Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky brief biography is the most important thing. Alexander Tvardovsky short biography Tvardovsky a t short biography

Tvardovsky, Alexander Trifonovich, poet (21.6.1910, village of Zagorye, Smolensk province - 18.12.1971, Krasnaya Pakhra near Moscow). The son of a peasant blacksmith, who was persecuted during collectivization as " fist" Tvardovsky wrote poetry since childhood. While studying at the Smolensk Pedagogical Institute and at MIFLI (Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History, until 1939), he acted as a journalist and writer.

In the poem The path to socialism(1931) Tvardovsky found a poetic form typical for him in the future. His fame was brought to him by his poem praising the collective farm system. Ant Country(1936), awarded the Stalin Prize in 1941 (for 1935-1941, 2nd degree).

Alexander Tvardovsky: three lives of a poet

A party member since 1940, Tvardovsky took part in campaign against Poland in 1939, in war with Finland in 1940 and in the Second World War, being a front-line correspondent. An extensive poem created in 1941-45 Vasily Terkin(Stalin Prize for 1943/44, 1st class), which humorously describes the joys and hardships of a simple front-line soldier, has become one of the most popular works about the war; Even the White emigrant Bunin received her with enthusiasm. Tvardovsky’s poem makes a stronger impression in its tragic sound House by the road(1946, Stalin Prize for 1946, 2nd degree).

In 1950, Tvardovsky was appointed editor-in-chief of the New World magazine, but in 1954 he lost this position due to attacks on the liberal tendencies that emerged in the magazine after the death of Stalin. Having again headed Novy Mir in 1958, Tvardovsky made this magazine the center around which literary forces were grouped, striving for an honest depiction of Soviet reality.

From his own poems, which give a new look at the times of Stalin's suppression of the country, the poem Beyond the distance - distance, written in 1950-60, received official recognition in the form of the Lenin Prize in 1961; Terkin in the next world is a parodic continuation of his war poem, written in 1954-63. Poem 1967-69 By right of memory, in which the poet, in particular, told the truth about the fate of his father, who became a victim of collectivization, was banned by censorship and published only in 1987. Among the many literary talents who found the support of Tvardovsky is A. Solzhenitsyn. It was Tvardovsky, in No. 11 of Novy Mir, 1962, who published the famous story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.”

In 1970, Tvardovsky was forced to resign from leadership of the New World magazine. In his obituary, Solzhenitsyn considers his death a year and a half later to be the consequence of this devastating blow to his cause of struggle for Russian literature.

Tvardovsky held leading positions in Soviet literary life for many years as a member of the boards of the Writers' Union of the USSR (since 1950) and the RSFSR (since 1958), and especially as secretary of the board of the USSR Writers' Union (1950-54, 1959-71). He was also a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of four convocations, and under Khrushchev rose to the rank of candidate member of the CPSU Central Committee. Since 1965 he was under increasing pressure from conservative forces, but in 1971 he still received the State Prize. “The death of Tvardovsky was a turning point in an entire period in the country’s cultural life” (Zh. Medvedev).

From the point of view of form, Tvardovsky’s work represents unity through the use of epic lyrics (ballad, poem). His poetry goes back to Nekrasov and Pushkin, and includes folkloric elements; easy to understand, it was a success among a wide readership. Tvardovsky's early poems are entirely in the spirit of socialist realism, however, in the post-Stalin era, his works acquired more and more features of accusatory literature, struggling to overcome the past and democratize in the present. He continues to use the epic method of travel and often incorporates reflections on socio-political events into the action.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky is a famous Soviet writer and poet. The facts of Tvardovsky’s biography indicate that this man also became a laureate of the Lenin and Stalin Prizes. We can talk about this great man for a long time, because he will remain in the hearts of his fans forever. Interesting facts from Tvardovsky’s biography will help you learn more about such a famous person, revealing a lot of new and unknown things.

1. Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky was born in the Smolensk province.

2. Tvardovsky first became acquainted with books when his parents began to read on cold winter evenings.

3. From the age of 14, this poet began sending his own creations to various Smolensk newspapers.

4. Since 1939, Tvardovsky served in the Red Army.

5. The writer’s main work, entitled “Vasily Terkin,” was created during the Second World War.

6. In his poems, Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky expressed his own opinion about Stalin.

7. For 40 years, the writer lived with only one woman, whose name was Maria Illarionovna.

8. Tvardovsky had 2 daughters. Their names were Olga and Valentina.

9. Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

10. Tvardovsky never complained about his fate.

11.Many streets in Voronezh, Novosibirsk and Moscow were named after Tvardovsky.

12.The school was also named in honor of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky.

13. A thirst for justice was inherent in Tvardovsky.

14. At the end of his life, the writer had an advanced stage of lung cancer, which metastasized.

15. Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky’s father was a blacksmith.

16. Tvardovsky was the head of the magazine “New World”.

17. Tvardovsky’s poems may seem simple to his contemporaries.

18. While still illiterate and unable to write, Tvardovsky composed poetry.

19. Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky was considered an active Komsomol member in the village.

20. Tvardovsky returned from the war not alone, but with his friend “Vasily Terkin”.

21. The last poem of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky is “By the right of memory.”

22. In addition to writing poetry and poems, Tvardovsky was involved in translations from Armenian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian languages.

23. Tvardovsky lived and worked in the Smolensk region.

24. Until the spring of 1931, Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky was considered a member of the Writers’ Association, from where he was expelled for “incorrect coverage of classes.”

25. Tvardovsky was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

26. Tvardovsky is considered one of the founders of the “Smolensk poetic school.”

27. Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky died in a holiday village.

28. Fresh soil brought from Smolensk was poured onto Tvardovsky’s grave, because his native land was important to him.

29. Tvardovsky was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

30.During the funeral of this famous poet, Yuri Pashkov made a speech - he expressed his deepest sorrow at the death of the writer.

31.Teaching at his father’s forge had a special influence on Tvardovsky’s growing up.

32. Tvardovsky studied at a rural school with particular pleasure.

33. The poet experienced the loss of his mother very hard.

34. The film “Ambush Regiment” was made specifically about Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky.

35.The grandfather of the poet Tvardovsky was considered a bombardier.

37. Tvardovsky had 2 sisters.

38. Tvardovsky was able to prove himself as an insightful and deep critic.

39. Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky is the only Russian poet who never wrote about love.

40. When Yevgeny Yevtushenko brought lyrics about love to the New World, Tvardovsky replied: “Maybe stop waving your peep?”

Year: 1945 Genre: poem

Main character: soldier Vasily Terkin

The action of the work takes place during the Second World War. Russian troops cross the river with heavy losses. However, Vasily Terkin joins them, he finds himself on the verge of life and death. But he still says that if people are supported with fire, then the crossing can be achieved. Our heroes performed a huge number of feats in the war. But still he was wounded and the tank crews gave him a ride to the hospital. Soon Terkin recovered and headed back to the front to join his company.

By luck, the same tank crews drove him there and he played the accordion to lift everyone’s spirits. At the front, Vasily continues to fight heroically, and for his military merits he is sent on leave, but he does not stay there for long and immediately returns back to the war. At the conclusion of the work, Vasily Terkin, with the rank of intelligence officer, goes to take Berlin.

This the work teaches reader never give up. It also instills in young readers a sense of patriotism and love for their homeland. This work glorifies such human qualities as valor, honor and fearlessness. The author wanted to tell readers that one must always be able to overcome difficulties, go through life with a smile and, most importantly, never give up.

Read a summary of Tvardovsky's story Vasily Terkin

The story is told about a young man named Vasily Terkin. Having been to war for the second time.
The man talks about how they made their way from the Germans. Once in the commander’s village, we went to his house to have lunch and rest. In the morning they went on their way, leaving the village in fascist captivity.

The crossing of the river began. The squads are immersed in specially equipped swimming craft, and they are followed by enemy bullets that brutally destroy their structures, but those who were first managed to swim across to the shore they needed. And those who didn’t have time are waiting for dawn, confused about what to do. And then Vasily sails to their aid, joyfully reporting that they will be able to ensure the crossing if there is fire support.

He also fixes the connection. A shell explodes nearby. Having discovered the German, the young man distracts him, luring him into a trap, kills the fascist, but Vasily is seriously wounded, he is urgently taken to the medical battalion.

When Terkin is discharged, he catches up with his squad. And they go to fight together. Where many interesting stories happen to him.

Vasily defeats the German hand-to-hand. Returning from reconnaissance, he takes it with him.

Spring has come. The buzzing of insects gives way to the harsh drone of military aircraft. Everyone fell face down. And as soon as Vasily plucks up courage and shoots down the plane with a weapon. For this he was rewarded with an order and was allowed to return to his homeland for a short time. But his village is still surrounded by the Germans, and the general recommends delaying his vacation a little: “You and I are on the same path.”

There is a battle going on in the quagmire for the small village of Borki, of which virtually nothing remains. Vasily is trying to boost the morale of his compatriots.

He was allowed to rest for a week, to go to his native land, but less than a day was enough for him to understand that he wanted to go back and continue to fight for our homeland and returned back to the company.

Under live bullets, they go to take the village, led by a lieutenant, but he is quickly killed and Vasily realizes that it is his turn to be in front of his army. They took the area. But the young man himself is seriously injured. He lies on the ground, in the cold snow, death has approached his shoulder and wants to grab him, beckoning him with his kind gaze. But he still tries to prevent her, still tries to cheer himself up, soldiers find him and take him to the medical battalion.

After the hospital, Vasily returns back to his guys, but everything is different there, the soldiers are not the same. And a replacement came to him. Only not Vasily Terkin, but Ivan, and there is a debate about who is the real one? They were just about to give up this title to each other, when the elder announced that in each group “Torkin will be given its own.”

A. T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” describes and reveals to us the soul of a Russian soldier, with a cheerful spirit, even when there is no longer any hope of being alive. Vasily always remains on top. Someone like him is capable of invigorating the warrior’s spirit with just his appearance, reviving him and giving him hope that everything will still be fine. And above all, Vasily has a very good sense of humor, an excellent friend and comrade.

Vasily Terkin briefly

The work consists of several chapters, each of which tells the reader about exciting military operations. The main character of the work is Vasily Terkin, he is a very brave fighter who always maintains a cheerful atmosphere, even on the most severe field of pain.

So, it all starts with crossing the river. At this moment, the enemy shoots down all the soldiers crossing. And only one platoon successfully completed this task. Our main character finds himself in this platoon. Contact with everyone else is lost and they think that no one managed to cross the river. But our main character cannot allow this to happen and goes to the command. He manages to report a successful crossing, and he asks them to cover their attack from the air. The attack was a success.

After which Terkin also continues to serve valiantly. He fights the Germans and takes some spies. However, in heavy battles he is seriously wounded. And he is sent to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, he is helped by tank crews who quickly take him to the medical unit. After a successful recovery, our main character is again eager to fight.

The same tank crews take him to the front. They recognize him, and he sees that his fighting spirit has completely weakened. He decides to support the soldiers by playing the accordion, and he succeeds. The main character is again on the battlefield, in the center of events. In one of the battles, his entire platoon is already preparing to die, because enemy planes begin to bomb them from the air. But our brave fighter finds a way out of the situation here too. He grabs a rifle and shoots at the plane. He manages to knock him down, the attack is repelled. The general rewards Tyorkin with a title and offers to go on vacation. But Tyorkin understands that now is not the time to rest, and his native village has been captured by enemies.

He continues to fight heroically. But still he receives a very serious wound and practically dies. But death recedes and Vasya is sent for treatment. After all that he did for the front and for victory, he receives the rank of intelligence officer. It is in this rank that he sets out to take Berlin. In many platoons, courageous soldiers like our hero begin to appear.

And when they discuss all this in a common bathhouse, one elderly and wise general says that every regiment, company and platoon should have its own Vasily Terkin. It is because of such people that all wars are won. And thanks to the courage, valor and heroism of ordinary people, we can now live peacefully on earth.

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  • Alexander Tvardovsky (1910-1971) - Soviet poet, prose writer and journalist, the main theme of his work was the events of the Great Patriotic War. The most famous character of his lyric-epic poem of the same name, known both at home and abroad and telling about the fate, life and personal experiences of an ordinary person in war, is the soldier-hero Vasily Terkin, a simple Russian man who defended his Motherland from conquerors who showed bravery, courage, ingenuity, inexhaustible optimism and healthy humor in the struggle.

    Tvardovsky was born in 1910 in a peasant family (farm Zagorye, Smolensk province), the origin of his parents: his father was a blacksmith, his mother was from a family of so-called odnodvortsy (peasants who lived on the outskirts of Russia to protect its borders). Parents, peasants, were literate people; in the house they loved to read the works of Russian classics (Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov). The future poet composed his first poetic lines without even knowing how to write.

    Tvardovsky’s studies took place in a regular school in the village; by the age of fourteen, he had already published his short poems several times in local newspapers. The editors spoke positively about his work and strongly supported the young talent in his endeavors and helped publish his poetic opuses.

    After graduating from school, Tvardovsky moved to Smolensk, where he planned to study and work, but he had to survive with occasional and unstable literary earnings. When the magazine "October" published a couple of his poems, he decided to move to Moscow in 1930, but the attempt was not very successful and after returning, he lived in Smolensk for another 6 years and entered the Pedagogical University. In 1936, without completing his studies, he left for the capital and entered the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature. In the same year, he began to actively publish, and at the same time the famous poem “The Country of Ant” was published, in which the author supported the collectivization taking place in the country (despite the fact that his father was repressed and his native farm was destroyed by his fellow villagers). In 1939, his poetry collection “Rural Chronicle” appeared, at the same time the poet found himself in the ranks of the Red Army on the Western Belarusian Front, then took part in hostilities in Finland as a war correspondent.

    1941 - Tvardovsky correspondent of the Red Army newspaper in Voronezh, he begins work on the poem “Vasily Terkin” (one of the poet’s greatest creative achievements, written in a simple and understandable style for ordinary people, which was created over several years and was published in 1945), the poetry collection “Front-line Chronicle”, lays the beginning of the poem “House by the Road”. Each part of the poem “Vasily Terkin” was periodically published in military newspapers to raise the morale and fighting spirit of the Red Army soldiers.

    In the post-war period, Tvardovsky actively pursued his literary activities. In 1947, a book of stories dedicated to military events, “Motherland and Foreign Land,” was published; in the period from 1950 to 1960, a new poem “Beyond the Distance” was composed.

    The years 1967-1969 were marked by work on the autobiographical poem “By the Right of Memory,” dedicated to the tragic fate of his father, Trifon Tvardovsky, who was subjected to repression by the Soviet regime. This book significantly spoiled the author’s relationship with official censorship, which did not allow the publication of this work (readers could familiarize themselves with it only in the late 80s).

    Having been the editor of the literary magazine “New World” for a long time, Tvardovsky more than once fought with representatives of Soviet censorship, fighting for the right to publish in the magazine works belonging to authors disliked by the Soviet regime (Akhmatova, Solzhenitsyn, Bunin, Troepolsky and others). Thus, the magazine “New World,” which introduced readers to the work of writers of the sixties, represented a certain opposition force for the authorities, which expressed obvious anti-Stalinist ideas, which ultimately led to the removal of Tvardovsky from his position.

    The poet, prose writer and publicist ended his earthly journey in the small town of Krasnaya Pakhra (Moscow region) in December 1971. He died from a serious and long-term illness, lung cancer, and was buried at the Moscow Novodevichy cemetery.

    - Soviet writer and poet, winner of many awards, editor-in-chief of the New World magazine.

    Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky was born June 8 (21), 1910 in the Smolensk province on the Zagorye farm in a peasant family. Alexander began writing poetry quite early. At the age of 14, he was already leaving his notes in newspapers. M. V. Isakovsky liked his works, who became a good friend and mentor of the young poet.

    In 1931, his first poem entitled “The Path to Socialism” appeared in print. He married M.I. Gorelova, they had two daughters. By that time, the writer’s entire family was dispossessed, and his native farm was burned. Despite this, he supported collectivization and Stalin's ideas. Since 1938, he became a member of the CPSU (b).

    In 1939 he received a diploma from the Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History. Then he was drafted into the Red Army, and also participated in the Finnish War as a war correspondent. During the Great Patriotic War, the writer’s most famous poem, “Vasily Terkin,” was published. This poem became the embodiment of Russian character and national patriotism.

    In 1946, Tvardovsky completed work on the poem “House by the Road.” In the 1960s, the writer wrote the poem “By Right of Memory,” where he told the whole truth about the life of his father and the consequences of collectivization. This poem was banned from publication by censorship until 1987. Along with poetry, the writer was also fond of prose. Thus, in 1947, his book about the past war, “Motherland and Foreign Land,” was published. In the 1960s, the poet showed himself as a professional critic and wrote articles about the work of S. Marshak, M. Isakovsky, I. Bunin.

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