Material (9th grade) on the topic: Beautiful, touching wishes to graduates. Touching parting words to graduates from the class teacher in prose and poetry Congratulations to 9th graders from parents

One of the memorable events in the life of every person is the graduation party, which is held by all educational institutions. And although graduation in the 9th grade is unusual in that this graduation is not for everyone, since many students remain in school for another two years, but still for many, the graduation of ninth graders is farewell to school. Here you will find congratulatory poems for 9th grade graduates.

Congratulations on graduation in 9th grade

We recently went to first grade
By the hand - child and parent.
Nine years have passed, like an hour.
Goda, where are you going? Wait!
Is it really our graduation?
School is over for many
And this spring we
Try out adult roles?

Ninth grade was challenging and fun,
Still careless, but already serious,
And for parents it’s a complete disaster!
Ninth is the last grade of childhood!
And time seemed to be divided,
Metamorphosis happened:
Yesterday's boys and girls
Smoothed your cowlicks and bangs,
Forgetting for a while the pranks and hubbub,
Let's join together in the word "youth"!
And behind my back I successfully passed the State Examination Test,
And there is still intrigue ahead:
Dreams, desires, doubts!
For the first time, a decision has to be made.
Good luck on your chosen path,
Spread your wings and fly!
Well, in the meantime, today is a holiday!
Have fun, ninth grader!

Congratulations from parents to 9th grade graduates:
Ninth grade is behind us.
You are at a crossroads now.
What do you dream of becoming in life?
Where can I continue my studies?
To us, your parents,
Your choice is necessary.
We don't give advice
We are waiting for your decision.
College or tenth grade?
You choose now.
Maybe you want to go
Are you in the gymnasium class?
The man is famous for his deeds.
Maybe the choice is yours forever?!
How proud we would like to be,
What heights have you been able to achieve!
We don't care what you become.
I could avoid problems
How to live with something that is not to your heart -
After all, luckily he will close the door.
No interest in work -
There is no progress in life either.
Very sad fate
It turns out then.
You can't make a mistake -
We want to be proud of you:
Take care of your own business,
So that you succeed in life.

Congratulations to 9th grade graduates
Nine grades down!
Graduation night!
And meets ahead
The adult world is different!
May the path be easy
Through all the years!
Let him not let you get sad
Lucky star!

Ninth grade is over
Certificate received
You tried really hard
And I’m happy with the result
Let this release be
Just a new start for you,
And let the goal in life beckon,
Go to her with passion!

My favorite ninth grade!
I congratulate you now -
With the fact that you are no longer a child,
With the fact that it’s time to grow up:
It's time to understand everything right away,
It's time to make decisions...
It's time! And let the tenth grade
It won't change you one bit!

The holiday is dressed with joy,
Schoolchildren with flowers!
9 years have flown by
Life with you.
There were so many... you can’t count them.
miscellaneous over the years:
Studying, reading, singing,
summer hikes.
Found friends here
Gained knowledge
To carry you through life
What they put into you.
The whole world is open ahead -
Choose the road!
Of course you won't forget
School threshold,
Great life ahead!
Happy holiday - they shout!
The heart is happy in the chest,
And the eyes sparkle!

The hour of parting is coming,
Your youth is calling you on the road.
The school is letting you go like chicks
On to the long-awaited, free flight!
Good luck, dear ones, fly!
No more standing at the board!
And today you will receive from us
Congratulations, graduates!

Nine years in a flash
And now you are a graduate!
You can continue to choose
Who to become by profession?
We know you will find your way,
Can you swing the pendulum?
And control fate
To get more from life!

Posts 1 - 20 from 40

That's behind the ninth grade,
First adult graduation.
May good luck come at the right time
Should always be with you.

And fate will open the door
Into the world of success and dreams.
Listen to your heart more often -
It will be the way you want it!

You were together for nine years
Everything was divided in half
It happened, however, often
Poor teachers!

And now you've grown up
Became completely wise
I wish that further
Life would be without problems!

The ninth grade is behind us, the road is ahead.
Not one, but one hundred thousand, in general, a lot.
We wish you, friends, not to make a mistake here -
Choose yours, don’t stop!

May the road lead to happiness and success,
There will be work in your life, and then joy.
There will be everything that a person can enjoy.
And there is no need to be afraid of anyone!

This day is, of course, special.
We would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts -
Nine years of study are already behind us,
Your ninth grade is over!

Have fun, rejoice, but for a long time
Don't try too hard to rest
Ahead after all long road.
Take your knowledge on the road!

And take friendship with you,
What did you find at your school?
Put it all to work
Happiness, peace, joy, love!

Ninth grade is already over,
Today is graduation night.
Don't be sad, laugh louder,
And, maintaining this attitude,
Step into the future with confidence.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
To do what you love,
Don't let work scare you.
May luck be with you:
In study, in life and in work,
So that, enjoying the little things,
Overcome any difficulty!

The years have flown by so quickly,
The fun time has passed.
Today you will leave proudly
From my native class forever.

The ninth year is already over,
You are saying goodbye to school, dear.
Your teacher will cry furtively,
You have all become family a long time ago.

I wish you good luck and happiness,
Let the new path be bright.
Appreciate every moment
Just let life be worthy.

9 grades behind!
Are you on the right way.
We wish you only good luck,
To make it easy with any task
You did great
As usual, as you can!
Everything will work out for you,
After all, you are the best class!

We worked for 9 grades,
Attending school
And they wrote and read,
Resting without knowing.
But the end has already come
To all our torments,
Graduation has arrived
"Goodbye!" - school
Let's say it together!
Success and love to everyone,
Good luck in life,
To make all your dreams come true,
And nothing else!

You are standing at a fork in the road
You can go straight ahead
Well, you can go back to school,
She is waiting for you, as before.

Ninth grade is an important occasion,
Your serious graduation.
Well, decide what would be better:
Back to school or to battle?

Nine years have flown by
Like one moment,
There's a light ahead
Works and inspiration.

Take care of your knowledge
And love and friendship.
Everything you took from school
It will be necessary in life.

Our dear graduates! Congratulations on graduating from 9th grade. Many of you will continue your studies at our school. And for those who have decided to start a new, independent life, we would like to wish them easy overcoming of obstacles on the way to their intended goal. Let today be a successful start to your adult life. Good luck to you, our beloved students!

I want to congratulate you on your graduation
On this day 9th grade,
The bell will ring today
Let it be the last time for you.

May you be joyfully whirled
The long-awaited graduation
9 happy school years
They stay behind.

I wish all graduates
I have a nice trip
To take the right path
In life you were able to find.

Graduation in 9th grade,
The students are excited
Someone is already on their way,
Someone will be at school.

There are many roads ahead,
Choose, try!
We wish you success,
Confidence, happiness.

Graduation in 9th grade,
But there is both sadness and joy in the eyes.
You are already graduates
You are students of life.

May life lead you around the world,
May fate send you greetings.
Always be human.
Happiness in life on the way!

Today is your graduation
We just finished 9th grade,
We wish you joy and happiness,
And a year's supply of patience.

We wish you success,
May your dreams come true,
More joy, delight, laughter,
So that you can reach heights!

Anyone who has ever attended school remembers their graduation well. Graduation is a milestone, a boundary between the stages of growing up, and being a graduate is already a great honor. This means that the student has learned the lessons of most of his life path and ready to move on. But it is not only the completion of studies that makes this day unforgettable; it is decorated with congratulations from teachers and relatives, words of parting words and support from parents. If you cannot find warm words to congratulate your graduates, our site will help you. You can use sincere, beautiful and warm congratulations and wishes to graduates from this page in your formal speech at graduation.

Congratulations to graduates from parents

Our dear children! Your graduation party has arrived - an evening of joyful congratulations and sad farewells. Much will remain within the school walls that are dear to the heart: happy and carefree laughter, friendly conversations, the ringing trill of a bell inviting you to a lesson, and the calm voice of a teacher, drawing you into the land of knowledge. Left behind are worries about bad grades and anxiety before tests, the last call and final exams, but all these moments are forever inscribed with bright colors in your hearts. Today we would like to sincerely congratulate you on graduating from school and wish you further success on the difficult path to knowledge, reliable friends nearby and only joyful, memorable moments.

Graduation evening is just a few hours of life, however, how many emotions and impressions are hidden in them. Today we want to sincerely congratulate you on the advent of this wonderful holiday. It will forever be etched in your memory as one of the most vivid and touching events. Soon the hospitable school doors will close behind you and a new adult world will open its arms, full of amazing discoveries and unexpected turns. We hope that along this path you will be able to choose the right direction and will boldly move forward towards your goal.

Today, amid touching words of congratulations and enthusiastic conversations from friends, you say goodbye to school and enter another, yet unexplored student world. Behind us there are many memorable events, worries, anxieties and dizzying victories that seem to gems will go into the treasure trove of memories. You will forever remember the time spent within the school walls and those without whose help you would not have been able to master everything necessary knowledge- your teachers. We, your parents, have always tried to be close and we know how difficult it was to gnaw on the granite of science, so today, when all the excitement is behind us, we would like to wish you to retain a piece of warmth and childish ease that will forever be associated with school.

Your graduation party has arrived, our dear 9 classics. Some of you will continue your studies within the walls of the school, while others will say goodbye to them and plunge headlong into student life, but all of you will remember your past school years with warm sadness and touching nostalgia. During this time, you experienced tears of defeat, delight of victories, anxiety before tests and joy from good grades, but most importantly, you made friends, learned new knowledge and gained a lot of experience. We congratulate you, our dear children, on the successful completion of an important stage of your life and we hope that your further path to knowledge will consist only of positive segments.

Only a few events in life can compete with prom night in terms of touching and aching joy. This holiday symbolizes not only the end of school, but for those who decide to continue their studies within the walls of others educational institutions, but also farewell to carefree youth. Ninth grade is a real boundary between childish spontaneity and adult responsibility. We wish you that the knowledge that you receive both within the walls of school and outside it will become a reliable springboard on the path to your goal, and that this path itself will be easy and interesting.

Congratulations to 11th grade graduates from teachers

Our dear graduates! Now the time has come for us to say goodbye to you. Over the past 11 years, you have become very close and dear to us; now you will forever have a piece of our heart and the knowledge that we tried to invest in you. We really hope that they will become the basis and significant assistance for the implementation of your plans and dreams. You have passed such a difficult test as final exams with honor, and we are confident that you will also successfully cope with all the tasks that life will set for you. May luck accompany you in all your endeavors, may love brightly illuminate your path, and may friendship become a reliable stronghold in the turbulent sea of ​​fate.

Graduation is always a milestone, a time to evaluate the past school years and exciting thoughts about the future. However, despite the fact that the school doors will soon open to other students, there is no need to be sad. We, your teachers, know how much is left behind: delight from the first successes, excitement before the first tests and a great desire to become even better and gain new knowledge. Many more discoveries and achievements await you ahead, however, it is your school years that will forever remain in your memory. We wish you to always look only forward, confidently move towards your goal and never deviate from your chosen path.

Congratulations to 9th grade graduates from teachers

There is nothing more inspiring than ending one chapter of life and beginning another. Today is the day when it’s time to think about what lies ahead and be a little sad about the past 9 years of school life. In your future adult life, you will have to do a lot anew: make plans, gain new knowledge, think about the meaning of life, however, this is still ahead. Today is graduation party - the time when the clock seems to slow down and let you enjoy every moment. We, your teachers, want to share every minute of today's holiday with you and wish that the sun always shines brightly above your head, hope inspires you, and self-confidence constantly keeps you on the fly.

Congratulations to the graduates from the 11th grade director

My dear graduates! Today is a very touching and exciting moment not only in your life, but also in the life of the entire school - graduation party. We tried to make the 11 years that you spent in these hospitable walls interesting, joyful and memorable for you. Each teacher strived to make your path to knowledge easy and exciting, and wanted the world of science to become more accessible and closer. I, as the director of the school, hope that everything worked out for us and that the knowledge gained will become a real help in future student life. I wish you never to rest on your laurels, maintain self-confidence in any situation and always have a reliable shoulder nearby.

Congratulations to 9th grade students on graduation from the director

Dear ninth graders. Today is rightfully your holiday - graduation party. However, despite the past school years, you are only at the very beginning of your journey. There is still a lot of new and unknown things ahead of you, fresh knowledge and important life lessons. Those of you who will spend another 2 years at school will still have time to enjoy your youthful carefree life and gain all the necessary knowledge within your own walls, and those who decide to plunge into student life will have to feel the wind of change and feel the whole newness of independence. As a school director, I really want to wish you never to lose your individuality, constantly strive for new knowledge and never tire of enjoying the unique colors of life.

Dear graduates!

Today you will receive your certificates. Everyone is happy about this event. But let's look back, remembering our school days and say Thanks a lot teachers for their hard work.

They not only studied with you school curriculum, but also taught to be independent, able to make decisions, remain an individual in a team, not be afraid of mistakes and take responsibility for their actions, taught to be kind and honest people.

Many thanks to the school administration and teachers.

Ninth graders!

A wonderful age when life is easily accepted important decisions. All roads are open to you. Don’t waste your time, but try to learn something new every day, this knowledge will help you decide what you like, what you are ready to devote your life to, choose a profession and take your rightful place in society. Everyone should have their own goal.

And we parents will always be there, ready to come to your aid at any moment.

Good luck and success to you.

Dear children, when you went to first grade, it seemed to us that it was an eternity until the prom. But year after year passed and now you are one step away from a new life, and this step is graduation party! You received a lot of knowledge and skills at school and now you can easily overcome any difficulties and adversities. Be brave and never deviate from your chosen path, and if things get difficult, know that we are always there and ready to help. Use your knowledge wisely and be happy!

Our children are already graduates, they finished 9th grade and are in a hurry to say goodbye to their beloved school. Of course, over the 9 years of study, many teachers shared knowledge with them, but the first teacher will always remain the closest person. You have done so much for our kids that words cannot express how grateful we are to you. We are glad that one fine day we decided to place our children under your wing. You are not only a teacher, but also a mentor, friend and second mother! Thank you very much!

For 9th grade graduates this evening is long-awaited and happy, but for some reason it is sad for school employees. Having been with children for 9 years, it is difficult to get over the separation. It’s also not easy for us parents to let our children go new life, but still we are happy and want to share this happiness with you, dear teachers! You have done a lot for our children: you taught them to be kind, friendly and honest. It was you who made talented young people out of them, for whom the road to many famous universities in the country is open. Please accept my sincere thanks. We wish you never to get sick and do your job with joy. Let the school flourish and let the salary grow every day. Happy holiday, dear teachers (name of institution)!

Our dear graduates! Congratulations on graduating from 9th grade. Many of you will continue your studies at our school. And for those who have decided to start a new, independent life, we would like to wish them easy overcoming of obstacles on the way to their intended goal. Let today be a successful start to your adult life. Good luck to you, our beloved students!

Parting words to 9th grade graduates from parents in verse

Nine years of study are behind us.
Our children have changed a lot.
And on this difficult path
They learned a lot from you.

Our dear teachers,
We thank you today.
You gave our children a way
Into this very complex adult world.

Let your work be a pleasure,
Let every student be happy.
All turns lead only to the better.
Let every moment be happy.

You were together for nine years
Everything was divided in half
It happened, however, often
Poor teachers!

And now you've grown up
Became completely wise
I wish that further
Life would be without problems!

Ninth grade is over
Congratulations on this,
A special, interesting path awaits you,
Today we sincerely wish you
There’s no turning back from him now!
We also wish everyone patience,
Fun, joy and live without troubles,
And don’t lose your spirit guys,
And they are never afraid of difficulties!

You need to make a choice
Listen to moms advice.
You will continue to stay at school,
Afterwards study at a university?
There are different ways.
Maybe you should go to college?
Everything now depends on you,
Your life is in your hands.
Courage and perseverance to you
And grades on business!

Graduation in 9th grade,
But in the eyes there is both sadness and joy,
You are already graduates
You are students of life.

May life lead you around the world,
May fate send you greetings,
Always be human
Happiness in life's journey.

The holiday is dressed with joy,
Schoolchildren with flowers!
9 years have flown by
Life with you.
There were so many... you can’t count them.
miscellaneous over the years:
Studying, reading, singing,
summer hikes.
Found friends here
Gained knowledge
To carry you through life
What they put into you.
The whole world is open ahead -
Choose the road!
Of course you won't forget
School threshold,
Great life ahead!
Happy holiday - they shout!
The heart is happy in the chest,
And the eyes sparkle!

With the onset of May warmth, spring truly comes into its own, delighting children and adults with the long-awaited warmth. Of course, in such a wonderful time, it is especially difficult for schoolchildren to “get in the mood” for work and complete the next one with dignity. academic year. However, in just a little while, schools around the country will host assemblies dedicated to the Last Bell - thousands of young graduates will set off for a new independent life. In honor of this significant event There will be parting words from teachers to graduates of grades 9 and 11 with wishes for a good journey, good luck in choosing a profession and happiness in their personal lives. In addition, don’t forget about the fourth-graders - the youngest graduates will hear farewell speeches touching to tears from their first teacher. It is best to congratulate students on graduating from school at the Last Bell or Graduation Party using simple beautiful words in poetry or prose.

Parting words from teachers to graduates on the last bell at school

Last Bell Day is a joyful and at the same time sad holiday of farewell to school for graduates of grades 9 and 11. Each of the mature students thinks with excitement about the upcoming school exams and entering a university in order to obtain a sought-after specialty. According to tradition, parting words from teachers to graduating seniors are heard at the line in honor of the Last Bell, as well as at the graduation ceremony. In their last parting words, the teachers express regret that they have to part with their beloved students forever. At the same time, graduates receive wise advice and guidance, sincere congratulations and wishes from school mentors. As a sample, we offer several parting texts in verse and prose - for festive scenario Last call.

Words of parting words and wishes from teachers for graduates of grades 9 and 11 in poetry and prose

Eleven years have flown by.

Today is the last call.

He calls fervently and boldly

To the very last lesson.

Today he is crying pitifully,

In the hands of a first-grader he is sad.

Now without him all the tasks

You will have to decide in life.

Happy last bell, teachers.

They stand with tears in their eyes.

They gave you a lot of knowledge

And the wings have a wide span.

Let life's bells ring

Gives its heart signal.

May your school teacher be happy

And I felt proud of you.

Eleven years you loved

This is a funny call.

You hurried excitedly to class,

When he called you to class.

Your last school bell is ringing.

It rings quietly, somehow in the old fashioned way.

No need to rush to class tomorrow

With a briefcase on a trodden path.

No need to study theorems

Write complex essays in notebooks,

Or you can just take it and dream

About those roads that are possible to travel.

May the mountains that appear on the way

Will be overcome overnight,

May it always be easy for you to walk,

May only happiness be with you.

Let everyone become who they want to become,

Will pass all the difficulties of complex science.

Always go forward, don’t give up and know

That in life everything is always possible!

My dear guys!

I wish you to make the right professional choice, to go into the world only along the roads of courage and kindness, honesty and hard work, to never forget the lessons of your native school, to always remember and respect your teachers, to appreciate and take care of your parents.
Let the wonderful state of youth help you overcome all obstacles.
May your destiny be generous with goodness and joy.
Good luck to you, fulfilling all your hopes and achieving your goals.

Dear graduates, we have now reached this point. significant date- graduation from school! Today the doors open to you in big world with a lot of possibilities. Last school bell is a symbol of the end of childhood and the beginning of youth. Within these walls you have received an invaluable capital of knowledge and experience, which will definitely help you choose the right path in life! Each of you is now able to defend your opinion and withstand any test to achieve success. School time will forever remain in your memory. May the friendships formed during these years only become stronger, and may the advice of school mentors not be forgotten. Be worthy of respect people and make us and our parents happy with your achievements! Good luck!

Graduated from school. And you have matured.
And your evening is graduation.
We grew up, we were in a hurry, we wanted to finish -
Say goodbye to schoolland.

We tried so hard to teach you
Everything that we ourselves have comprehended.
You argued and doubted
And new things were revealed to us.

Beautiful words from teachers at the graduation ceremony for high school graduates

Graduation evening in grades 9 and 11 is the traditional end of many years of schooling and the beginning of a new stage in life. Getting ready for this important event, graduates and their parents choose festive outfits and the location of the celebration in advance, learn poems and speeches in prose for teachers and school administration. In turn, teachers will speak with touching words of parting words, encouragement and best wishes for their beloved high school graduates. What beautiful words to dedicate from teachers to graduates? On our pages you will find a selection of original versions of parting words for the younger generation - for graduation or Last call.

A poetic selection with beautiful words of wishes for graduates of grades 9 and 11 from the teacher for the graduation party

We taught you with love,
There is no one closer and dearer to us.
Remember in adult life
You are your teachers.

“Bon voyage” – let’s say today
And we'll cry secretly.
We love you all very much, children.
Congratulations on this day.

I wish you happiness, great success,
Never give up!
May you always be a ray of light
Gives a bright star!

Today you are a little worried,
Today I'm a little happy
And, of course, you can understand,
After all, there is a new path ahead of you!
He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the path be remembered,
That she took me to school every day!

We wish you everything in life,

Finish college, fall in love!

Find a decent job

Show parents concern.

Never forget school

Come visit us at least once a year during recess.

The doors are always open for relatives,

Beloved students, golden ones.

We, graduates, are proud of you,

Have fun today!

Today you are graduates!
A wonderful moment of youth,
The soul is sublime and airy
And believe in tomorrow with simplicity.

Now your choice is free
And all wishes are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!

It's time to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put everyone in their place.

Some will probably be praised,
For others, he will put up barriers!
And it's very difficult to give advice,
And sometimes you won’t find the answer.

But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes I get bumps,
Don't rush to retreat
Only the strong can win!

May your life be full
Surrounded by the warmth of friends
And warmed by personal happiness,
And as unusual as a comet!

It's a little sad to part with you,
But we hope that the school gave you
Not only writing and reading skills,
But the experience of friendship, endurance, kindness!

May your life be full of excitement,
Go boldly towards your main goal.
We gave everything for the right start,
And if something goes wrong - sorry, we didn’t have time...

Touching words to tears from teachers to elementary school graduates

The next school year is coming to an end - time is counting down the last weeks and days until the cherished date of the Last Bell. For graduates primary school It’s time to say goodbye to the first teacher, who in 4 years has become a real “second mother” and best friend. And how much warmth and love there is in the heart of the first teacher for his students - just a boundless ocean! However, the students are growing, and will soon set off to conquer new heights, and “yesterday’s” graduates will take their place kindergarten. So, at every Last Bell, touching words to tears are heard from teachers to graduates of 4th grade - matured girls and boys with joy and sadness in their eyes. The love and affection of the first teacher for children is sometimes difficult to express in your own words - ready-made examples of parting speeches and poems from our collection will come to the rescue.

Examples of words of wishes and parting words for graduates of the 4th grade of primary school from the first teacher

Our ship, called the elementary school, approached the shore. Today you will all leave our ship and move to another. But you will never forget these years that we spent together. You will remember the ABC book and numbers and all the lessons. After all, everything we learned in elementary school will be repeated in high school. I believe that you will be able to continue your studies with excellent grades. I believe that you will overcome all the hardships of high school and graduate with success.
Today is our 4th grade graduation. But only 7 years will pass and you will graduate in 11th grade. And then I will be able to look at you with pride and say that it was not in vain that I believed in you!
Good luck and don't forget your knowledge!

Elementary school is already behind us
It’s as if we just came to school yesterday.
The years, like one, flew by very quickly,
And all this time you tried very hard.
We are proud of you, our beloved!
You have become smarter, more serious, older.
Work conscientiously, but don't be lazy,
Be obedient, study successfully!

You are a graduate of elementary school!
You know a lot, you’re used to thinking.
All three Septembers flew by quickly,
Mothers and grandmothers cry for good reason:
Instead of funny and ridiculous guys
Good fellows are sitting in the class.
The desks are too small for you, the board is a little low,
But everything was great once upon a time.
The teacher's voice also trembles:
After all, a segment of life will be lived with you.
She already knows more about you than your mother,
The warmth of the heart is given to you down to the gram.

You are a graduate of elementary school!
He penetrated the secrets of the very first sciences.
You have a lot of work behind you -
There will be more of them, my friend, to come!
Your program will become more complex
It’s unlikely that your mother will solve the problem for you.
Dad will also rub his forehead -
This means that we will have to decide everything ourselves.
You will have to wear the backpack yourself -
It’s a shame to ask my mother about this.
Try to do everything yourself -
Adult life has arrived at your doorstep.
You are now a middle school student,
Let there be a diary only with A's!

Four years flew by like birds.
And today we proudly say -
Graduates are now you, graduates
Stages of the first school path!
You still have a lot to go through
And you may be wrong more than once!
But we want study to become
The most important task for you!

What words should teachers give to graduates? For the last call or graduation party, you can prepare a beautiful farewell message in poetry or prose, expressing in your own words your most sincere wishes - for graduates of primary school, 9th and 11th grades. On our website you will find a selection of parting words touching to tears from the first teacher and other school teachers.

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    No matter what anyone says, 100 years is the date, so today there will be a lot of the October Revolution, or a coup, as you like. Those who lived in the USSR remember that November 7 was one of the most important holidays in the country. Much...

  • Presentation on "Washington" in English John Adams Building

    Slide 2 Washington is the capital of the United States of America. It’s located in the District of Columbia and is like no other city in the USA. Washington was named after the first US President George Washington. Washington was first...

  • Research project "In the world of alphabets"

    Writing is an additional means of communication to oral communication. An additional, secondary way of communication. Types of writing Symbolic signaling, where each thing symbolizes something (bird - fly) Conditional signaling, when...

  • International Meta-Subject Olympiad of Scientific Creativity “Breakthrough of Meditation and Health”

    Most adults live a significant part of their lives “automatically”, doing their usual things according to algorithms and patterns laid down once upon a time... Most often, our thoughts move in the same direction. And although this state of affairs...