Types of synonyms. What is a synonym? Examples of synonymous words Examples of synonymous words in Russian

What is a synonym?

According to the definition, synonyms- these are words belonging to the same part of speech, differing in spelling and sound, but at the same time having a similar meaning. Let's look at examples!

Examples of synonyms.

Synonym for the word "wind".

Synonyms for the word wind can be words such as "breeze", "storm", "hurricane". They all belong to the same part of speech - that is, they are nouns. All describe the same phenomenon - although they differ in emotional coloring.

A breeze can be called a light breath of wind; a storm and a hurricane have destructive power. But all three concepts together can be described as “wind” - therefore, they are synonyms.

Synonym for the word "friend".

For the word “friend” the words will become synonyms "buddy", "comrade", "partner". Here we see the same situation - friendship usually means not too close friendship, camaraderie and partnering, as a rule, mean business relationships. But all together can be called friendship - and these words are synonymous with each other.

Synonym for the word "beautiful".

Synonyms for the word “beautiful” will mostly be in the superlative degree - “beautiful”, “charming”, “delightful”. However, the word “pretty” is usually perceived as “slightly less beautiful.” But, nevertheless, all of the adjectives listed speak about the beauty of a person, object or phenomenon.

Other examples of synonyms.

  • The word “find” is synonymous with “search”.
  • The word “think” is synonymous with “reflect”.
  • The word “correctly” is synonymous with “correctly, truly.”
  • The word “children” is synonymous with “guys, children, kids.”
  • The word “sensitive” is synonymous with “vigilant, responsive, sincere.”
  • The word “fast” is synonymous with “quick, speedy, swift, agile.”
  • The word “warrior” is synonymous with “fighter, soldier, warrior.”
  • The word “fast” is synonymous with “high-speed, fast, impetuous.”
  • The word “runs away”, the synonym is “washed away, hidden”.
  • The word “finished”, synonym – “finished, finished.”
  • The word “pattern” is synonymous with “squiggle, pattern, mosaic, pattern.”

What are synonyms for?

It is thanks to synonyms that the Russian language is so rich and endless in study - after all, the same concept can be described by dozens of words that differ in the subtlest emotional shades.

All classical literature is based on synonyms- it was with their help that Russian writers so talentedly and colorfully conveyed the harmony of nature and the depth of human feelings. Without synonyms, the Russian language - and any language in the world - would become much poorer, drier and more inexpressive.

Currently, there are different points of view on the definition, types and use of synonyms in speech. Let's look at the topic in detail from different angles. Some information will be familiar from the school curriculum, some you will learn about for the first time.

What are synonyms?

Synonyms in the Russian language are words of the same part of speech, different in spelling and sound, having the same or similar lexical meaning. In short: synonyms are words with a similar meaning.

The developed ability to use the riches of the Russian language, including synonyms, speaks of the high professionalism and skill of a person as a writer.

Examples of synonyms

Let us give examples of synonyms for words of different parts of speech.

  • Wanderer (noun) - pilgrim, traveler, wayfarer, pilgrim;
  • Cheerful (adjective) - joyful, festive, jubilant, rainbow;
  • Run (verb) - rush, rush, hurry;
  • Quickly (adverb) - briskly, lively, agile, briskly, dashingly, greyhound;
  • Drawing (gerund) - depicting, painting, outlining, imagining, outlining;
  • Ah (interjection) - so hot, oh, uh.

You will find even more examples in the website dictionary - use the search form or the alphabetical index.

Synonymous series

A group of words with several synonyms is called a synonymous row, which can consist of both different-rooted and single-rooted words: face - face, fisherman - fisherman, fisherman.

In the synonymous row, the word dominant is placed first. It is basic and stylistically neutral. Other words can have different expressive and stylistic shades: brave (neutral) - daring (folk poetic), fearless (bookish), dashing (colloquial). Phraseologisms may be present in a synonymous series: A lot - over the edge, the darkness is overwhelming, the chickens are not pecking.

Types of synonyms

Let us consider the points of view of famous linguists on the topic of dividing synonyms into types.

Rosenthal division D.E.

Since there are few completely identical words in the Russian language, they say that synonymy can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent. There are several types of synonyms:

  1. Absolute or complete;
  2. Semantic;
  3. Stylish or expressive-stylistic;
  4. Semantic-stylistic.

Absolute or complete synonyms are usually words that can be fully interchanged; their meanings are completely the same: battle - battle, throw - throw, enormous - huge. Absolute synonyms are often found among scientific terms: orthography - spelling, linguistics - linguistics, linguist - linguist.

Semantic synonyms are also called conceptual, ideographic. These are words with different shades of meaning. Semantic synonyms are capable of conveying the finest nuances in the designation of facts. They make our speech richer, deeper, more accurate, and allow us to describe the phenomena of reality in detail. For example, wet - damp, damp (indicates the degree of impregnation with moisture).

Stylistic or expressive-stylistic are synonyms that have differences in expressive-emotional coloring and are used in different styles of speech. For example, infection (special) - contagion (colloquial), wife (general) - spouse (official), parents (general) - rodaki (jarg).

Synonyms with expressive-emotional connotations help to use in speech exactly those words that are appropriate in a given speech situation. This creates excellent opportunities for creativity, which word artists greatly value.

Semantic-stylistic - synonyms that differ in shades of meaning and stylistically. They are the majority in the Russian language. For example, wander (bookish) - move without a specific direction; circle (colloquial) - change direction, but always come to one place; wander (colloquial) - look for the right direction; to fornicate (colloquially) - to go in search of the right path.

Contextual synonyms

Words that are not in the same synonymous row can act as synonyms in context. They can be called contextual (situational, occasional (random), author's).

The girl sang and danced happily. The beauty and coquette was the favorite of dad and mom. The words “girl”, “beauty”, “coquette”, “darling” are contextual synonyms.

We brought Zhuchka to the village. Our husky became our grandfather's hunting assistant. The dog showed its best side. The words “bug”, “husky” and “dog” are contextual synonyms.

This type of synonymy is limited only by the context, is individual in nature and is not considered in synonym dictionaries. The distinction in Russian should be strict, not approximate. This calls into question the legitimacy of classifying these words as contextual synonyms.

Division Lekant P.A.

Lekant P.A. identifies absolute, stylistic synonyms and considers them in approximately the same way as described above. But semantic synonyms are rightfully called quasi-synonyms (from the Latin “quasi” “almost, approximately”, Greek “synonymos” “of the same name”) or imaginary/partial synonyms. Quasi-synonyms have the same lexical meanings, but not completely. They, unlike absolute synonyms, are not interchangeable in all contexts.

Lekant P.A. divides quasi-synonyms into 2 types.

  • Words that partially coincide in lexical meaning: road - path, carry - drag, day - day. They are in a species-specific relationship. Each synonym has its own distinctive lexical meaning. The two words “greedy” and “stingy” in one context can replace each other as full synonyms, but not in another.
    He gave his money to the poor; he is considered not greedy (that is, “not stingy”).
    Another context for comparison.
    He is greedy: he just wants to grab more. (Cannot be replaced here with “stingy”).
    Or again: in the synonyms “run” and “rush,” the first word has a broader meaning, and the second emphasizes the peculiarity.
  • Synonymous words, interchangeable only within the context, are in genus-species relationships, that is, they denote specific and generic concepts: dog - shepherd - Druzhok, minerals - metal - iron.

Phraseological synonyms

All linguists consider phraseological synonyms as a separate type within the larger topic of phraseology. Phraseologisms also form synonymous series and have the same properties as ordinary synonyms.

Phraseological synonyms may differ from each other in stylistic coloring.
Leave no stone unturned (bookish) - inflict reprisals (general use) - cut like a nut (colloquial) - give pepper (colloquial).

Phraseological synonyms may differ in the degree of intensity. Each following phraseological unit names a more intense action compared to the previous one.
Shed tears - shed tears - drown in tears - cry all the tears.

Some phraseological synonyms may have repeated components.
The game is not worth the candle - the game is not worth the candle; set the bath - set the pepper; hang your head - hang your nose; chasing dogs means chasing a quitter.

The wealth of phraseological synonyms, as well as lexical ones, create enormous expressive capabilities of the language.

Using synonyms in speech

In general terms, synonyms are used in speech for:

  1. More accurate and correct expression of thoughts (compare: foreign and foreign);
  2. Giving emotional coloring (more accurate and vivid expression of thoughts);
  3. Avoiding tautology (repetition);
  4. Connections of adjacent sentences in the text.

Rosenthal D.E. describes this topic in great detail.

Synonyms in Russian perform an important function of expressiveness of speech. They create unlimited possibilities for more precise use. When working on the text, we pay special attention to the selection of synonyms in order to avoid tautology. We use the only word that is most suitable. In this case, the choice of the exact word is determined by the characteristics of the individual style.

Synonyms in the text can perform different functions:

  1. Clarification function;
  2. Matching function;
  3. Opposition function;
  4. Substitution function;
  5. Gain function.

The refine function is used to refine a single concept.
In front of me was a simple man, ordinary and unremarkable.

The matching function assumes that synonyms in the same context can have different shades of meaning.
I believe in goodness, no, rather, I even believe in it.

Opposition function
She did not speak, but whispered so that no one could hear her.
He didn't laugh, but laughed loudly.

The substitution function is used to avoid tautology.
Mom gave her daughter a heavenly colored box. Surprisingly, this casket matched the little girl’s eyes very well.

The amplification function assumes that synonyms can be used as homogeneous members of a sentence and help strengthen the expression.
The soldiers in battle were brave, courageous and unusually persistent.
The stringing of synonyms often gives rise to gradation.
Our river was big, even huge.

Synonyms and associations

Do not confuse synonyms with associations, which sometimes have similar lexical meanings. For example, for the word summer, associations can be “vacations” and “Egypt”, which are not synonyms (not everywhere and not for everyone, summer means vacations or Egypt).

Topic: Synonyms

Goals: Development of a sense of language, correlation of a word and the concept contained in it;

Enrichment of vocabulary with words with a variety of semantic connotations;

Learn to choose the right and precise word to express a thought.

Reinforcing correct pronunciation.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Org. moment. Game "Say Otherwise".Children name the words and sit down: sad - ..., ugly - ..., miserable - ..., pleasant - ..., highway - ..., car - ..., walkers - ..., cleaver - ..., month - ..., filly - ..., stupid - ....
  1. The speech therapist announces to the children that words have come to visit them again - “friends”, who talk about the same thing, but in different ways. Reads a poem to the children:Me and my friend together

We live together happily...

I'm walking... and he's walking,

I laugh - he laughs.

If I feel sad,

He is sad with me.

The speech therapist suggests finding the words “friends” in the poem.

3. Game " Say it differently."

Children have object pictures on their tables (road, house, car, doctor, labor, actor, frost, blizzard, food, horse).

The speech therapist suggests choosing a suitable picture for the poem and calling it in other words.

In the native language, rich,

Lots of similar words, guys.

What is another name for a doctor?

I wish you good luck! (doctor, healer)

* * *

There are many, many windows in it.

We live there. This is... (house, dwelling)

* * *

The answer to anyone here is clear.

Food, just in a different way.

It won't be difficult for you

Guess something... (food)

* * *

With a trimmed mane

Jumps zealously

Touch the spurs a little.

Who is this? (Horse, horse)

* * *

You'll have to think a little here,

And name the road differently.

Forget about the highway and the path!

The word is very common... (path, road)

* * *

With a cheerful ringing song

We are going to the snow cross.

The air is clean, the day is wonderful.

Doesn't scare us...(frost, cold)

* * *

Last time I was a teacher,

After tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he...(artist, actor).

* * *

I'm walking in the field

I fly free

I'm spinning, I'm spinning

I don't want to know anything. (Blizzard, blizzard, blizzard)

* * *

Feed me gasoline

Give me some rubber for my hooves.

And then, raising dust

Will run...(car, car)

* * *

I didn't work in vain

And I will remember forever:

Bread tastes better not from butter,

Bread tastes better from... (labor, work).

  1. “Pick up the exact word.”

If there were no such friend words, it would be very boring for us to speak in the same words. Dunno came to visit and wants to work out with us. Shall we help him?

The speech therapist suggests looking at the plot pictures and making sentences based on them.

Dunno: The plane landed. The sun has set. Grandfather sat down.

Children: The plane has landed. The sun has set. Grandfather sat down.

Dunno : The girl is running. The river is running. The water (in the fountain) is running. The cat is running.

Children: The man is rushing (rushing, in a hurry). The river is seething (flowing, gurgling). The horse is galloping. The cat catches up with the mouse.

Dunno: Grandfather is eatingsoup. The bear eats raspberries. The hare eats a carrot. The wolf is gnawing on a bone. Chickens eat grains.

Children: Grandfather is having lunch. The hare chews a carrot. The bear eats raspberries. The wolf is gnawing on a bone. Chickens peck the grains.

  1. The speech therapist suggests looking at the plot picture"Guess the mood».

Who do we see in the picture? (Children, kids, guys.)

- Where are they located? (In the yard, on the playground, in the sandbox).

What happened? (Broke, destroyed Easter cakes, offended the little one)

Tell us about the children's mood. Choose 2 different words - “buddy”.

Boy with laughs and laughs (he is evil, unkind, cruel)

The girl is sad and sad (she is kind, good)

The child is angry - angry (he is a protector, intercessor)

The baby is crying and sobbing (he is helpless, weak)

A moral assessment of the actions of children is given.

5. Physical education minute.

And now we'll warm up,

Let's smile, let's laugh.

Bend lower, lower.

Head closer to knees.

Now don't be lazy

Okay, bend back.

Turn your head.

Stretch, stretch.

Are you guys tired?

Sit down and stand up! Sit down and stand up!

Everyone waved their hands

And they ran to the place.

6. Game “We won’t tell you what we do, but we will show you what we do.”

The speech therapist invites the children to take turns showing the actions, and the others name them.


thinks (thinks, thinks)

spins (spins, curls)

throws (throws)

afraid (afraid, wary)

jumps (jumps)

eats (eats, eats)

looks (looks, admires, examines)

is in a hurry (in a hurry).

7. “Describe the object”

The child is asked to describe the object and use as many words as possible -synonyms. A speech therapist can help with choosing the exact words, giving options - synonyms. .In the pictures:bear, snowflake, needle.

The bear is large, healthy, shaggy, shaggy, clumsy, clumsy, clumsy. He walks and wanders through the forest. Many animals fear, fear, fear him.

A snowflake is small, tiny, white, light, weightless, beautiful, carved, shiny, sparkling, cold... It falls, flies, spins.

The needle is small, thin, light, sharp, prickly, prickly, hard, strong, straight, even. It is used to sew, darn, sew up, sew on, embroider...

8. The speech therapist offers to tella fairy tale about a hedgehogand his friends, try to remember everything - all the appropriate words to properly describe your heroes.

Once upon a time there lived one little th (small) hedgehog. He was very polite (well-mannered). The hedgehog worked tirelessly (hard) and he had a lotbuddies (friends)

. The animals had a life not easy (heavy), and so everyone walked around sad (sad). And thenone day(one day) the little animals decided to arrange for themselves fun (holiday). Everyone has come beautiful (dressy), started jump (jump), spin (spin), dance (dance), laugh (laugh) - and everyone became good (wonderful).

9. “Tell and show.” Speech with movements.




Laughter and laughter.

Praise and approval

Luck is luck.



Walk, walk,

Dance and dance.

Suddenly - suddenly

Comrade friend.


Work is work.

10 Summary of the lesson.


Making proposals based on 2-3 supporting subject pictures.

Pictures: tourist - car - country; schoolboy - doctor;

Baby - pants - hole; blizzard - path - house, etc.

They say that Russian is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world to learn. Not surprising, because even native speakers of a language do not always thoroughly know all its aspects. But it seems difficult only the first time, let’s try to understand the rules of native speech little by little.


Synonyms: definition

Synonym (from Greek - identical) - words are the same or close in meaning, but different in spelling. For example: child, baby, child. One of the criteria for determining the richness of a language is the presence of such general meanings in it. Synonyms have properties such as helping us avoid repeating the same phrase in sentences and making our language more diverse.

Don't confuse them with homonyms and antonyms. – these are the same in sound and spelling, but different in meaning, for example:

  • Key – opens doors.
  • The key is birds.
  • The key is the spring.

And antonyms mean opposites, that is:

  • Day - night.
  • Black – white.
  • Boy - girl.
  • Synonym - antonym.

But synonyms are more than just interchangeable words, they are divided into types and have many definitions in lexicology. Let's try to figure out how words that are similar in meaning are “sorted”.

Types of synonyms

In the Russian language, words with similar meanings have long been sorted into shelves; all we have to do is try to understand at least a little the principle of these layouts, which we will try to do now. So, these types of synonyms are defined:

With one root and different roots. Everything is simple here, cognates are not only close in meaning, but also have the same root. Such examples of synonyms in Russian are:

  • Water is water.
  • Forest - forest.
  • Bass - bassy.
  • Sour – sourish.

But words with different roots are those that are not even similar in sound:

  • Joy is happiness.
  • Storm - bad weather.
  • Friend - comrade.
  • Calm - unperturbed.

Partial and full.

Complete words are words that are identical to each other in meaning, for example, linguistics and linguistics. But, based on other sources, we can say that the belonging of this group of words to synonyms is quite controversial.

Partial synonyms have a common designation, but they differ from each other in three ways. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Semantic - synonyms that differ in emotional coloring. For example, beautiful (a word that is not emotionally charged) and beautiful (tinged with a touch of admiration). The same with the examples of big and huge, small and tiny, liking and liking.
  • Stylistic - their difference in style. This can be a synonymous series of colloquial, literary and archaic words. For example - finger (colloquial) and finger (archaism), speak and rant, and so on.
  • And stylistic-semantic, that is, synonyms with a pronounced difference in emotional coloring and a difference in style. An example is secret and hidden. The first is a neutrally colored colloquial word, the second is a rich literary one.

Variation of synonyms

In order to determine the properties of a synonym and how one differs from the other you need to check it in several steps. It happens this way:

  1. Let's take a synonymous series.
  2. We match each link with the most neutral, emotionally uncolored word.
  3. We select words with opposite meanings - antonyms.
  4. Replace one word in a sentence with another.
  5. Find two figurative meanings for each link in the chain.
  6. Consider the grammatical structure of each link.

This is how you can define for yourself an expression with a neutral coloring and the properties and designations of all the words that follow it.

Why are synonyms needed in Russian?

It would seem, why complicate everything so much and come up with some tricks with words that have the same meaning and different spellings, and so on. But everything is not as simple as it seems, in fact, they play an important role in our speech. This is not only the criterion by which the richness, beauty and diversity of the language is determined, but also important functional unit in language.

They play a semantic role, helping to construct sentences in such a way as to avoid repetition of even the most necessary words, without losing the thread of the conversation. This makes the text or dialogue more interesting and pleasing to the ear.

And also a stylistic role. The same meaning can be embodied in several styles, and the color of the sentence will change. Here's an example:

The cold outside the window has been bothering me for days now. (Literary style)

I got tired of the cold outside after a few days. (Conversational style)


So, it's time to draw conclusions from all of the above. Synonyms are words that are close or identical in meaning but differ in spelling. They are used in speech to avoid tautologies (repetitions) and use the same meaning in different styles. They are divided into several types according to emotional coloring, style and proximity of meaning.

Now you probably won’t have any questions about what phrases with the same meaning are and what they are eaten with.

Synonyms- This words with the same meaning. It is this definition that is most easily remembered by schoolchildren.

Synonyms appear in the language in several ways reasons.

Firstly, synonyms arise in a language due to the fact that a person constantly strives to find some new features in an object or phenomenon of reality and designate them with a word similar in meaning to the original word - a word that already existed in the language to name a specific object or phenomenon.

Secondly, the reason for the appearance of synonyms is penetration of borrowed words into the language, close or identical in meaning to the Russian word: conductor = guide, cicerone; germ = embryo; introduction = preamble etc.

Thirdly, it is also important that in different expressive-stylistic groups of words, in different styles of speech the same object or phenomenon can be called differently:ochi = eyes; in vain = in vain etc.

Fourthly, often an object, sign or phenomenon is given different emotional assessment:cruel = merciless, heartless, inhuman, fierce, ferocious etc.

Indeed, to establish that, for example, the words “ Friend" And " comrade"are synonyms, not difficult, harder to define type of synonyms.

Absolute synonyms (doublets)- This words that are the same in meaning and use, but different in compatibility. For example, hippopotamus And hippopotamus; for And in continuation(prepositions); linguistics, And linguistics, And linguistics etc. There are not so many doublet words in the Russian language: due to the tendency to save linguistic resources such synonyms either begin to differ in meaning or acquire a new stylistic coloring. On For example, already now we can most often hear the term “ linguistics", more rarely - " linguistics" and almost never - " linguistics».

Ideographic (semantic) synonyms- This words that have the same meaning, but differ in shades of meaning. For example, in the "triad" p scorching – burning – hot scorching– it is very hot, scalding; burning- it is hot, burning, scorching; hot- it gives intense heat, very hot.

Examples of semantic synonyms are also the words: youth - youth; red – crimson – scarlet etc.

Contextual synonyms- This words that take on the same meaning in a particular context: cheerful, friendly smile.

Cognate synonyms- This words of the same root that have the same meaning, but are used most often in different styles. Word " struggle» neutral: he has an equal chance of meeting us in both artistic and scientific style. Its synonym is " struggle“has a pronounced “high” connotation and can be encountered in artistic speech.

Stylistic synonyms- This words that are used in different styles but have the same meaning. The most striking illustration is the group mug - face - countenance. Word " erysipelas"obviously colloquial, which has many not very intelligent vernacular options. Word " face» neutral: He has a “pass” to all styles. Word " face» bookish: most likely we will encounter it in a work of art in the case of stylization or a deliberately elevated attitude towards any of the characters.

Semantic-stylistic synonyms- This synonyms that differ in both shades of meaning and stylistic coloring: future(neutral) – upcoming(book) – coming(neutral) – upcoming(business sector) – next(neutral).

Often we may encounter the so-called occasional use of synonyms, When words that are not synonyms in principle become so at the suggestion of the author:knock the samovar on the table = put the samovar on the table.

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