Lesson notes for the senior group (cognitive, artistic and aesthetic development): “Luntik’s space adventure. Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group “Travelling in Space Interesting lesson about space senior group

Target: Expand and deepen children’s understanding of space.


  • To consolidate knowledge about the planets of the solar system.
  • Expand your vocabulary related to the concept of “Space”.
  • Improve dialogic and monologue speech.
  • Strengthen the ability to answer questions.
  • Strengthen the skill of composing simple and complex sentences.
  • Strengthen the ability to form antonym words with the prefix without -.
  • Foster a sense of mutual assistance, friendship, and patriotism.


  • Models of planets on a poster, audio recordings, portraits.
  • Globe.
  • Mnemotables.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations on the topic “Space”
  • Drawing on the theme “Aliens”, “Space”
  • Looking at illustrations, encyclopedias, books about space
  • Making crafts, albums, applications about space
  • Game situations “Cosmodrome”, “Find the planet”

Progress of the lesson

Children sit in a semicircle.

Cosmic music sounds.


A long time ago, when people still lived in caves, they looked at the sky every night and were surprised: countless dots sparkled above their heads. They disappeared by morning only to appear the next night. And where the Sun sparkled during the day, at night the MOON shone, changing its shape.

People did not understand why this was happening and could not explain it. But thousands of years passed and they found answers to many questions.

Let us now remember everything that we know about space.

Children, long ago, when you and even me were not in the world, the joyful news spread around the world: man has conquered outer space.

Who was the first astronaut on the planet? (The first cosmonaut on the planet was Yu.A. Gagarin).

Is there a monument to astronauts in our city? (In our city there is a monument to Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin).

Where is he located? (It is located on Gagarin Street)

What was the name of the space rocket on which Gagarin ascended to the stars? (East)

Yuri Gagarin is a true hero not only of our country, but of the entire planet Earth! And we are also proud of Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova. Who is she? (First woman astronaut)

Who else has flown into space besides people? (The dogs Belka and Strelka, mice, rats, rabbits and even a monkey flew into space).

What do you think astronauts should be like?

Didactic game “What should an astronaut be like?”

An astronaut must be brave, strong, courageous, determined, intelligent, dexterous, resilient, hardworking, courageous, courageous, disciplined, modest.

Guys, let's tell you who can get into the cosmonaut corps?

Didactic game “Add a word”

Educator: If you want to become an astronaut, you have to do a lot...

Children: Know.

Educator: Any space route

Open to those who love...

Children: Labor.

Educator: Fast rockets are waiting for us

For flights on...

Children: Planets.

Educator: Ours will be the friendliest

Our cheerful...

Children: Crew.

Educator: If we want to go into space

So soon...

Children: Let's fly.

For the flight, we will build a spaceship and call it “Friendship”. What is the name of the door in a spaceship? (A door in a spaceship is called a hatch.)

Through the hatch we go on board the ship.

We repeat the rule of friendship “One for all and all for one.”

We begin the countdown: “10, 9, ...., start”

Physical education session (to music)

Weightlessness. What is our head like? (Easy); what are our arms and legs like? (Lungs); what is our body like? (Lung). (Exercises for arms, legs, neck).

Oops, did something hit our spaceship? (This is a meteorite).

What is the name of the phenomenon when many meteorites fall to Earth? (Meteor shower).

What is the name of the window in a spaceship? (Porthole).

Let's look out the window. What do we see? (Planets, Sun, Moon, tailed comet, asteroid, meteorite, stars).

And while we're flying, I'll tell you riddles

Riddles about space

Flashing a huge tail in the dark,

Rushing among the bright stars in the void,

She is not a star, not a planet,

The mystery of the Universe...(Comet)

A fragment from the planet

Rushing somewhere among the stars.

He has been flying and flying for many years,


Lights the way at night,

Doesn't let the stars sleep.

Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,

There is light in the sky for us... (Moon)

Planet blue,

Beloved, dear.

She's yours, she's mine,

And it’s called...(Earth)

Bottomless ocean, endless ocean,

Airless, dark and extraordinary,

Universes, stars and comets live in it,

There are also habitable, perhaps planets. (Space)

A yellow circle is visible in the sky

And the rays are like threads.

The Earth revolves around

Like a magnet.

Even though I'm not old yet,

But already a scientist -

I know that it’s not a circle, but a ball,

Intensely hot. (Sun)

At night with the Sun I change

And I light up in the sky.

I sprinkle soft rays,

Like silver.

I can be full at night,

Or I can use a sickle. (Moon)

Peas are scattered across the dark sky

Colored caramel made from sugar crumbs,

And only when the morning comes,

All the caramel will suddenly melt. (Stars)

We are in outer space. We are surrounded by stars and planets. Let's list them!

Finger gymnastics “Solar system”

Our ship arrived on an unknown planet (they exit through the hatch and meet an alien).

I: Hello. What planet did you come from?

Q: We are from planet Earth.

I: So you are fellow countrymen?

Children: Countrymen are people who live in one village, one city, region. If we are from planet Earth, then we are earthlings.

I: I ask you for help. In Rainbow Bay, all the colors are mixed up, if you don’t build the rainbow correctly, disaster may happen - my planet will fall out of orbit.

In the meantime, let's go to Rainbow Bay, I'll show you my planet. (They walk around the planet). There are many passes here. You are standing on a path, but you won’t see a single blade of grass on it. There are many mountains made of stones on my planet. There are seas and oceans here, but there is no water in them at all.

And now we have approached the crater, which was formed by meteorites. Look how deep it is!

I: Here we are in Rainbow Bay. Look what happened.

Q: And we know the words with which you can correctly build a rainbow.

D: Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.

One child builds a rainbow, and the children name the colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

I: Thank you, Earthlings, for your help.

I am confident that my planet will survive. Do you like it on my planet?

D: Yes, but it’s better on Earth, because everything is alive there.

Q: And on your planet there is no air - the planet is airless.

No water - waterless.

No people - lifeless.

No joy - joyless.

I: Thank you, Earthlings, I will remember you often. But I am very sad because I will never see your beautiful planet Earth.

Q: Let's give the alien a globe - a model of our Earth. And we need to return to Earth. (They say goodbye. They go to the spaceship. They enter the ship through the hatch).

The countdown begins: “10.9,…, start”

Our ship is flying towards the ground.

Let's talk about the Sun while we are flying towards Earth. Symbols will help us.

A story about the Sun using symbols.

Star or planet? (star)

Is the size large or small? (big)

Is it round or square in shape? (round)

Is it bright or dim in terms of lighting? (bright)

Is it hot or cold in temperature? (hot)

Is it close or far from the Earth? (distant)

Guys, the Sun is a very bright star. To preserve our vision, we will not look at the Sun for long without dark protective glasses. This is very harmful. Stand near the chairs. Let's do a warm, relaxing eye massage.

Massage to relieve eye strain

Now we can boldly look through the round window of the spaceship. What is it called, remember? (porthole)

What do we see? (Earth - our beloved planet)

Thanks to our friendship, we were able to help the alien. Let’s join our palms, and then friendship will increase several times and be passed along a living chain from one to another. This is how, holding hands, people all over our planet will be able to preserve peace on Earth and nature in all its beauty. So we arrived on Earth. (Children leave the ship and sit in a semicircle.)

Planet Earth is our common home.

Let's tell you about it now!

And again it will be useful to us

"Helper - table"!

Compiling a story based on a mnemonic table (“along the chain”)

“Earth is a planet. It has the shape of a ball. The Earth is big, but the Sun is even bigger. The earth is colorful. Blue because there are rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Brown is land: land, sandy deserts, mountains. Green is plants: trees, shrubs, herbs. White color is the clouds that wrap the Earth like a blanket. There is life on Earth: people, animals and plants!

Our planet is the most beautiful of all planets. Every living thing on Earth: people, plants, animals.”

What a blessing that we had the opportunity to be born and live on the amazing planet Earth, which we must protect! After his flight, Yu.A asked all earthlings about this. Gagarin:

“Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!”

Thanks to scientists, designers, and cosmonauts for opening us to the wonderful world of Space. There are still many secrets and mysteries in it, and it is you, when you become adults, who will be able to reveal them.

The earth gave us

There are a lot of good things

And she waits in anxiety,

So that we can save her.

She is for everyone in the world -

The only mother

And we are our own children

From Mother Earth.

Let it over your edge,

Let it over our land

They bloom without fading

Spring gardens.

Let's embrace our Earth,

Like we hug our mother,

And we will protect you like a mother,

From grief and misfortune!

Today you and I made an exciting and educational big space journey and learned a lot of interesting things about space.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group on the topic “Space”

Integrated lesson on artistic creativity and the surrounding world in the senior group


Target: continue to instill in children responsiveness, empathy for game characters, and create a desire to help them; consolidate the idea of ​​space, the planets of our universe; strengthen the skills of cutting out shapes of the desired shape.

Equipment: presentation "Space", music. “Anthem of Russia”, brushes, glue, scissors, colored paper, photos of children.

Progress of the lesson

Music sounds, children enter the hall and sit down on chairs.

Vosp.: children, today I invite you to plunge into the infinity of our universe. And for this, we will remember what planets exist in our galaxy, who was our first cosmonaut. Therefore, I suggest listening to a short story.

Look at these kids - they look at the night sky with interest! There are so many beautiful stars there! Since ancient times, people have loved looking at the stars, and they were very interested in what they really were like!

And then one day they decided to fly into space! To the stars! To fly into space, people built a space rocket. An astronaut was put in the rocket - it was he who had to control the rocket and fly to the stars.

When the astronaut got into the rocket, the countdown began: “Five, four, three, two, one, START!” The rocket took off from the ground, fire bursting from its tail - its engine was working so hard. And the rocket flew high into the sky.

In space, he saw many different planets, they revolved around one of the brightest planets, which is called the Sun.

Vosp.: guys, let's remember what planets are in our solar system.

Children: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn.

Vosp.: Well done, you remembered everything. And the astronauts saw stars there. They are so far from our land that they seem to us only small dots.

Playback: Now Nikita will tell us a poem about the stars.


What are stars?

If they ask you -

Answer boldly:

Hot gas.

And also add,

What's more, it's always

Nuclear Reactor - Every Star!

Playback: Guys, do you know who was the first cosmonaut in Russia?

Children: yes, Yu. Gagarin.

Playback: That's right, this is Yuri Gagarin.

Do you know which animals were the first to visit space?

Children: dogs.

Playback: That's right, their names were Belka and Strelka.

Music sounds, the dog “Squirrel” enters

Squirrel: Hello, I heard that you are going to space.

Playback: Yes, we are going.

Squirrel: did you know that only trained people are taken into space?

Playback: we know, but we don’t know how to prepare for the flight.

Squirrel: and I will help you. Let's stand in a circle and do exercises.

Exercise 1. Running around the room - for warming up.

Exercise 2. Walking on toes, on heels, walking on a massage path (any other massage surface - cereals, pebbles, pencils, etc.).

Exercise 3. We train the vestibular apparatus (everything like real astronauts). Children sit on balls and spin their butts in different directions.

Squirrel: Well done, now you are ready to fly into space, but do you have a rocket?

Playback: Yes, it just needs to be completed.

Squirrel: Well, let’s go finish building it, otherwise I already wanted to quickly go to Kosvos with you.

The guys are seated at tables with working material.

Playback: Well, Belka, our rocket is ready.

Squirrel: oh how beautiful. Now I am calm for you. All that remains is to wish you a safe journey, and I’ll run to Strelka and tell her about how I helped you go into space. Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

Playback: Guys, we are ready to fly into space, but not quite. A good astronaut must rest and eat well before a flight. Therefore, I suggest that you first go to a group to rest again before the flight.

To form in children an idea of ​​the World, of the need for peaceful coexistence of all people on the planet;

Foster a caring attitude towards the nature of the Earth;

To develop an interest in the astronaut profession;

Develop creativity and imagination;

Expand children's communication capabilities.

Preliminary work:

Examination of a globe - a model of the Earth,

Studying the world map,

Conversation about space, looking at illustrations, photographs of Space,

A conversation about the first cosmonaut – Yuri Gagarin.

Material and equipment:


World map,

Pictures on the theme "Space",

Portrait of Yu. Gagarin,

Paper pigeons according to the number of children,

Sets of felt-tip pens according to the number of children,



Video “Let's go! (launch reconstruction 2.0) »

From the site http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=sbKqsNOxVJg

Video presentation “The Planet in Our Hands” download

Audio recording of the song “Big Round Dance” (composer: Hayt A., lyricist:

Zhigalkina E.)

Progress of the lesson:

Educator (V.): Hello, children! Today you and I will participate in a big and very important matter. We will send our wishes to all the people of the world on behalf of the citizens of our country. What is the name of our country? (Russia.) What are we called, residents of Russia? (Russians.) That's right, messages to the inhabitants of the planet from the Russians.

V.: We have already looked at the globe before. Tell me, please, what is a globe? (Children's answers.) That's right, the globe is a model of our planet Earth. The way we would see it if we flew into space. Would you like to visit Space? (Yes.) Do you know the name of the first person who flew into space? (Yuri Gagarin.) Look at his portrait - what a beautiful, courageous face he has. Do you think such a person can be trusted? Would you agree to go on a flight with him? (Children’s reasoning.) Now you have such an opportunity. I will turn on a video about how the first flight into space took place, and you imagine that you are next to Yuri Gagarin and try to feel what the first cosmonaut felt.

V. shows the video “Let's go! (launch reconstruction 2.0) »

V.: Guys, did you like it? Would you really like to visit Space? What is our Earth like from space? (Children’s reasoning.) Our planet is very beautiful. And Yuri Gagarin, after his first flight, said: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it.” Tell me, guys, please, is it possible to destroy such a large planet? (Children's reasoning.)

B. Includes the presentation “The Planet in Our Hands.” It turns out that even the largest planet can be destroyed. Let's see how people should behave to prevent this.

Slide number 1. Why do they say our planet is in our hands? After all, it is so huge, is it possible to pick it up? (Children’s reasoning.) Although our planet is large, how life will develop on it depends on people, on you and me.

Slide No. 2. Look, what can destroy our World? (War) . War is the most terrible evil, it is a difficult test, especially for children. Why is war so terrible? (Children's reasoning.)

Slide number 3. Please look at this picture. The big problem on Earth is hunger. In many countries people live very poorly, so poor that they cannot buy food for themselves, so they get very sick and even die. Therefore, we must always notice people who need our help and, of course, help them.

Slide number 4. What else is bad for our planet? (Garbage.) Is it possible to throw it anywhere? What will happen to the beauty of our planet? (Children's reasoning.)

Slide number 5. What is shown on this slide? (Children's answers.) Yes, tears, children's tears. It is especially important that children live happily, that they go to kindergarten and school, that no one offends them. This is very important for the World. When children laugh and the sun shines brighter.

Slide number 6. Now let's see what can save our planet. This is friendship. Children - boys and girls, with different skin colors, living in different countries should be friends. Why is friendship so important? (Children's reasoning.) Of course, if all the people on the planet are friends, then there will be no quarrels, conflicts, there will be no war.

Slide number 7. Love is very important. Love your parents, friends, loved ones. All this contributes to peace on Earth.

Slide number 8. What is shown on this slide? (Nature.) How should people relate to nature? Why? (Children's reasoning.)

Slide No. 9. It is also very important to protect not only forests, seas, lakes, meadows, but also other nature - living nature. These are our little brothers. Nowadays, many wild animals are disappearing due to human fault. What should people do to save and preserve them? (Children's reasoning.)

Slide No. 10. And if you and I are friends, love each other, take care of nature, then there will always be Peace, Harmony and Beauty on our entire planet!

V.: And now, guys, let's wish all the people on the planet to preserve peace and beauty, love each other, take care of each other. Today you will draw your wishes. And we will send them around the world on this dove. Consider it. He is not simple. Let's count the continents on our planet where people live, how many are there? (Children list the five continents.) Look, our pigeon also has 5 feathers in its wing. He will fly over the continents and leave a feather with your wishes. So that some boy in America can find out what Lera wishes for him or a girl in Australia can see Egor’s wish. So that all people on our planet take care of their Earth.

Children draw their wishes on paper doves and explain them to the teacher.

Anya, 4 years old, wishes happiness and that the children never get sick.

Egor 5 years old So that all children live happily.

Dima 5 years old So that the children live in houses and walk a lot.

Polina 5 years old “People, love nature! »

Dasha 5 years old Wishes love, beauty, happiness, not to hurt animals.

Bogdan 6 years old Wishes friendship and many friends.

Andrey, 6 years old, wishes the children to walk and dance a lot.

Vika, 6 years old, wishes that the flowers would not dry out, that the rainbow would visit us more often, that the sun would always shine, that it would always be summer.

Olya 6 years old Wishes love, friendship and protecting our Planet.

Olesya 5 years old Wants to give each other flowers, decorate the Earth with ribbons and bells.

Anton, 5 years old, wishes that children have fathers, that there is green grass and that there are many smiles.

Alyosha, 6 years old, wishes all children to walk in the park and tumble in the autumn leaves.

Danya, 6 years old, wishes that other countries would have the same fun days as his, so that children would play with their friends.

Lera, 6 years old, wishes that men would find good wives, that all families would be like her family.

Then the teachers and children form a round dance around the globe and dance to the music “Big Round Dance”

Techniques include plasticine drawing, appliqué, collaging.

Software tasks:

Artistic creativity:

Continue to introduce children to the technique of drawing with plasticine,

Develop the ability to cut paper to obtain various geometric shapes, create images of different objects from these shapes,

Strengthen the ability to convey the expressiveness of an image in sculpting,

To develop technical skills and skills in working with various materials for modeling.


Develop perception of color, shape, properties of objects and materials,

Continue to introduce children to various geometric shapes,

To develop the ability to use planar and volumetric shapes as standards.


Expanding children's understanding of the diversity of the world around them,

Encouraging children to try to share a variety of experiences with the teacher and peers,

Enriching children's speech with adjectives characterizing the quality properties of objects.


For the teacher: laptop, screen and projector, sample work, board or easels to demonstrate the technique.

For children: base for the composition (a sheet of colored cardboard, dark blue or purple), plasticine, beads, sequins, cutouts with astronauts and spaceships, glue.

Progress of the lesson:

V. - Hello, guys. (Hello)

V. - Please tell me what holiday is approaching soon (Cosmonautics Day), that’s right, guys, it is celebrated on April 12. And I invite you today to go into space with me for a short time, and see everything that astronauts see and find out what is there behind the clouds of our beloved planet.

But to do this you need to close your eyes tightly and say loudly, let's go! Three, four!

(The lights go out, the slides light up on the screen. The teacher talks.)

Our Earth rotates in the vast expanses of space.

She is one of the planets in the solar system. The solar system is a union of planets and their satellites - revolving around a star - the Sun.

There are only nine planets, they are all different. In the deep cosmic permafrost, on the border of the solar system, planets move - small bodies of ice, dust and stones. And between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter there is a large cluster of asteroids - rocky blocks.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun.

It is a huge stone ball, most of the surface of which is covered with water.

The earth is surrounded by layers of air called the atmosphere.

Our planet is in constant motion: it rotates around its axis and around the Sun.

Stars appear to us from afar as glowing lights because they are very far away. In reality, every star is a giant ball of gas, like our sun, that emits heat and light.

A constellation is a pattern of stars creating a shape.

The first person to conquer space was the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

The flight lasted 1 hour 48 minutes. The Vostok ship made one revolution around the Earth.

In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April. V. Stepanov.

Some research requires a person to be in space for a long time. Space houses were invented - orbital stations. Satellites launched by man into space send back to Earth pictures of our planet and pictures of outer space.

Guys, did you like it in space?

What do you remember most?

What are people called who fly into space on spaceships? (astronauts)

What was the name of the world's first astronaut? (Yuri Gagarin)

What was the name of the ship that took him into the sky? ("Sunrise")

You guys are great, you listened so carefully.

V. - Going to space is a great event that gives a lot of impressions, and impressions help creativity very well. Therefore, I invite you to sit down at the tables now, and together with me, create our amazing space.

(children move to the work area)


To fly into space, you need to be able to do a lot.

Be healthy, don’t be lazy, do well in school.

And we will do exercises every day - we are not lazy!

Turn left, right, turn back again,

Squat, jump and run, run, run.

And then walk more and more quietly, and then sit down again.

V. - Guys, let's see what's on our tables (stars, spaceships, plasticine, beads, glue, photographs of Yu. Gagarin). From all this you can make a whole outer space, for example from this one. (the teacher shows the children a sample)

Now I will tell you how to make planets and comets like this out of plasticine.

Algorithm for performing the work.

Select the main object (cutout of an astronaut, spaceship), glue it to the center of the work,

To mold our planet out of plasticine, we will need 3 colors: a piece of green, white, and blue. Mix all three colors so that streaks appear on the lump. Flatten it. We attach it to work.

To make stars and comets like this, our plasticine must first be attached to the place where the star will be, and then simply pull the ends to the sides with your finger. These are the rays we get. The tail of a comet is also performed.

Beads and sequins will help us make our space bright and shining; we attach them to plasticine like this.

But, know that in space you cannot do without a faithful comrade and friend, so today you will work in pairs, and at the end we will see whose team did the job best.

V. - Is everything clear? Well, then let's get to work.

(independent activities for children)

Light music plays while working.

At the end, all the work is laid out on the carpet, creating outer space.

V. - Guys, let's look at our space, what wonderful work you have done. And you did all this with your own hands.

V. - Which work, in your opinion, turned out to be the most interesting? Why?

V. - Did you like it in space?

V. - Guys, I think our cosmonauts would really like your work, the space turned out to be real. Well, it’s time for us to go to Earth, because here on earth many more interesting things await us.

In a series of decades, every year

We are marking new cosmic milestones,

But we remember: the journey to the stars has begun

From Gagarin's Russian "Let's go!"


Complex classes, senior group, N.V. Labodina, Volgograd “Teacher”, 2012

Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group

"Journey through Space."

Prepared by the teacher:

Tiunova Tatyana Nikolaevna


1. Clarify and expand children’s ideas about space, planets, solar system, Cosmonautics Day. Arouse educational interest in space.

2. Develop fantasy, imagination, desire to convey your impressions, ability to independently use drawing skills in various techniques(a combination of watercolors and wax crayons, watercolor + salt, blowing, poking, dipping); fine motor skills; ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

3. Develop the ability to work collectively.

Material: illustrations depicting the Universe, stars, planets, space music, globe, presentation on the topic “In Space”, blue sheets, chips.

Drawing material: watercolor or gouache, poking sticks, salt, jars of water, brushes, blowing tubes, napkins, whatman paper, brush holders.

Preliminary work: viewing slides, presentations on the topic “Space”, reading educational stories from the preschooler’s encyclopedia and “I Explore the World”, productive activities: drawing the planet Earth using the “poking” technique, sculpting a rocket using the “plasticineography” technique, conversations about space, about the solar system, about the planets, reading poems, looking at illustrations, getting to know unconventional drawing techniques.

Vocabulary work: space, planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), solar system, spaceport, spacesuit.

Progress of the lesson:

Cosmic music sounds. The teacher suggests listening to a musical composition and imagining what a long journey this music invites us on (space travel).

Why do you think so? (The music is mysterious, mysterious, unusual, just like space).

Teacher's story: In ancient times, when our ancestors still lived in caves, they looked at the sky every night and were surprised: countless points sparkled above their heads in the bottomless heights. They disappeared by morning only to appear the next night. And where the huge disk of the Sun sparkled during the day, at night, dispelling the darkness, the Moon shone, which periodically changed its shape. Our ancestors did not understand why this was happening and could not explain it. But millennia have passed and people have found answers to many questions.

- Educator: Guys, I invite you to go on an unusual journey beyond the boundaries of our planet into distant and vast space. During your journey you will complete tasks. Magic words will help us transport ourselves to a spaceship ( Children spin around the room and say magic words).

If you try really hard, if you really want to,

You can rise to the sky and fly to the Sun

Educator: Guys, we found ourselves on a spaceship. Do you want to go on a trip? Well, then take your seats. Attention! Get ready to launch the spaceship. Count back from ten (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1). Start! Our ship is rising high. Be careful! We observe space objects through the window. Task No. 1 hangs on an asterisk.

Educator: The first task you have to complete is to remember everything what do you know about space?

Conversation to clarify children's ideas on the topic.

Presentation “In Space” (slide No. 1)

Questions for children:

1. What is the name of our planet?

Children's answer: Earth(slide number 2).

2. What is the name of the model of the Earth, reduced many times?

Children's answer. Show globe.

3. The rocket has a driver,

Zero gravity lover.

In English: "astronaut"

And in Russian...

Children's answer: astronaut (slide No. 3)

4. Name the first astronaut to fly into space?

Children's answer: Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (slide No. 4).

Additional question: When is Cosmonautics Day celebrated? ( April 12).

5. What is the name of the special clothing for space flights?

Children's answer: Spacesuit (slide No. 5).

6. Astronomer - he is a stargazer,

He knows everything inside out!

Only the stars are visible better

The sky is full...

Children's answer: Moon (slide No. 6)

7. Where do spaceships launch from?

Children's answer: cosmodrome (slide No. 7)

8. Light flies the fastest

Doesn't count kilometers.

The Sun gives life to the planets,

We are warm, tails are...

Children's answer: comets (slide No. 8).

9. How many planets known to people revolve around the sun? (slide number 9).

Children's answer: 9 - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

Educator: Congratulations on passing the test.

Educator: Take a deep breath, exhale, calm your breathing. Well, now you are ready to complete the next task, you need to move to the second compartment of our ship.

Task 2 on the star: All children have blue sheets - this is the cosmic orbit.

Educator: Attention! In the upper left corner we see the sun, mark it in yellow (circle). In the lower left corner is planet Earth - a blue circle. In the upper right corner, we see the polar star - a white circle; In the lower right corner I see the planet Mars, mark it with a red circle.

Checking the task.

Where is:

    Earth (lower left corner)

    Sun (upper left corner)

    Polaris (upper right corner)

    Mars (lower right corner)

Educator: Well done, everyone completed the task. On duty They remove the math.

Phys minute "Cosmonaut" (1 min)

One-two, there's a rocket. (children raise their hands up)

Three or four, take off soon. (spread arms to the sides)

To reach the sun (circle with arms)

Astronauts need a year. (takes hands to cheeks, shakes head)

But on the road we are not afraid (arms to the sides, tilting the body to the right and left)

Each of us is an athlete (bend arms at elbows)

Flying over the ground (spread arms to the sides)

Let's say hello to her. (raise their hands up and wave)

Educator : Now we have traveled a little around Space and I invite you to color the Solar System. To find out who will draw which planet, you need to solve riddles.

Riddles "Solar System"

1. It’s so hot on this planet,

That it’s dangerous to be there, friends.

What is our hottest planet? (Mercury)

3. And this planet is dear to us all.

The planet gave us life...(all: Earth)

2.4. Two planets are close to planet Earth.

My friend, name them quickly. (Venus and Mars)

5. And this planet is proud of itself.

Because it is considered the largest.

What kind of planet is this? (Jupiter).

6. The planet is surrounded by rings,

And this is what distinguished her from everyone else. (Saturn)

7. What kind of planet is it?

green? (Uranus).

8. The king of the sea gave the name to that planet.

He called her by his name. (Neptune)

9. And this planet was shackled by a terrible cold,

The sun's ray did not reach her with warmth.

What kind of planet is this? (Pluto).

Conversation about upcoming work

Educator: you need to choose a material for various drawing techniques, which means that you should get a wide variety of drawings.

Lisa, Sasha, Svyatogor... what drawing technique did you choose? Think about what material you will need? Children organize a workplace.

Finger gymnastics “Planets”.

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
Once... Mercury,
Three... Earth,
Four... Mars.
Six... Saturn,
Seven... Uranus,
Behind him... Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

Independent work . While drawing, calm, quiet music plays.After all the children have started work, the teacher determines who currently needs help and who is finding it difficult to start work. With these children, the teacher explains the stages of work. Individual work is carried out.

Music plays while drawing.

Bottom line : Guys, look, our white sheet of paper has turned into a huge space.

You are true artists, and you managed to convey the beauty of outer space.

Where did we travel?

What do you remember most?

What planets did you draw?

What technique did you choose?

Well done everyone today.

It's time to go back to kindergarten. Children say magic words.

Who tried to name.

The attendants are removing the supplies.

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