Physics presentation on the use of solar energy on earth. Presentation on the topic "Using solar energy". Solar collectors and heat accumulators

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The sun is the source of life for everything on earth. The sun is the main source of energy on earth and the root cause that created most of the other energy resources of our planet, such as reserves of coal, oil, gas, wind energy and falling water, electrical energy etc. The energy of the Sun, which is mainly released in the form of radiant energy, is so great that it is difficult to even imagine.

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In New York, even garbage collectors use solar energy. Here, in two districts, smart solar waste containers - BigBelly - have been operating for a year and a half. Using light energy converted into electricity by silicon photocells, they compact the contents.

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There are many sources of energy on Earth, but judging by how rapidly energy prices are rising, there are still not enough of them. Many experts believe that by 2020, fuel will be required three and a half times more than today. Where to get energy?

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Latest technology Deposition of a metal oxide film onto a glass substrate allows the creation of large thin-film solar modules. In America, $100 million has been allocated for just one project - the construction of a solar power plant in the Negev Desert (Israel).

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An experimental area called “City of the Sun” has been created near the Dutch town of Herhugowaard. The roofs of the houses here are covered with solar panels. The house in the picture produces up to 25 kW. The total capacity of the “City of the Sun” is planned to be increased to 5 MW. Such houses become autonomous from the system.

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The sun can also be used as a source of energy for vehicles. In Australia, for 19 years, annual solar electric car races have been held on the track between the cities of Darwin and Adelaide (3000 km). In 1990, Sanyo built a solar-powered aircraft.

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Under the solar roof of the WORLD (power plants and “solar houses”), a focused microwave beam can transmit energy collected by solar panels to the Earth, and can supply it spaceships. Unlike sunlight This microwave beam will lose no more than 2% of its energy when it “breaks down” the atmosphere. The idea was recently resurrected by David Criswell.

The Sun is the source of life for everything on earth. The Sun is the main source of energy on earth and the root cause that created most of the other energy resources of our planet, such as reserves of coal, oil, gas, wind energy and falling water, electrical energy, etc. . The energy of the Sun, which is mainly released in the form of radiant energy, is so great that it is difficult to even imagine.

In New York, even garbage collectors use solar energy. Here, in two districts, smart solar waste containers - BigBelly - have been operating for a year and a half. Using light energy converted into electricity by silicon photocells, they compact the contents.

There are many sources of energy on Earth, but judging by how rapidly energy prices are rising, there are still not enough of them. Many experts believe that by 2020, fuel will be required three and a half times more than today. Where to get energy?

The latest technology for depositing a metal oxide film on a glass substrate makes it possible to create large thin-film solar modules. In America, $100 million has been allocated for just one project - the construction of a solar power plant in the Negev Desert (Israel).

An experimental area called “City of the Sun” has been created near the Dutch town of Herhugowaard. The roofs of the houses here are covered with solar panels. The house in the picture produces up to 25 kW. The total capacity of the “City of the Sun” is planned to be increased to 5 MW. Such houses become autonomous from the system.

The sun can also be used as a source of energy for vehicles. In Australia, for 19 years, annual solar electric car races have been held on the track between the cities of Darwin and Adelaide (3000 km). In 1990, Sanyo built a solar-powered airplane.

Under the solar roof of the WORLD (power stations and “solar houses”), a focused microwave beam can transmit the energy collected by solar panels to the Earth, and can supply spaceships with it. Unlike sunlight, this microwave beam will lose no more than 2% of its energy when it “breaks down” the atmosphere. The idea was recently resurrected by David Criswell.

Under the solar roof of the WORLD (power plants and “solar houses”) American solar installation NSTTF for thermal tests and experiments in the field of energy. One of the old ways of collecting solar energy is a solar power plant, invented by Bernard Dubos. He proposed building vast glass canopies with a high chimney in deserts.

Under the solar roof of the WORLD (Power Plants and Solar Homes), the TransOption Association, a coalition of public and private transportation companies in New Jersey, annually organizes solar-powered model car races among school teams.

Physics lesson in 8th grade on the topic “Using
solar energy on Earth"
Physics teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4 named after. N.A. Nekrasova
With in-depth study English language Yaroslavl
Kuznetsova Olga Vladimirovna
REFERENCES USED: 1. Peryshkin A.V. Physics 8
2. Levitan E. P. Astronomy
EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: To introduce students to species
radiation coming from the Sun and its application.
working with additional sources, working with the Internet.

Solar Energy

Energy use
Suns on Earth

The sun is just one of billions of stars,
but it is a source of energy for
all living things on Earth.
Fossil fuels are consumed by such
at a rate that its reserves will be depleted somewhere
by the second half of the next century.
power plants,
once upon a time
considered a good alternative,
turned out to be dangerous (accident in Chernobyl
in 1986)
From all alternative sources
solar energy is the cleanest and

day receives from
Suns in a thousand
energy than her
is being produced
power plants

Solar energy - use
solar radiation to produce energy in
in any form.

A little history

First attempts to use solar
energy on on a commercial basis include
by the 80s of our century.
Put into operation in December 1989
solar-gas station with a capacity of 80
In California, another 480 were introduced in 1994
MW of electrical power, and
the cost of 1 kW/h of energy is 7...8 cents.

Solar Tower, California.

represented by stripes A, B and C. In the territory, on
which stream B accounts for will be warmer than there,
where flows A and B arrive.

The amount of energy per unit area determines
possibilities solar energy.

Methods for generating electricity and heat
from solar radiation
Generating electricity using photocells.

For solar energy from scientists
exists special concept -
solar energy (from the Greek Helios -
Sun). What we're all used to
called solar panels is
transform solar radiation V
are called
consist of semiconductor elements.

Solar panels on the roof of the Academy of Sciences building

Solar thermal energy - surface heating,
absorbing sunlight and subsequent distribution
and use of heat (focusing solar radiation
on a vessel with water for later use when heated
water in heating or in steam electric generators).

heat supply
has been developed in many
foreign countries. US only
are exploited
collectors with an area of ​​10 million m
sq., which provides annual
fuel savings up to 1.5 million tons. V
our country has a similar area
does not exceed 100 thousand square meters.

Thermal air
power plants
(conversion of solar energy into
sent to the turbogenerator).
power plants (water generation
steam inside the balloon due to
selective absorbent coating).

Disadvantages of solar energy

Requires the use of large
land area for power plants
Flow of solar energy to
Earth's surface is highly dependent on
latitude and climate. In different places
average number of sunny days in
year can vary greatly.

Solar power plant does not work at night
and does not work effectively in
morning and evening twilight. At the same time, the peak
electricity consumption falls precisely on
evening hours.
The high cost of solar photocells.
The surface of photo panels must be cleaned of
dust and other contaminants. With their area in
several square kilometers it can
cause difficulties.
After 30 years of operation efficiency
photovoltaic cells starts
decline. Today, almost every
personal plot can be
meet only the simplest
"solar installation" -
blackened barrel for heating
water for shower.

Sunny kitchen
Solar collectors can be used for cooking
food. The temperature at the collector focus reaches 150 °C.

Solar transport
be installed on various vehicles
electric vehicles
airships, etc.
Photovoltaic cells produce
electricity that is used for
on-board catering vehicle, or
electric motor

Helios unmanned aircraft with photocells on the wings

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Matveev Yuri, 9 "A" class

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The sun is the source of life for everything on earth

The sun is the main source of energy on earth and the root cause that created most of the other energy resources of our planet, such as coal reserves, oil, gas, wind and falling water energy, electrical energy, etc. The energy of the Sun, which is mainly released in the form of radiant energy, is so great that it is difficult to even imagine.

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In New York, even garbage collectors use solar energy. Here, in two districts, smart solar waste containers - BigBelly - have been operating for a year and a half. Using light energy converted into electricity by silicon photocells, they compact the contents.

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There are many sources of energy on Earth, but judging by how rapidly energy prices are rising, there are still not enough of them. Many experts believe that by 2020, fuel will be required three and a half times more than today. Where to get energy?

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The latest technology for depositing a metal oxide film on a glass substrate makes it possible to create large thin-film solar modules. In America, $100 million has been allocated for just one project - the construction of a solar power plant in the Negev Desert (Israel).

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An experimental area called “City of the Sun” has been created near the Dutch town of Herhugowaard. The roofs of the houses here are covered with solar panels. The house in the picture produces up to 25 kW. The total capacity of the “City of the Sun” is planned to be increased to 5 MW. Such houses become autonomous from the system.

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The sun can also be used as a source of energy for vehicles.

In Australia, for 19 years, annual solar electric car races have been held on the track between the cities of Darwin and Adelaide (3000 km). In 1990, Sanyo built a solar-powered airplane.

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Under the solar roof of the WORLD (energy plants and “solar houses”)

A focused microwave beam can transmit energy collected by solar panels to Earth, and can supply spacecraft with it. Unlike sunlight, this microwave beam will lose no more than 2% of its energy when it “breaks down” the atmosphere. The idea was recently resurrected by David Criswell.

Matveev Yuri, 9 "A" class

The sun is the main source of energy on earth and the root cause that created most of the other energy resources of our planet, such as coal reserves, oil, gas, wind and falling water energy, electrical energy, etc. The energy of the Sun, which is mainly released in the form of radiant energy, is so great that it is difficult to even imagine.

An experimental area called “City of the Sun” has been created near the Dutch town of Herhugowaard. The roofs of the houses here are covered with solar panels. The house in the picture produces up to 25 kW. The total capacity of the “City of the Sun” is planned to be increased to 5 MW. Such houses become autonomous from the system.

In Australia, for 19 years, annual solar electric car races have been held on the track between the cities of Darwin and Adelaide (3000 km). In 1990, Sanyo built a solar-powered airplane.

Under the solar roof of the WORLD (energy plants and “solar houses”)

A focused microwave beam can transmit energy collected by solar panels to Earth, and can supply spacecraft with it. Unlike sunlight, this microwave beam will lose no more than 2% of its energy when it “breaks down” the atmosphere. The idea was recently resurrected by David Criswell.

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