Snow Queen. Hans Christian Andersen. The Snow Queen (with illustrations) download fb2 Marina Snezhnaya - Cycle Fugitive from the Twilight World

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City of publication: Kyiv
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ISBN: 966-7047-31-8 Size: 1 MB


This fairy tale with such a cold name has been warming millions of children's hearts all over the world for almost 200 years. Its author is the brilliant Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875). The book was illustrated by the famous Ukrainian master of book graphics Vladislav ERKO, winner of a number of prestigious art and book exhibitions, winner of the title “Man of the Book” as the best artist of 2002 according to the Moscow “Book Review”. His illustrations for the book by Paulo Coelho and Andersen’s “The Snow Queen”, which won the Grand Prix at the all-Ukrainian competition “Book of the Year 2000,” received universal recognition.

The famous writer Paulo Coelho said this about Yerko’s “The Snow Queen”: “This is the most amazing children's book I have seen in my life.” The book has been published in many countries around the world.

Unfortunately, my scanner was not able to fully convey the beauty of this book - its dimensions exceed the size of the scanner, hence some unevenness of the image. But believe me: made with love!

Snow Queen(with illustrations) - description and summary, by Andersen Hans Christian, read for free online on the website electronic library

This fairy tale with such a cold name has been warming millions of children's hearts all over the world for almost 200 years. Its author is the brilliant Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875). The book was illustrated by the famous Ukrainian master of book graphics Vladislav ERKO, winner of a number of prestigious art and book exhibitions, holder of the title “Man of the Book” as the best artist of 2002 according to the Moscow Book Review. His illustrations for the book by Paulo Coelho and Andersen’s “The Snow Queen”, which won the Grand Prix at the all-Ukrainian competition “Book of the Year 2000,” received universal recognition.

The famous writer Paulo Coelho said this about Yerko’s “The Snow Queen”: “This is the most amazing children's book I have seen in my life.” The book has been published in many countries around the world.

Unfortunately, my scanner was not able to fully convey the beauty of this book - its dimensions exceed the size of the scanner, hence some unevenness of the image. But believe me: made with love!

Hans Christian Andersen

Snow Queen

Story one

Mirror and its fragments

Well, let's begin! When we reach the end of our story, we will know more than we do now. So, once upon a time there lived a troll, furious and despising; it was the devil himself. Once he was in a particularly good mood: he made a mirror in which everything that was good and beautiful was completely diminished, while everything that was worthless and ugly, on the contrary, stood out even brighter and seemed even worse. The most beautiful landscapes looked like boiled spinach in it, and the best of people looked like freaks, or it seemed that they were standing upside down and had no bellies at all! The faces were distorted to the point that it was impossible to recognize them; If anyone had a freckle or mole on their face, it would spread all over their face.

The devil was terribly amused by all this. A kind, pious human thought was reflected in the mirror with an unimaginable grimace, so that the troll could not help but laugh, rejoicing at his invention. All the troll's students - he had his own school - talked about the mirror as if it were some kind of miracle.

“Now only,” they said, “you can see the whole world and people in their true light!”

And so they ran around with the mirror; soon there was not a single country, not a single person left that would not be reflected in him in a distorted form. Finally, they wanted to reach heaven to laugh at the angels and the creator himself. The higher they rose, the more the mirror twisted and writhed from grimaces; they could barely hold it in their hands. But then they got up again, and suddenly the mirror became so distorted that it tore out of their hands, flew to the ground and broke into pieces. Millions, billions of its fragments have caused, however, even more trouble than the mirror itself. Some of them were no larger than a grain of sand, scattered throughout the world, sometimes fell into people’s eyes and remained there. A person with such a splinter in his eye began to see everything inside out or notice only the bad sides in every thing - after all, each splinter retained a property that distinguished the mirror itself.

For some people, shrapnel went straight to the heart, and that was the worst thing: the heart turned into a piece of ice. Among these fragments there were also large ones, such that they could be inserted into window frames, but it was not worth looking at your good friends through these windows. Finally, there were also fragments that were used for glasses, but the only problem was if people put them on in order to look at things and judge them more accurately! And the evil troll laughed until he felt colic, the success of this invention tickled him so pleasantly.

But many more fragments of the mirror were flying around the world. Let's hear about them.

Second story

Boy and girl

IN big city, where there are so many houses and people that not everyone can carve out at least a small space for a garden, and where most residents therefore have to be content with indoor flowers in pots, there lived two poor children, but they had a garden larger than a flower pot. They were not related, but they loved each other like brother and sister. Their parents lived in the attics of adjacent houses. The roofs of the houses almost met, and under the ledges of the roofs there was a drainage gutter, located just under the window of each attic. Thus, it was enough to step out of some window onto the gutter, and you could find yourself at the neighbors’ window.

The parents each had a large wooden box; roots and small rose bushes grew in them - one in each - showered with wonderful flowers. It occurred to parents to place these boxes at the bottom of the gutters; thus, from one window to another stretched like two flower beds. Peas hung from the boxes in green garlands, rose bushes peered into the windows and intertwined their branches; something like triumphal gate from greenery and flowers. Since the boxes were very high and the children firmly knew that they were not allowed to climb on them, the parents often allowed the boy and girl to visit each other on the roof and sit on a bench under the roses. And what fun games they played here!

In winter, this pleasure ceased; the windows were often covered with icy patterns. But the children heated copper coins on the stove and applied them to the frozen glass - immediately a wonderful round hole thawed, and a cheerful, affectionate peephole looked out into it - they watched this, each from his own window, a boy and a girl, Kai and

Gerda. In the summer they could find themselves visiting each other in one leap, but in the winter they had to first go down many, many steps, and then go up the same number. A snowball was fluttering in the yard.

- These are white bees swarming! - said the old grandmother.

– Do they also have a queen? - the boy asked; he knew that real bees had one.

- Eat! - answered the grandmother. “Snowflakes surround her in a thick swarm, but she is larger than all of them and never remains on the ground - she always floats on a black cloud. Often at night she flies through the city streets and looks into the windows; That’s why they are covered with ice patterns, like flowers!

- We saw it, we saw it! - the children said and believed that all this was true.

– Can’t the Snow Queen come here? – the girl asked once.

- Let him try! - said the boy. “I’ll put her on a warm stove, and she’ll grow!”

But grandma patted him on the head and started talking about something else.

In the evening, when Kai was already at home and almost completely undressed, getting ready to go to bed, he climbed onto a chair by the window and looked into the small circle that had thawed on the window glass. Snowflakes fluttered outside the window; one of them, a larger one, fell on the edge of the flower box and began to grow, grow, until it finally turned into a woman wrapped in the finest white tulle, woven, it seemed, from millions of snow stars. She was so lovely, so tender, all dazzling white ice and still alive! Her eyes sparkled like stars, but there was neither warmth nor meekness in them. She nodded to the boy and beckoned him with her hand. The boy got scared and jumped off the chair; Something like a large bird flashed past the window.

The next day there was a glorious frost, but then there was a thaw, and then spring came. The sun was shining, the flower boxes were all green again, swallows were making nests under the roof, the windows were opened, and the children could again sit in their little garden on the roof.

The roses bloomed delightfully all summer. The girl learned a psalm, which also spoke about roses; the girl sang it to the boy, thinking about her roses, and he sang along with her:

Roses are blooming... Beauty, beauty!

Soon we will see the baby Christ.

The children sang, holding hands, kissed the roses, looked at the clear sun and talked to it - it seemed to them that the infant Christ himself was looking at them from it.

What a wonderful summer it was, and how nice it was under the bushes of fragrant roses, which seemed to be blooming forever!

Kai and Gerda sat and looked at a book with pictures of animals and birds; The big tower clock struck five.

- Ay! – the boy suddenly screamed. “I was stabbed right in the heart, and something got into my eye!”

The girl wrapped her little arm around his neck, he blinked, but there seemed to be nothing in his eye.

- It must have jumped out! - he said.

But the fact of the matter is, no. Two fragments of the devil’s mirror hit him in the heart and in the eye, in which, as we, of course, remember, everything great and good seemed insignificant and disgusting, and the evil and bad were reflected even brighter, the bad sides of each thing stood out even more sharply. Poor Kai! Now his heart had to turn into a piece of ice! The pain in the eye and in the heart has already passed, but the very fragments remain in them.

-What are you crying about? – he asked Gerda. - Ugh! How ugly you are now! It doesn't hurt me at all! Ugh! - he suddenly shouted. - This rose is being eaten away by a worm! And that one is completely crooked!

What ugly roses! No better than the boxes they stick out in!

And he pushed the box with his foot and pulled out two roses.

- Kai, what are you doing? - the girl screamed, and he, seeing her fear, snatched another one and ran away from cute little Gerda out of his window.

After that, if the girl brought him a book with pictures, he said that these pictures were only good for infants; If the old grandmother told anything, he found fault with the words. Yes, if only this! And then he went so far as to imitate her gait, put on her glasses and imitate her voice! It turned out very similar and made people laugh. Soon the boy learned to imitate all his neighbors - he was excellent at flaunting all their oddities and shortcomings - and people said:

- What kind of head does this boy have!

And the reason for everything was the fragments of the mirror that got into his eye and heart. That is why he even imitated cute little Gerda, who loved him with all her heart.

And his fun has now become completely different, so sophisticated. Once in winter, when it was snowing, he appeared with a large burning glass and placed the hem of his blue jacket under the snow.


The Snow Queen (Hans Christian Andersen)

Year of manufacture: 2007
Hans Christian Andersen
Genre: Fairy tale
Publisher: Soyuz
Duration: 01:17:00
Format: MP3, 256 kbps

Description: The son of a poor shoemaker and a washerwoman, who experienced poverty and hunger, Hans Christian Andersen composed 175 fairy tales, wrote 770 poems, 6 novels and many plays. During his lifetime, fairy tales were translated into 15 languages, and after his death - into all languages ​​of the world. Once upon a time, a long time ago, an old gypsy woman told the mother of the then unknown Hans Christian Andersen that her son would become a great man and the city would light up illuminations in his honor. The prophecy came true during the writer’s lifetime. When, after a long absence, he returned to his hometown of Odense, residents greeted the famous fellow countryman with real fireworks.
“The Snow Queen” is a fairy tale about icy palaces, eternal cold and a frozen heart, which can only be warmed by true and devoted love that knows no barriers.


The Snow Queen (Hans Christian Andersen)

Author: Hans Christian Andersen
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: Internet radio "Dialogue"
Performer: Victoria Goloborodova
Duration: 01:16:45
Description: This fairy tale with such a cold name has been warming millions of children's hearts all over the world for almost 200 years.
Contents: 1. Mirror and its fragments. (03:42) 2. Boy and girl. (13:44) 3. Flower garden of a woman who knew how to cast magic. (17:46) 4. Prince and princess. (15:25) 5. Little robber. (09:24) 6. Lapland and Finnish. (07:18) 7. What happened in the palace of the Snow Queen and what happened then. ...


The Snow Queen (Andersen Hans Christian)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Andersen Hans Christian
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Fairy tale

Performer: Daniil Podbolotov
Duration: 01:11:24
Description: “The Snow Queen” is a wonderful fairy tale by the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen about true friendship, devotion and tender love, about the victory of the good human heart over evil.
Add. information: Read from edition: 1844


The Snow Queen (Michael Cunningham)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 Kbps
Author: Michael Cunningham
Year of release: 2017
Genre: Contemporary prose
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Roslyakov Mikhail
Duration: 08:29:30
Description: The heroes of the novel “The Snow Queen” are the brothers Barrett and Tyler, true residents of bohemian New York, lonely and vulnerable, not ready to accept losses, in an eternal search for the meaning of life and their calling. They remained children - like the heroes of Andersen’s fairy tale, they wander in an endless labyrinth, trying to save themselves and their loved ones, not to betray anyone and not to freeze. Special role in the story of a city similar...


The Snow Queen (Hans Christian Andersen)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Hans Christian Andersen
Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Fairy tale

Performers: Elizaveta Krutsko
Duration: 01:50:57
Description: Old good fairy tale about devotion, mutual assistance, friendship and love Sound and mixing: Elizaveta Krutsko
Poster: Alexander Roslavtsev
Add. information: This fairy tale was recorded in 2008 for my friend’s daughter. A year later she found sound. But I decided to post it only now. Maybe someone will like it. Don't judge strictly, this is my first voice test. It hasn't changed much since the first recording. T...


The Snow Queen (Hans Christian Andersen)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Hans Christian Andersen
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Fairy tale
Publisher: tfile Au-books (New Voices)
Performers: Elizaveta Krutsko
Duration: 01:21:06
Description: A good old fairy tale about devotion, mutual assistance, friendship and love Sound and mixing: Andrey Shvedyuk-Kirovsky (LHstudio)
Poster: Alexander Roslavtsev
Add. information: REMASTERED (new music) Group release__ _


Snow toad (Anna Olkhovskaya)

ISBN: 978-5-699-57901-3
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Anna Olkhovskaya
Year of manufacture: 2012
Publisher: Eksmo
Genre: Detective
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 320
Description: Deep in Ural mountains In secret laboratories, members of the Nazi organization Ahnenerbe are trying to breed ideal Aryans who in the future will subjugate the whole world. Scientists have made significant progress in this; one such perfect specimen already exists. Now their main task is to obtain ideal offspring from the handsome Kai. But a successful genetic experiment in no case wants to become a male...


Snow Blindness (P.J. Tracy)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 kbps, 44 kHz
Posted by PJ Tracey
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Thriller
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Irina Vorobyova
Duration: 08:46:52 Winter has finally arrived in Minneapolis. For some, it turned into an unexpected joy, but for detectives Leo Magozzi and Gino Rolseth - a tragedy: in different areas, one after another, citizens began to find dead police officers rolled up in the snow like snowmen. The case turned out to be so complicated that detectives were left scratching their heads before they were able to see the brutal cop hunter through the snow.


Protected by a secret (Marina Snezhnaya), Marina Snezhnaya]

Format: audiobook, MP3, 53-56kbps
Author: Marina Snezhnaya
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: DIY Audiobook
Performer: Marina Snezhnaya
Duration: 09:48:47
Description: The owner of the odal, Freyvar, finds in his possession a little girl who remembers absolutely nothing about what happened to her before. She is given the name Rungerd, meaning “protected by secret.” None of her relatives even suspects how many secrets are hidden in her. Only the High Priest was able to discern the true essence of the child, however, what he saw plunged him into horror. Rungerd has to go through a lot in...


Accelerated World 21. Snow Fairy (Kawahara Reki)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Kawahara Reki
Year of release: 2017
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: DIY Audiobook
Artist: Adrenalin28
Duration: 06:03:04
Description: The New Black Legion, led by Sky Raker and Blood Leopard, invaded the territory of the White Legion, led by White Cosmos. But there they encounter a Burst Linker named Orchid Oracle who allegedly left the Accelerated World. She uses Incarnation Attack against them and turns the duel field into unlimited. Feeling that mysterious phenomenon promises danger, Haruyuki, together with Metatron, moves to...


Marina Snezhnaya - Cycle Fugitive from the Twilight World

Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Marina Snezhnaya
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: Romance fantasy
Publisher: Samizdat
Language: Russian
Number of books: 5
Description: I lived for myself, didn’t bother anyone. She enjoyed life and only secretly dreamed of crazy love and a certainly noble and handsome husband. Even if this is unlikely to happen to an ordinary peasant girl. But it’s not a sin to dream... It’s just that the cursed evil spirits got into the habit of harassing me at night. But our healer couldn’t come up with anything better to deal with this misfortune than marriage. Like, evil spirits usually don’t target married people. But the evil spirits are insidious...


Queen (Stepan Vartanov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Stepan Vartanov
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Creative group"SAMIZDAT"
Performer: Chaitsyn Alexander (Alex)
Duration: 03:34:24
Description: The adventures in Crystal continue! Once there was an amusement park here - now it is a strange virtual world, closed within itself, a world from which only a few are able to escape. A world in which everyone fights with everyone and everyone against everyone - but the worst enemies unite against a common enemy, when survival depends on unification. A new time has come in Crystal. Time of Heroes. Time to reveal...


Pirate Queen (Victoria Janssen)

ISBN: 978-5-227-03856-2
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Victoria Janssen
Year of manufacture: 2012
Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf
Genre: Romance novels
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 352
Age restrictions: 18+
Description: Having learned about the impending assassination attempt on Duke Maxim and intending to save his life at all costs, a young woman - Captain Imena Lyng kidnaps him directly from the castle bedroom. Having wrapped Maxim in a carpet, the floor under the cover of night Imena carries him to his ship and sets off with him on a dangerous voyage. Both understand that they are in love, but only after going through many trials: a cruel storm,...


Queen of the Incas (John Evelyn)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 71-78kbps
Author: John Evelyn
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: adventure
Publisher: Seventh Book
Performer: Stanislav Ivanov
Duration: 04:03:33
Description: Somewhere at the edge of the world, in the impenetrable jungle of Peru, a mysterious Inca city is hidden, ruled by a white-skinned queen. The heroes of the story, two English youths Archie and Percy, are captured by the Indians, where they face a life-and-death battle with a group of warlike priests of a lost country...


Queen Ortrud (Fedor Sologub)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 48-51 kbps (VBR)
Author: Sologub Fedor
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Historical adventure
Publisher: MediaKniga
Performer: Arkady Bukhmin
Duration: 12:05:59
Description: In the novel, symbolist writer Fyodor Sologub expressed his philosophical and artistic ideas, which he had previously outlined in articles and essays. Initially, the cycle of novels he conceived was called “Navi Charms”, and the first part was called “The Legend in the Making” (1906), followed by “Drops of Blood”, “Queen Ortrud” and “Smoke and Ashes” (in two parts), - all they were published 1907–1913. Then Sologub refused...


Queen of the South (Arturo Perez-Reverte)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Arturo Perez-Reverte
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Detective
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Duration: 21:25:35
Description: It appeared when the Colombian cartels were looking for alternative routes to Europe. She turned unorganized drug trafficking into a well-functioning transnational corporation. Not only Moroccan!) hashish - oh eastern Mediterranean she created a whole cocaine network. Together with the Solntsevo mafia, it forced out other groups that sought to take root in the region. She has no name for her own product...

Andersen “The Snow Queen” is an amazing fairy tale by a brilliant storyteller, which for almost two centuries has warmed the hearts of not only children, but also adults, with the warmth of true friendships. Despite the coldness of the title, a fascinating story, written in magically soft language, teaches readers a lesson about how to love, faithfully and tenderly. With an amazing fairy tale, where is good loving heart evil conquers, it becomes warmer even in the most severe frost of life's troubles, despite the change of times and generations, the problems in society remain unchanged.

Andersen “The Snow Queen” is a touching story familiar from childhood with a classic plot in the spirit of Christian principles. The book tells the story of how the fearless girl Gerda, selflessly loving her adopted brother, sets off on a long journey full of surprises and dangers. She will have to, having broken the spell of evil, free Kai from the captivity of the kingdom of eternal cold of the Snow Queen, the greatness of whose loneliness evokes notes of sympathy.

The characters of a brilliant work thanks to subtle psychological techniques The master storyteller and the small, cute details of the descriptions evoke admiration. The magic of a children's fairy tale with a happy ending in the spirit of an adult story.

“The Snow Queen” is Andersen’s fairy tale, which can be interpreted in a modern interpretation as a story about liberation from the captivity of egocentrism, the road to further growth, through overcoming pain. Conventionally, the characters of a good masterpiece form a single personality with a soul (Gerda), which clears the way for the mind (Kai) to exit the world of intellectual illusions. Overcoming many obstacles and temptations, the soul gains the strength to lead the mind that stood on the threshold of Eternity. The victory of a warm heart over the chilling cold of the intellect. Evil spells cannot resist the avalanche of goodness and patience, a miracle will definitely happen!

Date: 11.11.2015
Date: 11.11.2015
Date: 11.11.2015
Date: 11.11.2015
Date: 11.11.2015

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