Forms of internship at the university. Portal of federal state educational standards of higher education. Goals and objectives of mastering the academic discipline

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science presents a draft document REGULATIONS on the practice of students mastering basic professional educational programs higher education



by order of the Ministry of Education

And science Russian Federation

From ______________ No. _______


on the practice of students mastering basic professional educational programs of higher education

1. The Regulations on the practice of students mastering the main professional educational programs of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determine the procedure for organizing and conducting the practice of students (students (cadets), graduate students, adjuncts, residents, assistant trainees) mastering the main professional educational programs of higher education education (hereinafter referred to as OPEP HE), forms and methods of its implementation, as well as types of practice for students.

This Regulation applies to educational organizations that carry out educational activities according to the OPOP HE (hereinafter referred to as the educational organization) in accordance with the federal state educational standards of higher education, and (or) the federal state educational standards of higher education vocational education, and (or) state educational standards of higher professional education (hereinafter together - standards).

2. Practice programs are developed and approved educational organization, implementing the OBOR VO, are independently integral part OBOP VO, ensuring the implementation of standards.

3. The educational organization provides practice and establishes in the OPOP HE:

volume of practice (in credit units);

requirements for the content and results of mastering practice;

features of practice when students master educational program using e-learning and distance educational technologies.

4. Practice for persons with disabilities health and disabled people is carried out taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status.

5. The types of practice for students mastering OPOP HE are: educational practice and production practice (including pre-graduation practice) (hereinafter collectively referred to as internships).

6. If the standard provides for the protection of final qualifying work, then in the composition industrial practice Pre-graduation practice is required.

7. The main types of educational practice are:

For bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs - practice in obtaining primary professional skills, including primary skills and skills in research activities; clinical practice; performing practice; creative practice; technological practice.

The main types of industrial practice are:

For bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs - practice to gain professional skills and experience professional activities; technological practice; teaching practice; creative practice; performing practice; design practice; research work;

For training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies) - practice in obtaining professional skills and professional experience; teaching practice;

For residency programs - clinical practice; research work;

For assistantship-internship programs - performing practice, creative practice; teaching practice; research work.

An educational organization has the right to provide for other types of practices in the OPEP HE in addition to those established by the standard.

8. Methods of conducting practice:



Stationary practice is carried out in an educational organization in which students master the OPOP HE, or in other organizations located in the territory settlement, in which the educational organization is located.

On-site practice is carried out if the place where it is held is located outside the locality in which the educational organization is located. Field practice can be carried out in the field if it is necessary to create special conditions for its implementation.

Specific methods of conducting practices are established by the educational organization independently, taking into account the requirements of the standard.

9. Practice is carried out:

a) continuously - by highlighting in the calendar educational graphics a continuous period of study time for carrying out all types of practices provided for by the OPOP HE;

B) discretely:

by type of practice - by allocating in the academic calendar a continuous period of study time for each type (set of types) of practice;

by periods of practice - by alternating in the academic calendar periods of study time for conducting practice with periods of study time for conducting theoretical classes.

It is possible to combine discrete practices according to their types and periods of implementation.

10. The organization of practice provided for by OPOP HE is carried out by educational organizations on the basis of agreements with organizations operating educational programs of the relevant profile (hereinafter referred to as the organization), the content of which corresponds to the professional competencies mastered within the framework of OPOP HE.

11. To manage the practice carried out in educational organizations, a practice manager (leaders) from the educational organization is appointed from among the persons belonging to the teaching staff of this educational organization.

To manage the practice conducted in the organization, a practice leader (leaders) from among the teaching staff of the educational organization organizing the practice (hereinafter referred to as the practice manager from the educational organization) and a practice leader (leaders) from among the organization’s employees are appointed. (hereinafter referred to as the practice manager from the organization).

12. Head of practice from an educational organization:

draws up a work schedule (plan) for the practice (if a practice manager is appointed from the organization, a joint work schedule (plan) for the practice is drawn up);

develops individual assignments for students to be completed during the practice period;

participates in the distribution of students to jobs and types of work in the organization;

exercises control over compliance with the terms of the internship and compliance of its content with the requirements established by the OPOP HE;

provides methodological assistance to students when completing individual assignments, as well as when collecting materials for graduation qualifying work during pre-graduation practice;

evaluates the results of internship by students.

13. Head of practice from the organization:

coordinates individual assignments, content and planned results of practice;

provides jobs for students;

provides safe conditions for students to undergo internships that meet sanitary rules and labor protection requirements;

instructs students to become familiar with labor protection, safety, fire safety requirements, as well as internal labor regulations.

If there is a vacant position in the organization, the work in which meets the requirements for the content of practice, a fixed-term employment contract can be concluded with the student to fill such a position.

14. Referral to internship is formalized by an administrative act of the head of the educational organization or another official authorized by him, indicating the assignment of each student to the educational organization or organization, as well as indicating the type and duration of the internship.

15. Students who combine training with work activity have the right to undergo educational, industrial, including pre-graduation internships, in organizations at their location labor activity in cases where the professional activities carried out by them in these organizations meet the requirements for the content of practice.

16. Students mastering OPOP HE during internship in organizations:

perform individual tasks provided for by practice programs;

comply with the labor regulations in force in organizations;

comply with labor protection and fire safety requirements.

17. When undergoing internships that involve performing work during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, students undergo appropriate medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011. No. 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and at work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 21
2011, registration No. 22111) as amended by orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 296n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 3, 2013, registration No. 28970) and dated December 5, 2014 No. 801n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 3, 2015, registration No. 35848).

18. The form, type and procedure for students reporting on their internship to the educational organization that sent the student to practice are determined by the local regulatory act of the educational organization.

19. The results of each type of internship are determined by conducting intermediate certification with grades “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”.

20. Features of organizing the practice of persons studying in the OPOP HE in the field of medical or pharmaceutical education, in the field of arts and in the field physical culture and sports are determined in accordance with Part 8 of Article 82, Parts 19 and 20 of Article 83 and Part 9 of Article 84 Federal Law
dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation” Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 23, art. 2878; No. 27, art. 3462; No. 30, art. 4036; No. 48, art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, art. 562; Art. 566; No. 19, art. 2289; No. 22, art. 2769; No. 23, art. 2933; No. 26,

Art. 3388; No. 30, art. 4257; Art. 4263; 2015, No. 1, art. 42; Art. 53; Art. 72, No. 14, art. 2008

Educational (introductory) practice is a type of classes directly focused on professional and practical training of 1st year undergraduate students full-time training. This type practice is carried out in two forms:

1) Dispersed.

Dispersed practice is practice included in theoretical training, taking place over the course of a semester and interspersed with other types of training sessions.

Distributed practice alternates days or weeks with theoretical training. It is flexible, takes into account the interests of potential employers, is cumulative in nature and can be combined with temporary employment.

In turn, dispersed practice can be carried out in the following types:

External (according to an individual schedule and combined with employment);

Internal (according to an individual schedule and combined with employment).

2) Concentrated.

Concentrated practice is practice that is not included in theoretical training (periods of switching to other types educational activities are missing).

The future successful professional activity of first-year undergraduate students largely depends on the ability to concentrate efforts on performing their functions. Therefore in modern conditions Students must master new technologies and new professions in a short time.

Concentrated practice allows you to solve these problems and prepare the student for work in conditions of lack of time, eliminate the problem of inconsistency between increasing the volume educational information and the factor of limited training time, to activate the cognitive interests of students. In addition, concentrated practice technology fits well with the traditional teaching system.



1) Distributed educational (introductory) practice

The specificity of dispersed educational (introductory) practice is that it takes place simultaneously with training sessions students and is a source of knowledge for them in parallel with the disciplines of the working curriculum studied in the first semester.

Based on content training courses reflected in the working curriculum in the direction of bachelor's training 071800.62 “Socio-cultural activities” (training profile “Management of socio-cultural activities”) in the first semester of the first year, it logically follows that dispersed practice will help students better assimilate and consolidate knowledge in the disciplines of the curriculum.

There is a logical, content-methodological relationship between dispersed practice and the disciplines included in various cycles and modules of PLO training.

In the first semester, students study the following courses:

The discipline of the basic part of the general cultural and socio-cultural cycle “Fundamentals of information culture and computer science.” Distributed practice allows students to consolidate knowledge in this discipline by collecting information on the assignment of practice, analyzing and systematizing it, as well as checking its reliability for making effective management decisions;

Discipline of the basic part of the professional cycle “Fundamentals of management of socio-cultural activities”. Students will be able to practice construction skills organizational structure management of an institution of the socio-cultural sphere, position it in the market of cultural services, study the principles of corporate culture and personnel management of this institution, get acquainted with the management system of one of its divisions;

Mandatory discipline variable part of the professional cycle “Fundamentals economic activity organizations of the socio-cultural sphere.” A visit to the practice base will allow students to explore various job descriptions, internal regulations and standards of the organization of the socio-cultural sphere, its reporting forms;

Discipline for choosing the variable part of the professional cycle “Development of strategies for organizations in the socio-cultural sphere.” During the internship, students consolidate the acquired skills and methods of strategic management of organizations in the socio-cultural sphere, use situational (SWOT) analysis when choosing strategic management decisions and apply motivational tools for the strategic management of organizations in the socio-cultural sphere.

2) Concentrated educational (introductory) practice

When undergoing concentrated practice for one week at the end of the second semester of the 1st year, students need to have some basic, “input” knowledge that they receive in the first semester when studying disciplines included in the general cultural, socio-cultural, and professional cycle of OOP.

The “input” knowledge is the skills acquired by students in the 1st semester while undergoing dispersed practice.

During the 2nd semester, students master the skills acquired by studying the following training courses and consolidate them during concentrated practice:

The discipline of the basic part of the general cultural and socio-cultural cycle “Fundamentals of information culture and computer science”. Students consolidate the information they have received about the software used to create and work with web documents, as well as the rules and main stages of developing web sites;

Discipline of the basic part of the professional cycle “Fundamentals of management of socio-cultural activities”. During the internship, students can better understand the basic functions and methods of managing the socio-cultural sphere, as well as the requirements for a manager working in an organization in the socio-cultural sphere;

The discipline of the basic part of the professional cycle “Technological foundations of socio-cultural activities.” During concentrated practice, students will be able to take part in the creation of various leisure programs, study technologies for organizing mass recreation for the population, and apply in practice methods of education and upbringing of the population in the context of a developing socio-cultural sphere.

2.1 The organization of all types of internships should be aimed at students acquiring experience in professionally oriented activities in accordance with the requirements for the level of graduate training.

2.2 The main types of internships for students studying at the institute in educational programs of higher education are: educational And production.

2.3 Educational practices can be implemented in the following forms: practice to obtain primary professional skills, research work, performing practice, creative practice and other forms determined by the educational program.

2.3.1 Educational practice may be focused on mastering a working profession, if this is one of the types of professional activity in accordance with the educational standard in the field (specialty). In this case, the student can obtain a qualification in a working profession.

2.3.2 The exact list of names of educational practices of the educational program is indicated in the working curriculum in the area of ​​training (specialty).

2.3.3 Training practice is carried out, as a rule, in educational, training and production workshops, laboratories, educational farms, training and experimental sites, polygons, resource centers, in the field and in other auxiliary facilities of the institute, can also be carried out in specialized third-party organizations on the basis of agreements between the organization and the institute.

2.4 Industrial practice is carried out with the aim of consolidating the knowledge acquired by students in the process of theoretical training, as well as studying the experience of organizations that are bases of practice, mastering production skills and advanced management methods. In the process of practical training, students acquire professional skills and competencies, the ability to adapt to work in a team and experience in organizational activities.

Industrial internships can be implemented in the following forms: practice to gain professional skills and professional experience, research work, teaching practice, technological practice, performing practice, creative practice and other forms determined by the educational program.

2.5 Industrial practice may include the following types of practices:

Practice according to the training profile;

Research practice;

Scientific and pedagogical practice or pedagogical;

Pre-graduation practice and others.

The list and content of specific types of practices are determined by the educational programs of the areas of training (specialties) of the corresponding profile.

2.5.1 Practice in the training profile is aimed at developing relevant competencies in students, acquiring practical experience and is implemented within the modules of the educational program for each type of professional activity. Industrial practice is carried out, as a rule, in organizations on the basis of agreements concluded between the institute and these organizations, as well as in those organizations where graduates are expected to work.

2.5.2 Research practice is carried out in accordance with an individual assignment prepared by the department for students and involves the collection of various scientific materials, as well as work on the scientific topics of the departments.

2.5.3 Scientific and pedagogical practice (pedagogical) is carried out at the institute under the guidance of professors and associate professors, as well as highly qualified practitioners with the aim of developing pedagogical skills among graduates.

2.5.4 Pre-graduation practice - a type of industrial practice that completes vocational training students. Conducted after students have mastered theoretical and practical training and involves collecting, systematizing and summarizing the material necessary to write a final qualifying thesis.

Pre-diploma practice is aimed at deepening students' professional experience, development of general and professional competencies, checking students’ readiness for independent work. The place of pre-graduate practice is an institution, an enterprise, as well as those organizations where graduates are expected to work.

2.6 Depending on the method of organization, practices are divided into visiting And stationary. On-site internships are associated with the need to send students and teachers to practice sites located outside the territory of the locality in which the institute is located. Stationary practices are carried out in structural divisions Institute or at enterprises (institutions, organizations) located on the territory of the locality in which the Institute is located.

Affects all students without exception. It usually falls out of the blue two or three times during the entire training period. And requires a detailed report on the activities performed.

Practice is the application of what the student has received during his studies. theoretical knowledge in practical activities.

Each university has its own practice system, so a universal description cannot be found. But there are a number general principles and rules that can help in understanding what it is and what it is eaten with?

There are several types of practice

  1. Educational (1 course) - generalization of the acquired basic knowledge, most often carried out in the form of research or creative work. In addition, it can be mobile or stationary. The first involves activities outside the university (this could be expeditions, etc.) and the second - passing within the walls educational institution. The received data is recorded in the form of a report.
  2. Industrial (2, 3 or 4 year) - the student is sent to an enterprise or organization, where he receives direct work experience in his specialty - undergoes an internship. It also involves written documentation of acquired practical knowledge.
  3. Pre-diploma (4th or 5th year, depending on what program you are studying in: bachelor's or specialty) - practice that a student undergoes at final stage training. Practical work Most often it is carried out in accordance with the topic chosen by the student. Sometimes production and pre-graduate practice are combined.

However, any type requires a full report on the work done - namely, analysis and synthesis of all acquired knowledge and data. At the same time, it involves defending yourself before a commission, but not always (this condition depends on the university where you study).

Average internship time: from 1 to 4 weeks. A certain period of time is also given for drawing up the report. But the student must work on formalizing the experience gained during active educational process, that is, no additional days are provided for data processing.

1. Take notes.

Since the practice report is an integral part of the practice, it is better to start working on it when you are in the process of completing it. Briefly summarizing each day later will make your life much easier, as we tend to forget! It will be difficult to remember what knowledge you gained and what you did a month ago.

2. Make a plan.

Any successful work starts with a plan, as it allows you to concentrate on important things and not get confused in your own thoughts and ideas. A well-written plan is 70% of success.

3. Conduct an analysis.

In order for the information you receive to have value, you need to systematize it. Analyze the material received and try to identify general and special cases, what they have in common and what are their differences. The report will be much easier to write as you will have an understanding of what you did during the internship.

We apply these principles of data science in practical report writing which results in positive marks for students. The work we perform is always structured, logical, and reflects how personal experience student, based on a deep analysis of the information received, and the professional opinion of the author.

We do not have templates, so each job is designed based on the client’s requirements and discussed individually.

Structure of the practice report

Most likely, the university will give you a sample design, but despite this, almost any student work consists of the following parts:

  1. Introduction
  2. General part (sections and subsections)
  3. Conclusion
  4. Applications
  5. List of literature and documents

Practice is divided into regular and discrete. Regular is used most often and represents continuous internship. Discrete practice takes place without interruption from the educational process over a long period. During the week, one day is allocated for practical activities.

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