Communication barriers. What is a psychological barrier and how to overcome it? Psychological barriers and ways to overcome them

Communication barriers. These are barriers to communication associated with the exchange of information between interlocutors during communication. They are:

Semantic barrier. Appears when you and your interlocutor mean completely different things by the same concepts. Such a barrier arises almost always and everywhere, because We understand many things very differently. In order to destroy this barrier, it is necessary to understand well the partner and his picture of the world - the meanings that he puts into various concepts. In case of possible inaccuracies, always explain in detail what you mean and try to use words and phrases that the interlocutor understands.

Logical barrier. Essentially, it is the inability to express one's thoughts. In the speech of such a person, cause-and-effect relationships are confused and concepts are substituted. Or it may be difficult for him to find words for those complex thoughts that run through his head. If you encounter such an interlocutor, then be patient: listen to him very carefully and ask questions - this will help you get the necessary information. If you yourself are guilty of this peculiarity, then it is better to try to get rid of it. Listen to how good speakers or writers express their thoughts, read a textbook on logic, sign up for a public speaking course, or simply ask friends to help you.

Phonetic barrier. This is a bad speaking technique - when it is not clear what the interlocutor is saying, and this interferes with the perception of information. If you are interested in communicating with this person, then there are several options. During formal or business communication, you will have to adapt to his manner of speaking, occasionally asking again in unclear moments. In informal or friendly communication, you can gently convey to your interlocutor that it is difficult for you to understand him due to some features of his speech. Ask him, if possible, to adapt to you and adjust them.

Modality barrier. We all receive information from the world through five senses, but one of them has priority. This is your modality. For example, people with a visual modality best assimilate information they see, but information they hear is much worse. Knowing this, try to immediately determine the modality of your interlocutor and use it: show graphs and diagrams to the visual one, play with your voice with the auditory one, and touch the kinesthetic one more often and show everything “on your fingers.” Use appropriate verbs in your speech - for example, "see", "hear" or "feel".

Personal barrier. Each of us has a character, and some of its traits may not suit someone. But for some, these traits are so sharp that their character can be a barrier to communication. This may be due to ignorance of one's own characteristics or a lack of self-control. For example, excessive slowness or, conversely, fussiness can irritate communication partners. In case you yourself encounter such a person, try to communicate your discomfort and ask him to be slower or faster. Well, try to adequately perceive your own shortcomings, because... For some, they too can become a barrier.

Barriers to interaction. These are barriers associated with interaction with a person during communication and arising from dissatisfaction with the behavior of a communication partner. As a rule, there are significant differences in the positions of the interlocutors.

Motivational barrier. It occurs when communication partners have different motives for entering into contact. It’s not uncommon for you to encounter misunderstandings and even quarrel with your partner. To prevent this from happening, it will be useful to identify your own motives in time.

Barrier of incompetence. Often found in teamwork. You may be angry at your partner's incompetence when he starts saying stupid things that are obvious to you. This causes feelings of anger, frustration and wasted time. You have two options - either gradually push him to a deeper understanding of the issue (for example, by unobtrusively explaining something), or curtail communication. The choice is yours, and it depends on your goals.

Ethical barrier. It arises in a situation of incompatibility of the moral positions of communication partners. The main thing is not to try to re-educate or ridicule your interlocutor. It is much more correct to curtail communication or try to find some kind of compromise, especially if you have some important common goal.

Communication style barrier. Each of us has our own unique style. It depends on temperament, character, upbringing, profession and other factors. As a rule, it takes a long time to form, and then it becomes difficult to change. Communication style includes the main motive (why are you communicating - self-affirmation, support, etc....), attitude towards others (kindness, tolerance, cruelty...), attitude towards oneself and the nature of the influence on people (pressure, manipulation, persuasion and etc...). Most often, we simply have to accept another person’s communication style, since it is difficult to change, and communication is often necessary.

Barriers to understanding and perception. These are barriers associated with perceiving and knowing each other, as well as establishing mutual understanding on this basis.

Aesthetic barrier. It occurs when we don’t like the way our interlocutor looks. There are various reasons for its occurrence, for example, his clothing or his appearance itself. It can be difficult not to think about it, but it is necessary, because this contact can be very important for us.

Social barrier. The reason for difficulties in communication may be the different social status of partners. However, it is important to remember here that the appearance of such a barrier is primarily associated with attitudes in the minds of the interlocutors. If they place importance on each other's social status and find it to be a barrier, this can complicate communication. But for many situations, status is not important - for example, to discuss some of your favorite activities or support each other.

Barrier of negative emotions. It can be quite difficult to communicate with someone who is upset or angry. Many of us tend to take these emotions personally. Here it is necessary to remember that often the reason for the bad mood of the interlocutor lies in some other things - the situation in the family, problems at work or a personal crisis. However, if the negative emotions of the interlocutor significantly impede the conversation, it is better to postpone it for another time.

Installation barrier. Very often, communication is complicated if your partner initially does not have a very good opinion of you. In most cases, the best thing to do would be to discuss this issue and honestly ask your interlocutor about it, try to explain to him that he is mistaken. In situations where this is impossible, try to simply take this fact into account and build your communication with your partner quite carefully. When some time passes and he realizes that his attitude is not supported by anything, it may disappear by itself.

Double Barrier. It lies in the fact that we involuntarily think of our interlocutor as ourselves: we attribute to him our opinions and views and expect from him the same actions that we ourselves would do. But he is different! It is important not to forget about this and try to perceive and remember everything that distinguishes him from us.

Rudeness and ignorance. We all encounter people who are simply poorly mannered. Sometimes you just need to endure such treatment, especially when a person does not respond to comments. It is very important to remain polite in such a situation - sometimes this in itself stops rudeness. You need to remember that in communicating with such a person you have some kind of goal, and this is clearly not the desire to put him in his place.

Inability to listen. It manifests itself as a lack of interest in what you are saying, an urge to talk about yourself, or constant interruption. If in such a situation you need a bloody nose to be listened to, try to speak better. Use different ways to attract attention: intonation, facial expressions, gestures.

These were the main barriers preventing fruitful communication between people. However, have you noticed that some people constantly have some difficulties related to communication, while for others everything goes like clockwork? Indeed, there are types of character that significantly complicate interaction with other people. As a rule, such a person behaves in a similar way in completely different situations. And then he himself complains that no one wants to communicate with him. In this case, the personality of this person acts as a barrier to communication.

What are the main features of this character? First of all, it is necessary to talk about such a feature as global mistrust. Such a person does not trust himself, or people, or the world in general. He is suspicious and opposed to others. As a rule, he achieves his goals at the expense of other people. At the same time, he is often torn apart by internal contradictions, which he is not very aware of. A person who is unsuccessful in communication is characterized by self-centeredness, authoritarianism and a tendency to manipulate.

He loves to be praised when he gets what he has long wanted. He has possessive traits. If his desires are not satisfied, he gets angry, but at the same time he almost never helps other people achieve their goals and does not sympathize with them. Such a person is emotionally unstable, and his mood often changes. Those around him describe him as irritable and hot-tempered, but internally cold. He often experiences negative emotions and has low levels of self-control.

This person does not understand others and their feelings well. He is insensitive to what happens to them, and has low insight and observation. He is not given the opportunity to understand that something else may be important to the interlocutor or that he understands the meaning of this or that phrase differently. Often he is not able to predict and evaluate the future. He is characterized by timidity, isolation, self-doubt, alienation, passivity, and lack of initiative. Usually such a person turns out to be intolerant, poorly educated and ignorant. At the same time, he thinks in very rigid categories and frameworks, and the surrounding reality should not go beyond them. He has a lot of stereotypes. He is envious and at the same time vain. Expects a lot from other people, prone to outbursts of jealousy.

He does not know how to give reasons for his statements, choose an adequate form for them, or establish and stop contact with others. Unsuccessful in communication, a person does not know how to give good feedback. He talks a lot and listens little, periodically makes unacceptably long pauses in his speech, likes to interrupt his interlocutors and then “slow down” (this is due to the fact that his vocabulary does not correspond to what he wants to say). Social norms are often incomprehensible to him - he does not know how to keep his distance, and is prone to blackmail, lies, pressure and aggression. Most often in communication he uses the following strategies: defense and avoidance of communication, devaluation of the opinions of others and aggression, control over others or excessive formalism. Such a person can be described as immature, infantile, and sometimes immoral.

As a rule, this person is not very happy with his life and successes. Any failures cause anger and aggression in him, as a result of which he often tries to achieve his goals by some immoral means. He doesn't value himself or other people. He lacks the ability to truly love and form close relationships, so he usually does not have friends and loved ones.

Indeed, the psychological portrait we have drawn is terrible and reminiscent of the image of some kind of criminal or outcast. But in one sense or another, this is true. Constant difficulties in communication are a symptom that a person has something wrong within himself. But it is not necessary that he will have all the traits and features listed above. The psychological portrait written above is collective, and it includes a great many different people with a common problem. Therefore, in life you can only observe some individual features and characteristics.

However, everything depends not only on the personality and character of a person. There are situations in which almost all of us become uncomfortable. This is reflected in all our behavior, including communication with other people. In this case, the barrier is the situation that caused discomfort and its characteristics.

Finding yourself in such circumstances, all participants in communication feel uncomfortable. Some are more aware of this, and some are less aware of this. At the same time, they do not just feel it - by accident or on purpose they prevent each other from satisfying their desires and achieving the goals of communication. As a result of this, everyone is worried, angry, does not understand each other, and is generally tense. Most often this happens in situations of restriction, refusal, blame and insult (which, in general, is not surprising).

On the one hand, collective memory takes its toll. Humanity in general and the inhabitants of Russia in particular have repeatedly experienced suppression, repression, war, and famine. Therefore, insults, accusations, restrictions and refusals are very clearly imprinted in the minds of people, who subsequently use them more and more often to resolve conflicts, overcome obstacles, gain power and even seek happiness. This is becoming a typical way for an entire nation to react, globally speaking.

On the other hand, having such a negative memory becomes unnecessary when we have such a rich culture of aggression. Probably each of us will agree that in modern society a lot of attention is paid to aggression. All kinds of media are especially guilty of this - television, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, advertising companies. The culture of aggression is also becoming increasingly popular due to some features of our life: overcrowding in schools, hospitals and prisons, high unemployment, low qualifications of people working with the population, low salaries and lack of career prospects, corruption, poor quality of government and much more, about which you know firsthand. You all face this and know that these situations are always fraught with barriers to communication.

The main types of communication barriers include interaction barriers, barriers of perception and understanding, as well as communication barriers.

For example, a motivational barrier can arise between interlocutors if one is interested in the subject of conversation, and the other is interested in another topic. Therefore, it is important from the very beginning to understand what worries your interlocutor, and not just you. The famous psychologist, Dale Carnegie, said that if you go fishing, you should grab worms, not candy. In other words, try to understand your friend’s problem, and don’t just talk about your own.

Much in a conversation also depends on psychological barriers to communication. For example, a girl never had a father (her parents divorced), so when communicating with the opposite sex she will experience embarrassment, which, in turn, can be mistaken for a reluctance to make contact.

Psychological barriers to communication are too individual to be identified at first glance. It is important if a person himself tries to understand what is preventing him from becoming a free, open person. Overcoming barriers in communication is possible at any age, since the main thing is to finally find out what is the obstacle between you and your interlocutor. But the reasons for the emergence of communication barriers can be both psychological trauma and upbringing received in the family; in addition, even a person’s character and his attitude towards people in general can be decisive.

· Semantic barrier. It gets in your way when you and your interlocutor mean completely different things by the same concepts. Such a barrier arises almost always and everywhere, because We understand many things very differently. For example, for one girl, a good husband is one who loves her, takes care of her, earns enough money, wants a child, loves spending time with her; and for the other - the one who rarely drinks and rarely hits her. Therefore, speaking on the same topic - “how are all men the same!” – they will actually talk about different things and may encounter misunderstandings of each other. In order to destroy this barrier, it is necessary to understand well the partner and his picture of the world - the meanings that he puts into various concepts. In case of possible inaccuracies, always explain in detail what you mean and try to use words and phrases that the interlocutor understands.

· Logical barrier. Essentially, it is the inability to express one's thoughts. In the speech of such a person, cause-and-effect relationships are confused and concepts are substituted. Or it may be difficult for him to find words for those complex thoughts that run through his head. If you encounter such an interlocutor, then be patient: listen to him very carefully and ask questions - this will help you get the necessary information. If you yourself are guilty of this peculiarity, then it is better to try to get rid of it. Listen to how good speakers or writers express their thoughts, read a textbook on logic, sign up for public speaking courses, or simply ask friends to give you feedback with recommendations - any of these options will help you become a more attractive interlocutor.

· Phonetic barrier. This is a bad speaking technique - when it is not clear what the interlocutor is saying, and this interferes with the perception of information. If you are interested in communicating with this person, then there are several options. During formal or business communication, you will have to adapt to his manner of speaking, occasionally asking again in unclear moments. In informal or friendly communication, you can gently convey to your interlocutor that it is difficult for you to understand him due to some features of his speech. Ask him, if possible, to adapt to you and adjust them.

· Modality barrier. We all receive information from the world through five senses, but one of them has priority. This is your modality. For example, people with a visual modality best assimilate information they see, but information they hear is much worse. Knowing this, try to immediately determine the modality of your interlocutor and use it: show graphs and diagrams to the visual one, play with your voice with the auditory one, and touch the kinesthetic one more often and show everything “on your fingers.” Use appropriate verbs in your speech - for example, “see”, “hear” or “feel”.

· Personal barrier. Each of us has a character, and some of its traits may not suit someone. But for some, these traits are so sharp that their character can be a barrier to communication. This may be due to ignorance of one's own characteristics or a lack of self-control. For example, excessive slowness or, conversely, fussiness can irritate communication partners. In case you yourself encounter such a person, try to communicate your discomfort and ask him to be slower or faster. Well, try to adequately perceive your own shortcomings, because... For some, they too can become a barrier.

Barriers to interaction. These are barriers associated with interaction with a person during communication and arising from dissatisfaction with the behavior of a communication partner. As a rule, there are significant differences in the positions of the interlocutors.

· Motivational barrier. It occurs when communication partners have different motives for entering into contact. For example, you want support from a friend, and she wants you to discuss her new dress. In this case, you may encounter misunderstandings and even quarrel. To prevent this from happening, it will be useful to indicate your own motives in time: “You know, now I really need you to support me, and then we’ll discuss the dress.”

· Barrier of incompetence. Often found in teamwork. You may be angry at your partner's incompetence when he starts saying stupid things that are obvious to you. This causes feelings of anger, frustration and wasted time. You have two options - either gradually push him to a deeper understanding of the issue (for example, by unobtrusively explaining something), or curtail communication. The choice is yours, and it depends on your goals.

· Ethical barrier. It arises in a situation of incompatibility of the moral positions of communication partners. The main thing is not to try to re-educate or ridicule your interlocutor. It is much more correct to curtail communication or try to find some kind of compromise, especially if you have some important common goal.

· Communication style barrier. Each of us has our own unique style. It depends on temperament, character, upbringing, profession and other factors. As a rule, it takes a long time to form, and then it becomes difficult to change. Communication style includes the main motive (why are you communicating - self-affirmation, support, etc....), attitude towards others (kindness, tolerance, cruelty...), attitude towards oneself and the nature of the influence on people (pressure, manipulation, persuasion and etc...). Most often, we simply have to accept another person’s communication style, since it is difficult to change, and communication is often necessary.

Barriers to understanding and perception. These are barriers associated with perceiving and knowing each other, as well as establishing mutual understanding on this basis.

· Aesthetic barrier. It occurs when we don’t like the way our interlocutor looks. There are various reasons for its occurrence, for example, if he is untidy or sloppily dressed or something in his appearance irritates us. It can be difficult not to think about it, but it is necessary, because this contact can be very important for us.

· Social barrier. The reason for difficulties in communication may be the different social status of partners. However, it is important to remember here that the appearance of such a barrier is primarily associated with attitudes in the minds of the interlocutors. If they place importance on each other's social status and find it to be an obstacle, this can complicate communication. But for many situations, status is not important - for example, to discuss some of your favorite activities or support each other.

· Barrier of negative emotions. Agree, it is quite difficult to communicate with an upset or angry person. Many of us tend to take these emotions personally (at least partially). Here it is necessary to remember that often the reason for the bad mood of the interlocutor lies in some other things - the situation in the family, problems at work or a personal crisis. However, if the negative emotions of the interlocutor significantly impede the conversation, it is better to postpone it for another time.

· Installation barrier. Very often, communication is complicated if your partner initially does not have a very good opinion of you. In most cases, it would be best to discuss this issue and honestly ask your interlocutor about it, try to explain to him that he is mistaken. In situations where this is impossible, try to simply take this fact into account and build your communication with your partner quite carefully. When some time passes and he realizes that his attitude is not supported by anything, it may disappear by itself.

· The “double” barrier. It lies in the fact that we involuntarily think of our interlocutor as ourselves: we attribute to him our opinions and views and expect from him the same actions that we ourselves would do. But he is different! It is important not to forget about this and try to perceive and remember everything that distinguishes him from us.

· Rudeness and ignorance. We all encounter people who are simply poorly mannered. Sometimes you just need to endure such treatment, especially when a person does not respond to comments. It is very important to remain polite in such a situation - sometimes this in itself stops rudeness. Remember that you have some kind of goal in communicating with such a person, and this is clearly not the desire to put him in his place.

· Inability to listen. It manifests itself as a lack of interest in what you are saying, an urge to talk about yourself, or constant interruption. If in such a situation you need a bloody nose to be listened to, try to speak better. Use various ways to attract attention: intonation, facial expressions, gestures, NLP basics.

Related information.

Throughout our lives, we communicate with each other every day. For some, this communication is easy and simple, but for others, finding a common language with others seems like an impossible task. Why is this happening? After all, we all seem to speak the same language, which means we must understand each other. It turns out that in the process of communication, not only words carry a semantic load - they play an equally important role

Barriers that arise in communication are obstacles that grow in the way of understanding the interlocutor. This kind of obstacle can be a person’s temperament, his character, emotional state, as well as communication manners.

Types of barriers to communication

The psychology of communication barriers is divided into four main types: situational, motivational, semantic and psychological communication barriers. So, let's look at each type separately.

  1. Situational barriers– arise due to different views of partners on the same problem. For example, one interlocutor may treat a group of noisy children discussing a topic with understanding and sympathy, while the other partner will be annoyed by the noise coming from the children without delving into the essence of the conversation.
  2. Motivational barriers– arise when a person hides the real motives of his statements, or simply does not realize their significance.
  3. Semantic barriers- arise due to a lack of understanding of the essence of the conversation of your interlocutor. Difficulties and barriers to communication, in this case, arise when a person cannot understand the partner’s thoughts and does not catch where the conversation is going.
  4. Psychological barriers are a kind of internal barrier that inhibits a person’s communication. Most often, it appears due to the fear of being misunderstood, not being liked by the interlocutor, or running into malicious ridicule from a partner and being rejected, despite the most sincere manifestations of good intentions.

Communication barriers in communication

Communication barriers in communication arise due to internal psychological obstacles and external phenomena that stand in the way of accepting or transmitting information between interlocutors.

Since there is no single classification of communication barriers, we will consider two main types of this barrier:

  1. External communication barriers– not only people are to blame for the appearance of these barriers, but also some circumstances, physical conditions that do not depend on the will of people and are not subject to the control of the people leading the conversation. The cause may be not only loud noise or unfavorable weather conditions, but also misunderstanding due to the fact that the interlocutors speak different languages.
  2. Internal communication barriers are a much more complex problem that needs to be fought long and hard. An internal barrier may arise due to reasons that prevent you from objectively assessing the information received from your interlocutor. They can be either banal irritation of a partner against the background of his appearance, or personal hostility towards a person as an individual.

Communication barriers in business communication can be detrimental to your career, so they need to be overcome. In fact, they are present exactly until the moment you decide to get rid of them and think about it. Practice overcoming communication barriers, pay more attention to your interlocutor and show genuine interest, then communication barriers will forever be a thing of the past for you.

It is almost impossible to manage in our lives without barriers to interpersonal communication, unless we communicate only with people we like, and this, you understand, is not always possible. The task facing each member of society is to determine the type of their barrier of misunderstanding in the communication process and apply the most effective way to eliminate it. To eliminate barriers in communication, always try to be confident in yourself, calm and tolerant of other people’s weaknesses, and also do not allow conflicts to arise!

The same phrase can be said and perceived in different ways. A question uttered in a raised voice will be defined by the interlocutor as angry. If you say the same phrase in a half-whisper, people will see it as flirting. Therefore, sometimes the decisive role in communication is played not by the words themselves, but by accompanying factors.

1. Perceptual barrier

Perceptual barrier - barrier of perception. The mood in which we are spoken to directly affects the effectiveness of communication.


The indifferent tone and disinterest conveyed by you form a skeptical attitude in the interlocutor about the success of the conversation and discourage him from having a conversation with you. The same goes for people who explain their point of view without respect or with hard-to-conceal or not-at-all hostility.


Start the conversation on a positive note and try to maintain it throughout the conversation. Use appropriate gestures, smile, and don’t forget to make eye contact with your interlocutor.

2. Behavioral barrier

The opinion of others about us directly affects the level of assimilation of our words and the likelihood of effective dialogue. Based on his attitude towards you, the interlocutor may abstract himself from the topic of the conversation or partially ignore the information.


A pompous tone is the cause of hostility on the part of the interlocutor. If all information is passed through the lens of condescension, it harms communication and spoils the impression of the speaker. Low self-esteem can also cause a barrier.


Treat your interlocutor as your equal. Be sure to praise the person for a job well done, even if you think you could have done it better yourself. Don't forget about eye contact and a smile.

3. Language barrier

A language barrier arises not only between speakers of different languages, but also between people with different levels of competence in any field.


If the interlocutor uses unfamiliar words in his speech, you are unlikely to be able to understand him. Using jargon when talking to interns will not ensure understanding on their part and will instill in them uncertainty about their own suitability. If you explain the solution to a problem to a child the same way you would tell an adult, this will also lead to a sad result: the child will not be able to solve a similar problem again, his ability to think and get to the truth gradually will suffer.


Simplify your speech to the level of the interlocutor, without showing the condescension characteristic of people with high self-esteem.

4. Emotional barrier

An emotional barrier arises from insecurity, anger, sadness, or even excessive joy. Problems at home can impact work communications, and vice versa.


When experiencing emotional stress, we ourselves do not notice that we are missing some information and how our ability to analyze and reason suffers. When we are out of sorts, we become irritable towards the words of the interlocutor, and excessive joy during a work dialogue can lead to the approval of a frankly bad idea.


Rise above yours and don't let them influence your interactions with other people. When in a state of emotional stress, try to conduct a neutral conversation with your interlocutor.

5. Cultural barrier

When communication occurs between representatives of different cultures, the likelihood of a cultural barrier occurring is high. But cultural differences are manifested not only in communication with foreigners or representatives of other faiths.


Incorrect communication with a person of a different nationality or religion may offend his beliefs. Stories about Friday night parties can ruin the mood of a person for whom alcohol is contraindicated. Trying to explain to an older person the meaning of a popular YouTube video may be met with misunderstanding.


Try to study the interlocutor in advance and conduct the conversation as tactfully as possible. If there is a high risk of blurting out something wrong, try to explain to your interlocutor face to face that you are not too familiar with his culture.

6. Gender barrier

The reason for misunderstanding may be differences in communication and thinking. Women tend to think intuitively, while men tend to think logically. Thus, women like to talk about people and emotions, while men focus on something physical and measurable. These stereotypes, of course, do not apply to everyone.


What is acceptable with a man may be unethical with a woman. A male boss may be skeptical of women's professional skills, allowing stereotypes to interfere with communication. This way, he risks not only offending his interlocutors, but also misassessing the work situation.

This effect also works in the opposite direction: the attitude towards the words of a charming woman may be unfairly inflated.


Do not divide your interlocutors by gender. Treat all genders as equals.

Communication barriers are factors that cause or contribute to ineffective interactions and conflicts. From a psychological point of view, such factors include differences in temperaments, characters, communication styles and emotional states of communicating partners.

Barrier temperament arises as a result of a meeting between two people with different types of nervous systems. Temperament is the foundation of character, determining the characteristics of the nervous system’s response to the environment. The type of temperament depends on the innate type of higher nervous activity. In the nervous system, as is known, two main processes alternate - excitation and inhibition. The type of temperament depends on their interaction. The interaction of the processes of excitation and inhibition in each person is characterized by the strength, mobility and balance of the nervous system. Communication between people with different temperamental structures can form barriers to interaction and even lead to conflict.

A person's emotional state can also influence the effectiveness of communication. serve as one of the main mechanisms of internal regulation of mental activity and behavior. They can dramatically increase or decrease stiffness and timidity in communication. However, only persistent negative emotions create barriers to communication. Such fundamental emotions include: suffering (grief), anger, disgust, contempt, fear, shame and guilt, bad mood, etc. In accordance with this, personal Barriers of negative emotions include:
1. Barrier suffering. This communication barrier is caused by tragic events, physical pain, severely low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with one’s social status, etc. Such a barrier also reduces the level of sociability of the person experiencing suffering and those who come into contact with the sufferer. The barrier of suffering may be caused by a person's shyness.
2. Barrier anger. It is especially difficult to overcome, since anger provokes unexpected obstacles, insults, etc. Anger can double physical and mental energy: the stronger it is, the more actively a person expresses it in words or.
3. Barrier disgust and disgust. This barrier arises due to someone’s violation of basic ethical standards of behavior or due to “hygienic rejection” of another person. It can be triggered by:

  • wrinkled, dirty clothes and shoes;
  • careless, excessive gestures of the partner, twitching;
  • repulsive manners (rude cynicism, fingers in the mouth, ears, nose, demonstration of indecent sounds, etc.); d) violation of the psychological distance of communication;
  • hygienically unpleasant actions (scratching, blowing your nose without using a handkerchief, coughing, drooling, etc.);
  • wet, sweaty palms and dirty nails of the hand extended for a handshake; g) unpleasant odors from the mouth, body, legs;
  • rotten front teeth, etc.

It should be noted that others quickly stop paying attention to physical defects, but they always do not accept hygienic deviations. It is these deviations that people remember for a long time, provoking a persistent communication barrier.
4. Barrier contempt. Just like the barrier of disgust, it limits contact with a person who causes negative emotions. People usually cause contempt for: immoral actions of a person; his prejudices; unacceptable character traits (cowardice, stinginess); betrayal, etc.
5. Barrier fear. This communication barrier is one of the most difficult to overcome in communication between people. Contacts with the person who is the source are kept to a minimum. They avoid him, try not to be alone with him, not to meet him, not to catch his eye.
6. Barrier shame and guilt. Arises as a result of awareness of the inappropriateness of an event as a reaction to criticism; excessive praise, flattery, courtship; for fear of appearing awkward or being caught doing something wrong; from awareness of deep guilt before someone, etc. In these cases, the person blushes, his voice changes, he looks away from his communication partner or lowers them, and tries to avoid contact.
7. Barrier bad mood. Bad things often contribute to conflicts. This emotionally negative state affects the partner, paralyzing his desire to communicate. Bulgarian psychologist F. Genov, when studying the causes of work conflicts, in particular, found that:

  1. the level of emotional balance among people engaged in administrative work is significantly lower than the statistical average, and decreases even more with age;
  2. A leader's bad mood significantly worsens the mood of his subordinates.

8. Barrier speeches. This communication barrier arises as a result of speech errors. It can distort or even completely drown out the speaker's words. Such a barrier arises due to: emotional arousal; incorrect choice of words; errors in message construction; incorrect assessment of the partner’s ability to understand the information conveyed to him; weak statements; inability to use socio-psychological mechanisms of communication.

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    1. Amino acids Scarlet Waltz. Flies (from the log) Copper of Farewells, Grass of the Final. Clay Gray, Anxiety, Ceremony, Silence. Slate Depths of Falling Leaves (Fall into) Giant Arcades. That is: Alanine, Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Methionine, Proline,...

  • Independent reproduction of Andrea Rossi's cold fusion reactor in Russia

    Owners know firsthand how much it costs to provide a private home with electricity and heat. In this article I want to share the latest news about the development of a new type of heat generator. The likelihood of an energy revolution when...