The double role of the letters e yu i. Independently performing exercises according to the textbook

The dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, I

Let's find out how the letters e, ё, yu, ya differ from other vowels.

First, look at the transcription and determine what words are in front of you.

If you look carefully at the recording of these words (spruce, forest, linen, honey, water, dish, anchor, meat), you will notice that they contain the letters e, e, yu or i. But they correspond different sounds! Why?

The whole point is that in everyday life we regularly encounter various phonetic processes occurring in language. One of them is positional alternation of sounds, i.e. such an alternation (replacement) that depends on the place (position) of the sound in the word. A letter is a special sign that is used to indicate a sound in writing, because a sound can only be heard or pronounced. There are significantly more sounds in the Russian language than letters. Therefore, it is not surprising that some letters “have to” represent several sounds. This happened with the letters E, E, Yu, Ya.

To figure out in which cases these vowels denote one sound and in which two, let’s do the following work. Let's pronounce the words and analyze the position in them of the vowels that interest us.

So. M[e]ra, floor[o]t, cl[u]v, s[i]du. In all these words, the letters e, e, yu, i designate one sound, they come after soft consonants.

Now let's look at the following examples: [ye]m, [yo]lka, [yu]g, [ya]sher. Here vowels are used to denote two sounds ([ye], [yo], [yu], [ya]), and stand at the absolute beginning of the word.

Another group of words: bo[ye]ts, pri[yo]m, ka[yu]ta, hundred[ya]t. In these words, the letters e, e, yu, i also denote two sounds, but are located after another vowel letter.

And more examples: ot[e]zd, s[yo]mka, v[yu]ga, monkey[ya]na. The vowels e, e, yu, i again denote two sounds, and in a word they come after ъ or ь.

Now, I think you can easily formulate a rule:

The letters e, e, yu, i denote two sounds if they are at the beginning of a word, after any other vowel, or after a hard and soft sign. These letters represent one sound when they appear after a consonant and indicate its softness.

Sounds denoted by the letters e, e, yu, i are called iotized, because the sound y or yot is involved in their formation. In transcription it is designated as [th], and sometimes as [j].

By studying the “Phonetics” section, we can see once again how rich, diverse and amazingly beautiful the Russian language is. But Russian is also considered one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. One of the difficulties of our language is that many words in it are written completely differently from how they are heard. It is necessary to take care of the beauty and correctness of your speech. Otherwise, you can end up in such an absurd situation, which the poet Alexander Shibaev writes about in his poem “Sad News”:

List of used literature:

  1. Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. Russian language. Textbook for 5th grade. – M.: Education, 2008-2012.
  2. Stronskaya I.M. Handbook of the Russian language for students in grades 5-9. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Literature”, 2012.
  3. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I., Kapinos V.I. and others. Russian language: Textbooks for grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. educational institutions/ Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. – M.: Bustard.
  4. Arsiriy A.T. Entertaining materials on the Russian language: Book for students / Ed. L.P. Krysina - M.: Education, 1995.
  5. Kalmykova I.R. The mysterious world of sounds. Phonetics and speech culture in games and exercises. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1998.
  6. Golub I.B., Kokhtev N.N., Rosenthal D.E. Russian language. Sounds, letters, words / A book about language for the curious. - M.: “MICH” with the participation of JSC “CENTURY”, 1998.
  7. Egorova N.V. Lesson developments in the Russian language. 5th grade. – M.: Vako, 2013.
  8. Vasiliev I.P. Russian language lessons for the textbook by S.I. Lvova. Teacher's manual. – M., 2013.
  9. Sychugova L.P. Lesson notes for Russian language teachers. 5th grade. – Vlados, 2004.
  10. Gribanskaya E., Novikova L. Control and testing work in Russian to the textbook “Russian language. 5th grade." Educational and practical manual. – L.: Exam, 2004.
  11. Bogdanova G.A. Russian language lessons in 5th grade. Book for teachers - Genzher, 2000.
  12. I.B. Golub, D.E. Rosenthal. "Secrets of good speech." - M.: International. relations, 1993.

Target: give an idea of ​​the dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, I; prove that in some positions these letters can represent 2 sounds.

Pedagogical tools: spelling cards, table, textbook, student workbooks.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment- 2 min.

II. Spelling five-minute - 5 min. Working with spelling cards.

III. “Warm-up minutes” (frontal interactive method). A fleeting snapshot of knowledge.

- What section of the language are we studying?

From what language did this term come to us?

(from the Greek Fone - sound.)

What is the minimum unit of language called?

What is the difference between letters and sounds?

Which branch of the language studies the design of letters and their types?

What is the alphabet?

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

What are more letters or sounds in a language?

How do we indicate the softness of consonants in writing?

The softness of which consonant before other consonants is always indicated using soft sign?

In what combinations is a soft sign not written to indicate softness? Why?

How many vowel sounds are there in Russian? How many vowels? (10)

Today in the lesson we will talk about rich letters in the Russian language. These are the letters E, E, Yu, Z.

Open your notebooks and write down today's date. great job, topic of the lesson.

IV .Explanation of new material

The “richness” of these sounds is that they can play a double role. The purpose of our lesson will be to become familiar with the dual role of these letters and to learn to recognize these roles. The first one is already known to us, and now we will remember it again. Let's write the following words in a column: during the day, nearby, people, forest.

Where are the letters E, E, Yu, I in the words of this column? (After consonants). How many and what sounds do they represent? What role do they perform? (They soften the consonant in front of them)

Conclusion: The letters E, E, Yu, I designate 1 sound if they appear after soft consonants, and this is their first role.

From ex. 304 find a column with words where these letters play this role.

Guys, the second role of these letters is the ability to denote two sounds at once, in strictly defined positions. Now we Let's find out which ones. To do this, we will write down the words from the 2nd column. Where are our letters in the words of this column? (At the beginning of the word.) How many and what sounds do they represent?

Conclusion: The letters E, E, Yu, I represent 2 sounds at the beginning of a word.

Conclusion: After a vowel.

Conclusion: after ъ and ь signs.

Thus, guys, let's conclude in which three positions the letters e, ё, yu, i mean 2 sounds (I post a table).

Now we’ll play, warm up and train at the same time.

Warm-up game:The presenter pronounces words that contain the vowels E, Yo, Yu, Ya. If a vowel denotes 2 sounds, then the children raise two hands up, and if 1 sound, then their right hand.








Well done, that's enough. We sit down and continue to work.

Let's do exercise 305. Read the task.

Letter – [p*is*mo]-6 b. 5 stars; thought [we sl*] -5 b. 4 stars;

Let’s take [vas*m*om] – 7b. 6 stars; eighth [your*mine*] -7 b. 6 stars; bayan [bai*an] – 4 b. 5 stars; south [y*UK] – 2 b. 3 stars; food [y*eda] – 3 b. 4 stars; Christmas tree [y*olka] – 4 b. 5 stars; honest [h*esny*]– 7 b. 6 stars; holiday [holiday] – 8b. 7 stars

Selective distribution dictation (according to options).

Option 1 writes down words where the letters e, ё, yu, i represent 1 sound, and option 2 – 2 sounds.

Laziness, hedgehog, skirt, parachute, curls, cradle, let's sing, leaves, village, tin, tree, led.

1 2



Let's sing the cradle


Tin can


Spelling work with words written on the board.

Theater, cocoa, border, shine, union, jet, fighter, spy, duet, piano, rubber, scream, all, request. (The task is performed in rows or collectively.)

1) Write down words that have more letters than sounds.

Scream (7 b. 6 stars), all (4 b. 3 stars), request (7 b. 6 stars);

2) Write down words that have more sounds than letters. Border (6 b. 7 stars), union (4 b. 5 stars), jet (5 b. 6 stars), fighter (4 b. 5 stars) ,;

3) Find and write down words in which there are 2 vowel sounds nearby. Theatre, cocoa, spy, duet, piano, rubber.

Remember! The sound [th] is consonant!

So, today in class we got acquainted with rich letters. What is their wealth? How many roles can these letters play? In what positions do they represent 2 sounds?

Assessment of activities for lesson and homework.

Paragraph 61, ex. 306.

Note. The game is the third wheel. Find the extra word in each group. On what grounds did it turn out to be superfluous?

Month, pepper, village , family

Lizard, apple, ash , heaviness.

Julia, yurt, cabin, jury. Fireworks, brochure, earth, berry.

Topic: The dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, Ya.

Subject: Russian language

Class: 5 "B"

Teacher: Tchaikovskaya E.N.

Date: December 12, 2012

Lesson objectives:

    Continue working on the topic “Phonetics”.

    Find out why iotated vowels play a dual role in the language.

Lesson objectives.


    Teach children to distinguish positions in which the letters e, ё, yu, i indicate one sound, indicating the softness of the preceding consonants, and in which - two.

    Continue working on developing transcription skills.


    Develop the ability to apply theoretical knowledge on the topic “Phonetics” in the practice of written speech.

    Work on the development of students' speech.


    To instill in children a desire to help their classmates with their work.

    Cultivate an attentive attitude to linguistic phenomena.

Equipment: signal cards, presentation, texts for independent work, tests.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment . (Hello, guys. Sit down. Today we have an unusual lesson, a creative one. Let’s open our notebooks and write down the number.) (Slide No. 1)

II. Working on calligraphy . (Write a capital and a small letter E.)

III. Motivation for learning. (Guys, listen to the poem.)

How often do we, hoping for chance,

We don’t learn the rules and don’t read books.

And look - now you already had to

To be considered illiterate, but this is not prestigious.

What is our life? Game or lottery?

Or maybe a fight for every transition?

Grab your lucky ticket quickly

But not everyone is lucky in the game.

Therefore, in order to deceive the villainous fate,

Dare, learn and everything is for sure.

Let the ignoramuses play the lottery

And the bet on knowledge will always win.

Teacher: Guys, how did you understand the meaning of this poem?

Student answers.

Teacher: To become clever and intelligent, when studying the topic “Phonetics” you should pay attention to the very interesting letters E, E, Y, Y. And today’s lesson is dedicated to these letters. These letters are not simple, but very mysterious. Look at the board and write down the topic of the lesson. The dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, Y. (Slide No. 1)

Teacher: So please look at the board. What sounds do the letters E, E, Yu, I represent? That's right, they represent two sounds. [y'e], [y'o], [y'u], [y'a]. (Slide No. 2) But in some words the letter “th” tries to hide. And he does it very well. Look at the board.

Here are four words. (Slide No. 3)

m e l [m’ uh l]
e d [m’ O T]
yu to [l’ at To]
I d[r' A T]

Let's write down the phonetic transcription of these words and say what sounds the letters represente , e , yu , I .

Let's compare the recorded transcription in the notebooks with the board. Are you doing everything right? (Slide No. 3)

Where are the letterse , e , yu , I in the words of this column? (After a consonant .)
– How many and what sounds do they represent? (
One sound [uh, oh, uh, a] .) There is no letter “y”. The sound [th'] was hidden. M.V. Lomonosov called such letters “hidden”.
– What consonants come before vowel sounds? (
Soft .)

Let's draw a conclusion. (Slide No. 4)

If the letters e , e , yu , I stand after a consonant, they mean one sound [uh, oh, uh, a] and soften the previous consonant.
So, the first role of letters
e , e , yu , I - This is a softening of the consonant.

Let's observe the same letters, but in different positions. (Slide No. 4).

Where are the letters E, E, Y, I in the first column?

How many sounds do they represent?

Students' answers. By analogy, work is carried out with the remaining columns. Now write out the words of the first line separated by commas and underline the letters that represent two sounds.

Draw a conclusion from your observations.

Student answers. (Letters e , e , yu , I at the beginning of a word, after letters ъ And b and before vowels they indicate two sounds)

Teacher: What double role do letters play?I am ? (Slide No. 5)

If the letters e , e , yu , I stand between consonants, they denote one sound and indicate the softness of the previous consonant.
If the letters
e , e , yu , I come at the beginning of a word, after ъ And b , after a vowel, they represent two sounds.

IV. Consolidating new material

Teacher : So, the secret of vowelsE Yo Yu Ya you guessed it. And now I want to check how you have learned the rule.

1. Phonetic analysis of words. Transcribe words. Determine how many sounds and letters there are in each word. (The words are written on the board.)

Sample: lighthouse - [ma y'ak] - 4 b, 5 stars.

south, button accordion, pouring, sat down.

V. Physical education minute

2. Working with signal cards. Game "1" or "2". Green card - one sound. Red card - two sounds.
Children use cards to show how many sounds the letters e, e, yu, and i make in words:

forest, Julia, hatch, cabin, day, shooting, bright, entrance, dog, anchor.

3. Working with the textbook. Exercise No. 307. Read the words in the box. Think about what these words have in common?

Student answers: The letter E in them does not soften the preceding consonant sound.

Teacher : All these words are borrowed, they can be found in dictionaries foreign words. Atelier, muffler, model, highway, parterre came from French, and the words sweater and tennis are from English. Make up a simple sentence using one of these words. With the last word, we will come up with a sentence together, as a class, using appeal. How is the appeal highlighted in the letter?

4. Checking the mastery of the material. Test.

Option I

1. Indicate a word in which the letter E makes two sounds.

a) chalk; b) hedgehog; c) brush

a) spruce; b) if; c) entry

a) city; b) slippery; c) three

a) drive through; b) purple; c) barks

a) drifting snow; b) border; c) aspen

Option II

1. Indicate a word in which the letter I makes 1 sound.

a) anchor; b) light; c) mint

2. Indicate which word has more sounds than letters.

a) filming; b) grater; c) reception

3. Which word has fewer sounds than letters?

a) stump; b) mug; c) viut

4. In which word are there 2 vowel sounds next to each other?

a) cut; b) washes; c) winnow

5. Which word has the sound [th]?

a) rowan; b) forward; c) army

Correct answers (Slide 6)

Option I

Option II

1. b) hedgehog

1. c) mint

2. b) if

2. c) reception

3. b) slippery

3. a) stump

4. b) purple

4. a) cut

5. b) border

5. c) army

“5” – 5 points.

"4" - 4 - points.

“3” – 3 points.

Peer review.

Evaluating a friend's work.

5. Linguistic task.

Name it in one word the following concepts, fill the grid. What letters represent two sounds?

    Seat attachment.

    A small essay for a magazine or newspaper.

    Something without which a bird cannot fly.


    Thickets of tall grass.

    Pure meat broth.







6. Summing up the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, today in class we visited the sounds of speech, revealed the secret of the letters E, E, Yu, Z. We did a good job. It's time to take stock.

— What did you learn in today's lesson?

— What is the dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, I?

7. Homework.

Class: 5

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

2. Teacher's word

- Hello! Guys, do you like to visit? Today our lesson will be held in a playful way. We will visit the sounds of speech and will definitely make a discovery, unravel the secret that vowel letters hide from us.
Open your notebooks and write down the number.
But it is indecent to visit without gifts. What should we give? Of course, our knowledge. Ready for the challenge? And here is the first task.

3. Test of knowledge

Task 1

Collect a sentence from scattered words.
Execute parsing sentence, give its oral description, draw a diagram of the sentence.

(The sentence is narrative, complex, consists of two simple sentences. In the first sentence, the basis is snowflakes falling, in the second, everything is covered.

Simple sentences are connected in a conjunctive complex using intonation and a conjunction and are separated by a comma. [, And ].)

– Guys, describe the consonant sounds in the word white

[b’] – consonant, voiced, soft
[l] - consonant, voiced, hard

Task 2

– You know that speech sounds make up words, each word denotes some concept. Do speech sounds have such a property - to denote a concept? Say the sounds:

[b] [p] [s] and [a] [o] [i]

– Will it be clear what you wanted to say if you pronounce each sound separately or in the order in which they are given? ( No.)

– Make words using only vowels or only consonants. Is it possible to do this? Now combine them and make as many words as possible using these sounds. Write the words in your notebook.

Let us conclude: The sounds of speech themselves do not denote any concept, but if they are selected in a certain way, we can get a word.

4. Introducing a new lesson topic

- Guys, the wise owl has prepared riddles for you. If you can guess what letters they are talking about, you will lift the veil of mystery about vowel letters.

It's such a pity outside! –
Our ladder is broken.
Our ladder is broken
The letter... but it remained... (E)

The letter E took a break,
How immediately at her
A couple of chicks fluttered -
The result is a letter... (Yo)

So that O doesn't roll away,
I'll nail it firmly to the post.
Oh look,
What's happened:
The result is a letter... (YU)

Look, friends,
I made a birdhouse.
And she flew into a birdhouse
Instead of a bird there is a letter... (I)

– You guessed the letters correctly, but what secret do they hide?
- Let's try to pronounce these letters. What sounds are heard?


- So, letters e, e, yu, I represent two sounds.

e – [y"e],
e - [th "o],
yu – [y"y],
I – [th "a]

– But do the letters e, e, yu, i always mean two sounds? Look carefully at the board.

m e l [m" uh l]
m e d [m" O T]
l yu k [l" at To]
r I d[r" A T]

– Let’s write down the transcription of these words and see what sounds the letters represent e, e, yu, I.

Let's compare the recorded transcription in the notebooks with the board. Are you doing everything right? (I gradually open the curtained part of the slide, where the transcription of words is recorded).

– Where are the letters located? e, e, yu, I in the words of this column? ( After a consonant.)
– How many and what sounds do they represent? ( One sound [uh, oh, uh, a].)
– What consonants come before vowel sounds? ( Soft.)

Let's draw a conclusion.

If the letters e, e, yu, I stand after a consonant, they mean one sound [uh, oh, uh, a] and soften the previous consonant.
So, the first role of letters e, e, yu, I- This is a softening of the consonant.

Let's observe the same letters, but in different positions.

Draw a conclusion from your observations.

(Letters e, e, yu, I at the beginning of a word, after letters ъ And b and before vowels they indicate two sounds)

– What a double role do letters play? I am?

If the letters e, e, yu, I stand between consonants, they denote one sound and indicate the softness of the previous consonant.
If the letters e, e, yu, I come at the beginning of a word, after ъ And b, after a vowel, they represent two sounds.

5. Physical education minute

6. Consolidation of new material

- So, the secret of vowels E Yo Yu Ya you guessed it. And now the wise owl wants to check how you have learned the rule.

1) Let's turn to the textbook. Open page 127, ex. 305.
2) Alphabetize the words: blizzard, storm, blizzard, blizzard, freezing, drifting snow.

7. Test of knowledge

8. Reflection

- Guys, today in class we visited the sounds of speech, revealed the secret of letters E Yo Yu Ya, did a good job. It's time to take stock.
– What did you learn in today’s lesson?
– What did you experience difficulties with?
– What else should you pay attention to?


9. Homework

At home: § 61, ex. 306

Literature used

Some letters in Russian represent both one and two sounds. The letters E, E, Yu, I are special in this case, because in a word they can play a double role: to denote one sound and the softness of the preceding consonant, or two sounds, one of which is a consonant.

Using letters to denote softness

Standing after a consonant, the letters E, E, Yu, I will indicate its softness and denote one vowel sound. For example, me[m"i]te[t"e]l, le[l"o]gky, p[p"i]ele[l"o]nka, ryu[r"u]kzak, lyu[l" u]stra, re[r"i]bya[b"a]ta, la[l"i]gushka. But we must remember that after the letters Ж, Ш, Ц, which always denote hard consonant sounds [ж], [ш], [ц] (zh[zh]styanoy, zhi[zhy]raf, she[sho]rstka, she [sho]lkovy, tse[tse]ly, tse[tsy]khovoy), these letters indicate only the vowel sound, but do not indicate the softness of the previous consonant. Also, in some borrowed words (for example, mode[de]l, parte[te]r, te[te]nnis, te[te]mp) the letter E is used after hard consonant sounds.

Two sounds in a word

But the letters E, E, Yu, I can also denote two sounds (vowel and voiced unpaired, soft unpaired consonant [th"]), if they stand:

  • at the beginning of a word, for example, e[y"i]da, e[y"el]l, e[y"o]capacity, e[y"o]zhik, yu[y"u]la, yu[y" urky, y[y"a]goda, y[y"a]ryky;
  • after a dividing hard or soft sign, for example, ed[y"and]dobny, Vie[y"i]tnam, syo[y"o]mka, serious[y"o]zny, podyu[y"ubnik, view [y"nok, announcement [y"i]n, friends[y"a];
  • after a vowel letter, for example, poe[y"i]zd, boe[y"e]ts, kayo[y"o]mka, poe[y"o]t, kayu[y"u]ta, soyu[y" u]z, may[y"a]k, stream[y"a].

Thus, depending on their position in the word, the letters E, E, Yu, I perform one or another function in the word. Therefore, when transcribing or phonetic analysis words, you must pay attention to these letters and their location in order to correctly determine their role, the sounds they represent, and the total number of letters and sounds in the word. For example: fair [th "armarka] - 7 letters, but 8 sounds; feather [p" oryshka] - 7 letters, 7 sounds; family [s"im"y"a] - 5 letters, 5 sounds.

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