Turkish language test online. Turkish language exam Tömer. Structure of the Turkish language test and assessment

The process of learning Turkish is divided into 3 levels:

  • Basic (temel)
  • Middle (orta)
  • Supreme (yüksek)

Each course contains 12 sections (ünite) including 1-2 lexical and 5-6 grammatical topics. For each level, a special set of educational materials developed by teachers and methodologists is offered:

  • textbook (YENİ HİTİT Ders Kitabı),
  • workbook (YENİ HİTİT Çalışma Kitabı),
  • audio materials in Turkish, as well as additional materials.

Approximate number of academic hours for each level:

  • Temel 1 A0 – A1 90 ac. h.
  • Temel 2 A2 90 ac. h.
  • Orta B1 160 ac. h.
  • Yüksek 1 B2 90 ac.h
  • Yüksek 2 C1 90 ac.h

If you have already studied Turkish before, you can come and take a free test to determine your level of language proficiency.

The objective of each course is to develop the following active skills:

DİKTE: skills of reproducing spoken language in written form.

OKUMA-ANLAMA: reading and written comprehension skills.

DİNLEME-ANLAMA: skills of understanding oral dialogic and monologue speech in Turkish.

KONUŞMA: skills of dialogical (conversation in a certain situation) and monological (messages, reports) oral speech in Turkish.

YAZILI ANLATIM: skills of expressing one’s own thoughts and ideas in writing on a specific or free topic in Turkish.

These courses are also aimed at mastering grammar (DİLBİLGİSİ) and developing an active vocabulary (SÖZLÜ ANLATIM) of the student.

FOR EXAMPLE: Upon completion of the Temel1 A0-A1 course, you will be able to speak Turkish sufficiently to understand modern Turkish speech, read unadapted texts and communicate in all kinds of situations. Your vocabulary at the end of this course will be about a thousand lexical units.

During the course you will learn: to compare people and objects in Turkish, to reason in Turkish about various types of activities; conduct a conversation in Turkish about the events that took place; discuss plans for the future, use the subjunctive mood in speech, perceive authentic Turkish speech quite freely, read simple, non-adapted texts. And also: talk in Turkish about yourself, your home and family, look for a job, have an interview, write a resume, order food, bargain at the market, navigate the city, describe the places you have visited. Turkish culture: You will learn what Turks eat, what holiday destinations they prefer, how they spend their holidays, what they buy and where, what they like to do in their free time, what films they watch. Get acquainted with famous singers and their creations, customs and traditions of Turkey. The subject of discussion in each lesson is various aspects of modern Turkish culture: literature, cinema, society, lifestyle, family, etc.

The Turkish Test is a certification exam that measures the level of proficiency in Turkish as a foreign language through a computer using the Internet. Exams are conducted at test centers in Turkey and abroad.

The Turkish test is taken only on the basis of testing using computers via the Internet and consists of five main sections:


This section assesses listening skills, then the test taker is given multiple choice questions based on what they heard.

Reading (Comprehension of text)

Reading comprehension is assessed using multiple-choice test questions.


Here the test taker's grammar skills are tested; the section consists of questions on Turkish grammar with multiple-choice answers.


This section assesses the test taker's speaking level. This is done in two different ways, namely in the form of a short conversation and an oral monologue.

Dialogue: Users are asked questions that must be answered verbally.

Monologue: users are given the opportunity to answer the question posed orally; in writing, they can outline the basis and points of their answer. There should be a long answer in this section. (At least 3-5 minutes)


This section consists of questions that assess skills in using Turkish in writing.

Who can take the Turkish language test?

People who want to evaluate their language skills, those who want to study at a university in Turkey, those who participate in a scholarship program in Turkey, those who want to have a certificate of knowledge of the Turkish language, which they need to communicate fluently in their business environment.

Turkish entrance test fees

Entrance Test Fee $3

A1 Level Exam fee $50

A2 Level Exam fee $50

B1 Level Exam fee $50

B2 Level Exam fee $50

C1 Level Exam $100

Re-entry into the Turkish language test

Candidates who want to check the first test date can re-enter after a month. In this case, candidates will apply the highest scores obtained from the Turkish test.

Candidate test ratings with detailed test results report (correct number of questions, number of incorrect questions) After evaluating the login done with the username and password of the Turkish “candidate”, the test can be seen on the page.


Candidates may request a re-evaluation of test results after receiving Turkish test results. Certificates

International Turkish criteria for assessing language testing in accordance with European ones, a total of 5 levels:

A 1/A 2 (main), B1 / B2 (medium), C (advanced)

Success Criteria for Certification Exams

A1 / A2 (Basic), B1 / B2 (intermediate), C (advanced) level the candidate must score a total of at least 55% of the points. B2 and C1 level must score at least 50%.

Certification validity period

From the date of receipt, the certificate is valid for 2 years.

Request for a new certificate

If a certificate is lost or damaged, a new certificate will be issued with an additional fee of $10.

The Tömer certificate/diploma is the most quoted diploma for foreigners confirming their level of proficiency in the Turkish language. As a rule, it is required when applying to Turkish universities, it can be useful when applying for a job in Turkey, and it will not hurt when applying for citizenship, when you will need to prove your knowledge of Turkish by passing an exam in the Turkish language.

The Tömer Center itself appeared in 1984 at Ankara University as a language center teaching Turkish to foreigners. Since then, branches have been opened in Istanbul, Antalya, Trabzon, Denizli and other cities. In 2014, there are 11 branches and Tömer headquarters in Turkey.

The Tömer exam tests candidates' knowledge of the Turkish language at five levels: from A1 to C1.

Structure of the Turkish language test and assessment

The test lasts 195 minutes. During the exam, all basic language skills are tested: reading, listening comprehension, writing and speaking. One of the sections of the test is devoted to grammar tasks.

The exam results become known 10 days after passing. If you have reached levels A1-B2, you will receive a certificate, and those who have proven their knowledge of Turkish at level C1 will receive a diploma. True, you will have to wait a long time for the diploma, up to 6 months, since it comes from Ankara.

You can take the Tömer Turkish language proficiency exam at one of the branches in Turkey. Of course, this is not the most convenient option for Russian citizens, so they can remotely take the Uzaktan Türkçe Sınavı exam, which is no different from the real Tömer exam. It can be taken in Moscow, at the Dialogue center, the official partner of the Tömer center in Russia.

TÖMER Exam is the logical conclusion of the Turkish language courses, which can be taken at 10 training centers in Turkey. However, it is not necessary to take such courses directly at TÖMER training centers. You can study Turkish at home on your own, at Turkish language courses in your hometown, or study with a Turkish language tutor via Skype; in the end, it’s your own business. But you will still have to take TÖMER in Turkey.

In order to pass the exam, you will need to pass a preliminary test, during which the TÖMER teacher will determine your level and the level of the exam to which you will be admitted. This complexity, at first glance, upon careful and calm examination (even with a cup of Turkish coffee or a hookah) turns out to be an excellent advantage of organizing a Turkish language exam compared to other exams. Judge for yourself, often our ambitions are higher than our capabilities and we can declare that we are ready to take the exam at level C1, although we ourselves barely reach B2. As a result, we have unnecessary unjustified expenses that did not result in obtaining a diploma, a sharp drop in self-esteem and the collapse of goals associated with successfully passing TOEFL, IELTS, DELE or any other language exam. Before TÖMER, a qualified specialist will soberly assess your capabilities. The head of the relevant TÖMER department then determines the date of your exam. Due to the fact that Turkish language exams are held on certain days, it may be necessary to wait a couple of days for this event. During this time you can pay for the exam. If you are applying for a certificate (basic and intermediate levels), then you will have to pay 200 Turkish lira, if for a diploma (highest level) - 350 Turkish lira.

As for the levels of Turkish language proficiency, there are 3 of them, namely: temel, or in our opinion basic, orta - intermediate and yüksek - highest.

The exam itself is traditionally divided into 5 parts:

  • Reading. You receive a text in Turkish and 25 test questions for it. You must demonstrate reading comprehension when answering the questions. In order for such a demonstration to be successful, you must “guess” the answers to at least 15 questions.
  • Sözlü anlatım. In this task, the examinee receives a text and written versions of questions, which the examiner will read out after reading the text. You will have to verbally not only answer the questions posed, but also express your opinion on this or that question raised in the text. The goal of this part for you will be the next 15 points out of a possible 25.
  • Karşılıklı konuşma- another oral part of the exam, but if in the previous part your skills in argumentation and monologue construction were tested, here you and your partner (who is also taking the exam) will be asked to act out some dialogue on everyday topics. In this task, 15 points is the maximum, and your task is a minimum of 9 points.
  • Dinleme, or listening. You will be offered a recording and 25 test questions about what you listened to, and if you manage to answer at least 15 of them, then you have passed this part of the exam.
  • Yazılı anlatım- this is the crown of the exam. You will be asked to write a short essay (about 100 words), where it is important not only to be grammatically and lexically correct, but also to follow the rules of text construction. The specific weight of this task is not so great, a maximum of 10 points, of which 6 are the minimum credit.

Thus, your goal is to score at least 60%, but you will not be able to compensate for poor writing with good grammar. TÖMER developers from Ankara Metropolitan University have taken utmost care to ensure that your knowledge of the Turkish language is assessed as comprehensively as possible.

What distinguishes the Turkish language exam from all other language exams is that the test results are checked directly during the test, and you can find out your result immediately after checking the essay.

And if everything worked out for you, then leave two photographs of yourself required for the document on passing the exam at the examination center and go wait.

You have to wait 2 weeks for the certificate (it is signed by the head of the TÖMER department in which the exam was taken). But the diploma will have to wait a little longer - 2 months, although in reality it could be twice as long. This is due to the fact that such a document is signed personally by the rector of the university in Ankara. Receiving the document also involves some inconvenience. TÖMER sends such documents only within Turkey, but it will not be possible to receive it by mail abroad. However, if you have friends, acquaintances or relatives in Turkey, they may well receive your document at their home address (if you indicate it) or pick it up in person at the center; no official documents are required for this. While the documents are being processed, you receive a kind of certificate stating that you have passed such an exam.

More information about the exam, preparation materials and other useful information can be found on the special TÖMER page on the Ankara University website.

Turkish is not very popular among the languages ​​people choose to learn. Basically, they prefer to study English, German, French or Italian. The difficulty in learning Turkish is that it is difficult to find the necessary educational material on your own. Therefore, they resort to the services of private tutors who conduct their classes in groups or individually with each student.

Today online learning is very popular. Online courses are intended for those who are just beginning to learn the basics of the language, as well as for those who have studied the language for a long time, but have forgotten it over time. An online Turkish tutor conducts his lessons using Skype, and an individual training program is selected for each listener. The training program depends on the wishes and needs of the students. Turkish language lessons via Skype cover three main stages. At the first stage, the grammar and vocabulary of the language is studied using knowledge in practical classes. At the second stage, practical classes are conducted to improve conversation and vocabulary. At the third stage, classes are conducted on listening comprehension. Learning Turkish online will not take much time. After completing the training, you will be able to speak freely on various topics: talk about yourself, your hobbies, and occupation.

If you want to not only speak, but also watch films, read newspapers and magazines, then in this case it would be rational to study the language more thoroughly.

For those who want to do this, there are five levels of in-depth study with an online Turkish tutor.

First level. Here they teach the very basics of communication skills. Grammar pays attention to verbs, their inflections, as well as the construction of simple sentences and the coordination of different forms of nouns.

Second level. Involves a more in-depth study of materials, with thematic studies beginning. For example, themes of theater and cinema are touched upon. The future tense and conditional moods appear in grammar.

Third level. The main task of this level is understanding fluent speech. This is where the topics for discussion become more complex. These could be topics related to visiting a doctor or talking with a government official. Modern literature, culture and traditions of the Turkish people are also studied.

Fourth level. At this stage of training, the acquired knowledge of the lexical and grammatical foundations of the language is deepened. And the preparation of students for passing exams begins.

Fifth level. It is the most advanced and high-quality level of training. At this level they no longer teach anything; here the acquired knowledge is consolidated. Topics that relate to all aspects of modern life in Turkey are discussed. Listeners can already speak fluently and have enough information for free conversation, as well as for reading scientific and specific literature.

Today, the most popular online courses are courses that prepare for travel. An online Turkish language tutor can quickly prepare everyone.

Material prepared by:
Elena Berezhnaya.

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