Problems of youth employment in Russia. Modern high-tech technologies What specific measures are being taken

Terekhova Yana Nikolaevna
Master's student at the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration
and economics of the national economy"
Oryol branch of FSBEI HE RANEPA
Email: [email protected]

Annotation: The article is devoted to the problems of youth employment. The problem has particular specificity, associated primarily with the characteristics of this socio-demographic group: age, lack of work experience, lack of additional skills, special interests and values, etc.

Key words: youth employment, employment, youth labor market, employment problems.

The importance of the youth employment problem is difficult to overestimate. Youth is the most dynamic part of the workforce. This age category has increased mobility, potential abilities for rapid learning, and innovative thinking. At the same time, young people are one of the most vulnerable groups, which is associated with quite low level competitiveness in the labor market.

The main reasons for difficulties in finding employment for young people include many factors. First of all, the lack of necessary experience. The employer is not interested in hiring an inexperienced specialist, because he wants to get labor force instant returns with minimal costs. In addition, the employer is often stopped by the fact that the young specialist, in parallel with work, plans training, which is inevitably associated with separation from the work process.

Another reason for the difficulty of employing young people is the discrepancy between the acquired specialty and the real situation on the labor market, as a result of which a graduate who has received a diploma remains unclaimed. The greatest difficulty is psychological barriers, often preventing them from seeking help from government agencies employment services.

One cannot fail to mention the situation in the labor markets in many regions of the Russian Federation, which are faced with a problem when the supply of labor exceeds the demand for it, in other words, the number of available vacancies is several times less than the number of potential workers. Under these conditions, the chances of finding a job for a young specialist without work experience are significantly reduced.

We must not forget about the part of young people who do not have vocational education. A separate group can be divided into persons who have not reached the age of majority - they do not have a specialty, do not understand the situation on the labor market, and are not familiar with labor legislation.

According to data at the end of 2015 – beginning of 2016, the unemployment rate of persons aged 15-19 years averaged 35% of the economically active population (which is 4.9% higher than in September 2015). Among the age category of 20-24 years, an unemployment rate of 15% was registered (which is 0.7% higher compared to September 2015); among people aged 25-29 years – 6.9%.

The consequences of youth unemployment are a deterioration in the social situation of young families, a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in the number of street children, a decline in patriotism, psychological problems, decreased motivation to further search for work, loss of qualifications, expansion of the shadow sector of the economy, outflow of young specialists, worsening criminal situation.

All this indicates that an integrated approach is needed, combining measures for a detailed study of theoretical and methodological issues of youth employment.

Promote the right choice future specialty There should be professional guidance for schoolchildren, determination of aptitudes for studying certain disciplines.

One of the most effective measures- internships in organizations for graduates. Due to this, the young specialist will be able to gain the necessary practical skills. State assistance must be a prerequisite. Maybe, effective means may be the introduction of quota measures obliging the employer to have a certain percentage of young specialists in its workforce. Supporting entrepreneurs and organizations that assist in the employment of young professionals can yield good results.

A necessary condition for stabilizing the situation in the youth labor market is the formation of a state order for training in professions that are currently in demand.

State support, including, should be aimed at creating flexible schedules and work patterns for people who combine labor activity with training in educational organizations.

One of the options for finding employment for young people may be to contact employment services. Necessary measures are to establish connections between employment centers and employers, to help maintain a dialogue between a potential employer and an employee. Young specialists who are poorly versed in labor legislation and have neither work experience nor experience communicating with an employer are in dire need of this kind of assistance.

Employment policy must be adjusted, the legislative framework must be reviewed, and measures must be introduced to introduce additional benefits for regions with high levels of youth unemployment.

A prerequisite must be the functioning of social and psychological assistance for youth, cooperation between authorities, employment centers and youth organizations and movements.

To increase the level of youth employment, political and economic stability and an integrated approach to solving the problem are necessary. Only joint actions of all levels of government can produce tangible results.


  1. Volonina N.A. Youth unemployment // Economics, entrepreneurship and law. – 2012. – No. 1. – P. 14.
  2. Employment and unemployment in Russian Federation in September 2015 [Electronic resource]. Access mode: (date of access: 07/20/2016)
  3. Aidarova I.A. Problems of youth employment in the labor market. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://view-source: (access date: 07.19.2016)

On July 1, 2016, the Regional Employment Service celebrates 25 years since its founding. In 1991, the Employment Bureau also began its work in the Pestyakovsky district, which provided employment assistance to residents of the region. During its existence, this organization has undergone several reorganizations, due to which its names and positions of employees have changed. But the function of the institution remained unchanged, which was to provide assistance in finding employment for the population of the Pestyakovsky district. On the eve of the anniversary date, those Pestyakovites who, in one way or another, are involved in the work of the employment center, expressed their opinions - these are employees, former employees of the institution, social partners and those who took advantage of their help and realized their capabilities.

Natalya Yurievna Bazhenova, inspector, professional consultant of the State Public Institution “Pestyakovsky Central Plant of Plants”:

All work of the employment service comes down to the main goal - assisting citizens in finding employment. This is precisely what the activities of the entire team are aimed at.

Over a 25-year period, the employment service has proven its necessity and importance to people. Thousands of them, with the help of specialists, found work, believed in themselves, learned new professions, and opened their own businesses.

This October it will be seven years since I have been working in the employment service. My job is to provide public services unemployed citizens vocational guidance, information, social adaptation, psychological support, organization vocational training and additional vocational education, organization of self-employment. The main advantage of my job is communication with people, which I like. Communication is the main potential of my work, because... in the process of communication, I can see people’s problems, hopes, and aspirations, as a result of which an individual approach to each person is formed, and his psychological portrait is immediately drawn up. While working, you have to meet with different categories of citizens.

I express special gratitude to my mentors Z.K. Katashova, E.N. Grigorieva, N.I. Zagovalo, who taught me the specifics of working in the employment service.

I wish all my colleagues, former employees of the organization optimism in life and the desire to always come to the aid of people in need. We wish you all good health, warmth, well-being in families and further success!

Elena Nikolaevna Grigorieva, director of the State Public Institution “Pestyakovsky Central Plant of Plants” from 1992 to 2015:

Since the formation of the employment service in the Pestyakovsky district (formerly the Employment Bureau), for twenty-three years, I worked as the head, then the director of this institution.

In the early 90s, many organizations and enterprises in the region experienced a wave of large numbers of layoffs of the working population. It was extremely difficult for the Pestyakovites to find work. Specialists from the employment service, which was in great demand at that time, came to their aid. Economic instability in the country also affected the employment service, where there were cases of non-payment of unemployment benefits, which is associated with a budget deficit. The number of unemployed did not decrease, but, on the contrary, increased; they even needed psychological help. In this situation, specialists from the employment center came to the rescue; they found an approach to everyone who applied to the institution.

I would like to note that throughout the entire period of operation of the Pestyakovsky Employment Service, we were never left without work and provided assistance to all categories of the unemployed population.

In the 2000s, the situation in the country more or less stabilized.

In the course of its activities, the organization actively implements various programs to promote employment, programs of additional activities in the labor market, various forms of psychological support for the unemployed, social adaptation and other methods.

There has always been a close-knit professional team working in the employment service. Thanks to the specialists, each applicant receives attention and support, as well as assistance in finding employment.

When leaving for a well-deserved rest, I was left with only good and favorable impressions. I did not regret at all the time when I worked at the Pestyakovsky Employment Service.

Lyudmila Vasilievna Kruglova, chief accountant of the Pestyakovsky Employment Service from 1993 to 2000:

Initially, the employment service was called the Employment Bureau. From the beginning of its activities, I held the position of chief accountant and worked for seven years. At that time the staff consisted of only four people, including the director.

Compared to modern times, I think it was somewhat more difficult to work, because computer equipment and office equipment appeared much later, and this greatly facilitates the work of specialists. At that time, calculations of unemployment benefits and wages were made only on accounts and adding machines.

During its activity, the employment service provides all possible assistance to citizens who, due to some circumstances, find themselves without work and need employment.

Olga Nikolaevna Elkhovikova, chief accountant of the OSI “Pestyakovsky Central ZN” from 2006 to 2007:

I worked as chief accountant at the OSU “Pestyakovsky Central Zn” for about a year and a half, from 2006 to 2007.

At all times, a friendly and close-knit team of professionals worked in this service, and a favorable atmosphere reigned in the organization. At that time, this was a considerable merit of the director Elena Nikolaevna Grigorieva.

As for my work directly, I can say that it immediately became easy to work; it was not difficult for me to delve into the specifics that were new to me. The former chief accountants were responsible and conscientious, accounting was already established, which made it easier for me to get to know my new job.

I note that E.N. Grigorieva formulated the tasks clearly and clearly; in our team they were solved only together, in close cooperation with each other.

The Employment Service operates in accordance with various programs to promote employment, provides training for the unemployed in various professions, and specialists try to provide them with psychological assistance.

During my working life in this institution, I acquired new knowledge and extensive experience in communicating with other people.

I’m glad that after leaving the Center for Significance and now I still have good friendly relations with the employees.

Faina Arkadyevna Popova, inspector of the State Institution “Pestyakovsky Central Plant of Plants” from 1995 to 2005:

I worked at the Pestyakovsky Employment Service from 1995 to 2005. My responsibilities included registering citizens in need of finding work, providing assistance in their employment, re-registering unemployed citizens, deregistering them, collecting vacancies in organizations and enterprises of the region, organizing public works, registration of the archival fund, preparation and execution of reporting documentation.

During its existence, this institution went through several reorganizations, as a result of which the names of the positions I occupied changed. When I started working, I was a specialist of the first category, then a leading specialist, an inspector and a leading inspector.

Recalling the years of my work at the Pestyakovsky Labor Center, I note that there were much more citizens who asked for help in finding work than there are now. Of course, first of all, this is due to a decrease in the population in the area due to the outflow of the working-age population to large cities and populated areas. Then it was easier for Pestyakovites to find work, some enterprises were still functioning. Citizens also took up public work.

In view of cases of reductions and dismissals from jobs, residents of the Pestyakovsky district have somewhere to turn - to the employment service, where assistance will be provided in finding a job. Such institutions are needed, I say this as a former employee of the Center for Public Health.

Evgeniy Ivanovich Tyurikov, director of Pestyakovskoe Housing and Public Utilities LLC:

LLC "Pestyakovskoe Housing and Public Utilities" has been cooperating with the State Public Institution "Pestyakovsky Employment Center" since 2009. Since that time, a lot of mutual work has been done between the organizations.

As necessary, we ask for help in recruiting personnel, and employment service specialists always meet us halfway. The fact is that in the Pestyakovsky district there is a problem in the selection of qualified personnel, which creates some inconvenience in the work of the enterprise. But I can say that the employment center helps us with this whenever possible - it sends specialists. Mainly stokers for the heating season.

It happens that we also need workers who do not have certain qualifications. In this regard, of course, things are simpler. Most often we need watchmen and auxiliary workers.

Pestyakovskoe Housing and Public Utilities LLC also provides specific assistance to the local employment service. From time to time, the institution organizes a training process for the unemployed in a particular profession, after which they must undergo an internship. We meet halfway - at the request of the employees of the OGKU “Pestyakovsky Central Plant of Plants” we accept those who have been trained for short term for an internship to confirm in practice the acquired knowledge.

In principle, there are programs according to which our organizations cooperate mutually, and this cooperation has only positive aspects. I believe that employment services are necessary in our country, because unforeseen circumstances may arise in the life of every person when he is left without work. In this case, you should contact a specialized service for help.

Vyacheslav Pavlovich Konev, individual entrepreneur in the village of Pestyaki:

On personal experience I will say that the employment service plays a big role in providing employment to the population during times of crisis in the country. I myself once received help in finding a job.

In the 90s I returned to my native land from the ranks Armed Forces RF. Everyone remembers that those were very difficult times economically, finding a job was a huge problem, everyone was trying to get out of it as best they could. This affected me too. I immediately contacted the Pestyakovsky Employment Service, where I was offered training as a telemaster in Ivanovsky training center under DOSAAF.

I agreed. The training took place for 9 months, after which I received a certificate of obtaining the profession of “television master”. We can say that this is where it all began, I got a job at Ivtelecom, which gave me a start in my future life...

I worked in my specialty for some time and opened my own business. Today I have my own business, and my life suits me quite well.

I believe that this is a great merit of the specialists of the Pestyakovsky Employment Service, for which I express my deep gratitude to them.

O. Platonova.

Nasretdinova M.M.

Student, Bashkir State University

Employment problems for university students and graduates


This article will discuss the issue of student employment. Youth unemployment remains one of the most pressing problems in the world of work. The purpose of the study is to identify the place of students in the labor market, as well as to identify factors that prevent them from getting a job. good job. Based on the results of the study, recommendations were formulated to optimize the employment of students.

Key words: youth, students, employment, employment, unemployment.

Nasretdinova MM

Student, Bashkir State University

The problem of employment of students and graduates


This article will address the issue of employment of college students. Youth unemployment remains one of the most acute problems in the workplace. The aim of the study is to identify the location of students in the labor market, as well as to identify factors that hinder find a good job. Based on the results of the study provide recommendations for optimizing placement of students.

Keywords: youth, students, job placement, employment, unemployment.

This article will consider such a group of young people as students, namely the employment of undergraduate students and graduate students.

The position of young people in the Russian labor market is determined by two important circumstances:

Firstly, young people make up about 35% of Russia’s working population,

Secondly, they are the future of the country.

Nowadays the issue of employment of recently graduated students is very acute. Employers do not want to hire young people because they have no experience, and production practices Universities do not provide the necessary experience. Most often, students are told to come on the last day of practice for a seal and signature. And at the interview they “promisingly” say: “We will call you back.”

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels viewed youth as each new generation inheriting and continuing the traditions of the older generation. In their opinion, young people, on the one hand, continue their inherited activities, and on the other hand, thanks to their work activities, they modify old conditions.

Later, in late XIX century, Emile Durkheim explored the characteristics and ways of youth entering certain structures of society. Subsequently, these studies were continued by American (Talcott Parsons, Robert Merton, Neil Smelser, etc.), Russian (V.T. Lisovsky, N.M. Blinov, etc.), Estonian and Belarusian sociologists.

V. T. Lisovsky was one of the first to put forward the very definition of youth in 1968: “this is a generation of people going through the stage of socialization, acquiring education, professional, cultural and other social functions" Igor Kon defined youth as a socio-demographic group, distinguished on the basis of a combination of age characteristics, social status, and determined by socio-psychological properties.

The reasons for separating young people into a separate group were: age, status, role functions. However, there is still no consensus on the age limit. IN Ancient China youth consisted of persons under 20 years of age, while Pythagoras defined youth within the range of 20 to 40 years, calling it “Summer of Life.”

IN Federal law“On Youth” it is said that youth are individuals living on the territory of the Russian Federation (citizens of the Russian Federation, and in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, also foreign citizens and stateless persons) aged 14 to 30 years.

According to Rosstat data for May 2013, it is clear that greatest number unemployed among young people from 15 to 24 years old. Young people under 25 years old make up 23.0% of the unemployed, including those aged 15-19 years - 3.3%, 20-24 years old - 19.7%. High unemployment rates were observed in the age group 15-19 years (21.4%) and 20-24 years (11.6%). Compared to May 2012 The unemployment rate for those aged 15-19 decreased by 2.4 percentage points, and for those aged 20-24 – by 0.1 percentage points.

On average, among young people aged 15-24 years, the unemployment rate in May 2013 was. amounted to 16.8%, including among the urban population - 17.25%, among rural population– 16.5%. The excess rate of unemployment among young people on average for the age group 15-24 years compared to the unemployment rate of adults aged 30-49 years is 3.8 times.

According to Rosstat, we can say that last year Youth unemployment has increased. This is due to the transition to the European education system. If previously universities graduated specialists, now the first wave of bachelor’s graduates is underway. Employers consider a bachelor's degree to be an incomplete higher education, since fewer hours are allocated for this education program than for a specialty; thus, in many universities, bachelors study for a year less than specialists would study.

Another problem with employment identified by students is the lack of work experience. In the report “Employment and Unemployment in the Russian Federation in May 2013. (based on the results of a population survey on employment problems)”, the number of unemployed was identified by the presence of work experience. Of the unemployed, 28.3% are people with no work experience. In May 2013 their number compared to May 2012. increased by 46 thousand people, or 4.3%, and amounted to 1.1 million people. Among the unemployed who have no work experience, 10.4% are young people under 20 years old, 44.0% are from 20 to 24 years old, 20.3% are from 25 to 29 years old.

According to an online survey on the Questionnaire website, to the question “What do you think are the most common difficulties that university students and graduates encounter when getting a job?” indicated a lack of experience and practice by 91.7% of students, the lack of demand for the specialty was mentioned by 25.0% of respondents, 16.7% of students believe that age can also become a problem in employment, another important issues, according to respondents, is that the employer does not consider a bachelor’s degree to be a higher education; 16.7% of students think so. The inability to work full time was noted by 18.4% of respondents. Students also consider employment problems such as the lack of a military ID (12.5%) and the unlisted status of the university (8.3%).

Now many young people with education are joining the ranks of shuttle traders, street and market traders, i.e. there is a noticeable outflow of young people into the shadow economy.

So, to the question “Do you work in your specialty?” Only a third of students (33.3%) responded positively; the remaining 66.7% work outside their specialty.

Also, among unemployed youth, 35.3% have higher education, 35.9% - vocational, 23% - complete secondary and only 0.3% - primary education

But it is worth considering that the data presented are not entirely accurate, since they are based on statistics from employment centers, the real numbers are even higher, and the portrait of a young unemployed person is more complex. For example, there are no data on the level of hidden unemployment. Let's look again at the online survey from the Questionnaire website. Students were asked the question “Does your university have an alumni assistance program? Referrals to work?”, which was answered positively by 71.4% of respondents and negatively by 28.6%. Yes, there are indeed assistance programs, but this begs the question of their quality. It often happens that an educational institution has agreed on an internship for a certain number of students in a company/factory, etc., but these companies/factories most often do not have the opportunity to accept students for a sufficient period of time to gain practical knowledge. Therefore, students most often go to work not in their specialty, but, as mentioned above, as managers, promoters, couriers and other low-level positions with little or no prospect of career growth. And, which is not surprising, employment for such vacancies is most often unofficial. That is, even while working, the student does not receive entries in work book, which again deprives him of work experience, but in this case documented.

Legal issues of student employment seem to be very important. The answer to the question: “What is your form of employment?” showed that of the working students, about 40% have a legally formalized relationship with the employer, while the majority (60%) have no formalized employment relationship with the employer or are unofficial.

The work of students is beneficial to business structures, which thus have the opportunity to avoid additional costs associated with taxation, social insurance of the employee, and also manipulate wages. The student, being a temporary worker, does not pay due attention to this side of the matter.

The current situation may be a source of discrimination against students in the labor market. This situation will exist until the student, as a temporary worker, is actually provided with legal norms, until labor legislation in relation to temporary, contract, part-time, etc. is implemented in practice. workers.

Now let's turn to the opinion of employers, how they want students to be when hiring and what they take into account.

Surveys of employers show that among the professional qualities of university graduates they value primarily:

The quality of the education they received (fundamentality of education, level of professional knowledge, skills, abilities),

Having practical work experience that increases the level of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities,

The ability to replenish and apply one’s knowledge, including in related and other fields, which is expressed in the ability to self-educate, in general erudition, in the versatility and breadth of knowledge, in the presence of additional professional training.

An effective solution to the problems of employing graduates and providing regional enterprises with qualified specialists depends on many factors, including:

The quality of training of specialists in universities,

Development of advanced training programs that take into account trends in the future development of industry and the economy as a whole,

The structure and volume of training of specialists with higher education in the region, their compliance with the current and future needs of the real economy,

Training in entrepreneurship skills, development of small and medium-sized enterprises in universities,

Development of processes for integrating the activities of universities, other vocational education institutions and enterprises in the field of science, education and other areas of mutual interests,

Career guidance for students to work in enterprises and develop in them personal qualities that are in demand in the labor market,

Development of student initiatives in the field of career guidance for students, employment of graduates and their adaptation to the labor market,

Adaptation and retention of young specialists at enterprises, development of mentoring, social programs to support young specialists,

Creating conditions for the self-realization of young people, supporting youth initiatives, successful creative, professional and career growth of young specialists, etc.

As numerous surveys of employers in Moscow alone show, graduates of non-state universities are clearly not held in high esteem. More than 60% of managers prefer to hire graduates with a state university diploma. In general, the quality of graduates today is very heterogeneous – both in state and non-state universities. Therefore, in conditions of a highly saturated labor market, employers have the opportunity to choose. And if we were talking about the figure “more than 90 percent,” then it would be worth talking about some negative trends. And the survey results presented are natural. Of course, the reputation of universities depends on themselves. In particular, it depends on the university’s ability to work with employers and find jobs for its graduates.


1. Wikipedia - a free encyclopedia, URL: (access date 07/01/2013);

2. Website “Anketer”, survey on the topic “Employment of University Students”, URL: (date accessed 07/03/2013);

3. Golovaty N.F. Sociology of youth: Course of lectures. – K., 1999, URL: (access date 07/07/2013);

4. Federal service state statistics Rosstat, “Employment and unemployment in the Russian Federation in November 2012. (based on the results of a population survey on employment problems)";

5. Shiyko D.S., graduate student of the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, “Efficiency of the youth employment market”, Electronic scientific publication “WORKS OF MELI: electronic journal”;

6. Lotova I.P., “Model of a regional employment system for university graduates”, Nizhny Novgorod, 2009;

7. Agranovich M., “To work - from the first year”, Russian newspaper, “Union. Belarus-Russia” No. 478 (42), (access date 07/12/2013);

Reading time: 2 minutes. Views 1.3k. Published May 26, 2017

Summer is a wonderful time... And not only for relaxation! Many Yuryevets schoolchildren have a great desire to work in their free time from school! And there is such an opportunity!
The Yuryevets Employment Center, together with the administration of the Yuryevets district and the education department of the administration of the Yuryevets district, annually deals with the issue of temporary employment of minors. The social benefits of youth employment, especially during the holidays, cannot be underestimated. Every year the number of people willing to work in their free time from studying is growing. This year, more than 50 people have already expressed their desire to find a job. But, unfortunately, the number of enterprises and organizations that employ minors for temporary work is small. As a result, the number of jobs is limited. Funds are annually allocated from the local budget to create temporary jobs for minors, but there are not enough funds to satisfy the needs of everyone, so the issue of labor adaptation for teenagers is very acute.
Mostly young people are engaged in cleaning premises, landscaping, cleaning, landscaping the territories of military burials, the Obelisk of Glory, the City Garden, providing social assistance elderly people. Employment of teenagers allows not only to earn money through honest work for primary needs, but also increases interest in acquiring primary labor and professional skills, fosters a sense of responsibility and hard work.
During the period of temporary employment for minor citizens aged 14 to 18 years, in their free time from school, the employment service provides material support in the amount of 850 rubles. The employer pays wages for the time actually worked based on the minimum wage.


The article is devoted to the problems of youth employment in the regional labor market. The authors of the article highlight the factors that determine the position of young people in society. The work examines the reasons that determine the low competitiveness of young people in the labor market. The article presents an analysis of the results of a sociological study aimed at identifying the situation of young people in the regional labor market. The study revealed that for modern market labor Nizhny Novgorod region There are gender disparities, which is reflected in the level of wages. Ways to employ young people have been identified. In the process of research, the real intermediate level wages of young citizens, as well as the timing and methods of finding work for girls and boys. The low quality of career guidance work in schools and universities and young people’s ignorance of the potential prospects for the development of the labor market were noted. Based on the results of the study, the authors proposed recommendations that would help resolve the difficult situation in the regional youth labor market.

youth regional labor market

youth employment problems


salary level

employment service

socio-economic situation of youth

1. Belyaeva T.K., Pukhova A.G. Employer assessment of the quality of graduates' training pedagogical university// Nizhny Novgorod education. 2013. No. 2. P. 105-110.

2. Belyaeva T.K., Pukhova A.G. Social causes and consequences of alcoholism among the rural population of Russia // International magazine applied and basic research. – 2016. – No. 6-2. – P. 322-325;

URL: http://site/ru/article/view?id=9607 (access date: 06/21/2016).

3. State program“Promotion of employment of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region for 2014-2016” [Electronic resource]. – URL: (date of access: 11/15/2015)]

4. Pukhova A.G., Belyaeva T.K. Analysis of the current demographic situation in the Nizhny Novgorod region // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. 2015. No. 12-10. S. 1893-1895.

5. Pukhova A.G., Belyaeva T.K. Geography of socially dependent diseases of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region // Ecology of urbanized territories. 2014. No. 2. P. 17-20.

6. Pukhova A.G., Belyaeva T.K., Tolkunova S.G. The influence of socially dependent diseases on demographic situation Nizhny Novgorod region // Bulletin of Minin University. 2015. No. 1 (9). P. 26.

The future of our country is the youth, as they play an important role in the economic, social and political life of society. Today's young people will be involved in further development states. In conditions of economic crisis, it is young people who are the most socially and economically vulnerable category of citizens in matters of labor and employment. The severity of this problem determines the need for a comprehensive study of the situation of young people in the regional labor market.

The factors that determine the position of young people in society are: the opportunity to get an education, realize oneself in professional field, find a good job, ensure a decent material level.

Young people entering the labor market differ in age, educational level, life values, and gender. Researchers identify three groups of youth:

The first group consists of young people aged 15 to 18 years. These are students of secondary, secondary special and higher educational institutions. In this age group, life values, norms of behavior in society, and also choices are made future profession. Citizens of this age are practically not involved in work. However, most teenagers earn their first money at this age.

The second group is formed mainly by graduates of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions aged 18 to 25 years. The youth included in this group do not have the proper professional and social experience and are therefore less competitive in the labor market. Young people of this age have no work experience and have low professional qualifications. However initial stage career falls precisely during this period.

The third group consists of men and women aged 25 to 29 years. It is different in that the youth included in this group already have some work experience and their own professional development strategy. Most young people have families and have high demands on the job offered. The high level of unemployment in this group is especially dangerous, as it can lead to increased poverty among young families, which entails a reduction in the birth rate, an increase in divorces, abortions, etc. Many young people who have not found work at this age begin to look for illegal forms of income in the shadow sector of the economy. As a result, the number of economic and criminal crimes is increasing, the incidence of alcoholism and drug addiction is increasing, and as a result, the mortality rate among young people is growing.

The modern youth labor market has its own specifics:

1. There is an imbalance of supply and demand, caused by the socio-professional uncertainty of young people.

2. The youth labor market is characterized by low competitiveness compared to other age groups, since limited demand in the labor market reduces the employment opportunities for graduates of educational institutions.

3. The group of young people who do not work or study anywhere is growing.

4. The lack of demand in the regional labor market for many professions leads to the fact that the majority of young people looking for work cannot find employment in their specialty.

5. Every year, every fourth graduate becomes a potential candidate for retraining and obtaining a second profession. In addition, a fifth of young people quit due to dissatisfaction with the profession and the nature of work already in the first year of work after graduation.

6. Young women make up a significant share of the unemployed in the labor market, as employers give clear preference to men when hiring.

In order to study the situation that developed when young people entered the labor market, the authors conducted sociological research using the questionnaire survey method, aimed at identifying the situation of young people in the regional labor market. The study sample consisted of 1000 respondents. The survey is representative by gender, age and education. Processing of empirical material was carried out using the statistical package - SPSS. Object this study were youth of the Nizhny Novgorod region aged 16-29 years.

Among the respondents, 59% were girls and 41% boys, which approximately reflects the real gender ratio in the region. The educational level of the respondents was quite high. The majority of respondents, due to their age composition, had incomplete higher education - 43%. High specific gravity persons with higher education - 30%. Among the respondents there are few young people with incomplete secondary education - 3%.

The majority of young people surveyed (20%) had a specialty of engineer, 10% - a teacher, 12% - a doctor and medical worker, a specialty of a manager - 8%, a service worker - 10%, workers - 15%, a specialty of accountant and economist - 10%. , lawyer - 5%. About 40% of respondents do not work in their specialty. 34% of young people are satisfied with their work, 28% consider their work interesting, but poorly paid, 14% are not satisfied with the work schedule, 12% consider their work not interesting, but well paid, 7% consider the work good, but note poor relationships in the team, 5% think the job is bad in all respects.

42% do not quit because of good pay, they are afraid of being left without work - 30%. However, 23% of young people are satisfied with the work schedule and 5% of respondents understand that a better job cannot be found.

In general, young people who have found their place in the labor market are not satisfied with the situation; their comments include low salaries and few opportunities for career advancement.

Young people are mostly afraid of losing their job for one reason or another (41%), do not think about the possibility of losing their job - 40% of respondents, and 19% - are not afraid of losing their job at all.

The majority of respondents (55%) believe that in modern conditions must have a higher education. Some respondents receive a second higher education or continue their studies in master's or postgraduate studies. To increase competitiveness in the labor market, young people are trying to improve their educational level at courses, seminars and trainings, learn foreign languages ​​and master new computer programs.

The majority of young people found work with the help of friends - 35%, 20% applied directly to enterprises, 7% found work through advertisements. Only 8% of young people contacted public service employment, and 21% used all employment options.

The average salary of a young specialist in the Nizhny Novgorod region does not exceed 20 thousand rubles.

The study revealed that the modern labor market in the Nizhny Novgorod region is characterized by gender imbalances, which is manifested in the level of wages. Men who find work after graduation have more high level wages than women. This fact confirms general pattern, characteristic not only of the Nizhny Novgorod region, but also of the entire Russian labor market - the displacement of women into low-paid sectors of the economy. So, for girls the average salary is 15 thousand rubles, and for young people - 25 thousand rubles. The highest wages were reported by young men employed in the automotive industry, construction and the financial sector of the economy (30 thousand rubles and above). The time frame and methods for finding a job for girls and boys are approximately the same and average 1-3 months.

Thus, young people mainly find employment through friends, directly at enterprises, through advertising in newspapers and the Internet. It is also necessary to note the fact that such officially sanctioned means of youth employment as “job fairs” or “employment services” are by far the most ineffective. None of the interviewed respondents found a job with their help. Among the demands made by young people for work, high wages are in first place, career prospects are in second place, and favorable working conditions are in third place.

The socio-economic situation of young people in Russian society is assessed by the authors as unstable. In our opinion, it is necessary to study both European and Russian experience in solving the problems of the youth labor market in order to develop an adequate strategy for socialization and professional growth young people. Educated youth, not finding opportunities for self-realization, are forced to be content with lower positions and work outside their profile. The percentage of labor migration of university graduates is growing, and the work they perform, as a rule, does not correspond to the level of education received. In many ways, this situation is also due to the low quality of career guidance work in schools and universities. Ignorance of the potential prospects for the development of the labor market leads to the fact that young people choose not what suits them and is in demand in the labor market, but what is easier to achieve (they enter the university where they passed the budgetary form of education based on their scores), costs less and etc.

The state must take a very active position in ensuring youth employment - develop a set of measures to retain young workers, especially in labor-scarce segments of the economy. The main instrument of such a policy is regional programs for the creation and quotas of jobs for young people,

It cannot be said that no appropriate programs have been created to support young people. Such programs exist; they are drawn up and approved by the structures that implement public policy in the field of promoting youth employment (employment services, youth affairs committees, labor exchanges, youth employment funds and other structural organizations). However, this is clearly not enough. Young people must understand that a lot depends on their activity. Employers place high demands on applicants for vacant jobs. Applicants must have the following qualities: highly qualified, perseverance and perseverance, mobility, etc.

Thus, based on the study, the authors consider it possible to propose the following measures as recommendations:

At the legislative level, ensure legal and economic protection of young people;

Introduce job quotas for young people;

Orient the education system to the practical needs of the market;

Promote vocational training for youth. Young people should have the right to free vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of the employment service;

Relax the criteria for hiring and employment without work experience;

Create a flexible work schedule for full-time students, etc.;

Expand the training of specialists professionally engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the field industrial production, service sector, trade, advertising, mass media, banking, etc.;

Create special youth enterprises and organizations to solve the employment problem;

Consider the regulation of youth employment as the main task of the state’s social policy;

Through the existing education system, to form an active type of labor behavior in every person;

Modernize the system of vocational guidance for schoolchildren, create a more effective mechanism for identifying students’ abilities for certain types of professional activities;

Organize access (open lectures, specialized websites, brochures with methodological recommendations) for high school students to information on the demand for certain specialties not only in current moment, but also with promising development for 5 years ahead.

But the most important thing is that state and federal social programs should promote the employment of young people through the creation of new jobs in promising sectors of the economy, attracting budget funds, funds from private enterprises and investors.

Bibliographic link

Pukhova A.G., Belyaeva T.K., Varakina E.E., Ruzanova Yu.V. PROBLEMS OF EMPLOYMENT OF YOUTH IN THE REGIONAL LABOR MARKET // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. – 2016. – No. 12-7. – P. 1336-1339;
URL: (access date: 10/30/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

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