How to prepare speech for the project. How to better build a protective speech and speech on the protection of graduation qualifying work? How to defend a diploma

Often, students are asked to indicate an example of a less successful speech to take it for the sample. I post. Use

Immediately make a reservation that this sample "will be taken out" by me from the worldwide network. I just corrected the content and corrected grammatical errors.

The cited report was manufactured to protect the graduation work on civil law. But it is the scheme that is important to us, so it is quite suitable for our purposes.

Dear chairman, dear members of the State Examination Commission.

I present to your attention thesis On the topic: "Legal regulation of relations to protect property rights in the Russian Federation."

The relevance of the selected topic of the study is due to the following circumstances.

The economic relations of the property form the basis of any society, their legal regulation in all civilizations was of paramount importance in comparison with other areas of public relations.

In conditions modern Russia Property has exceptional importance. This is explained by the fact that the institution of ownership is the basis of political and economic transformations, a source of democracy, an indispensable condition for the construction of a legal state.

However, it is possible to state the presence of unsolved problems of legal regulation of property relations in our country, which makes this topic Even more relevant.

The purpose of the graduation work is to develop theoretical provisions and practical recommendationsaimed at improving the legal regulation of relations to protect property rights in Russian Federation.

In accordance with the designated goal, the following tasks were delivered:

  • determine the value and the ratio of the concepts of protection and protection of ownership
  • recove the content of civil and other ways to protect property rights
  • determine the ratio and distinguish between WINDICATION AND NEBATOR ISKS as a means of protection property rights Owner
  • eliminate legal problems arising from the application of civil law protection rights in practice
  • develop proposals for improving the current legislation regulating attitudes on protecting property rights.

Object The graduation research is public relations arising in the field of protection of ownership in the exercise of the owner of the ownership, use and disposal of property.

Subject of study - legal and organizational aspects of protection of property rights, modern condition and ways to further improve this institution.

Thesis consists of introduction, four chapters, conclusion, a list of used literature.

The first chapter examines the history of the development of the Property Rights Institute.

In the second chapter given general characteristics ways to protect property rights.

The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of the existing legislation of the real-affairs of the protection of the right of ownership, in particular, the Wine Claim, a negative claim, a claim for the recognition of ownership, the protection of the rights of the owner who is not the owner.

In the fourth chapter, other methods of protecting property rights, namely, the obligatory and legal methods, self-defense of ownership, recognition of an invalid of the Act of the Authority government controlledrecognition of an arbitrary deal invalid.

Based on the study, the following conclusions were made:

  1. Property essence as social phenomenon, lies in property, more precisely economic relations Between the subjects of the right about the assignment of material goods.
  2. The ownership is the most widely in the content of the real right. In the subjective sense, the right of ownership is the right of specific entities to own, use and dispose of the property of its authority, as well as eliminate the intervention of all third parties to the sphere of its economic domination over such property, acting at its discretion, in its interest, out of contradiction With existing legal entities and not violating the rights and protected interests of third parties. In the objective sense, the right of ownership is defined as a totality of the rules of law regulating attitudes on the ownership, use and order by the owner of the thing belonging to him.
  3. Under the way of protecting property rights is understood - ways to protect the subjective ownership and ways to protect the property interests of the person. The main, the most effective ways of protection are those that provide for judicial protection provided by the subject of civil legal relations as a result of appealing to court with a claim for the protection of its violated or contested ownership.
  4. Under the civil law protection of ownership should be understood as a combination of funds provided for by civil law applied in connection with the violations committed against these rights and aimed at restoring or protecting the property interests of their owners.
  5. The system of civil-law protection of property rights is a combination of four groups:
    - Related tools. These include imaging, negative claims and claims for recognition;
    - obligatory legal means. These include claims based on the protection of the property interests of the parties in a civil transaction, as well as persons who suffered damage as a result of the innovative harm to their property;
    - funds arising from various institutions of civil law. Such, for example, the rules on the protection of property rights of the owner, recognized in the prescribed manner who are missingly missing or declared or declared, in the case of its appearance (Article 43, 46 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), on the protection of the interests of the parties in case of recognition of the transaction is invalid (Article 167-180 Civil Code), etc.;
    - funds that are aimed at protecting the interests of the owner when the right of ownership on the grounds provided for in law. These, in particular, are guarantees established by the state in case of treatment in state ownership Property owned by citizens and legal entities (nationalization).

Based on the results of research research, we consider it appropriate to make some changes to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. Invalid competition of imaging and restitution laws. Such a competition (although this problem is solved in a certain way to the highest judicies), as aimed at going around the rules of the Law on the Protection of a Combat Requirement, should be directly prohibited in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. To eliminate it, it is necessary to make amendments to the articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the Wine Covenant, namely, supplement Art. 302 with a new part following the following content: "In cases provided for in. 2 of this article, (the owner or other person who has the right to the thing) does not have the right to make a claim for use general rules On the consequences of invalidity of transactions to a conscientious acquirer. "
  2. The legal status of the pressure-based owner in our legislation cannot be recognized as satisfactory. In this regard, it would be necessary to recognize if there are conditions provided for by Art. 302 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the immediate occurrence of the acquisition of the right of ownership by adding, for example, Art. 223 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation with a new paragraph 3 of approximately the following content: "The acquirer who received property from a person who has not had the right to alienate it becomes the owner, if, in accordance with the rules of Article 302 of this Code, the property cannot be exterminated from it."
  3. Due to the fact that currently state registration authorities may refuse to record property rights on applications based only on documents confirming the acquistent abandonment, since this "not established by law", the exit of the current situation can be a judicial procedure for the recognition of the right , carried out in accordance with Articles 11 and 12 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In satisfying the claims, the right of ownership will arise on the basis of the decision of the court, which, in turn, is the basis for registering the authorized body of property rights to real estate.
  4. It is necessary to expand the conditions for the Wine CT. 302 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, providing the owner of the right to file a lawsuit against a bona fide acquirer when he is deprived of ownership due to sublayed documents (sublayed certificates and extracts from the USRP, etc.). To protect the right of a bona fide acquirer, it is necessary to provide in the Civil Code such a basis for the occurrence of ownership, as a paid acquisition of the property by a conscientious acquirer from an uncondimed alienator.

Thank you for attention.

This is not ideal. Once again, I emphasize that I bring it only as a layout of the report.

I note the obvious disadvantage. The report completely lacks a reference to the practical part of the study.

  • How are the conclusions of the author confirmed in practice?
  • What can be said based on the analysis of judicial practice?
  • What are the suggestions of the author not only to change the legislation, but also on law enforcement issues?

All these questions do not give the answer.

Did you have any questions? I am pleased to answer them in the comments to this article (at the bottom of the page). Answers to questions through the contact center of this site or e-mail I do not guarantee.

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Successful protection.

Do you already know how to write a protective speech to the thesis? If not, let's understand together.

Competent clearly thoughtful speech the graduation project - An important component of success. It's not enough to write the text of the speech, you still need to be able to beautifully tell about your work. Otherwise, the Commission can upset with a lacaround and lose all interest to you.

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Tips for writing entrance speech to diploma

  1. Write a diploma himself . Even if the WRCs did not write themselves, the speech speech on the defense of the diploma should write, thoroughly studying the very research work. Re-read the material, let him "be saved" in the head. After that, you can start writing the words of the report.
  2. Remember about the time . Usually the protection of the diploma lasts long (10-15 minutes). Do not directly rewrite the whole diploma in your speech. Let the report be an assistant, a crib, which is easier to tell about the study.
  3. Think out possible questions . Before you write a protective word to the thesis, together with the supervisor, try to predict questions that the honorable commission can ask. Information that will help with the answers can be in advance in speech.
  4. Use information from the introduction and conclusion . Specify what was the task of a diploma, as it was solved, what they did and what they received in the end. In speech, it is important to reflect the essence itself, the quintessence of your work, so add conclusions to it from each chapter.
  5. Rehearsing protection in front of a mirror . Or before friends. Standing in front of the commission, you will not feel a lot of discomfort, since "at rehearsals" have already visited this situation. In addition, so you can adjust the introductory word under clearly specified time frames.
  6. To make a presentation . And it is important to know how to properly prepare a presentation for the protection of the diploma.

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How to make up / write a speech on defense of the diploma: example

And now that the beginners it is clear how to write a speech on the protection of diplomas, we give an example.

Here is a sample of the perfect introductory speech on the protection of the Mr. X. diploma:

« Hello, dear members of the attestation commission! The theme of my graduation qualifying work is "how to write a diploma in 2 hours." The relevance of the topic is obvious, this problem is very common, many people face a similar problem that requires consideration with scientific vision. The purpose of the work is to conduct a study on writing thesis for 2 hours.

The first chapter of the work is considered theoretical basis Writing a diploma for 2 hours. Analysis of the question showed that the features of this process are as follows: the diploma is written mainly at night, often in co-authorship. A positive effect on the process has excessive coffee consumption and chocolate overdose.

The second chapter of the work is devoted to a practical study. Research results confirm the theoretical provisions in the first chapter.

The result of the project chapter was the development of methods for writing a diploma in 2 hours. During the preparation of the work, the task was solved at the beginning of work. The purpose of the work is to conduct a study on writing a graduation work in 2 hours achieved. At this, I finish my defense of the diploma. Thanks for attention!»

Neat and tidy appearance - key success when protecting

We know perfectly well how hard it will be to write to the protection of the diploma. On the eve of this significant eventWhen the nerves at the limit, the preparation of the presentation and speech can turn into a real torture.

Fortunately, we have an excellent solution to such situations - the help of a professional student service. The vast experience of our performers will not allow to doubt the success of protection!

Work on the course project is quite complicated and painstaking. It includes several stages: preparatory, primary and final. On the preparatory Stage Students collect material, study literature and together with the supervisor make up the work plan. The main stage includes actually writing the work and registration of it according to state Standard and the requirements of your university. If you have already passed the first two stages, it remains quite a bit: to prepare for the protection of your project.

What is needed for this?

First, we need a speech or a report with which you will perform in front of the attestation commission, secondly, you should decide on visual materialillustrating your report. These can be wall posters, graphs, cards, but it is better to actively use innovative technologies and make up multimedia presentation To protect the project, you can also use folders with handouts for all members of the Commission. Thirdly, it is necessary to organically link your speech and illustrative material.

Do not underestimate the meaning of entrance speech, even if you yourself are hard to corrupt over the project for several months. Without preparation, your speech will be a mess, without a clear structure and a multitude of small details. So let's get acquainted with the basic requirements of the introductory speech of the student.

One of the most frequent questions that worries students how much to write, i.e. what should be the volume of the report to the protection term paper. There will be no clear criteria here, since the volume of the report is closely connected not only with the content of your courses, but also the number of minutes that are given to protection. Time can vary from 5 to 10 minutes, it will depend on your faculty or department, the quantities of protecting and even from the composition of the attestation commission, therefore it is better to focus on the averaged indicator - 7 minutes. To find out how many text pages you can tell (read) during this time, it is enough to carry out a simple experiment - read one of the chapters, first turn on the stopwatch. Of course, the resulting number of pages will be a certain abstract indicator, as you still need to comment on your illustrations, and at the end of the defense answer questions from the Commission.

In general, your speech should not exceed 5 pages of printed text (printing requirements are standard, as in the main text of work - 14 font, one-hour interval). It is not necessary to get involved and write a very common report (7-10 pages), you may be interrupted after the expiration of time, because the protection regulations are not followed. Too short speech will not reveal the essence of your research, so it will significantly reduce your assessment for work.

Your speech must have a definite order or structure. One of the common writing options is the layout of two sections of introduction and imprisonment. But it is not necessary to make it easy to work, the totality of these sections can serve as a basic basis for your speech that needs to be improved.

5 Basic Principles of Successful Current Protection Speech

1. Introduction
Any speech begins with a small entry or greeting. You must imagine yourself and your work to the members of the attestation commission. As a rule, it is enough to limit ourselves to several sentences:

  • "Good afternoon, respected Chairman of the Attestation Commission and members of the Commission. I (FULL NAME), student 2 courses I present to your attention my course project, the topic of which "

2. Theoretical part

This section of your speech can be written, relying on the administration section, as many concepts will be borrowed from it. In addition, you must tell about the relevance of the problem of research, to determine the object and subject, formulate the purpose and objectives of the study. It will be nice to include the structure of the work (how many sections (chapters), subsections, applications and literary sources).

3. Main part
The main part needs to be given a maximum of time. It should be noted that this is the most voluminous and difficult for writing a part of your report. In this section, you can give an analysis of each chapter by specifying its name, the main terms, which was done (not done), brief conclusions. Do not forget about the author's personal contribution, i.e., what was done personally by you - the collection and processing of information, drawing up tables and graphs, the development of specific proposals for solving the problem and so on. In addition, this section should be accompanied by an illustrative material and your comments to these illustrations.

4. Final part
The final part can be written by analogy with the theoretical partition of your speech. Only instead of entering use the Conclusion section. This section of your report must contain the following information: a small conclusion for each of the tasks set in the introduction, the personal contribution of the researcher, the prospects for new developments on this issue. Do not forget to indicate that you have reached the goal set at the beginning of the study.

5. Finishing part
We write by analogy with entry or greetings, limiting the pair of proposals that your report is over, and you are ready to answer questions of members of the Commission.
It is not worth going to protect with the "raw" speech, leave at least a day or two for rehearsals. Remove the text at least 5-6 times, say it in front of the mirror, mom, roommates. After, you can read the text for a while, you may have to adjust it several times (cut or enlarge).

The WRC Protection Report is important to assess the graduation project. The average volume of the final study of the graduate takes 70 pages, but when speaking, the student will be limited. That is why it is necessary to prepare a speech in advance for members of the State Commission.

Prode For Protection Report

Order Protection report The report for the graduation work is in advance prepared text for speaking to protect. It serves as a tip for a student and contains all the basic theses of its WRC. Incorrectly compiled speech may cause failure even better workBecause the success of protection depends on the quality of the speech.

How to make a defense report

Before preparing a report, a student should re-read the text of WRC and allocate the most important moments. At this stage, it is not necessary to pay attention to their volume and relationship, the main thing is to determine the most fundamental theses of the diploma. After you need to connect all selected fragments into a single, logically associated text and again reconsider the written.

Important! A properly compiled report to protection always contains a related transition from one thought to another.

Attention should also be paid to the level of education of the audience. Professors of the disciplines, which was written by WRC, there is no need to explain the meaning of special terms and concepts in the report. Detailed disclosure of terminology will be required if specialists with adjacent departments will be present in the Commission or the chosen topic of the diploma will have narrow specificity.

Structure of the report

A properly composed report on the protection of final qualifying work consists of the following parts:

  1. Start spending WRCs preferably with opening words. Next, it is necessary to highlight the relevance of the study. It is necessary to describe it briefly (2-3 sentences).
  2. Next follows short description Object and subjects of research, ICR goals and means of their achievement.
  3. The main section of speech is the description of the findings of the graduation project. It is recommended to cover the results of each chapter separately.
  4. Presentation of the practical substantiation of CRC conclusions. You can also bring suggestions for improving the subject being studied.

Important! The speech ends with the appeal to the Chairman and the members of the State Attestation Commission with gratitude for their attention.

Exemplary report on WRC

The WRC report plan always consists of several main items:

  • entry from the introduction of thesis, the designation of the topic and the relevance of WRCs;
  • description of the structure of the work - includes a summary of the structure of WRC, the number of chapters;
  • theoretical part (Definition of sources used during work, research methods, analysis modern development problematics subjects);
  • practical part with forecasts and expectations from the work done;
  • summing up the study (conclusions can partially duplicate the conclusion of thesis)

The structure of speech on protection may vary depending on the specifics of the topic theme, but the report plan must remain unchanged.

Sample speech on protection

Dear chairman and members of the State Attestation Commission!
Your attention is a diploma job on the topic: ...
The selected topic is particularly relevant, since modern science
Object scientific research In this work is ...

As part of the graduation work, the following goals and objectives are formulated: ...

Among the sources used ...

The first chapter covered the foundations ...

As part of the second chapter, analysis is carried out ...

The third chapter gives the characteristic ....

Thus, the practical conclusions of the study allow ...

In all student times, one question was standing on Konou: how to write a speech on the protection of a diploma? The sample, as a rule, has never been granted.

It is because of the ignorance of the basic moments of the process of protecting the result of student activities, as well as the principles of preparation for the final event, many students defended themselves as good as they wanted.

We will try to figure out the basics of this process: how to make and write text to this event, to pay attention to. We find out what the stages of the event and how morally to prepare them.

Diploma protection is a reflection of work and results. scientific activity Student before members of the Commission (GAK).

In practice, it turns out that it is important for the commission not the content of the diploma himself, but how to present his student. And it is not surprising, over a week comes to defend more than 1000 diplomas.

Therefore, speech to protection is the main helper of a successful diploma. Many students need to be properly prepared for protection. How to protect yourself to "excellent"? Tell me below.

How to defend a diploma

Before talking about the text, let's see how protection passes.

Performing a different amount of time. The length of the time interval to which the student needs to be met is primarily dependent on the priority of the student's scientific activity area: the more important I. the question is more relevantThe longer you need to protect one person (up to 45 minutes).

Another aspect that affects the time of protection, the number of people in the group: the more, the longer the process is.

And the latter, an important point is the number and quality of the issues of the Commission: the more specific questions, the longer the defense.

How does this process occurs:

  1. The student is given time to disclose the content of the diploma, approximately 10 minutes. It is allowed to carry out a visual demonstration of work with the help of presentation and handout.
  2. Further, the Commission asks questions where not only the basic knowledge of the student across the entire course is checked, but also its practical skills and ability to find logical right solutions In specific situations.
  3. After that, the Commission read a review of the supervisor and review of the thesis, where the advantages and disadvantages of work, possible comments and additions are indicated.

Further, at the closed meeting, the Commission decides: what evaluations to put for a diploma. The protection of the diploma can be passed on "excellent", "well", "satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory." The chairman of the commission is voiced by the results in front of the whole group.

Text drawing structure for diploma

Speech should be printed about 6 sheets A4 14 font (Times New Roman) with an interval of 1.5.

We will analyze the brief structure of the speech of this event.

The text should include the following points and their order:

  • representation of the topic of the diploma;
  • story about the importance of the chosen topic;
  • explanation of the goals and objectives of your research;
  • story about research objects;
  • explanation of the choice of the methodology and its mechanism for its implementation;
  • conclusions;
  • assumptions about the future work.

It is worth considering: It is better not to read from the sheet, but to speak in your words the text of this speech.

How to write a speech on the protection of the diploma

What should your attention be paid when drawing up speech text?

Do not forget about etiquette. Before starting, the members of the Commission should be welcomed: "Good day / evening Dear members / colleagues ...".

It is from the words of the greeting to start their report, and only then submit a diploma.

The introductory part will look like this: "Your attention will be presented with the result of my research activities on the topic ...". The topic should be indicated completely, in the form, as declared from members of the GAK.

You must also specify which area lies practical use The results of this topic:

  • on pedagogy;
  • in jurisprudence;
  • in psychology;
  • by speech therapy;
  • construction;
  • by ... etc.

About the relevance of the theme, goals and objectives need to be told in the introduction to the diploma. It is necessary to set out the main aspects in your own words.

In the same way, objects and research methods should be submitted, reducing the volume as possible. At the same time you need to leave the most important thing.

  • "My qualifying work includes the following sections ...";
  • "... in chapter 1, he is talking about ...";
  • "... Here is a study technique: it includes ...", etc.

Then the problems and methods of their solution are voiced:

  • "... from the foregoing should be ...";
  • "... Analyzing the data can be assumed ...", etc.

Then briefly formulate conclusions for work:

  • "Thus, it should be ...";
  • "... Analyzing the goals and objectives, as well as the results obtained, it follows that ...", etc.

It is necessary to complete your speech by the final thanksgiving phrase: "Thank you for your attention, I will be glad (-Ah) to answer all your questions ...".

An example of a protective word to the graduation work

In this section, you will see more than one sample speech to protect the diploma. They helped students successfully pass the diploma. We hope that other examples will also help write a competent text to protect your work.


Many will ask what all this canite is, can I order ready? The slogan "No lawyer will prove the fake" will not pass!

If the student will do all the things prescribed to him on his own, will gather all the references, it will be difficult to "fill up" the defense.

And what to do, if still the defense did not set? Everything is simple - to agree on relocating with the rector or rewrite work in as soon as possible - By the autumn period of delivery and already there to defend it.

But to prevent some kind of time, it is enough to prepare a speech plan not a week before the diploma, but when writing the work itself, it is necessary to competently build all the key aspects of your research.

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