Law institute what to take. Admission to a university to become a lawyer: what entrance exams need to be taken. What exams do you need to take to become a Lawyer? Law Enforcement Lawyer

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Admission to the university to study according to the program bachelor's degree carried out on the basis of the Unified State Exam. The exam results are valid for 4 years, with one year passing the Unified State Exam is not included in this period. The more popular the university, the more points you should score when taking the exam.

For such legal specialties as “Legal Support of National Security”, “Law Enforcement” and “Forensic Expertise”, admission to universities is carried out for training according to the program specialty. These specialties were not subject to changes in the higher education system in 2003, but the admission rules for them are the same as for the bachelor's degree program.

It would seem that in the presented scheme everything is quite simple. However, if you opened this article, then for sure your goal is not just to get into law school, but to get into a university where you can get a quality education . Therefore, admission should be built into a whole strategy for you, which must be carefully and, most importantly, thought out in advance. Otherwise, you will have to make decisions quickly, and in a hurry, it can be quite difficult to distinguish a “good” university from a “bad” one. The result: disappointment already in the first year, wasted time and wasted effort.

We recommend spending two or three years before entering a law college or a school with a social and legal direction, which allows you to score high Unified State Examination points. There are few such institutions and it is not easy to enter them in the absence of registration at the place of residence in nearby houses, but studying in them will bring a lot of benefits. These educational institutions devote a lot of time to legal disciplines, so during their studies the future applicant will have a chance to finally decide on his choice of profession. Moreover, such schools and colleges are in close cooperation with trusted universities, so you don't have to worry about searching before submitting your documents. suitable university and seek advice on choosing a university.

It is a good pre-university education that allows you to take the main step towards a career, so you should make maximum efforts and even extra efforts to get it. Of course, not only in terms of formal structure, but also in terms of real knowledge acquisition and diligent training.

However, if you are aiming to enter the country's leading universities, high Unified State Exam scores and studying at school/college will not be enough for you. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO, RUDN University have the right to conduct additional specialized entrance tests. They can be conducted orally or in writing, the purpose of these tests is to determine the level of knowledge of the applicant. Of course, in order to pass this exam, you need to spend a lot of time, effort and nerves, but if you look at the list of famous graduates of law faculties, it becomes clear that the education received at such universities really provides many opportunities. And for this it is worth enduring all the difficulties.

Thus, The law school admission scheme is as follows:

  • entering and graduating from a school that provides high level knowledge (including transition to specialized secondary education organizations at universities), the graduates of which successfully enter law schools;
  • during the period of study at school - successful participation in olympiads, the winners of which are given the right to preferential admission;
  • choice of university, area of ​​training (specialty), form of education (

This question is relevant for school students who have firmly decided to join the ranks of lawyers.

After reading this article, you will learn about the rules for admission to the Faculty of Law and the state and entrance exams required for this.

Students are admitted to the Faculty of Law based on the results of a unified state exams. Exact list There are no exams to take. It depends on the institution you plan to enroll in. You can find out what subjects you need to take to become a lawyer at the university itself. That is why it is important to choose the university where you plan to study before passing the Unified State Exam.

All exams are divided into mandatory and core. Mandatory tests are those that all graduates take, regardless of what profession they plan to study for. The profile ones depend on your chosen specialty and the university, that is, the university itself decides for graduates which subjects need to be taken to become a lawyer and which not.

Mandatory exams

The current compulsory subjects for the Unified State Exam were approved by the Ministry of Science and Education in September 2014. Exams in mathematics and the Russian language are mandatory for the Unified State Examination. It is worth noting that the first is divided into 2 levels of complexity - basic and specialized. A lawyer is a humanitarian profession, therefore, for admission he only needs basic level. Social studies is also mandatory exam for future lawyers

Profile exams

Law faculties assign specialized examinations depending on their specialization and teaching policies. They have the right to choose one of two subjects: history or computer science and ICT. Until 2014, it was mandatory to pass an exam in one of four foreign languages: English, Spanish, French or German. Now the importance of ownership foreign language The university determines for its students independently.

What subjects do you need to take to become a lawyer in college?

At the end of December 2012, a reform was introduced that is still in effect. It talks about canceling enrollment in colleges according to Unified State Exam results or GIA. Instead, regular entrance exams or interviews, which are the traditional form of admission to paid branches. On entrance examinations most often they do a written test of knowledge of the Russian language, as well as a test of knowledge in social studies and history orally.

Compliance with the rules of law and legislation is what any developed state in the world strives for. To comply with laws and use them correctly, we need specialists who can help an organization or any citizen. The legal specialty remains one of the most in demand in Russia, but to become a lawyer you need to get a higher education. The first question that arises for future applicants to a higher educational institution is what subjects need to be taken to become a lawyer upon admission.

What subjects do you need to know?

Lawyers are humanists; they are not required to have knowledge of technical disciplines. However, the chosen specialization places certain demands on the student. According to the law on education, educational institutions must accept students after the 11th grade based on the results of the Unified State Exam. When choosing jurisprudence, every applicant should know what to take in the Unified State Exam. A future specialist should be able to:

  • compose texts correctly;
  • Confidently express your thoughts on paper and in a meeting .

Grammatical errors should not be brought to the attention of the court or board of directors. That's why – compulsory subject which must be passed to become a lawyer. Social studies is a specialized discipline, knowledge of which is necessary for admission to the Faculty of Law.

These are the basics of jurisprudence in primary education future specialist. History is a required subject, the scores for which are of interest admissions committee. Knowledge of history requires memorizing dates and sequence of events, which will become one of the main conditions for future work.

It is better to decide on the institute in advance in order to know what needs to be taken for the Unified State Exam, since some universities require knowledge of a foreign language and even mathematics. Despite the education law, The university may require additional examination entrance exams for:

  • Russian language;
  • history;
  • social studies;
  • foreign language.

The Russian language exam takes the form of a dictation, but some educational institutions ask you to write a presentation. History and social studies exams are traditionally given in written or oral form. The history exam includes questions from all eras around the world. When wondering what it takes to become a lawyer, you need to understand that competition for this specialization quite tall. So above average knowledge and eloquence will help.

Interesting! Oratory has helped make the careers of many lawyers who have reached the highest positions in their countries.

Areas of jurisprudence for a future specialist

Average special education can only make a graduate a paralegal. When asked what to take to get a secondary specialized education, the answer most often will be - nothing, the results of school exams are enough. Secondary specialized education can be obtained after finishing 9th grade.

Jurisprudence is divided into three areas:

  • civil law;
  • international legal;
  • criminal law.

The first prepares civil law specialists, that is, notaries, legal consultants, those who defend the interests of citizens and enterprises. The second direction trains specialists working in diplomatic missions or in companies entering into contracts with foreign partners. The third direction is focused on producing investigators, lawyers, and prosecutors. The question invariably arises: what exams do you need to take to become a lawyer in your chosen specialization?

And the answer will be the same: Russian language, social studies, history. But there are nuances. Determining your desire become an international lawyer, what subjects need to be taken when entering a university - these are, of course, foreign languages.

Important! It is advisable to have an international certificate confirming knowledge of foreign languages.

If a student dreams of a career as a notary, then the faculty in which they are taught does not exist. First, you need to obtain a higher legal education in civil law. Then the specialist must undergo an internship with an existing notary as an assistant. There are legislative standards that determine the number of notaries depending on the population, infrastructure development, transport network and other factors.

A notary is a company in which there is no staff turnover. An internship as an assistant can last for years. And to become an assistant, you need to take a test and pass it with the highest score. After completing the internship, you must pass the qualification test work to become a notary of a special commission, and obtain a license to conduct activities.

Choosing criminal law

The answer to the question is what subjects do you need to take to become a criminal lawyer?, will be similar to all others: history, social studies, Russian language. When choosing the field of criminal law, it is better to enroll in a specialized university, for example, the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This option is suitable for young men who have served in the army and entered the police service. Girls can also become investigators, lawyers or prosecutors. Graduates who have graduated from a specialized university are provided with work in the investigation. You can go the other way, but you will have to look for a job yourself:

  1. Enter a regular university with a law faculty.
  2. Choose a criminal specialization in your third year.

Having chosen a criminal specialization, a person cannot immediately after graduation obtain the required status.

To become a lawyer, after graduating from university, you must train for two years as an assistant in a law office, or work as a lawyer. The bar exam, which must be taken after completing the internship, will include about 500 difficult questions. A lawyer must be a member of a special board.

To obtain the profession of a prosecutor, you also need to graduate from higher education. educational institution at the Faculty of Law. Then you need an internship as an assistant prosecutor, or you can work as an investigator.

Every year in our country final certifications are held for students in grades 9 and 11. At this time, graduates need to take one more step in their educational activities. If 9th grade students can choose not to take additional exams and continue their education at school, then 11th grade graduates will have to make a choice.

At the first stage, you need to decide on a profession. Here, despite many negative reviews, the leading position is occupied by the legal profession. No matter what anyone says, lawyers are needed in our country and abroad.

That is why graduates have a logical question about what subjects they need to pass in order to become a lawyer. In this article we will try to answer this question..

What subjects do you need to take to become a lawyer?

The procedure for admission to higher and secondary vocational education programs is regulated by the Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation", as well as the rules of educational institutions. For admission to higher education institution It is enough to pass the Unified State Exam in specialized exams and score the appropriate number of points. So, what subjects do you need to take to enroll in law school?

Some institutes may conduct additional exams. For example, you can take an exam in social studies or history. These are mainly oral exams. Some universities test foreign language proficiency. Graduates who want to become international lawyers will have to pass this exam.

What exams do you need to take to become a lawyer?

Lawyer is a general title. Legal education can be used in different areas of life . That is why the focus of training There are different types of lawyers. That is, the entrance exams for these specializations will also be different:


Law is a large specialization. Universities train specialists for various fields. Some train as law enforcement officers or forensic specialists. Other universities carry out educational program for training specialists state apparatus, as well as lawyers to protect labor and civil rights. That is why choosing the profession of a lawyer, you need to think about what area you want to develop in or what area interests you.

As for admission to the Faculty of Law, there is no big difference in exams between profiles. Mostly history, society, and Russian language are tested. Additional examinations will be conducted by the institute. To know exactly what exams are needed for admission, you need to go to the official website of the institute and look at the information or call . They will also explain to you, when admission opens and until what date it will last, what documents are needed for admission.

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