Schedule of lesson times at school number 1. Recommendations for creating a schedule in the middle and senior levels of secondary schools. Class Schedule – Timetable

Good afternoon to all readers of the ShkolaLa blog! How's yours? school life? Just a little more, and there will be time to rest, because the first holidays of this school year are coming soon.

Everyone slowly got into the rhythm of work, got used to the fact that some people need to change into a physical education uniform almost every day in the morning, some start their school day with numbers, and some wake up to music and active movements with an artistic brush. Who has something “for breakfast for the mind”, and the reason for this is the established school lesson schedule.

We, parents, are sometimes indignant at why children need to run cross-country in the morning, only to sit at their desks in the second lesson, sweating in half-damp clothes. Why not make literature the first lesson, and leave the logic of mathematics for “after lunch”.

And really, are there any rules for scheduling lessons, who is responsible for this important process at school, and what is this most responsible official guided by when distributing the teaching load?

Correct school schedule is the key to successful studies

And this has long been a proven fact. A lesson schedule correctly compiled by school teachers is a direct relationship with school grades in the class register, because it helps to maintain efficiency throughout not only the entire school day, but also the entire calendar week and even the entire quarter.

Do teachers really know what is in their hands? literally this word the health of each student and his educational potential, which can be crossed out with one movement of a stationery pen?

So let’s check how much our primary schools strive to make it easy for children to learn. So, what do you need to consider when creating your school lesson schedule?

Here is a sign showing the difficulty of lessons in elementary school according to SanPin:

mathematics – 8 points

Russian and foreign languages ​​– 7

the world around us and computer science – 6 points each

literature – 5

history – 4

drawing and music – 3 points each

technology – 2

physical education – 1

Well, at least start every morning with music and drawing and finish with physical education!

Some teachers use the Sivkov tablet, developed in 1975, which is wider and intended for all eleven grades.

By the way, if you know your child’s lesson schedule, you can build your own camel by calculating the number of points for each day of school. Does it turn out to be a hump by Tuesday-Wednesday? This means that the school can be given an A for its schedule.

  • Thirdly, in the correct schedule, complex subjects must alternate with simpler ones. And there is one catch: it is not recommended to put similar disciplines next to each other, for example, if complex mathematics and a foreign language can follow each other, since they are different in content, then it is better to separate Russian and literature.
  • Fourthly, experts advise teachers to get away from the so-called “pairs” that are better known to students, and to avoid double lessons in the same discipline. From such a monotonous load, children primary school, and the older one too, they get very tired. Therefore, younger schoolchildren are prohibited from studying “in pairs” at all.

Alas, it is never possible to do it perfectly: either there are few teachers, or there are not enough classes.

By the letter of the law

I decided to reinforce artistic word letter of the law. I open the Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor dated December 29, 2010, number 189, which approved SanPin Hidden under this set of numbers are the requirements for organizing the learning process. We look through equally interesting chapters about school grounds and buildings, premises and equipment, lighting and furniture. This is Chapter X, which is what we need. So:

  • lessons no earlier than 8 am,
  • 1st, 5th, 9th and 11th grades - exclusively in the first shift,
  • three training shifts (they tried it once!) are prohibited,
  • the teaching load recorded in the tablet, which cannot be exceeded.

I would like to note what a teaching load is. This maximum quantity academic hours per week. It depends on whether you also study on Saturdays. By the way, first-graders are prohibited by law from studying on weekends. So, the academic maximum in hours for a 6-day and 5-day school week, respectively:

  • 1st class - 21 hours,
  • 2 – 4 grades – 26 or 23 hours,
  • 5th grade – 32 or 29 hours,
  • 6th grade – 33 or 30 hours,
  • 7th grade – 35 or 32 hours,
  • 8 – 9 grades – 36 or 33 hours,
  • 10 – 11 grades – 37 or 34 hours.

Load - load is different. After all, you can teach 10 lessons a day, and then on Saturday, “drive the bulldozer.” But no, you can’t!

If a school tries to strictly adhere to the legislative framework in its work, then no head teacher or methodologist who begins to describe subjects and teachers will assign:

  • more than 4 lessons for first-graders, they can do physical education the fifth time a week,
  • more than 5 lessons for grades 2-4, they are allowed to sit through 5 lessons once during a 6-day school week, and the sixth will be the same physical education,
  • more than 6 lessons per day for grades 5-6,
  • more than 7 lessons per day for grades 7-11.

Did you immediately calculate how much it actually comes out to? Are you packing? Let's move on.

This demanding SanPin establishes the same distribution rules school subjects according to complexity, which we have already mentioned, indicating to teachers that when drawing up a schedule of disciplines, the main ones, such as mathematics, Russian and foreign languages, the environment (according to SanPin - natural history), computer science, should be “diluted” with music and fine arts, technology (in SanPin it has been called “works” since Soviet times) and physical education.

By the way, written lessons and tests cannot be given after physical education.

The chief physician of Russia orders difficult subjects to be assigned to first-graders in the second lesson, for grades 2-4 - in the second and third, for the rest - in the second, third and fourth. And it’s also important: it turns out there can be one test per day, in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th lesson.

This is really interesting - in practice this is hardly possible. If in the lower grades the teacher himself distributes the order of testing, then how will, for example, a biology teacher and an algebra teacher, or anyone else, agree in a high school?

But teachers are protected here: this is not a direct prohibition of the law, but a recommendation, so if a child first wrote a test in mathematics, and then also turned to Russian, then it is unlikely that anyone will heed your indignation.

In general, I came to the conclusion that drawing up a school schedule is actually a titanic task, although interesting at first glance. And this headache is usually entrusted to one of the deputy principals of the school in accordance with job description. Therefore, I propose not to be too biased towards our teachers and still let small errors escape our scrutiny.

Friends, I invite you to subscribe to blog news and join to our VKontakte group to always be up to date school events.

All the best to you!

The school's educational regime must correspond to the functional capabilities of students. Scope, content and organization educational process must ensure a state of the body in which fatigue would completely disappear during the rest period.

The main criteria for assessing lessons in terms of students' functional abilities are difficulty and tediousness. Fatigue is characterized by a change in performance, and the difficulty of the subject is characterized by the level of performance, that is, the degree of mastery educational material. Therefore, both factors need to be considered equally while scheduling.

When creating a lesson schedule, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • performance (characteristics of work, i.e. the quality and quantity of acquired knowledge or actions at a certain time) depends on the age of a person, his individual biorhythm, time of day, day of the week, time of year, etc.;
  • the degree of fatigue depends on social, psychological, biological reasons.

To reduce student and teacher fatigue in one day, proper distribution of lessons during productive and unproductive hours and days is necessary.

Subjects that require a lot of time to prepare at home should not be grouped together on the same day of the school schedule. During the most unproductive hours (from 11.30 to 14.30), lessons should be structured from a health-saving standpoint, which implies a valeological approach to organizing a lesson, a choice of forms, methods, and techniques of the lesson, changing the types of activities of students and the types of teaching of the teacher (every 5-7 minutes).

When drawing up a schedule, you can use the scales of difficulty of academic subjects developed by I.G. Sivkov (for primary school) and employees of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents M.I. Stepanova, I.E. Alexandrova, A.S. Sedova (for students in grades 5–9)
Using the data from the tables above, you can assess whether the lesson schedule for any class is drawn up correctly.

The schedule is drawn up correctly if:

  • the school has a unified schedule of classes in the first and second half of the day (for students and teachers);
  • the highest number of points per day based on the sum of all subjects is for grades 8–11 – on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; for grades 1–7 – on Tuesday and Thursday (Wednesday is a slightly lighter day);
  • During the school day, “difficult” and “easy” lessons alternate;
  • lessons of one subject alternate with lessons of another subject, and are not doubled (exception is modular teaching technology);
  • basic items for junior schoolchildren are conducted in 2–3 lessons, and for middle and older ages – in 2–4 lessons;
  • The names of academic subjects in the schedule and curriculum are the same.

The schedule is drawn up incorrectly if:

  • the highest number of points per day occurs on the extreme days of the week or when it is the same on all days of the week;
  • “difficult” lessons are doubled;
  • “difficult” lessons are scheduled consecutively;
  • “difficult” lessons in the schedule in the first or last lesson;
  • the number of home preparations is equal to the number of lessons.

For optimal load distribution, the following are not allowed:

  • zero lessons;
  • breaks lasting 5 minutes;
  • double lessons in grades 1–5, exceeding 8 points on the difficulty scale, if lesson planning the second hour does not include practical or laboratory work;
  • grouping items that require a lot of home preparation into one day;
  • discrepancy in the schedule of the first and second half of the day;
  • discrepancy between the names of academic subjects in the schedule grid and the school curriculum.

Thus, when creating a class schedule, you need to consider:

  • distribution of teaching load by day of the week;
  • distribution of the teaching load for each day separately;
  • alternation of subjects different types activities;
  • compliance with hygienic requirements for the lesson schedule.

To do this, the schedule is analyzed and an analytical report is drawn up based on the results.

  1. The total load at the beginning and end of the week should be the least (according to the ranking scale of difficulty).
  2. Tests should be carried out in 2–4 lessons in the middle of the school week.
  3. The main teaching load during the day in high and middle grades should fall on lessons 2–4.
  4. It is not recommended to schedule two-hour lessons on Monday and Friday.
  5. In elementary school, it is unacceptable to conduct double lessons on the same subject. In this case, the degree of fatigue of children increases 7 times.
  6. In the 5th grade, double lessons in one subject are permissible only in exceptional cases and subject to their alternation with easier lessons (or lessons).
  7. In middle and high schools, double lessons against the backdrop of modular technology for constructing the educational process, on the contrary, help preserve the health of students.
  8. Lessons that require a lot of mental effort (mathematics, Russian, physics, chemistry) are recommended to be taught first or second. Lessons on art, the surrounding world, artistic work should be conducted after a dynamic pause (third lesson), and lessons with a predominance of the motor component (rhythm, physical culture) – last.
  9. Classes in the second half of the day should be held no earlier than 45 minutes after the end of the last lesson of the first half of the day.
  10. When arranging lessons during one school day, one should take into account the predominant types of student activity in this lesson (reading, viewing, writing, active motor activity, practical work, listening, speaking, etc.) and try to alternate them.
  11. The daily amount of home preparation should be less than the number of lessons in the schedule.
  12. It is not allowed to conduct zero lessons!
  13. Subjects that require a lot of time for home preparation (history, algebra) should not be grouped on one day of the school schedule.
  14. It should be remembered that when drawing up a lesson schedule, you need to take into account the number of hours allocated by the basic curriculum for completing

"Operating mode of MKOU" Ulluainskaya main secondary school»

The school day begins with the morning assembly of the class on duty at 7.50. Classes start at 8.00. Lesson duration 45 minutes. As an exception, allow the lesson duration to be set in the winter period from November 1 to February 28, 40 minutes.

2. Organize classes over a six-day school week.

Schedule of bells for 1st shift lessons:

1st lesson - 08.00-8.45 - break 5 min.

Lesson 2 - 08.50-9.35 - break 5 minutes.

Lesson 3 - 09.40-10.25 - break 20 min.

Lesson 4 - 10.45-11.30 - break 5 min.

Lesson 5 - 11.35-12.20 - break 5 minutes.

Lesson 6 - 12.25-13.10

Schedule of calls for lessons 2 shifts:

1st lesson - 13.30-14.15 - break 5 minutes.

Lesson 2 - 14.20-15.05 - break 5 minutes.

Lesson 3 - 15.10-15.55 - break 20 minutes.

Lesson 4 - 16.15-17.00 - break 5 minutes.

Lesson 5 - 17.05-17.50 - break 05 min.

Lesson 6 – 17.55-18.40

Set a pre-call 2 minutes before the start of each lesson. After the preliminary bell, students and teachers prepare for the lesson in the classroom. At the end of the lesson, the teacher and students leave the room. Class teachers and teachers are on duty in the corridors during breaks and ensure discipline of students, and are also responsible for the behavior of children during all breaks.

2. Determine the positions of students in the duty class at the school:

The main building is at the entrance doors. Make duty classes responsible for ensuring student discipline, sanitary conditions, safety of school property, and cleaning the corridors after each break.

Class duty begins and ends with a line with summing up. The end of duty in the lobby is 13.30.

3. Conduct general cleaning once a month.

4. The teacher teaching the last lesson takes the children of this class into the corridor and is present there until all students leave the building.

5. The starting time of each teacher is 10 minutes before the start of his first lesson. Teachers' duty begins 20 minutes before the start of classes and ends 20 minutes after the end of the last lesson.

6. Students in grades 2-9 will be certified in four academic quarters, and students in grades 1 in one quarter.

7. Changes to class registers (enrollment and withdrawal of students) are carried out only by the class teacher on the instructions of the school principal or his deputy for education and management. Correction of grades in the class journal is not permitted.

9. The work of sports sections, clubs, classrooms, educational workshops is allowed only according to the schedule approved by the school director.

10. Extracurricular activities are carried out according to a plan approved by the director. All extracurricular activities, such as club activities, sports sections, classrooms, educational workshops, etc., as well as the presence of teachers, staff and students in school buildings are allowed only until 19:00. 00 min.

11. In each classroom, assign students a permanent workplace for the purpose of their financial responsibility for the safety of furniture.

12. The safety of the classroom and the property in it rests with the full responsibility (including financial responsibility) of the teacher working in this room, the head of the classroom, and the class teacher.

13. Smoking of teachers and students in school is strictly prohibited.

15. Outsiders are not allowed into lessons without the permission of the director or his deputies.

17. A teacher or any employee can return to work after illness only upon presentation of a certificate of incapacity for work to the director or deputy for the Department of Internal Affairs.

18. Excursions, hikes, going to the cinema with children, etc., are permitted only after the relevant order is issued by the school director.

Responsibility for the life and health of children during such events lies with the teacher or any other school employee appointed by order of the director.

19. Make teachers and class teachers responsible for the safety and health of children during their stay in school buildings, on its territory during walks, excursions, during extracurricular activities, etc.

20. Class registers and all reporting documentation must be completed only by class teachers (lists of students, number of orders for arrival, departure).

21. Changes to the schedule are allowed only upon a written application with the permission of the director or his replacement.

25. To oblige all teachers during the holidays to record the time of arrival and departure to school in the employment notebook. Absence from school is possible only with a written application with the permission of the director or his deputy.

26. Responsibility for the life and health of children, compliance with TB during classes should be assigned to teachers conducting classes; during breaks, responsibility for the life and health of children outside of classrooms should be assigned to teachers on duty.

27. School employees conducting classes in classrooms must check at the end of classes whether the windows are closed and the lights are turned off. Personal responsibility for windows left open and lights not turned off should be assigned to the employees who are the last to conduct classes in the classrooms.

28. Each teacher 3 hours a month to participate in the work of teachers’ councils, methodological associations, meetings with the director and head teacher, and production meetings.

29. Teachers of grades 5-8, conducting the first scheduled lesson in a particular class, personally take the magazine from the deputy director responsible for the safety of the magazines, and those teaching the last lesson in a particular class, personally hand over the magazine to him or the administrator on duty.

30. If it is necessary to work with the magazine after classes, obtain personal permission from the deputy director responsible for the safety of magazines or the administrator on duty, and after working with the magazine ensure its return.

31. Deputy director of the school for water management U.G. Magomedova ensure the safety of journals and the timeliness of their issuance.

32. Deputy director of the school for water management U.G. Magomedova ensure monthly checks of class and club activity logs.

33. Chairpersons of the Moscow Region shall ensure compliance of grades in notebooks for tests and in journals once every quarter.

35. For any events outside curriculum(parent meetings, excursions, evenings, etc.) obtain written permission from the director (in his absence from the deputy director for education), providing him in writing with complete information about the planned event no later than a week before the start of the event (place , time, participants, responsible persons, etc.).

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