Jack London story in English. Jack London Biography Jack London Biography. Jack London biography in English

Jack London (01/12/1876 - 11/22/1916) - American writer.

John Griffith "Jack" London was born on January 12, 1876 in San Francisco. His mother, Flora Wellman, lived in Ohio but then moved to San Francisco where she worked as a music teacher. It also known that she was interested in spiritualism. Some biographers suppose that Jack London’s father was William Chaney who lived with Flora Wellman in San Francisco. It is not known if Flora and William were legally married. The house where Jack London spent his childhood was destroyed after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

In 1885 London read Ouida's long Victorian novel Signa. Jack London maintained that this book was the beginning of his literary career. In 1886 he became acquainted with Ina Coolbrith who was a librarian in the Oakland Public Library. She encouraged London’s learning.

In 1889 he started working at Hickmott’s Cannery. His working day lasted 12 to 18 hours. Afterwards Jack London bought the sloop Razzle-Dazzle and became an oyster pirate. After a while he came to Oakland and entered Oakland High School where he started writing articles for the school’s magazine, The Aegis. The first work of London was “Typhoon off the Coast of Japan” in which he described his sailing experiences.

In 1896 Jack London entered the University of California, Berkeley but because of financial difficulties he left the university in a year. Jack London spent a lot of time at Heinold’s saloon where he met Alexander McLean. He was a cruel captain whom the character Wolf Larsen in London’s novel is based on.

At the age of 21 Jack London joined the Klondike Gold Rush. This period of life was a basis for some of his popular stories but his health declined there. As a result London had the scurvy. All the events in the Klondike were an incitement for him to write a short story “To Build a Fire” which is considered one of his best.

From 1898 Jack London started working intentionally to publish his writings. The first published work was “To the Man on Trail”. When London began his literary career the new printing technologies appeared. Consequently popular magazines became available for many people and in 1900 he could earn $2,500. In 1903 The Saturday Evening Post bought London's work The call of the Wild for $750. In addition to that he sold the book rights to Macmillan for $2,000 and as a result London achieved a swift success. When London lived in Oakland he became acquainted with poet George Sterling who became his best friend. Sterling was described in London’s autobiographical novel Martin Eden as Russ Brissenden.

Jack London’s first marriage was in 1900. He married Elizabeth “Bessie” Maddern with whom he had two children: Joan and Bessie (later called Becky). But they divorced and London married Charmian Kittredge in 1905. They didn’t have children because the first child died at birth and the second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage.

Jack London died November 22, 1916. There are a lot of different propositions about London’s death. Some people consider that he could commit a suicide but his death certificate gives the cause as uremia. His ashes were interred in Jack London State Historic Park, in Glen Ellen, California.

The novelist and short-story writer Jack London was, in his lifetime, one of the most popular authors in the world. After World War I his fame was eclipsed in the United States by a new generation of writers, but he remained popular in many other countries, especially in the Soviet Union, for his romantic tales of adventure mixed with elemental struggles for survival.

John Griffith London was born in San Francisco on January 12, 1876. His family was poor, and he was forced to go to work early in life to support himself. At 17 he sailed to Japan and Siberia on a seal-hunting voyage. He was largely self-taught, reading voluminously in libraries and spending a year at the University of California. In the late 1890s he joined the gold rush to the Klondike. This experience gave him material for his first book, "The Son of Wolf", published in 1900, and for "Call of the Wild" (1903), one of his most popular stories.

In his writing career of 17 years, London produced 50 books and many short stories. He wrote mostly for money, to meet ever-increasing expenses. His fame as a writer gave him a ready audience as a speaker for a peculiar and inconsistent blend of socialism and racial superiority.
London"s works, all hastily written, are of uneven quality. The best books are the Klondike tales, which also include "White Fang" (1906) and "Burning Daylight" (1910). His most enduring novel is probably the autobiographical " Martin Eden" (1909), but the exciting "Sea Wolf" (1904) continues to have great appeal for young readers.

In 1910 London settled near Glen Ellen, California, where he intended to build his dream home, "Wolf House." After the house burned down before completion in 1913, he was a broken and sick man. His death on November 22, 1916, from an overdose of drugs, was probably a suicide.

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To begin with I have to admit that i"m fond of reading. I have been doing regular reading since my childhood. I liked to read books about the history of our country, about famous people andadventuresLiterature means much in my life. It helps to form the character and theworld outlook,to better understand life. Books teach us to be honest, modest, and courageous. They help us to feelcompassionfor weak people.

Jack London became my favorite writer from his first books i"d read. It was his novel "Martin Iden". First of all I got interested in Jack London as a personality. His life story struck me not less than his works. What a man! He was strong and talented.hardships.So he knew what he was writing about. In his novel "Martin Iden" he describes his biography. What a hard life he lived!

Jack London was born in San Francisco in 1876. From his childhood he suffered greatly. He changed a lot of jobs: selling out newspapers, working at the factory. He hated that kind of job, whichexhaustedpeople and made themsufferphysically and mentally.

Young Jack had no opportunity to go to school. So he studied privately reading much at night.

When gold was found in Alaska, Jack London joined the gold rush. He returned home without gold but with rich impressions about people with whom he met and made friends. They became the prototypes of his heroes.

That is why it is so interesting to read his novels "The Call of the Wild" and "White Fang". His heroes are bright personalities. They are physically strong andenduringpeople. They try to find a way out from the most difficult situations. They fight andsurvive.

The very first story "The Love of Life" caught my fancy. I was struck by the will of a sick man who found himself alone, side by side with a wolf. Both the man and the wolf were sick and weak. And each of them was waiting for the other to grow still weaker andfaint.The man won. While reading the storyI admiredthe courage and human spirit of the hero.

The story "Brown Wolf" is not less interesting. It's about a dog and hisdevotionto people.

Later I read more novels and stories by Jack London. My fondness of Jack London, the greatest American writer, will stay with me all my life.


adventure [əd"ventʃə] - adventure

world outlook ["autluk] - worldview

compassion - regret, pity, sympathy

hardship ["ha:dʃɪp] - need, poverty, want

to exhaust [ɪg"zɔ:st] - deplete, exhaust; devastate

to suffer ["sʌfə] - to suffer

enduring [ɪn"djuərɪŋ] - hardy

to survive - survive, stay alive, survive

to faint - become weak (from hunger, etc.), lose consciousness, faint

to admire [əd "maɪə] - to admire; to admire

devotion - devotion, fidelity


1. Why are you fond of reading?

2. Why is it necessary to read a lot?

3. What kinds of books do you like to read?

4. What is your favorite book?

5. Who is your favorite writer?

6. Do you know many of his/her books?

7. What do his/her books teach you?

8. Do you know your favorite writer's biography?

9. Why is he/she so famous?

My favorite writer Jack London (1876-1916)

First of all, I have to admit that I really like to read. I have been reading constantly since childhood. I liked reading books about the history of our country, about famous people, and I also likedadventureliterature. Literature means a lot in my life. She shapes my character andworldview,helps you understand life better. Books teach us to be honest, modest and courageous, to expresssympathyto weak people.

Jack London became my favorite writer from the first novel of his that I read. It was the work "Martin Eden". I immediately became interested in Jack London as a person. His life story struck me no less than his works. What a wonderful person! He was strong and talented. His life was full of adventures andsevere tests.So he knew what he was writing about. The novel "Martin Eden" is largely autobiographical. How hard his life was!

Jack London was born in San Francisco in 1876. Since childhood, he experienced many hardships: he changed many jobs to survive, sold newspapers, worked in a factory - and hated the work thatdrainspeople and forces themsufferphysically and mentally.

The boy did not have the opportunity to study at school. Consequently, he studied on his own, reading a lot at night.

When gold was discovered in Alaska, Jack London joined those struck by the gold rush. He returned home without gold, but with rich impressions of the people he had met and befriended. They became the prototypes of his heroes.

That's why it's so interesting to read his novels The Call of the Wild and White Fang. His heroes are bright faces. They are physically strong andhardyPeople. They try to find a way out of the most difficult situations. They fight andsurvive.

The very first story I read was “Lust for Life.” I was amazed by the will of my sick husband, who found himself alone next to the wolf. Both the man and the wolf were sick and weak. And each of them expected the other to become even weaker andwill lose consciousness.The man won. When I read TsS story, Iadmiredcourage and human spirit of the hero.

The story “Brown Wolf” is no less interesting. It's about a dog and himdevotionto people.

Later I read novels and other stories by Jack London. My love for this greatest American writer will remain with me for the rest of my life.

The biography of Jack London in English language is provided in this article.

Jack London biography English

Jack London's full name was John Griffith London, and he was born in San Francisco. After completing grammar school, London worked at various jobs to help support his family. He briefly enrolled in a university and took English classes, for he loved to read and write. However, he was not happy with this formal education and he soon dropped out.

In 1897 and 1898, London, like many other American and Canadian men, went north to Alaska and the Klondike region of Canada to search for gold. This was the Alaska Gold Rush. Although London never found any gold, his experience in the extreme environment of this cold part of the world gave him ideas for the stories he would write when he decided to return to California.

Upon his return to the San Francisco area, he began to write about his experiences. After winning a writing contest, he succeeded in selling some of his stories and in 1900, he published a collection of his short stories, The Son of the Wolf.
Like Stephen Crane, London wrote in a Naturalistic style, in which a story’s actions and events are caused mainly by man’s internal biological needs, or by the external forces of nature and the environment. Many of his stories, including his masterpiece The Call of the Wild (1903), deal with civilized man getting back in touch with his deep, animal instincts.

Jack London Essay, Research Paper

Jack London fought his way up out of the factories and waterfront dives of West Oakland to become the highest paid, most popular novelist and short story writer of his day. He wrote passionately and prolifically about the great questions of life and death, the struggle to survive with dignity and integrity, and he wove these elemental ideas into stories of high adventure based on his own firsthand experiences at sea, or in Alaska, or in the fields and factories of California. As a result, his writing appealed not to the few, but to millions of people all around the world.

Along with his books and stories, however, Jack London was widely known for his personal exploits. He was a celebrity, a colorful and controversial personality who was often in the news. Generally fun-loving and playful, he could also be combative, and was quick to side with the underdog against injustice or oppression of any kind. He was a fiery and eloquent public speaker, and much sought after as a lecturer on socialism and other economic and political topics. Despite his avowed socialism, most people considered him a living symbol of rugged individualism, a man whose fabulous success was due not to special favor of any kind, but to a combination of unusual mental ability and immense vitality.

Strikingly handsome, full of laughter, restless and courageous to a fault, always eager for adventure on land or sea, he was one of the most attractive and romantic figures of his time.

Jack London described his literary success largely to hard work – to “dig,” as he put it. He tried never to miss his early morning 1,000-word writing stint, and between 1900 and 1916 he completed over fifty books, including both fiction and non-fiction, hundreds of short stories, and numerous articles on a wide range of topics. Several of the books and many of the short stories are classics of their kind, well thought of in critical terms and still popular around the world. Today, almost countless editions of London’s writings are available and some of them have been translated into as many as seventy different languages.

In addition to his daily writing stint and his commitments as a lecturer, London also carried on voluminous correspondence (he received some 10,000 letters per year), read proofs of his work as it went to press, negotiated with his various agents and publishers, and conducted other business such as overseeing construction of his custom-built sailing ship, the Snark (1906 – 1907), construction of Wolf House (1910 – 1913), and the operation of his beloved Beauty Ranch, which became a primary preoccupation after about 1911 Along with all this, he had to continually generate new ideas for books and stories and do the research so necessary to his writing.

Somehow, he managed to do all these things and still find time to go swimming, horseback riding, or sailing on San Francisco Bay. He also spent 27 months cruising the South Pacific in the Snark, put in two tours of duty as an overseas war correspondent, traveled widely for pleasure, entertained a continual stream of guests whenever he was at home in Glen Ellen, and did his fair share of barroom socializing and debating. In order to fit all this living into the narrow confines of one lifetime, he often tried to make do with no more than four or five hours of sleep at night.

London was first attracted to the Sonoma Valley by its magnificent natural landscape, a unique combination of high hills, fields and streams, and a beautiful mixed forest of oaks, madrones, California buckeyes, Douglas Fir, and redwood trees. “When I first came here, tired of cities and people, I settled down on a little farm... 130 acres of the most beautiful, primitive land to be found in California.” He didn’t care that the farm was badly run-down. Instead, he reveled in its deep canyons and forests, its year-round springs and streams. “All I wanted,” he said later, “was a quiet place in the country to write and loaf in and get out of Nature that something which we all need, only the most of us don’t know it.” Soon, however, he was busy buying farm equipment and livestock for his “mountain ranch.” He also began work on a new barn and started planning a fine new house. “This is to be no summer-residence proposition,” he wrote to his publisher in June 1905, “but a home all the year round. I am anchoring good and solid, and anchoring for keeps…”

Born January 12, 1876, he was only 29, but he was already internationally famous for Call of the Wild (1903), The Sea Wolf (1904), and other literary and journalistic accomplishments. He was divorced from Bessie (Maddern), his first wife and the mother of his two daughters, Joan and Little Bess, and he had married Charmian (Kittredge).

Living and owning land near Glen Ellen was a way of escaping from Oakland – from the city way of life he called the “man-trap.” But excited as he was about his plans for the ranch, London was still too restless, too eager for foreign travel and adventure, to settle down and spend all his time there. While his barn and other ranch improvements were still under construction he decided to build a ship and go sailing around the world – exploring, writing, adventuring – enjoying the “big moments of living” that he craved and that would give him still more material to write about.

The great voyage was to the last seven years and took Jack and Charmian around the world. In fact it lasted 27 months and took them “only” as far as the South Pacific and Australia. Discouraged by a variety of health problems, and heartbroken about having to abandon the trip and sell the Snark, London returned to Glen Ellen and to his plans for the ranch.

In 1909, '10 and '11 he bought more land, and in 1911 moved from Glen Ellen to a small ranch house in the middle of his holdings. He rode horseback throughout the countryside, exploring every canyon, glen and hill top. And he threw himself into farming – scientific agriculture – as one of the few justifiable, basic, and idealistic ways of making a living. A significant portion of his later writing – Burning Daylight (1910), Valley of the Moon (1913), Little Lady of the Big House (1916) – had to do with the simple pleasures of country life, the satisfaction of making a living directly and honestly from the land and thereby remaining close to the realities of the natural world.

Jack and Charmian London’s dream house began to take a definite shape early in 1911 as Albert Farr, a well-known San Francisco architect, put their ideas on paper in the form of drawings and sketches, and then supervised the early stages of construction. It was to be a grand house – one that would remain standing for a thousand years. By August 1913, London had spent approximately $80,000 (in pre-World War I dollars), and the project was nearly complete. On August 22 final cleanup got underway and plans were laid for moving the Londons’ specially designed, custom-built furniture and other personal belongings into the mansion. That night – at 2 a. m. – word came that the house was burning. By the time the Londons arrived on the scene the house was ablaze in every corner, the roof had collapsed, and even a stack of lumber some distance away was burning. Nothing could be done.

London looked on philosophically, but inside he was seriously wounded, for the loss was a crushing financial blow and the wreck of a long-cherished dream. Worse yet, he also had to face the probability that the fire had been deliberately set – perhaps by someone close to him. To this day, the mystery remains unsolved, but there are strong indications that the fire started by spontaneous combustion of oily rags which had been left in the building on that hot August night. London planned to rebuild Wolf House eventually, but at the time of his death in 1916 the house remained as it stands today, the stark but eloquent vestige of a unique and fascinating but shattered dream.

The destruction of the Wolf House left London was terribly depressed, but after a few days he forced himself to go back to work. Using a $2,000 advance from Cosmopolitan Magazine, he added a new study to the little wood-frame ranch house in which he had been living since 1911. Here, in the middle of his beloved ranch, he continued to turn out the articles, short stories , and novels for which there was an ever-growing international market.

From the time he went east to meet with his publishers in New York, or to San Francisco or Los Angeles on other business. He also spent a significant amount of time living and working aboard his 30-foot yawl, the Roamer, which he loved to sail around San Francisco Bay and throughout the nearby Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. In 1914 he went to Mexico as a war corresponding covering the role of U.S. troops and Navy in ships the Villa-Carranza revolt.

In 1915 and again in 1916 Charmian persuaded him to spend several months in Hawaii, where he seemed better able to relax and more willing to take care of himself. His greatest satisfaction, however, came from his ranch activities and from his ever more ambitious plans for expanding the ranch and increasing its productivity. These plans kept him perpetually in debt and under intense pressure to keep on writing as fast as he could, even though it might mean sacrificing quality in favor of quantity.

His doctors encouraged him to ease up, to change his work habits and his diet, to stop all use of alcohol, and to get more exercise. But he refused to change his way of life, and plunged on with his writing and his ranch, generously supporting friends and relations through it all. If anything, the press of his financial commitments and his increasingly severe health problems only made him expand his ambitions, dream even larger dreams, and work still harder and faster.

On November 22, 1916, Jack London died of gastrointestinal uremic poisoning. He was 40 years of age and had been suffering from a variety of ailments, including a kidney condition that was extraordinarily painful at times. Nevertheless, right up to the last day of his life he was full of bold plans and boundless enthusiasm for the future.

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