List of new speech therapy literature. List of references on the topic "general work on speech therapy." Speech therapy literature from the publishing house "Gnome"

  1. Andreeva N.G. Speech therapy classes for the development of coherent speech junior schoolchildren. In 3 parts - Part 1: Oral coherent speech. Vocabulary: a manual for speech therapists / N.G. Andreeva; edited by R.I. Lalaeva.- M.: Humanitarian, ed. VLADOS center, 2006.- 182 p.: ill.- (Correctional pedagogy).
  2. Belyanin V.P. Psycholinguistics. Textbook/V.P.Belyanin. – 2nd ed. – M.: Flint: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2004. – 232 p.
  3. Vorobyova V.K. Methods for the development of coherent speech in children with systemic speech underdevelopment: textbook. allowance / V.K. Vorobyov. - M.: ACT: Astrel: Transitbook, 2006. - 158 p. - (Graduate School)
  4. Galperin I.R. Text as an object of linguistic research. – M.: Publishing house “Nauka”, 1981. – 140 p.
  5. Gvozdev A.N. Questions of studying children's speech / A.N. Gvozdev. - M.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the RSFSR, 1961. - T.1. – 472 p.
  6. Glukhov V.P. Fundamentals of psycholinguistics: textbook. manual for students of pedagogical universities. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2005. – 351, p. - (Graduate School).
  7. Glukhov V.P. Formation of coherent speech in children preschool age with general speech underdevelopment. - M.: ARKTI, 2002. - 144 p. (Beep from a practicing speech therapist).
  8. Zhukova N.S. and others. Speech therapy. Overcoming general speech underdevelopment in preschool children: Book. for speech therapist / N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva. - Ekaterinburg: Publishing house ARD LTD, 1998. - 320 p. (Series “Learning by Playing”)
  9. Krivovyazova N. D. Teaching coherent speech: Educational and methodological manual. – M.: NMCentr, 2000.
  10. Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Correction of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children (formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure). – St. Petersburg: SOYUZ, 1999. – 160 p.; ill.
  11. Leontyev A.A. Language, speech, speech activity. – M.: Krasand, 2010.- 2016s.
  12. Speech therapy: Textbook for students of defectology. fak. ped. universities / Ed. L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhovskaya. — M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 1998. - 680 p.
  13. Luria A.R. Language and consciousness / Ed. E.D. Chomsky. – M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 1979. – 320 p.
  14. Overcoming general speech underdevelopment in preschool children. Educational and methodological manual / Ed. ed. T.V. Volosovets. - M.: V. Sekachev, 2007. - 224 p.
  15. Speech development of preschool children: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden / Ed. F. Sokhina. - 2nd ed., rev. - M.: Education, 1979. - 223 p., ill.
  16. Rubinshtein S.L. Basics general psychology- St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Peter", 2000 - 712 pp.: ill. – (Series “Masters of Psychology”).
  17. Singaevskaya O.V., Soboleva A.V. Development of coherent speech of preschoolers // Speech therapy today. — 2011 — No. 2. — P.26-30
  18. Dictionary of a practical psychologist. - M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998. //
  19. Tikheyeva E.I. Development of speech in children (early and preschool age. - M.: Education, 1981 //
  20. Tishina L.A., Tolpegina A.S. Skill building brief retelling in younger schoolchildren with severe speech impairments//School speech therapist. – 2010 - No. — P.67-73
  21. Tkachenko T.A. We learn to speak correctly. System for correcting general speech underdevelopment in 6-year-old children. A manual for educators, speech therapists and parents. – M.: “Publishing house GNOM and D”, 2003. – 112 p.
  22. Ushakova O.S. Speech development in preschoolers. - M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2001. - 256 p.
  23. Filicheva T.B. et al. Fundamentals of speech therapy: Textbook. manual for pedagogical students. Institute for specialties “Pedagogy and psychology (preschool)” / T.B. Filicheva, N.A. Cheveleva, G.V. Chirkina.- M.: Education, 1989.-223 p.: ill.
  24. Filicheva T.B. Features of speech formation in preschool children. Monograph. – M., 2000. – 314 p.
  25. Tseytlin S.N. Language and the child: Linguistics of children's speech: Proc. aid for students higher schools, institutions. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2000. - 240 p.
  26. Elkonin D. B. Development of oral and writing students /Ed. V.V. Davydov, T.A. Nezhnova. - M.: INTOR, 1998. - 112 p.

1. Arefieva L.N. Lexical topics on the development of speech of children 4-8 years old. Methodical manual/ L.N. Arefieva. - M.: Sfera, 2008. - 73 p.

2. Bogomolova A.I. Pronunciation disorders in children: a manual for speech therapists / A.I. Bogomolov. - M.: Education, 1979. - 208 p.

3. Burlakina O.V. Sets of exercises for the formation of correct speech breathing / O.V. Burlakina. - SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2012. - 80 p.

4. Volkova G.A. Methodology for psychological and speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders. Issues of differential diagnosis: educational method. allowance / G.A. Volkova. - SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2003. - 144 p.

5. Gavrisheva L.B. Speech therapy chants, musical finger gymnastics and outdoor games / L.B. Gavrisheva, N.V. Nishcheva. - SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2010. - 32 p.

6. Gogoleva M.Yu. Logorhythmics in kindergarten / M.Yu. Gogoleva. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006. - 120 p.

7. Diagnosis of speech disorders in children and organization speech therapy work in the conditions of a preschool educational institution: Sat. method. rec. - SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2000. - 240 p.

9. Zhukova N.S. Overcoming general speech underdevelopment in children: educational. - method. allowance / N.S. Zhukova. - M.: Sotspolit. zhurn., 1994. - 96 p.

10. Kozhevnikova D.V. Home speech therapist. Practical guide / D.V. Kozhevnikova, P.V. Kozhevnikov. - 2009. - 256 p.

11. Kozyreva L.M. Sound warm-ups and exercises to improve reading technique. Speech therapy manual / L.M. Kozyreva. - M.: Publishing school 2000. - 144 p.

12. Kondratenko I.Yu. We pronounce sounds correctly. Speech therapy exercises/ I.Yu. Kondratenko. - M.: Iris-press, 2009. - 64 p.

13. Correction of sound pronunciation in children: didactic materials/auth. - comp.L.E. Kylasova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - 367 p.

14. Correction of speech and non-speech disorders in preschool children: diagnostics, classes, exercises, games / author. - comp. N.P. Meshcheryakova, E.V. Zubovich, S.V. Leontyev. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. - 141 p.

15. Krupenchuk O.I. Teach me to speak correctly. Methodical manual / O.I. Krupenchuk. - St. Petersburg: Litera, 2005.

16. Lalaeva R.I. Formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment / R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova. - SPb.: UNION, 2001. - 224 s.

17. Speech therapy games for preschoolers (with application). Benefit / S.V. Vasilyeva, N. Sokolova. - M.: School press, 2001. - 78 p.

18. Speech therapy / edited by L.S. Volkova. - M.: VLADOS, 2004. - 704 p.

19. Methods for examining children’s speech: a manual for the diagnosis of speech disorders / ed. G.V. Chirkina. - M.: ARKTI, 2003. - 240 p.

20. Nishcheva N.V. Program of correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group kindergarten for children with special needs (from 4 to 7 years) / N.V. Nishcheva. - SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2007. - 352 p.

21. Nishcheva N.V. Texts and pictures for automation and differentiation of sounds of different groups: Educational manual / N.V. Nishcheva. - SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2013. - 112 p.

22. Fundamentals of speech therapy with a workshop on sound pronunciation: textbook. manual / ed. T.V. Volosovets. - M.: Academy, 2002. - 200 p.

23. Fundamentals of speech therapy work with children: textbook. allowance / under general ed. G.V. Chirkina. - M.: ARKTI, 2003. - 240 p.

24. Polyakova M.A. Self-instruction manual on speech therapy. Universal guide / M. Polyakova. - M.: Iris - press, 2009. - 208 p.

25. Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in preschool children: educational method. allowance / under general ed. T.V. Volosovets. - M.: Institute of General Humanitarian Studies, 2002. - 256 p.

26. Preschool programs educational institutions compensatory type for children with speech impairments. Correction of speech disorders / author-comp. G.V. Chirkina. - M.: Education, 2010. - 271 p.

27. Savelyeva E.305 funny riddles in verse. Practical guide / E. Savelyeva. - Novosibirsk: Standard, 2008. - 105 p.

28. Filicheva T.B. Raising and teaching preschool children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. Program and methodological recommendations for a compensatory preschool educational institution / T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina. - M.: Education, 2008. - 32 p.

29. Filicheva T.B. Elimination of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children: a practical guide / T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina. - M.: Iris-press, 2004. - 224 p.

30. Chirkina G.V. Education and training of preschool children with speech disorders / G.V. Chirkina. - M.: Iris-press, 2008. - 224 p.

Dear readers!

We offer you a list of books and journal articles on correctional speech therapy work for 2016. The proposed literature is recommended both to specialists and educators working with children with speech disorders, and to parents to help organize speech therapy work with a child at home.

Veselova E. I. Games and exercises for every day for children 4-5 years old with special needs: part 2[Text] / E. I. Veselova, E. M. Skryabina. - M.: Sfera, 2015. - 64 p. — (Speech therapist library).

The book contains games and exercises for every day lexical topics, aimed at correcting psycho-speech impairment in children 4-5 years old with OHP. The second part presents classes from January to May.

Vorzheva, L. V. From the experience of interaction between a speech therapist and parents[Text] / L. V. Vorzheva // Preschool pedagogy. - 2016. - No. 3. — P. 42-45.

Scenario parent meeting in the preparatory speech therapy group “Magazine for boys, girls, and their parents.”

Gavrishova, E. Quest - game form comprehensive solution educational tasks in the correctional group[Text] / E. Gavrishova, O. Berezka, S. Zvyagintseva, V. Milenko // Preschool education. - 2016. - No. 5. — P. 79-84.

Games are the most meaningful form, a method of teaching and mastering social experience for preschoolers. New popular games among young people include quests. Characteristic feature Such games are a logical step-by-step solution of problems to achieve the set goal.

Gladkovskaya, L. M. Speech therapy work in a comprehensive system for overcoming stuttering in preschoolers[Text] / L. M. Gladkovskaya // Preschool pedagogy. - 2016. - No. 8. — P. 51-52.

Experience in using various techniques in the work of a speech therapist.

Gorbacheva, A. D. Development of the syntactic aspect of speech of preschoolers with disabilities in conditions speech therapy center [Text] / A. D. Gorbacheva // Preschool pedagogy. - 2016. - No. 8. — P. 48-51.

Gorbunova, E. Interrelation of violations fine motor skills with speech disorders in preschool children[Text] / E. Gorbunova, V. Yusupov, A. Artamonov // Preschool education. - 2016. - No. 8. — P. 62-67.

Gutsal, I. Yu. What is good, what is bad? Correctional and developmental classes for children of senior preschool age [Text] / I. Yu. Gutsal, G. V. Mishchenko. - M.: Sfera, 2015. - 64 p.

The manual presents correctional and developmental activities developed by a teacher-psychologist and speech therapist that will help in game form solve the problems of moral education, based on the capabilities of older preschoolers with disabilities.

Zhantimirova, D. K. Master class for parents “Correction of sound pronunciation in preschool children”[Text] / D. K. Zhantimirova // Preschool pedagogy. - 2016. - No. 2. — P. 63-67.

Description of the course of the master class for parents, in order to attract them to working together on correction of sound pronunciation in children.

Zakharova, L. V. Calendar-thematic planning of correctional and preventive work with children of the second junior group[Text] / L. V. Zakharova // Preschool pedagogy. - 2016. - No. 2. — P. 53-57.

Kirsanova, N. A. Summary of joint activities on logorhythmics with children of middle preschool age with severe speech impairment (SSD) [Text] / N. A. Kirsanova, Yu. N. Sukhanova // Preschool pedagogy. - 2016. - No. 5. — P. 36-38.

Larina, L.Yu. GCD for the development of coherent speech in senior group. Retelling of the story by K.D. Ushinsky “Brave Swallow” [Text] / L.Yu. Larina // Preschool pedagogy. – 2016. – No. 9. – pp. 45-46.

Ogloblina I. Yu. Speech therapy massage: games and exercises for children of early and preschool age[Text] / I. Yu. Ogloblina, S. Yu. Tantsyura. - M.: Sfera, 2015. - 64 p. — (Speech therapist library).

The manual proposes a method of speech therapy massage, presents sets of articulation exercises and various options for the development of fine motor skills with elements of massage.

Peregudova, T. S. System of games and exercises for the prevention and correction of speech disorders in children 5-8 years old[Text] / T. S. Peregudova, E. V. Balakireva // Preschool pedagogy. - 2016. - No. 8. — P. 44-47.

Sagitova, A. F. Information and creative project “Child in the world of fairy tales”[Text] / A. F. Sagitova // Preschool pedagogy. - 2016. - No. 2. — pp. 24-28.

For children in the speech therapy group, the project method allows them to increase self-esteem, overcome timidity and shyness, and express their emotions.

Sapronova, O.V. Modern technologies speech therapy work with preschoolers with disabilities in a combined preschool educational institution [Text] / O.V. Sapronova // Preschool pedagogy. – 2016. – No. 9. – P.34-38.

Serebrennikova, S. Psychological and pedagogical correction of the components of communicative skills of preschoolers with speech impairments [Text] / S. Serebrennikova, M. Ruuz // Preschool education. - 2016. - No. 1. — P. 91-97.

Smirnova, I. A. Principles of speech therapy diagnosis of speech development disorders in preschool children[Text] / I. A. Smirnova // Preschool pedagogy. - 2016. - No. 5. - pp. 16-18.

When conducting diagnostics, a speech therapist, in addition to general pedagogical principles, should adhere to such principles as functional, ontogenetic, the principle of a qualified assessment of problems in speech development, and deontological.

Soldatova, N. Selection of poems for the favorable development of a preschooler’s personality[Text] / N. Soldatova, O. Pokrovskaya // Preschool education. - 2016. - No. 4. — P. 48-52.

A selection of poems for use by a specialist in correctional work in senior and preparatory speech therapy groups Oh.

Sysoeva, I. V. Physical education and speech[Text]: instructor interaction on physical culture and speech therapist teachers in working with children with general speech underdevelopment / I. V. Sysoeva // Preschooler’s health. - 2016. - No. 1. — P. 20-21.

Dance, S. Yu. Together with the baby. Games and exercises for speech development of children 2-4 years old[Text] / S. Yu. Dance. - M.: Sfera, 2015. - 64 p.

The book reveals the peculiarities of communication between children 2-4 years old with various disabilities, presents diagnostics, describes correctional and developmental work, and contains advice for parents.

Tarakannikova, V.V. Didactic multifunctional manual “Govorushka” (speech therapy mitten)[Text] / V.V. Tarakannikova // Preschool pedagogy. - 2016. - No. 5. — P. 67-70.

Description of activities and games with a homemade mitten toy that has an opening mouth and a movable tongue.

Tarakannikova, V.V. Project of the week “Visiting Happy Tongue» [Text] / V.V. Tarakannikova // Preschool pedagogy. - 2016. - No. 6. — P. 33-38.

Description and examples articulation gymnastics for making sounds.

Fedoseeva, N.N. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech in preschool children speech therapy classes[Text] / N.N. Fedoseeva // Preschool pedagogy. – 2016. – No. 9. – P.38-41.

Shinyakova, T.V. "Piglet Funtik and his friends." Summary of a subgroup lesson on developing the skills of sound analysis and pronunciation formation. Sound “f” [Text] / T.V. Shinyakova // Preschool pedagogy. – 2016. – No. 9. – P.42-44.

Good afternoon, dear visitors of this site! On this page we present you with a list of literature on speech therapy, with a detailed description e-books. Anyone can download the literature that you may need in the course of your work, if you are a professional speech therapist or defectologist, an oligophrenopedagogist or psychologist, a kindergarten teacher or a parent of a child. The presented literature on speech therapy may be of help in your home if you yourself want to help your child pronounce words better, teach him to write correctly, etc.

The literature was written by specialists who have accumulated experience practical experience on working with children. Therefore, the practical benefits are tangible for parents who want to help their child. The tasks in the literature on working with children are quite simple; parents without practical skills easily master the material presented. We will replenish as soon as possible electronic library. We hope it will help children in need of your care.

Literature (books, articles) is intended for personal use, not for commercial purposes

Speech therapist literature in pdf format

Literature from site visitors

I live in a small village with a population of approximately 9,000 people. There are practically no books on speech therapy in our library. It is not always possible to buy the necessary books on speech therapy, and there is nowhere to store them. You often have to search for free books on the Internet, which takes a lot of time. Sometimes you find a book on the Internet that seems to be what you need. But only after familiarizing yourself with its contents in detail do you understand to what percentage you can use it in your work. I decided to help your site by sending books to replenish the electronic library.

Karelskaya E. G. Speech therapy alphabet for talkers and literate people.

The material in the book can be used for speech development in kindergartens, literacy classes, extracurricular reading and Russian language in primary school. It is perfect for teaching children with speech problems. The author of the book is a speech therapist.

Kislyakova, Yu. N. Bylino M.V. Speech development.Entertaining games and exercises

The manual presents practical material within 14 lexical topics for correctionspecial classes “Formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and coherent speech” in accordance with the content of the program “Education and education of children with severe speech impairments”.

Komarova, L.A. Sound Automation(R, Rb, L, L, Zh, Sh, Ts, ChShch, S, Z) in game exercises.Preschooler's album / L.A. Komarova. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2008. - 32 p.(10 books)

Olga Novikovskaya. Home speech therapist. Poems for speech development. 4-7 years

Baryaeva L.B., Loginova E.T., Lopatina L.V.

Workbook. I speak! Exercises with pictograms.

I am a Child!

Child and natural phenomena

Child in the family

I. Svetlova. Home speech therapist.

500 verses for charging reeds. Ageeva I.D. 2010

The collection includes entertaining poems, rhymes, sayings, ditties aimed at developing speech, automation and differentiation of sounds in children's pronunciation. A variety of rhyming humorous material will delight and make friends with difficult-to-pronounce sounds.

Zhuravleva A, Fedienko V. Home speech therapy.

Modern domestic and foreign techniques.

Book for parents and children

Kulikovskaya T.A. Speech therapy tongue twisters and rhymes, Gnome and D, 2008

Speech material for automating sounds in children: a manual for teachers and parents. This manual is intended for automating difficult consonant sounds С, Сь, 3, Зь, Ц, Ш, Ж, Шч, Ш, Л, Ль, Р, Рь in children and adults with speech disorders. The manual consists of three parts. In the first part of the manual, it is proposed to practice correct pronunciation by repeating the author's pure sayings. In the second part, children are offered speech therapy rhymes to repeat and memorize. The third part presents the author's tongue twisters. They are written in a humorous manner, so they are easy to understand and remember. Working on this manual is effective both for correcting persistent pronunciation defects and for developing good diction. The manual is addressed to teachers (speech therapists, teachers of speech therapy groups, tutors) and parents.

Sakharova I.I. Pure sayings in pictures. Sweetie.

The teaching aid “Pure Sayers in Pictures” is intended for working with preschool children who have problems with the pronunciation side of speech. The material in the manual will help to reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds in children, teach them to rhyme, and also master reading different types of syllables.
The manual is addressed to parents, speech therapists, teachers primary school, preschool teachers.

Ryzhankova E.N., Bulanovich N.I. Pronouncing the sound L correctly. Workbook for preschoolers

The manual presents games and exercises aimed at automating the sound L in preschool children. Recommended for teachers of preschool educational institutions, parents, speech therapists. The proposed material helps to consolidate the child’s speech correct pronunciation sound L, as well as the development of phonemic perception, fine motor skills of the fingers, improvement of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, and the development of higher mental functions of preschoolers.

Novikova E.V. Speech therapy alphabet. Book 2. From word to sentence

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