Singapore system. Singaporean expansion into Russian education. How it works now

Singapore teaching method.

A modern lesson is, first of all, a lesson in which the teacher skillfully uses all opportunities for the development of the student’s personality, her active mental growth, deep and meaningful assimilation of knowledge, and the formation of her moral foundations.

Konarzhevsky Yu.A.

The education system in Singapore was created practically from scratch and over the 45 years of the independent existence of the state it has achieved enormous successes that have distinguished it favorably at the world level. Many countries take this education system as an example to develop their own, since it uses the most modern technologies.

These methods are used in schools in Singapore, it is based on team forms of work, creating a psychologically comfortable, safe environment for students, using a variety of structures both for academic purposes and for classbuilding (class unification), team building (team unification), etc. .

According to Educare specialists, the program consists of five modules: trends in the development of education in the 21st century, the development of critical thinking in schoolchildren, problem-based learning, collaborative group learning, and the formation of innovative teaching teams. The system that we were taught involves the whole class during the lesson. This is a method that allows us to teach children to think, express their opinions, and constantly be active.

New methods can be widely used to teach young children school age, since it is based on various forms (structures, exercises) of training, on a combination of academic, entertaining, game material. A lot of attention in this system is paid to the formation of a cooperative, caring team (class), where everyone knows how to listen, hear and support their partner.

After a meaningful, exciting training, I gradually began to apply the Singaporean methodology. First of all, I seated the students in groups of four, dividing them into groups, alternating between learning the educational material at different levels. Children must work in a team, in a group of four, paired with a partner “by the shoulder”, “by the face” can be seen in most of the structures used by teachers, when answering questions, everyone should express their thoughts orally or in writing, help the weak. No one should be left out of the game. Along with consolidating what has been learned, refreshing memory of forgotten things, and developing speech, this helps to foster a sense of respect for each other and tolerance. There are no leaders here, everyone is equal. The kids themselves like this method. And it helps teachers to properly allocate time and test the knowledge of all students in one lesson. But the most important thing, in my opinion, is that the teacher, together with the students, must now look at the educational process differently: the teacher should practice using new structures, and the students themselves should learn to think independently, answer the questions posed, complementing each other friend, exchange opinions. Let me note: this technique does not require changing the course of the entire lesson; it involves the use of only one or two elements of the technique, which the teacher himself has the right to choose. Moreover, they can also be used on classroom hours, and on extracurricular activities, and even at various holidays and evenings. Using the teaching structures of the Singapore methodology on various stages I consider the lesson acceptable when repetition in progress homework and consolidation of the topic: when communicating with their partners, the student is forced to repeat the material several times, which contributes to its development and assimilation. Children are interested. They take great pleasure in preparing questions for their classmates and communicating. And moving around the classroom during a lesson and finding a partner for cooperation have a positive impact on the entire course of learning.

I have been working towards a project-based learning system for several years now. Therefore, from the teaching structures I chose a similar structure “ Conairs", which provides for division into interest groups. I tried to work with “ Round table. In this case, the team takes turns performing written work on one sheet of paper. Structure " Timed pea shea" consists in the fact that two participants give complete answers within a certain time. We will enter the rest only after memorizing them in detail. English names and methods, honing the action algorithm

In a fine arts lesson on the topic “Reality and Fantasy”, where I used the structure HEY HAY GUARD(Before and after) First, the students had to write down their first opinions about the fairy-tale character, Baba Yaga, on a piece of paper (this is called “Before”, that is, before the explanation new topic). After its introduction, they again wrote down their opinions, but in a column labeled “After.” As a rule, the first and subsequent opinions differ. I use structures in my lessons QUIZ QUIZ TRADE(Poll, poll, exchange card) and STE THE CLASS(Collect as many opinions from class students as possible.) In teaching practice, we have used similar elements before: working in pairs, preparing questions based on the text, asking friends, etc. They are now presented in new form and have new terms.

The classroom environment contributes to children’s more successful learning of the material. Working in groups helps children think creatively and reactively; in communication, they jointly solve assigned problems, find and explain each other’s mistakes, listen to each participant in the group, and respect their choices and opinions. The use of the Singapore education system helps students to reveal a new side, since the main thing in the lesson is the student himself and his activities, and the teacher is an assistant, a mentor.. New methods develop the personality of each student, makes him think, express himself, allows him to change his vision of the material, improves it emotional level, and therefore has a beneficial effect on the health of the body.

A working environment is created from which it is no longer possible to leave, and you don’t want to leave it, it’s so captivating. There will never be anyone bored in such a lesson, because students will not only have to sit and write.

Practice shows that new method develops in the student qualities that are vital in our time, such as: communication, cooperation, critical thinking, creativity

Also, each time lessons are held in a new interesting form, so-called “cheers” are used - special actions, movements and words with the help of which students thank each other, lift each other’s spirits and charge each other with positivity for the whole day.

All new structures need to be used skillfully, which we still have to learn. There is indeed a very good rational grain in this project that needs to be used in the learning process.

I would like to conclude my speech with the words of the German teacher A,

“Teach the student to work, make him not only love it, but become so close to it that it becomes second nature to him, teach him that it is unthinkable for him otherwise than to learn something on his own; so that he thinks independently, searches, expresses himself, develops his dormant powers, develops himself into a persistent person.”

“Use of Singaporean methodology in primary school lessons”

“He who comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher.”


IN Due to the introduction of second generation standards, the content of subject areas was updated. Teachers can choose a program that matches their professional qualities, individual characteristics, psychological-pedagogical class possibilities.
Every teacher is looking for the most effective ways to improve educational process, ways to increase students’ motivation to learn and the quality of children’s education. While in this search, I read a lot of various pedagogical literature, watched master classes, video lessons that were posted on the portal, studied various materials, and applied everything in practice, there were successes and failures. And so on for six months. I learned about the Singaporean method. And having studied the Singaporean methodology, I began to introduce elements of the Singaporean methodology into the lesson. I really liked this method, the effect of using it in lessonsand outside technology lessons Singapore method. The children's motivation to study the subject increased and they began to work more actively in class. Moreover, here there is a complete passion for all students, regardless of their level of knowledge.
Therefore, the choice of the work experience topic “Application of elements of Singaporean technologies in modern lesson"was driven by the search for new forms of work in the classroom. For me, the Singapore teaching method is learning in collaboration, only with a huge variety of teaching structures.
And against this background this experience arose.

Relevance of experience

The relevance of my work experience is that traditional teaching methods are focused on intermediate level students’ readiness and in new conditions are not given enough high results. Therefore, I began to introduce into my practice innovative technologies, which contribute to the development in children of communicative competencies that contribute to the success of students in modern society.

The use of Singaporean training structures is relevant because they:

Promotes increased interest in the subject

    Accelerate the learning process

    Improves the quality of material absorption

    Provides customization and differentiation

    Promoting collaboration between teacher and student

Develop communicative competence

2. Conceptuality.

Modern conditions characterized by humanization educational process, appealing to the child’s personality, developing his best qualities, forming a versatile and full-fledged personality. The implementation of this task requires new approach to the education and upbringing of children. Education should be developmental, enrich the child with knowledge and methods of mental activity, and form cognitive interests.

3. Controversies
During the work on the experiment, the following contradictions were identified:

The existing objective need for the formation of communication skills in younger schoolchildren and the insufficient level of development of schoolchildren’s communication skills;

The requirements of the program are to organize work in pairsand groups difficulties in organizing the communication process in the “student-student”, “student-teacher” system;

Creating optimal conditions for the formation of communicative competencies, achievement motivation, initiative, student independence and motivation to learn in students;

Between the need for school practice in new forms, methods, means, techniques for developing communication skills and their insufficient development;

The need for fruitful cooperation with parents on the development of communication skills in primary schoolchildren and the insufficient training of parents in this area.

Therefore, the formation and development of communicative universal educational actions in junior school student is actual problem, the solution of which is important both for each individual person and for society as a whole.

How to solve the current problem?...What means? ….What methods, formation technologies to use?... How to activate? ….

Availability of a theoretical basis of experience

Why Singapore? - you ask. The fact is that the practice of peer learning at school has an impact on the fact that young citizens of Singapore show the best results in the world in mathematics and natural sciences. “This system is very similar to the Soviet and Russian developments Lev Vygotsky, Daniil Elkonin and Vasily Davydov. However, in East Asia they were brought to technology.” Specialists from Singapore openly admit that when creating this system, they took the best of what was available in Russia and passed it through the American experience. The main thing is collective, or cooperative, learning, the Vygotsky system, they themselves admit it. Our colleagues from Tatarstan are actively studying and applying Singaporean teaching methods in their lessons.

Leading pedagogical idea

One of the promising technologies in the formation of communicative learning tools is collaborative learning,where the leading pedagogical idea is to learn together, and not just do something together! Singaporean learning technology is also based on collaboration technology.

Hometarget, which I set when starting to work on the experience is to improve communicative competence and enhance the speech and thinking activity of students.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following
tasks :
* study methods that promote the formation of communicative learning activities in the classroom

    manifestation individual characteristics, success of everyone;

    To promote the development of an active life position for everyone;

    Based on the studied Singaporean technologies, develop a system of creative teaching of the subject in everyday practice, achieving positive results in teaching speaking.

Develop teaching materials, accompanying successful learning.

In my practice, to achieve my goals and objectives, I use such training structures asConairs, Hi-Five, Round Robin, Mick PeaShea, SteZe class, Tim Chir MIX-FRIZE-GROUP, MIX PEA SEA, KUIZ-KUIZ-TRADE, STO THE CLASS, FINK-WRIGHT-ROUND ROBIN, ALL WRIGHT ROUND ROBIN, ROUND TABLE

I will introduce you to some of the structures of Singaporean learning technology.

Level of methodological justification

Singapore Technology Learning Structures (slides)

This technique does not require changing the course of the entire lesson; it involves the use of only one or two elements of the methodology, which the teacher himself has the right to choose. Moreover, they can be used both during class hours and at extracurricular events.

1. Learning structures showing interaction student-student, necessary for the development of communication and cooperation.

TIMED PEA SEA - a teaching structure in which two participants share detailed answers over a certain amount of time.

For example:
- What did we study in the last lesson? The one who is taller starts.
- What have we learned about the work of S.Ya. Marshak in the last lesson?

The one with the longest hair starts.
- What do you think we will do in class? The one with the brightest eyes starts.

MIX PEA SEA - a learning structure in which participants mingle to the music, form pairs when the music stops, and discuss the proposed topic using RELLY ROBIN (for short answers) and TIMED PEA-SHEA (for long answers).

ALL RIGHT ROUND ROBIN - "all write round robin" - a teaching structure in which students, one at a time, READ out their answers in a circle, and ALL other students WRITE down new ideas on their sheets of paper.

For example:

Task: Make numbers from the given digits.

Participant No. 1 reads out all the numbers that he wrote himself and collected from friends, and the other participants listen carefully and put a tick if they have this number. If participant No. 1 reads out a new number that someone else does not have, then they continue to write it down after the second drawn line, continuing the numbering.

MIX-FRIZE-GROUP - a learning structure in which participants MIX to the music, FREEZE when the music stops, and form GROUPS, the number of participants in which depends on the answer to a question.

For example:

They stood up quietly, pushed in the chairs, and went out. (I turn on the music - the children mix to the music, I stop, - they freeze, I ask - the children form a pair.

What is the side of a square if the perimeter is 8 cm (2)

How many times is 15 greater than 3 (5)

How many months is one fourth of a year?(3)

How many hundreds are there in 423?(4)

Thank you.

They quietly sat down in their seats.

Thank each other.

CONERS - “angles” - a teaching structure in which students are distributed into different angles depending on the answer option they have chosen and prove their choice.

For example:

Hand out a card with the names of objects . Participants are divided into two groups:

- Animated and inanimate

By number of syllables:

By first letter

By number of letters

Thank each other.

TAKE OFF - TOUCH DOWN (Takeoff - Touchdown) - “stand up - sit down” - a teaching structure for obtaining information about the class (who solved the problem in one way, two, three), as well as getting to know the class and audience.

2. Educational structures showing the interaction between student and educational material. They allow students to think about the material, connect it to previous knowledge, and reflect on the academic material they have acquired to develop critical and creative thinking.

JOT TOTS - “write down your thoughts” - a training structure in which participants loudly pronounce an invented word on a given topic, write it down on a piece of paper and place it face up in the center of the table. Without observing the order, each participant must fill out 4 pieces of paper, therefore, there will be 16 pieces of paper in the center of the table.

For example

Each team member takes 4 pieces of paper

On each piece of paper:

    Come up with the right words with the suffix -ik-

    Say this word out loud to your team members and write it down on one piece of paper.

    Place face up on center of table

    Repeat steps 1-3 until you have used all the leaves

When the allotted time is up, the team reviews the recorded ideas together.STE ZE CLASS - “shuffle the class” - a teaching structure in which students silently move around the class in order to add as many of the participants' ideas to their list as possible.

For example

Remember and write down agricultural professions. (time)

Time's up. Draw a line after the last occupation recorded.

Within 2 minutes you will need to collect as many answers as possible from your friends.

Task: meet with several classmates and collect as many career options as possible.

Time is up, thank each other and take your seats. Draw a second line, now after the last number that you copied from your friends.

Strategies such as silence signals, timers, management tools, etc. are used to manage the classroom.

TIM CHIR - “chant, motto” is a short, funny exercise to lift the spirit of the audience, encouragement or express gratitude.

1. Shake off laziness and fatigue.
2. We reached out to the starry distances.
3. They hid (crouched) from troubles and dangers.
4. Smiled at friends and the spring sun.
5. No noise, quietly landed at their desks

Teaching structures can be used at all stages of the lesson. I consider the use of teaching structures of the Singaporean methodology at various stages of the lesson acceptable, it is interesting for children.

Lesson assessment

using teaching structures of Singapore technology

It should be noted that learning structures control participation, mutual respect and overall engagement of students.

For reflection, you can use the so-called “cheers” - special actions, movements and words with which students thank each other, lift each other’s spirits and charge each other with positivity for the whole day.

"Colored fields".

Used to create a psychologically comfortable environment in the classroom.


1. Student doing written work

2. Makes notes in the margins in different colors. These colors have a meaning (address to the teacher):

red – “Please check everything and correct all errors”,

yellow – “Please mark all errors, I will correct them myself,”

blue – “Indicate the number of errors, I will find and correct them myself,”

green – “I think everything is right with me”

Students throw out a cube with questions on the sides:
What was difficult?
What didn't work in the lesson?
Why was I wrong?
What was unclear?
What was interesting?
What was useful and necessary?
What worked best? etc.
Children answer the question given to them. There can be two dice: a success cube and a failure cube. Then the child abandons them one by one.

Systematic work using Singaporean training structures gives positive results:

Students show more independence;

They begin to communicate more freely and express their point of view;

Interest in the subject is growing, especially in the experimental part;

Students avoid memorization and consciously perceive information.

Thus, using the above technology, it is possible to solve the issue of increasing students’ motivation to learn and a number of issues regarding the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

As a result of the technologies used, my students achieved the following results:

The level of learning of my students has increased, the quality of knowledge in subjects has increased by 4%. (Slide)

The interest of students in participating in competitions and olympiads at various levels in the Russian language, mathematics, and the surrounding world has increased. Over the past period, my students have become winners and prize-winners of various competitions and olympiads, such as: “Dina”, “”, “All-Russian distance Olympiad for students in grades 1-4”, “Project Festival “_____”.

(slide 15) I also actively share my experience with colleagues at scientific and practical seminars at school methodological unification, pedagogical councils.


Based on the reflection of my own teaching experience, I made the following conclusions:

The use of the Singapore education system helps students to reveal a new side, since the main thing in the lesson is the student himself and his activities, and the teacher is an assistant, a mentor.

Educational structures develop the personality of each student, force him to think, express himself, allow him to change his vision of the material, increase his emotional level, and therefore have a beneficial effect on the health of the body,

They develop in the student qualities that are vital in our time, such as: communication, cooperation, critical thinking, creativity,

-students are more likely to show initiative in finding a way(s) to solve a problem;

The psychological climate in the classroom improves.

There is a positive trend in library attendance (the number of students visiting the school library has increased 3 times);

There is a high level of student activity in project implementation,

Demonstration of collective creativity among students when creating educational products (creating projects, presentations, publishing newspapers, etc.);

Productive interaction with parents has been established.

When using this technique, schoolchildren's educational and cognitive motivation increases, the level of students' anxiety and fear of being unsuccessful or incompetent in solving any problems decreases. INgroup higher level of learning ability, efficiency of assimilation and updating of knowledge. Children learn with pleasure, they have developed adequate self-esteem. In addition, the children develop cognitive and educational interests, they ask a lot of questions, the search for answers to which is a joint activity of the teacher and students, they argue, defending their point of view, but they also know how to take the side of another student if they are wrong.

However, there are some difficulties or disadvantages in using the teaching structures of Singaporean technology.

This technique must first be taught. To do this, the teacher must find time to teach the methodology in the classroom. Without this condition, group work is ineffective.

Organizing group work requires special skills and effort from the teacher.

If the grouping is not well thought out, some students may benefit from the work of stronger classmates.

This technique allows you to be just as effective during the lesson and during extracurricular activities realize educational process. Team work, joint project and research activities, defending one’s position and tolerant attitude towards other people’s opinions, taking responsibility for oneself and the team form the personality qualities, moral attitudes and value guidelines of the student that meet the modern needs of society, reflect (see the problem; analyze what has been done - why it worked, why it didn’t work, see difficulties , errors);


In conclusion, it must be emphasized that any experience - successful or not - is invaluable, as it gives us the opportunity to test everything in practice. Experience helps us stop and reflect on why we have the experience we have. Experience gives us reason to move on, to try and take risks.Knowledge and application modern trends in the teaching methodology allows you to do practical work teacher more interesting and diverse, will help fulfill the main task of a teacher today - to find effective means training for quality education children, teach them to independently obtain the necessary information, analyze the acquired knowledge and apply it to solve new problems.

I believe that the experience I acquired during the period of using the Singapore methodology brings great results because:

Organization of communication situations in the classroom, application of new pedagogical technologies and creativity of students in close relationship with the teacher contribute to improving communicative competence and enhancing student creativity;

Academic performance improves;

Students cease to be passive listeners and become active participants in the learning process.

Get involved! Explore! Apply it!

Thank you!

Application of the teaching structures of the Singapore teaching methodology in lessons

Khurmatullina Landysh Ilgizovna

teacher primary classes

MBOU "Secondary School No. 28"

Nizhnekamsk RT

This year, school teachers were invited to train and begin to introduce elements of the Singaporean teaching methodology in their lessons. This work carried out based on the implementation of the program professional development“Transforming learning for the 21st century” and is aimed at identifying the most effective methods and educational technologies.

Society has changed, children, their needs, interests, and values ​​have changed. All this requires updating the education system, which is indicated in the new standard. Today, probably, all teachers are familiar with the regulations of the Federal State Educational Standard, but how to achieve the designated result is a problem for the teacher. New standard And sample program The main attention is paid to strengthening the activity-based approach to learning. Many teachers are facing a serious restructuring in their . The teacher now needs to come to class not to communicate new content, but for the purpose of organizing cognitive activity schoolchildren to independently acquire new knowledge. Only with this approach can we solve the problem of forming universal educational actions in schoolchildren and achieving personal,meta-subject and subject learning outcomes.

In accordance with the new standard, students upon completion primary school must possess not only subject, but personal and meta-subject skills.

Since the 2014-2015 academic year, I have been working on the implementation of a joint project of the Moscow Region and NRT with the Sangapur companyEducare International Consultancy “Improving the quality of teaching in the Republic of Tatarstan” using the teaching structures of the Singapore method of teaching, the goal of which is the transition from passive students to interested learners of the 21st century. The use of training structures provides great opportunities for organizing effective educational activities, on the basis of which lies the group form of work, work in pairs.For two days, we, teachers, studied the construction of a lesson in accordance with the requirements of the time, active structures that contribute to even more effective learning curriculum by students.

During the training, we transformed into students. We were not only listeners, but also active participants. The tasks were completed in groups and in pairs. In the form of trainings and games, we were given knowledge and skills that allowed us to teach children to think, express their opinions, and be constantly active.The main feature of teaching structures is that no one will be able to sit through a lesson using them; every student will be asked and evaluated. The center of the classroom will be the student, not the teacher.Active structures are designed to develop in students a variety of personal qualities, which should help them in adulthood.

Students sit in teams of 4 and partners A and B are ready to discuss with a shoulder partner and a face partner. The tables are numbered. The teacher can observe each student, move around the room, and listen to team discussions. There are learning structures to promote communication and collaboration, critical and creative thinking. Each structure has its own name. For example, the structure of Clock Buddies is fascinating and quick way creating pairs for cooperative learning lessons. A great way to pair students so they are always working with different students. Children are given a drawn clock with empty points for 5-12 “meetings” (a compass can be used as a template - cardinal directions, shapes, vowels). Students write the names of other students in the empty spaces next to each hour, and at the same time their name will be written in the corresponding space on the partners’ sheet. Students move around the classroom for 2-5 minutes and sign up with classmates every hour.

If at the end of the allotted time there are students with blank fields, find a pair with the whole class. If there are no available partners, then the student joins one of the pairs. The process: students fill out the Klok Buddies template. I ask you to meet with your partner, for example at 12 o’clock, and ask a question. Students exchange answers while standing and using pair work structures. The teacher listens to the discussions to understand what the students are learning and what they do not understand.

The following structures are Timed-Pea-Shea, Round Robin.

These structures enhance learning by creating opportunities for students to articulate ideas and responses through communication with their classmates. All students are given the same amount of time to express their thoughts and develop skills active listening and opportunities to learn from each other.

Timed-Pea-Shea is effective method oral exchange of responses to a question asked by the teacher in pairs. Students take turns presenting their answer to a partner within a certain time. In the Round Robin structure, students take turns sharing verbal responses with their team members. The teacher can allocate a certain amount of time for each answer. Process: the teacher asks a question, a problem that implies a detailed answer, gives time for reflection and allocates a certain amount of time for each student for discussion (determined by the teacher depending on the complexity of the question). In pairs, Student A shares his answer. Student B is actively listening. If student A finishes before the end of the allotted time, student B asks questions for student A to continue answering. After time has passed, Student B comments positively on Student A’s answer. Students switch roles. In a Round Robin structure, the teacher will pose a question, a problem that implies multiple answers or solutions and allows time for reflection. The student announces the number of the student who starts sharing the answer first. Students take turns sharing their answers.

Conairs is a bonding activity that helps students get to know each other better and teaches students to respect differences in their opinions. This structure encourages clear expression of opinions. Process: The teacher announces the angles with one of the suggested answers in each. Usually 4 corners are used, but there can be two or more if the task requires it. Students think silently to decide on their choice and write it on a piece of paper. Students disperse to the corners, in accordance with the chosen answer. In the corners, students pair up or form a group of 4 to discuss why they chose that answer, using Time-Peas-Shea or Round Robbin structures. Students learn to listen to their peers, express their own opinions and wait patiently, and show respect for the opinions of other students

John Tots is a learning structure that can be used for brainstorming or reviewing material covered. When implementing this structure, the students' task is to fill the center of the table with pieces of paper with different ideas on the topic being studied. John Tots promotes active listening skills and student engagement working together, learning and expanding your knowledge by drawing on the knowledge of others. Process: Each student must have pieces of paper (the number is determined by the teacher). The teacher names the topic and sets the amount of time for completion. It gives time to think before doing it. Students say the idea out loud, write it down on a piece of paper, and place it on the center of the table, word side up. When the thinking time ends, students begin to generate maximum quantity ideas, filling the center of the table with leaves. Only one idea or phrase should be written on one piece of paper. Students should not put the leaves on top of each other. When the allotted time is up, the team reviews the recorded ideas together. Ideas generated using the John Tots framework can be used to create sentences, mathematical equations, etc. The teacher can also ask students to sketch pictures for later writing a story, etc.

Tik-Tew-Tow - The purpose of this structure is to engage students in using creative thinking to identify or create connections between the concepts, phrases, formulas, etc. they are learning. instead of mindlessly memorizing definitions. This learning structure also promotes the development of dialogue and debate skills. Process: The teacher gives each student or team a set of cards with words or important concepts, etc. Students number the cards from 1 to 9. Student #2 mixes the cards and arranges them on the table in a 3 by 3 pattern. Students independently write sentences using 3 words vertically, horizontally or diagonally. When time runs out, students exchange suggestions with their team members.

Ste ze Klass (translated from English as “shuffle the class”) is a wonderful structure that helps students concentrate their attention on the topic they are studying and get a huge number of answers in a short time. Process: Each student is given pieces of paper and given a topic. Students are given 30 seconds to write down as many answers as they can on their sheet, numbering them. Upon completion of 30 sec. they must draw a horizontal line after the last answer. On cue, students stand up, push up their chairs, and move around the room, collecting many other students' ideas that differ from their own. If it is a new idea, the student writes it on his list after the line, continuing the numbering. This idea is similar to his own, he should put a tick next to this inscription on his piece of paper. When the time is up, students return to their seats, then they can compare lists, distribute items, etc.

Inside-Outside Circle – “inner and outer circle”. Students form circles and stand in 2 circles around the perimeter of the room. Students in the inner circle face outward, facing their partner in the outer circle. The teacher asks a question and gives time to think. Students from the outer circle respond to their partner. Students change roles. Now the inner circle is responding and the outer circle is listening. Students move on to work with a new partner.

It is not necessary to use these structures every day. You can start with once a week. It is permissible to use no more than three structures in one lesson.

The use of the teaching structures of the Singapore method makes it possible for the student to realize and develop their abilities, develop communication skills and control their actions, draw conclusions, and leads students to interact with educational material and student-student interaction. Through the interaction of the student with the educational material, we contribute to the emergence of a situation where the students work harder in the lesson than the teacher! Students are the ones who process information, reflect on it, and make connections to what they already know. In such lessons, students develop communication, cooperation, critical thinking and creativity. Students move from passivity in lessons to interested learners.

Math lesson

Topic: Division by 3

Goals: create conditions for the formation of ideas about division;promote the development of thinking, explanatory speech, memory, attention, enrich the horizons of students;promote in children the development of independence, attentiveness to the opinions of other people, hard work, friendship and mutual assistance.

Formation of universal educational activities

Regulatory :

Learn to determine the purpose of educational activities under the guidance of a teacher;

Create an implementation plan educational assignments, pronouncing the sequence of actions;

Work according to a given plan, algorithm;

Correlate the completed task with the example proposed in the textbook or teacher;

Perform under the guidance of a teacher learning activities in practical and mental form;

Summarize the lesson, draw conclusions and record (orally) at the end of the lesson satisfaction/dissatisfaction with your work in the lesson;

Cognitive :

Model ways of dividing by 3 using a number line, object actions, drawings and diagrams;

Construct a frame model of a triangular pyramid;

Search for the necessary information using textbook material, workbook and information received from the teacher;

Use different coding methods educational information(diagrams, tables, drawings, short notes and mathematical expressions);

Communication :

Use simple speech means to communicate in class;

Participate in dialogue and collective discussion;

Answer the teacher's questions.

Personal :

Basic skills of self-assessment and self-monitoring of the results of one’s educational activities;

Adequate assessment of the results of your studies, understanding the reasons for success or failure;

Positive attitude towards studying at school and the subject of mathematics;

Conscious compliance with rules and regulations school life;

Basic skills of ethical behavior.

Equipment: multi-projector, laptop, cards, educational supplies.

Lesson progress:

I .Organizational moment

I greet the students, check their readiness for the lesson, and communicate with the student on duty.

- HIGH FIVE (literally “high five” - a signal for silence and attention)

Say hello to your partner on the face and shoulder (actions: touch each other with fists on the face, and “high five” on the shoulder with hands).

I introduce the structure from the Singapore method into the lessonCLOCK BUDDIES - “time friends” is an educational structure in which students meet with their classmates at a “teacher-designated” time for effective interaction.

Guys, now take your diagramsCLOCK BUDDIES and make four meetings (12, 3, 6, 9 o'clock) with friends who are sitting at different desks.

II . Oral counting

I read the problem out loud.

    Decidetask - joke :


The bright room has four windows

There was a cat sitting on each window.

Each of them had three cats sitting opposite them.

And they greedily lapped up the sour cream from the bowl.

So how many cats are there in total?

I hope you were able to answer?

(There were four cats in the room).

I apply the structure from Singapore trainingCLOCK BUDDIES

Guys, meet with a partner scheduled for 12 o'clock, I ask for example: participant number 1 table number 2

What was your partner's answer? What is your own answer?

Ш Mathematical dictation:

I read the assignments, the students complete them in their notebooks:

7 increase by 8.

Reduce 16 by 9.

Find the product of numbers 7 and 3.

12 divided by 3.

The first term is 6, the second is 7. Find the sum.

Meet with the partner with whom you made an appointment for 3 hours, check your notebooks, chat, thank each other.

IV . Working with the textbook.

Open the textbook page and complete the task orally.

Perform calculations using pictures

3:3= , 12:3= ,

6:3 = , 15:3= ,

9:3= , 18:3= ,

(I write on the board in advance, 1 student writes down only the answers to save time; for example: table No. 3, participant number 4 performs on the board, then we check, I name the participant in the same way.)

Guys, look at the recording of examples, what did you notice? (that we divided all numbers by 3)

Who can formulate the topic of the lesson? (for example: I ask the participant under No. 2, table No. 5)

V . Lesson topic message

I draw a conclusion from the children’s answers and voice the topic of the lesson “Division by 3”. Consolidation.

VI . Work on the topic of the lesson.

Guys, we continue to work according to the textbook, solving the problem in writing, independently in notebooks.

Dad brought 9 bananas, 3 bananas in each bunch. How many bunches of bananas did dad bring? Explain and complete the diagram for this problem. Solve the problem

Meet with your partner scheduled for 6 o'clock, compare your tasks, listen to each other's answers, thank each other.

VII . Physical education minute.

I use structureMIX-FRIZE-GROUP (a training structure in which participants mingle to the music, freeze when the music stops, and form groups, the number of participants in which depends on the answer to a question.)

Questions after the music ends:

Unite as much as possible: what is 1 times 3? (three participants each)

Unite as many as possible: how many sides there are at the base quadrangular pyramid? (four participants each)

Unite by as many as: what is 10 divided by 2? (five participants each)

VIII . Work on the topic of the lesson.

Guys, we continue to work according to the textbook, solving the problem in our notebooks.

A 12 cm long cord was first cut into 2 equal parts, and then each part was cut into 3 more equal parts. How many parts did you get? Find the length of one such part.

Using,TAKE OFF – TOUCH DOWN “get up, sit down” is a training structure for obtaining information about the class (who solved the problem in one way, two, three), as well as getting to know the class and audience), I check the solution to the problem, thank you for the answer.

IX . Lesson summary .

Write your impressions about the lesson on the “Ladder of Achievement” pieces of paper, evaluate your work, meet with your partner scheduled for 9 o’clock, share your information, thank each other.

I summarize the lesson, evaluate the students’ work, and thank them for their work.

X . Homework.

Teacher's manual "Introduction to the teaching structures of the Singapore teaching method" with presentation

Target: introduce some of the teaching structures of the Singaporean teaching methodology.
Job description:
I offer this manual to those teachers who are interested in the Singaporean teaching method and want to work according to it.
To ensure the quality of education for schoolchildren, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan implemented a joint project “Improving the quality of teaching in the Republic of Tatarstan” with the Singaporean company “Educare International Consultancy”.
In 2014 – 2015 academic year Our teachers were invited by the Department of Education of the city of Zainsk to train and begin to introduce elements of the Singaporean teaching methodology in their lessons. Teachers from Tatarstan are the first in Russia to master the Singaporean teaching method. In Russia they have not even heard of such a system. I myself have been using these structures for only six months. At first it was all so incomprehensible, but when I started using these structures I even liked it. But it takes a lot of time to prepare for the lesson. It is necessary to select the material for the lesson correctly and successfully, since students may not have enough time to answer. The student is given 10 to 30 seconds for each answer. The time is recorded every time. Therefore, there should be a clock in the office (classroom). There is no need to change the entire lesson, you can only use some fragment of the lesson. The good thing about the Singaporean education system is that the whole class is involved in the lesson. Analyzing the work of students at our school in lessons, I can say that one student answers, the rest rest at this time. Using this system, students, whether they want it or not, have to learn to think independently, answer questions posed, complement each other, and exchange opinions. They develop oral speech. In such a lesson there is no leader, everyone is equal. This technique is also good because the student develops communication, cooperation, critical thinking, creativity - these are necessary qualities in our time.
The goal of this program is to move from passive learners through learning structures to engaged learners of the 21st century. (slide 1) A diagram is projected onto the screen.
I propose such structures.

1. The structure is projected onto the screen MANAGE MET (slide 2) – a tool for classroom management. A sign in the center of the table that allows you to conveniently and simply distribute students in one team (partner by shoulder, by face; partner A, B) to organize an effective learning process in teams.

Children are seated in a group of 4 people. Take their places at their desks as shown on the sign.

Lesson fragment: organizational moment
Greet each other: shoulder partners high-five each other; face partners - bump your fists and smile at each other; and now greet each other together, touching your right hand.

2. The structure is projected onto the screen HIGH FIVE (slide 3) - literally “high five” - a signal of silence and attracting attention.
This structure is used after the bell at the beginning of the lesson. The teacher raises his hand and says, addressing the class: “High five!” In response, students should also raise their hands and look at the teacher. This structure teaches you to concentrate on the teacher and prepare for the next stage of work.

3 The structure is projected onto the screen CLOCK BUDDIES (slide 4) - “friends by hour (time)” - a structure in which students meet with their classmates at the time “allotted by the teacher” for effective interaction.

Prepare a picture of a clock in advance. Place on tables. Children should mark on the clock, for example, the time of 3 and 9 o'clock and write down at this time those with whom they would like to meet. The teacher suggests meeting with friends at the time chosen for 9 o'clock and discussing the solution to homework, for example, No. 30(a). We thanked each other. Then the teacher invites you to discuss solution No. 35(b) with friends chosen for 3 hours. Depending on the number of tasks, the time can be set, for example, at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock. Can be discussed for 30 seconds.

4. The structure is projected onto the screen TAKE OFF – TOUCH DOWN (slide 5) - “stand up - sit down” - a structure for obtaining information about the class (who solved the problem in one way, two, three), as well as getting to know the class.

Lesson fragment: checking homework
If students think the statement is true, they stand up, otherwise they remain seated.
1.I completed my homework.
2. The homework was difficult.
3.My parents helped me with my homework.
4.I'm in a good mood.
5.I'm ready for the lesson.

5. The structure is projected onto the screen JOT TOTS (slide 6) - “write down your thoughts” - a structure in which participants loudly pronounce an invented word on a given topic, write it down on pieces of paper and place it face up in the center of the table. Without observing the order, each participant must fill out 4 pieces of paper, therefore, there will be 16 pieces of paper in the center of the table.

Each team has A4 sheets on the table. The teacher invites participants number 1 to take a blank sheet of paper, divide it in half, and give half to their partner on the shoulder. Then divide this half in half and give half to your partner in the face. Now each participant divides the sheet into 4 parts.

Lesson fragment: updating knowledge
The teacher gives the task: The numbers 6 are written down; 9.4; -234; 96.54; -7; 234; 9.56; 7; 87. What can you say about these numbers?
For example, there may be the following options:
- there are natural ones
-there are positive ones
-there are opposites
Place all answers in the middle of the table. You should have 16 answers. Time to complete can be given 3 minutes.
When time runs out, you can use the HIGH FIVE structure. The teacher invites participant number 3, table number 3, to read out their sentences.

6. The structure is projected onto the screen TIK – TEK – TOU (slide 7) - “Tic Tac Toe” - a structure used to develop critical and creative thinking in which participants make sentences using three words located in any row vertically, horizontally and diagonally.
First, the teacher introduces the JOT TOTS structure. Get 16 from one piece of paper.

Lesson fragment: consolidation of learned material
Each team member takes 4 pieces of paper
On each piece of paper, without following the order, perform the following steps:
1) Come up with decimal
2) Say this fraction loudly to your team members and write it down on one piece of paper
3) Place face up on the center of the table
4) Repeat steps 1-3 until you have used all the leaves.
For example, fractions are written on pieces of paper: 1.4; 76.2; 0.123; 8.65; 63.2; 7.46; 85.431; 7.34; 9.01; 70.5; 348.01; 6.4567; 56.32; 9.7612; 6784.6; 5.1
The teacher gives 1 minute to discuss which 9 fractions they will leave on the table.
Time's up. Mix the leaves and arrange 9 leaves in a 3x3 format
Each team member completes the teacher’s assignment using any three fractions on one line (vertical, horizontal or diagonal):
a) arrange the fractions in descending order
b) add fractions
c) multiply fractions
You can give 2 - 3 minutes to complete the task. The correctness of the task can be checked with partners by face.

7. The structure is projected onto the screen STE THE CLASS (slide 8) – “shuffle the class” - a structure in which students silently move around the class in order to add as many of the participants' ideas to their list as possible.

Lesson fragment: repetition
Within 30 seconds, students answer the question posed by the teacher. For example, what do you know about a rhombus? There may be such answers:
A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal;
at a rhombus the diagonals intersect;
in a rhombus, the diagonals are divided in half by the point of intersection;
in a rhombus, the diagonals are mutually perpendicular, and so on.
After their answers, the guys must draw a line. After this time expires, students will need to collect as many answers as possible from their friends in 30 seconds. They move around the class, find a couple not from their team, stand next to them and write down the answer they don’t have. If such an answer already exists, you can tick it. And thus, they must meet several times with partners and collect as many possible answers as possible. The answers are written down below the drawn line. Everyone gets up and pushes their chairs back. Time is recorded.
When time runs out. They take their seats. After all written answers, a second line is drawn. The check begins: for example, participant A at number 1 of table No. 2 will read out his answers to us. And the guys, listening to the answers, add those that are not there, but write them down below the second line.

8. The structure is projected onto the board CONERS (slide 9) – “corners” - a structure in which students are distributed in different corners depending on the option they choose.

Lesson fragment: checking previous knowledge
At the four corners of the classroom are the words:
The teacher gives the task to remember everything they learned about these figures while studying these topics.
Students go to the chosen corner, find a partner not from their team, remember the material they have studied, tell each other, and correct mistakes.

9. The structure is projected onto the screen SIMALTINUS ROUND TABLE (slide 10) - “simultaneous round table” - a structure in which 4 participants in a team simultaneously complete written work on separate pieces of paper or in a notebook and, at the end of the time, pass it to each other in a circle.

Lesson fragment: consolidation
For example, let No. 563 be solved, then No. 573. Time can be given from two to five minutes.

You can use the SIMALTINIUS RELLI TABLE structure - “simultaneous relly table” - a structure in which 2 participants in a team simultaneously complete written work on separate pieces of paper or in a notebook and pass it to each other when the time is up.

10. The structure is projected onto the screen KUIZ-CUIS-TRADE (slide 11) (“quiz-quiz-exchange cards” - a structure in which students test and teach each other on the material covered, using cards with questions and answers on the topic).

Lesson fragment: updating previous knowledge
The guys work in pairs, shoulder to shoulder.
Each pair is given cards: even numbers - questions, odd numbers - answers. Test each other's knowledge of the rules using pre-prepared cards with questions and answers
1. How do you add decimals?
2. How are decimals subtracted?
3. Formulate the rule for multiplying by a decimal fraction.
4. Formulate the rule for dividing a decimal fraction by a decimal fraction.
1.To add decimals, you need:

perform addition without paying attention to the comma;

2.To subtract decimals, you need:
equalize the number of decimal places in these fractions;
write them one below the other so that the comma is written under the comma;
perform subtraction without paying attention to the comma;
Place a comma in your answer below the comma in these fractions.
3. To multiply two decimal fractions, you need to:
perform multiplication without paying attention to commas;
Separate with a comma as many digits on the right as there are after the decimal point in both factors together.
4. To divide a decimal fraction by a decimal fraction, you need to:
in the dividend and divisor, move the comma to the right by as many digits as there are after the decimal point in the divisor;
After that, divide by a natural number.

11. The structure is projected onto the screen TIMED PEA SEA (slide 12) – a structure in which two participants share detailed answers over a certain amount of time.

Lesson fragment: learning new material
The teacher announces that today in class we will learn to simplify expressions.
Look at the expression: 4a+35a=39a
Think and write down the answers to the following questions on pieces of paper:
- What properties of arithmetic operations were used here?
- Could this expression be simplified differently?
Share your judgment with your shoulder partner. You can use the CLOCK BUDDIES structure. Within 30 seconds, for each question, the one with the name more letters. Time has passed.

12. The structure is projected onto the screen MIX PEA SEA (slide 13) - a structure in which participants mingle to the music, form a pair when the music stops, discuss the proposed topic, using the structure of RELLY ROBIN (for short answers) (slide 14) and TIMED PEA SEA (for extended answers).

The structure is projected onto the screen RELLY ROBIN - structure. In which two participants alternately exchange short answers.

Lesson fragment: consolidation
The teacher gives a task from the textbook (solve a problem).
Students silently mingle to the music as they move around the classroom. As soon as the music stops, they pair up with the student closest to them and high-five (hold hands in the air). Students who have not found a partner raise their hand to find each other.
The teacher asks a question and gives 3–5 seconds to think.
-What is this problem talking about?
- What is said about the kitchen area?
- Is the area of ​​the room known?
- What else is known about this problem?
- What should be denoted by x?
Students share opinions with their partners using: RELLY ROBIN and TIMED PEA SEA. Each time the oldest participant starts.

13. The structure is projected onto the screen MIX FREEZE GROUP (slide 15) - a structure in which participants mingle to the music, freeze when the music stops, and unite into groups, the number of participants in which depends on the answer to any question.

Lesson fragment: physical education minute (1 – 2 min.)
The music turns on, the children begin to move around the classroom. When the music stops, they freeze and listen to the question. The answer to the question will be some number. The guys gather in a group of so many people, what will be the answer. Condition: none of the guys should voice the answer.
What digit is written in the tens place of the number 13230? (3.)
What is 49 – 20 x 2? (9.)
How much will it be if 540 is divided by 20? (27.)

For physical education, you can use the structure TIM CHIR - “chant, motto.” TIM CHIR is a short, fun exercise to lift the spirit of the audience, encouragement or express gratitude.
1. Shake off laziness and fatigue.
2. We reached out to the starry distances.
3. They hid (crouched) from troubles and dangers.
4. Smiled at friends and the spring sun.
5. No noise, quietly landed at their desks

In order for our students to truly become successful, we need to teach them the skills effective communication, collaboration and teamwork. They also need to master critical and creative thinking skills to find solutions to the challenges they will face in a world unlike ours. Lessons should be aimed at this. When working in groups, when moving around, everyone is involved in this process, they have fun and the information is remembered easily. Teaching using this method comes down to a kind of game in which everyone takes part.
Whether this system is good or not, judge for yourself.

Today's study foreign language- this is not a boring sitting at textbooks and tables, but exciting activities that can be carried out in a variety of forms. The Singaporean teaching method offers a unique system of lessons for schoolchildren and organized groups English language. By the way, Singapore is a globally recognized leader in efficiency school education. Their teaching methods are distinguished by their ability to combine teamwork with an individual approach to each student. How do they do this? Let's find out in today's material.

The lesson, which uses the Singaporean method for learning English, resembles a non-traditional lesson in its format. school lesson, A intellectual game. The entire activity is based on teamwork using strictly established principles.

The first principle is MANAGE MAT. He is responsible for assigning students and managing the resulting groups.

To conduct the lesson, the study desks are connected in twos, forming a kind of square. Students seated at this table, strictly 4 people, receive individual license plates and letter designations. There are four numbers, respectively, and only two letters: a and b.

The seating chart is called Numbered Heads Together – Numbered heads to work together. The idea is that each student has two pairs. One is a student + a neighbor sitting nearby (shoulder partner), the second is a student + a neighbor opposite (face partner). Accordingly, as the lesson progresses, students work in different pairs or as a generalized team.

With this approach, children independently study new material, with each team member taking turns taking on the role of teacher. The teacher in this case performs only the functions of a leader: he maintains order, gives tasks (commands) and sums up the lesson.

Singapore method of teaching English - basic principles

So, the whole essence of the technique is to solve tasks that are given by certain commands. Each of them presupposes its own conditions and circumstances of the task. In total, there are about 250 different command structures, or principles, as they are also called. We will consider only the most commonly used ones.


The palm of the hand is raised up, reminiscent of the famous high-five gesture. It is a signal to attract attention and establish silence in the classroom.

Jot Thoughts

The teacher asks general theme. The students’ task is to quickly write down 4 words on a given topic using pieces of paper prepared in advance. There is only 1 word on 1 sheet. There is no order; everyone writes and pronounces words at their own pace. Thus, each team should have a list of 16 words.


The exercise is performed to music. All students mix together while dancing.

TIK-TEK-TOU (Tic-Tac-Toe)

The method develops critical thinking and creativity.

The guys must take 3 words from the prepared diagram and make sentences with them. In this case, all words must be in the same row horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

TAKE OFF - TOUCH DOWN (Take off - Touch down)

Checking students’ “agreement-disagreement” with the stated statement.

Those who agree stand up, those who disagree sit down. The method can be used for absolutely any task: finding out who answered and who didn’t, who used one solution method and who used another, etc.

QUIZ-QUIZ-TRADE (Quiz-Quiz-Trade)

Cards with prepared questions and answers are distributed. Students must test each other's knowledge, clarify misunderstood points and exchange cards.

Stir the Class

Learning on the move.

The teacher asks a question, the teams write down several answers. Then everyone gets up from their desks and pushes their chairs back. The teacher marks the time during which students must exchange answers with a participant from another team. If this answer is already present in the command list, then it is marked with a tick. If there was no such option, it is simply added below.

Clock buddies

Companions by the clock.

Each student indicates on the pieces of paper the time and person with whom he would like to communicate in at the moment. This is how pairs are formed, which, at the command of the teacher, meet and discuss certain issues.

TIM CHIR (Team Cheer)

A little physical exercise. Allows you to encourage students and relieve tension.

TIMED PAIR SHEA (Timed-Pair-Share)

Work in pairs.

Students share with each other their thoughts and judgments on these issues in detail. In this way, the student’s detailed opinion on this issue is formed.


Doing written work on a sheet of paper. In this case, the entire team works in turn on 1 sheet.

Simultaneous Round Table

Written work is completed simultaneously. At the same time, each team member has his own sheet, which, upon completion of the task, he exchanges with his neighbor.


Work in pairs. Exchange a list of short answers between two participants.

The Singapore method of teaching spoken English has many positive aspects. It helps students develop:

  • communication skills;
  • critical thinking;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • ability to quickly solve assigned problems (answers are given in no more than 30 seconds).

And, most importantly, this method reveals the individual knowledge, abilities and qualities of the student, without allowing him to hide “behind the back” of his neighbor.

Among the shortcomings, we can note the non-standard scheme for conducting classes for a Russian person and the peculiar English teams. But such little things can be easily replaced by taking only the very essence of the methodology as the basis for teaching. It’s up to you to decide what’s better and what’s worse.

Good luck in improving your knowledge and see you again!

Views: 512

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