Carpenter's Day in Russia. Who is a carpenter

Despite the active popularization of professional equipment for wood processing, carpenters are still in demand specialists. Exists large number operations that the machine is not able to handle on its own, and learning to perform such work will require spending a lot of money on programming and eliminating errors. A carpenter must thoroughly master modern methods of working with wood and comply with safety requirements. The advantage of this type of work is good pay. The professional holiday is celebrated on August 28. If you want to become a professional carpenter, or improve your skills, we recommend that you seek help from representatives of our center.

Features of training

Compared to local educational institutions, government program is not used in full, but is only taken as a basis. This means that each student receives only expert knowledge in their field, thereby demonstrating high level professionalism when fulfilling orders of any complexity.

The course includes two stages.

  1. Theoretical knowledge. To conduct classes, it is enough to choose the optimal time for training and the branch.
  2. Practical knowledge. After theoretical material will be outlined, you can begin to consolidate your skills in practice. Future specialists will have to work with a nail puller, glass cutter, shershebel, plane, chisel and a whole range of other tools that a carpenter cannot do without.

Modern carpenters are able to carry out a variety of construction work, including replacement, installation and repair of windows, doors, fittings, locks, and door closers. Also employees specialized organizations install simple wooden structures, install protective roof coverings, process wood various methods. A carpenter is an indispensable specialist at sites where wooden structures are being built - bathhouses, log houses, and so on.

Advantages of cooperation with us

Compared to a number of other specialized organizations, cooperation with us is characterized by the following advantages:

  • 100% quality guarantee. You will be able to get only current theoretical and practical knowledge that you can easily use in practice;
  • emphasis on practical courses. To perfectly consolidate any theoretical material, a lot of practice is required. That is why 75% of the course is devoted to practice;
  • official documents. Having successfully passed the test, you will receive an official state certificate, which confirms the successful completion of the course;
  • highly qualified teachers. Each specialist has great practical experience, so you will receive only relevant and useful knowledge.

To sign up for carpentry courses, leave a request on the website - and we will definitely contact you to clarify additional information.

Carpenter's Day

To be honest, I'm not much of a carpenter. Here is the Mute - that yes, the Joiner with large number Sto: receives the order, hums, saying, “I understand everything, allow me to start completing the task,” and go ahead! He plows and plows, and what’s especially pleasant is that you won’t hear a word of obscenity from him. True, the vocabulary of this one is completely obscene: just as he sometimes starts waving his hands at someone, it’s clear without translation what he means and how many floors there are. I once got into a conversation with him (the deaf loader Seryoga acted as a translator), and Mute admitted to me that he dreams of a time when trees will be grown without knots. When I told the others about this in the brigade, they laughed purely automatically, and then in all seriousness they predicted that soon I myself would dream about the same thing.
What “stresses” me the most in the workshop is the constant noise. Even just one working machine makes such a noise that during the day you become very noticeably deaf, and even when you are already on the tram home, when asked “What time is it?” you answer so unexpectedly loudly that people recoil in fear. Of course, because all day you yell: “Idiot, this is an inch!” or “Where are you putting it, moron, take it there!” By the way, in response to all shouts with the ending “bring it,” the generally accepted “snarl” is “Suck the fire hose!”, and it is customary to snarl even at the boss, although with a lowering of the voice in proportion to the rank of the boss.
There are only two people in charge: foreman Rustik and general director Askhat (nobody even knows Askhat by his last name, it is only used in statements). But often customers come in, who are the real bosses, because they have the concept of material interest, and moreover, they try to “interest” us at every opportunity so that we move faster. Customers behave quite relaxed, almost like a businessman; even if the customer came to our sawmill for the first time, this does not change anything: has he never been to a sawmill?! Yes, if all the sawmills with which he dealt chipped in a ruble, he would become a dollar millionaire! Well, you can make various assumptions about his fortune, but he throws money away - like millionaires! Yesterday there was some captain of a cargo ship, we are making him a smokehouse for fish - a huge box, the size of a shell garage - so he handed out three hundred rubles simply “so as not to offend anyone.” It’s immediately obvious that he gets money easily. Although what can he steal on his cargo ship? Smoked fish?
Here at our base you can steal a lot of things. Someday, probably, everything will be mixed up, there will be nothing left. The brand new pliers, freshly issued, sat in the drawer for two days and are no longer there. There were three boxes of nails in the warehouse, we reached for the nails, and it turned out that there were only nails in one, and two were filled with bricks. And it’s definitely one of their own who steals, but they don’t even look for the thieves. Because in a favorable situation, everyone will steal. So the amount of the whistle (what has already become known) is simply divided equally and deducted from the salaries. And everyone is happy. Despite the fact that all carpenters “drive” “leftist” goods. In three days, the fruit of “illegal labors” becomes a whole finished door, which in stores like “The Door Nicknamed the Beast” is sold for a carpenter’s monthly salary. The door is disassembled into components and carried piece by piece through a hole in the fence or, more reliably, straight through the entrance, for which our “rogue” Salam-aba receives his interest. Salam-aba has been working at the sawmill for a long time, this can be judged by the fact that he has already updated all seven doors in his house twice.
In addition to carpenters, our sawmill also has a team of loaders and several drivers. All of them are talkative people, quick-tongued, so the person who writes here is simply at ease. It’s just that I am sometimes forced to use my notebook at the wrong time: when whittling a “magpie” for a smokehouse, filling a warehouse with a “inch”, or clearing the carpentry shop of sawdust, my mind puts me in a pleasant, but somewhat delicate position, when it becomes necessary for me write down a “brilliant” thought that came into my head according to my own routine. My fellow craftsmen greet this “weakness” of mine with unexpected generosity; I was seriously afraid that I would be laughed at or even banned from “pretending to be a genius” by a separate order. But they obviously consider the need to write down not a fault, but a misfortune, a graphomania. However, sometimes, when I must have been making a recording too emotionally, they even became interested in the content of it and laughed in unison at this or that phrase, not necessarily funny. They rather laughed at me, and they did it as if for the purpose of “cure” me, but then they saw that the habit of writing down was firmly rooted in me, and they stopped pestering me.
They themselves have an absolutely standard habit, although in the carpentry shop it is especially harmful. Despite regular fires ( last time burned in the winter, when I was not yet a carpenter), they smoke right at their work places, at their machines, sitting in a pile of sawdust, and the only excuse that you can hear from them about this is: “Don’t be afraid, I’m not drunk! »
In addition, there is another “standard” habit among employees: getting drunk on vodka on Fridays. At first, Friday turned into the worst day of the week for me, because I had to drink “a little bit” while in abstinence, which is why Saturday also became not the best day. However, I soon learned to pour my vodka into the glass of one of my co-workers with impunity (because it was unnoticeable). But they will forgive me for such a trick, even if they “catch” him. When, on one of the first Fridays of my carpentry, I tried to give myself a more decent appearance in front of the mirror, my colleagues told me with one voice: “Even the cops won’t get to the bottom of you, you have higher education it’s written on the face!”
We recently had a hurricane and a lot of trees were knocked down in the area. Almost all the carpenters were sent to free logging. Whether it was because there weren’t enough axes and chainsaws for everyone, or because of the formation on my face, they didn’t take me. As it turned out, they didn’t take it in vain; if there had been at least one sober person there, they wouldn’t have restrained five chains to chainsaws and seven axes, which were dumped in one pile and “reliably” covered with the brigadier’s raincoat, which they also restrained.
Eh, hit them with a plane!

On August 28, carpenters – skilled craftsmen and artisans who work with wood – celebrate their professional holiday. Carpenters turn wood products, they create furniture, window frames, stairs and various decorative elements. A carpenter performs more delicate work than a carpenter, but not as sophisticated as a sculptor or woodcarver. Carpentry has remained in demand for thousands of years. Today, carpenters work in furniture production, they take part in construction work and even in the aviation industry, creating plywood cladding for interiors. On August 28, you can congratulate these valuable workers - the date is designed to draw attention to the profession and demonstrate the importance of carpentry. The date we celebrate International Carpenter's Day is August 28th.

How to live without carpenters?
Without a tree of masters?
Who will make our doors?
Or will the chair join?
No, it’s impossible without them,
Congratulations, friends,
Happy holiday now!
We can't live without you!

Thank you, carpenter, for your work!
You do a lot of nice, good deeds!
And most importantly, you love your work
My. And the destiny of a standing carpenter
Tables and chairs, windows or doors,
For us, simple people, to make!
Today, August 28th guys,
We congratulate you and wish you a long life!

Today we praise the joiners,
They make everything with their own hands,
Everyone will do whatever the soul asks!
So let them have a good life!
Let the plane never get dull,
Let bad things never happen,
Celebrate your day today, friends,
And, of course, take care of yourself!

In August, twenty-eighth,
The carpenter's day is coming.
We congratulate you with the whole world,
May good luck come your way!
Screwdrivers, planes, chisels,
Let them always be at hand,
Let work bring joy,
Prosperity for the family and peace!

Carpenter, you have golden hands,
And your creations are generally simple -
Everyone always needs shelves, chairs and tables,
That’s why we must respect carpenters!
And today we gladly congratulate you,
Happy profession holiday from the bottom of my heart now!
We wish you happiness and health,
Thank you for giving us comfort and joy!

Who does everything intelligently and skillfully,
working with a chisel, hammer?
Let's say it frankly, let's say it boldly -
This is a carpenter, and all the “wood” is on him!
To ensure that the frames fit tightly,
and the floor didn’t creak underfoot,
The carpenter is a master of “golden hands”,
There are a lot of “wooden” things to do at a construction site!
We want to wish you good luck on this holiday!
Health, happiness, never get tired!
May all tasks be up to you!
And keep the honor of the profession at its best!

There is no more wonderful color
On the table than yours...
On the carpenter's birthday
We sing a hymn to him!
As if we were in a fairy tale, we were not there -
In the world of shelves, railings:
There is so much furniture in your life
Made from the heart!
There are separate parts, in -
Hornbeam, birch, walnut...
Live beautifully and happily
And up to a hundred years is not a sin!!!

In the workshop of the capital city,
Not overgrown with history,
On the carpenter's birthday
We sing a hymn to him!
As if we were in a fairy tale, we were not there -
In the world of shelves, railings:
There is so much furniture in your life
Made from the heart!
There are separate parts, here -
Hornbeam, birch, walnut...
Live beautifully and happily
And up to a hundred years is not a sin!!!

At (name)-carpenter
The matter had been going on since the morning:
He planed, sawed, drilled,
Hammered the nail with a hammer,
And the screw is shiny and nimble -
He quickly screwed it in with a screwdriver.
So he made a buffet,
Table, chest of drawers and stool.
And then I polished them,
Brightly varnished bedspread
And he attached handles to them,
Legs and other things.

The word carpenter is Borrowing no later than the 18th century. from Polish language in which stolarz is a word-former. German tracing paper Tischler (Tisch"table", -ler- suf. actor, equal to Polish. -arz- Russian ary). School etymological dictionary Russian language. Origin of words. - M.: Bustard



August 31, 2014

Wood is one of the most ancient and beloved construction and ornamental materials by mankind. People built houses, churches, made furniture and dishes, household items and tools from wood. It would seem that everyone can work with wood. And really, what’s so complicated about it: I took a board, measured out what I needed, sawed it off, nailed it together - and it’s done! However, such work seems uncomplicated only in theory. In practice, what most often happens is that I decided to trim the legs of a stool, but ended up sawing off everything. That is why, if we need to make something out of wood, we turn to a specialist in working with wood - a carpenter.

Note that quite often carpenter profession confused with the related specialty of carpenter. In fact, these are two fundamentally different professions: figuratively speaking, a carpenter builds houses, and a carpenter builds interior items (in other words, a carpenter’s work is more subtle and elegant). In addition, the profession of a carpenter has a number of features, due to which not everyone can master it at the proper level. What are these features? You can find out about this right now.

Who is a carpenter?

Carpenter– a highly skilled worker, craftsman and artisan who makes and turns products from wood or on a wooden base with the possible use of lamination, veneering or veneering.

The name of the profession comes from the Polish stolarz (table). This may indicate that in the 18th century, when the profession of a carpenter, in fact, arose as a separate field of activity, such artisans specialized in the manufacture of furniture only. Let’s immediately make a reservation that it is impossible to consider the 18th century as the date of formation of this profession, since it arose in ancient times, when people realized that wood is an excellent material not only for maintaining a flame in the hearth, but also for making a wide variety of objects and things.

The scope of activity of modern carpenters has expanded significantly compared to the 18th century. Today these craftsmen make complex furniture, doors, windows, stairs, cornices, plinths, arches, wooden elements, nautical and aircraft, micromodels on a wooden base, etc. If we list the main professional carpenter duties, then they will look something like this:

  • wood processing;
  • manufacturing and restoration of furniture;
  • installation and installation of window openings and doors;
  • insertion of locks, handles;
  • repair of wooden parts;
  • installation of built-in furniture;
  • sanding and polishing wood;
  • production of small items from wood: from sports equipment to wooden boxes;
  • work with different fasteners, paints and varnishes.

That is, a carpenter is a generalist who personally performs all stages of manufacturing wooden objects: from the selection of workpieces and materials to the final finishing of the finished product. The expansion of the scope of the carpenter’s work has led to the emergence of narrow specializations within the profession:

  • cabinetmakers- manufacture and repair furniture (including antique);
  • carpenters working on construction sites specialize in finishing the inside of a house, manufacturing and installing windows, doors, and built-in furniture. Carpenters at shipbuilding and aircraft factories, by the way, do the same thing;
  • carpenters who make musical instruments - the most famous of the “musical” carpenters is Antonio Stradivari.

By the way, the secret of the famous Stradivarius violins has not yet been revealed, so young specialists have every chance to unravel it and thereby write their name in history.

What personal qualities should a carpenter have?

A carpenter spends almost the entire working day on his feet, so good health and endurance are the key to the successful development of a craftsman’s professional qualities. At the same time, carpenter's work is one of the most dangerous. His tools: a plane, a saw, an ax - require careful attention and strict adherence to safety precautions, therefore responsibility, attentiveness, high concentration and accuracy are integral personal qualities of a true professional. In addition, since this is also a creative profession, the master must have such personal qualities, How:

The carpenter must also have extensive knowledge. He must understand the difference in wood species (there are, for example, white species, softer, and red, harder and more expensive), determine the quality of the workpieces and choose the most suitable ones in each specific case. This is especially necessary for those who work with furniture or musical instruments. Knowledge will also be useful for carpenters chemical composition glue and paints and varnishes. Among other things, it is vital for a carpenter to be able to read drawings, and for a craftsman high class– also develop them.

Advantages of being a carpenter

Since the profession of a carpenter is one of the working specialties, the shortage of which is felt today more acutely than ever, its main advantage, of course, can be called demand. Moreover, such specialists are in demand everywhere: at construction sites, in furniture production, in the field of shipbuilding, etc. Therefore, a carpenter’s diploma guarantees trouble-free employment in the specialty and a quite decent level of payment (the average monthly salary of a carpenter in Russia today is about 40-50 thousand rubles).

One more advantage of being a carpenter can be considered great opportunities for additional income. The carpenter's tools are simple (saw, hammer, jigsaw, screwdrivers, pliers, etc.) and available for purchase, and carrying them is also quite easy. At the same time, in order to find clients, it is enough to place an ad once, for example, in a newspaper or on an Internet resource, and therefore word of mouth will start working and regular clients will appear who need to reupholster furniture, repair a sofa, restore grandma’s chest of drawers, or rebuild closet.

It is also worth noting that in Rus', the profession of a carpenter has enjoyed well-deserved honor and respect since ancient times. Good masters were revered no less than crowned heads. Due to the fact that after many years of the “reign” of mass-produced wooden products in modern society Once again, carpenters began to appreciate individually made carved furniture, unique decorative elements and original interior items made of wood, and, as before, took their rightful place in society.

Disadvantages of being a carpenter

Disadvantages of being a carpenter directly related to working conditions. A carpenter works with tools that, if handled carelessly, can cause serious injury. Waste materials (shavings and splinters) can also injure the technician. An even bigger problem is the varnish, paints and glue that a professional deals with during the work process. Their toxic fumes can cause poisoning, allergies and respiratory diseases.

In addition, a carpentry workshop is a constant source of noise and vibration, which can cause a specialist’s hearing loss and illnesses. nervous system. Therefore, a carpenter has to work not only in work clothes and safety glasses, but also in earplugs. Agree, when it’s hot outside, working in such clothing is not very comfortable.

08/28/2015 at 06:49

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