The most famous inventions of the British in English. International Journal of Experimental Education. The most famous British inventions

Falyahov Aidar, 8th grade student

Over the centuries and millennia, ever since Homo sapiens appeared, tools for hunting and labor have been created, dwellings have been built, and at the same time, experience, knowledge and skills have been accumulated, which have been passed down from generation to generation.

British inventors have created many useful devices for mankind, making life more comfortable and varied. Progress does not stand still, and if a few centuries ago there were not enough technical capabilities to implement all ideas, today it is much easier to bring ideas to life. Society has learned to “fly”, to ride, telecommunications systems have appeared that make it possible to see and talk at a distance. From cosmology to cloning, from water chlorination to the world wide web, the inventions of the British in recent centuries have completely changed our lives and our world.



Scientific and practical conference

"First steps into science" for students of the first and second stage

education in the 2017-2018 academic year

Section “English language. Country Studies»

"British inventions that changed the world"


Falyahov Aidar, 8th grade student

GBOU secondary school "OC" with. Deniskino,

Shentalinsky district


Shcherbakova Rozalia Anisovna,

teacher in English

first qualification category


1. Introduction

2 British inventions that changed the world

2.1. The most famous inventions of the British

2.2. Classification of inventions

2.3. The results of a survey of students of our school about


3. Conclusion

4. List of references and Internet sources

5. Applications

1. Introduction

Over the centuries and millennia, ever since Homo sapiens appeared, tools for hunting and labor have been created, dwellings have been built, and at the same time, experience, knowledge and skills have been accumulated, which have been passed down from generation to generation.

British inventors have created many useful devices for mankind, making life more comfortable and varied. Progress does not stand still, and if a few centuries ago there were not enough technical capabilities to implement all ideas, today it is much easier to bring ideas to life. Society has learned to “fly”, to ride, telecommunications systems have appeared that make it possible to see and talk at a distance. From cosmology to cloning, from water chlorination to the world wide web, the inventions of the British in recent centuries have completely changed our lives and our world. We cannot imagine our life today without electricity and household electrical appliances such as vacuum cleaners, coffee makers and many others. Our world is impossible without modern modes of transport: trains or planes. Many ingenious discoveries in science, such as penicillin, an asthma inhaler, a defibrillator, have saved many lives.

Studying English, we were interested in the question of the objects around us and inventions, the creators of which could be the British. I wanted to know what British inventions are used in modern life and what our students know about it.

Objective: Learn the history of British inventions and discoveries.

To reveal the purpose of the study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks :

1. Get acquainted with the history of British inventions.

2. Find out the appearance of inventions - where and when they were invented.

3. Classify the most famous inventions according to the method of application

4. Conduct a survey among school students

5. Draw conclusions about the knowledge gained

The object of studyare scientific discoveries and objects Everyday life.

Subject of studyare the inventions and discoveries of the British.

In writing this paper, the following methods :

1. Studying sources in search of information on a given topic.

2. Generalization and synthesis of the material.

3. Analysis of the received information.

Hypothesis Our research is based on the assumption that many of the items named by the students are the creation of British inventors.

Significance of this work: results works can be recommended for use in learning activities both students and teachers.

2. British inventions that changed the world.

2.1. The most famous inventions of the British.

Many have been made in the UK important inventions and discoveries. More than 70 British scientists have been awarded Nobel Prizes. And with such people come grandiose ideas, theories and inventions that have changed our modern world. Among them are a steam locomotive, a modern bicycle, a propeller and many others. We will dwell on the most famous inventions in more detail.

Telephone. British scientist Alexander Bell first patented a telephone in 1876 that was capable of transmitting sound over long distances. The most amazing thing is that this invention was designed quite by accident. Starting in 1873, Bell tried to build a harmonic telegraph, with which 7 telegrams could be transmitted simultaneously. To this end, he used seven pairs of plates. Each such pair was tuned to its specific frequency. During the next experiment, the wire of one plate was randomly welded to one contact. Bel's assistant, unable to eliminate a small accident, began to make an indignant speech. At this time, Alexander Bell, who was working on the receiving mechanism, heard barely noticeable sounds of indignation that came from the transmitter.

Thus, the first telephone was invented, which Bell called the "talking telegraph". Bell's tube served in turn for transmitting and for receiving human speech. Bell's telephone did not have a call, but it was invented later by Bell's colleague - T. Watson (1878). The call to the subscriber was made through the handset using a whistle, while the range of this line did not exceed 500 meters.

A television. In 1926, Scottish inventor John Logie Baird demonstrated a mechanical television. The picture had 30 vertical lines. The image changed due to the revolutions of a special disk. The speed is 5 frames per second instead of the 24 common today. Today, Byrd's TV, perhaps, causes irony for someone. But then it was a real breakthrough. Scientists have been trying to create something similar since the advent of radio. However, before Baird, no one could do it.

A computer. The first "computing machine" was created by Charles Babbage in 1822. His idea was not to create a prototype of a modern computer, he just wanted to build a machine that would calculate mathematical problems. Babbage was tired of human error in solving mathematical problems, so he sought to create an error-free machine. That is why Charles Babbage is considered the inventor of the first computer. His "Babbage Machine" was the first programmable analytical machine and, moreover, fully automatic. Essentially, computers today do the same thing: they read programs and execute them.

Antibiotics. Bacteriologist Alexander Fleming invented penicillin by accident. His laboratory was so dirty that, when he left for his family and returned a month later, he found on one of the plates with staphylococci fungi. And all the colonies of staphylococci present on the plate were destroyed. Thus, Fleming isolated a substance that helped save many people from scarlet fever, pneumonia, meningitis and diphtheria.

Nuclear physics. father nuclear physics called Ernest Rutherford. He formulated the planetary model of the atom, discovered alpha and beta radiation, the short-lived radon isotope, and many isotopes. It was also he who explained the radioactivity of thorium on the basis of the properties of radon, discovered and explained the radioactive transformation chemical elements, created the theory of radioactive decay, split the nitrogen atom, discovered the proton. He proved that the alpha particle is the nucleus of helium.

The law of universal gravitation.Surely even before Isaac Newton, people wondered why all objects fall to the ground. Kepler and Descartes even tried to formulate their own laws. Actually, Newton in the book "Mathematical principles of natural philosophy"in 1687 he referred to Kepler's empirical laws. But Newton's theory, unlike the hypotheses of its predecessors, had a number of significant differences. The mathematician published not just the supposed formula of the law gravity, but actually offered a complete mathematical model.

2.2. Classification of inventions.

The classification is based on the functional-industry principle. Methods and devices that perform the same functions, produce the same products, or achieve the same effect are combined.

The main division in the classification is the class. Classes are in turn subdivided into subclasses.

The purpose of classification of inventions is to classify inventions into thematic headings to provide guidance in finding materials that match a query.

AT existing classifications inventions, the following principles of subdivision of concepts are used:

- subject-thematic, involves the classification of objects depending on their application in a particular branch of technology;

- functional principle, involves the classification of objects, taking into account the identity of the main functions or the effect they produce, regardless of their industry application;

is a mixed principle.

All inventions of the British can be divided into 3 classes: objects of everyday life, discoveries in science and inventions in sports. The objects of everyday life have made our life easier and made it more comfortable and varied. Discoveries in science made it possible to better understand medicine, physics, biology and mechanics. While inventions in sports give us the desire to develop and test our physical strength, gain confidence and show our achievements to others.

Items of daily life can also be divided into subclasses: household items, food, games for children, clothing and transport. We will dwell on some inventions in more detail.

household items

Electric vacuum cleanerpatented by British engineer Hubert Cecil Booth (1871−1955). Drawing attention to the device used in trains to blow dust off the seats, he reasoned that it would be much more practical to suck up the dust. The viability of the idea was tested with a handkerchief. Booth placed it on the seat of a chair and tried to suck in as much dust as he could with his mouth. Finding that the dust had collected on the bottom of the handkerchief, he realized that the idea worked. The equipment was so bulky that it was carried by horses and located outside the building, which had to be vacuumed. The hose was pulled through the window, its length reached 30 meters. Vacuum cleaner - first of all, he facilitated the work of housewives.

Cardboard boxfor sale was first made in England in 1817 by Sir Malcolm Thornhill. Paper and cardboard are the most important packaging material (over 40% in commercial packaging). When paper ceased to be expensive to manufacture, they began to make wrapping paper - rough and dark for general use, and bright for gifts.

vacuum coffee makerwas invented in 1840 by the Scottish naval engineer Napier. In her hot water passed through the layer of ground coffee and returned back to the water tank due to the resulting vacuum. Now these coffee makers are no longer used.

The first inventor to receive a patent for lawn mower , was the Englishman Edwin Beard Buding (1795-1846) in 1830. The basis of Buding's design was a carpet shearing device, which he put on wheels. A model of Buding's first lawn mower is on display at the Science Museum in London. Lawn mowers were two cylinders one after the other, and the rear cylinder transmitted the movement to the front with knives.


Robert Henry Winborn Welsh inventedlollipopin 1919. Welsh began producing fudge made from a recipe borrowed from a candy store owner. In addition to fudge, the company produced caramel. One day, Welsh stuck a stick into an unhardened caramel, and a new product was obtained. It soon became popular with children and adults.

The invention of the sandwich, better known as sandwich, owned by John Montagu, Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792), who served as Foreign Secretary and Secretary of the Navy of the British Empire. Once, in 1762, he was playing cards, the game went on for a whole day, and since it was difficult to play cards and eat at the table with a knife and fork at the same time, the count asked the cook to serve him two pieces of fried bread with a slice of roast beef between them. Thus, he could hold the cards with one hand and eat with the other. It was a very convenient decision, and since then the sandwich has begun its triumphant march around the world.

Games for children

Puzzles were invented in England in 1761 by John Spilsbury. London dealer in geographical maps, came up with a new tutorial- “sliced ​​geographical map”. He began to paste black and white engravings geographical maps on a luxurious thin panel of Lebanese cedar and mahogany and cut the resulting sandwich into small pieces of bizarre shape. Each piece contained a little geographic information, and, collecting the necessary sections element by element, the student studied geography. Despite the high price (more than the monthly wage of an industrial worker), the novelty was a huge success.

It is believed that the kaleidoscope invented by English physicist David Brewster. In 1816 he patented his kaleidoscope. During his experiments on the polarization of light, Brewster noticed that pieces of glass placed in a tube with mirrors create wonderful symmetrical patterns when reflected in the mirrors. The pattern changed depending on the angle at which the mirrors were placed to each other, as well as how many mirrors were used. Initially, the kaleidoscope was created by Brewster as a scientific instrument.


Mac - raincoat made of waterproof rubberized fabric. This raincoat owes its name to the Scottish chemist Charles Macintosh, who in 1823 invented waterproof fabric. McIntosh, conducting another chemical experiment, accidentally smeared the sleeve of his jacket in rubber, and only after some time noticed that he did not get wet. Of course, in this form, the clothes would be unwearable, since the rubber was very sticky. However, the chemist improved the method of making waterproof fabric by joining two layers of fabric using a solution of rubber in kerosene, after which he patented his invention.

The fabric, which is known around the world under the name " tweed ", was widely used in Scotland and Ireland for centuries and was called "tweel". It is said that in 1826 a London clerk, while taking an order, made a mistake and wrote down the name of this fabric as tweed, which was assigned to the fabric. In the 19th century, tweed became a popular fabric for country walks, hunting, fishing, and golf.

Jacket Norfolk appeared in the 1860s as clothing for sports, riding and hunting. It is said that it began to be worn on the estate of the Duke of Norfolk, hence the name of this jacket. Norfolk jacket - usually single-breasted, with three or four buttons and a belt at the waist. There are two folds on the back. And the jacket shelves are decorated with patch pockets, large enough to fit everything you need on a country walk or hunting. Usually the Norfolk Jacket is made of tweed.

Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington inventedboots called Wellisfor country walks and hunting. He personally instructed his shoemaker. True, at that time boots were made of leather. But already in 1852, after the invention of the natural rubber vulcanization method, these boots began to be made from rubber. Boots were reborn after the Second World War. Green remains the most popular color. It was introduced by Hunter back in 1955.


Locomotive. The world's first steam locomotive was designed by English mining engineer Richard Trevithick in 1804. In one of the earliest public demonstrations, the locomotive successfully carried 10 tons of iron, 5 wagons, and 70 men over 15 kilometers in 4 hours and 5 minutes at about 8 km/h. Trevithick proved that a machine with smooth wheels could successfully run on smooth metal rails. He continued to work on steam locomotives until his death in April 1833.

In the 20s of the 19th century, George Stephenson made significant changes to the design of the steam locomotive. He also persuaded the mine owners to build the first railroad from Darlington to Stockton. In 1823, under the leadership of Stephenson, the world's first steam locomotive building plant was founded, and already 2 years later, a steam locomotive, which received the name "Active", left its gates. This unit could carry 80 tons of cargo, while George provided for the possibility of transporting people. So average speed 7.5 km / h "Active" carried the world's first passenger car with members of the commission that accepted the new steam unit. The maximum speed of the locomotive in some sections reached 39 km / h, an unheard of mark for moving mechanisms with such a load at that time.

First metro linewas built in London (UK). It was only 3.6 km long and was launched on 10 January 1863 of the year. In 1843, under the leadership of Isambard Brunel, theThames tunnel. This discovery proved the convenience and reliability of the underground railway. Then Charles Pearson in 1846 proposed to lay underground lines connecting the main railway stations of the city. There were 7 stations on the first metro line, and the trip lasted 33 minutes. The cars had gas lighting, which, according to the Daily Telegraph, was so bright that one could easily read a newspaper. On the opening day, 6 locomotives pulling 4 wagons departed every 15 minutes and made a total of 120 trips in both directions and transported 30,000 passengers during this time. The convenience of this type of transportation exceeded all expectations, and in the same 1863 it was decided to build in London circle line 30 km long. It opened on October 1, 1868, and intersected with Line 1 at South Kensington Station. Thus, for the first time, it became possible to transfer from one underground route to another.

The first one who thought to install traffic lights at the crossroads to regulate traffic was John Peak Knight, a Londoner and specialist in railway semaphores. The first traffic light designed by him was installed in the British capital on December 10, 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Switching signals was carried out manually using two semaphore arrows. In a horizontal position, they signaled "stop", and lowered at an angle of 45 ° - movement with caution. So that at night it was possible to identify the signal given by the arrows, a rotating gas lamp was used, which shone red or green.

Discoveries in science

England and Scotland were the leading centers scientific revolution since the 17th century and since then have given the world famous scientists and engineers. Among the main scientists of the XVII-XVIII centuries, one can single out Isaac Newton, whose laws of motion are one of the foundations modern science, in the 19th century it is worth remembering Charles Darwin, whose evolution theory natural selection is the basis of all modern biological science, and James Clerk Maxwell, who formulated the classicalelectromagnetic theory, as well as Stephen Hawking from more modern ones, who developed the maintheories in cosmology, quantum gravity and the study of black holes. Major discoveries in the 18th century include hydrogen , discovered by Henry Cavendish, XX century - penicillin discovered by Alexander Fleming and structure of DNA , discovered by Francis Crick,cloning experimenthosted by Keith Campbell. Major engineering projects and inventions by the British include those invented in the 19th centuryElectrical engine Michael Faraday, incandescent lampJoseph Swan, as well as those invented in the 20th centuryjet engineFrank Whittlage. Do not forget about the Royal Society of London, one of the oldest learned societies in the world, founded in 1660.

Inventions in sports

modern badminton of Indian origin, but the English officers were carried away by this game. In 1860, Isaac Spratt published the book "Badminton Battledore - a new game", where its first rules were described, and in 1875 the officers' club "Folkestone" was formed. In the 19th century in England, the game of badminton became especially popular in the family of the Duke of Beaufort. The Duke was a patron of the badminton association, owner of the Front Hall, which still houses a wonderful collection of antique racquets and shuttlecocks.

Variant known today golf course appeared in Scotland. The modern version of golf originated in Scotland. The first golf clubs were also created there. It was the Scots who became the authors of the first written rules of golf, and also fixed the system and the number of holes forever - now and forever there are 18 of them.

Darts originated several centuries ago in the British Isles. Until now, darts is a traditional game in the UK.There is an assumption that the game originated among the soldiers. The soldiers threw short arrows at lower part barrels or at the bottom of tree trunks. In a dry tree, cracks usually spread apart, creating "Sectors". The standard marking with a sector 20 on top was created in 1896 by Lancashire carpenter Brian Gamlin.

2.3. Student survey results

our school about inventions

We conducted a survey among students in grades 5-11 of our school. 35 were interviewedstudents. Analysis of the obtained data showed:

3. Conclusion

Inventions have already firmly entered the lives of people and every year there are more and more of them. For many, they have already become an integral part of life. Inventions are almost always created exclusively so that a person can feel better, so that his work is simplified as much as possible, and life improves. Development modern technologies, greatly facilitating human life is not as easy as it might seem, because a huge number of specialists work on inventions, who daily develop, test or improve all kinds of interesting things, there are many British among these inventors.

Studying the history of inventions of the British, one can notice that some inventions are outdated (the flywheel or the spinning machine) and have become history, others, such as television, vacuum cleaner or computer, have been modernized and are still in use. Countless discoveries were lost in the whirlpool of time, others, not appreciated by contemporaries, were waiting for recognition and implementation for tens and hundreds of years.

The inventions created by the British are a prime example of the inexhaustible creativity that this people has. Throughout the history of mankind, they have made a huge number of inventions, many of which are now perceived by us as something ordinary, but without which we cannot imagine our lives.

4. References

1. Biographies - the history of the life of great people [Electronic resource] // Alexander Graham Bell. - Access mode:

2. The most ridiculous inventions of the 19-20th century [Electronic resource] // Access mode:

Internet sources:

Appendix 1

List of British inventions

What is invented

Who invented

year, place


mechanical television

John Bayard

1924, Scotland


Graham Bell

1876, Scotland

a computer

Charles Babbage

1822 England



Tim Bernes-Lee

1991, England


Richard Trevithick

1804 England


John Stringfellow

1841, England


Hiram Stephens Maxim

1894, England


George Cayley,

Percy Sinclair Pilcher

1804 England

1895, England

flying machine

George Cayley

1853, England


Marc Izambard Brunel

1863 London

magnifying glass

Roger Bacon

1250 England


John Garrison

1760 England


James Gregory

1663 Scotland

Digital Watch

Alexander Bain

1840, Scotland


Joseph Brama

1784 England

negative-positive process

William Henry Fox Talbot

1841, England

lens of 2 lenses

John Herschel

19th century, England

Beaufort scale

Francis Beaufort

1806, England

law of the world


Isaac Newton

1666 England

thermal (steam)


Thomas Newcomen,

John Colley

1705 England

steam machine

James Watt

1782, Scotland

evolution theory

Charles Darwin

1859, England

water chlorination

William Cumberland


18th century, England


Alexander Fleming

1928, Scotland

asthma inhaler

Hiram Maxim

1901, England

elastic bandage

Stephen Perry

1845, England


Frank Pantridge

1965, Ireland


John Spilsbury

1761 England


David Brewster

1816 England


Michael Forada

1824, England


Robert Henry Winborn Welsh

1919, England


Joseph Priestley

1767 England


John Montague Sandwich

1762 England



16th century, England



19th century, England


William Webb Ellis

1823, England


Walton Clopton Wingfield

1860 Wales


English military

19th century, England



19th century, England


Scottish shepherds

1457 Scotland


british hunters

1314, England


Neville Francis Fitzgerald Chamberlain

1938, England

hydraulic crane

William George Armstrong

1845, England

electromagnetic relay

Joseph Henry

1835, Scotland

steam pump

Thomas Severn

1698 England

mirror telescope

James Gregory

1663 Scotland

the concept of a cell

Robert Hooke

1665 England

pneumatic tire

Robert William Thomson

1846, Scotland

diving suit

August Siebe

1819, England


Charles Macintosh

1823, Scotland

color photography

James Clerk Maxwell

1861, Scotland



Henry Maudsley

1800, England


John Napier

1614, Scotland

logarithmic ruler

William Otred

1622 England

fickford cord

William Bickford

1831, England

door lock

Robert Barron

1778 England

incandescent lamp

Joseph Wilson Swan

1850, England


Charles Wheatstone

1827 England



Frank Whittle

1930, England


Michael Faraday

1832 England

safety razor

William Henson

1847, England

coffee maker

Robert Napier

1840, Scotland


Peter Durand

1810, England


Robert Yates

1855, England

sulfur matches

John Walker

1827 England


Hiram Maxim

1854, England



1790 England


Joseph Priestley

1770 England


Edward Scarlet

1727 England

machine gun

Hiram Maxim

1883, England

spinning machine

Richard Arkwright

1769 England

traffic lights

John Peak Knight

1868, England

printing house

William Caxton

1470 England

smallpox vaccine

Edward Jenner

1803, England

aerial bomb

Wallace Barnes

1942, England

home video camera

Akres Birt

1896, England

idea of ​​contraception

Mary Stopes

1915, England

electric motor

Michael Faraday

1821, England


Rosalind Franklin

1953, England

cloning (dolly the sheep)

Jan Wilmuth

1996, Scotland

pyramidal kite

Alexander Bell

1901, Scotland


George Stephenson

1814, England

vacuum cleaner

Hubert Cecil Booth

1901, England

Annex 2

Eccentric Inventions

Alarm clock from robbers

The alarm clock from robbers, invented in 1870, worked on the principle of a clockwork: it had to be wound up to the stop, cocked the lever and placed right under the door. When an uninvited guest tried to enter, the opening door pressed the lever, lowering it down, after which a very loud and annoying call was heard.

Pistol in a purse

There is no need to remind that street robbers became the scourge of the second half of the 19th century, however, in last resort, even such a tiny pistol could protect your property, honor and life. It is only necessary to place an elegant weapon in the secret compartment of an ordinary women's purse. The main disadvantage of such protection was that only one bullet was placed in the mini-drum.


In the 30s of the 19th century, body massage was considered not a luxury, but an obligatory medical procedure necessary for healing the skin and good blood circulation. However, as it turned out, massage with the help of this dynamo machine was neither particularly useful nor safe: the massager constantly shocked the user.


In all likelihood, these socks were invented to protect the toes from the cold and at the same time save on knitwear. .Finger. Socks were made in Britain during World War II and were supposed to cut the cost of hosiery by 80%.

Flashlight glasses

Invented in 1930, these glasses were equipped with two small battery-operated bulbs and a long ground wire. However, walking in these glasses in the rain was like an execution in the electric chair.

Eye Massager

In all likelihood, the last century is a single gadget. for body massage was not enough, so in the 1920s it became necessary to develop a special device for massage eyeballs. This sophisticated mechanism had to be leaned against the face, then a small lever was pressed to set in motion the rubber bellows, which release jets of cool air directly in the direction of the eyeballs.

Mustache protection

The happy owners of luxurious mustaches often had to experience some difficulties during dinner, and especially while eating some spicy soup. The only way out was to use special mustache guards. A spoon or a mug with special recesses helped mustachioed men to consume their contents in small sips, without tarnishing their reputation.

Finger stretch for pianists

This mysterious device was developed in the 1910s to help musicians reproduce the virtuosic passages of Stravinsky and Debussy. However, such a simulator had to be handled with extreme care. Composer Schubert is rumored to have injured his hand while stretching on an early version of the device.

Page Turner

The flipper was also designed for musicians around 1905. After fixing the metal bookmarks on the pages of interest, the sheets of the music notebook began to turn over automatically

Annex 3

Questionnaire for students of GBOU secondary school "OTs" p. Deniskino

1) Do you know British scientists?

Not really

2) Name famous British scientists.

3) What are the three things that are most important to you in your daily life?

a) b) c)

4) What did the British invent?

answer options ______________________________________

5) What discoveries did the British make?

answer options ______________________________________

Great Britain has given the world many influential scientists, mathematicians and inventors. And with such people come great ideas, theories and inventions, some of which have changed the world.


The United States is a country that occupies almost half of North America. The USA has been and remains one of the most influential countries in the world, especially in the spheres of industry, culture and military power. The United States of America was formed in 1776 by the union of thirteen British colonies that declared their independence. The War of Independence continued until 1783 and ended in victory for the colonists.

Almost every modern sport

The most popular sports in modern world have their origins in the UK, at least in terms of the standardization of rules and competitions. The most famous sports are football, cricket, rugby and tennis. Of course, the British were not the first to come up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdriving the ball around the field, but it was they who built the structure and system of rules for most sports as we know them now.

Newton's laws

Isaac Newton British physicist and mathematician. He was born in 1642. Newton was the first to discover 3 laws of motion. He was also the first to document the mechanics of universal gravitation. Many consider Isaac Newton one of the most important scientists in human history.

Programmable computer

The first computer was invented by the British mathematician and scientist Charles Babbage in 1820. But although he is called the inventor, he never saw the machine itself built to the end. The project was closed due to lack of funds. The device was built 150 years later in 1989.

The World Wide Web

Do not confuse it with the Internet. The World Wide Web, invented by Tim Berners-Lee, is a distributed system that provides access to interconnected documents located on different computers connected to the Internet. The World Wide Web is made up of millions of web servers. Tim Berners-Lee first proposed the idea of ​​VP in March 1989, later refined with Robert Cayo. Tim, although he understood the potential personal benefit from his invention, did not demand money for the work.

A television

The world's first publicly demonstrated television was invented by British inventor John Logie Baird. Although mechanical television was later superseded by the developments of Vladimir Zworykin and Philo Farnsworth in the field of electronic television, Baird's first televisions were an important step in the development of television.


The first who managed to make a steam cart rolling on rails was the talented English engineer Richard Trevithick, who by the end of the 18th century was famous for creating light but powerful steam boilers. In one of the earliest public demonstrations, the locomotive successfully carried 10 tons of iron, 5 wagons, and 70 men over a distance of 15 km in 4 hours and 5 minutes. Trevithick continued to work on steam locomotives until his death in April 1833.

Evolution theory

Charles Darwin, British naturalist, was born in 1809. He was the first to propose the theories of evolution, natural selection, and common ancestry that are popular today. After 5 years of traveling the world, Darwin returned to the UK, becoming a celebrity in scientific circles. Darwin has received numerous awards from the scientific societies of Great Britain and others. European countries. Darwin died at Downe, Kent, on April 19, 1882.


The telephone was invented, as many believe, by the British scientist Alexander Bell and patented in 1876. In 1976, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), an international non-profit association, was established Golden medal named after Alexander Graham Bell for outstanding fundamental research and applied developments in the field of communications, which is the highest award of the organization.

English language

English, according to many sources, is the second most spoken language in the world, after Chinese. English is almost always used as a communication language at international summits and global events. It is also the most advanced language, with speakers found in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada and, of course, the UK. The information space in English, including periodicals and non-periodicals, television, cinema, radio, library collections, the English sector of the Internet and other sources, is currently unprecedented in volume and content. All this undoubtedly makes the English language the most important British invention.

Great Britain has given the world many influential scientists. Such people usually give rise to grandiose ideas, theories and inventions that can change the world forever. This ranking contains ten such inventions of the British.

10. United States of America.

A slightly controversial invention opens the list. The United States of America was formed when the British colonies in North America declared independence after an eight-year war with the colonialists.

The fact remains that the inhabitants of the colonies were British subjects until the victory in 1783 when they became independent Americans. By this logic, the USA at the time of its creation was a British invention 🙂

9. Almost everyone modern look sports

The most popular sports in the world today have their origins in the UK, at least in terms of standardized rules. Primarily, we are talking about football, cricket, rugby and tennis. Of course, the British were not the first to come up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdriving the ball around the field, but it was they who built the system of rules for most sports as we know it now.

8. Newton's laws

British Isaac Newton- one of the greatest physicists and mathematicians in the history of mankind. It was he who discovered the law of universal gravitation and established the three basic laws of motion.

7. Programmable computer

English mathematician and engineer Charles Babbage(1791–1871) is one of the most significant figures in the prehistory of computer computing. He is rightly called the father of computing. The Analytical Engine, invented by him in 1834, had all the essential logical capabilities of today's mainframe PCs.

6. World Wide Web

The World Wide Web is a distributed system that provides access to interconnected documents located on various computers connected to the Internet. invented the World Wide Web in 1989 British scientist Tim Berners-Lee. He is also the author of HTTP, URI/URL and HTML technologies.

5. Television

In 1926, Scottish inventor John Logie Bird demonstrated a mechanical television. The picture had 30 vertical lines. The image changed due to the revolutions of a special disk. The speed is 5 frames per second instead of the 24 common today.

Today, Byrd's TV may seem ironic to some. But then it was a real breakthrough. Scientists have been trying to create something similar since the advent of radio. However, no one succeeded, but Byrd did.

AT 1926 Scottish inventor John Logie Baird demonstrated a mechanical TV. The picture had 30 vertical lines. The image changed due to the revolutions of a special disk. The speed is 5 frames per second instead of the 24 common today.

Today, Baird's television may be ironic to some. But then it was a real breakthrough. Scientists have been trying to create something similar since the advent of radio. However, before Baird, no one could do it.

4. Steam locomotive

March 24, 1802 English inventor Richard Trevithick received the first patent for a steam locomotive.

Richard Trevithick proved experimentally that the frictional force of the smooth wheels of a locomotive on smooth rails is completely sufficient to move the locomotive even if it has to drag a train of loaded wagons. Thus, he revolutionized the transportation industry.

3. Theory of evolution

The evolutionary theory of a British scientist Charles Darwin was truly revolutionary. Home work explorer - book "Origin of Species", in which the driving forces of evolution are named natural selection and variability. The works of the scientist became the foundation of modern biology.

2. Phone

Alexander Graham Bell born March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh. Alexander received a degree in physiology from University College London. In 1871, Bell's family emigrated to the United States, where he founded a school for deaf children. In order to somehow help them, the scientist undertook to investigate the nature of vibrations. The results of Bell's research formed the basis of the future telephone. AT 1876 the first telephone session took place.


Avetisova S.O. oneKirillova A.S. one

1 Krasnodar Technical College

1. Biographies - the history of the life of great people [Electronic resource] // Alexander Graham Bell. - Access mode:

2. The most ridiculous inventions of the 19-20th century [Electronic resource] // Access mode:

3.Room Adrian R.W. Great Britain: Linguistic Dictionary / Adrian R.W. Rum. - M .: Russian language, 2002. - 558s.

One of the leading principles of youth education is the principle based on the education of universal human values, in accordance with the values ​​and norms of national culture and regional traditions that do not contradict universal human values. A foreign language not only introduces the culture of the country, the language being studied, but also contributes to the education of students in the context of the "dialogue of cultures". For successful communication foreign language it is necessary not only to own language means but also general meaningful knowledge about the world. We were interested in the question of objects around us and inventions, the creators of which could be the British. Therefore, we decided to conduct a study.

The purpose of our work is to determine the place and role of the British in the development of world science and technology. We asked 37 students to name three subjects they couldn't do without. Analysis of the obtained data showed that 22 students cannot do without a TV, 15 - without a computer, and, finally, 18 - without a telephone. To the question of the questionnaire, do they know by whom and where these objects were invented, not everyone could give a positive answer.

The hypothesis of our study is based on the assumption that at least one of the three items named by students is the creation of British inventors.

We offer to get acquainted with the presented material, which will satisfy cognitive, aesthetic needs, provide interest in learning English, and support motives-stimuli for performing speech activity in the future.

Incredible inventions of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Many of us cherish the dream of creating an invention that would change not only our destiny, but the future of all mankind, but more often than not, a dream remains just a dream. Surprisingly, the British in the 19th and 20th centuries also often dreamed of the glory of mad scientists. The British Library has an exhibition of eccentric inventions from the Victorian era that have never been put to use.

Alarm clock from robbers.

The alarm clock from robbers, invented in 1870, worked on the principle of a clockwork: it had to be wound up to the stop, cocked the lever and placed right under the door. When an uninvited guest tried to enter, the opening door pressed the lever, lowering it down, after which a very loud and annoying call was heard.

Pistol in a wallet.

There is no need to remind that street robbers became the scourge of the second half of the 19th century, however, in extreme cases, even such a tiny pistol could protect your property, honor and life. It is only necessary to place an elegant weapon in the secret compartment of an ordinary women's purse. The main disadvantage of such protection was that only one bullet was placed in the mini-drum.


In the 30s of the 19th century, body massage was considered not a luxury, but an obligatory medical procedure necessary for healing the skin and good blood circulation. However, as it turned out, massage with the help of this dynamo machine was neither particularly useful nor safe: the massager constantly shocked the user.


In all likelihood, these socks were invented to protect the toes from the cold and at the same time save on knitwear. .Finger. Socks were made in Britain during World War II and were supposed to cut the cost of hosiery by 80%.

Flashlight glasses.

Invented in 1930, these glasses were equipped with two small battery-operated bulbs and a long ground wire. However, walking in these glasses in the rain was like an execution in the electric chair.

Eye Massager.

In all likelihood, the last century is a single gadget. for massaging the body was not enough, so in the 1920s it became necessary to develop a special device for massaging the eyeballs. This sophisticated mechanism had to be leaned against the face, then a small lever was pressed to set in motion the rubber bellows, which release jets of cool air directly in the direction of the eyeballs.

Mustache protection.

The happy owners of luxurious mustaches often had to experience some difficulties during dinner, and especially while eating some spicy soup. The only way out was to use special mustache guards. A spoon or a mug with special recesses helped mustachioed men to consume their contents in small sips, without tarnishing their reputation.

Finger stretching for pianists.

This mysterious device was developed in the 1910s to help musicians reproduce the virtuosic passages of Stravinsky and Debussy. However, such a simulator had to be handled with extreme care. Composer Schubert is rumored to have injured his hand while stretching on an early version of the device.

Page turner.

The flipper was also designed for musicians around 1905. After fixing the metal bookmarks on the pages of interest, the sheets of the music notebook began to turn over automatically.

The inventions created by the British, although they have not found a place in modern life, are a vivid example of the inexhaustible creative potential that this people possesses. Throughout the history of mankind, they have made a huge number of inventions, many of which are now perceived by us as something ordinary, but without which we cannot imagine our lives.

Bibliographic link

Avetisova S.O., Kirillova A.S. THE BRITISH MOST FAMOUS INVENTIONS // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2014. - No. 6-2. - S. 104-105;
URL: (date of access: 01/21/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"


The British engineer and mathematician Charles Babbage (1791-1871) made a colossal discovery in the prehistory of computer computing - he invented the first calculating machine, so to speak, the prototype of the modern computer. Babbage is rightfully considered the father of computing. His analytical engine, which he invented in 1834, had all the essential logic capabilities of modern PCs and was capable of calculating to 20 decimal places. Unfortunately, due to lack of funds, the computer project was never fully completed during the lifetime of the scientist.


In 1926, British inventor John Logie Baird demonstrated mechanical television for the first time in public. A special rotating disk was used to change the image. The picture had 30 vertical lines. Instead of the 24 frames per second common in our time, Byrd's mechanical TV speed was only 5 frames / s. And even such modest indicators were then a real breakthrough.


The talented English engineer Richard Trevithick was already quite famous for creating powerful and lightweight steam boilers. However, the real fame came to him after the invention of a steam cart rolling on rails. In one of the first tests, the locomotive, to which five wagons were attached, successfully transported ten tons of iron and seventy passengers over a distance of 15 kilometers. Richard Trevithick worked on steam locomotives until his death.


The first can opener was invented in 1855 by British inventor Robert Yeats. However, at that time his invention was not very popular. Soon, the American Erz Varnet introduced his version of the can opener, which came in very handy due to the rapidly increasing demand for canned beef.


It is believed that the magnifying glass was invented in 1250 by the English scientist Roger Bacon, who at that time was teaching at Oxford University. The first magnifying glass was capable of magnifying objects only one and a half to two times. Modern hand magnifiers can visually magnify objects 20 times, and a tripod magnifier 25 times.


The idea of ​​​​creating a special bandage came to the mind of the English entrepreneur Stephen Perry while observing workers on a rubber plantation: at the end of the working day, they wrapped their hands in strips of rubber, giving them the opportunity to rest. This observation inspired Stephen Perry to invent the elastic bandage in 1845. Perry sold 1 yard (91 cm) of elastic bandage for the equivalent of $5-7 today.

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