Continuous environmental education of students in a rural school. System and continuity of environmental education Some forms of extracurricular activities

Irina Kovalenko
Environmental education is a continuous process of training, education and development of a child


Subject: « Environmental education is a continuous learning process, child upbringing and development».

Take care of these waters, these lands.

Loving even a small blade of grass,

Take care of all animals within nature,

Kill only the beasts within yourself...

Human interaction with nature is an extremely pressing problem of our time. Every year its sound becomes stronger; too much damage has been done to living nature. We are clearly starting realize: Natural resources cannot be used spontaneously and uncontrollably. It is also obvious that from the nursery ecological permissiveness(pick a flower, destroy a butterfly) to adult (cut down the forest, dry up the lake) the road is very short.

The most important aspect in solving the issue of land conservation is education people in the field of environment, environmental education of the entire population, including the younger generation.

The beginning of the formation environmental The orientation of the individual can rightfully be considered preschool childhood, since during this period the foundation is laid for a conscious attitude towards the surrounding reality, the foundation for a conscious attitude towards the surrounding reality accumulates, and vivid emotional impressions accumulate that remain in a person’s memory for a long time, and sometimes for a lifetime.

Kindergarten is the first link of the system continuous environmental education Therefore, it is no coincidence that teachers are faced with the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management among preschoolers.

Children themselves need kindness and affection. And at the same time, they are able to disinterestedly and immeasurably give their kindness to all living things, as long as they are not disturbed or turned away from this, but, on the contrary, help to preserve their kindness for the rest of their lives. While children are small, all flowers and herbs, bugs - spiders, birds, cats, dogs - all this is close to them. Therefore the topic environmental education This is so important in preschool age.

Main goal: upbringing from the first years of life, a humane, socially active, creative personality, capable of understanding and loving the world around us, nature and treating them with care.

The tasks of teachers come down to next:

1. Upbringing children have a love for their native nature, the ability perceive and deeply feel its beauty, the ability to take care of plants and animals.

2. Communicating to preschoolers basic knowledge about nature and the formation on this basis of a number of specific and generalized ideas about the phenomena of living and non-living nature.

3. Inform the preschooler about ecological situation in the city, region, world and its impact on people’s health.

Environmental education carried out through the entire pedagogical process– in everyday life and in classes, not in isolation, but in connection with moral, aesthetic, labor education. The study material is compiled taking into account the age characteristics of children. According to the principle "from simple to complex"; WITH development component; is based on the principle of repeatability.

The classes are simple and comprehensive. Concept, preschool education, aims to use non-traditional forms of activities with children ( "KVN", "What? Where, When", "Field of Miracles", "Secrets of the Forester", "Aibolit"). Interesting combined activities in which knowledge of nature is combined with artistic activity (speech, music, fine art) .

The forms and methods of work used are the most various. These are excursions; observations; looking at paintings; classes-conversations, cognitive - heuristic in nature. Various plot and role-playing; didactic and educational games; game exercises; experiments and experiences; environmental tests and tasks; videos, audio recordings, etc. Children of the primary and secondary groups must be introduced to (using specific examples). For example, the connection between a living organism and its environment (houseplants, animals need food, water, light, warmth).

Observation is the most important source of knowledge about nature. They develop Children have an important ability to see, draw conclusions and generalizations. Repeated observations of the same place at different times of the year and under different lighting are of great value. (sunny day, cloudy, fog, twilight). Observations provide enriched ground for thought and encourage inquisitiveness and curiosity in children. They have countless "Why" and why."

Children really like folk signs. We need to explain to them, people have long noticed that animals and plants have certain way behave before a change in weather. And how much joy there will be when these signs are confirmed by your own observations.

In every natural phenomenon, in every autumn leaf, we must teach children to see beauty, show how the color of the sky changes in different weather, how varied according to the shape of the clouds., observe animals, birds, insects in natural conditions. Children convey their impressions in drawings, games, applications; they themselves compose stories and invent fairy tales.

The book plays an important role in the aesthetic raising children, makes it possible to develop a love for nature. The works of such writers as V. Bianki, M. Prishvin, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, L. Barto, S. Mikhalkov and others are suitable for children. Children love fairy tales about animals; they are attracted to light comic poems and nursery rhyme poems.

In the system various knowledge about the environment, knowledge about inanimate natural phenomena occupies a special place. Familiarization should be based on the keen interest of the children and conducted in a fun way. Classes with children on experimental activities are very interesting, in a playful way, in "laboratories of nature". In such classes, children find out: “Which sand - dry or wet”, “what sinks in water - stone, sand or wood” “what happens to a lit candle if you cover it with a jar”, “how can you detect air” and so on.

To activate and consolidate what was learned in the classroom environmental knowledge, together with the music director, conduct musical ecological entertainment and holidays, evenings of leisure ( “I love Russian birch”, “We were born in Kuban”, puppet theaters, on environmental themes, preschoolers really like them.

One of the important conditions for the implementation of the system environmental education in a preschool institution is the correct organization and greening of the developing natural environment: 1. Cognitive child development. 2. Ecological and aesthetic development. 3. Health improvement baby. 4. Formation of moral qualities baby. 5. Formation ecologically competent behavior. 6. Development of sensory, creative, mental abilities. 7. Greening various activities baby.

Each group should be: * Experimental corner. In this corner there is material with which child can study independently (play, experiment)* Corner of nature. This corner contains natural objects for caring for and observing them. (for example, onions are planted). There are also books and illustrations containing information about plants, animals, and natural phenomena. Nature calendars and so on. *Exhibition corner. During classes according to the program, preschoolers draw, make crafts, and their works are displayed in a corner. Here you can also hold exhibitions and hang photographs of children and parents interacting with nature.

Unconventional element developing subject environment - Alpine slide. This is a composition from many various plants and other natural materials. It can be done on the territory of a kindergarten or in a group. "Mini rock garden", for example in an aquarium.

Of great importance is a properly designed and cultivated plot, which provides the opportunity for constant direct communication with nature and the introduction of children to regular work. Growing flowers is the most accessible practical activity for children. Even more valuable is the presence of a vegetable garden on the territory of the kindergarten, where children can grow their own vegetables. Children who planted them, as a rule, do not break them or tear them later. Caring for flowers and vegetables consists of fertilizing, loosening the soil, removing weeds, teaching kids, the simplest methods of labor need to explain the need and the feasibility of this work. Learn to feel the joy of a job well done.

The child’s sense of homeland is associated with the place where he was born and lives. Our task is to deepen this feeling, to help a growing person discover his homeland in what is near and dear to him - in his immediate environment. It is necessary to introduce children to the nature of our region. Corner "I was born in Kuban" will help children learn more about the nature of their native land. Here you can place illustrations, photographs from depicting the nature of Kuban, sights of the resort city of Anapa. Create separate folders "Anapa in autumn", "Spring in Anapa".

To expand children’s ideas and enhance their impressions, it is necessary to conduct targeted walks and excursions. You can organize, on a weekend, an excursion with your parents to a dolphinarium or a meeting on the embankment, by the sea. To ensure that the acquired knowledge and conclusions do not leave memory, they are entered into the observation calendar. As a result, children's knowledge is systematized. In parallel, you can work with the folk calendar.

An effective means of working with parents - environmental stand. Here are the words of famous people; articles, nurturing good feelings, mercy, respect for nature, giving specific environmental knowledge.

On a special parental meeting"Nature - love - beauty": parents are introduced to the subject ecology, discuss principles environmental education of a child in the family.

Throughout the school year, recommendations and consultations are provided in the corner for parents or in special folders, and parents are introduced to the results teaching children.

Educator, conducts individual conversations with parents, offers to take the children to look at certain objects (for example "Flower Clock", "Fountains" etc., advises which books to read, which poems to learn.

Organizes various events with the participation of parents. in autumn "Harvest Festival". "The birds have flown away". Early April "Bird Day". Poems, competitions, songs, and games are being prepared. Homemade is given exercise: make a craft at home from natural materials, make a birdhouse or make bird feeders in the fall. Carry out competitions: “Dad, mom and I are a healthy family”.

So way, upbringing children have a love for nature, the ability perceive its beauty is one of the most important tasks, in solving which it is necessary to use different forms and methods in a complex, correctly combining them with each other.

And most importantly in environmental education– the personal conviction of the teacher, his ability to interest all children, awaken in them the desire to love, cherish and protect nature and thereby be a role model.

3.1. Continuous environmental education

The essence of the concept of “ecological education”. In recent years, in Russia and throughout the world, education has been viewed as a fundamental category that performs the function of reproducing social intelligence - science and culture in general.

Education can be considered both as a process, and as a result, and as a system. It reflects the process of a person’s mastering a system of knowledge, abilities, skills, experience of practical, cognitive and creative activities, as well as the process of forming value attitudes, views and beliefs.

The concept of modernization of Russian education and the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation determine the focus of education on the preservation, dissemination and development of national culture, on fostering a careful attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. In addition, these documents clearly indicate the orientation of education towards raising Russian patriots, citizens of a legal, democratic state, respecting individual rights and freedoms, possessing high morality and showing national and religious tolerance.

In Russia, as in other countries, in accordance with the decision of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (1992), the development of a strategy for the country's sustainable development began. Among the main directions of Russia's transition to sustainable development, along with the creation of its legal basis, the development of a system for stimulating economic activity and establishing the limits of responsibility for its environmental results, the formation of an effective system for promoting the ideas of sustainable development and the creation of an appropriate system of education and training are indicated.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of the Natural Environment” (Article 73) states: “In order to improve the environmental culture of society and the professional training of specialists, a system of universal, comprehensive and continuous environmental education and training is being established, covering the entire process of preschool, school education and training , professional training of specialists in secondary and higher educational institutions, improving their qualifications using the media.”

The Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation “On environmental education of students in educational institutions of the Russian Federation” (1994) clearly outlines its priorities:

Creation of infrastructure to provide a system of continuous environmental education;

Transforming all training courses from a green, sustainable development perspective;

Filling the concept of “citizen of the planet” with real content;

Addressing environmental issues of global significance;

Creation of a system of practical activities for students to improve the environment;

Coordination of school and out-of-school education systems; primary, secondary and higher professional education, environmental and educational activities of non-governmental organizations;

Training and advanced training of teaching staff on environmental education issues.

The uniqueness of environmental education is that it sets educational goals in a new way. The most important goal of environmental education is the formation of an ecological culture of the individual and society.

Currently, environmental culture is becoming not something desirable, but a strictly mandatory requirement of life in the global community. Involvement in environmental culture is strictly necessary not only for citizens of each country, but also for humanity as a whole. Ecological culture is a part of culture that determines the compliance of social activities with the requirements of the vital suitability of the natural environment.

A developed ecological culture presupposes the ability to appreciate each component of nature and becomes a necessary condition for the preservation and development of modern civilization. It manifests itself as a set of ideological, moral and political attitudes, social and moral values, norms and rules that ensure sustainable environmental quality, environmental safety and rational use of natural resources.

In environmental education, educational content is selected in a new way, since it is characterized by the principle of “new synthesis”, which has a special methodological significance (i.e. the synthesis of all human knowledge about nature, knowledge on the conservation and optimization of the environment).

Environmental education should be prognostically oriented, related to caring for nature and preserving living conditions for future generations of people; it re-evaluates the effectiveness of educational systems. In addition to knowledge, abilities, and skills, the assessment of the results of environmental education must include actions to preserve and improve the quality of the environment, as well as students’ value attitude towards nature.

Environmental education as a system is a set of educational programs, state educational standards and educational institutions implementing them.

The structure of the environmental education process. Currently, the structure of the environmental education process is conventionally divided into:

Environmental education is a purposeful process that includes the formation of a system of general environmental, socio-ecological and applied knowledge, as well as the development of methods and types of environmental activities and the ability to apply this knowledge in practice;

Environmental education is the formation in students of attitudes, views, beliefs and norms of behavior, characterized by an emotional, moral, careful and responsible attitude towards nature;

Environmental education is a continuous process of forming social consciousness of an environmental type based on the activation, expansion and maintenance of interest in environmental problems in society. This is the process of disseminating environmental knowledge and environmental information, increasing the environmental literacy of the population in matters of environmental safety and environmental protection.

Continuous environmental education. It should be noted that in the modern understanding, education should accompany the existence of every person throughout his entire life. Therefore, the concept of “continuing education” has come into scientific use, including “continuing environmental education”, aimed at mastering systemic environmental knowledge, skills and abilities in environmental activities and the formation of an environmental culture.

Currently, environmental education is carried out in many educational institutions through the introduction of various forms and types of training. The activities of environmental clubs, educational centers and circles in the system of additional education for schoolchildren are becoming increasingly important.

Continuous environmental education involves not only training and education of the individual in educational institutions in the system of preschool, general, secondary and higher professional education, but also advanced training of specialists.

14 Higher education in Russia No. 7, 2005

V. POPOV, professor, vice-rector V. TOMAKOV, associate professor Kursk State Technical University

Environmental training at a university should be continuous. The requirement for continuity is driven by the complexity of modern environmental problems. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct both general environmental training for students and specially oriented ones. Only then can it be possible to instill in students - future specialists - the skill to make appropriate technical, managerial, and economic decisions not occasionally, but constantly.

The system of general training, defined by the State Educational Standard, implies, along with strengthening the disciplines of the humanitarian, socio-economic cycle in the programs, the study of methodological, philosophical and economic aspects of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. However, observing the principle of continuity of environmental education, one cannot limit oneself to one theory, i.e. discipline "Ecology" in the form in which it is proposed by the State Educational Standard for Engineering Specialties.

It is necessary to combine this discipline with technical, professional subjects, i.e. A specially oriented environmental discipline should be introduced.

To achieve this goal it is necessary:

■ to give students a complete and lasting idea of ​​the environment, but not of the world as a whole, but of that part of it that is associated with the chosen specialty;

■ teach students to design, create and apply nature-friendly technologies.

Ideas and thoughts have been and continue to be put forward - to distribute part of the problems of specially oriented environmental training among professional




disciplines. However, if the material is evenly distributed across one or another specialty curriculum, the problem may appear to be of secondary importance, and the sections themselves will disappear from consideration. The continuity goal will not be achieved.

But the main thing is that the current vision of the discipline “Ecology” on the part of the conservative teaching corps of graduating departments has created the impression that the environmental training of engineers is ensured. This is a dangerous illusion, complicated by the confusion of ecological and environmental concepts and ideas: “Ecology” and “Environmental protection” (or “Industrial ecology”) are by no means synonymous. “Ecology” is a classical natural science on a biological basis, and “Environmental protection” is an engineering discipline that determines the solution of environmental problems through the introduction of engineering methods and means of environmental protection into production.

The bottom line is that when teaching environmental disciplines, one cannot limit oneself to one theory. Their content should be linked to real production and life situations.

Based on this formulation, the role of a higher technical school in environmental issues will depend on how effectively - taking into account the interests of the population of the region - internal environmental problems arising from global problems and the specifics of their manifestation in specific conditions are resolved. The strategy for greening technical education in regional technical universities should be based on scientific and educational programs of local

Discussing the problem

level with practical implementation of the results.

Kursk State Technical University provides both general environmental training for students and specially oriented ones.

From 1995 to 2002, within the framework of engineering specialties, an educational program model was introduced, built on the principles of continuity and orientation. The objective of the program is to prepare a specialist who is able to implement safety priorities and focus his production activities on making the right technical and organizational decisions.

Continuity in this model was ensured by the fact that basic knowledge on general issues was laid down in the courses “Ecology” and “Life Safety”, and developed and deepened in the courses “Industrial Ecology”, “Protection in Emergency Situations”, focused on each specific group of engineering specialties (construction, mechanical engineering, transport, etc.). They were introduced in the 8th and 9th semesters in parallel with the main major disciplines, i.e. when the student has formed an idea of ​​engineering and technology.

We proposed to build ecology teaching based on a system-oriented approach. This made it possible to move away from the descriptive nature of the presentation of the fundamentals of ecology and set the task of forming a consistent worldview regarding both global and regional problems, as well as the processes of formation of human living conditions as one of the participants in the life of the biosphere. Biological aspects have been preserved and are widely used in the educational process, taking into account the specifics of the specialty.

At the Department of Labor and Environmental Protection, various options for teaching ecology have been developed and implemented, for example, in the engineering aspect, differentiated according to engineering specializations.

news Another example: future managers are primarily interested in the management aspect in relation to solving environmental problems. Therefore, an ecology course has been developed that gives the future manager an idea of ​​the competitiveness of the products of an enterprise carrying out environmental activities. This approach is fully consistent with the product certification system, which is currently being developed by a number of pan-European programs and organizations, for example, within the Council of Europe.

We are currently implementing the second model. How did it appear and what are its significant differences?

As a result of our sociological research, it was revealed that the state of the environment in living conditions is the best example and means of developing in students an understanding of the essence of environmental problems and a positive attitude towards the environment.

Therefore, by decision of the Academic Council, the discipline “Ecology of the Kursk Territory” was introduced. The tasks are to consider the state of the environment, the sources of negative impacts on it and then, on this practical, vital basis, to determine existing environmental protection measures and those that can be used in certain sectors of the economy. For example, the basics of “Industrial Ecology” are taught through the presentation of a real picture of the ecological state of the living environment in our region.

This approach became possible due to the fact that we have accumulated experience in teaching ecology as a pragmatic science, which allows us to instill certain skills in future specialists, which requires the educational process to highlight those typical professional tasks that a specialist must solve in his future activities.

As a result of mastering the material of the course “Ecology of the Kursk Territory”, students developed

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All specialties should in the future acquire the following professional skills:

■ conduct an expert assessment of the life activity of the ecosystem and assess the ecological potential of the research object - both in retrospect and in the future, to establish points of change in development trends and the consequences of these changes;

■ build an optimal model of the object of study of the technogenic ecosystem, highlighting significant connections, properties and characteristics;

■ evaluate the options for the life activity of the ecosystem depending on various factors of negative impact;

■ develop an environmental passport of a technical system (including a technological process), company (enterprise), region;

■ select environmental and bioprotective technologies, prescribe methods and means of protection by type of impact.

We have developed and tested work programs of the discipline for all specialties of the university, focused on regional and local features of industrial and social infrastructure, and features of the natural environment.

However, this does not exhaust the principle of orientation. In diploma projects of technical and technological specialties, an independent section is developed - “Environmental friendliness and safety of the production process.” Essentially the entire project is subject to examination, starting with the rationale for choosing a particular type of technology, equipment, site of construction of the facility, vulnerability of the environment and population, etc., and ending with an analysis of process safety. After this, eco-bioprotective solutions are developed, focused on regional and local features of industrial and social infrastructure, and features of the natural environment.

For example, since 2004, the department of “Industrial and Civil Engineering”

The volume of requirements in diploma design related to environmental protection issues has increased significantly. So, starting from the first section “Architectural and construction part”, the student needs to justify the choice of the construction site of a particular object from the standpoint of protecting the environment and the functioning of the object in the future. This section should also address measures to prevent man-made emergencies that could have a negative impact on people, buildings, structures and the environment. In addition, in the graduation projects of this specialty, the graduating department invites graduates to develop environmental protection issues for the period of construction work. For this purpose, a separate section of the project is allocated.

It is quite obvious that greening education will not solve existing environmental problems. We need specialists with basic engineering and technical education in the field of environmental protection.

Since 1995, Kursk State Technical University has been training environmental engineers in the specialty “Environmental Protection Engineering”. The first release took place in 1999. Up to twenty professionals graduate annually, and the demand for them at regional enterprises has increased. They develop, design, set up, operate and improve environmental and bioprotective equipment and technology, organize and manage the environmental activities of enterprises, carry out examination of projects, technologies, production, and carry out product certification in order to achieve maximum environmental safety of the region.

High-quality training of environmental protection specialists necessarily involves the participation of students in scientific research at the university. Based on their results, in 2002, documents were prepared and

Discussing the problem

Such practical works as “Project of recycling water supply for the electroplating shop of JSC “Schetmash”” (Gromova O.V.), “Geographic information system for analyzing emissions into the atmosphere from single sources” (Nekrasova I.S.) were protected. Two student projects participated in an environmental work competition held by the State Academy of Oil and Gas (Moscow). Among the works of 2003, one can note the project of A.V. Teplyakova. “Rational environmental management at a tannery using the example of creating a recycling wastewater system after washing raw hides” and the work of S.E. Uraev. “Development of draft MPE standards for OJSC Kursk Bearing Company.” In 2004, the thesis of V.A. Ka-telnikova. “The introduction of an environmental management system at JSC Elektroagregat is recommended for implementation.

Teachers of the department prepared and published teaching aids: “Be-

hazardous human interaction with technical systems”, “Radiation safety in human life”, “Reliability of technical systems and technogenic risk”, “Fundamentals of environmental knowledge of an engineer”, “Reliability of technical systems and risk management”, “Ecological problems of sustainable development of society”, “ Ecology”, “Life Safety”, “Low-waste water disposal systems in mechanical engineering”, etc. A number of textbooks are recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for technical universities.

Thus, Kursk State Technical University is successfully implementing an educational program built on the principles of continuity, the task of which is to prepare a specialist who is able to implement environmental safety priorities and focus his production activities on making the right technical and organizational decisions.

Yu. Trofimenko, professor Ecological

N. EVSTIGNEEVA, associate professor

Moscow Automobile-K°Mp°nenTa Inzhenern°g°

Road Institute (GTU) of Education

Environmental education is a necessary element of specialist training. In the country's leading technical universities, a course in general ecology is taught to students of all specialties. However, this is not enough for the professional activities of engineers. Curricula should include classes that would develop skills and consolidate practical skills in assessing the negative impact of a particular production on the environment.

Some work in this direction is being carried out at the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute (State Technical University). Environmental education of students is ensured by compulsory study of the disciplines “Ecology” and “Life Safety”, compiled taking into account the characteristics of the impact of the motor transport complex (ATC) on the environment and compliance with the requirements of the Russian Federation Law “On Environmental Protection”.


The worsening situation with the situation of Russian botanical gardens forced me to turn to this topic every day. What does continuous environmental education (CEE) have to do with this? Many people may ask. This is the whole problem with education itself and the botanical gardens themselves. And along with them, field bases for educational practice at universities, field biological stations, testing grounds, forestry experimental sites, etc. etc. The problem is that its cornerstone part, an inseparable element of the entire methodology of teaching natural knowledge - practice, experiment, research - has dropped out of the NEE system. And this topic may currently have very significant negative consequences due to the nationwide call to all municipal, regional local authorities to urgently develop NEO Concepts that have the level of local legislative acts. With appropriate funding and appropriate organizational and administrative actions.

The shine and poverty of continuous environmental education in Russia

All authors, without exception, emphasize the presence of outdated technologies and worn-out equipment in many industries, the low level of environmental culture and literacy of workers, the professional unpreparedness of specialists and workers to maintain the processes of environmental control, monitoring, cleaning and processing (disposal) of industrial waste, which are also factors deterioration of the environmental situation. The majority of people remember the environment between other matters, paying attention to some blatant fact (pollution of a reservoir and soil with oil and petroleum products due to an accident on an oil pipeline, the discharge of untreated wastewater into a reservoir, etc.), which is an expression of a superficial attitude towards a problem not only for individuals, but also for the entire society. The reason for this is the low standard of living of the majority of the population, the improvement of which is prioritized by the intensive exploitation of natural resources without taking into account the damage caused and the practical non-compliance with environmental standards by industrial enterprises. A main contradiction is revealed: on the one hand, intensive exploitation of natural resources leads to an increase in the country’s national income, on the other hand, deterioration in environmental quality leads to a decrease in the quality of life of the population, an increase in occupational diseases and weakening of public health. Even at first professional glance, the main misconception is visible: in the foreground there is a purely material problem. An aspect that is so important in the sociology of large systems, which is the intangible resources of the environment, the intangible aspects of ecology and, accordingly, environmental education and enlightenment, is completely excluded. But with such a one-sided approach, it is impossible to achieve the main goals of the NEO: rational environmental management and harmonious development of human society and the environment. There is a blatant disregard for the basic principles of sustainable development, which provide for the interaction of all elements of the triad “man-society-nature”.

A lot of work has appeared in the field of environmental education over the past 10-15 years. In connection with the problem under study, the work carried out in the following areas is of particular interest: regional systems of environmental education (L.V. Moiseeva, M.A. Yakunchev, R.A. Makhabadarova, R.V. Oparin, N.G. Troitskaya, N.V. Rusakova, O.V. Popova, I.Yu. theoretical and methodological problems of environmental education (E.A. Kogai, L.P. Viktorova, N.Z. Smirnova, I.T. Gaisin, etc.); greening of disciplines and integrated education (V.A. Ignatova, V.I. Nikolina, Yu.V. Zheleznyakova, I.F. Tokareva, E.G. Maish, N.F. Vinokurova, etc.); environmental education (I.F. Vinogradova, T.P. Yuzhakova, L.I. Burova, I.V. Tsvetkova, I.A. Ryzhova, G.G. Parfilova, etc.); environmental education and upbringing at school (T.A. Babakova, V.S. Shilova, G.S. Kamerilova, O.N. Ponomareva, N.V. Skalon, O.Yu. Timofeeva, etc.); formation of ecological culture (E.V. Nikonorova, S.N. Glazachev, V.V. Bakharev, E.I. Efimova, O.G. Tovstukha, etc.); environmental training of teachers and lecturers (A.V. Mironov, M.A. Ligai, A.G. Busygin, S.V. Alekseev, T.M. Nosova, V.Yu. Osipova, I.P. Ryabinina, L. V. Panfilova and others); environmental education (L.A. Kokhanova); environmental professional training (N.M. Aleksandrova). In the field of continuous environmental education at the regional and federal levels, there are publications by the following authors: S.V. Alekseeva, I.D. Zvereva, Y.M. Chernova, E.L. Kriksunova, I.T. Gaisina, L.B. Streltsova, L. Burkova, N.G. Kalegina, I.T. Suravegina, L.L. Pleshakova, L.V. Mironova, O.G. Kozmina, N.S. Pavlova, B.M. Mirkina, L.G. Naumova, V.M. Nazarenko, S.N. Glazacheva, M.L. Yakuncheva, Ya.D. Vishnyakova, V.S. Belova, N.M. Alexandrova and others. The basis of their concepts are the biological aspects of ecology (the interaction of flora and fauna with the environment and their mutual influence, the influence of harmful substances on the flora and fauna), the continuity of environmental education. Despite such an extensive intellectual reserve, all authors recognize the inaccessibility for students of general education institutions and universities in the system of environmental education, industrial and regional aspects of ecology, including the study of the causes, conditions and sources of harmful emissions, their physico-chemical and toxic properties, the consequences of influence on environment, possible methods of their capture with subsequent disposal, neutralization or liquidation.

With all the visible diversity of forms of school environmental education, their effectiveness is, unfortunately, low. The reasons for this state of affairs are the lack of interest and professional unpreparedness of the management and teaching staff of the education system for the development of students’ environmental culture.

In the system of additional education, for example, in the Samara region, more than 80% of students are employed, but only 5% of this number are enrolled in environmental and biological programs. The positive results of the development of environmental supplementary education for children in the region are confirmed by the results of interregional, all-Russian and international competitions, Olympiads, festivals, conferences, where students demonstrate a high level of achievement, defend the honor of the region and the country, and receive diplomas and certificates of the highest rank.

But, unfortunately, as the direct participants in this process themselves note, there are more problems in additional environmental education than successes.

It is absolutely clear that the development of the concept and implementation of continuous environmental education, taking into account industrial and regional aspects of ecology, can be carried out exclusively on the basis of a system analysis, which allows us to consider the structure and content of continuous environmental education as an integral object, from active knowledge of the natural environment in preschool institutions and continuity of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in high school, at university, in the fields of education to open environmental education with mandatory study separately or in an integrated form of industrial and regional aspects of ecology in the structure of the system, with the active involvement of all layers and social groups of society. In this case, structure is understood as a set of stable connections of the system that ensure its integrity and identity, i.e. preservation of basic properties under various external and internal changes. Only within the framework of a systemic analysis and approach is it possible to logically organize continuous environmental education, taking into account the biological, industrial and regional aspects of ecology. Combining these areas into a single continuous environmental educational technology is the basis for the formation and development of the ecological culture of the region's population. This is what is actually declared by the Concept of Sustainable Development in Agenda 21 Century. But we are faced with an absolutely Russian, departmental approach. Problems and systemic analysis of these problems are mainly dealt with by two separate, often disconnected communities: the pedagogical community and researchers of problems and issues of sustainable development. It is well known that the Concept of Sustainable Development is advisory in nature and in relation to each specific country and local community it should and has its own characteristics, its own local priorities. The mechanistic transfer of the successful experience that already exists, for example, in Brazil or Costa Rica, is completely impossible to transfer to Russia without in-depth analysis and deliberate, justified adaptation. Any attempts at such a transfer are doomed not only to failure and discrediting the very foundations of the Concept of Sustainable Development, but also entail very serious socio-political problems. This can also already be demonstrated using specific examples of Russian “ecological social movements”, when their actions come into specific conflict with local development needs, including the development of civil society. It cannot be ruled out that such experience, brought in from outside and excluding the requests of the local community, provokes and creates a negative attitude of the country’s large public towards participation in various “environmental initiatives”. Which is primarily reflected in the upbringing of the country’s population, already experiencing certain difficulties, with feelings of either open passivity or expressed protest in relation to the authorities who are trying, by any means, to sober up the adherents of the mechanistic transfer of the “Western type of sustainable development.” A formal, one-sided perception of environmental knowledge, without taking into account its participation in geopolitical issues, is by and large characteristic of modern Russian education, which for a number of years has been experiencing the problem of a gap between natural science and humanities knowledge. And the results of this gap most directly affect the formation of not only the NEO, but also the formation of the country’s environmental policy as a whole.

An important aspect of the problem of NEO is reflected in the works of G.V. Mukhametzyanova, A. M. Novikova, N.N. Nechaeva, N.M. Talanchuk, N.Sh. Valeeva and others, in which the concept of continuous professional education of an individual is defined as a condition for his socialization and professionalization. However, this issue, which is very significant for modern Russian education and modern Russian society, is also presented very one-sidedly. Without taking into account the transition of the world and, accordingly, the country actively involved in the processes of globalization, to a post-industrial society. Which in itself requires a transition to a conceptually different level of specialist training. Today's and tomorrow's level is a system of training steam - and transprofessionals who have the skills and methodologies for solving, respectively, both standard and unique problems. And in the process of such training, the issues of developing environmental thinking occupy almost the most important place. However, here too, opinions, research, and methodological developments are disjointed and are used not according to the need for their implementation, but according to the fact of proximity to the system. Therefore, the situation in which scientific and practical conferences on the topics of VET, education for sustainable development and educational reform in the country/region can be held in one region or even a city takes on the character of not anecdotal, but a very real event. In this case, accordingly, decisions and resolutions can be diametrically opposed. If we add to this background numerous similar events of a purely humanitarian nature on the issues of building civil society (in which environmental issues occupy one of the defining places), youth policy, territorial development of the country, conferences and congresses of public organizations and movements, then the diverse environment becomes clear , in which it becomes almost impossible to create anything real and constructive. As a result, legal acts, federal laws, are prepared and implemented, which not only often contradict each other, but also contradict the main goals and objectives for which they were actually developed. In the field of NEO, this applies, for example, to the Laws “On the Environment”, “On Protected Natural Areas”, “On Education”, the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, not counting by-laws, departmental acts, and laws of local self-government bodies. Today, the main, already established problematic objects of the once holistic system of environmental education and enlightenment have become botanical gardens, biological stations and other structures designed to study the foundations of environmental knowledge in the immediate natural environment. Initially intended to carry out educational work among the broadest masses of the population. Designed to carry out that very comprehensive analytical work on studying the relationships and interactions of man, society and nature. Is it possible to talk about the effectiveness of any educational work if experimentation is excluded in its process? Study? After all, it has been reliably proven that the effectiveness of the Soviet education system in individual blocks of knowledge fully depended on the availability and capabilities of a particular educational institution to provide full-fledged practical work. This concerned the knowledge of the physical block, the chemical block, where the implementation of practical work could and was achieved through the introduction of specialized classrooms, provided to varying degrees with equipment, reagents, and the necessary infrastructure (gas and water supply to the desks). Modern Western education is unthinkable without extremely extensive networks of biological stations and botanical gardens. Suffice it to say that the network of biological stations at US universities exceeds 400 territories. There are about 400 botanical gardens in Europe. And this is not counting national parks and other similar, strictly protected areas. Similar examples can also be found in Russia. Some of the currently recognized universities, Moscow State University and Kazan State University, have a similar, once powerful, infrastructure. Doesn't this explain, among other things, the recognized level of training of graduates of these universities?

Based on the above, it no longer becomes so “innocent” to justify the theoretical prerequisites for the formation of the “pedagogical vertical of the NEE in the form: preschool institutions - school - college (technical school) - university - postgraduate education. It seems that the central link in this chain is the university, especially the classical university." At the same time, the main resources that supposedly should ensure the effective implementation of NEO are identified exclusively as “educational and scientific laboratories, museums, and university computer classes.” But where is the place for field practice for schoolchildren and students? Where in this “vertical” is there a place for preschoolers or the older generation to get acquainted with natural phenomena and objects, right up to pensioners and people with physical health problems? Where is the educational work with large masses of the population? In museums, with stuffed animals and exhibits locked in a limited space under glass? Or maybe we are talking about the recently growing “virtualization of natural science education”, replacing a trip to a botanical garden or zoological park, to a specially protected area of ​​regional significance, meeting with real biologists working in the real sphere of preserving the biodiversity of a given region with a virtual one behind a monitor screen in a stuffy classroom/auditorium? So a slightly modified classic phrase emerges: “How can you hate your students, so that, while teaching and instilling the basics of environmental knowledge, you deprive them of direct acquaintance with nature?”

Another aspect of this problem that seems important is that in recent years many amateurs have rushed into solving environmental issues (G.L. Rytov, 2007), who even proclaimed the slogan of “debiologization” of ecology! This is completely unacceptable, because it is impossible to equate only one ecological science ("social ecology") with the more general concept of "ecology", which, unfortunately, many public organizations with an environmental orientation are trying to do, including within one region, due to or financial, or political, or ambitious, or other reasons. What most directly affected the leveling of the role and functions and the population’s perception of botanical gardens and zoological parks solely as places for picnics? Moreover, the issues of “effective use” of these territories began to be widely discussed. It seems that in relation to environmental and educational institutions, the same technocratic principle has begun to be applied, which currently prevails in the country's industrial enterprises, in which the requirements of environmental protection conflict with the need to save money.

Much of the blame for this lies with the regional media, where issues of the ecological state of the environment receive very specific coverage, but it should be noted that they are often characterized by a low professional level of coverage of environmental and environmental problems. Due to the small involvement of environmental specialists, publications in newspapers and television reports become more sensational and momentary in nature than scientifically based. This often creates an unhealthy stir among the local population, who are traditionally accustomed to “believing” journalists. This is actually what is observed in the attitude of the media to the problems of the same botanical gardens. Even in cases where the situation with a particular botanical garden or dendrological park already goes beyond the legal framework, when the question of the existence of the most unique territory arises, the media are in no hurry to analyze the situation and convey true, truthful information to the population . Often they perform informing functions from the perspective of those “interested persons or groups” that created the initial acute problem, based on their completely utilitarian motives. As an example, we can cite the latest events around the Utrish Dolphinarium or the Botanical Garden of the Southern Federal University.

Surely the reader will have the eternal Russian question “What to do?” Do what our neighbors do. Again, with a caveat regarding adaptation to local conditions. How to combine the pious impulses of different ministries: education and science, natural resources, social development, etc.? It is possible to implement it in the form that is accepted and works, for example, in Kyrgyzstan, where the Department of Information and Analytical Support and Environmental Education operates under the Ministry of Ecology and Emergency Situations, in the Department of Ecology and Environmental Monitoring. One of the functions of which is participation in the organization of the environmental education system. Considering the importance of environmental education for the population as a whole, the Department coordinates the work and maintains close communication with public and scientific organizations, educational institutions, in the implementation, in terms of environmental education, of a number of state and government programs, such as Comprehensive Fundamentals of Development, Development of Eco-Tourism in Kyrgyzstan dedicated to the Year of Tourism and the International Year of Mountains, etc. One of the important components of the Department’s environmental policy is the training of specialists capable of solving environmental problems of various scales.

The word “ecology” has now become the most common not only among specialists in various fields, but mainly among teachers of schools and higher educational institutions and in extensive colloquial speech. Environmental education forms personal socio-psychological attitudes towards active citizenship in relation to the environment and to the whole society. And as a result, environmental education in various forms is an important condition for the democratic development of our state. Botanical gardens, biological stations, zoological parks in the structure of environmental education, environmental education, and the formation of environmental consciousness are nothing more than the main, basic, defining components of the entire process, ultimately determining its effectiveness. And, consequently, the effectiveness of the development of society as a whole.

Sovetsky, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra





Chashikhina E.E., teacher of additional education

MAU DO SR "Center "Constellation" named after. Hero of the Soviet Union Grishin I. T.,

Sovetsky, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

The desire of every teacher to educate a competent, responsible person is a requirement of the time, supported by legislation. Personality formation is carried out through at least twoprocesses: socialization and creative self-development. As a person develops, he becomes a subject of social relations.

My pedagogical task is to educate an environmentally literate citizen who knows the general patterns of development of nature and society, understands that the history of society is continuously connected with the history of nature, and is able to subordinate all types of his activities to the requirements of rational environmental management.

Within the framework of my activities, the model of continuous environmental education (hereinafter referred to as CEE) for the younger generation has three stages.

The first stage is represented by the one-year program “Game Ecology”, designed for preschool children and implemented on the basis of the Topolek kindergarten. The goal of the program is to create conditions for the formation of a child’s personality with an ecological worldview.

The second stage is the implementation of the “Children about Animals” program, aimed at the development of children of primary school age, designed for 3 years and implemented on the basis of the mini-zoo of the Constellation Center. The goal of the program: the formation of children’s environmental culture through communication with mini-zoo animals.

The third stage is represented by the three-year Forest Patrol program, designed for children of middle and high school age, implemented on the basis of the Soviet forestry enterprise. The purpose of this program is to create conditions for instilling in children a careful, environmentally sound, socially active attitude towards nature, deepening knowledge in the field of ecology and forestry, and the ability to implement in practice activities aimed at preserving and increasing forest wealth.

The process of activation and socialization of the individual can be traced from acquaintance with the child and his parent to the professional self-determination of the graduate of the association.

The relevance of my activities lies in the fact that:

1. In the context of additional education, there are more opportunities for a continuous approach to the rational combination of theoretical knowledge and their practical application to solve specific problems.

2. The formation and improvement of the level of environmental culture of pupils is carried out through neo-technical education through the use of modern pedagogical technologies, improved methods and forms of teaching;

3. The development of a continuous system of environmental knowledge and skills, emotional and value orientations of pupils occurs through the constant improvement of programmatic and methodological support for children’s activities.

Activation and socialization of the individual, like the neo model, is three-stage. At each level, the pupil must have his own characteristic signs of socialization.

At the first stage, the activation and socialization of the individual is carried out through figurative and emotional learning. At the second stage through project-based learning. At the third stage through problem-based learning. Cooperative learning covers all levels.

The main indicators of the level of socialization of an individual are activities (educational, socially significant), communication and self-awareness.

Let us consider the socialization of the individual at each level in more detail.

Preschool and primary school age are considered as a period of accumulation of knowledge about the world around us based on the emotional perception of nature. In first-stage classes, more time is spent on various types of activities and less time on self-awareness. The priority technologies in educational activities for younger pupils are technologies such as gaming, healthy lifestyle training, ICT and cooperation technology. At this stage, I organize excursions, games, creative tasks related to modeling, drawing, making crafts, writing fairy tales and stories on an environmental theme. Communication at this level is intragroup, i.e. interpersonal. The development of self-awareness is realized through the simplest forms of reflection. At this stage, the technology of cooperation is implemented: the children are active in participating in public events (including environmental campaigns), and their parents help them with this. The next technology used is gaming. As you know, there are different types of games: active and passive. Most often for this age I use active games. Healthy lifestyle technology is implemented not only through active forms of activity, but also through practice. For example, in a lesson on “Medicinal Plants,” the health benefits of consuming them are revealed. At the first stage, role-playing technology is also used, where children try on various social roles, for example, the role of a teacher. Children, with the help of their parents, prepare certain information and then present it to other children.

At the second stage, the means of activating the individual is the technology of developmental education. The basis for activating a child’s personality is the ability to learn – to explore the world in collaboration with other students. Using the project method at this stage can significantly increase children’s independent activity, develop creative thinking, children’s ability to independently find information about an object or phenomenon of interest in different ways and use this knowledge to create new objects of reality. It also makes the educational system of the association open to the active participation of parents. At this stage, I not only form knowledge about the interaction between man and nature, but also contribute to the development of the child’s emotional and volitional sphere. Pupils at this level consolidate their knowledge in practice and are the first assistants to zoo staff. By the end of the second year of study, each student knows how to find an approach to each animal, what kind of mood he is in, and what tasty treats he can treat him with. During breaks and in free time, most pupils visit their pets. Against the backdrop of such communication, the children come up with mini projects about their pets. Gaming technology at this stage remains the same, but the form and content of games changes. Characteristics of the socialization of pupils at this stage are: children expressing their ideas; showing goodwill in evaluating the work of others; awareness of the importance of visiting a children's association; desire to correct these errors. The advantage of developmental technology with a person-oriented approach is the development of individual qualities. The children learn to speak and defend their point of view. What entails personal self-realization. When preparing events, I use the integration of developmental education and project activities. The guys carry out simple projects. For example, the participation of a pupil with the project “Features of caring for a houseplant” in the eco-event “Flowers - the beginning of all beauty.”

It should be noted that at the third stage of environmental education, problem-based learning is an integral component as the main means of activating the cognitive activity of students and the formation of environmental and critical thinking. The introduction of problem-based learning, project and research work into the organization of educational activities required a revision of the content of the educational program and the emphasis was placed on practical activities, as a result of which more time is devoted to practical exercises, observations, and project work. Activities on the ecological trail bring a lot of emotions to the students, at the same time, some of the topics for research projects are related to the ecological trail. It is the systematic and purposeful research activities of students that broaden their horizons, form practical skills and develop creative abilities, help to better understand the practical significance of the acquired knowledge, arouse sustained interest in classes, and also significantly improve cognitive activity. In environmental education and upbringing of children of this age, the unity of study, play (business, role-playing) and work is realized. This helps students develop the ability to express their point of view, defend it in a discussion, and gain experience speaking in front of various audiences. At this stage, communication with social partners is expanding; specialists from the forestry department and environmental enterprises of the city are involved in classes. Pupils of the senior group independently develop theatrical performances for kindergartens and primary schools and perform in front of this audience. All senior pupils are involved in the Ecotheater project. Everyone has their own role (writer, actor, designer, etc.). When preparing for significant environmental events, I use the method of debate and brainstorming with teenagers.

Through NEO, program participants develop the following competencies:

Ability to plan the activities of the association in various public events;

Knowledge of methods of systematizing and obtaining information;

Demonstration of a creative approach to business;

The ability to analyze your achievements in the process of activity;

Assumption of the prospects for using the acquired knowledge in one’s life;

Understanding the significance of your work;

Demonstrate cooperation skills acquired in the association and transfer them to other social groups; This is especially clearly expressed during district meetings, where children have to interact not only with each other, but also with representatives of school forestries from different cities.

Results of program implementation is

- increasing the number of pupils;

- increase in the number of competition participants who took prizes. We are especially proud that for three years in a row the team of senior group students have been the winners of the district network simulation game “Global Question.” I would like to note that last year the guys were able to beat teams from cities such as Khanty-Mansiysk, Nizhnevartovsk, Surgut, showing their knowledge, cohesion and resourcefulness. This year, out of 70 Russian teams, the guys took an honorable 4th place;

Increasing the number of students who took part in events of the institution, city, district, such as: eco-marathon, district and district meeting of school forestries, international youth eco-forum, environmental campaigns “Kedrosad”, “Feeding Trough”, “Herringbone”. Socially significant activities in which students take part include labor landings, subbotniks, and “Clean Forest” campaigns.

Every year I monitor the competencies acquired by pupils, fill out a card of participation in various events and achievements of pupils.

In conclusion, I will summarize - socialization is one of the ways to solve the problem of human responsibility to nature, society and each individual person. The neo system and the introduction of innovative forms: project activities, debates, joint activities, trainings on the formation of social skills, allow you to quickly solve the problems of socialization of students.

And I would like to say that the activation and socialization of the individual can only be carried out in the neo system with the involvement of social partners.

By improving indicators of socialization such as: “activity”, “communication”, “self-awareness”, pupils acquire a certain value structure, the ability to communicate, and therefore easily integrate into society.

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