When was the law on federal state standards adopted? Introduction of fgos before. What is the information and educational environment

Certain issues regarding the introduction of the federal state educational standard of general education (FSES) are clarified.

Thus, attention is paid to the key features of the Federal State Educational Standard; the status and format of the exemplary basic educational program (BEP); the relationship between the Federal State Educational Standard, the approximate general education educational program, the general educational program and the educational program of the school. The transition of an educational institution to the Federal State Educational Standard, changes in connection with its introduction, extracurricular activities, etc. are considered.

The Federal State Educational Standard includes requirements for the structure and results of mastering the educational program, and the conditions for its implementation. This is the basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates, regardless of the form of training.

It is being developed in stages according to the stages of education, respectively, for primary, basic and secondary (complete) general education. Currently, standards have been approved for primary (Order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated October 6, 2009 N 373) and basic general education (Order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated December 17, 2010 N 1897).

The mandatory introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (grade 1) in all Russian educational institutions will begin in the 2011/12 academic year. Compulsory training in the Federal State Educational Standard at the level of basic general education - from the 2015/16 academic year; secondary (complete) general education - from 2020/21.

You can switch to the Federal State Educational Standard in stages, through the levels of general education after the approval of the relevant standards and as educational institutions are ready to introduce the Federal State Educational Standard (in 5 grades - starting from the 2012/13 academic year, in 10 - from 2013/14).

The criteria for the readiness of an educational institution for such an introduction and measures to ensure it have been established.

To assist the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation in organizing the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, a corresponding Coordination Council has been created under the Department of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Everyone has heard this abbreviation, but few understand what it means.

What is Federal State Educational Standard

Federal State Educational Standards are federal state educational standards. They represent a set of mandatory educational requirements at various levels - from kindergartens to advanced training courses.

Federal State Educational Standards establish qualitative and quantitative criteria in education, like standards in sports or GOSTs for products.

Federal State Educational Standards have the force of law and must be observed by all educational institutions.

Including private ones. After all, they are also guided by the Law “On Education”, and it establishes the right to receive education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Private schools should teach the same things as public schools; the only difference is in the methods and scope of additional services.

Types of Federal State Educational Standards

For each level of education, its own state standard has been developed.

  1. Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.
  2. Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (grades 1–4).
  3. Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education (grades 5–9).
  4. Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary General Education (grades 10–11).

There are also federal state educational standards for bachelor's, master's, and residency programs, as well as the Federal State Educational Standard for students with disabilities. There are 12 types in total. You can get acquainted with each of them on the website fgos.ru.

Why are education standards needed?

Federal State Educational Standards provide:

  • unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation. This means, no matter where you live, in Moscow, Kaliningrad or Vladivostok, your child will receive approximately the same knowledge everywhere.
  • continuity of basic educational programs. Kindergarten prepares for primary school, primary school for secondary school, and so on. At each level, the child should receive everything necessary to move up the educational ladder without any problems.
  • variability of the content of educational programs. They teach the same thing, but in different ways. The main thing is that in the end the child has a set of competencies established by the state.
The Federal State Educational Standard is the basis of all major educational programs.

Textbooks and training manuals are written based on them, they determine how much time to devote to a particular subject, they decide how to conduct certifications and what tasks will be on the Unified State Exam. In short, the Federal State Educational Standard is the foundation of the educational process.

Structure of the Federal State Educational Standard

Each federal state educational standard includes three types of requirements.

  1. Requirements for the structure of basic educational programs. What subjects to study? What should the curriculum be like? How to develop the ability to learn? How to evaluate the results?
  2. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs. How many teachers and other specialists are needed? What textbooks and equipment will be needed?
  3. Requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs. Here, not only grades in subjects are taken into account, but also the child’s independence, his ability to communicate, the presence of his own position and other meta-subject and personal results.

Who comes up with the Federal State Educational Standard

Federal state educational standards are updated approximately every 10 years. They are being developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation with the participation of educational and methodological associations, educational and scientific organizations.

Usually, the draft Federal State Educational Standard is first discussed on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science, then an independent examination is carried out and, after modifications, the standards are approved by a special council of the Ministry of Education.

Federal State Educational Standards update

Now in Russia there are federal state educational standards of the so-called second generation for schoolchildren. It was developed from 2009 to 2012. The emphasis is on the development of universal learning skills, that is, the ability to independently obtain information using technology and communication with people. Much attention is paid to project and extracurricular activities. It is assumed that students according to federal state standards must love their Motherland, respect the law, be tolerant and strive for a healthy lifestyle.

Sounds good. But the current Federal State Educational Standards are still criticized for their bureaucratic language, vague formulations, replacement of the usual “knowledge” and “skills” with some “competencies” and much more.

A barrage of criticism also fell on the new educational standards, the discussion of which began in the spring of 2018. Teachers of Russian language and literature are outraged by the closed list of books that children will have to read, and life safety teachers are perplexed about how to teach fifth-graders about “reproductive health.”

Education in the first to fourth grades is organized in accordance with the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (FSES IEO) according to the educational program “School of Russia” using educational and methodological complexes based on an activity-based, problem-dialogical approach to the organization of education, allowing to reveal as much as possible the child’s personal qualities in the process of creative joint activity to “discover new knowledge.”

Class schedule for first grade students

The school charter defines a special regime of the educational process for first-grade students in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard:

    training sessions are conducted over a five-day school week in the first shift, weekends are Saturday and Sunday;

    a “stepped” teaching mode is used (in September, October - 3 lessons per day of 35 minutes each, in November, December - 4 lessons of 35 minutes each; from January to May - 4 lessons of 40 minutes each);

    in the middle of the school day, a dynamic break lasting at least 40 minutes is organized;

    the class schedule includes a light day (Wednesday) in the middle of the school week;

    the system of point (grade) assessment is excluded;

    an additional week's holiday in the middle of the third quarter.

Regulatory framework for introducing new standards

Federal state standards are established in the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of the “Law on Education in the Russian Federation” and represent “a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general education (EEP) by educational institutions that have state accreditation.”

Features of the Federal State Educational Standard

A distinctive feature of the new standard is its activity-based nature, with the main goal being the development of the student’s personality. The education system abandons the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, abilities, skills; the formulation of the standard indicates the real types of activities that the student must master by the end of primary education. Requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal, meta-subject and subject results.

An integral part of the core of the new standard are universal learning activities (ULAs). UUD is understood as “general educational skills”, “general methods of activity”, “supra-subject actions”, etc. The educational program of the school provides a separate section - the program for the formation of universal learning activities (UAL). All types of UUD are considered in the context of the content of specific academic subjects. The presence of this program in the complex of the Basic educational program of primary general education sets the activity approach in the educational process of primary school.

An important element in the formation of universal learning activities for students at the level of primary general education, ensuring its effectiveness, is the orientation of younger schoolchildren in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the formation of the ability to use them competently (ICT competence). The use of modern digital tools and communication environments is indicated as the most natural way to form UUD.

Requirements for student results in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

The standard establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of primary general education:

    personal, including the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and knowledge, the value and semantic attitudes of students, reflecting their individual personal positions, social competencies, personal qualities, the formation of the foundations of civic identity;

    meta-subject, including students’ mastery of universal learning activities (cognitive, regulatory and communicative), ensuring mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, and interdisciplinary concepts;

    subject-specific, including the experience acquired by students in the course of studying an academic subject in activities specific to a given subject area in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application, as well as the system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlie the modern scientific picture of the world.

Subject results are grouped by subject areas, within which subjects are specified. They are formulated in terms of “the graduate will learn...”, which is a group of mandatory requirements, and “the graduate will have the opportunity to learn...”.

In accordance with the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards, the system of requirements for educational outcomes and the system for assessing student achievements are changing. Value orientations reflecting individual personal positions (religious, aesthetic views, political preferences, etc.), characteristics of social feelings (patriotism, tolerance, humanism, etc.), and individual psychological characteristics of elementary school graduates will not be assessed.

Introduction of information technologies into the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

The study of the surrounding world is carried out not only through studying textbook materials, but also through observations and experiments carried out using digital measuring instruments, a digital microscope, a digital camera and a video camera. Observations and experiments are recorded, their results are summarized and presented in digital form.

The study of art involves studying contemporary art forms as well as traditional ones. In particular, digital photography, video, animation. In the context of studying all subjects, various sources of information should be widely used, including the accessible Internet.

The school uses the project method. ICT tools are the most promising means of implementing project-based teaching methods. There is a series of projects, by participating in which children get to know each other, exchange information about themselves, about school, about their interests and hobbies. Parents should encourage their children to do this work in every possible way.

The integrated approach to learning used in creating the new standard involves the active use of knowledge gained from studying one subject in lessons in other subjects. For example, in a Russian language lesson, work is being done on descriptive texts, and the same work continues in a lesson about the world around us, for example, in connection with the study of the seasons. The result of this activity is, for example, a report describing pictures of nature, natural phenomena, etc.

Organization of extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities at school are organized according to the areas of personal development:

Sports and recreation;

Spiritual and moral (classroom series “I am a citizen”);


General intellectual (course “Project tasks”);

General cultural.

The content of classes is formed taking into account the wishes of students and their parents (legal representatives). Extracurricular activities include individual lessons of speech therapists, pedagogical psychologists with children requiring psychological, pedagogical and correctional support (including individual lessons on oral speech, handwriting and writing, etc.), individual and group consultations for children various categories, excursions, sections, round tables, conferences, debates, olympiads, competitions, search and scientific research, etc. The time allocated for extracurricular activities is not included in the maximum permissible workload of students.

Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education The main goal of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard of Second Generation Education is to create conditions that allow solving the strategic task of Russian education - improving the quality of education, achieving new educational results that meet the modern needs of the individual, society and the state. The main goal of the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards is to create conditions that make it possible to solve the strategic task of Russian education - improving the quality of education, achieving new educational results that meet the modern needs of the individual, society and the state. Federal state standards are established in the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of Article 7 of the “Law on Education” and represent “a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general education (EEP) by educational institutions that have state accreditation.” The standard puts forward three groups of requirements: Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education; Requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of primary general education; Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education. What is the distinctive feature of the new Standard? The teaching method is changing (from explanatory to activity-based); The approach to assessing learning outcomes is changing (not only knowledge, abilities and skills are assessed, but also, above all, meta-subject and personal results). The teacher certification system is changing (the quality of management of students' educational activities is assessed); The school certification system is changing (the quality of the organization of the school's transition to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is assessed). The goal of school is not only knowledge, but also the ability to obtain and use it. The standard establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of primary general education: PERSONAL: readiness and ability of students for self-development; formation of motivation for learning and cognition; value and semantic attitudes of students; reflecting their individual and personal positions; formation of the foundations of civic identity. METASUBJECT: students' mastery of universal learning activities (cognitive, regulatory and communicative) with interdisciplinary concepts. SUBJECT: the experience acquired by students in the course of studying an academic subject in activities specific to a given subject area in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application; subject results are grouped by academic subjects. They are formulated in terms of “the graduate will learn...” (a group of mandatory requirements) and “the graduate will have the opportunity to learn...” (failure to achieve these requirements by the graduate cannot serve as an obstacle to his transfer to the next level of education). According to the concept of the Federal State Educational Standard, the following results will be assessed: Scientific knowledge and ideas about nature, society, man, sign and information systems; Skills implemented in educational, cognitive, research, practical activities, generalized methods of activity; Communication and information skills; Ability to evaluate objects of the surrounding reality from certain positions; Ability to control and self-control; Ability to creatively solve educational and practical problems.

Federal State Educational Standards NOO

Federal state standards are established in the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of Article 7 of the “Law on Education” and represent “a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general education (EEP) by educational institutions that have state accreditation.”

The main goal of the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards is to create conditions that make it possible to solve the strategic task of Russian education - improving the quality of education, achieving new educational results that meet the modern needs of the individual, society and the state.

The standard puts forward three groups of requirements:

    Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education;

    Requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of primary general education;

    Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education.

What is the distinctive feature of the new Standard?

    The teaching method is changing (from explanatory to activity-based);

    The approach to assessing learning outcomes is changing (not only knowledge, skills and abilities are assessed, but also, above all, meta-subject and personal results)

    The teacher certification system is changing (the quality of management of students' educational activities is assessed);

    The school certification system is changing (the quality of the organization of the school's transition to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is assessed).

The purpose of the school becomes not only knowledge, but also the ability to obtain it and use it. The standard establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of primary general education:

PERSONAL: students' readiness and ability for self-development; formation of motivation for learning and cognition; value and semantic attitudes of students; reflecting their individual and personal positions; formation of the foundations of civic identity.

META-SUBJECT: students' mastery of universal learning activities (cognitive, regulatory and communicative), interdisciplinary concepts.

SUBJECT: the experience acquired by students in the course of studying an academic subject in activities specific to a given subject area in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application; subject results are grouped by academic subjects. They are formulated in terms of “the graduate will learn...” (a group of mandatory requirements) and “the graduate will have the opportunity to learn...” (failure to achieve these requirements by the graduate cannot serve as an obstacle to his transfer to the next level of education).

According to the concept of the Federal State Educational Standard, the following results will be assessed:

    Scientific knowledge and ideas about nature, society, man, sign and information systems;

    Skills implemented in educational, cognitive, research, practical activities, generalized methods of activity;

    Communication and information skills;

    Ability to evaluate objects of the surrounding reality from certain positions; Ability to control and self-control;

    Ability to creatively solve educational and practical problems.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 “On approval and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education” (as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2010 No. 1241, dated September 22, 2011 No. 2357)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Federal State Educational Standards of NOO

Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education

Approximate basic educational program of primary general education

Parents about Federal State Educational Standards LLC

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard into the educational process is carried out through the study of the regulatory framework of the municipal, federal and regional levels. In addition, a special working group is formed, the main program of the institution, and a scheme of methodological work are drawn up. At the same time, changes are being made to job descriptions in accordance with staffing requirements. A key condition for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is informing parents about the transition to new standards.

Working group

It is formed by order of the director. She creates a plan for introducing the Federal State Educational Standard. It includes questions such as:

  1. Studying teaching materials.
  2. Development of the core curriculum.
  3. Creation of working projects on subjects.
  4. Development of extracurricular activity programs.
  5. Informing parents and discussing with them new standards (how this or that lesson will be taught according to the Federal State Educational Standard).
  6. Formation of a monitoring system to track key results.
  7. Creation of a regulatory framework accompanying the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in a school or kindergarten. This includes publications through which the activities of teachers and administration staff are regulated.

Preparatory stage

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution or a mid-level educational institution is carried out in several stages. At the preparatory stage, a number of key tasks are solved. In particular, the regulatory framework of the institution is supplemented by local acts. In particular, the following is carried out:

  1. Formation of the Regulations on the educational work program in the main subjects in accordance with the requirements of the standard.
  2. Deputy Director for SD, class teacher in terms of organizing the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

At the preparatory stage, parents are surveyed to identify the need for additional classes outside of school hours. An integral measure at this stage is the adjustment of the methodological work scheme. Its main focus is the study of materials that accompany the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. Based on the analysis, training programs are developed. A discussion is held with parents about a new scheme according to which a certain lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard will be taught. At the meeting, the objectives and goals of the standard are communicated to them. Based on the results of the preparatory stage, orders are issued regulating the work of teachers, a program for extracurricular activities is developed, and other regulatory (local) acts are approved.

First difficulties

They arise already at the stage of bringing the regulatory framework into compliance. At the federal level, documents have been created that contain common ideas and directions. The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is complicated by the lack of programs for a specific educational institution, in specific subjects and extracurricular activities in relation to the institution. Nevertheless, these difficulties are quite surmountable. A working group is being created for this purpose. Its members must carefully study the proposed standard and adapt it to a specific institution. In this case, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of the materials. In accordance with the results, a regulatory framework is being developed, and programs for extracurricular activities are being modified in several areas:

  1. Generally intellectual.
  2. Sports and recreation.
  3. General cultural.
  4. Social.
  5. Spiritual and moral.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard radically changes teachers’ understanding of the content of the educational process and educational results. An innovation for many teachers is the concept that teachers have impressive experience interacting with students, they know how to develop children. Restructuring the formed beliefs and actions of the teacher himself becomes a serious problem for the administration and staff.

Methodological support

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education requires active action from the administration. Specialists must develop strong motivation to work using new standards. The methodological readiness of the teacher for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is also of no small importance. To implement these tasks, the institution is developing a block of activities to support specialists. The main goal of methodological work is the formation of a model for the transition of educational institutions to new standards, ensuring the professional readiness of employees through a system of continuous development.


It is considered the most effective option for teaching staff in the process of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard. The project ensures the inclusion of each teacher in collective creative work to master innovations. It is advisable to develop a program for organizing methodological activities in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. The project is discussed at the pedagogical council.

Teacher groups

Their creation helps to increase the efficiency of all work. When creating groups (creative, interest groups, etc.), you need to pay special attention to:

  • Study of professional problems and needs of teachers.
  • Providing the opportunity to choose forms and methods of improving skills for each teacher. Teachers can voluntarily participate in certain seminars and attend courses. Teachers should have the opportunity to offer their own individual professional development program, including remotely.

Forms of methodological activity

They can be didactic and organizational, collective and individual. The traditional methodological forms are:

Key topics

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO is accompanied by:

  1. Implementation of the national educational initiative in the activities of the institution, class teacher, and subject teacher.
  2. Updating technologies and content of the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  3. Familiarization with informational and educational materials necessary for effective solution of assigned tasks.
  4. Studying the features of a modern lesson, design, research and extracurricular activities.
  5. Development of technology for assessing UUD, quality of education, preparation for the State Examination and Unified State Examination, improvement of teaching.
  6. Monitoring the educational process, analyzing its effectiveness.

First results

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO is accompanied by large-scale work. The first noticeable changes in the activities of the educational institution include:

  • Noticeable increase in positive motivation.
  • Expanding ideas about the content of standards.
  • Improving methodological skills during the development of new technologies.
  • The effectiveness of the created information and methodological base, on the basis of which the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out.

1st grade acts as a transition period for younger children. In this regard, clear coordination of the activities of teachers and educators is necessary. To ensure this, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions is provided. Already at this stage, a clear development and education program for each child should be formed.

Introduction of Federal State Educational Standards in 5th grade

The standards provide for new methods of assessing students. In order to organize a system for monitoring the development of universal educational and subject-related activities, the teaching staff and the administration of the institution must have an adequate understanding of the general approaches to establishing the degree of mastery of the material, the content of the assessment, and the characteristics of the tasks used in teaching. New standards focus work on achieving qualitatively new results and goals. Questioning of 5th grade teachers. showed that up to 40% of specialists experience difficulties when identifying and analyzing tasks that are aimed at forming a UUD. At the same time, all teachers have difficulty assessing the development of children’s actions. This is due to the fact that for a long time no unified diagnostics of subject, personal and meta-subject achievements was developed. In this regard, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard should first of all involve studying the content of the assessment system. It is necessary to understand to what extent it stimulates and supports students, how accurately feedback will be provided, how informative it is, and whether it is capable of involving children in independent activities. The main criterion and task of assessment is not mastering the minimum of the program, but mastering the system of actions with the material being studied.

Methods for analyzing results

When assessing, different approaches are used. They complement each other. The most popular forms and methods are:

A separate place among these forms is occupied by final comprehensive and subject-specific testing works. To individualize the education system, these standardized measures will not be enough. The teacher needs to learn how to develop this type of assignment himself. Having delved into the essence of the work composition scheme, the teacher will be able to understand how its content is formed and assessed by the UUD.

Current monitoring

It is carried out using a table of results of the educational process. They are posted in the Teacher's Workbook. This document is a notepad for current entries. Its maintenance is necessary to record and store data on the dynamics of student development, which cannot be reflected in the official journal. In the tables, ratings are given in the field of the action or skill that was the main one in solving the task. Marks are given according to a five-point system. In addition, experimental monitoring is carried out in the 3rd quarter. Its task is to timely detect the failure or success of training. Depending on this, the teacher’s further activities are structured to achieve effectiveness in planning the material.

Final conclusions for the year

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard showed the relevance of conceptual ideas and prescribed ways of implementing standards. They are in demand in the modern education system. The institution’s material and technical capabilities make it possible to organize classroom and extracurricular work efficiently and mobilely. During the entire time the child is at school, he receives a positive communication experience and the opportunity to prove himself as a creative, active person. During the classes, special attention is focused on project activities. As practice shows, children are interested in independently searching for information, interpreting it, and presenting their works. When attending lessons held in fifth grades, it was noted that children began to better express their thoughts and respond more easily to the teacher’s questions. They actively engage in dialogue. Children not only reproduce everything they saw or heard, but also reason, draw conclusions, and justify them. The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard allows you to develop self-organization skills, which are aimed at solving assigned tasks. As a result, most children are able to adequately evaluate their work. As for teachers, observation of them shows that they have developed a certain level of methodological readiness. Teachers build educational activities in a new way, master communication tools, and multimedia sources of information.

Negative points

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is accompanied, as mentioned above, by a number of problems. Among other things, shortcomings in logistics were identified, such as a lack of offices in the institution’s building for extracurricular activities. As for information and methodological materials, it is necessary to improve resource potential in this area. In addition, there are also personnel problems:

  1. The stable situation that has developed in previous years is still slowing down the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  2. The implementation of project work requires the teacher to have perfect knowledge of the relevant technologies and techniques.

In diagnostics there are problems such as:

  1. Lack of necessary materials for analyzing the mastery of meta-subject work. This significantly complicates teaching activities.
  2. Insufficient development of portfolio development activities as a form of student assessment. Their improvement must be carried out in collaboration with parents.


There are quite a lot of difficulties when introducing the Federal State Educational Standard. However, most of them are completely solvable at the level of a specific educational institution. In this case, the main thing is not to deviate from your goals. It must be remembered that even the most detailed methodological materials and the most modern equipment will not help to obtain an effective result if the specialists themselves do not start with themselves. At the same time, even developed information, communication, and professional competence will not ensure the implementation of the tasks set by the standard. A guarantee of achieving the set goals is a new consciousness, position, and relationships that are radically different from previous ideas about the educational process.

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