E Fattakhov about the Russian language. In Tatarstan, Putin’s statement about languages ​​was “turned into a fool. Learning foreign languages

About those days Engel Fattakhov the position of Minister of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan is numbered, they began to talk in November. The reason for the rumors was about the study Tatar language, which reached the Russian government. Fortunately, this issue has been put to rest. Probably, for many, Engel Fattakhov will be remembered as the person under whom the “language conflict” broke out, but under him a number of important innovations were made.

The fight against extortions

In 2012, Engel Fattakhov replaced Albert Gilmutdinov as Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan. According to human rights activists, one of the reasons was numerous cases of school exactions. Having sat in the chair of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, Engel Fattakhov announced his desire to fight extortion. So, in 2014, he prohibited collecting money from parents for any needs: renovation of classrooms and schools, purchase of workbooks, etc. However, parents of schoolchildren continue to complain about extortion. As it turned out, some educational institutions have come up with the idea of ​​collecting funds from both parents and teachers.

Learning foreign languages

Engel Fattakhov paid special attention to foreign languages. According to him, testing in different classes showed that the students do not know English well. In September 2014, Engel Fattakhov made a foreign language a compulsory subject for all first-graders. In addition, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan has developed a map for improving training. So, in all 10th grades in 2018 year will pass English testing with a speaking section. Thus, according to him, the republic is preparing to introduce mandatory Unified State Exam in foreign language.

Before we start academic year in 2015, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan said that in September six schools in the republic will begin Chinese. The experiment involves a lyceum in the Bugulminsky district, a school in Sabinsky, Tatar gymnasium No. 1, gymnasium No. 6, schools No. 18, 35 of Kazan.

Testing in 4th grade

A regional program for assessing the quality of education has been developed in Tatarstan. In addition to the Unified State Exam for 11th grade graduates and the Unified State Exam for 9th grade students, testing for children completing 4th grade began in Tatarstan in 2015. As Engel Fattakhov noted, it was introduced in order to regularly test students’ knowledge and avoid the perception of the Unified State Exam as a psychological barrier.

Reduction of 10th and 11th grades

In 2015, Engel Fattakhov said that in order to improve USE scores, strong children with good academic performance should be admitted into the 10th grade, and C and D students should be sent to colleges and technical schools.

This is what the schools did, but parents were unhappy new technique. Therefore, after inspections by the prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Tatarstan, a number of educational institutions either opened 10th grades or provided places for students in existing ones.

Let us note that the problem of senior classes remains. In 2017, parents of schoolchildren again contacted the supervisory agency with a request to help transfer their children to 10th grade.

Astronomy lessons

Since September 2017, astronomy has been taught in Kazan schools. The subject is studied by students in the 10th and 11th grades. Schools were provided with appropriate textbooks, and teachers were retrained. It should be noted that the return of astronomy to schools is a nationwide trend.

Introduction of professional standards for teachers

In 2016, Engel Fattakhov said that the republic places special emphasis on ensuring quality education all schoolchildren of the Republic of Tatarstan, regardless of their place of residence: city center, remote microdistrict, village. In this regard, he conducted two Unified State Examinations for teachers, with which the teachers were extremely dissatisfied.

In addition, he will distribute 10 thousand laptops to teachers, update working equipment and financially motivate teachers.

Radio Azatlyk asked representatives of Russia's national republics to comment on President Putin's words about how Russian and native languages ​​should be taught in the country's schools. "Idel.Realities" offer short translation material published in the Tatar language.

Minister of Education and Science of Tatarstan Engel Fattakhov: “In Tatarstan, the Tatar language is the state language for everyone. This is written in black and white in our Constitution. We act within the law. Consensus reached. Educational programs comply with federal standards. There are no complaints from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.”

Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan Rafael Khakimov: “Tatarstan has its own Constitution and law on state languages. Based on these laws, both state languages ​​are taught to the same extent. The Supreme Court of Russia made its decision on this matter and recognized that it is absolutely legal. In order to exclude the teaching of the Tatar language, it will be necessary to change the Constitution. We hope it doesn’t come to that.”

Professor of the Faculty of History of Bashkir state university Marat Kulsharipov: “These words of Putin are the next step in the creation of the Russian nation. The saddest thing is that high-level officials succumb to this. Now in Bashkortostan the Bashkir language is not taught as a state language. Even prosecutorial checks were carried out - allegedly teaching the Bashkir language as the state language is contrary to the law. All this comes down from above! They came up with the thesis about a single Russian nation and are bringing it to life.

Russia is on its way former Yugoslavia. There is a policy against preserving the language, history, and traditions of non-Russian peoples. This is done on the sly.”

Member of Parliament (Il Tumen) of Yakutia, Chairman of the Sakha Public Center Ivan Shamaev: “These words of Putin apply primarily to Tatarstan. It seems that only in this republic teaching of the national language remains. If Tatarstan can adequately respond to this pressure, we will give a standing ovation. It would seem that in national republics state languages ​​should be taught compulsorily, but de facto this has not been the case for a long time in almost all republics.

I think Putin’s words that national languages ​​should be taught on a voluntary basis is what he really wants. National republics are forced to bear the burden of preserving their languages ​​themselves.

In Komi, the Komi language is not taught, in Buryatia the same - these languages ​​are in danger of extinction. But in Tatarstan the situation is different. He set an example for many. I hope the republic will defend its national rights.”

Let us recall that on July 20, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about teaching Russian and national languages in the country.

Forcing a person to learn a language that is not his native language is just as unacceptable as reducing the level and time of teaching Russian in schools in the national republics of the Russian Federation. I draw special attention to this from the heads of the subjects Russian Federation, - Putin said at a meeting of the Council on interethnic relations, which took place in Yoshkar-Ola.

Studying these languages ​​is a right guaranteed by the Constitution, a voluntary right,” he noted.

80 responses to “ Are Putin's words a black mark for national languages?

Speech by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the Council on Interethnic Relations on July 20 in Yoshkar-Ola, at which he announced the inadmissibility of forced teaching of a non-native language in national republics and the reduction of hours in the Russian language, in Tatarstan they are trying in every possible way to disavow. This is done in two ways: they pretend that Putin’s words do not concern Tatarstan at all, but he is allegedly talking about some other region, or they simply deny the statement of the head of state.

The Minister of Education and Science of Tatarstan behaved most demonstrably in this regard. Engel Fattakhov, who combined both positions in his commentary: firstly, Putin’s words are not about Tatarstan, and secondly, here in Tatarstan everything is according to the law (to clarify, according to local laws).

“In common people this is called “turning on the fool,” - this is how the chairman of the Society of Russian Culture of Tatarstan reacted to Fattakhov’s words Mikhail Shcheglov. According to him, “the reaction of Russian-speaking residents of Tatarstan to the words of the Russian President was one - inspiration. However, says the leader of ORKT, if “A” was said, then “B” should follow, meaning that the words of the President of Russia should be followed by instructions and concrete actions to change the situation, since the problem in the language educational policy of Tatarstan is recognized as relevant . At the same time, Mikhail Shcheglov repeats: “The Tatar language should be developed and preserved, first of all, by its native speakers, and not by Russian-speaking residents of Tatarstan: the experiment of forced teaching of the Tatar language to Russian-speaking people in the republic has failed for a quarter of a century, it’s time to recognize this and accept it as a reality, give it up."

Shcheglov is echoed by the head of the Center for Ethnocultural Education Strategy Federal Institute education development Olga Artemenko, observing the reaction in Tatarstan. In her commentary, she also said that it seems as if “in Tatarstan they turned on the fool at Putin’s statement.” “I read a comment by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, Engel Fattakhov, that the speech of the President of Russia about the inadmissibility of studying a non-native language and reducing the hours in the Russian language in the school schedule does not apply to Tatarstan,” continues Artemenko, “he is wrong when he says that the statement Putin does not concern Tatarstan and Bashkortostan: it is precisely these regions that the words of the Russian President concern in the first place, and Tatarstan even more than Bashkortostan.”

According to the specialist, in Bashkiria the situation is better - in the sense that local legislation does not indicate the obligation to study state language republic (Bashkir), and in Tatarstan learning Tatar is a duty. Therefore, in Ufa it is possible to challenge the practice of forced teaching of the Bashkir language: even the prosecutor’s office of Bashkortostan can issue a warning to the head of the republic about the inadmissibility of violating the law when schoolchildren are required to study the Bashkir language. In Tatarstan, according to local legislation, the study of the state language of the republic (Tatar) is mandatory, so it is impossible for parents to obtain voluntary study through the courts.

Artemenko herself proposes to distinguish between the concepts of “state language of Russia”, “state language of the republic” and “native language”. “Minister Fattakhov, stating that in Tatarstan officials carry out federal standard teaching, is disingenuous, because there is no federal standard for teaching the state language of the republic, there is only a federal standard for teaching the state language of the Russian Federation. “In places where Tatars are densely populated, Tatar should be studied as a native language, in places where Russians are densely populated, Russian should be studied as a native language, and in multi-ethnic regions, like Tatarstan or Bashkortostan, there should be a choice in learning the native language, which, alas, is not the case.” , - states the Moscow specialist. “There will be no conflicts and protests if the state language of the republic is also studied by choice,” Artemenko is convinced, adding that if the Tatarstan authorities agree to this, then no statements will come from Putin pointing to an ethnolinguistic problem in the national republics.

One way or another, Putin’s speech in Yoshkar-Ola for the second time this summer is an unambiguous signal sent to the authorities of Tatarstan ( the first case is the story surrounding the non-renewal of the agreement on the division of powers between Tatarstan and the federal center - approx. EADaily). All this is happening against the backdrop of the demonstrative silence of the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, who prefers not to speak out on this issue. Perhaps Minnikhanov understands that if he speaks out now, he will have to openly take one of the sides in this conflict, and this is fraught with either a loss of support from the Tatar nationalists (quite influential in the establishment of the republic), or, what is much more serious, a conflict with President of the Russian Federation. Perhaps that’s why Minnikhanov chose to go on vacation, leaving in his place the main “Russian” Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin.

Sergey Ignatiev

Tatarstan complies with all norms of federal legislation when drawing up educational programs in schools. The head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, Engel Fattakhov, stated this at a briefing, answering a question from a KazanFirst correspondent whether the republic will change the standards for teaching Russian and Tatar languages.

- We have the Constitution of Tatarstan, there is a law on educational standards, a law on state languages ​​- Russian and Tatar. In this regard, we have no violations. All our actions are coordinated with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. We, the ministry, are only performers. We comply with the law. We have an education program, and we will continue to act within its framework. We are doing a lot in terms of languages, we have adopted the concept of teaching the Tatar language specifically for children who are Russian-speaking, and for Tatar children who do not speak the Tatar language perfectly, - the minister noted.

According to him, the position of the ministry is this: every parent will not mind if his child masters the Russian, Tatar and English languages ​​perfectly.

Earlier, the minister stated that the words of the Russian President, spoken at the Council on Interethnic Relations on July 20 in Yoshkar-Ola and dedicated to the priority of studying the Russian language in schools, do not apply to language policy in Tatarstan.

In his speech in the capital Mari El, Putin ordered all regional heads to closely monitor that no one was forced to study non-native languages.

- I would like to remind you, dear friends, that the Russian language for us is the state language, the language of interethnic communication, and nothing can replace it. He is the natural spiritual framework of our entire multinational country. Everyone should know it... The languages ​​of the peoples of Russia are also an integral part of the original culture of the peoples of Russia. Learning these languages ​​is a constitutionally guaranteed right, a voluntary right. Forcing a person to learn a language that is not his native language is just as unacceptable as reducing the level of teaching Russian. I draw special attention to this from the heads of regions of the Russian Federation- said Vladimir Putin.

The promised week, during which Olga Vasilyeva must concede to Tatarstan, is expiring, the Minister of Education is waiting, and the department itself is switching attention to other issues

Today in Kazan a council under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on issues of education and science was held. It was dedicated, oddly enough, not to the problem of studying the Tatar language, but to the reform of the Academy of Sciences. Seven Kazan research institutes were merged into one organization - the Federal Research Center, based on the Kazan scientific center RAS. The leadership of FANO admonished: “there will be funds if there is a result.” The meeting still attracted the attention of journalists from all media: both local and federal. They were interested, of course, not in the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, but in the fate of the Tatar language. We received an answer, but not quite the one we expected. Details are in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Engel Fattakhov did not comment on the issue of the Tatar language

The Council under the President of Tatarstan on Education and Science has never attracted the attention of so many journalists. And the Kazan Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where the event took place, clearly did not count on large number press. There weren’t enough chairs for everyone; the correspondents were forced to stand for an hour and a half.

The attention of the media, including federal ones, flattered the scientists, but the journalists did not gather for the sake of science. Everyone expected to hear news about the fate of the Tatar language from top officials - Rustam Minnikhanov and Engel Fattakhov. But, despite the relevance of the topic, not a word was said about it at the meeting.

At the end of the event, journalists tried to literally encircle Engel Fattakhov. Whether the Minister of Education hesitated and did not have time to leave the hall with the mass of officials, or whether he stayed on purpose is unclear. He did not give a specific answer to reporters.

“Please comment on the information disseminated today that the federal center will not change its position regarding the voluntary nature of learning the Tatar language,” asked the Realnoe Vremya correspondent.

No, not yet. We’re waiting for now,” answered Engel Fattakhov.

Until what date are you waiting? - the Realnoe Vremya correspondent clarified.

“I don’t know,” the minister answered and walked towards the exit from the hall.

Will there be an answer this week? - the Realnoe Vremya journalist asked again.

I don't know yet. We are waiting.

Literally one question, Engel Navapovich... - the journalists did not let up.

We are waiting. We are waiting, waiting for an answer from Moscow,” Fattakhov repeated, quickly walking away from the journalists who were pursuing him until he disappeared into his office.

The answer should have been sent by Olga Vasilyeva. Photo by Alexander Korolkov (rg.ru)

Letter from Olga Vasilyeva to Engel Fattakhov: two days left

The answer, let us remind you, should have been sent by Olga Vasilyeva. At a meeting of the State Council of Tatarstan on November 8, Engel Fattakhov reported in a report to parliamentarians that at a meeting with the Moscow boss, he offered her some kind of compromise option, and stated that preliminary consent had been received and “next week we are expecting a corresponding letter from the ministry.” It was about a special curriculum for Tatarstan, which would provide for two hours a week of studying Tatar by everyone as the state language, and 2-3 hours within the subject " Native language"for those who choose it as their native one.

A week after the loud statements, the Tatar language in schools continues to be studied voluntarily as part of the “Native Language” subject. As Fattakhov stated at the time, about 70% of parents chose Tatar as their “native language”.

The silence of the Tatarstan authorities, who never made public Vasilyeva’s response, gave rise to the assumption that there will be no answer after all - the Russian Ministry of Education does not intend to give in to Tatarstan and change the Federal State Educational Standards. As RBC reported today, citing a federal official, the Kremlin will not change its position on the study of the Tatar language in schools - it should be studied on a voluntary basis.

Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin did not provide any clarity today. According to him, Putin’s order is now being carried out, and native languages ​​are being studied on a voluntary basis. “This is the rule for all national republics, there will be no exceptions for anyone. Representatives of all nations living in our republic voluntarily study their native languages ​​of their choice - 2-3 hours a week. This applies to Russians, Tatars, Chuvash, Mari, etc. And the statement of Dmitry Peskov, who confirmed this: “Yes, indeed,” is quite logical and does not contain any sensation.”

The topic of the council concerned the reorganization of the Russian Academy of Sciences: seven Kazan research institutes were merged into one organization called the Federal Research Center

They asked for a billion, but they will receive 100 million: Kazan research institutes reported on the merger

The topic of the council, which today faded against the background of the language problem, concerned the reorganization of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Seven Kazan research institutes merged into one organization called the Federal Research Center - this is the Institute of Organic and physical chemistry named after Arbuzov, Kazansky Institute of Physics and Technology named after Zavoisky, Kazan Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Institute of Mechanics and Engineering and Research Center for Energy Problems. The Tatar Research Institute will be added to them agriculture and Tatar Research Institute of Agrochemistry and Soil Science. Plus, the clinic of the KSC RAS ​​became part of the Federal Research Center. They promised to allocate more than 100 million rubles for the development of the new scientific center.

The calculation is made per researcher, for this center it is more than 100 million in the first year for development, and we will look further,” commented Irina Chugueva, head of the department for coordinating the activities of scientific centers of the Directorate for Coordination and Support of the Activities of Organizations in the Field of Science of the FANO of Russia.

The Kazan Federal Research Center was headed by Oleg Sinyashin, Chairman of the KSC RAS, Director of the Arbuzov Institute of Physical Chemistry. Rustam Minnikhanov was offered to head the board of trustees.

The center has serious potential, unique support from the regional leadership, and we are ready to look for funds, but it will be ineffective if there is no development. There will be no penetration into education if there is no interest in these ideas from production, and this is our big task. I have no doubt that the indicators can be improved in the very near future, and we will be able to compare the Kazan scientific center not only with republican institutions, but also with the best centers in Russia and the world,” Mikhail Kotyukov, head of FANO, set the task.

The Kazan Federal Research Center was headed by Oleg Sinyashin. Photo kpfu.ru

Let us remind you that earlier Realnoe Vremya published detailed material about the creation of the Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Arbuzov Institute of Physical Chemistry expected to receive about 1 billion rubles from the merger for several years for the re-equipment of instruments. Representatives of other institutes were more restrained in their wishes, having talked with colleagues from other regions who experienced a merger, they came to the conclusion that funding could be significantly less: “Well, not zero, probably, but it could be very small,” he commented Acting Zavoisky Institute Alexey Kalachev.

Daria Turtseva

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