City of the Mycenaean period, what code should it be? Ancient city of Mycenae. Argive Heraion and ancient Midea

The Mycenaean (Achaean) civilization (1600-1100 BC) is one of the oldest and most interesting civilizations that ever existed on the territory of modern Greece. This civilization had an undeniable influence on the subsequent development of ancient Greek culture and occupies a special place in literature and mythology, including in the works of Homer.

One of the largest and most important centers of the Mycenaean civilization, of course, was the ancient city of Mycenae, from which, in fact, the culture subsequently received its name. The royal residence was also located here, as well as the tombs of the Mycenaean kings and their entourage. In ancient Greek mythology, Mycenae is well known as the kingdom of the famous Agamemnon, who led the legendary Trojan War.

The ruins of the once majestic Mycenae lie about 90 km southwest of Athens in the north-eastern part of the Peloponnese near the small village of the same name and today are an important archaeological and historical site.

History of archaeological excavations

The first excavations of ancient Mycenae were carried out back in 1841 by the Greek archaeologist Kyrriakis Pittakis. It was then that the famous Lion Gate was discovered - a monumental entrance to the acropolis, built from four huge monolithic limestone blocks and got its name because of the huge bas-relief depicting two lions above the entrance. The Lion Gate, as well as fragments of the impressive fortress walls (their width in some places reached 17 m), built in the so-called “Cyclopean” masonry, are well preserved and even today, more than three thousand years later, they amaze with their monumentality.

The archaeological work that began in the 1870s under the auspices of the Archaeological Society of Athens and the leadership of Heinrich Schliemann created a real sensation. During the excavations (both on the territory of the fortress and outside it), a number of burials were revealed in shaft and domed tombs with an incredible number of various funeral gifts, among which the huge number of various items made of gold was especially impressive. However, the architecture of the tombs was also of great interest, perfectly illustrating the skill of ancient architects. The best preserved to this day, perhaps, are the tombs of Clytemnestra and Atreus. The tomb of the latter dates back to the 14th century BC. and is a two-chamber tomb with a dromos corridor (length - 36 m, width - 6 m), leading to a domed room (where the king’s body rested) with a small side chapel, in which a number of burials were also identified. A huge 9-meter stone slab weighing approximately 120 tons was installed above the entrance to the tomb. How the ancient craftsmen managed to install it still remains a mystery. The Tomb of Atreus, or the Treasury of Atreus, is the most grandiose domed structure of that time and one of the most important architectural monuments of the Mycenaean civilization.

In subsequent decades, archaeologists returned more than once to the excavations of the legendary Mycenae and discovered many more various structures, among which are the remains of a palace complex located on the top of a hill. Recently, the so-called “lower city” was excavated. Detailed study of the results archaeological excavations made it possible to significantly lift the veil of secrecy over the mysterious Mycenaean civilization.

The famous “Mycenaean gold” (including the so-called golden “mask of Agamemnon”, 16th century BC), as well as many other unique ancient artifacts found during the excavations of Mycenae, are today kept in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens.


  • Location: Mycenae
  • Opening hours: daily, June - November from 08.00 to 19.00, November - March from 08.30 to 15.00.
  • Tickets: adult - 3 euros, under 21 years old - free.

The ancient Greeks were convinced: Mycenae was built by Perseus, and thick, high walls of huge stone slabs were erected by his order by the Cyclopes - one-eyed giant monsters. Otherwise explain how in the second millennium BC it was possible to build such grandiose building, they simply couldn't.

The ruins of Mycenae are located on the Peloponnese peninsula, on the eastern side of a rocky ridge, 2 km from the small town of Mycenes, 90 km southwest of the capital of Greece, Athens, 32 kilometers north of the Gulf of Argolikos. On geographical map this ancient Greek city can be calculated using the following coordinates: 37° 43′ 50″ N. latitude, 22° 45′ 22″ e. d.

Mycenae and Troy were discovered by the German amateur archaeologist, Schliemann. He found these unique Bronze Age monuments using a rather interesting method, using Homer’s Iliad instead of a guidebook: first he found the famous Troy, and after a short period of time, Mycenae.

The heyday of the ancient Mycenaean civilization dates back to the end of the Bronze Age and dates back to 1600 - 1100. BC Legends claim that Mycenae was built by King Perseus, but historians are inclined to conclude that the founders of the ancient city were the Achaeans, warlike representatives of one of the ancient Greek tribes.

Udachnoe geographical location and the wealth of the city (the Mycenaeans conducted active trade throughout the Mediterranean) led to the fact that by the beginning of the 13th century. ancient Mycenae turned out to be one of the most powerful and influential states located on the territory of mainland Greece.

The power of the rulers of Mycenae extended to the entire nearby territory and, according to scientists, even covered the entire north of the Peloponnese (researchers suggest that the kings of the city could well have led the confederation of the Peloponnesian kingdoms).

It is not surprising that the city of Mycenae had well-fortified walls designed to protect against enemy attacks: they tried to capture it more than once, and often quite successfully (this is evidenced by numerous myths of that period, whose plot is bizarrely mixed with real events, confirmed by archaeologists).

The Mycenaeans themselves were quite warlike: King Agamemnon organized a campaign against Troy, which competed with the Mycenaeans for dominance in the region, and after a ten-year siege achieved a major victory. According to one legend, victory was granted to him by the gods because, having fulfilled the command of the Oracle, he sacrificed his daughter, Iphigenia (this later caused the death of the king: Agamemnon’s wife, who did not accept the death of her daughter, organized a conspiracy against him).

It should be noted that the Greeks were not able to take advantage of the fruits of the long-awaited victory: around 1200 BC. Dorian tribes invaded the territory of Greece, destroying almost all the cities of the Peloponnese, among which were also Mycenae and Troy (the latter did not even have time to recover from the defeat and just experienced a strong earthquake). Residents of the cities did not leave their territory for some time, hiding in the mountains, but later were forced to leave their lands - some moved to the islands, others moved to Asia Minor.

What the city looked like

Most of the population of Mycenae lived outside the fortress, at the foot of the hill. Excavations carried out by archaeologists showed that before getting to the citadel, it was necessary to pass a cemetery located outside the city walls and residential buildings. The discovered buildings within the city showed that within its boundaries there was a palace, living quarters, temple buildings, warehouses and shaft tombs in which representatives of the ruling dynasties were buried.

Like most ancient cities, Mycenae was a well-fortified fortress and was built on a rocky hill about 280 meters high.

The city was surrounded by a fortress wall made of huge boulders, about 900 meters long, at least 6 meters wide, and in some places the height exceeded 7 meters, while the weight of some stone blocks exceeded 10 tons.

front gate

You could get to the fortress along a stone-paved road through the Lion Gate, the width and depth of which was about three meters.

The Lion Gate was built in Mycenae in the thirteenth century BC during the expansion of the fortress wall. They were erected from three huge, lightly processed limestone blocks, and were closed with two wooden doors (this is evidenced by the recesses located inside the side walls).

The upper horizontal lintel was wider than the pillars on which it was placed - this was done so that a triangular-shaped limestone pediment slab with two depicted lions could be installed on top. According to one hypothesis, the bas-relief crowning the Lion Gate is the coat of arms of the Atrid dynasty, which ruled the city at that time. According to another, it is dedicated to the goddess Potnia, who is the patroness of all animals.

These lions are turned towards each other and, standing on their hind legs, their front legs rest on two altars, between which a column is depicted. Unfortunately, the heads of the animals have not survived to this day, but after carefully studying the bas-relief, scientists came to the conclusion that they were made from a different material (possibly from ivory) and most likely looked at the people who entered the citadel through the Lion Gate.

One of the purposes of this bas-relief was to disguise the resulting hole: The Lion Gate was built according to all the rules of its time, so all the blocks that needed to be placed above the lintel were installed with a bevel, which made it possible to transfer most of the load to the side walls between which they were installed Lion Gate.

As a result, an empty space was formed above the lintel, where a slab with a bas-relief was installed, which is considered the earliest monumental sculpture of the Mycenaean period (before Mycenae was discovered, only figurines 50 cm high were found).


Immediately after the Lion Gate, the road rises up, and then on the left side it ends at a staircase, along which one could climb to the palace, located on the top of the cliff (according to experts, the castle was built in the 14th century BC, and some found fragments in it refer to an earlier period).

The staircase ends in a rectangular courtyard, which could be reached from the throne room, passing the reception room and the portico with two columns. The throne room had a rectangular shape, its roof was supported by four columns, and the walls were decorated with frescoes depicting war chariots, horses and women.

The living quarters were located with north side castle, many of them were two-story. Most likely, they could be accessed from the palace lobby. There was also a temple with round altars, near which a sculptural composition of two goddesses and a child was discovered made of ivory.

It is interesting that during excavations, clay tablets with inscriptions were found in the palace, which turned out to be financial reports of military expenses, as well as lists of people working for the Mycenaean rulers: it was a list of slaves, oarsmen, and artisans. This gives scientists reason to assume that Mycenae was a rather bureaucratic state.

Mine tombs

On the right side of the Lion Gate there were shaft tombs surrounded by a stone fence in which kings were buried. These were burial rooms carved into a rectangular rock, going to a depth of one and a half to five meters. Now at the site of ancient burials there are stone slabs placed on edge, marking their location. In these tombs, archaeologists found real treasures - coins, jewelry, rings, bowls, daggers, swords made of gold, silver and bronze.

Dome and chamber tombs

Before building the fortress, the Mycenaeans buried their rulers in so-called domed tombs, which were shaped like huge domes. In total, archaeologists discovered nine such tombs dating back to the XV-XIV centuries. BC The tombs were underground structures with a high, tapering dome that rose above the ground. After the funeral, the tomb was closed, and the corridor leading to the burial pit was covered with earth.

One of the most famous tombs of this type is the tomb of Atreus (XIV century), which could be reached through a long corridor, the dromos. The burial pit was underground and had a height of 13 meters and a width of 14 meters (unfortunately, it was not possible to find out what exactly the king took with him to the afterlife, since the grave was plundered in ancient times). A nine-meter square slab was installed above the entrance to the burial room. How exactly the ancient masters were able to establish it, scientists still have not figured out.

Aristocrats and representatives of their families were buried in chamber tombs located nearby. These were basically family crypts carved into the mountainside, into which you can walk along the dromos.

How to get to Mycenae

Those who want to see one of the most famous monuments of the Bronze Age should take into account that it is located on the territory of the Mycenae archaeological park, and therefore entrance to its territory is paid (a ticket costs about 8 euros).

The best way to get to the city of Mycenae from the capital of Greece is by regular bus; the journey in this case will take about two hours, and the ticket will cost 12 euros. You can also use a car and a map - first drive to the city of Argo, passing the Corinth Canal, and from there go to Mycenes.

Anyone interested in history has heard about Mycenae. ancient world, archeology or ancient literature. King Agamemnon, the leader of the Achaean campaign against Troy, lived here. The Argolid Valley, in which Mycenae is located, was glorified in Greek myths. The city was so important in the life of the region that the first Greek civilization began to be called Mycenaean. It was in the local acropolis that Heinrich Schliemann discovered a golden mask, one of the most famous archaeological finds peace

A little history

Myths say that the city was built by Perseus, and the fortifications, made of huge stone slabs, were erected by huge one-eyed monsters - the Cyclops, because it was believed that to an ordinary person it is not possible to build something so grandiose.

The geographical position of Mycenae and its achievements became the reason that the city more than once became the arena of struggle for power. The cruelty of the conquerors and their sophisticated methods of struggle are reflected in legends and myths that are intricately intertwined with real life. historical events. For a long time it was believed that Troy and Mycenae were just a fantasy of ancient authors, but the enthusiasm of one man changed the ideas of all scientists about the ancient world.

Representatives of the royal dynasty found eternal peace in mine tombs. One of the most famous is the treasury of Atreus; it is a corridor about 36 meters long, which ends in a domed room. Above the entire structure is a giant stone slab, weighing about 120 tons, and the mystery of how the ancient architects managed to raise it to such a significant height has not yet been solved.

Entertainment and attractions of Mycenae

The fortress wall is about 900 meters long, and its monumentality is amazing: some blocks weigh more than 10 tons, and the height of the wall in some places reached 7.5 meters. The thickness of the walls sometimes reached 17 meters, which made it possible to build casemates and vaulted galleries inside the walls. From a military point of view, the design of the wall was well thought out: all sections were built in such a way as to protect the city as much as possible from any attacks. From the point of view of the common people living in the vicinity of Mycenae, the fortress was a kind of abode of the gods; the hill where she stood was climbed only on special occasions, using numerous intricate paths.

For the aristocrats, a road paved with stone led to the fortress; it approached the “Lion Gate”, which has survived to this day, through which the path to the royal palace passed. This gate is a structure of three huge, lightly processed stones, above which two heraldic lionesses are carved from stone, personifying the power of the Atrid dynasty.

From the point of view of heraldry specialists, this composition has no analogues in the world.

In the center of Mycenae are the megarons of the king and queen. In the king's megaron, the balcony, vestibule and throne room are clearly visible. The floor and walls of the premises are decorated with frescoes; each element of the throne room has almost sacred meaning. According to experts, these buildings date back to the 14th century BC. e., and some elements - to an earlier period. These are the only such ancient monumental buildings in the world.


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The Mycenaean kingdoms were small in size. The centers of Mycenaean civilization were located in well-fortified cities, which were usually built on top of hills surrounded by fortified walls. This is how the first acropolises appeared - “upper cities”. The Acropolis contained within its walls the royal palace, houses for servants, warriors and artisans, as well as numerous storage facilities for grain, wine, and oil. Workshops were also located here, weapons and jewelry were stored. According to inscriptions on clay tablets found in Mycenae and Pylos, up to five thousand people of various professions worked in the palaces, there was an extensive bureaucratic apparatus that took into account everything, even broken wheels and broken vases.

The most famous palace-fortresses were located in Mycenae, Tiryns and Pylos. The largest of them is Mycenaean. In 1250 BC. e. A powerful stone wall was erected around the Mycenaean Acropolis, in some places its thickness reached 7 m. And this is far from the limit; in Tiryns, for example, the thickness is 9, and in places 17 m. The famous Lion Gate was broken into the wall around Mycenae, so named because that above them are depicted two lions standing on their hind legs. Between the lions is a column, which, according to scientists, symbolizes Artemis, the patroness of the city.

This is what the animals greet. Most likely, lions were a symbol of the Atrid family. However, according to legend, King Agamemnon insulted the goddess by not sacrificing his firstborn daughter Iphigenia to her. For this, Artemis sent a storm that did not allow the Achaean ships to leave the harbor to sail to the walls of Troy. The storm continued until the king gave his daughter to be slaughtered, but the goddess sent her to the altar instead golden doe, and took the girl to the lands of the Tauri, where she made her a priestess in her temple.

Outside the walls, the road led through the acropolis to the royal palace, built of mud brick on a wooden frame. The palace was once brightly painted not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Rectangular in plan, it enclosed not a courtyard, as in Crete, but a spacious internal hall with a colonnade and a hole in the roof - a megaron. Here the king gathered his entourage and conducted state affairs. The throne was located to the right of the entrance, and there were benches along the walls near it. The Mycenaeans considered the throne to be the sacred womb of the mother goddess. In Tiryns it is surrounded by sacrificial canals, through which, during the ceremonies, libations of wine and blood penetrated into the womb of the earth. Sitting on the throne, the king was in unity with the goddess and drew strength from her.

The Mycenaean megaron was almost completely destroyed; archaeologists created its reconstruction on the basis of halls from other palaces, for example in Pylos. There the walls of the hall were decorated with frescoes. Like the Cretan palaces, Pylos was equipped with running water and swimming pools. The city rulers kept a collection of clay tablets, which scientists managed to read. It turned out that the kings of Pylos were excellent hosts. The king owned a large plot of land, three times larger than the allotments of the nobility. Thus, he was the richest supplier of grain to the market.

The clay tablets also told us something about the structure of the state. The king was called Wanaka, the small kings were called basileus, and there were several of them subordinate to Wanaka. The king was assisted by the commander of the army - ravaketa, "ruler of the nations." He could conduct receptions in the second, smaller megaron. The king had advisers - 14 telestas, representatives of the nobility and palace officials. The priests of the main temples, called “God’s people,” were held in high esteem. The king of the Mycenaean culture was considered the main one among the rulers of other cities and bore the title “senior king.”

The palace in Tiryns was painted with multicolor frescoes in the 13th century. BC e. There were patterns on the ceiling depicting starry sky. However, the subjects of the frescoes are completely different from those of the Minoans. A favorite of them is hunting. Goddesses going on a hunt, hunting a boar with dogs, chasing a deer, battle scenes. The limestone floors were painted with colored stains to imitate marble. Sometimes there are chess cages alternating with fish and octopuses. Great difficulties awaited archaeologists during the excavations of Thebes. Other Mycenaean cities were not populated later. For example, Mycenae was abandoned already in the time of Homer. Now the closest one to them populated area- the village of Mykines. But the center of Thebes - Cadmea - is located under modern city. The citadel of the fortress was destroyed in the 13th century. BC e. Scientists were able to discover fragments of the palace, in which a fresco was discovered with a procession of women bearing gifts to the goddess. Thematically similar to the Cretan ones, it is executed in a completely different way. All participants in the procession have the same profiles, hairstyles and tiaras. The figures are outlined in black, which gives the fresco a monumental feel, and the white and yellow background makes it brightly decorative.

The cities of the Mycenaean culture disappeared into the darkness of centuries as mysteriously as the Cretan palaces. Around 1200 BC e. The Achaean world experienced a series of upheavals. From Egyptian papyri it is known that in the 13th century. BC e. There were severe crop failures for several years in a row, causing famine throughout the Mediterranean. craft and trade fell. Vast areas were on the verge of extinction. fought wars for food. The invasion of Greece from the north by the Dorian tribes completed the destruction of the Mycenaean world. The palace at Mycenae fell around 1125 BC. e. However, before this tragic outcome, the Mycenaeans had to commit the greatest deed that would leave their name for centuries - to win the Trojan War.

Long before Greece began to be called ancient, around 1600 BC, Eastern Mediterranean inhabited by a civilization of traders and conquerors. These were the times of myths and legends.

The gods at that time often descended from, and mortals were ruled by their offspring. It was then that the well-known Perseus, the son of Zeus and the daughter of the Argive king, being the ruler of nearby Tiryns, founded the ancient city of Mycenae.

The city has become so great value that the last prehistoric period of Greek civilization is called “Mycenaean”.

A little history

Whether Perseus founded Mycenae having decided to leave a memory of himself also as a city builder, or as a sign of another victory is unknown. But many generations of his descendants ruled it, until the royal dynasty of Atreus came to replace it.

Some legends claim that Perseus chose this place because he lost the tip of his sword here (mykes), others that Perseus found a mushroom (mykes in Greek) and, to escape thirst, drank water from it.

A more prosaic legend says that Mycenae was founded by the Achaeans, an ancient warlike tribe.
Be that as it may, the city is located in a strategically convenient location. They laid it at the foot of one of the mountains in the northeast.

The first mention of Mycenae as a “gold-abundant” or “filled with gold” city was made by Homer in his epic.

Later, the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, during the excavations of Mycenae, found an explanation for this. The tombs and tombs on its territory were filled with gold jewelry and simply trinkets of very skillful work.

All this testified to the fabulous wealth of the rulers and nobility. Their remains were buried under a pile of gold items. Interestingly, not a single iron object was discovered.

Among the gold items found by archaeologists were: tiaras, finely crafted bracelets, copper cauldrons with elegant gold buttons, gold bowls and jugs, many gold animal figurines, death masks, the most famous of which is the mask of Agamemnon, as well as many bronze swords.

The archaeological finds discovered in the tombs became the largest treasure in the world, not only in quantity (more than 30 kg of gold items were found), but also in artistic and historical significance. Later they were surpassed only by the finds found in the tomb of Tutankhamun.

All artifacts were transferred to the Archaeological Museum of Athens and the Archaeological Museum of Mycenae.

The favorable geographical position of Mycenae facilitated the trade of the inhabitants.
Wine, perfume, fabrics, bronze, gold and amber products were exported.

Wealth grew rapidly and the state prospered. Mycenae became very influential, and according to scientists, controlled the entire Mediterranean. Their rulers even led the confederation of Peloponnesian kingdoms.

The culture, weapons and even fashion of Mycenae spread throughout known world. This was the reason for repeated attacks on the city. However, the Mycenaeans themselves were warlike.

During its existence, Mycenae and the Mycenaean state left a solid mark on history. The rulers of the city are heroes of legends and myths. The history of Mycenae is associated with many tragic and heroic events.

For example, the legendary Trojan War was unleashed by the Mycenaean king Agamemnon. We will not go into the details of the divine civil strife associated with the apple of discord and the struggle of the Olympic beauties for the title of “most beautiful,” in which King Menelaus and his wife Helen the Beautiful were involved, which led to the fall of Troy.

Historians are still inclined to a more realistic version that it was the ruler of Mycenae Agamemnon who went to war against the city, since Troy competed with them for dominance in the region. The siege of the city lasted for a decade.

Researchers attribute these events to the 13th–12th centuries. BC e., but the date is controversial. Victory was granted by the gods to the king of Mycenae because he sacrificed his daughter, for which later, according to one legend, he was killed by his wife, who did not forgive him for the murder of her child.

According to another legend during the time long absence Clytemnestra's wife took a lover - cousin Agamemnon. And when the legitimate spouse returned from the war, they simply killed him, expelled the children - the legal heirs of the throne, and began to rule Mycenae.

The rapid development of the Mycenaean civilization is as inexplicable as its sudden disappearance. It is not established exactly how and why their state fell. Historians have put forward various hypotheses according to which the destruction of the city and the death of the state could have occurred as a result of inter-class clashes.

According to other theories, a series of earthquakes, destruction trade routes caused the rapid decline of civilization. It is possible that this was finally facilitated by the invasion of the Sea People - the Dorians. But it is known for sure that the death of the Mycenaean civilization coincided with the end of the Bronze Age.

The "Bronze Collapse" was accompanied by the fall of states and destruction major cities. Writing and traditions were lost, trade came to naught. The Eastern Mediterranean has plunged into darkness.

How to get to Mycenae

Time is inexorable, and now we can only see the ruins of a once powerful city. This is all that has reached us.

Mycenae is one of the greatest monuments of the Bronze Age.
The city is located in the east of the rocky ridge of the Peloponnese Peninsula.

The landmark is the town of Mykenes, located 2 km away. Geographic coordinates ancient city: 37° 43? 50? With. sh., 22° 45? 22? V. d. From the capital of Greece - approximately 90 km to the southwest of the peninsula, or 32 km to the north from the Gulf of Argolikos.

You can get to Mycenae by regular bus from Athens from the KTEL Athenon bus station in about two hours, the ticket costs about 12 euros. But you can get to Mycenae on your own, armed with a navigator or map. You must first drive to the city of Argo, and from there go to Mycenes, passing another one - the Corinth Canal.

The ruins are located on the territory of the Mycenae archaeological park. Entrance to the park is paid. Tickets are sold at the entrance and cost 8 euros, and children under 18 do not need to purchase tickets. By presenting your ticket, you will be able to see the Mycenaean Acropolis, the Archaeological Museum and the Treasury of Atreus.

When booking an excursion to Mycenae via the Internet or in hotels, check if there is a Russian-speaking guide. As a rule, a visit to Mycenae in such excursions is planned along with other attractions, so the cost depends on the type of transport, the number of places visited and the category of excursion.

What to see

Like many cities, Mycenae had its own ruler, respectively a royal palace and a well-fortified citadel.

The city is surrounded by a 900-meter wall made of huge stones. The construction was carried out, no more, no less, by the giants Cyclops.

Otherwise, how else can one explain the origin of such a powerful defensive structure. The stones are fitted so tightly to each other that there is a feeling of solidity of the walls. Such masonry was commonly called cyclopean. The weight of some stones reaches 10 tons.

The Royal Palace was built on the top of a small hill at the foot of the mountain. This is the so-called upper city - the acropolis.

Not only the reigning dynasty lived here, but also other nobility and aristocracy. This is the center of political governance of the city-state. The territory also contained temples, warehouses and burial places of deceased rulers.

The center of the Royal Palace is a rectangular room with columns and a fireplace in the floor - the royal reception room.

The so-called Megaron served administrative center city ​​and meetings, conferences and courts were held in it.
Megaron also housed the symbol of royal power - the throne. In our time, only the foundation of the structure has been preserved.

The royal chambers are located on the northern side of the palace. A temple with round altars was also erected here, near which an ivory sculpture depicting two goddesses and a child was discovered.

Ordinary people lived outside the walls of the fortress at the foot of the hill. It is interesting that the buildings had a trapezoidal shape, with a short base directed towards the acropolis. Because of this, the entire city from above resembled a fan. The most famous buildings are the House of the Sphinx, the House of the Wine Merchant, the House of Shields and the House of the Oil Trader.

It was possible to get to the fortress only along the road through. This is the most famous architectural landmark of Mycenae.

The gate is built from four powerful limestone slabs. Their span is a square, the side of which is about 3 meters. They were most likely closed with wooden doors, which have not survived to this day.

Their existence can be judged by the indentations on the side walls. The pediment is decorated with a bas-relief depicting two lions, which were a symbol of the royal dynasty and personified its power.

Lions stand on their hind legs and lean them on a column. Their heads have not survived, and according to different versions they were made of either ivory or gold. This is the oldest sculptural composition in Europe.

A large staircase leads to the royal palace, starting from the courtyard at the Lion Gate. It is interesting that bureaucracy already existed then. Clay tablets found during excavations in the palace turned out to be financial reports, lists of slaves and artisans.

Mycenae had the greatest treasure for all fortresses - underground water sources.

The inhabitants dug a deep tunnel to a spring known as the Perseus Fountain. This fountain and a huge defensive wall helped them withstand long sieges.

Behind the walls of the citadel, archaeologists discovered giant domes - tombs of kings and nobles, built from powerful stone slabs. The tombs were camouflaged with a mound, and a long corridor, the dromos, led inside.

The corridor, through a high, up to 7 meters high, monumental entrance, led to the inner vaulted chamber. After the funeral, the tomb was closed, and all entrances were covered with earth. The most famous and well-preserved is the treasury or tomb of Atreus, the father of Agamemnon.

But the tomb was plundered long before archaeologists found it.

On the territory of the fortress itself, as a result of excavations, royal graves were discovered, immediately behind the Lion Gate.

Heinrich Schliemann excavated five royal burials here. They contained the remains of nineteen dead, buried under piles of gold jewelry. The most famous find was the golden death mask.

According to Heinrich Schliemann, the mask belonged to Agamemnon himself. Later it turned out that the burials were made several centuries earlier than the time of the legendary Trojan War.
In 1999, the ruins of Mycenae were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Despite the fact that time has not been kind to the city, visiting it is very informative and interesting.

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