The earth rotates around its hyphal axis. Earth movement and sunlight

The Earth is constantly in motion, rotating around the Sun and around its own axis. This movement and the constant tilt of the Earth's axis (23.5°) determines many of the effects that we observe as normal phenomena: night and day (due to the rotation of the Earth on its axis), the change of seasons (due to the tilt of the Earth's axis), and different climate V various areas. Globes can be rotated and their axis is tilted like the Earth’s axis (23.5°), so with the help of a globe you can trace the movement of the Earth around its axis quite accurately, and with the help of the Earth-Sun system you can trace the movement of the Earth around the Sun.

Rotation of the Earth around its axis

The Earth rotates on its own axis from west to east (counterclockwise when viewed from the North Pole). It takes the Earth 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.09 seconds to complete one full revolution on its own axis. Day and night are caused by the rotation of the Earth. Angular velocity The Earth's rotation around its axis, or the angle through which any point on the Earth's surface rotates, is the same. It is 15 degrees in one hour. But the linear speed of rotation anywhere at the equator is approximately 1,669 kilometers per hour (464 m/s), decreasing to zero at the poles. For example, the rotation speed at latitude 30° is 1445 km/h (400 m/s).
We do not notice the rotation of the Earth for the simple reason that in parallel and simultaneously with us all objects around us move at the same speed and there are no “relative” movements of objects around us. If, for example, a ship moves uniformly, without acceleration or braking, through the sea in calm weather without waves on the surface of the water, we will not feel at all how such a ship is moving if we are in a cabin without a porthole, since all objects inside the cabin will be move parallel with us and the ship.

Movement of the Earth around the Sun

While the Earth rotates around its own axis, it also rotates around the Sun from west to east counterclockwise when viewed from north pole. It takes the Earth one sidereal year (about 365.2564 days) to complete one full revolution around the Sun. The path of the Earth around the Sun is called the Earth's orbit and this orbit is not perfectly round. The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is approximately 150 million kilometers, and this distance varies up to 5 million kilometers, forming a small oval orbit (ellipse). The point in the Earth's orbit closest to the Sun is called Perihelion. The earth passes this point in early January. The point of the Earth's orbit farthest from the Sun is called Aphelion. The earth passes this point in early July.
Since our Earth moves around the Sun along an elliptical path, the speed along the orbit changes. In July, the speed is minimal (29.27 km/sec) and after passing aphelion (upper red dot in the animation) it begins to accelerate, and in January the speed is maximum (30.27 km/sec) and begins to slow down after passing perihelion (lower red dot ).
While the Earth makes one revolution around the Sun, it covers a distance equal to 942 million kilometers in 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 9.5 seconds, that is, we rush along with the Earth around the Sun with average speed 30 km per second (or 107,460 km per hour), and at the same time the Earth rotates around its own axis once every 24 hours (365 times per year).
In fact, if we consider the movement of the Earth more scrupulously, then it is much more complex, since the Earth is influenced by various factors: rotation of the Moon around the Earth, attraction of other planets and stars.

Practical work 1.4 on the topic


9th grade

Hardware and software. Computer with operating system installed Windows 7, application Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, graphic editor GIMP 2.4, editor MacromediaFlashProfessional 8 .

Purpose of the work. Learn to create animation in presentations, GIF and flash animation.

Task 1. Create an animated motion of the Earth around the Sun in your presentation.

Task 2. Create a GIF animation of "Earth Rotation" from a set of raster GIF images showing the sequential positions of the Earth.

Task 3. Create a flash animation of the sequential transformation of a blue square into a green triangle and a red circle.

Task 1. Animation in the presentation

    Launch presentation software Microsoft PowerPoint 2013. Select an empty presentation.

    On a slide using the command [ Insert - Shapes]draw a yellow circle ( Sun), then run the command [ Insert - Drawings].

In the dialog box Inserting a picture select file Earth. gif (My documents – 9th grade – Blanks – Drawings).

Let's create an animated movement of the Earth around the Sun and the rotation of the Earth by specifying animation effects.

Let's set up the animation effects so that they start simultaneously and end only with the transition to the next slide.

    On the panel Animation area select the inserted animation effects one by one and in the context menu, called up by clicking on the “arrow” to the right of the effect, select the command Effect Options

In the dialog box that appears, tabs Effect And Time set animation effects parameters:

    Run the presentation with the command [ Slide Show - From Current Slide] and watch the rotation Earth around Sun and its own axis. If necessary, make amendments to the work.

Task 2. Creating GIF animation using a raster graphics editor GIMP

Let's load a set of raster images into the raster editor showing the sequential positions of the Earth.

    Launch editor GIMP command [ Start – All Programs –GIMP GIMP 2 ].

Using the command [ File – Open…] sequentially load files 1 into the image windows. gif – 14. gif from folder ( My documents – 9th grade – Blanks – Drawings – Earth). Select image files simultaneously 1. gif – 14. gif and press Open.

Copy images 2 sequentially. gif – 14. gif in the window with image 1. gif.

    In the image window2. gif enter the command [ Edit - Copy].

In image window 1. gif enter the command [ Layer–Create Layer] (layer fill type is transparent), then [ Edit – Paste into...].

    In the image window 3. gif enter the command [ Edit - Copy].

In image window 1. gif enter the command [ Layer–Create Layer], then [ Edit – Paste into...].

    Repeat steps 2-3 for all remaining images.

Let's look at the result

    In image window 1. gif run command [ Filters – Animation – Playback…]A dialog box will open. Playing a movie.

Let's save the resulting image as a GIF animation.

    In image window 1. gif run command [ File - Save As...].

In the window that opens Saving an image specify the path to your own folder and name the file Earth.

In the dialog box that appears Export file set the switch to position Save as animation and click on the button Export.

Practical work 1.4


Hardware and software. A computer with the Windows 7 operating system installed, Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 application, GIMP 2.4 graphic editor, MacromediaFlashProfessional 8 editor.

Purpose of the work. Learn to create animation in presentations, GIF and flash animation.

Task 1. Create an animated motion of the Earth around the Sun in your presentation.

Task 2. Create an "Earth Rotation" GIF from a set of bitmap GIFs showing sequential positions of the Earth.

Task 3. Create a flash animation of the sequential transformation of a blue square into a green triangle and a red circle.

Task 1. Animation in the presentation

    Launch the Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 presentation program. Select an empty presentation.

    On a slide using the command [ Insert - Shapes] draw a yellow circle ( Sun), then run the command [ Insert - Drawings].

In the dialog box Inserting a picture select file Earth. gif ( My documents – 9th grade – Blanks – Drawings).

Let's create an animated movement of the Earth around the Sun and the rotation of the Earth by specifying animation effects.

Let's set up the animation effects so that they start simultaneously and end only with the transition to the next slide.

    On the panel Animation area select the inserted animation effects one by one and in the context menu, called up by clicking on the “arrow” to the right of the effect, select the command Effect Options

In the dialog box that appears, tabs Effect And Time set animation effects parameters:

    Run the presentation with the command [ Slide Show - From Current Slide] and watch the rotation Earth around Sun and its own axis. If necessary, make amendments to the work.

Task 2. Creating GIF animation using the raster graphics editor GIMP

Let's load a set of raster images into the raster editor showing the sequential positions of the Earth.

    Launch the GIMP editor with the command [ Start – All Programs –GIMPGIMP 2 ].

Using the command [ File – Open…] sequentially load files 1. gif – 14. gif from the folder ( My documents – 9th grade – Blanks – Drawings – Earth). Select image files 1. gif – 14. gif at the same time and click Open.

Sequentially copy images 2. gif – 14. gif into the window with image 1. gif.

    In the image window 2. gif enter the command [ Edit - Copy].

Layer – Create Layer] (layer fill type is transparent), then [ Edit - Paste into...].

    In the image window 3.gif, enter the command [ Edit - Copy].

In the image window 1. gif enter the command [ Layer – Create Layer], then [ Edit - Paste into...].

    Repeat steps 2-3 for all remaining images.

Let's look at the result

    Filters – Animation – Playback…]. A dialog box will open Playing a movie.

Let's save the resulting image as a GIF animation.

    In the image window 1.gif execute the command [ File - Save As...].

In the window that opens Saving an image specify the path to your own folder and name the file Earth.

In the dialog box that appears Export file set the switch to position Save like animation and click on the button Export.

“Text Animation” - Type “News”. Design of text with font and color. Inserting pictures using animation. Overhang Rectangle Rotation of text. Different types of slide appearances. Application various types text animations. Type "Vertical checkers". Comic Sans Microsoft Bodoni MT Black. Vertical Merging type.

"Animation" - Graphic figure. To the drawing. Bunnies are inserted in the same way. This way you will know the final position of the moving figure. You can also change the order in which animation effects are executed. Motion paths can be added several times in succession. Then you specify a DOWN move. Then click Animation Settings.

“Volume of a body of rotation” - Problems on the topic “Volumes of bodies of rotation.” Find the volume of the resulting body of revolution.

“Powerpoint Animation” - Draw houses, solve examples, make your own. To start viewing, use the F5 function key. Examine the information in the Animation Settings task area. Click on the first picture of the right book. mouse and in the context menu select Animation settings Execute the sequence of commands: Add effect – Motion paths – Draw a custom path – Drawing curve.

“Animations in Computer Science” - Multimedia. Many of you imagine how cartoonists create their films. One of the leading areas of development of modern information technology. Illustrated graphics. Computer animation. Design graphics. Graphic information and computer. It is used in the work of design engineers and inventors of new technology.

“Bodies of rotation” - By rotating which polygon and about which axis can this geometric body be obtained? What geometric body will be obtained by rotating this triangle about the indicated axis? Calculate the volume of a geometric body obtained by rotation isosceles trapezoid with base sides 6 cm, 8 cm and height 4 cm, near the smaller base?

With the help of this video lesson, you can independently study the topic “Distribution of sunlight and heat.” First, discuss what determines the change of seasons, study the pattern of the Earth’s annual rotation around the Sun, paying special attention to the four dates that are most notable in terms of solar illumination. Then you will find out what determines the distribution of sunlight and heat on the planet and why this happens unevenly.

Rice. 2. Illumination of the Earth by the Sun ()

In winter, the southern hemisphere of the Earth is better illuminated, in summer - the northern.

Rice. 3. Scheme of the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun

Solstice (summer solstice and winter solstice) - moments when the height of the Sun above the horizon at noon is greatest (summer solstice, June 22) or lowest (winter solstice, December 22). southern hemisphere it's the other way around. On June 22, in the northern hemisphere, the greatest illumination by the Sun is observed, the day is longer than the night, and a polar day is observed above the polar circles. In the southern hemisphere, again, the opposite is true (i.e., all this is typical for December 22).

Arctic Circles (Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle) - parallels with northern and southern latitude, respectively, are about 66.5 degrees. North of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle experience polar day (summer) and polar night (winter). The area from the Arctic Circle to the Pole in both hemispheres is called the Arctic. Polar day - the period when the Sun in high latitudes does not fall below the horizon around the clock.

Polar night - the period when the Sun in high latitudes does not rise above the horizon around the clock - a phenomenon opposite to the polar day, observed simultaneously with it at the corresponding latitudes of the other hemisphere.

Rice. 4. Scheme of illumination of the Earth by the Sun by zones ()

Equinox (spring equinox and autumn equinox) - moments when the sun's rays touch both poles and fall vertically on the equator. The spring equinox occurs on March 21, the autumn equinox on September 23. On these days, both hemispheres are illuminated equally, day is equal to night,

The main reason for changes in air temperature is a change in the angle of incidence of the sun's rays: the more vertically they fall on earth's surface, the better they warm it up.

Rice. 5. Angles of incidence of solar rays (at Sun position 2, the rays warm up the earth’s surface better than at position 1) ()

On June 22, the sun's rays fall most vertically on Northern Hemisphere The earth, thereby to the greatest extent warming it up.

Tropics - The Northern Tropic and Southern Tropic are parallels, respectively, with northern and southern latitudes of about 23.5 degrees. On one of the days of the solstice, the Sun is at its zenith at noon above them.

The tropics and polar circles divide the Earth into zones of illumination. Light belts - parts of the Earth's surface limited by the tropics and polar circles and differing in lighting conditions. The warmest light zone is tropical, the coldest is polar.

Rice. 6. Earth's illumination belts ()

The sun is the main luminary, the position of which determines the weather on our planet. The Moon and other cosmic bodies have an indirect influence.

Salekhard is located on the Arctic Circle line. In this city there is an obelisk to the Arctic Circle.

Rice. 7. Obelisk to the Arctic Circle ()

Cities where you can watch the polar night: Murmansk, Norilsk, Monchegorsk, Vorkuta, Severomorsk, etc.


Paragraph 44.

1. Name the days of the solstices and the days of the equinoxes.



1. Beginner course Geography: textbook. for 6th grade. general education institutions / T.P. Gerasimova, N.P. Neklyukova. - 10th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2010. - 176 p.

2. Geography. 6th grade: atlas. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard; DIK, 2011. - 32 p.

3. Geography. 6th grade: atlas. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, DIK, 2013. - 32 p.

4. Geography. 6th grade: cont. maps: M.: DIK, Bustard, 2012. - 16 p.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A.P. Gorkin. - M.: Rosman-Press, 2006. - 624 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Geography: Beginning course: Tests. Textbook manual for 6th grade students. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2011. - 144 p.

2. Tests. Geography. 6-10 grades: Educational and methodological manual/ A.A. Letyagin. - M.: LLC "Agency "KRPA "Olympus": "Astrel", "AST", 2001. - 284 p.

1.Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. Russian geographical society (). ().

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