remember, those who write and call first need you. The rest didn’t care about you... I tried to drown my sorrows, but these bastards learned to swim. People came, people left... What's the difference? The main thing is to look at who stays, but only a few remain who truly love you and value you. © Friends

You can seduce a man who has a wife. You can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.

“We must try to do everything well: it will turn out bad on its own.”

Andrey Mironov

A person has everything he wants in life, and if he doesn’t have it, it means he doesn’t want enough. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

Never be afraid to do what you don't know how to do. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built the Titanic.

When we surround ourselves good people and good thoughts - life begins to change for the better.

Don't keep a person in your head when you can no longer hold their hand.

Nowadays, people have lost interest in life, they don’t get bored, don’t cry, they just wait for... time will pass. They gave up the fight, and life gave up on them.

The most important thing in life is desire. You can achieve anything you want, the whole world lies before you, nothing is impossible. All you need is to wish. If you have a desire, nothing will stand in your way. Aim high.

Understand: time waits for no man. What happened yesterday is already history. What will happen tomorrow is not given to anyone to know. Today is a gift.

There are books that you read and think that they have no right to end, tear away and leave you.

They say that women are the weaker sex... But no man with a hangover can... cook borscht and clean the apartment!

A girl should be loved, happy and beautiful. She doesn't owe anyone anything anymore...

On the personal front, it’s like at a banquet: I don’t take what they offer, what I want is far from me. You have to pretend that you are not hungry.

Only when we lose everything do we become free to do anything. Chuck Palahniuk. fight club

A person will never be able to explain why he loves if he really loves.

Life is like electricity: you get up with tension, go to work with resistance, sparkle all day, and return home and... pass out!!!

Leaving is always much easier than staying.

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