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Is it possible to find a spring with pure water in Nizhny Tagil? drinking water? Does anyone test the water in such sources? The news agency “Between the Lines” sought answers to these questions in the relevant departments of the mayor’s office and supervisory departments. Let us note right away that there was not much, but useful information For those looking for an alternative to dirty tap water, there definitely is.

Why did they suddenly start talking about springs?

In the year of ecology, Nizhny Tagil is among the most dirty cities countries. One of the most pressing problems is dirty drinking water, the centralized water supply of Nizhny Tagil fell into decay. In August last year, because of the Chernoistochinsky pond, officials and Rospotrebnadzor advised Tagil residents to buy bottled water or make supplies from artesian wells, since what flows from the tap is only suitable for technical needs. At the end of December, Evgeny Kuyvashev signed an action plan for the rehabilitation of the Chernoistochinsky and Verkhne-Vyysky reservoirs in Nizhny Tagil. After this the Ministry natural resources and ecology Sverdlovsk region announced an auction for “the search for reserve underground sources of domestic and drinking water supply in Nizhny Tagil to replace the surface water of the Chernoistochinsky pond.”

Where to look for good sources?

According to the press service of the city administration, since 2002, 122 sources of decentralized water supply have been installed in the city. Of these, 59 are tube wells, 41 are mine wells and 22 are springs. Most full list equipped sources.

Particularly popular among Tagil residents are the Murinsky springs in the area of ​​the Murinsky pond, and the Isinsky springs near the collective gardening partnership “Mercury”. And two more behind the sports and recreational institution “Spartak” - these are the Studeny and Cool springs.

In 2017, at the expense of the regional and city budgets, three mine wells were equipped: “On the Murinskaya Path” near house No. 15 on Murinskaya Street in Nizhny Tagil, as well as “Silver Key” and “Cuckoo Tears” in Serebryanka. Environmentalists at the mayor's office claim that the water in these mine wells meets SanPiN requirements.

Does anyone test the water in such sources?

This is not very good. Analyzes of water quality in non-centralized water supply sources within the framework of a municipal contract last time were carried out in June and November 2016. And the mayor’s office notes that the results of these analyzes have already lost their relevance. “Due to the city budget deficit, studies of water quality in non-centralized water supply sources were not carried out in January-September 2017,” explained the department of ecology and environmental management.

That is, forget about the springs and drink only bottled water?

Still, it’s not worth giving up springs completely. But if you collect water from one of the popular and proven sources mentioned above, then do not forget to boil it. Long-term studies by Rospotrebnadzor show that the quality of groundwater depends not only on the time of year, but also on the proximity of the sources to industrial or agricultural facilities. For example, an increased content of silicon, manganese and nitrates was noted in spring water near gardening areas.

Perhaps in the near future, specialists will still be able to test the quality of water in developed sources. According to the mayor's office, an application was recently submitted to allocate funds from the city budget in the amount of 500 thousand rubles to carry out appropriate analyzes in sources of non-centralized water supply. This application will be considered when adjusting the city budget by the new composition of the Nizhny Tagil City Duma in October 2017.

News Agency "Between the Lines"

Chernoistochinsky Pond is back on the federal news agenda after local residents and public activists published social networks photographs of a green pond. Along the edge of the water, as in previous years, there is a “malachite line”, and the water itself is colored swamp green. The actions of the administration of Nizhny Tagil, the Gornouralsk city district and Vodokanal-NT LLC on the environmental rehabilitation of the reservoir were assessed by the Nizhny Tagil environmental prosecutor's office.

The subject of the inspection, which began in August 2017, was the implementation of the items of the comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of the Chernoistochinsky pond, approved by the governor in the fall of 2016.

Disputes in court

In order to implement the plan, Vodokanal-NT was ordered to clean the sludge reservoir. Since the beginning of the year, 4 thousand cubic meters of sediment have been removed. However, according to the prosecutor's office, this is not enough. According to environmental prosecutor Denis Isakov, the water supply organization illegally discharges wash water from the sludge reservoir into the pond.

“To basically stop dumping waste water from the sludge reservoir, a positive court decision is required. “Vodokanal-NT refuses to voluntarily change the technological scheme, as this requires large financial investments,” the prosecutor explained.
An attempt through the court to force Vodokanal-NT to stop discharging waste water has so far failed. The Leninsky Court of Nizhny Tagil sided with the water supply organization. The prosecutor's office is now challenging the decision of the first instance court in the regional court.

In addition, in the spring of 2017, the prosecutor's office checked the condition of the slurry storage dam and drainage pipe. It turned out that the pipe was in disrepair and had significant damage. This violation has now been corrected - the pipe has been repaired.

In July 2017, at the request of the prosecutor’s office, Rosprirodnadzor fined Vodokanal-NT LLC in the amount of 135 thousand rubles “due to systematic violation of the requirements of the legislation on the protection of environment and water legislation." Administrative cases were initiated under Part 1 of Art. 8.14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (violation) and Art. 7.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (use of a water body in violation of the conditions of water use). The resolutions did not enter into legal force, as they were appealed by the organization’s management.

Livnevka in Chernoistochinsk

The comprehensive plan obliges the administration of the Gornouralsk urban district to take measures to create a storm drainage system. On September 11, the prosecutor's office submitted a complaint to the district administration for failure to comply with this clause.

But the solution to this problem has moved forward. Just last year, the district administration refused to deal with this issue until 2035, says Denis Isakov. Now the authorities have announced to finance the design of the construction of storm sewers in Chernoistochinsk from the regional budget.

It's about about 12.3 million rubles, Andrei Geben, deputy head of the district for housing and communal services and landscaping, told TR. “We took part in the budget conciliation commission at the Ministry of Finance, but have not yet received any response; this is always a slow process,” the official noted.

Preparing for the concession

According to the plan for “treating” the pond, the administration of Nizhny Tagil in 2017 was supposed to repair the enclosing dam of the Chernoistochinsky reservoir and develop technical specifications for a comprehensive study of the causes of pollution of the reservoir. Both tasks are completed. “We have not identified any violations of the plan on the part of the administration of Nizhny Tagil,” Denis Isakov emphasized.

In addition, the administration is preparing documents for concluding a concession agreement for the construction of treatment facilities at the Verkhne-Vyysky and Chernoistochinsky reservoirs. A possible partner will be the Russian-Hungarian JSC Ural Water Company, which has already announced its readiness to participate in the concession.

Let us remind you that the responsible executors for the comprehensive plan are also the regional Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Energy and Housing and Communal Services. The Ministry of Natural Resources holds quarterly meetings of the interdepartmental commission on environmental rehabilitation of the reservoir in Chernoistochinsk. The department plans to include the overhaul of the hydraulic structures of the Chernoistochinsky pond in the state program to ensure safe use of natural resources.

"Green waves of the deep sea"

Ecologist, member of the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region Andrei Volegov published on his social network page photographs of the pond taken on October 7 and compared them with photos from 2015. “The green waves of the abyss of the “sea” lash the shore so much that - oh-oh-oh! Same place and about the same time, what changed?” - the activist emotionally commented on the pictures.

The timing of the pond rehabilitation plan, designed for five years, raises concerns among public activists and local residents.

For now, the question of what will happen to the Chernoistochinsky pond is open. Only one thing is obvious - it is impossible to solve problems that have been accumulating for decades in a year. It is only important that the solution to this problem be a priority and not be pushed into a long box.

Chernoistochinsky pond is blooming again. The day before, new photographs of a blooming reservoir appeared on the Internet, which supplies a significant part of Nizhny Tagil with water. They were published by ecologist Andrei Volegov. The water first acquired a bright emerald color in October 2015, and now the situation has repeated itself. As the ecologist explains, the coloring of a drinking source is due to natural factor. In October, blue-green algae actively reproduce and bloom.

“This summer people only complained about the smell of chlorine in the water. I assume that Vodokanal-NT, instead of the required 0.16 units, chlorinated the water by 1 unit, as is usually done in the winter-spring period when the treatment facilities of the Chernoistochinsky hydroelectric complex are turned off. We must thank nature for the fact that the summer was cold. Due to the low air temperature and chlorination, the water did not smell of ammonia. It takes time for the smell to go away completely,” comments the ecologist.

After a complaint from an ecologist, the interdistrict environmental prosecutor's office of Nizhny Tagil inspected the reservoir and took water samples for research. The samples will be ready no earlier than in a week. This was reported by the press service of the supervisory agency.

In 2016, based on the materials of the prosecutor’s audit, a criminal case was initiated and is being investigated under Part 1 of Art. 250 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (water pollution). The perpetrators have not yet been identified. In addition, another inspection took place in the summer of 2017 - LLC Vodokanal-NT was inspected in connection with the discharge of wastewater from a sludge reservoir into the Chernoistochinskoye reservoir. Center specialists environmental monitoring and control, on behalf of the prosecutor's office, took samples of rinsing wastewater from the sludge storage tank. According to the results of the study, excess concentrations of pollutants were revealed, including suspended solids by 2.1 times, and aluminum by 57.5 times. The concentrations of iron, manganese, lead, and copper were also many times exceeded. The prosecutor's office sent a statement of claim to Leninsky district court with demands to attract administrative responsibility"Vodokanal-NT". As a result, the company was fined 135 thousand rubles, the director – 25 thousand rubles. The resolutions did not enter into legal force. The prosecutor's office also demanded that Vodokanal-NT LLC be prohibited from discharging any wastewater from the operating sludge reservoir into the Chernoistochinskoe reservoir. The court did not satisfy this part of the claim. The supervisory authority filed an appeal.

The restoration of the dam in Chernoistochinsk by decree of the governor in 2016 did not change the picture of water quality. Now the city administration has prepared technical specifications for water purification. Its main requirement is that the quality of water at the outlet meets SanPiN.

Sergei Nosov, at a press conference in Yekaterinburg on the occasion of his re-election, said that the creation of new system 12 billion rubles will be spent on water supply and sanitation in Nizhny Tagil. The modernization will be carried out under the terms of a concession agreement. It is planned to purify water and wastewater, as well as replace central water supply and sewerage systems.

When the interdepartmental commission arrived, we made a proposal. To clean the pond and improve the quality of water in the pond, you need to increase the flow of the pond. That is, to more water came in and, accordingly, went out. Fresh water from the mountains will dissolve harmful substances, reduce their concentration and clean the pondsays Andrei Volegov, a member of the Nizhny Tagil Coordination Council on environmental issues.

He told the website journalist that the second departure was organized following a signal from local residents who reported blue-green algae on the banks of the reservoir. The situation was such that those who came to swim people did not find it possible to go into the water. The water was green and smelled bad.

Before our arrival, the wind rose, which mixed the algae, and they floated in flakes in the water. In addition, there were a lot of dead fish along the shore. On one square meter we counted up to 15 dead fish.

One of the factors that caused the development of algae is that the water in the pond was no longer running. There is no discharge from the dam, and in the local river the water, driven by the wind, moves rather in the opposite direction.

In a river that flows out of a pond, the water does not move. We examined the dam near the former factory; there, too, no water flows out of the pond. In fact, there is no drainage from the pond. The water stagnates and the pond gradually turns into a swamp. This environment is more favorable for the development of blue-green algae.

About two weeks ago, an interdepartmental commission visited the Chernoistochinsky pond, which included Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Sverdlovsk Region Vyacheslav Tyumentsev. As Andrei Volegov said, the deputy minister concluded that cleaning the pond from bottom sediments without eliminating all the drainage is a waste of money.

If we clean the pond and leave the leaks, then in a few years it will return to its present form. Therefore, his first priority is to restore the dam, timely clean the sludge reservoir, and only then approach cleaning.

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