Methodology art drawing test how to pass. Do devils live in still waters? Test "Guess who it is"

Every person would like to know the secrets of his character and see himself from the outside. The best way for self-knowledge is a psychological projection drawing that will reflect all the features of your personality.

When we do something we don't think about, the result shows not the logical side of the brain, but the emotional side of the brain. Our experiences, joy, anger and everything else can break through and are unconsciously projected on paper.

To take the test below, you need privacy. No one should distract you from the process. Take piece of paper, preferably A4, pen or pencil. Divide the sheet into equal four parts and number them so that it looks something like this:

The final preparation of the sheet will look like this:

  • in the first sector draw a dot in the middle
  • in the second sector draw a small square or rectangle
  • the third sector should contain something similar to the “=” sign
  • the fourth sector remains empty

You should end up with something similar to this:

So, free your thoughts, there will be no difficult tasks - draw only what comes to your mind right away.

In the first three sectors, simply draw what you want. Draw what you feel without thinking. There is no need to draw anything complicated - spend about 10 seconds per sector. After that, move on to the last task.

In the fourth sector, draw a boat that floats on the waves. The drawing should also be primitive - also don’t spend a lot of time on it.

Interpretation of drawings

Sector one

This sector represents your isolation or openness. If there are round figures in this sector, then you are a closed person. The same applies, for example, to a drawn spiral leading to the center (point). If you just drew a lot of dots, then you are very sociable and open. Roughly speaking, the more elements you apply, the better. The only exception is circles. There should be as few of them as possible.

Sector two

This sector shows your kindness and responsiveness, as well as the level selfishness. You can consider yourself kind person, if what you drew is somehow connected to the original rectangle. The smaller the contact area, the more selfish you are. Open people often draw a wall, which indicates their focus on the company and team. Many people draw a house, which is also very good. If your drawing does not touch the rectangle, then this indicates that you need to think about it - maybe you are an egoist.

Sector three

This sector will show how much you consider yourself successful or successful with the opposite sex - is it easy for you to communicate and flirt. There should be as few additional drawing elements as possible and they should not touch the equal sign (as most people call it). People who are satisfied with their relationships with the opposite sex usually add a smiling emoticon to make it look like “=).” The worst thing is if the drawing turns out to be symmetrical and heavily cluttered - this is an indicator of your lack of self-confidence in communicating with the opposite sex.

Sector four

Everything here is extremely simple. This sector shows you what you are like love and in relationships. If the sea turns out to be turbulent, then you prefer dynamic love that blows your mind. If the sea is calm, then love for you is calm, warmth and only pleasant, orderly emotions. As for the boat itself, you should pay attention to whether it is complexly drawn, as well as what is happening around it. Any excesses like sails or people (which were not discussed), stars, living creatures, the Moon, the Sun - speak of your romance. If you don’t have any of this, then you are strong in character and romance is alien to you.

Thus, the simplest test at first glance can show each person his true face. Psychological personality tests of this kind are the most accurate because the test taker does not need to think - he is driven only by the emotional part of the brain. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Art therapy exercise. Drawing test “Cactus”.

The task is very simple: “Draw a cactus.” No explanation required, free imagination!

Materials: A4 paper, simple pencil. You can also use colored pencils or other coloring materials. This will give additional features for color interpretation.

After completing the drawing, you can ask additional questions:

1. Is this cactus domestic or wild? Where does it grow (at someone’s home or in what desert)?

2. Does this cactus prick? Can you touch it?

3. Does anyone care about him?

4. Does the cactus grow alone or with some plant nearby?

5. When the cactus grows, how will it change (needles, volume, shoots)?
Interpretation of the Cactus drawing test (with example)

General parameters:

Spatial position:

At the bottom of the page - low self-esteem, at the top - high self-esteem, on the middle line - adequate self-esteem. On the right is orientation to the future, on the left is going into the past, in the center is concentration in the present.

Pattern size:

Less than 1/3 of a page is low self-esteem, more than 2/3 of a page is high self-esteem.

A large drawing located in the center of the sheet - egocentrism, the desire for leadership.

A small drawing located at the bottom of the sheet - self-doubt, addiction.

Line characteristics:

Hatching - anxiety, abrupt lines - impulsiveness, clear lines - confidence.

It is convenient to view the pressure on the pencil from the “wrong side” of the sheet:

Strong pressure - tension (especially if some detail is emphasized), impulsiveness; weak pressure - weakness, decreased mood.

Specific Features:

Needles (there may or may not be any!) indicate the level of aggressiveness. Large, long, thick, poisonous means high level aggressiveness. Directed upward - at superior people (adults, management, etc.), to the sides - at equals (peers, the same social status), downwards - at younger ones (weak, dependent, children).

Home cactus (in a pot or indoors) - the value of family, home warmth, the desire for protection.

Wild cactus (growing in the desert) - a feeling of loneliness (if there is only one there) or a need for freedom (if there are many plants there).

Flower, unusual shape, decorations - femininity, demonstrativeness (likes to be the center of attention).

The presence of protruding processes means openness.

The branches and zigzags are located inside the contour - closedness.

"Joyful" cactus, bright colors - optimism, emotional uplift.

Shaded cactus, dark colors - anxiety, low mood.

The presence of other cacti, plants or animals - extroversion (sociability).

Only one cactus (inanimate objects do not count) - introversion (self-absorption, isolation) or loneliness.

KGKOU SKSHI 8 types 3 Khabarovsk

Associative drawing test (ART.)

This test was developed by E. Wartegg and is used as a psychodiagnostic and aimed at identifying such personality traits as emotiveness, will, thinking, fantasy, and characterological characteristics of the individual. The test has 8 squares, each of which contains the beginning of a pattern. The respondent is asked to complete a picture in each of the 8 squares that matches the given plot. The author based the interpretation on the doctrine of I.P. Pavlova. Development of an interpretation of the ART methodology and its main provisions by Yu.N. Kudryakov carried out from the standpoint of the theory of psychomotor connections by I.M. Sechenov. He claimed that human mental activity always expressed external signs , primarily muscular (literally - every thought ends in movement). Each psychological phenomenon, according to Sechenov, represents not a phenomenon of consciousness, but a holistic act, a meeting of an organism with real world. Great value it gave a person the ability to arbitrarily delay the external manifestation of his mental activity. This leads, in his opinion, to the fact that mental activity may remain without external manifestation, in the form of thought, intention, desire. If actual behavior or real movement for some reason is not carried out, then this will cause a certain tension in the corresponding muscle groups and in the human psyche, which will be reflected in any products of his activity, in particular in drawings. At interpretation of drawings Thus, it is necessary to proceed from the assumption that with their help a person can express situations and events that are not always possible to convey orally and which, for various reasons, cannot be realized in behavior. The results obtained using the ART technique must be assessed during psychodiagnostic conversation, where you can test the hypotheses that arise as a result of testing. In this case, all 8 drawings of the method must be analyzed as one whole, i.e. the hypothesis based on one of the drawings should be confirmed in other drawings. When interpreting the test, it is advisable to proceed from general patterns analysis of the drawing.

Interpretation schemes for the ART drawing test:

1. In the first position of the test, the characteristics of the individual’s orientation in the environment and the extent to which he takes into account the elements of the world around him are revealed;

2. In the second position of the test, the presence of aggressive behavioral tendencies is revealed in a person;

3. In the third position of the test, the characteristics of a person’s behavior in social group and the extent to which he adheres to conventional norms;

4. The fourth position of the test is intended to identify the characteristics of a person’s communication;

5. In the fifth position of the test, the features of subjective perception and assessment of reality are revealed;

6. The sixth position of the test is aimed at identifying the current personal situation of the subject in the sphere of relationships with persons of the opposite sex.

7. The seventh position of the test reveals the characteristics of a person’s behavior in an unstable conflict situation;

8. In the eighth position, the subject is stimulated to depict a person or only his face. The interpretation of this position is based on the fact that the subject creates his own self-portrait in it or projects the most characteristic features of your personality.

It is most advisable to use the ART technique individually, and not in groups in order to obtain information about some characterological characteristics, personal problems and needs of the subject. This test should be used along with other diagnostic techniques and is not the only research method. The ART technique is easy to use, reliable and is one of the express methods that allows you to get an idea of ​​a person’s character and his current needs in a short period of time (15 minutes). life situation. Validity this test is entirely determined by the experience of the researcher and his skills in interpreting the drawings. Therefore, when conducting research it is necessary to have additional information about personality.

Teacher - psychologist Larisa Aleksandrovna Zhabina

KGKOU SKSHI 8 types 3 Khabarovsk

Associative drawing test (ART.)

This test was developed by E. Wartegg and is used as a psychodiagnostic and aimed at identifying such personality traits as emotiveness, will, thinking, fantasy, and characterological characteristics of the individual. The test has 8 squares, each of which contains the beginning of a pattern. The respondent is asked to complete a picture in each of the 8 squares that matches the given plot. The author based the interpretation on the doctrine of I.P. Pavlova. Development of an interpretation of the ART methodology and its main provisions by Yu.N. Kudryakov carried out from the standpoint of the theory of psychomotor connections by I.M. Sechenov. He claimed that human mental activity always expressed by external signs, primarily muscular (literally - every thought ends in movement). Each psychological phenomenon, according to Sechenov, represents not a phenomenon of consciousness, but a holistic act, a meeting of the organism with the real world. He attached great importance to a person’s ability to voluntarily delay the external manifestation of his mental activity. This leads, in his opinion, to the fact that mental activity may remain without external manifestation, in the form of thought, intention, desire. If real behavior or real movement is not carried out for any reason, then this will cause a certain tension in the corresponding muscle groups and in the human psyche, which will be reflected in any products of his activity, in particular in drawings. At interpretation of drawings Thus, it is necessary to proceed from the assumption that with their help a person can express situations and events that are not always possible to convey orally and which, for various reasons, cannot be realized in behavior. The results obtained using the ART technique must be assessed during psychodiagnostic conversation, where you can test the hypotheses that arise as a result of testing. In this case, all 8 drawings of the method must be analyzed as one whole, i.e. the hypothesis based on one of the drawings should be confirmed in other drawings. When interpreting the test, it is advisable to proceed from the general patterns of pattern analysis.

Interpretation schemes for the ART drawing test:

1. In the first position of the test, the characteristics of the individual’s orientation in the environment and the extent to which he takes into account the elements of the world around him are revealed;

2. In the second position of the test, the presence of aggressive behavioral tendencies is revealed in a person;

3. In the third position of the test, the characteristics of a person’s behavior in a social group and the extent to which he adheres to conventional norms are revealed;

4. The fourth position of the test is intended to identify the characteristics of a person’s communication;

5. In the fifth position of the test, the features of subjective perception and assessment of reality are revealed;

6. The sixth position of the test is aimed at identifying the current personal situation of the subject in the sphere of relationships with persons of the opposite sex.

7. The seventh position of the test reveals the characteristics of a person’s behavior in an unstable conflict situation;

8. In the eighth position, the subject is stimulated to depict a person or only his face. The interpretation of this position is based on the fact that the subject creates his own self-portrait in it or projects the most characteristic features of his personality.

It is most advisable to use the ART technique individually, and not in groups in order to obtain information about some characterological characteristics, personal problems and needs of the subject. This test should be used along with other diagnostic techniques and is not the only research method. The ART technique is easy to use, reliable and is one of the express methods that allows you to get an idea of ​​a person’s character and his current life situation in a short period of time (15 minutes). The validity of this test is entirely determined by the experience of the researcher and his skill in interpreting drawings. Therefore, when conducting research it is necessary to have additional information about the individual.

Teacher - psychologist Larisa Aleksandrovna Zhabina

Psychology studies human nature and can explain various shapes his behavior. Opportunity like research characteristic features personalities based on drawings has grown into a whole technique. Research tests are suitable for both children and adults. The techniques are extremely simple and do not require special preparation. The results are striking in their accuracy. What are the most common psychological tests for unconscious drawings?

Drawing test “Draw a house”

The test task is easy to understand based on the name of the psychological test. It is also not difficult to interpret the results from the drawings; human psychology is structured in such a way that without meaning to, he will talk about his inner world.

This drawing test can act as an independent study, or it can become the key to other tasks in which a person depicts a house.

Drawing test “Choose a figure”

The sheet shows square, triangle, rectangle, circle and zigzag. A person is asked to first choose one figure that he associates with himself, and then arrange the remaining elements in order of personal preference. The psychological response consists of two components: the figure chosen first characterizes dominant traits personality, other details complete the image.

Incorrigible workaholics put first place square. Such people always finish what they start with perseverance and diligence; they have excellent memory and a sense of responsibility. Idealists do not lose sight of any details and like to “put everything on the shelf.” Undoubtedly, such qualities are useful at work, but they are very annoying in their personal life. Family happiness is guaranteed if you manage to find a soul mate with the same character.

Triangle they are chosen by true leaders who are strong, courageous, energetic, self-confident, able to soberly assess the situation and sensibly analyze what is happening. In all spheres of life, these people reserve the right to a decisive vote and do not change decisions made and they don’t know how to admit own mistakes. All life is spent in competition and struggle for first place.

Personalities - " rectangles“are in a state of constant change. They are inconsistent and unpredictable, always dissatisfied with something and always looking for something better. Naivety and curiosity generate not only a keen interest in everything unknown, but also incredible courage. Therefore, such people are rarely alone.

Selected circle always strive for harmony. Through the efforts of these philanthropists, a friendly atmosphere in the work team and a favorable atmosphere in the family union are maintained. They know how to listen and support, are very sensitive and insightful. Psychology can become their life's work.

Open zigzag- preference for creative creative people. They are often expressive and eccentric, almost always naive and impractical. Excellent intuition, a subtle sense of humor and the ability to get along with everyone common language compensate for shortcomings.

Drawing test “What do the doodles hide?”

Involuntary tracing of a pen on a piece of paper can tell a lot about a person's character.

This psychological test is considered one of the most truthful. After all, the information that a person gives out unconsciously is considered the most true. All secret thoughts, hidden experiences, unjustified hopes are projected onto paper.

Drawing test “Secrets of the inner world”

Very interesting and easy to do psychological test, which can ultimately provide significant answers to many life questions. To do this you will need a pen (or pencil), a blank piece of paper and a few minutes of free time.

First you need to divide the sheet into four equal parts. In the upper left sector you need to draw a dot, in the upper right sector - a rectangle, in the lower left part the “=” sign is drawn, and the right bottom part remains empty. Now you need to discard all extraneous thoughts, calm down and start performing the test. To do this, you need to finish drawing in the first three fields everything that first comes to mind. You shouldn’t waste effort on masterpiece paintings, even if it takes no more than 15 seconds to create one image. And in the last square you should draw a boat floating on the waves. That's all, you can start decoding.

Answers to the psychological test “Secrets of the inner world”

  1. Top left picture talks about interaction with the outside world. If more dots or other small scattered details were added, then we are talking about a sociable, open personality. And spirals, circles, ovals indicate a closed, alienated person.
  2. Top right picture reveals the inner self. Selfish people try to reduce the area of ​​contact between the drawing and the rectangle or even draw elements away from the figure. Good-natured, sociable people associate their image with the one proposed. Most often this is a wall, a parallelepiped, or a brick. Altruists tend to draw a picture of the house.
  3. Third drawing responsible for relationships with the opposite sex. The fewer details and the farther they are from the lines, the easier and simpler the thread of communication is built. Unconfident individuals draw piled-up pyramids of various symbols and signs.
  4. Last drawing- this is love. Romantics add a lot of unnecessary details: sails, stars, clouds, oars, people, animals. Practical natures with a strong character and alien to sentimentality depict a simplified scheme without any frills or intricacies. Passionate dreamers rushing headlong into feelings will undoubtedly draw a raging sea, on the waves of which the boat of love rocks.

Everyone wants to look at themselves from the outside, to evaluate the psychology of the inner world from a different angle. Define psychological portrait can be done using drawings. A person will spontaneously put on paper all his personality traits, even those that are difficult to admit to himself.

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