What are wimmelbooks and why children adore them. Wimmelbook: what is it, description, features and types The best wimmelbooks

To develop speech, a child needs to look at books that have absolutely no words as often as possible. But there are pictures from which you can compose fascinating stories. Carefully thought out images, fully utilized space, meticulously drawn details create a special atmosphere of Wimmelbuchs. Such books for review are very popular and are among the bestsellers of all bookstores. The history of Wimmelbuch (“abundant, flickering book”) begins in Germany. Its founder is called the artist Ali Mitgush, who about forty years ago painted the first picture book, using a half-forgotten technique of German engravers of the 17th century. This genre quickly captivated both children and adults.
Features of such books: as a rule, a small number of spreads printed on thick cardboard. The “classic” wimmelbook is quite large, A2 format, but there are also pocket versions that are convenient to take with you. The amount of detail on the pages is simply enormous; literally every inch of space is used by the artist and can take part in some kind of story.
Wimmelbooks are rightfully considered family publications, because the plot is created by viewing together, based on the individual experience of the child. Psychologists advise parents to consider such books more often with their children. A child can transfer a problem that worries him into a fictitious image, which means that parents can weed out some of them already at the stage of modeling situations with book characters. Thus, wimmelbuchs in game form train memory, attentiveness, expand vocabulary, develop horizons, the ability to find cause-and-effect relationships and help bring children and parents closer together (like any time spent together)
The authors of Wimmelbooks claim that their books are interesting to children from 0 to 99 years old. In this review, books for consideration by Russian publishing houses are presented taking into account the age categories of young and not so young readers.

Wimmel books from 0 to 3

1) Learning colors and numbers
Both toddlers and older children enjoy the book. The former look at the bright and realistic pictures with interest, while the latter enjoy studying colors and numbers and performing interesting tasks!


2) Summer book
A large and beautiful book with many details and no text. Develops imagination - endless stories come to mind as you look at each page.

The Samokat publishing house has a book for every season in its wonderful “Town” series. They all deserve the most high marks. If desired and possible, all 4 books can be found in the first library


3) At the circus
Stories in pictures. Kids are given a rare opportunity to look behind the scenes and watch everyday life performers, watch circus animals, learn about their small and big adventures in the circus town and, of course, attend the performance.


4) Find the fawn on Christmas Eve
This bright book is a game with many pictures and entertaining tasks, crafts and questions. Gifts for children, elves, deer, Christmas trees and much more. On each spread there are many objects to search for, interesting facts and tasks.

Read.ru http://read.ru/id/4394964/?pp=7097

5) In the pond and by the river
In the series “Baby’s First Books. Let's learn new words! from the publishing house "Smile" Series of books Baby's first books Learning new words! more than 15 peeping books. All of them are more affordable than the books listed above and have good grades buyers. Best Reviews received books about animals.


6) Stories in pictures
Our answer to German wimmelbukhs! The wonderful Russian artist Nikolai Radlov came up with and drew wise and at the same time funny “Stories in Pictures” for children. Since its publication (1937), the book has enjoyed exceptional success. In 1938, she was awarded second prize at the international children's book competition in America. The book was repeatedly published in huge editions, in album formats, like a tiny book, with and without captioned texts. Even during the war years, drawings from the collection were printed as separate leaflets and warmed children's hearts.

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

For older readers from 4 to 99 years old

1) Once upon a time in the city. History in pictures
This morning, the postman Josef's service car broke down. Martin and Sophie take their bicycles and help their father deliver the mail. On the streets of the city, the working day is in full swing, all people are busy with business. Find representatives of more than 60 professions on the pages of the book!

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

2) Detective Pierre unravels the case. In search of the stolen labyrinth
Detective Pierre has a new case to solve! The elusive thief Mister X has stolen an ancient magic tablet from the museum, which is capable of causing confusion throughout the world. To save his beloved city, Pierre and his friend Carmen give chase... You will forget about everything in the world, trying to catch up with Mr. X and go with Pierre through the dizzying labyrinths. You have to make your way through the town square and find your way into an abandoned forest village, catch up with Mr. X at the art museum and stay in sight at the festival balloons. Only real detectives can cope with all the tasks in this mind-blowing book! Features of the book Huge size 15 unique labyrinth spreads from the masters of detailed illustrations - Japanese studio IC4Design On each spread, in addition to the labyrinth, there are tasks for attentiveness - to find small objects in these incredible illustrations. The book is simply interesting to look at - there are many characters and stories. Labyrinths, Wimmelbook and riddles in one unique book Who is this book for - For children aged 7-8 years who love mazes and puzzles. And also for enthusiastic adults.

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

3) Cards. Travel in pictures across continents, seas and cultures
A geographical map can be a boring school textbook, but it can also become a game that develops imagination, trains memory and allows you to acquire new knowledge. The hand-drawn atlas “Maps” by Polish artists Alexandra and Daniel Mizieliński can be likened to ancient maps of the world, on which cartographers placed a lot of useful information about the countries and people living in them. And with its help, artists invite us on an unusual journey around the world, which can be made from home.
Four thousand pictures tell about 41 countries: who lives in it, what are the most common names, what attractions - natural, architectural, the most common and rare representatives of flora and fauna, customs and traditions, historical characters who glorified their homeland, sports, national kitchen... And a lot more that will make you and your family spend hours wandering through the African deserts, mastering the New Zealand Maori greeting or studying the Arctic fauna.

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

As a result of the struggle of the titans - e-book and paper books survived and picture books evolved. These are, first of all, children's books: illustrated encyclopedias and visual dictionaries, Wimmelbooks, their varieties in the form of “baby's first books” and “find and show” books, art picture books by modern authors.

Wimmelbuch is a full-page illustrated book intended for viewing only and not reading. Wimmelbook can contain several lines of text, but in the classic version it has no text at all. Most often it is published on thick cardboard in large format, from A4 size and larger. Wimmelbooks are also called gazing books, peeping books, and picture books. But the latter also applies to high-quality, richly illustrated books, so in this context it is not entirely correct.

The topic of Wimmelbooks is so vast that we had to separate out the “Find and Show” books from it - which are also essentially Wimmelbooks, but with elements for searching. To get a complete picture, I recommend reading all the materials:

Find and show publishers

Visual dictionaries for kids - wimmelbook for

Wimmelbooks of the publishing house Melik-Pashayev

Wimmelbookhi Ali Mitgusha

It was the publishing house Melik-Pashayev that published two wimmelbooks of the famous Ali Mitgush: “In the Village” and “Pirate Book” and illustrated reference books by the same author: “Ships. The art of navigation from primitive times to the present day" and "The Wheel. Amazing story greatest invention from ancient times to the present day"

Ali Mitgush resurrected a technique in which the viewer sees the figures as if a little from above, as if sitting on a horse. In the 17th century this was called cavalry perspective and was used in engravings. Ali Mitgush called his technique “democratic perspective” because all the figures are the same size, regardless of whether they are close to the observer or far away.

Almost half a century has passed since the creation of the first educational picture book by Ali Mitgush. The Wimmelbuch genre, which he invented (translated from German as “flickering book”), has gained popularity all over the world; every European and American child has such books.

Big book of pictures and words

Another brilliant book from the publishing house Melik-Pashayev - Big book pictures and words by the artist Ole Könecke. On the pages of the book, the author shows objects and tells stories in pictures. The style is quite minimalist and very pleasant. This book “does not flicker” and can even be used as a visual dictionary. And as a guide for the game "" - for older children.

History in pictures. Doro Gebel, Peter Knorr

Like other German illustrators, Goebel and Knorr brilliantly cope with the task of showing in pictures small world- with its characters repeated on every page, unexpected details, and a dynamic plot unfolding right before our eyes (despite the absence of any text in the book)!

The books were published in the series: On the River, Once Upon a Time in the City, Outside the City, At the Circus, Neighbors. As a nice bonus, the coloring book “Day by Day” has been released. Stories in pictures. Color, invent, draw"

Wimmelbuch " Neighbours"in Russia received unexpectedly negative reviews: adults reading found among the neighbors (whose image is on the back of the book on the cover) a homosexual couple - Peter and Henk. Although what prevents you from imagining them as a grandfather and father of two children who are also present on the cover? The printing is wonderful, the smallest details are perfectly printed. This Wimmelbook is not for children, they will not be able to appreciate it. But for children from about 5-6 years old, Wimmelbooks Gebel and Knorr are wonderful.

Rachel Shalev. Merry witches

This Wimmelbook is positioned for ages from three years - indeed, the drawings are much simpler than those of German illustrators, there is no such careful detailing. At the same time, the drawings are quite funny, there is something to look at, there is even a plot - a story about how the Pokatushkin family ended up in a magical forest and met many funny mystical characters.

The artist’s witches (Rashel Shalev) turned out to be not scary at all: they play sports, ride a bike, visit a spa, go on visits, do shopping, have a holiday with fireworks, and in the meantime they brew potions, perform witchcraft dances, breed black cats and mice and cats.

Peter Bagin. In the forest

The artist Petr Bagin created not exactly a classic Wimmelbook, but rather a stunning encyclopedia of the changing seasons and forest animals of central Russia with picturesque full-page illustrations.

The book is published as part of the same series “History in Pictures” as the Wimmelbooks of the Melik-Pashayev publishing house, despite a completely different design: 48 coated pages in hardcover. The quality of printing and the art of writing illustrations make one admire the talents of the artist and publisher.

After winter comes spring, after spring comes summer and autumn... Bears, deer, moose, squirrels, foxes, hares, and lynxes walk around the little reader. Birds build nests, animals dig holes. Chicks emerge from eggs, tadpoles emerge from eggs, and the animals suck their mother’s milk.

This is a real walk through the forest - along paths and clearings, edges and hillocks, during which the child observes, listens, notices the slightest movement... And he also learns that the inhabitants of the forest live difficult life, enter into conflict with each other difficult relationships and act in accordance with their natural habits.

Professions. When I grow up, I will be...

An educational Wimmelbook, in which pages describing professions alternate with spreads illustrating a potential place of work. The 72-page book covers approximately 300 professions. The information is quite superficial, but without the inaccuracies that lately Even famous publishers and authors make mistakes.

The publisher positions the book as equally intended for viewing and reading. The co-authorship of Sylvie Sanja and Milan Stari is considered quite successful. The profession book is a recognized must-have for primary schoolchildren.

Crafts. Book of Masters

Czech artist Milan Stari also illustrated “Crafts”. The design of the book is similar to “Professions”: pages with information are replaced by illustrations for a full spread.

Even the dog Archie, who appeared in “Professions,” travels here too. What do modern artisans do? Lace, pottery, clothing, bread, jewelry, mittens, furniture and much more. They use unusual devices to make work easier.

Wimmelbooks by Achim Ahlgrimm

Wimmelbooks for boys and for everyone in a traditional design: large format, cardboard pages, no text.

Look-alike books from Samokat publishing house

"Town" Rotraut Suzanne Berner

An excellent Wimmelbook, the only drawback of which is its high price. Books have been published according to the seasons: Spring, summer, autumn, winter books and night books. The series is complemented by coloring books based on the Wimmelbooks “Town”. Berner tried to write and fiction for children, fairy tales, comics, stories about the adventures of Karlchen, but they did not receive such popularity as her Wimmelbooks.

Wimmelbuch Berner introduce readers to all the inhabitants of the Town - people and animals, and tell many interesting stories, which once happened on the streets of the Town.

Glyadelkin city

“Once upon a time in Glyadelkin” “Once upon a time in Glyadelkin” and “The City of Glyadelkin 3000” are witty Wimmelbooks demonstrating the past, present and future of the human city using the example of the city of Glyadelkin.

Very good quality of the book, as always from the Samokat publishing house. Enlarged format – 32*23 cm. The pages are thick, cardboard, glossy, with rounded corners. The volume is small - only 12 pages. You always want more, but for Wimmelbukh this is basically enough.

Luz Riphagen. Alone at home

Dutch artist Luz Rifagen has an original style of painting, which may not be pleasant to everyone. But at first glance the book seems quite bright and beautiful. The idea is also attractive: peek, what happens at home when the owners are not there? A fish jumps out of an aquarium in search of a new home, cockroaches misbehave in the corners, a cat calls friends, a character disappears from a painting on the wall...

Luz Rifagen does not have any fine details with careful drawing, but the publication is perfect for training attention and memory. Each spread represents a room in the house from the same angle. The characters move freely around the space and do funny things.

The concept of the book is reminiscent of the publication “Who Came Then?” — it’s interesting to track what changes happened when we turned the page: who left, who appeared, who chose new objects for pranks.

Wimmelbukh publishing house Rech

A year in St. Petersburg

Geographic Wimmelbook Russian author - Alexander Golubev. It is clear that the artist is well acquainted with the city and loves it. The book contains 12 spreads - 12 months, full-fledged city panoramas. The historical center is drawn in detail (and from a good angle). It's funny, but among the characters in Wimmelbuch there are some familiar ones: Peter I, for example, Pushkin, the Postman with a thick bag on his shoulder, and even Mikhail Boyarsky. The last spread lists local holidays by month: in addition to all-Russian ones, there are also exclusively St. Petersburg events - the smelt festival, for example.

Many details are thought out with humor and will interest both children and adults. One of the few cases when an excellent Wimmelbook was produced by a non-German author, who for 30 years now has been the real “trend setter” in this segment of literature (which they themselves invented).

Wonderful geographical wimmelbook about Moscow also published by Clover Publishing House, it has been written about.

Where's Warhol?

An educational, fascinating and visually appealing book - an unusual illustrated guide to the history of art for both children and adults. On 40 pages you can get acquainted with the most significant moments in the history of art and historical characters era. Each scene is painstakingly recreated by art historian Katherine Ingram and illustrated by Andrew Rae.

Publishing house Klever. Geographic Wimmelbooks

I'm going to look in St. Petersburg

The Big Wimmelbook is a guidebook with a minimum of information (no text), but interesting illustrations of walks around the city. The book takes place not only in the present. We can look 300, 200, 100 years ago and find out what the city looked like at that time. Other .

Series Moscow 870

Picture books from Polyandria publishing house

The publishing house Polyandria did not stand aside and released a cheerful children's Wimmelbook.

Big Penguin Party, Wimmelbuch

Grandma Penguin turns 90 years old. Isn't this a reason to have fun?! The whole house is full of penguins. A grand costume party is planned for the evening. But how will grandma find her favorite rainbow costume in all this chaos? It’s so good that the penguin Poldi and the crocodile Pavlusha help her in her search. Do you want to help them too? Then go ahead!

A task on every spread.

Poldi and Pavlusha. Accidentally around the world

Grandmother Penguinya, Poldi and Pavlusha were enjoying a calm evening. And suddenly Pavlusha seemed to fall through the ground. Poldi immediately assumes the worst: maybe he pressed the wrong button on the little robot ProGlot? Oh-oh-oh! The penguins and the crocodile didn't have time to blink an eye before they set off on an amazing adventure around the world...

Publishing house MIF

Wimmelbook by Thomas Champ

Belgian illustrator Tom Champ is an unusual city - it is the fictional capital of Europe, so here you can find inscriptions in different European languages ​​and buildings characteristic of different European countries. The kitten Otto also lives here and travels around the city. The first book, “Otto in the City,” was published by MIF publishing house on 14 cardboard pages, but the circulation has already been sold out.

“The whole world is in pictures. The most fun illustrated dictionary" with coated pages was released by Eksmo. The book can be considered a continuation of the previous one (although this is not entirely true). Among the heroes of the book there are Otto and other popular characters from Champ. There are tasks.

Champ's work is very modern and unusual and, as a rule, evokes rave reviews.

Wimmelbuch Wonderful neighbors

What happens if cows, elephants and even an octopus move into the house where the quiet sheep live? The viewer is invited to track the changes taking place in the unusual high-rise building. The book is an enlarged format, printed on thick offset, 26 pages.

That's the book! Exciting and exploratory adventures

Original Wimmelbook by American Bob Stack with optical illusion. The pages have round holes through which parts of the illustrations from the next spread are visible. But when you turn the page, the picture that was just before your eyes “disappears” due to the fact that your attention is scattered.

Street through time. A fascinating walk 12,000 years long

The same street will be in front of you all the time. Only the details will change - the forests will move further and further, giving way to fields, a wooden and then a stone embankment will appear on the once overgrown bank, wooden fortifications from raids will be rebuilt into a fortress, and later into a stone castle, a church will be built on the site of the sacred grove...

The edition is decorated with illustrations by Steve Noon.

The publisher does not set age restrictions and addresses the book to everyone who is interested in books for review and history. The publication also contains tasks for the reader.

City through time

Similar to the previous edition with illustrations by Steve Noone.

From a bird's eye view you will see cities in different eras: panoramas will open before you ancient Greek colony, ancient Roman and medieval cities, an industrial port of the 19th century and a modern metropolis. You will also be able to see up close the most characteristic buildings of those times, get acquainted with the history of architecture, technology, costume, work and leisure.

Mireya Trius. Who's hiding in the sea?

The illustrations in the book are printed in 3 colors - yellow, blue and red. Multi-colored lines overlap each other and form a complex pattern of incomprehensible shape. But if you look at it through a diver's helmet, a diving mask and the submersible's porthole, you will see a living world hidden from your eyes!

An indecently expensive, high-quality publication for viewing in a small volume (24 pages) for children 3-6 years old.

Wimmelbookhi Rosman

Wimmelbukh Ali Mitgusha

The above books by Ali Mitgush were quickly sold out and were not reprinted, but Rosman published “ My big picture book. Wimmelbukh" with pictures by Ali Mitgush.

Enlarged edition. There are a whopping 26 cardboard pages to look at, explore and play with!

Once upon a time in a village and in the world of fairy tales

Wimmelbook "Once Upon a Time in the Village" received ambiguously by Russian audiences. Many parents don't like the detail negative emotions, the process of emptying the bladder on the field, excrement, fights of characters. At the same time, the book is quite beautiful at first glance, although it is drawn quite simply, without chiaroscuro and careful drawing of details, but brightly and expressively. Be careful in your choice!

Wimmelbuch Russian fairy tales

Krotik and his friends. Wimmelbuch

The hero of this Wimmelbook was the character of the Czech cartoon Krotik and his forest friends, known since Soviet times. Very cute illustrations “like from a cartoon”, only brighter. Each spread has its own fairy tale plot. The animals here are somewhat anthropomorphic - they use dishes, strollers and artificial lighting. But at the same time they don’t wear clothes and are depicted quite clearly - even fans of naturalistic images should like it!

These colorful books with many illustrations seem to be specially designed for the little ones, for those who begin their acquaintance with the book by looking at the pictures. A minimum of text and many bright, beautiful pictures allow the child, together with his parents, to compose his own story, and each time he looks at it again, it is different.

What should you pay attention to when choosing? It’s unlikely just for the price, although it is very, very attractive in our store. But the illustrations deserve attention. Unlike older children, books for children under 3 years of age should have large and clearly visible drawings. Small and complex pictures The baby will quickly get tired of looking at them and may lose interest in them.

It's worth taking a closer look at storyline wimmelbook, because each child has his own interests and they can change with age.

Books to look at - for boys and girls

Our online store offers Wimmelbook books that are interesting for little boys and girls. From childhood, future men are more willing to look at pictures with cars - take a closer look at V. Bundin’s book “Where the Car is in a Hurry,” dads themselves will be happy to look at it.

And little princesses will probably love Wimmelbook “Where’s the Cake” by T. Keen. After all, in this book you have to take pity and help out the inhabitants of the forest by returning the lost cake to them. All kids will be interested in the series of wimmelbooks by Katrin Wiele with pictures about the forest, garden, sea and their inhabitants.

Wimmel books with games

Another interesting and educational activity- books that you can not only look at, but also play with. For example, many parents have already bought their children a Wimmelbook by A. Poitier “Who Came Then.” Here, each picture serves as the beginning of the next. Guessing what lies behind the beginning of the image is very interesting and exciting!

Since books for viewing are printed in a large format, on good thick paper and have a small number of spreads, kids always like them. But it is worth considering that peek-a-boo books, no matter how attractive they look, are still more suitable for children over 1-1.5 years old. And, of course, parents should first of all develop an interest in looking at and composing a plot.

Books for kids delivered to your home!

All “peepers” from our catalog can be ordered with one click, directly on the website. If you are interested summary, there is an abstract on the publication page. Our specialists are ready to provide detailed advice and assistance in choosing. We ship wimmelbooks all over Russia, so you are guaranteed a pleasant and hassle-free purchase!

Anyone who has children has probably heard this word, which is unusual for Russian ears. But not everyone knows that wimmelbook is a type of book that consists either entirely or almost entirely of pictures. However, they are usually quite expensive. If you purchase them and use them incorrectly, you will get the impression that it is money thrown away. But if you take “reading” seriously, you can become their next fan.

Wimmelbook - what is it?

The name comes from the German phrase Wimmel buch, which literally translates as “a book with flickering pictures.” And this name was given because on the pages of Wimmelbooks there are an unimaginably many heroes, each of whom is busy with something of his own, and at first such diversity simply flickers in the eyes.

Usually these are thematic books, consisting of a couple of dozen sheets of thick cardboard. They either have no words at all, or just cursory descriptions to start a flight of fancy. The “house in section” technique is often used, as a kind of “human anthill”. On each spread there are at least 20 heroes, whose fate can be followed throughout the book.

Let’s say that on the first spread we see a family getting ready to go somewhere, on the next spread the family is already at the parade and standing at the elevator, on the next one they get into a taxi, and so on. Parallel to this storyline, dozens more unfold on the pages. Moreover, during the first “reading”, not all of them will probably be noticed. Wimmelbook can be read differently each time, and by giving freedom to the child’s imagination, you can get absolutely new option interpretation of the plot.

Where did this type of book come from?

Wimmelbuch was first illustrated about 40 years ago by the German artist Ali Mitgush. The idea to create such a book came to him after trip around the world. Trying to collect all his impressions, he was inspired by the work of German engravers of the 17th century and realized that he could do this as accurately as possible not with words, but with many sketches. And then, looking at these pictures, anyone can interpret them in their own way.

From his pen came such wimmelbooks as “In the Village”, “Pirate Book”, “Ships”, “Wheel” and others. The books immediately won the love of German children and their parents. And then they spread throughout Europe, and then throughout the world.

Ali Mitgush's Wimmelbooks are still relevant today and are published in Russia by the Melik-Pashayev publishing house.

What are the benefits?

Wimmelbooks immediately fell in love with speech therapists and speech pathologists. After all, working with them, and “reading” them is, although pleasant, full-fledged work, makes an invaluable contribution to the development of the speech of non-speaking children.

First, the parent or speech therapist reviews the book with the child, and then gradually begins to involve the child in its world, introduces the characters, voices what each of them does, and fantasizes. And then, when the child is drawn in with interest, you can use questioning intonations to invite him to also participate in creating stories. When looking at these pictures, the child has a strong desire to talk about what he sees, to show that he is able to understand and discuss it all, and this acts as a stimulant on the speech center.

For children who have already begun to actively talk, “reading” Wimmelbooks will help in enriching vocabulary. Indeed, in the process, the child will come up with dozens of questions that will open up many new words and concepts for him. Enriching vocabulary will not harm even ten-year-old children.

The ability to notice the smallest details will imperceptibly spread to other areas of life. It will be a pleasant surprise for the mother to see how the child begins to notice the smallest details on walks, begins to fantasize about where the man rushing past is running, who is waiting for this girl on the bench, looking into the distance.

And, of course, spending time together between parents and children is priceless, and wimmelbooks undoubtedly encourage this. After all, even if a child starts looking at the book alone at first, he will definitely have a desire to ask about many things, and he will find an adult. You can connect all family members, each adding something of their own to the story. And this promises long and cozy evenings with the family.

Speech centers are actively stimulated, imagination develops, the ability to build logical connections, analysis, and all this in a playful way. A love of books is instilled, and in the age of electronic technology this is so important. After all, it is books that make us smarter in literally this word. Truly, Wimmelbook is a brilliant book.

How to read

A reasonable question is how to read a book to a child if there are no words in it. The answer, like everything ingenious, is simple - turn on your imagination. If you look closely, all these small drawings on the pages of wimmelbooks are not accidental, they are all small stories. And these stories can be endlessly told or invented together with the child. These stories continue on each subsequent page. And if this is a Wimmelbook from a series, then the characters will appear in every book in the series. And this will be a real meeting with an old acquaintance who will definitely have something new.

We can say that this is a fairy tale made up on the spot. The reader has the power to independently evaluate the characters, make them good or bad, imagine what they are thinking about and what brought them to this particular place.

Before reading it with your child, it’s a good idea to look at the end of Wimmelbook to get acquainted with the lives of the characters, and know in what direction the conversation about this or that character can be taken. Otherwise, having come up with a continuation, turning the page, you can see something radically different, and then it will be problematic to steer the story in the right direction.

At first, you can simply ask the child to point with his finger at what interests him in the picture. Based on this, questions may already arise. Each subsequent question will develop the story and fuel the conversation. Then you need to give each character names, try to reconstruct his life outside of this picture, and then, having met him further, find out how much the idea coincided with reality.

Of course, you can view Wimmelbook simply as an ordinary picture book, but this will not reveal its full deep potential. But even such “passive reading” will stimulate the brain due to the flickering pictures. Moreover, when you first get acquainted with a book, it is recommended to simply leaf through it, so as not to immediately overload your brain. After “reading” Wimmelbook, it’s not easy to fall asleep right away, so you shouldn’t take it out before bed, especially the first time.

What age are they intended for?

The beauty of them is that a child of almost any age will discover something for themselves in them. Wimmelbooks are suitable for both small and middle-aged children school age, but whatever, even an adult might find them interesting. The older the child gets, the more he will begin to understand. But even children under 3 years old will probably be interested in Wimmelbooks. Kids love to look at cars, equipment, household items, animals, and this is always present in abundance on the pages of Wimmelbooks. Not all kids immediately show interest in this kind of books. But if the child is not interested at the first meeting, you should not rush to conclusions. Periodically you need to try again and again, perhaps the child will “grow up.”

But one thing always remains the same, the child will always need a listener and accomplice. For the little ones, someone needs to voice everything and name what they point at. Older children need, at a minimum, a listener to their stories, and, at maximum, an active writer.

To create a full impression of Wimmelbook, what it is, you can understand only by spending several hours “reading”. The books have many fans, but there are also those who never appreciated them, and this is natural.

Wimmelbuch Berner Rotraut Suzanne

Perhaps the most popular are the wimmelbooks painted by the German artist Berner Rotraut Suzanne. The story begins in the Wimmelbook "Winter Book" and continues with the "Spring Book", "Summer Book" and "Autumn Book". Later the series was supplemented with “ Night book", which depicts what happens to the heroes of the series when it’s night outside.

It's best to start with them, as many people think that this is a wimmelbook that can be called ideal.

They are made of very high quality and have an A3 format, so their price is appropriate. The cost varies from 1 thousand rubles. up to 1.3 thousand rubles. In Russia they are published by the Samokat publishing house.

Wimmelbooks Gebel Doro

  • "On the River";
  • "Neighbours";
  • "Once Upon a Time in the City";
  • "Out of town."

Their price is a little more affordable than that of Wimmelbuch Berner Rotraut Suzanne, about 1 thousand rubles. The series is published by the Melik-Pashayev publishing house.

Wimmelbooks of Russian artists

Russian artists also picked up this trend. For example, Bagin Petr Ivanovich. Excellent reviews on Wimmelbook of his pen “In the Forest”. Due to the fact that the artist is Russian, the book depicts the nature of Russia, which is much closer to our children. In addition to pictures, there are many descriptions that will introduce children to the peculiarities of the life of animals in the forests. It describes how the forest changes over the course of 12 months. You can see in a cross-section the burrows in which squirrels or foxes live.

Where to buy

Buying them now is not a problem, as their popularity is off the charts. At first, Russian-speaking users brought them with them from trips abroad, fortunately, there are almost no words there, and this removes For example, the New Year's Wimmelbook by artist Anna Seuss has not yet been translated into Russian, but Russian mothers order it from abroad and without problems they tell what they see in Russian.

Now Wimmelbooks have begun to be published in Russian, and all the most popular ones can be purchased in any store in the children's book section. It is most profitable to purchase these books in online stores, but first look at them in person, either in a physical store or from friends.

Residents of Ukraine have long been content with publications in Russian and English, but Wimmelbook “Zoo” recently appeared in Ukrainian.

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