Female detective based on the works of Garmash Roffe. Rating of books by Tatyana Garmash-Roffe. Dead waters of the Moscow Sea

“I love my birthdays. I love the month in which I was born – May. He is young and magnificent, full of strength and promises of happiness. I feel sorry for people living in warm countries: they are not given the joy of the coming of spring, because it is hardly different from winter...”

  • September 26, 2018, 11:40

Genre: ,


Who needed Taisiya's life? Why was a killer targeted on her trail? Why did he take her into the wet night forest and order her to dig a grave?! Taisiya miraculously managed to escape, but questions remained. She is forced to hide in a small town near Moscow, her phone...

  • November 30, 2017, 11:21

Genre: ,


“...I was found in my neighbor’s apartment, covered in blood, next to her dead body. According to the police, I killed her. And in a state of alcoholic intoxication. But I don't remember anything. The last thing that remains in my memory is an evening with my husband in a restaurant, we were drinking...

  • April 24, 2016, 12:20

Genre: ,


Academician Donnikov, the creator of the “Health Reserve”, where stars and politicians are treated, died in a car accident, leaving his daughter Masha an orphan. A month later, a dove brings a strange letter to their chapel. It says that the death of the academician is not an accident, but a murder, and Masha must find a reliable person to conduct a secret investigation.

Masha turns to detective Alexei Kisanov. He doesn’t believe in mysticism, considering the “pigeon letter” a cruel prank, but still gets down to business out of sympathy for the girl. He is helped by his assistant Igor, from whom Masha evokes more than simple sympathy... A conversation with the academician’s relatives unexpectedly lifts the veil over the unsightly secrets of the “Reserve”. It seems that Donnikov has become a victim of the intrigues of his high-ranking patients... The investigation is taking a dangerous turn: now someone is making an attempt on Masha’s life. Who? Who needs the death of the academician and his...

  • October 24, 2014, 11:28

Genre: ,


The eldest son of detective Alexei Kisanov, Roman, arrives at his friend’s village house. In the window of a neighboring mansion, he sees a girl... And soon it turns out that Mila is being held there by force by a certain “sponsor”, who tricked her into his network. She asks Roman for help. Remembering the methods of his detective father, Roman tries to think through the escape plan in detail and technically, taking into account all possible pitfalls. However, on the night of the escape, Mila disappeared. Only a puddle of blood remained on the floor... What happened here? Where did the girl go? Is she alive?!

At the same time, Roman, examining Mila’s room, unwittingly left his traces and prints there. He understands: no matter what happens to her, they will now suspect him! He goes into hiding, hoping to figure out what happened and find the girl he fell in love with. But without Kis's help he can't...

  • 21 September 2014, 14:29

Genre: ,

Having escaped to Moscow from a dangerous admirer, Rita finds a place to stay for the night with the handsome Sasha, and in exchange fixes his computer, deleting the folder with dangerous files. Rita guessed what was in them: Sasha is a “call boy”, and he has a webcam... The next morning the girl moves to his friend Andrey: he agrees to shelter the fugitive. Everything seems to be going well for Rita, except for Andrei’s reserved nature... However, someone desperately needed the files deleted by Rita, and now the whole trio is being hunted by bandits! Sasha is beaten, everything in Andrei’s apartment is upside down, and the police are looking for Rita. Troubles are growing like a snowball, but, alas, the worst is yet to come!.. On top of everything else - it’s so inopportune! – love intervened in the intrigue. The voice of reason is unknown to her... Even detective Alexey Kisanov cannot cope with this. How can he protect young people if they do not heed his advice?! After all, each of them has their own obstinate character and are so different...

  • May 13, 2014, 00:29

Genre: ,


When Leah managed to escape from the rapist who attacked her, she couldn’t even imagine how lucky she was: after all, he already had three corpses on his back! After this terrible incident, life, however, smiled on Leah. First, she met Felix, her future love. Secondly, she, a restorer of antique furniture, suddenly began to receive expensive orders. And thirdly, she met a “cute weirdo,” a gay man who became not only a generous client, but also her best “friend.” Life seemed cloudless. It couldn’t even occur to Leah that everything around her is happening according to the plan of a maniac and manipulator, where she is destined for the role of a bride... Only Felix suspects something is wrong - but Leah doesn’t believe him, becoming more and more entangled in the maniac’s networks. And then Felix turns to private detective Alexei Kisanov. Keys takes up the investigation, although there is not a single fact or piece of evidence in this case. After all, the maniac's plan is...

In the center of Moscow, in the Aquarium garden, the corpse of a young woman was discovered. The circumstances of the murder are hidden from the press. It is only known that the crime was committed at rush hour - people were leaving a performance at the theater. Mossovet, idle revelers were relaxing in a restaurant. Investigators found that the victim likely knew the killer well. This is the premise of Tatyana Garmash-Roffe’s new detective novel “And There Is No Forgiveness for Me,” published by the Eksmo publishing house in the series “ High art detective." If you love, then with all your soul! If you live, then live in such a way that legends will be made about it! High feelings, strong emotions, uncompromising relationships - are all these operatic passions really possible in our pragmatic times?

From year to year, absolutely nothing interesting happened in the life of Aida - that was the name of the murdered woman. The daughter of a wealthy father, the wife of a successful, albeit unloved, husband, she lived as if in a dream, isolating herself from the world with music. At the same time, thoughts, emotions, feelings seething in the depths of her soul were hidden from family and friends. Only the sounds of great music gave her that freedom and breadth of feelings that was so lacking in everyday life. When there is such music, is love needed? It turned out that it was needed. A feeling that she was no longer expecting turned her whole life upside down. And, in the end, it led to death.

“Following the instructions she received, she moved deeper into the garden. The people, having opened their umbrellas, actually walked towards her in a friendly oncoming crowd - flowing from the performance of the Mossovet Theater. Only now did she appreciate the genius of the plan: if someone is really watching her, this person will be forced to approach her so as not to lose her in the crowd... And the one who hid in the depths of the garden will easily figure him out and recognize him! Aida tried not to look around, not to look around, although she really wanted to spot her pursuer. Concentrated, she made her way through the oncoming flow of people, then took a right, going around the restaurant until she saw it behind the trees. Obeying the sign, she approached.”

Private detective Alexey Kisanov, well known to readers of Tatyana Garmash-Roffe’s books, took on the investigation of the crime. Gradually, moving forward step by step, the detective brings to light a very ugly story. A story in which there is no place not only for the notorious lofty ideals, but also for simple human compassion.

Tatyana Garmash-Roffe is a master of the detective genre. Her books are distinguished by the integrity of the plot, in which every character, every action, every random glance is by no means accidental. The thoroughness of the detective story clearly demonstrates the boundless respect with which the author treats his readers. On the one hand, they have in their hands all the keys for independent logical conclusions. On the other hand, the author stirs up reader interest to the last, without revealing all the secrets.

Tatyana Garmash-Roffe is not a boring author. Moreover, he is a gifted author. Anyone who has read at least one of her books will be happy to pick up another. The writer doesn't just twist the plot. She knows how to create lively characters that reveal themselves in the given circumstances.

“Andrei looked completely calm, as if he ran away from home every day, hiding from bandits, and even because of a girl completely unknown to him! Rita appreciated this equanimity (if feigned, then very successfully!) highly. Not a word of reproach, not dissatisfaction with the fact that he “got into trouble” because of Sasha or because of her, Rita. She has encountered many times the fact that, while doing a good deed, people very quickly begin to lose their temper as soon as the slightest complication arises. They are pleased to consider themselves kind, but so that it is easy, inexpensive in terms of strength and time... Such kindness is cowardly. And not even kindness at all, in fact.”

Major troubles often bring out the most unexpected qualities in people. And the worse the situation, the faster everything superficial and momentary flies away from a person, often revealing cowardice and cowardice under a carefully crafted mask of confidence.

Only truly strong-willed people do not waste time on fruitless exclamations and searching for those to blame, but simply take responsibility and begin to look for a way out of the current situation.

In her new novel, Tatyana Garmash-Roffe brings to the stage, alas, extremely rare types today. The heroes of the book "Take Shelter in the Clouds", through no fault of their own, having become deeply involved in a dangerous story involving blackmail of high-ranking officials, do not lose their cool and show their best qualities - nobility and generosity. Even if this is rare, but even in our difficult times there are people who are able to lend a helping hand, take on part of other people’s problems, accept active participation in the fate of a stranger in trouble.

Rita, main character new novel by Tatyana Garmash-Roffe, as they say, fell “from the frying pan into the fire.” Fleeing from the persecution of an obsessive admirer with considerable power, she fled to Moscow. In the capital, a girl accidentally found herself in the midst of a struggle powerful of the world this. The real war broke out over a compromising video hidden in the computer of her casual acquaintance Sasha. After Rita helped destroy the files, the hunt began for her and her new friend Andrei.

In the center of confusion detective story- something more than solving a crime. Following the trials that befell the heroes, we see how gradually and carefully, as if walking on the blade of a knife, the souls of the heroes open up to each other. It is not easy for two adults to get out of the cocoon of alienation that has been built for many years as a way of protecting themselves from insults, loneliness and betrayal. The fragility of their nascent feelings evokes sympathy and empathy, and the nobility of their souls evokes unconditional respect.

When starting to study a writer’s work, pay attention to the works that are at the top of this rating. Feel free to click on the up and down arrows if you think that a certain work should be higher or lower in the list. As a result of common efforts, including based on your ratings, we will receive the most adequate rating of Tatyana Garmash-Roffe’s books.

    This book is not quite ordinary. It consists of my novel “Leave Can’t Stay” and a “virtual” part, which is posted on the Internet in the form of a blog written by one of the characters in the novel. A blog is a keyhole into the past, through which you can have a good look hidden secrets. He helps private detective Alexei Kisanov reconstruct the events of distant days, but not only: he reveals the character of both the blogger himself and several of his former classmates. The idea of ​​writing a novel that included a virtual part was prompted by my love for playing with multiple realities, which I discovered while working on my dissertation on Eugene Onegin (and other works by Pushkin). And I couldn’t resist the opportunity to play it! The world of fiction, which is fiction, echoes the virtual world in its fantasy essence, in the possibilities of mystification - and the temptation to collide these two worlds in one work was very great. As a result, the virtual becomes part of the novel, where the blog is written by a character in the novel, and comments are left by the most real visitors, who thereby unwittingly become part of the novel! At the same time, this game allowed me to separate two worlds that are polar in spirit and worldview, giving each its own form and its own space. I invited Oleg Khrustalev, a journalist from Nizhny Novgorod. He courageously took upon himself the task of creating in detail the unsavory character of the blogger and telling the unsavory story on his behalf. Oleg played this role with great skill, for which I express my gratitude to him! The blog address is indicated as the story progresses. For those who do not have access to the Internet, a printout from the blog (without visitors' comments) is given in the Appendix to the novel. (Be careful not to peek ahead of time!) As with any blog “hanging” on the Internet, any visitor can leave comments there....Next

  • Lyulya had not yet recovered from the death of her husband when new troubles fell on her head. Someone is persistently and methodically trying to deal with the young widow. The attempts follow one after another, and she no longer has the strength to resist. If it weren't for the guard Artyom nearby, she would have long ago surrendered... Are the attempts on Lyulya connected with the death of her husband? Or with his business? Only one person can answer these questions. But after waking up from a coma, he lost his memory, and after plastic surgery, he also lost his appearance. And he became surprisingly similar to... Lyulya’s deceased husband. Or maybe this is him? And now, pretending to be unconscious, Vlad is at the head of a large-scale operation to eliminate all possible witnesses? In which for some reason Lyula is assigned to be the main victim. No one except private detective Alexei Kisanov, nicknamed Kis, can solve this puzzle......Next

  • Everything is fine in the house of the famous writer Jean-François de Larue. And his house is beautiful, and the roses in the garden are beautiful, and even more beautiful is his young wife Marion! Fame, wealth, love - it would seem that what else does a person need to be happy? However, the writer unexpectedly dies suicide. It's simply impossible to believe this! But it is also impossible to assume murder: after all, no one entered his locked office and no one came out of it! All the inhabitants of the house were in front of a locked door, and strangers could not get into it either through the windows or through the chimney! What really happened?! Private detective Remy Dellier takes on the investigation of this mysterious case......Next

  • Going to Ostankino, private detective Alexey Kisanov did not even suspect how his participation in the notorious program would end for him. During a live broadcast, a certain girl bursts into the studio. She declares to the whole country that the mafia wants to destroy her. To top it off In total, the girl takes detective Kisanov hostage and takes him away at gunpoint in an unknown direction... A series of murders cuts them off from the world, forcing them to hide. A hostage, a security guard and a detective rolled into one, Alexey must figure this out as soon as possible mysterious story. Who is this girl? Criminal or victim? Suspicion and mistrust gradually become intertwined with strong attraction. The feeling of approaching danger sharpens their passion and dulls the detective's vigilance. And the mafia doesn’t sleep......Next

  • Abandoned by her husband, rejected by mutual friends, Vika turned out to be completely unadapted to life: a worthless lady, her husband’s wife, and then an ex... Desperate, she even decided to pick up a homeless man from the trash heap: wash him, dress him and make him her protector... Thirst for revenge brings her to the company, which was written off by her husband during the divorce, where Vika took on the directorship, little understanding what she had gotten herself into. Having found herself in the thick of dangerous and cruel business games, Vika realized late that they cost not only money, but also life, her life. The corpse of a cat with a mysterious pendant in her apartment, then the corpse of an unfamiliar girl in her bed - these are warnings! But about what?! From whom?! To avoid becoming the third corpse, Vika must urgently understand what is happening around her! However, her colleagues turn dark, and the “tamed” homeless man disappears. There is no one nearby, no one to help her... Except for the private detective Alexei Kisanov....Next

  • When Leah managed to escape from the rapist who attacked her, she couldn’t even imagine how lucky she was: after all, he already had three corpses on his back! After this terrible incident, life, however, smiled on Leah. First, she met Felix, her future love. Secondly, on her, restorer of antique furniture, expensive orders suddenly poured in. And thirdly, she met a “cute weirdo,” a gay man who became not only a generous client, but also her best “friend.” Life seemed cloudless. It couldn’t even occur to Leah that everything around her is happening according to the plan of a maniac and manipulator, where she is destined for the role of a bride... Only Felix suspects something is wrong - but Leah doesn’t believe him, becoming more and more entangled in the maniac’s networks. And then Felix turns to private detective Alexei Kisanov. Keys takes up the investigation, although there is not a single fact or piece of evidence in this case. After all, the maniac’s plan is perfection......Next

  • Alexandra never doubted her ability to please men and therefore was not surprised when she acquired a new admirer, a handsome young man. But he allowed himself to cross the line, and Alexandra sternly resigned him. And a week later they and Alexey Kisanov’s children, twins, were kidnapped! What is this? Kidnapping for ransom? Or revenge of a young admirer for Alexandra’s coldness? Or maybe this is a punishment for her revealing article? Or is this not revenge on her at all, but on Alexei? From one of the people he sent to jail? Be that as it may, their eight-month-old children disappeared without a trace! Alexey Kisanov urgently interrupts his business trip in the Urals and returns home to investigate this abduction. However, it turns out that the thief did not leave a single piece of evidence! Everything suggests that he was well prepared for the kidnapping... Where to look for the solution? After all, every passing second puts the lives of his and Alexandra’s children at risk!...Next

  • He approached the barrels. Here the grapes, in his opinion, gave away the soul. They gave it to juice, which was soon destined to become wine. The transformation of solar berries into a solar drink called wine seemed to him a great miracle and mystery, and now for the first time he had the opportunity to be present at a miracle and sacrament. Taking the pole in his hands, Kolya slowly began to circulate the berries, sniffing and peering. When suddenly I felt a strong push. He wanted to turn around and see who was pushing him in the back... A new push hit the back of his head and plunged his face into the barrel. Kolya choked, tried to lift his face out of the grape slurry and tell the idiot joker everything he thought about him... But at that moment his legs came off the floor, his head inexorably sank to the bottom of the barrel, and the berries, the most beautiful berries that only the earth was capable of giving birth - they swallowed his body entirely. Grape juice filled my lungs—barely fermented, spicy, deadly. Nobody pushed him anymore, but Kolya never found out about it. He died....Next

  • Ksyusha and Remy, while spending their vacation in the vicinity of Nice, decided to admire the local phenomenon: the Queen of the Lake. The light effect was indeed very impressive, but they were even more impressed by the corpse of a girl whose blond hair was entangled in the unusual white algae of the lake. Did she fall off a cliff? Or did someone push her? Taking on the investigation of this incident, Remy had no idea how far it would take him and Ksyusha. The drowned woman turned out to be Russian, and she came to the mountains to see her cousin Lisa, who was relaxing in a villa with friends... Alas, Lisa was not resting at all! In the mountains, seriously wounded, she fought for her life. And private detective Remy Dellier and his wife Ksenia will have to enter this fight for Lisa’s life....Next

  • The witch came out, and pitch darkness reigned in the basement. Overcoming weakness, Yulia sat down on the narrow trestle bed. The chain on his leg rattled. Harry, her ex-husband, wasn’t in the dungeon - managed to escape along the road?.. Surely. After all, they beat her to extract a confession from Harry about location of the jewelry. There were legends about his fabulous love for Yulia, he had to break! But now no one beats her... The bandits probably rushed after Harry, and Yulia was left in the care of the Witch, who drugged her with a dopey potion... On the next lounger - she managed to notice while the candle was burning - there was a man... Who is he ? Why is he here, in the dungeon, next to her? Julia had no idea. ...Meanwhile, private detective Alexey Kisanov made his way through the underground passage, made his way through the forest and swamp, drove in cars to find, to be in time, to save all those who were missing, who disappeared on this strange day, full of anxiety and adversity......Next

  • This work is an excellent example of the absolute harmony of different literary forms - the novel with its dramatic narrative about the life and fate of a man and a detective, with its dynamics and intrigue of the investigation. After reading this novel you understand that in the popular market In literature, a standard called the “detective novel” appeared. And now this definition can not be applied to every book that claims to be a detective novel... The life and fate of a great actress and a series of murders of high-ranking people... Realism of images, shocking rules of life of the Soviet elite and nomenklatura, tired of living “like everyone else”... The tragic consequences of the era for some of the book’s heroes, as in other TGR novels, are dealt with by private detective Alexey Kisanov. The logic of crimes, their false versions, the sword of Damocles over a loved one... the reader experiences all this together with the characters, on every page. Why are heroes killed with a poisoned needle? Why do all avenues of investigation lead to a clean and good man which can't be bad? Who's the killer? And why did the author treat the main character of the novel this way, clearly risking upsetting the reader? This is not at all according to the rules of entertaining literature. Only after reading it do you understand what an unusually deep and intelligent novel Garmash-Roffe wrote. Vivat to the author!!! Keep it up! Read and do not feel sorry for yourself and your sleep. Because you won't have to fall asleep with this novel!...Next

  • “It doesn’t happen like that!” – Tonya repeated to herself when the handsome and rich man Kirill fell in love with her, a homely cashier. But his tenderness swept away all barriers, and Tonya dared to believe in a fairy tale... In vain! Very soon she began to doubt the very existence of love, and the company, and Kirill's wealth. But why did he need to put on a performance in front of Tonya?! Gradually, minor misunderstandings turn into a real nightmare. Kirill disappears, but his shadow haunts Tonya, cruelly punishing her for every disobedience. Torn by fear, love and pride, she arrogantly refuses the help of private detective Alexei Kisanov. What a mistake!!! After all, all her past fears are just an innocent trifle compared to what awaits her ahead......Next

  • Previously, the novel “A Private Visit to Paris” was published under the title “The Place of Death Cannot Be Changed.” The winner of the Cannes Film Festival, the famous Russian director Maxim Dorin, is suddenly surprised to learn that the no less famous French actor Arnaud Dorin is his uncle. Maxim flies to Paris to meet his legendary relative. After talking on the set of a new film for only half an hour, they part until the evening. However, Arno mysteriously disappears. And around Maxim, the ring of a real nightmare inevitably tightens: a series of assassination attempts, “practical jokes” on the phone, night visits... There are too few clues and too many secrets in this case, which private detective Remy Dellier undertakes to unravel....Next

  • Igor did everything to turn Olga Samarina’s life into paradise. But this paradise collapses on the day when Olga, while in Paris, encounters her own double on one of the streets. The similarity is so striking that she, spellbound, goes in search of him. And how only life paths Olga and American Cheryl cross paths - the girls find themselves in the crosshairs of an unknown killer, ready to destroy them by all means... Olga is left alone: ​​Cheryl is in a coma, caring Igor has mysteriously disappeared - and the killer is hunting for her. Next to her there is only Jonathan, a mysterious Englishman, a fellow student at the Sorbonne - it seems that he is in love with a Russian girl and wants to help her, but... Wasn’t he the one who tried to kill Olya? Paris gives way to London, Moscow to New York, Olga searches for clues all over the world, encountering only the corpses of those who could tell her the truth......Next

  • Getting ready to spend a vacation in Paris in the company of Alexandra, Ksyusha and Remy, private detective Alexey Kisanov simultaneously takes on a simple case of finding a missing person. As it turned out, Mikhail Levikov went to France to visit a woman he met on the Internet. However, he disappeared again - this time from Paris! Moreover, Ksyusha also mysteriously disappears after playing her role in an erotic performance in the castle of the Marquis de Sade. Last time she was seen with a certain lawyer who claims that he delivered Ksyusha to the station. Nevertheless, she did not buy a train ticket... The traces of both “disappearances” were strangely lost in the mysterious mountains of Provence. Each step poses a new puzzle for Alexey and Remy, any version leads to a dead end, while their investigation is framed by a series of brutal murders......Next

  • This time, private detective Alexei Kisanov has a difficult job... His new client Stasik tells incredible things about himself. Then he woke up... on the roof. In his absence, someone rearranged the furniture in the apartment. And once in the middle of the night I found myself in a cemetery, and Vampires danced around him in a devilish dance. Is he really going crazy... or maybe this is the work of evil spirits?! Stasik thought exactly this until he saw his sketch from the stand “The police are looking for them”... Alexey Kisanov gets down to business with interest. After all, it was precisely at the time when evil spirits were playing pranks on Stas that a wave of gang rapes swept through the city, leading to a series of deaths......Next

  • Afanasy Karachaev was found dead in his apartment. The official conclusion of death indicates heart failure, but Lyalya, who loved Karachaev, does not believe this conclusion. She turns to private detective Alexei Kisanov, who takes up the case. Very soon it becomes clear that Karachaev was helped to go to the next world. But this was the first and last clear point in this matter: what follows is complete riddles. The daughter of Afanasy Karachaev disappears in the most mysterious way, and a detective is looking for her traces in the dark waters of the Moscow Sea. Versions multiply like molecules in organic chemistry. Inheritance? Business interests? Revenge of a jilted lover? Alexey Kisanov has never had such a murky case before! The solution will only appear at the very end......Next

  • A bright detective story from a top and favorite author. The short, action-packed story contains everything that is inherent in a breathtaking detective story: an intriguing plot, a flurry of criminal action, a brilliant denouement. ...Next

  • Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a murder disguised as a suicide... But private detective Alexey Kisanov was very puzzled when he heard that he was dealing with a suicide disguised as a murder. Mikhail Kozyrev, a respected psychiatrist, died - either he jumped out of the window, or he was pushed. However, Alexey had no doubt that he would quickly deal with this matter... And he was wrong! The man died, but someone continues to persecute his relatives and friends: Mikhail’s sister is attacked, then his assistant, the psychiatrist’s client is severely beaten and is in a coma. Alexey has already begun to seriously fear for his own family! The leapfrog of strange and dangerous events will continue until the detective finds out the secret of the silver heart with rhinestones, for which there is a real hunt......Next

  • Academician Donnikov, the creator of the “Health Reserve”, where stars and politicians are treated, died in a car accident, leaving his daughter Masha an orphan. A month later, a dove brings a strange letter to their chapel. It says that the death of the academician is not an accident, but a murder and Masha must find a reliable person to conduct a secret investigation. Masha turns to detective Alexei Kisanov. He doesn’t believe in mysticism, considering the “pigeon letter” a cruel prank, but still gets down to business out of sympathy for the girl. He is helped by his assistant Igor, from whom Masha evokes more than simple sympathy... A conversation with the academician’s relatives unexpectedly lifts the veil over the unsightly secrets of the “Reserve”. It seems that Donnikov has become a victim of the intrigues of his high-ranking patients... The investigation is taking a dangerous turn: now someone is making an attempt on Masha’s life. Who? Who needs the death of an academician and his daughter?!...Next

  • If people were given the ability to predict the course of events!.. Then Aida would not have gone on a date to the Aquarium garden, then Manon, her sister, would not have agreed to meet her new admirer! And trouble would not have happened, and private detective Alexei Kisanov would not have had to postpone the long-awaited vacation... But the police ask for his help. Two brutal and mysterious murders. The disappearance of a girl drugged with a drug called “truth serum.” And, most importantly, the search for evidence of the criminal’s guilt, which the detective cannot get his hands on! Will the murderer go unpunished?.....Next

  • What to do if you are pretty but too shy? And then at the banquet you meet a private detective, the Frenchman Remy Dellier, and you understand that he is your destiny. And then Alexandra’s sister, a fashion journalist, comes up with this whole story about the murder of an aging man. a libertine and a blackmailer, where you are the main defendant. And now let the gallant Frenchman try to refuse you, unfortunate one, help. But the most incredible thing is that the murder really happened and the body disappeared. And you become the main suspect. And to get you out, Remy and Russian detective Alexey Kisanov are ready to do anything......Next

  • This novel is a hellish mixture of intellectual logical investigation and psychological thriller. In just one month, private detective Alexei Kisanov needs to solve 12 murders in order to prevent the 13th. All murders are different, but they have one thing in common - a maniac who plays with the detective like a cat with a mouse. Perhaps for the first time, the author presents us with a negative hero, more intelligent than her main character. This doesn't happen! Garmash-Roffe is taking risks again. From chapter to chapter, the reader rushes through the plot like on a roller coaster - Kisanov is about to get hold of an invisible maniac, and suddenly - bang - a complete failure, a dead end, we urgently need to come up with something, new version... Hours count, then minutes... Hope again... If you have never experienced the feeling when your breath freezes from overload and weightlessness while reading, then this is just such a book! Read! And don't feel sorry for yourself!...Next

  • Having escaped to Moscow from a dangerous admirer, Rita finds a place to stay for the night with the handsome Sasha, and in exchange fixes his computer, deleting the folder with dangerous files. What's in them, Rita guessed: Sasha is a “call boy”, and he has a webcam... The next morning the girl moves to his friend Andrey: he agrees to shelter the fugitive. Everything seems to be going well for Rita, except for Andrei’s reserved nature... However, someone desperately needed the files deleted by Rita, and now the whole trio is being hunted by bandits! Sasha is beaten, everything in Andrei’s apartment is upside down, and the police are looking for Rita. Troubles are growing like a snowball, but, alas, the worst is yet to come!.. On top of everything else - it’s so inopportune! – love intervened in the intrigue. The voice of reason is unknown to her... Even detective Alexey Kisanov cannot cope with this. How can he protect young people if they do not heed his advice?! After all, each of them has their own obstinate character and so different desires......Next

This novel is a hellish mixture of intellectual logical investigation and psychological thriller. In just one month, private detective Alexei Kisanov needs to solve 12 murders in order to prevent the 13th. All murders are different, but they have one thing in common - a maniac who plays with the detective like a cat with a mouse. Perhaps for the first time, the author presents us with a negative hero, more intelligent than her main character. This doesn't happen! Garmash-Roffe is taking risks again. From chapter to chapter, the reader rushes through the plot like on a roller coaster - Kisanov is about to happen...

Bodyguard Angel

Genre: Detectives

Lyulya had not yet recovered from the death of her husband when new troubles fell on her head. Someone is persistently and methodically trying to deal with the young widow. The attempts follow one after another, and she no longer has the strength to resist. If it weren’t for the guard Artyom nearby, she would have given up long ago... Are the attempts on Lyulya connected with the death of her husband? Or with his business? Only one person can answer these questions. But after waking up from a coma, he lost his memory, and after plastic surgery, he also lost his appearance. And he became surprisingly similar to... Lyulya’s deceased husband. Or maybe...

Cause I'm still alive

Genre: Detectives

Blinded by the light, I only blinked when I was pushed into the door, which immediately closed behind me... I spent more than a week in the basement, not knowing why I was here and why. I asked the guy who brought me food every day what would happen to me. And every day he answered that they would let me go. I believed. They treated me well, quite politely, which I saw as a guarantee that they did not need my life. But I left the basement only to find myself in the refrigerator of the morgue... That’s my whole life, so short. Because today I will die... Private investigator Alexey...

Witch for the Inquisitor

Genre: Detectives

Going to Ostankino, private detective Alexey Kisanov did not even suspect how his participation in the notorious program would end for him. During a live broadcast, a certain girl bursts into the studio. She declares to the whole country that the mafia wants to destroy her. To top it all off, the girl takes Detective Kisanov hostage and takes him away at gunpoint in an unknown direction... A series of murders cuts them off from the world, forcing them to hide. A hostage, security guard and detective rolled into one, Alexey must figure out this mysterious story as soon as possible.…

Eternal youth at auction

Genre: Detectives

Getting ready to spend a vacation in Paris in the company of Alexandra, Ksyusha and Remy, private detective Alexey Kisanov simultaneously takes on a simple case of finding a missing person. As it turned out, Mikhail Levikov went to France to visit a woman he met on the Internet. However, he disappeared again - this time from Paris! Moreover, Ksyusha also mysteriously disappears after playing her role in an erotic performance in the castle of the Marquis de Sade. She was last seen with a certain lawyer, who claims that he delivered Ksyusha to the station. However, the ticket...

Lord of women's souls

Genre: Detectives

Everything is fine in the house of the famous writer Jean-François de Larue. And his house is beautiful, and the roses in the garden are beautiful, and even more beautiful is his young wife Marion! Fame, wealth, love - it would seem that what else does a person need to be happy? However, the writer unexpectedly commits suicide. It's simply impossible to believe this! But it is also impossible to assume murder: after all, no one entered his locked office and no one came out of it! All the inhabitants of the house were in front of a locked door, and outsiders could not get into it either through the windows,...

Second guiding star

Genre: Detectives

The witch came out, and pitch darkness reigned in the basement. Overcoming weakness, Yulia sat down on the narrow trestle bed. The chain on his leg rattled. Harry, her ex-husband, was not in the dungeon - he managed to escape along the road?.. Surely. After all, she was beaten to extract a confession from Harry about the whereabouts of the jewelry. There were legends about his fabulous love for Yulia, he had to break! But now no one beats her... The bandits probably rushed after Harry, and Yulia was left in the care of the Witch, who drugged her with an intoxicating potion... On the next lounger - she managed to notice...

Naked Queen

Genre: Detectives

The novel is Hollywood-scale. The famous publisher Alexander Murashov's wife disappears. Everything suggests that Alina herself left her husband... But in fact, she is a prisoner of her former friends who decided to profit at the expense of her rich husband! Amateurs obsessed with profit are very dangerous - they are ready to do anything for money. Only one of them, Philip, the former lover of the kidnapping victim, has another goal - to make Alina belong entirely to him... This novel has a double bottom - with a double ending, unusual and unusual for the reader. "The Naked Queen" had...


Genre: Detectives

Abandoned by her husband, rejected by mutual friends, Vika turned out to be completely unadapted to life: a worthless lady, her husband’s wife, and then an ex... Desperate, she even decided to pick up a homeless man from the trash heap: wash him, dress him and make him her protector... The thirst for revenge leads her to the company that was written off by her husband during the divorce, where Vika took on the directorship, little understanding what she had gotten herself into. Having found herself in the thick of dangerous and cruel business games, Vika realized late that they cost not only money, but also life, her life. The corpse of a cat with a mysterious...

The Golden Book of Detective

Genre: Detectives

The book you are holding in your hands is truly golden. Especially for this collection the most bright stars modern Russian detectives created unforgettable images, wove the finest plot lace, and came up with the most elegant criminal intrigues. " golden book detective" - ​​an unforgettable meeting with the masterpieces of detective prose!

Golden threads of fate

Genre: Detectives

Ksyusha and Remy, while spending their vacation in the vicinity of Nice, decided to admire the local phenomenon: the Queen of the Lake. The light effect was indeed very impressive, but they were even more impressed by the corpse of a girl whose blond hair was entangled in the unusual white algae of the lake. Did she fall off a cliff? Or did someone push her? Taking on the investigation of this incident, Remy had no idea how far it would take him and Ksyusha. The drowned woman turned out to be Russian, and she came to the mountains to see her cousin Lisa, who was vacationing at a villa with friends...…

Royal weed

Genre: Detectives

“It doesn’t happen like that!” – Tonya repeated to herself when the handsome and rich man Kirill fell in love with her, a homely cashier. But his tenderness swept away all barriers, and Tonya dared to believe in a fairy tale... In vain! Very soon she began to doubt the very existence of Kirill’s love, company, and wealth. But why did he need to put on a performance in front of Tonya?! Gradually, minor misunderstandings turn into a real nightmare. Kirill disappears, but his shadow haunts Tonya, cruelly punishing her for every disobedience. Torn by fear, love and pride, she...

Dead waters of the Moscow Sea

Genre: Detectives

Afanasy Karachaev was found dead in his apartment. The official conclusion of death indicates heart failure, but Lyalya, who loved Karachaev, does not believe this conclusion. She turns to private detective Alexei Kisanov, who takes up the case. Very soon it becomes clear that Karachaev was helped to go to the next world. But this was the first and last clear point in this matter: what follows is complete riddles. The daughter of Afanasy Karachaev disappears in the most mysterious way, and a detective is looking for her traces in the dark waters of the Moscow Sea. Versions are multiplying...

Place of death cannot be changed

Genre: Detectives

The winner of the Cannes Film Festival, the famous Russian director Maxim Dorin, is suddenly surprised to learn that the equally famous French actor Arnaud Dorin is his uncle. Maxim flies to Paris to meet his legendary relative. After talking on the set of a new film for only half an hour, they part until the evening. However, Arno mysteriously disappears. And around Maxim, the ring of a real nightmare inevitably tightens: a series of assassination attempts, “pranks” on the phone, night visits... Too little evidence and too much...

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