Collection of scientific works “Bulletin of modern technologies. Collections of scientific works Collection of scientific works science and technology

Part 10
Current problems in aeronautical rocketry: download

The collection for 2016 can be downloaded from the link

Accepted applications NTI - 2017


    section 1.1. section program 1.1.

    section 1.2. section 1.2 program

    section 2.1. section 2.1 program.

    section 2.2. section 2.2 program.

    section 2.3. section 2.3 program.

    section 2.4. section 2.4 program.

    section 3.1 program of section 3.1.

    section 3.2 program of section 3.2.

    section 3.3. section 3.3 program.

    section 3.4. section 3.4 program

    section 3.5. section 3.5 program.


    section 4.1. program of section 4.1 as of December 6, 2017, program of section 4.1. as of 12/8/2017

    section 4.2. section 4.2 program.

    section 4.4. section 4.4 program as of December 5, 2017; section 4.4 program as of 12/07/2017

    section 5.1. section 5.1 program

    section 5.3. section 5.3 program.

    section 5.4. section 5.4 program.

    section 6.1. section 6.1 program

    section 6.2 section 6.2 program

    section 6.3 program section 6.3.

    Economics and management:

    section 7.1. section 7.1 program.

    section 7.2. section 7.2 program.

    section 7.3. section 7.3 program.

    section 7.5. section 7.5 program.

    section 7.6. section 7.6 program.

    section 8.5. section 8.5.

    section 8.6. section 8.6.

    section 8.7. section 8.7.

    section 8.8. section 8.8.

    section 8.9. section 8.9 program.

    section 8.10. section 8.10.

    Legal sciences:

    section 9.1. section 9.1 program.

    section 9.2. section 9.2 program.

    section 10.2.

    section 10.3. section 10.3 program.

    section 10.4.

    section 10.5. section 10.5 program.

    section 10.7. section 10.7 program.

INFORMATION LETTER XI All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists “SCIENCE. TECHNOLOGIES. INNOVATION"


Novosibirsk State technical university invites you to take part in the XI All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Science. Technologies. Innovations" (NTI-2017), which will be held December 4 - 8, 2017.

Students, graduate students, applicants or young scientists without an academic degree, students or university employees or employees of a scientific or innovative technological institution under 35 years of age are invited to participate in the conference.

Based on the results of the conference, a collection will be published scientific works RSCI.

The Organizing Committee reserves accommodation for non-resident participants in accordance with their application. Detailed information the cost and conditions of accommodation will be published on the ONIRS website and brought to the attention of participants by email. mail.

Information on travel to the Novosibirsk State Technical University, where registration of full-time conference participants will take place, will be posted on the ONIRS website.

At the end of the meetings, participants who made the best reports are awarded diplomas. The selection of participants is carried out by expert commissions of sections, the results are published on the ONIRS website.

Dear participants! We ask you not to leave registration and submission of materials until the last days. This results in a large load expert commissions sections and increasing the time for reviewing abstracts.


  • The deadline for accepting applications is October 29, 2017.
  • End of appointment scientific works– October 29, 2017
  • Reception org. contribution – November 10, 2017
  • Arrival of non-resident participants – December 02-03, 2017
  • The conference will be held on December 4-08, 2017.
  • Departure of non-resident participants – December 8, 2017
    Computer science, automation, computing and measuring technology:

    1.1.Automation, measurements and information security;

    1.2.Informatics and computer technology

    Information technologies of mathematical modeling and data processing:

    2.1.Mathematical modeling, analysis and data processing

    2.2.Numerical modeling of physical processes in technologies and natural phenomena

    2.3.Mathematical and software of information technologies

    2.4.Economic and mathematical methods, statistics and econometrics

    Technology, equipment and automation of machine-building production. Materials science, technological processes and devices:

    3.1.Processes and devices of chemical, biological and food technologies; Chemistry and chemical technologies

    3.2. Current problems of modern materials science; New materials and technologies

    3.3.Technology of artistic processing of materials

    3.4. Automation of mechanical engineering production

    3.5. Technologies and equipment of electrophysical processing methods


    4.1.Power supply systems, electrical systems and electrical networks

    4.2. Relay protection and automation, high-voltage electrical equipment, electrical part of power plants

    4.3. Thermal power engineering

    4.4. Management in energy and electrical engineering

    Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrical technology:

    5.1.Electrical technological installations and systems. Technical ecology


    5.3. Electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technological complexes

    5.4.Electrical systems and electric transport

    Electronics and biomedical technology:

    6.1.Smart and power electronics

    6.2.Radio engineering and telecommunication systems.

    6.3.Biomedical and measurement technology

    Economics and management:

    7.1. Information systems in economics

    7.2.Economic and institutional problems of development of regions, industries and enterprises

    7.3.Management and organization of production


    7.5.Modern problems of accounting and analytical support for sustainable development of economic entities

    7.6 Technology. Quality. Safety

    Humanities and modernity:


    8.2.Political science



    8.5.Modern educational technologies

    8.6. Current issues in philology

    8.7. Sociology and mass communications

    8.8.International relations and current issues foreign regional studies

    8.9.Problems of modern linguistics and translation studies

    8.10. Social work and conflictology

    Legal sciences:

    9.1.Problems of criminal liability and punishment

    9.2.State and legal problems

    9.3.Problems of private law

    Current problems in aeronautical rocketry:

    10.1 Design, production and operation of aircraft

    10.2 Dynamics and strength of machines

    10.3 Aerodynamics and aeroelasticity

    10.4 Thermophysical processes and life support systems of aircraft

    10.5 Design and operation of weapons and ammunition

    10.6 Aircraft control systems

    10.7 Environmental issues and safety of technological processes and production


Completed research papers that correspond to the theme of the conference and have theoretical and practical significance are allowed to participate in the conference.

It is possible to participate in the conference in person or by correspondence with the publication of materials in the collection of scientific papers of the RSCI. If a participant is unable to attend the conference, a paid electronic copy of the collection will be sent to the author by mail after the conference. The author can publish no more than 2 theses in the collection. Each thesis is paid separately.

Communication between conference participants and the organizing committee is carried out via email: [email protected]. The Organizing Committee considers information posted on the website and/or sent by email to be brought to the attention of participants.

Based on the results of the conference, a collection of scientific proceedings of the conference will be published in electronic form; the collection in printed form can be purchased for an additional fee to the registration fee - 500 rubles.

Before publication, materials are reviewed for compliance with the directions and scientific level of the conference. Participants whose abstracts are not selected are not allowed to participate in the conference. The selection of works is carried out by the scientific committees of the conference sections. Works that have passed the scientific selection are published in collections of scientific papers of the conference. Authors of works are given one copy of the electronic version of the collection. Printed version collection and an additional copy of the electronic collection are available upon pre-order for an additional fee.

The organizing committee reserves the right to reject abstracts that do not correspond to the theme of the conference, do not have scientific novelty, or are not designed according to the requirements.


All conference participants (in person and in absentia), after receiving notification of the inclusion of the report (on the website this will be reflected in the “Accepted Applications” section) in the conference program, must pay the registration fee before November 11, 2017 (payment receipt – Appendix 2). The registration fee is: 4 pages of text - 800 rubles. For students, graduate students and young scientists of NSTU, publication in a collection of scientific works is paid from NSTU funds, subject to full-time participation in the conference in the amount of 50% of the registration fee.

Teachers and graduate students correspondence form NSTU studies pay the registration fee in full. The organizing committee reserves the right to refuse publication and performance to participants who have not paid the registration fee.


Applications for participation in the conference and materials are accepted through Information system NSTU. To participate in the conference, you must fill out an electronic application at before October 29, 2017 inclusive and attach a file with the text of abstracts of no more than 4 full pages.The name of the file with abstracts is formed from the surname, initials of the author and section number (PetrovII-c2.1.doc).

Please write the section number carefully; it must match the number chosen by the participant in the application. Applications that are not registered in the system or submitted after the specified deadline will not be considered by the organizing committee.

The collection presents reports and theses of participants in the All-Russian correspondence scientific and practical conference “Financial policy of innovative development of Russia: problems and solutions”, organized during the period April 2-06, 2012 by the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education All-Russian Federal Institute of Economics in Ufa and the ANOO “Ural innovation institute" The topics of the reports are devoted to such aspects of financial policy as: financial management of enterprises in an innovative economy; modern principles and mechanisms of public finance management; ways to increase the investment attractiveness of the economy; the role of financial and credit organizations in increasing innovation activity; stock markets: state and prospects; methods and tools for managing innovation risks; financial mechanisms state support and small business development.

The financial policy of innovative development of Russia: problems and solutions. Proceedings of the All-time scientific and practical conference (2-6 April 2012) - Ufa: World Press, 2012. - 142 p.

The collection contains papers and abstracts of participants All- time scientific and practical conference "The financial policy of innovative development of Russia: problems and solutions", organized during 02-06 April 2012 by VPO VZFEI branch in Ufa and ANOO "Ural Institute of Innovation ".Subject of reports devoted to such aspects of fiscal policy as the financial management of enterprises in the innovation, modern principles and mechanisms of public finance management, ways to increase the investment attractiveness of the economy, the role of financial and credit institutions in enhancing innovation activity; stock markets: current status and perspectives, methods and innovative risk management tools, financial mechanisms of state support and development of small business.

Issue 84 (167) 4m

Problems of applied mathematics, mechanics and computer science

The collection contains two sections: “Analytical and numerical methods of continuum mechanics” and “Mathematical methods of information security”. In the first section, numerical and analytical methods solutions of nonlinear systems are investigated differential equations with partial derivatives. The following tasks are considered: creating, maintaining and destroying tornadoes, as well as assessing the influence of electromagnetic forces on the development of tornadoes; on modeling the behavior of a tsunami in the vicinity of the shore boundary using one-dimensional and multidimensional solutions of shallow water equations; about the three-dimensional outflow of a polytropic gas into a vacuum under the action of general mass forces; about shockless strong compression. The second section is devoted to mathematical problems of information security. It covers issues of cryptology, coding, secret sharing, parallel programming, analysis of polynomials over finite fields (including irreducible ones), elliptic curves and quasigroups. Complex algebraic problems have been solved, making it possible to practically implement general theoretical concepts of information security.

ISBN 978-5-94614-168-0
Circulation: 100 copies.
Number of pages: 224

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