Last bell in elementary school. Congratulations to elementary school teachers on the last bell Beautiful congratulations to elementary school graduates from a teacher

Students are the first to go on summer vacation primary school. But some people just go on vacation, while others go on vacation and to high school. And all because they finished 4th grade and we have our first school graduation. Congratulations on graduating from primary school from the first teacher are beautiful words of parting. These are words of congratulations that will help all students in high school. Look at the texts of congratulations and choose the one that suits you best.

My dear students!
Today is a wonderful day - your graduation day! Today you say goodbye to elementary school. Another stage of your life will pass. New classes, new teachers and new activities are ahead of you. But I ask you to look back. Remember how good we felt in our beloved and cozy classroom. Remember how we studied letters and numbers, how we learned to write and count. Remember how we spent the holidays and cool watch. Remember - and never forget! After all, this is not just the past, this is your life! Elementary school may be the best thing you'll ever experience in school. After all, more difficult classes await you, and there will be no time for fun and celebrations.
Thank you for your efforts and skills. You have become like family to me over these four years. I am very glad that you are all my students!

Our ship, called the elementary school, approached the shore. Today you will all leave our ship and move to another. But you will never forget these years that we spent together. You will remember the ABC book and numbers and all the lessons. After all, everything that we learned in elementary school will be repeated in high school. I believe that you will be able to continue your studies with excellent grades. I believe that you will overcome all the hardships of high school and graduate with success.
Today is our 4th grade graduation. But only 7 years will pass and you will graduate in 11th grade. And then I will be able to look at you with pride and say that it was not in vain that I believed in you!
Good luck and don't forget your knowledge!

We were together for four years. Every day we discovered something new. Every day we learned new topics and explored the world.
Today you are already adults. Today you are already graduates of primary school. You have high school ahead, new subjects and new teachers. You have new challenges ahead and many, many new and interesting things.
I am happy for you, glad that you have grown up and are rapidly and confidently moving towards your adult life.
I wish you not to deviate from your intended path and reach the end, so that our four years of study will not be in vain!

Sirenkinskaya average secondary school

(Klementeyka branch)

"Last Bell for Elementary School"

Prepared and conducted by a primary school teacher

Mironova Valentina Nikolaevna

2012/2013 academic year

Valentina Nikolaevna.

Dear guys! Dear parents! The day of your farewell to elementary school has come! Four years ago you came to first grade. Here you and I climbed difficult steps up the ladder of knowledge. You learned to read and count, learned to make friends, learned to live according to strict school rules. Today we are both sad and happy. It's sad because in the fall you will go to another school, you will have new teachers, and new students will come to us. I'm happy because you have all matured, become smarter and learned a lot. Today is your graduation day!

Alena : Gathered together today

On this sunny day,

We invited all guests

On our last call.

V.N. We sincerely welcome our respected parents, teachers, guests and the most important heroes of the occasion - our wonderful children - to the Last Bell holiday.

The word for congratulations and for opening the line dedicated to the last bell is given to the school director Faizetdinov Talgat Mingatinovich.

Alena. Let us consider the ceremonial line dedicated to the last call to be open.

V.N. In our friendly school family, 7 girls and boys, the smartest, kindest and most beautiful, are studying at the primary education level.

Alena. The children are active participants in school, district, All-Russian competitions, sports competitions.


Each of us made our first discoveries on this planet with a person who has the most wonderful title on earth - the First Teacher.

He opened the world to us, gave us his love and warmth.


The floor for congratulations goes to the first 4th grade teacher V.N. Mironova.

Valentina Nikolaevna.

You are a graduate of elementary school!

He penetrated the secrets of the very first sciences.

You have a lot of work behind you -

There will be more of them, my friend, to come!

Your program will become more complex

It’s unlikely that your mother will solve the problem for you.

Dad will also rub his forehead -

This means that we will have to decide everything ourselves.

You will have to wear the backpack yourself -

It’s a shame to ask my mother about this.

Try to do everything yourself -

Adult life has arrived at your doorstep.

You are now a middle school student,

Let there be a diary only with A's!

Alena . The word for congratulations is given to the guests of our holiday.


The floor for congratulations goes to Igor Mikhailovich Demyanov, who has helped us all these four years: he gave us a music center, a TV, and installed it for our class plastic windows; I constantly bought gifts for children. On behalf of teaching staff, on behalf of the parents, we express our deep gratitude to you. We wish you health and happiness.

(Congratulations from Igor Mikhailovich).


The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the rural settlement, Leonid Erievich Yazykov (Maria Yakupovna Voronina)

Alena . Last September, 12 first-graders crossed the threshold of our school.

Today they are full-fledged residents of a friendly school country. And I helped them confidentlymove along the stairs Yazykova L.I.

V.N. And now we give the floor to our first graders.

First-graders come out to the song “What They Teach at School.”

(1st graders read poetry)

1 1st grader:

There are various holidays throughout the year,
And today is your holiday.
Again, like the first time, the graduates are coming
To your favorite fourth grade.

2 1st grader:

And the parents stand on the sidelines
And they look at you with excitement,
It's like everyone saw it for the first time
Your boys have grown up.

3 1st grader:

You were all the same kids
When did you first come to this class?

4 1st grader:

And, having received notebooks with books,
We sat down at our desks for the first time.

5 1st grader:

6th first grader:

Holding my mother's hand securely,

Four years ago you went to class

For my very first lesson in my life.

And the school bell opened it!

7th first grader:

Remember the first time

You were sitting in class

And like a teacher

The girls looked.

8th first grader:

How are you a teacher?

Did they answer in unison?

You even have your own desks

Confused at the beginning!!!

9th first grader:

Remember how sticks

They wrote difficult things.

On the eighth of March

They painted a vase!

10th first grader:

Glued, sculpted,

Songs were sung.

How to solve problems

You didn't understand!

11th first grader:

And now you are adults,

Look what they are!

The girls are beautiful

Boys are dashing!

12th first grader:

We are completely without envy,

Congratulations to all of you.


In fifth grade worthy

We want to go!

(First-graders give gifts to fourth-graders)

V.N. And now we give the floor to our graduates, who have prepared poems and gifts for our future second-graders.


You've already mastered the first one -
The most important class
And parents, probably
Shocked with knowledge
2. Evelina

Of course you are a hero:
Brave and courageous!
The second one begins -
The year is, of course, important.

3. Maxim

Second class! Buddy, be
Patient and persistent!
And learn not somehow -
And study without failing!


Second year of study!
There is experience and knowledge.
Difficult, no doubt
But it takes effort!
5. Nikita

The second year is more difficult
The second is an important year!
Follow him quickly
Everything will go easier!

Second year of study
Once you master it, -
All sciences meaning
You will understand without any problems.
7. Ruslan

In a word, congratulations!
Be an example to everyone!
Good - we wish -
May your path be yours!

(Fourth graders give gifts to first graders)

(Kirill-Vladik and Kolya; Evelina-Sasha and Karina; Ruslan-Evelina and Marina; Nikita-Roma; Adelina-Ksyusha; Maxim-Danil and Marcel; Ilvina-Danil and Diana)

To the song “What They Teach at School,” first-graders march and line up.

8 lessons Evelina

And now about our dear ones,

Dear, family, loved ones,

We want to tell you about them.

9 lessons Kirill

Dear Valentina Nikolaevna

We remember the year, and the day, and the hour,

When the call is funny

He called me to study in first grade,

To our native school.

10 lessons Ilvina

And the timidity immediately disappeared,

And autumn became more beautiful

When I entered the classroom with a smile

Our teacher.

11th grade Nikita

And to see you again,

Hear your word

We're all ready for first grade

Go study again!

(Flowers to the first teacher)


Teacher! What a good word!

It is close to us because

What a lot of heartfelt and dear

We have invested in it since childhood.

13. Maxim

How difficult it was with us,

We understand now

And we are grateful to you

For your hard work.

14. Ruslan

Taught us subjects

Taught us to think

For this we confess

And we respect you.


Our best friend is our teacher,

We know this for sure.

To everyone - to all teachers

We wish you well!

16. Kirill

We gathered together today,

Giving each other the joy of meeting,

Sing with us - a gentle song,

Dear teachers!

Song "My Teacher".

(Flowers to Lyudmila Ivanovna, Elina Gennadievna)

17 school Evelina

The last call will fly by, and summer will fly in like a bird,

Another year has flown by, and in the fifth I will study.

Goodbye, 4th grade forever, my elementary school.

Let the years pass, but we will never be able to forget you.

18 school Maxim

We learned to make friends and dream, and even managed to play.

There are still many discoveries awaiting us, but you helped us understand:

There is a title - First Teacher, and you cannot find it higher.

19 school Adeline

We will still keep the first notebooks,

After all, we learned to write the very first letters from them.

20 lessons Nikita

We remember that cheerful bell that rang for us for the first time,

Then they entered school with flowers, into their very best first class.

How we were met at the door by the teacher - our faithful friend for many days.

And a noisy family of new girlfriends and friends.

21 school Ruslan

And so last call- how quickly the years flew by.

It seems like just yesterday...

Yesterday we just sat down at our desk.

22 studies Ilvina

Today is our day: both sad and happy,

After all, we say goodbye to our dear ones

Your elementary school.

V.N. And this is what the teachers said about our class:

Alena. Nimble, sporty.

Brave, active

Smart, inquisitive,

In general, attractive.

V.N. Is our class the best? (Yes!)

Alena. The friendliest? (Yes!)

V.N. But how are we different from others?


  1. There is Evelina in our class,


  1. There is Kirill in our class,


  1. Let's not forget about Ruslan,


  1. There is also Adeline,


  1. There is Nikita,


  1. There is Maxim,


  1. And, of course, there is Ilvina.

In chorus: This is our graduation class!

V.N. Listen to some statistics. During these four years that the guys studied at school:

They ate 1 ton of buns;

ALYONA. Grew 125 centimeters;

V.N. Gained 76 kilograms of weight ;

ALYONA. If you add up all the textbooks that the children have studied over these 4 years into a ruler, then its length will be equal to the distance to the Moon and the return path to the earth! And the guys also gained intelligence, learned to make friends, have fun, and dance.

V.N. The life of each student is divided into 3 periods: primary, secondary and senior. Today the first, most important period in the lives of our children ends. They have been going towards this for 4 long years. Today we have a presentation of the knowledge, successes, merits, and achievements of our students.


The floor for congratulations and for the presentation of certificates and diplomas is given to Elina Gennadievna Ulivanova.

V.N.: - It’s hard to say who the hero of the occasion is today:

elementary school students, teachers or parents. Probably both.

ALENA . How much effort your dads and moms, grandparents spent so that you achieve success, are beautiful, and happy!

According to our calculations, they received one more primary education. And how many nights they didn’t get enough sleep, worrying and worrying about you!

V.N. On behalf of the school administration and the entire teaching staff, please accept, dear parents, words of sincere gratitude for your help, thanks to which the school becomes more beautiful and the success of our children better.

23. Kirill

Four years flew by unnoticed,

Everything was there: sun, wind, thunder.

But before we leave, we need to say

Thanks to those who walked alongside!

24. Adeline

Holding my mother's hand securely,

Then we went to class for the first time

For my very first lesson in my life,

And here it is today - The last lesson!

25. Ruslan

Our dear parents,

We want to say thank you


For caring, for being with us

Everyone is ready to take the exams.

27. Maxim

We moved from class to class,

We gained knowledge and grew.

Everything we were taught at school

You helped us manage everything.

28. Evelina

We all owe you support,

Adult life, comprehending the essence.


We will justify your hopes,

We will find our way among hundreds!


Dear parents, this song sounds for you.

Song "One, two, three...".

(Flowers and gifts for parents)


To congratulate the graduates, we invite parents to the microphone

(Parents congratulate the graduates)


Today we wanted to express our gratitude to the cook and technical staff.


Thank you everyone: who fed
And washed the floors after us,

I didn't sleep at school all night,
He protected us from troubles,

He drove us by car,
Repaired school furniture.

Thank you to everyone in the world
Thinks so much about children


Everyone who was next to us,
He taught us, raised us, loved us,
Sometimes I put it on my mind,

Our fourth grade
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Says thank you to everyone

(Graduates give flowers to the technical staff)

ALYONA - The solemn moment has arrived. The honorary right to give the last bell is given to 4th grade student Kirill Krasnov and 1st grade student Evelina Tuktamysheva.

V.N.: - The school planet is spinning like the Earth,

Lessons go by one after another in a hurry.

The school year has already flown by, friends,

AND new class will be waiting impatiently for you.


In elementary school, the basics are learned,

Simple rules of grammar and counting,

Nobody argues that they are important

Like wings for a bird to fly high!


Don't forget that work is the essence of success.

Showcase your talents more boldly.

We say to you, children, have a good trip!

You have become taller, more educated, more mature!

ALYONA. Dear guys! Congratulations once again on your successful completion academic year and we wish you excellent grades in the future, and a great mood today!

Happy holidays everyone, see you soon !


We wish all the guests of our holiday health and happiness!

Song "We wish you happiness."

V.N. .

According to tradition, on the day of the last call we release a balloon into the sky. Let his flight be easy and free... And you, dear graduates, like him, strive upward and do not be afraid of storms and bad weather! Make a wish and it will definitely come true!

Children release balloons into the sky to the song "Goodbye Primary School".

Every year in the spring, thousands of graduates of grades 9 and 11 leave school forever to set out on an independent life. Of course, such an important step as finishing school always causes the most mixed feelings– and not only among young graduates and their parents, but also among teachers. It is especially difficult for teachers who will soon have to say goodbye to their grown-up students. So, as a congratulation, you can prepare beautiful poems from teachers - graduates will be pleased to hear kind words of parting words on the threshold of a new stage in life. Our poetry collection features best options poems for graduates of primary school, 9th and 11th grades for the Last Bell. In addition, such poems, touching to tears, can be recited at the graduation party - on behalf of the school administration and teaching staff. In turn, graduates will respond with words of gratitude to their favorite teachers for their invaluable help, support and warmth.

Heartfelt poems to tears from teachers to graduates on the Last Bell

With the onset of May, graduates of grades 9 and 11 are preparing to hear the bell - the last one in their school life. Indeed, over many years of study, this characteristic sound, announcing the beginning and end of a lesson, has become familiar and familiar. Therefore, at the ceremonial assembly in honor of the Last Bell, many students graduating classes holding back tears from the ringing trill of a bell with a bright ribbon in the hands of a fragile first-grader girl. Looking at the excited graduates, school teachers with touching warmth they give the “heroes of the occasion” their final instructions in poetry and prose. So, we bring to your attention heartfelt poems from teachers to graduates on the Last Bell - with sincere congratulations and good wishes. The selected poems will fit perfectly into the Last Bell script to congratulate graduates of grades 4, 9 and 11.

A collection of poems to congratulate graduates on the Last Call from the Teacher

You are now called graduates,
What a pity to part with you today!
You've grown up, there's nothing to add here,
Just congratulate everyone on graduating from school!

And I want to wish you so much:
Let the path be bright, the road easy!
Let this holiday be a wonderful school holiday
evening -

Will give warmth and joy of meeting!

Just recently you were laughing at your desk,
They fooled around and had fun, played and joked.
It's time to take a step forward, we were meeting
Which fate brings to your world.
Don't be afraid to be stronger, don't be afraid of bitter tears,
Without any doubt, go boldly.
You are young, strong, have not yet recovered from your dreams,
Good luck, strength and spirit, have fun.

Guys! May you have no sorrow in your life.

And may friends never sell.
Let it not disappear in the sea of ​​life
The magical light of the happiest moments.

Let every day be like a holiday.
Discoveries, victories and victories!
And never to your call for happiness,
They will not answer you indifferently: “No!”

Let the ray of sunshine, the foliage turn purple,
The dawn of evening is wondrous, bright light
You will not be replaced by (even lush) gloss
Cheap and meaningless victories.

May your path be both beautiful and bright,
And let your Dream guide you through life,
The wind will always be fair,
A beautiful goal, and a joyful flight!

Remember the exciting moment
Because the lessons are in the past,
Good luck in life, GRADUATE,
Teachers wish you!
We take you beyond the school threshold
For love and good travels!
We wish you great roads
In time, in life, in space!

Blessings to you guys!
So let life be active, bright,
Impressions of the rich
And it will awaken you to the best feelings!
So let there be no pleasure
A motive for laziness and idleness!
And let the dream not fade
Strive and achieve your goal!

Beautiful poems for primary school graduates from teachers

Fourth-graders are the youngest in the orderly ranks of school “veterans.” At each Last Bell event, elementary school students attract everyone's attention with bright ribbons over their shoulders. Joyful and proud, future fifth-graders accept congratulations from their beloved first teacher, school principal, and parents. According to tradition, in their parting speech, adults express their kindest and warmest wishes - successful studies, new discoveries and achievements. Of course, we cannot do without words of support and encouragement, which are so necessary for children during one of the most difficult times. important points their lives. We have selected beautiful poems from teachers to primary school graduates for the Last Bell holiday - they can be recited at the end of the event, presenting symbolic diplomas. Undoubtedly, such congratulations in verse will create a positive mood for students for further victories and achievements.

Examples of beautiful poems with congratulations from a teacher for elementary school graduates

Four years flew by like birds.

And today we proudly say -

Graduates are now you, graduates

Stages of the first school path!

You still have a lot to go through

And you may be wrong more than once!

But we want study to become

The most important task for you!

Four years have flown by
And now your graduation has come,
Say goodbye to elementary school
This spring you need
Graduates, we wish you
Continue to study only for “five”,
Listen to all your teachers,
Grow up, grow, don’t lose heart!

You have passed the first stage of knowledge,
Today is the first school graduation
Grades on the report card are a reward for your efforts,
So may great success await you in life!

We wish you a good summer rest,
To step towards knowledge again later,
May your lucky star guide you
And you always remember your first teacher!

You are already quite big,
Fourth grade is behind us.
You are so beautiful
It's not your graduation!

You will gain strength over the summer,
Grow up even more
Have fun and laugh
Come again in September!

Four years have passed, flown by,
You have passed this milestone with honor.
You have grown up, become stronger, become bolder,
And neither the suffix nor the case scares you.

We wish you success and health,
And a strong tooth to gnaw on the granite of science.
May your homes surround you with love,
And in class you boldly raise your hand.

Touching poems from teachers to 11th grade graduates - congratulations at the graduation party

Graduation ceremony in 11th grade is the traditional end of many years of study and the main school holiday. It would seem that just recently, smart first-graders with bouquets of autumn flowers stood on the line, dedicated to the Day Knowledge. And today these are young girls and boys for whom a whole world is open, full of new impressions and interesting meetings. Of course, parting with your home school and teachers causes a slight sadness, because childhood is behind you - the brightest time of life. In the solemn atmosphere of the graduation party, parents and teachers congratulate former students with graduation, adding the most good wishes for the future. For a beautiful congratulation, we offer touching poems from teachers to 11th grade graduates - they can be recited during the official part or included in the program of a further “informal” celebration in a restaurant or cafe. Let such sincere and sincere words of parting words in verse become a real guiding star for every graduate, and let the wishes of your beloved teachers remain in memory forever.

Congratulations in verses for 11th grade graduates from school teachers

Like chicks breaking free from a nest:

Jump, fly, focus on the entire wing.

You also want to take a plunge as soon as possible

To something else, an adult, wherever it leads.

May your path wind like a light snake!

But remember, graduate, always the same!

That school friendship remains forever,

No matter what happens, no matter how hard it shakes!

Good luck to you, graduate,

Happy fate and good luck!

Let knowledge be a magical spring

Will help solve all problems!

Let the dream become accessible,

A sea of ​​wishes will come true!

Let beauty make life happy

And a calling will be found!

Today graduation is spinning around you,
A beautiful certificate was presented
Your home school greeted you
11 years in a row.

Today I wish you guys
We wish you great success,
Let fate give you an A
In your new life diary.

May your happiness be bright,
Let love be fiery
Let the desire for new knowledge
Always stirring your blood.

Graduates, happy journey to you,
After all, your choice means a lot!
Believe in yourself, don't worry,
I wish you every luck!

Let there be everything that you have long dreamed of,
May life lead you to success!
I want you to understand everything:
Great happiness awaits you ahead!

Congratulations to you today,
You are now graduates.
Changes await you in life,
Let your dreams come true.

We wish you a new life
Don't turn off the path
Achieve new goals,
Keep up with the times.

We wish everyone only the best,
Don't forget us friends.
Come visit more often
And bring the kids.

The best congratulation poems from teachers to 9th grade graduates for their graduation party

Before leaving for the summer holidays, schoolchildren will face a lot of tests, dictations and exams - an extremely difficult and responsible period of summing up the results and assessing the “quality” of the knowledge acquired. In addition, 9th grade graduates must decide on the choice of their future path - to continue their studies at school or join the ranks of college and vocational school students. When going to the prom, you can choose several beautiful, heartfelt poems with congratulations to the “heroes” of the occasion, as well as words of warm wishes. Our pages contain the best poems from teachers to graduates who are about to conquer the heights of life a couple of years earlier than their classmates - sincere congratulations from loving people. Good luck, dear graduates!

How to beautifully congratulate teachers of 9th grade graduates on their graduation day

On school days, the time goes off -

The door is open into an unknown space.

And take it with you on a long journey

A piece from a teacher's heart.

Not yet adults, but far from children.
Today is the end of ninth grade.
Let the sun shine more often in your life.
Good luck to you. And know that we believe in you!

Most of us will see each other at ten,
And for those who have chosen a further path in life,
We wish you happiness and repeated victories.
We wish you not to stray from the great path.

Ninth grade is already over,
Today is graduation night.
Don't be sad, laugh louder,
And, maintaining this attitude,
Step into the future with confidence.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
To do what you love,
Don't let work scare you.
May luck be with you:
In study, in life and in work,
So that, enjoying the little things,
Overcome any difficulty!

9th grade graduation! Congratulations to everyone!
Performances, certificates and the shine of the family’s eyes,
We wish all the boys and girls success,
You are beautiful, and we can’t stop looking at you!

Some move on to tenth grade, some leave school,
Good luck and success to everyone, because you need them so much!
The time of wonderful school days unites for life,
Our dear 9th class! Be friends forever!

The hour of parting is coming,
Your youth is calling you on the road.
The school is letting you go like chicks
On to the long-awaited, free flight!
Good luck, dear ones, fly!
No more standing at the board!
And today you will receive from us
Congratulations, graduates!

Beautiful poems from teachers to graduates of primary school, 9th and 11th grades will be the best parting words on the threshold of a new life. Teachers try to select such congratulations in verse in advance so that they can give their students a touching farewell surprise at the Last Bell or graduation party. For their part, graduates traditionally speak with words of gratitude to their favorite teachers, in last time telling them “thank you” - for their knowledge, support, care and boundless love.

Last call and graduation party - exciting events not only for 11th grade graduates and those 9th grade students who decided to leave school, but also for teachers. Teachers who see students in their lessons every day for 5 or 7 years, check their notebooks, explain to them new material, are sincerely attached to children. With many middle and high school students, teachers develop not only purely working, but also friendly relationships, and it is natural that at the graduation ceremony, poems from teachers are read to graduates, which teachers read with tears in their eyes. A beautiful and touching congratulation from teachers to graduates moves both yesterday's schoolchildren and their parents to tears, because on this day grown children leave school forever and go into adulthood. And here are collected the best poems for graduates from teachers of high, middle and elementary schools for the last bell and for the graduation party. These verses will complement the script ceremonial lineup in honor of the last bell and graduation party.

Beautiful and touching poems from teachers to graduates on the last call

All schoolchildren dream of finishing their studies as quickly as possible and fluttering out from under the wing of their parents and teachers into an independent adult life. But when the time for the last bell comes, the students’ eyes well up with tears from the imminent and inevitable farewell to their beloved teachers and the school that has become their second home. Teachers, and especially the class teachers of the final classes, cannot hold back their tears themselves, because on this day they will spend a class hour with their class for the last time, and then yesterday’s students will get up from their desks and go to adulthood.

Since the last bell sounds primarily for graduates, the script for the ceremonial line necessarily includes poems from teachers to graduates for the last bell. These verses are at the same time congratulations on the successful completion of school, and parting words for adult life, and gratitude for diligent study and sincere respect.

A selection of poems from teachers that touch graduates to tears

A poetic congratulation on graduation, read by a beloved teacher, can move students to tears. The class teachers, who over the years of study have become both mentors and good friends for the children, do not try to hold back their tears at the last bell, because they are sincerely sad about the upcoming farewell and at the same time wish their yesterday’s students happiness.

And here is a selection of the most beautiful and touching poems from teachers to graduates, which will be appropriate for congratulating 11th grade students on the last bell. These poems sounded from the lips of a loved one class teacher, will be remembered by the students for a long time and will fully convey the feelings of the teacher towards the children who have grown up so quickly.

Congratulations sound today

For you guys from the bottom of my heart.

Today you are very big,

Today you are graduates.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

We have walked this path together.

Even though you are saying goodbye to school

For us you will remain children.

Don't forget your home school

And come by sometimes

To tell you what they have become,

And how are things going for you?

The last bell is ringing for you!

He is amazing, magical.

A little sad - just a little.

He will show you a new path.

He will call the brave to discover.

Come to school for a report.

In the meantime, why be sad?

Dream, strive to live brightly.

We sincerely wish you

Strive for bright things!

Last call at this hour

I drew the line for you, which means

Graduates, I congratulate you!

I wish you great luck.

Let your inquisitive sharp mind

Accompanies you to new heights,

Let your disposition be kind, not gloomy,

Let happiness surround you.

You grew and matured before our eyes,

And everyone succeeded in their studies,

But now it's time to say goodbye

And you will set off on a new journey.

Victories and accomplishments await you,

Doubts, ups and downs.

Don't believe sad stories,

You can do anything in this life!

Everything that is planned will come true,

It just takes a little effort.

Don't be afraid to ask for help,

Learn to trust and live!

We taught you with love,

There is no one closer or dearer to us,

Remember in adult life

You are your teachers.

“Bon voyage” - today we’ll say

And we'll cry secretly.

We love you all very much, children.

Congratulations on this day.

I wish you happiness, great success,

Never give up.

May you always be a ray of light

Gives a bright star.

Poems for graduation from teachers to elementary school graduates

Undoubtedly, the students of 11th grade and those teenagers from 9th grade who decided to complete their final bell and graduation are waiting with the greatest excitement. school education, rather than going to high school. But for children from the 4th grade, the last bell is very exciting, because on this day they say goodbye to their first teacher and go to high school. Therefore, in the 4th grade they also organize a graduation party, at which the first teacher says goodbye to her students, and the children and their parents thank her for her hard work and dedication.

At the graduation party in the 4th grade, poems are read from teachers to elementary school graduates with parting words for children. These verses convey sincere love and the care that the teacher feels towards her students, and the bright sadness of the upcoming parting.

Parting words in verses from teachers to 4th grade students

Letting children out from under their wing, teachers junior classes We wish them success in their further studies at high school, and the continuation of the cloudless time of childhood and adolescence. And the parting words in verse given below will perfectly convey the whole gamut of emotions felt by the first teacher at the moment of saying goodbye to her class, which has become family over 4 years.

You're going to fifth grade - you're big,

Beautiful, tall, cool,

And wise and literate too.

And there is no one more valuable in the world!

May your studies be easy for you,

And the big world will open with a smile,

And the sun from heaven smiles at you,

And there will be many amazing miracles!

And we thank all the teachers -

We thank them for everything,

We wish you earthly prosperity,

Great success every day!

Happy graduation 4th grade!

We are glad to congratulate you.

A new path in life awaits you,

It leads to the pinnacle of knowledge.

We wish you aspirations,

New glorious adventures,

Only positive ratings

And have fun changes.

Develop yourself, don't be lazy,

Learn everything important.

Good luck, bright days,

And cool and loyal friends.

You have completed fourth grade,

We sincerely congratulate you on this!

You have gained so much knowledge

We wish you new success,

And also great happiness to everyone!

May knowledge bring light to you!

May the fifth grade give a lot

Various discoveries and victories!

Fourth grade is already over,

Your graduation is today, kids.

We wish you great success,

Let childhood beckon with bright light.

May everything succeed in your studies,

Let success be your reward,

May there be cheerful laughter and smiles

They will destroy obstacles on the way.

Health to you, new aspirations,

Big and small victories,

We wish you very beautiful,

Such fun school years.

Four years have flown by

And now your graduation has come,

Say goodbye to elementary school

This spring you need

Graduates, we wish you

Listen to all your teachers,

Grow up, grow, don’t lose heart!

Poems with congratulations from teachers to 11th grade graduates at the graduation party

The poems sung at the festive ball in honor of the end of school - congratulations from teachers to graduates of the 11th grade at graduation and parting words in verses for the future life resonate with warmth and sadness in the hearts of yesterday's schoolchildren. Boys and girls who have completed 11 years of schooling and are now leaving their home school forever to set out on an independent adult life, it is during the last bell and graduation party that they most fully and clearly realize that graduating from school is one of turning points in their lives, the border between childhood and adulthood. And beautiful, touching poems from a teacher are much more than just a tribute to tradition, because wishes and parting words in poetic form will show graduates that teachers believe in them and sincerely wish them success in their future independent life.

The best congratulatory poems from teachers for graduates

Here is a small collection of beautiful poems - congratulations from teachers for 11th grade graduates. Most of these poems were written by teachers for their beloved students. And for the first time these congratulations were heard at the graduation party, where the teacher was in such a beautiful and touching uniform with the students who had become family to him over the 7 years of studying in middle and high school.

Today graduation is spinning around you,

A beautiful certificate was presented

Your home school greeted you

11 years in a row.

Today I wish you guys

We wish you great success,

Let fate give you an A

In your new life diary.

May your happiness be bright,

Let love be fiery

Let the desire for new knowledge

Always stirring your blood.

The school years flew by.

Congratulations on your graduation.

But we want you to stay

You have a mischievous attitude.

So that everything works out for you

In the lives of adults,

So that your dream smiles at you,

And fate gave friends!

School years are over

New life ahead

Now it's already warm autumn,

Universities will open their doors.

And I wish you farewell,

I just want bright and bright days,

So as not to face pain, despair,

So that you do not forget your school.

We also wish you patience,

Dear you are our graduates,

Good luck and new aspirations,

So that you can conquer the peaks!

Congratulations on your graduation

I'm 11th grade

And into adult life, like birds,

The school graduates you.

Life as big as the sky

Opened up to you

A million roads to choose from

They flowed under our feet.

May you be free and happy

There will be a flight of life

And may everyone have good luck

It will lead you to the top.

Graduates, happy journey to you,

After all, your choice means a lot!

Believe in yourself, don't worry,

I wish you every luck!

Let there be everything that you have long dreamed of,

May life lead you to success!

I want you to understand everything:

Great happiness awaits you ahead!

Poems for students and parents - beautiful congratulations from teachers to 9th grade graduates for graduation

Some students leave school after 9th grade, so congratulations from teachers to 9th grade graduates at graduation are also heard. And on our website there is a selection of poems for 9th grade students and parents from teachers who sincerely want children to find their way in later life.

Your first adult graduation -

You have completed ninth grade!

Follow your dreams -

Everything will be as you decided!

Let learning be easy

Four years are behind us
The beginning is over
Walk along the corridors,
You will be as if on my chest
It says "boss".
Your first school graduation
A little sad and funny:
Both joyful and sad.

You passed four classes
You studied and tried
Didn't get lost in the school crowd -
He even stood out in class!
Congratulations, my dear!
This is a holiday for all of us.
You have become older, you have more knowledge,
You're moving to fifth grade!

First graduation at school -
All the guys are happy
And the grades on the report cards -
You are rewarded for your work!

You have already matured
Dear children.
Let's be honest - you are for us
The best in the world!

You moved to the fifth grade,
It won't be easy for you.
Know each of you
Dads, moms love!

Behind you is an elementary school,
Wonderful first teacher!
There are still years of study ahead,
A lot of knowledge and a lot of discoveries!
May success bring you joy more often
And there will be more pleasant minutes!
Friendship gives support and happiness,
The childhood holiday will last longer!

Today is a holiday in my heart,
Let's remember the bright verbs:
Must know, be able and remember
Elementary school graduate!
Let the desire to learn
Becoming smarter doesn't work!
May everything turn out great
And life is great!

No one calls you kids -
You've grown a little older, you've learned a lot,
Successfully completed the school year -
He was last in your elementary school!
Let your knowledge help in everything!
And they will truly become your wealth!
The school greeted you with warm warmth,
You have become part of the school brotherhood!

Primary school graduate
All congratulations to you!
This day and this holiday -
Finest hour yours, without a doubt!
Let studying bring benefits
And there will be hobbies!
Let the holidays bring
Relaxation, joy, entertainment!

Elementary school graduate!
Became more confident, bolder,
More and more serious and smarter
Every new day you grow older!
Congratulations, this is a holiday,
We exclaim in unison: “Bravo!”
Let the holidays give
Meetings, joys, fun!

4 school years have passed.
Guys, you have grown up.
A wonderful road awaits you.
Everything is just ahead of you.

Four years unnoticed
Already gone, they cannot be returned,
But there's more to come
Go a long way, important path.

Your teacher free of charge
Taught the basics of science.
Don't forget these years.
New period you have it!

We are happy to congratulate you today,
You've moved up a notch!
You and I went all the way to the end,
The farewell bell has already been heard!
You still have more to come
A step to the pinnacle of knowledge.
You are in a hurry to find out in this world,
After all, knowledge helps us live!

So I finished primary school,
And the call is unusually thoughtful.
For some reason his song is sad -
This, friends, is his congratulations to you.
Be diligent, be careful,
Don't waste your time,
Having studied all the rules, be sure to
Like captains on wide seas,
Boldly go towards your goal,
May you be sung in great songs!

So you fluttered out of elementary school -
It will be like this in any day and time;
All you have to do is get used to your new role.
Adult fifth-graders - middle level!
You gained happiness in elementary school:
We learned a lot of things you need...
It's a pity to leave! But it's time to say goodbye...
Happiness to you guys and success to you!

Elementary school graduate!
This is joyful and honorable!
It's okay, life is wonderful
And I can do anything!
Let the desire to learn
It will be stronger every day!
We wish you to become friends
And look forward boldly!

The time has come - the children have grown up,
We have a graduation party today.
Dear mothers, dear fathers,
It's so good to have you around now.
Because you are the best in the world -
Your children give you applause!

Briefcases have become heavier
And we move to fifth grade
New sciences are wiser
Everything is more interesting for us.

Four years have flown by
And the school is like a second home.
Let's rest a little and get back to work,
Well, today is graduation!

Elementary school graduate!
There is something to be proud of today!
What to congratulate at school and at home
And be pleasantly surprised!
Let in the land of useful knowledge
It will be very interesting
Exciting, funny,
Bright, fun, wonderful!

Dear schoolchildren!
Dear kids!
You came to first grade
Just like kids.
Small, timid,
You entered the classroom timidly,
Learned numbers and letters
And what a change!
The years have flown by
In learning and striving!
Now you already know
What does "equation" mean?
That the letters turn
In dictations, presentations,
And the words are composed
Easy into poems!
Today you say goodbye
With the teacher first,
And you enter another
Study phase boldly!
You have to study
For many years
But what came first
With you - forever!
You have a lot ahead of you
Find out everything, go through it.
Good luck with your studies!
Have a nice trip!

You have passed the first stage of knowledge,
Today is the first school graduation
Grades on the report card are a reward for your efforts,
And soon you will become very big!

We wish you a good summer rest,
To step back into knowledge,
May your lucky star guide you
And never forget your first teacher!

Today is our day:
Both sad and cheerful.
After all, you are saying goodbye to your loved one
Your elementary school.
From year to year, from class to class
Time leads us silently,
And hour after hour, day after day
So imperceptibly you grow.

For fourth grade graduates
Today we send congratulations.
Until now I have not known such aces
Our usual school threshold.

You've learned a lot
They grew up so much before our eyes,
And there was no place for sadness
In your inquisitive heads.

Saying goodbye to elementary school,
Today, having played enough,
Come back to class in September -
We probably won’t recognize you!

You are no longer kids. It's time for you to grow up.
And now you need to sing the song with a bang.
I wish you to be kinder and love yourself.
Be a little bolder. The whole family is nearby.

And we also want to say a special congratulations.
Never and never waste your words.
We wish you much good health.
Have fun, kids. We give you love.

We gathered in new world,
In fifth grade, as an adult.
Who is your idol now?
We'll ask you about this.

You already know a lot
Only you have no idea
How much knowledge have I read?
I'll give you a lesson tomorrow.

May you always be happy
So that everything is like with people.
So that you are playful as a child,
Don't grow out of children!

Thank you, our first teacher,
For your enormous work that you put into us.
Of course, we are not your first issue,
And yet we fell in love with each other.
Everyone has their own first teacher,
Everyone has it good
But the best is MINE!

Graduated from primary school:
Please accept congratulations from us!
Let new knowledge await you,
success, happy days!
Interesting discoveries for you,
Win in everything and always!
To a world bright, big and wonderful
You have fun, walk boldly!

The sun shines joyfully on us,
Moths dance around.
We are now in elementary school
They will be called “graduates”.

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