Examination of the knee joints as a diagnostic method. Ultrasound diagnostics Causes of the disease

Full nameAcademic degreeAcademic titleJob title
ZABOLOTSKAYA Natalia VladlenovnaDoctor of Medical Sciencesassociate professorProfessor
LELYUK Svetlana EduardovnaDoctor of Medical SciencesprofessorProfessor
RYBAKOVA Marina KonstantinovnaDoctor of Medical Sciences Professor
BATAEVA Roza SaidovnaCandidate of Medical Sciences Associate Professor
BRYUKHOVETSKY Yuri AnatolievichCandidate of Medical Sciencesassociate professorAssociate Professor
NAUMOVICH Elena GrigorievnaCandidate of Medical Sciences Associate Professor
FEDOROVA Evgenia ViktorovnaCandidate of Medical Sciencesassociate professorAssociate Professor
SALTYKOVA Victoria GennadievnaDoctor of Medical Sciences professor

The Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was founded on February 1, 1992 and was the first specialized department in the post-Soviet space. The Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics was separated from the Department of Medical Radiology (the head of the department is Professor Yu.N. Kasatkin).

And this is how the department was born. In 1987, the USSR Ministry of Health approved the curriculum for the training of ultrasound diagnostic specialists, developed at the Department of Medical Radiology. And then it begins a cyclic training of doctors in ultrasound diagnostics with the involvement of the All-Russian Scientific Research Center of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (S.A. Balter), 4th State Institution of the USSR Ministry of Health (A.V. Zubarev) and the Research Institute of Coloproctology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (L.P. Orlova). The coordinating function is assigned to TsOLIUv.

In 1989, N.V. came to the position of assistant at the Department of Medical Radiology. Zabolotskaya, and in 1991 - A.N. Khitrova. In 1990, Yu.A. entered clinical residency. Bryukhovetsky, since 1991 he has been taking part in training. In 1992 Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky becomes an assistant at the department.
At the time of its creation (01.02.92), the department included 5 full-time teaching staff (head of the department - 1, assistants - 4) and 1 teaching and support staff (senior laboratory assistant). By this time, the department carried out both cycles of professional retraining and thematic improvement. In 1992, M.V. came to the department. Medvedev, A.I. Sokolov, M.N. Skvortsova and E.V. Fedorov, in 1993 - E.G. Naumovich. Over the years, M.A. also worked at the department. Osipov (1994-2000), M.D. Musaeva (Mitkova) (1996–1999), G.G. Rudko (1996–1998), B.I. Zykin (1996–1998), O.V. Proskuryakova (1997–1999), I.A. Ozerskaya (2003-2009).

In 1992-1996. 104 training cycles were conducted. 2913 students were trained. In 1997-2001 124 training cycles were conducted. 3,459 students were trained. In 2002-2006 97 training cycles were conducted. 4071 students were trained. In 2007-2011 98 training cycles were conducted. 4109 students were trained. In 2012-2013 39 training cycles were conducted. 2308 students were trained.
In total, from 1992 to 2013, the department conducted 462 training cycles and trained 16,860 (14,552 until 2012) students.

For the period 2009-2013. Employees of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics published 48 articles and 37 abstracts of reports in leading specialized peer-reviewed journals, presented 105 reports at Russian and international symposia, conferences and congresses.

The department defended 11 dissertations for the degree of doctor and 40 candidates of medical sciences. 6 more works are being carried out for the academic degree of Doctor and Candidate of Medical Sciences.

All employees of the department are editors or members of the editorial board of the journal “Ultrasound and Functional Diagnostics”, and also participate in the work of other specialized journals.

Zabolotskaya N.V. and Rybakova M.K. are members of the Executive Committee of the Russian Association of Ultrasound Diagnostics in Medicine. Mitkov V.V. is the President of the Association, and Saltykova V.G. - executive secretary.

The department has developed and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: unified and standard training programs for ultrasound diagnostic doctors; 14 manuals for doctors; qualification tests in ultrasound diagnostics (2, 3 and 4 generations); clinical residency training program in ultrasound diagnostics.

In 1996-1998 The five-volume “Clinical Guide to Ultrasound Diagnostics” (volumes 1-5) (Vidar) was completed, in the creation of which not only members of the department, but also many leading specialists from Russia and the CIS countries participated. Later, the first three volumes appeared on CDs. In 2003, “A Practical Guide to Ultrasound Diagnostics” appeared. General ultrasound diagnostics” (edited by V.V. Mitkov) (M., Vidar, 2003). These books were the main teaching aids for several generations of ultrasound doctors and are still in demand today.

In 1997-2009 Department employees publish a number of monographs:

  • “Differential ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics” (M.V. Medvedev, E.V. Yudina), M., Vidar, 1997
  • “Ultrasound mammography” (N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.S. Zabolotsky), M., Storm, 1997
  • “Differential ultrasound diagnostics in gynecology” (M.V. Medvedev, B.I. Zykin, V.L. Khokholin, N.Yu. Struchkova), M., Vidar, 1997
  • “Ultrasound angiology” (V.G. Lelyuk, S.E. Lelyuk), M., Realnoe Vremya, 1999
  • "Dopplerography" ed. V.V. Mitkova (M.I. Ageeva, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.V. Mitkov, M.D. Mitkova, Yu.N. Chereshneva), M., Vidar, 1999
  • “Dopplerography in the diagnosis of diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas” (V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 2000
  • “Doppler study in obstetric practice” (M.I. Ageeva), M., Vidar, 2001
  • “Terminological Dictionary” (V.V. Mitkov, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, N.V. Zabolotskaya, E.A. Zubareva, M.K. Rybakova), M., Medica, 2003
  • “Ultrasound angiology” (V.G. Lelyuk, S.E. Lelyuk), M., Realnoe Vremya, 2003
  • “Ultrasound research methods in neonatology (ed. L.I. Ilyenko, E.A. Zubareva, V.V. Mitkov) M., Expressprint, 2003
  • “Neurosonography in young children” Minsk, Paradox, 2004
  • “Cerebral circulation and blood pressure” M., Realnoe Vremya, 2004
  • “New technologies of ultrasound mammology” (N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.S. Zabolotsky), M., STROM, 2005
  • “Echography in gynecology” (I.A. Ozerskaya), M., Medica, 2005
  • “Reproductive system of a girl, teenager, girl” (I.A. Ozerskaya, N.V. Zabolotskaya, M., Vidar, 2007
  • “A practical guide to ultrasound diagnostics. Echocardiography” (M.K. Rybakova, M.N. Alekhin, V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 2008
  • “Chronic pelvic pain in women of reproductive age” (I.A. Ozerskaya, M.I. Ageeva), M., Vidar, 2009
  • “New technologies of ultrasound mammography.” (practical guide), N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.S. Zabolotsky, Ed. "Strom" Moscow 2010.
  • “Echocardiography in tables and diagrams. Desk reference book." M.K. Rybakova, V.V. Mitkov. Ed. 1st. M.: Vidar, 2010.
  • “Echocardiography in tables and diagrams. Desk reference book." Rybakova M.K., Mitkov V.V. Ed. 2nd. M.: Vidar, 2011.
In addition, members of the department took part in writing a large number of scientific monographs:
  • “Ultrasound diagnosis of diseases of the veins of the lower extremities” (A.R. Zubarev, V.Yu. Bogachev, V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 1999.
  • “Ultrasound diagnosis of diseases of the external genital organs in men” (A.R. Zubarev, M.D. Mitkova, M.V. Koryakin, V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 1999.
  • “Dopplerography of perinatal brain lesions” (E.A. Zubareva, I.V. Dvoryakovsky, A.R. Zubarev, A.B. Sugak), M., Vidar, 1999.
  • "Dopplerography in gynecology" ed. B.I. Zykina, M.I. Medvedeva (S.E. Lelyuk), M., Realnoe Vremya, 2000
  • "Guide to Diagnostic Imaging" ed. Sh.Sh. Shotemore (M.K. Rybakova), M., Soviet sport, 2001
  • “Cerebrovascular reserve in atherosclerotic lesions of the brachiocephalic arteries” (S.E. Lelyuk), Kyiv, Ukrmed, 2001
  • "Children's Ultrasound Diagnostics" ed. M.I. Pykova, K.V. Vatolina, (N.V. Zabolotskaya), M., Vidar, 2001
  • “Doppler ultrasound and duplex scanning” (Lelyuk S.E.) Neurology. National leadership. Chapter 11. “GEOTAR-Media” Moscow 2008.

In 2000, the “Medicine” publishing house published a “Guide to Ultrasound Diagnostics” edited by P.E.S. Palmer (translated by A.N. Khitrova, scientifically edited by V.V. Mitkov).

From the publishing house "Vidar":

  • “Echocardiography” by H. Feigenbaum (translation by M.K. Rybakova, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, N.V. Korneev, M.Yu. Chernov, R.A. Parkhomenko, S.P. Sharonova, A.B. Pestova , O.R. Derevyanko, I.A. Aseeva, scientific edition – V.V. Mitkova)
  • “Echography in obstetrics and gynecology. Theory and practice" trans. from English Edited by E.V. Fedorova and A.D. Lipmana) M., Vidar, 2004
  • “Ultrasound examination of blood vessels”, V.J. Zwibel, D.S. Pelerito (translation under scientific editing by V.V. Mitkov, Yu.M. Nikitin, L.V. Osipova), M., Vidar, 2008
  • “Mammography” (translated from English under the general editorship of N.V. Zabolotskaya), M., MEDpress-inform, 2009.

In addition, two educational videos were produced:

  • “Rare and interesting cases from echocardiographic practice”
  • “Normal anatomy of the heart. Standard echocardiographic positions and measurements” - M.K. Rybakova, V.V. Mitkov.
Full nameAcademic degreeAcademic titleJob title
ZABOLOTSKAYA Natalia VladlenovnaDoctor of Medical Sciencesassociate professorProfessor
LELYUK Svetlana EduardovnaDoctor of Medical SciencesprofessorProfessor
RYBAKOVA Marina KonstantinovnaDoctor of Medical Sciences Professor
BATAEVA Roza SaidovnaCandidate of Medical Sciences Associate Professor
BRYUKHOVETSKY Yuri AnatolievichCandidate of Medical Sciencesassociate professorAssociate Professor
NAUMOVICH Elena GrigorievnaCandidate of Medical Sciences Associate Professor
FEDOROVA Evgenia ViktorovnaCandidate of Medical Sciencesassociate professorAssociate Professor
SALTYKOVA Victoria GennadievnaDoctor of Medical Sciences professor

The Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was founded on February 1, 1992 and was the first specialized department in the post-Soviet space. The Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics was separated from the Department of Medical Radiology (the head of the department is Professor Yu.N. Kasatkin).

And this is how the department was born. In 1987, the USSR Ministry of Health approved the curriculum for the training of ultrasound diagnostic specialists, developed at the Department of Medical Radiology. And then it begins a cyclic training of doctors in ultrasound diagnostics with the involvement of the All-Russian Scientific Research Center of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (S.A. Balter), 4th State Institution of the USSR Ministry of Health (A.V. Zubarev) and the Research Institute of Coloproctology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (L.P. Orlova). The coordinating function is assigned to TsOLIUv.

In 1989, N.V. came to the position of assistant at the Department of Medical Radiology. Zabolotskaya, and in 1991 - A.N. Khitrova. In 1990, Yu.A. entered clinical residency. Bryukhovetsky, since 1991 he has been taking part in training. In 1992 Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky becomes an assistant at the department.
At the time of its creation (01.02.92), the department included 5 full-time teaching staff (head of the department - 1, assistants - 4) and 1 teaching and support staff (senior laboratory assistant). By this time, the department carried out both cycles of professional retraining and thematic improvement. In 1992, M.V. came to the department. Medvedev, A.I. Sokolov, M.N. Skvortsova and E.V. Fedorov, in 1993 - E.G. Naumovich. Over the years, M.A. also worked at the department. Osipov (1994-2000), M.D. Musaeva (Mitkova) (1996–1999), G.G. Rudko (1996–1998), B.I. Zykin (1996–1998), O.V. Proskuryakova (1997–1999), I.A. Ozerskaya (2003-2009).

In 1992-1996. 104 training cycles were conducted. 2913 students were trained. In 1997-2001 124 training cycles were conducted. 3,459 students were trained. In 2002-2006 97 training cycles were conducted. 4071 students were trained. In 2007-2011 98 training cycles were conducted. 4109 students were trained. In 2012-2013 39 training cycles were conducted. 2308 students were trained.
In total, from 1992 to 2013, the department conducted 462 training cycles and trained 16,860 (14,552 until 2012) students.

For the period 2009-2013. Employees of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics published 48 articles and 37 abstracts of reports in leading specialized peer-reviewed journals, presented 105 reports at Russian and international symposia, conferences and congresses.

The department defended 11 dissertations for the degree of doctor and 40 candidates of medical sciences. 6 more works are being carried out for the academic degree of Doctor and Candidate of Medical Sciences.

All employees of the department are editors or members of the editorial board of the journal “Ultrasound and Functional Diagnostics”, and also participate in the work of other specialized journals.

Zabolotskaya N.V. and Rybakova M.K. are members of the Executive Committee of the Russian Association of Ultrasound Diagnostics in Medicine. Mitkov V.V. is the President of the Association, and Saltykova V.G. - executive secretary.

The department has developed and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: unified and standard training programs for ultrasound diagnostic doctors; 14 manuals for doctors; qualification tests in ultrasound diagnostics (2, 3 and 4 generations); clinical residency training program in ultrasound diagnostics.

In 1996-1998 The five-volume “Clinical Guide to Ultrasound Diagnostics” (volumes 1-5) (Vidar) was completed, in the creation of which not only members of the department, but also many leading specialists from Russia and the CIS countries participated. Later, the first three volumes appeared on CDs. In 2003, “A Practical Guide to Ultrasound Diagnostics” appeared. General ultrasound diagnostics” (edited by V.V. Mitkov) (M., Vidar, 2003). These books were the main teaching aids for several generations of ultrasound doctors and are still in demand today.

In 1997-2009 Department employees publish a number of monographs:

  • “Differential ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics” (M.V. Medvedev, E.V. Yudina), M., Vidar, 1997
  • “Ultrasound mammography” (N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.S. Zabolotsky), M., Storm, 1997
  • “Differential ultrasound diagnostics in gynecology” (M.V. Medvedev, B.I. Zykin, V.L. Khokholin, N.Yu. Struchkova), M., Vidar, 1997
  • “Ultrasound angiology” (V.G. Lelyuk, S.E. Lelyuk), M., Realnoe Vremya, 1999
  • "Dopplerography" ed. V.V. Mitkova (M.I. Ageeva, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.V. Mitkov, M.D. Mitkova, Yu.N. Chereshneva), M., Vidar, 1999
  • “Dopplerography in the diagnosis of diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas” (V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 2000
  • “Doppler study in obstetric practice” (M.I. Ageeva), M., Vidar, 2001
  • “Terminological Dictionary” (V.V. Mitkov, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, N.V. Zabolotskaya, E.A. Zubareva, M.K. Rybakova), M., Medica, 2003
  • “Ultrasound angiology” (V.G. Lelyuk, S.E. Lelyuk), M., Realnoe Vremya, 2003
  • “Ultrasound research methods in neonatology (ed. L.I. Ilyenko, E.A. Zubareva, V.V. Mitkov) M., Expressprint, 2003
  • “Neurosonography in young children” Minsk, Paradox, 2004
  • “Cerebral circulation and blood pressure” M., Realnoe Vremya, 2004
  • “New technologies of ultrasound mammology” (N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.S. Zabolotsky), M., STROM, 2005
  • “Echography in gynecology” (I.A. Ozerskaya), M., Medica, 2005
  • “Reproductive system of a girl, teenager, girl” (I.A. Ozerskaya, N.V. Zabolotskaya, M., Vidar, 2007
  • “A practical guide to ultrasound diagnostics. Echocardiography” (M.K. Rybakova, M.N. Alekhin, V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 2008
  • “Chronic pelvic pain in women of reproductive age” (I.A. Ozerskaya, M.I. Ageeva), M., Vidar, 2009
  • “New technologies of ultrasound mammography.” (practical guide), N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.S. Zabolotsky, Ed. "Strom" Moscow 2010.
  • “Echocardiography in tables and diagrams. Desk reference book." M.K. Rybakova, V.V. Mitkov. Ed. 1st. M.: Vidar, 2010.
  • “Echocardiography in tables and diagrams. Desk reference book." Rybakova M.K., Mitkov V.V. Ed. 2nd. M.: Vidar, 2011.
In addition, members of the department took part in writing a large number of scientific monographs:
  • “Ultrasound diagnosis of diseases of the veins of the lower extremities” (A.R. Zubarev, V.Yu. Bogachev, V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 1999.
  • “Ultrasound diagnosis of diseases of the external genital organs in men” (A.R. Zubarev, M.D. Mitkova, M.V. Koryakin, V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 1999.
  • “Dopplerography of perinatal brain lesions” (E.A. Zubareva, I.V. Dvoryakovsky, A.R. Zubarev, A.B. Sugak), M., Vidar, 1999.
  • "Dopplerography in gynecology" ed. B.I. Zykina, M.I. Medvedeva (S.E. Lelyuk), M., Realnoe Vremya, 2000
  • "Guide to Diagnostic Imaging" ed. Sh.Sh. Shotemore (M.K. Rybakova), M., Soviet sport, 2001
  • “Cerebrovascular reserve in atherosclerotic lesions of the brachiocephalic arteries” (S.E. Lelyuk), Kyiv, Ukrmed, 2001
  • "Children's Ultrasound Diagnostics" ed. M.I. Pykova, K.V. Vatolina, (N.V. Zabolotskaya), M., Vidar, 2001
  • “Doppler ultrasound and duplex scanning” (Lelyuk S.E.) Neurology. National leadership. Chapter 11. “GEOTAR-Media” Moscow 2008.

In 2000, the “Medicine” publishing house published a “Guide to Ultrasound Diagnostics” edited by P.E.S. Palmer (translated by A.N. Khitrova, scientifically edited by V.V. Mitkov).

From the publishing house "Vidar":

  • “Echocardiography” by H. Feigenbaum (translation by M.K. Rybakova, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, N.V. Korneev, M.Yu. Chernov, R.A. Parkhomenko, S.P. Sharonova, A.B. Pestova , O.R. Derevyanko, I.A. Aseeva, scientific edition – V.V. Mitkova)
  • “Echography in obstetrics and gynecology. Theory and practice" trans. from English Edited by E.V. Fedorova and A.D. Lipmana) M., Vidar, 2004
  • “Ultrasound examination of blood vessels”, V.J. Zwibel, D.S. Pelerito (translation under scientific editing by V.V. Mitkov, Yu.M. Nikitin, L.V. Osipova), M., Vidar, 2008
  • “Mammography” (translated from English under the general editorship of N.V. Zabolotskaya), M., MEDpress-inform, 2009.

In addition, two educational videos were produced:

  • “Rare and interesting cases from echocardiographic practice”
  • “Normal anatomy of the heart. Standard echocardiographic positions and measurements” - M.K. Rybakova, V.V. Mitkov.

Training in ultrasound of joints in Moscow is a popular service, since the specifics of the work require knowledge of the nuances. They are taught by qualified specialists with many years of practical experience. The documents issued give the right to occupy a highly paid position.

What is special about a joint ultrasound specialist?

The position of an ultrasound diagnostics doctor of the first category is a highly paid position. To take this position, you must have the appropriate qualifications. The title of specialist in Ultrasound of joints training which our center offers.

An ultrasound of the joints can accurately determine the type of disease. The method is safe and informative. Competent transcription depends on the quality of the session. The center's training program provides not only basic knowledge, but also a complete list of modern knowledge on working with equipment.

A joint ultrasound specialist has the skills and knowledge to give an accurate diagnosis based on the image. New generation equipment allows you to see a clear picture of the condition of the skeletal system.

Advantages of distance learning

Distance learning allows you not to break away from your main activity. All you need to do is register and receive a class schedule. To attend lectures, an Internet connection and a storage device (PC, tablet, laptop) are sufficient.

Benefits of distance learning:

  • flexible schedule - study at a time convenient for the applicant;
  • favorable cost - costs only for paying for the course;
  • up-to-date materials - the program is supplemented and improved with each course;
  • competent teaching - honored specialists work with students;
  • certified center - we work under a license from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, we have the right to issue documents on advanced training;
  • there is no need to take time off from work.

With our services, you receive up-to-date knowledge and supplement your theoretical base. After completing the course, a document is issued on GOSZNAK letterhead and entered into a unified register.

Favorable prices, affordable schedule

With our services, you will undergo retraining on time. The management will receive a specialist who meets the requirements of state standards. Recognizing the importance of your time and working conditions, we have created a flexible course that allows you to allocate time according to a convenient schedule. Having received a new type of specialist certificate, you can increase your position and pay.

The Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics and Surgery of the Faculty of Education and Science of the RUDN University on the basis of City Clinical Hospital No. 24 and No. 64 in Moscow invites you to professional retraining by specialty "Ultrasound diagnostics"

Features of training:

A) Preliminary development of techniques ultrasonic research on modern simulation devices:
- using
convex sensor for transabdominal examination;
- using
mini-convex sensor for transvaginal examination;

b) Practical mastery of generally accepted and special developed at the department, ultrasound research techniques liver, gall bladder, bile ducts, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid and mammary glands, pelvic organs in men and women, general examination of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space;

V) Individual approach to teaching methods ultrasonic research;

G) Usage in the learning process archive of video materials of the department with possibilities self-viewing;

d) Step-by-step control theoretical and practical knowledge in the learning process;

e) Acquaintance listeners from methods of minimally invasive interventions under ultrasound control;

Assistant Malushenko R.N. conducts practical lesson with listeners methods ultrasonic liver studies, gallbladder And pancreas.

Professor Ivanov V.A., shows the audience ultrasound examination technique extrahepatic bile ducts And major duodenal papilla.

Associate Professor Denisov A.E. accepts test By method of ultrasound examination of the liver.

- Working off practical skills By methods ultrasonic kidney studies And adrenal glands.

Testing listeners according to the method ultrasonic studies of the liver, gallbladder, extrahepatic bile ducts And pancreas.

- Discussion of a clinical case. Determining the role of ultrasound in a comprehensive diagnostics . Peculiarities writing protocol and formation conclusions ultrasonic research.

Lectures on Ultrasound Diagnostics diseases of the liver, gall bladder, bile ducts, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid and mammary glands, pelvic organs in men and women, with the involvement of leading professors in this area, with demonstration of own video materials ;

Practical lesson: development of methods for ultrasound examination of the gallbladder and bile ducts.

- Participation in the study and independent work on diagnostic ultrasound machines;

- Seminar classes with ultrasound diagnosis of pancreatic diseases. Using the technique color Doppler mapping.

- Seminars with viewing video material from the archives of the department by ultrasound diagnosis of liver diseases, gallbladder, extrahepatic bile ducts.

- Simulation session with individual practicing transabdominal techniques ultrasonic liver and kidney studies.

- Simulation apparatus for individual practicing transvaginal techniques ultrasonic research And control received image with a standard embedded in the device images.

- Conducting simulation classes with training in methodology transvaginal ultrasonic research.

- Individual training practical skills transvaginal ultrasound examination during simulation classes.

- Education listeners modern terminology in ultrasound diagnostics.

- Education listeners writing protocols ultrasound examination using modern terminology in ultrasound diagnostics and skills training forming conclusions based on the results of the

First try listeners themselves write a protocol ultrasound examination and form conclusion based on the results of the ultrasound examination.

-Change intermediate test on topic ultrasound diagnostics of breast diseases And thyroid gland;

Trainee training to pass the final exam at the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics and Surgery of the Faculty of Education and Science of the RUDN University of Medicine .

- Summing up the results of classes at the department Ultrasound diagnostics and surgery FPC MR RUDN .

Graduation of students programs professional retraining By Ultrasound diagnostics in 2012!

Knee ultrasound is a type of ultrasound examination that allows visualization of the knee joint. This study helps differentiate between diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic injuries and degenerative pathologies.

Often the pathological process can be detected by ultrasound at an early stage, due to which treatment in many cases is successful. This test is safe and can be performed even on a child.

Where to do the study - this study is carried out by all ultrasound doctors and even orthopedists-traumatologists in ultrasound diagnostic rooms.

How to prepare for the procedure

No preliminary preparation for the procedure (hunger, drinking water, etc.) is required. But the study should not be performed within four to five days after intra-articular injections.

Research methodology

Scanning of the anterior and lateral parts of the knee joint is carried out with the patient lying on his back, with his knees extended. To better visualize the intra-articular cartilage (menisci), the patient is asked to bend his knees.

To examine the posterior parts of the joint, the patient is turned onto his stomach. After the examination, the patient receives a research protocol with a conclusion.

Sonography is carried out in several projections, here are some of them:

1.Anterior longitudinal projection

The sensor is placed above the patella parallel to the femoral axis. In this position, the hyperechoic patella with the femur is examined, which is also visualized as a linear hyperechoic structure.

Between them the suprapatellar bursa is visible in the form of a triangle, located under the tendon of the quadriceps femoris. When the sensor is moved below the patella, the patellar ligament, tibia, infrapatellar bursa and fat pad are visualized.

2.Anterior transverse projection

The sensor is placed over the upper edge of the patella. In this case, the femur and hyaline cartilage are visualized (a hypoechoic uniform strip), the suprapatellar bursa is visible in cross-section. The synovium in a healthy person is not visualized. When the sensor is moved downward, the anterior condyles of the tibia are visible.

Read also:

7 indications for ultrasound examination of the mammary glands

3. Posterior transverse projection

The examination takes place lying on your stomach. Thus, the posterior condyles of the femur, hyaline cartilage and up to the popliteal fossa are visualized.

4.Posterior lateral projection

The condyles of the femur and tibia, the intercondylar joint space, and the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus are examined.

5. Posterior longitudinal medial projection

The medial part of the popliteal fossa with the condyles of the femur and tibia, the joint space, cartilage, the posterior horn of the medial meniscus, and the semimembranosus tendon are examined.

That a doctor’s visit is normal and in case of pathology


Normally, an ultrasound of the knee joints examines all structures. In this case, the articular surfaces should be smooth, clear, without deformations, there should be no effusion in the articular cavity, the synovial membrane should not be visible, and the articular capsules and inversions will look like hypoechoic formations of a folded structure with multiple branches. Hyaline cartilage should be homogeneous in structure.


Patients are often interested in what an ultrasound scan of the leg joints shows. After all, this is not the stomach, which we are already accustomed to scanning. So, this type of research helps to determine the disease with 99.9% accuracy. These include ligament ruptures, arthritis, complex intra-articular fractures, and other pathologies.

All pathological changes in the knee joint can be divided into groups:

1. Traumatic damage to the tendon-ligamentous apparatus of the joint (rupture of the patellar ligament or quadriceps tendon, microtraumatization of the lateral ligament, etc.).

Injuries to the ligamentous apparatus occur due to a fall, inadequate load on the joint and awkward sudden movements. In this case, complete ruptures look like a complete violation of the integrity of the tendon, with the appearance of hypoechoic areas between the ends of the damaged ligament. Hematomas may be detected.

With a partial rupture, the contours of the tendon are preserved, but a hypoechoic area is clearly visible at the site of damage. When the patella is fractured, a hypoechoic gap is visualized between the bone fragments. In case of polytrauma, examination of the ankle joint is indicated.

Read also:

We determine the condition of the leg veins using duplex scanning

2. Pathology of the menisci, condition after surgery. The main signs of meniscal damage are disruption of the contour line of the damaged meniscus, the formation of hypoechoic areas and stripes, effusion in the articular cavity, signs of edema, and displacement of the collateral ligaments. Degenerative changes in the menisci look like structural heterogeneity.

3. Degenerative process, for example, Pellegrini-Stied calcification, in which multiple ossifications are identified as hyperechoic formations in the ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint. With deforming arthrosis, a narrowing of the joint space is detected, the hyaline cartilage is unevenly thinned, the contours of the articular surfaces are uneven with osteophytes.

4.Dysplastic process.

5.Cysts are visualized as delimited cavities filled with fluid.

6. Inflammation of the synovial membrane, its hyperplasia, osteochondromatosis, villonodular synovitis, synovial sarcoma, as well as rheumatic synovitis. An inflammatory process is indicated by effusion in the joint cavity.

7.Tendinitis, in which the echo density of the tendons decreases.

Features of the study, price

The main feature of the study is its accuracy and reliability, but the doctor performing the study must have a good knowledge of the anatomy of the knee joint. Often, in case of combined injuries, an ultrasound of the ankle joint is also performed.

The scan can be done in a city clinic equipped with special equipment, or in any specialized diagnostic center. This test can be done for a child at a children's orthopedic clinic. The cost of the procedure varies from 600 to 2000 rubles.

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