335th Infantry Division

H Ervoniy Logvin Danilovich - commander of the 121st Guards Gomel Rifle Division of the 13th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front, Guard Major General.

Born on October 16, 1902 in the village of Grushka, Ulyanovsk district, Odessa (now Kirovograd) region in a peasant family. Ukrainian. Incomplete secondary education. In 1916 he graduated from the elementary factory school. He worked as a turner at the March 8 plant in the city of Nikolaev.

In the Red Army since September 1924. In 1929 he graduated from the Odessa Infantry School. From 1924 to August 1938, he served in the 283rd Infantry Regiment of the 95th Infantry Division of the Ukrainian (UVO) and Kyiv (KVO) Military Districts in the positions of: cadet of the regimental school, squad leader, company sergeant major, platoon commander, company commander, chief of 4 - unit, battalion commander. Member of the CPSU(b) since 1931. In 1938, he completed the Shot course in Moscow, after which he returned to the 95th Infantry Division of the Kyiv Special Military District (KOVO) and served as assistant commander of the 90th Infantry Regiment. Since August 1939 - commander of the 406th, 335th and 170th rifle regiments of the 124th and 58th rifle divisions. Liberation campaign participant Soviet troops to Western Ukraine in 1939.

Member of the Great Patriotic War from June 17, 1941. He took part in battles on the Soviet-Hungarian border on the eve of the official start of the war. He was the commander of a rifle regiment, separate rifle and ski brigades, and a rifle division. He fought on the Southwestern, Western, Bryansk, Belorussian, and 1st Ukrainian fronts. In battles he was wounded twice.

- in defensive battles from the Soviet-Hungarian border to the Letichevsky fortified area in the Vinnitsa region - in 1941;
- in battles in the area of ​​the Vytebet and Zhizdra rivers south of the city Belev - in 1942;
- in battles on Kursk Bulge, including in the liberation of the cities of Mtsensk, Orel, in the Bryansk and Gomel operations, including in the liberation of the cities of Mglin, Surazh, in the crossing of the Sozh River with access to the Dnieper River in Belarus - in 1943;
- in the Rivne-Lutsk operation, including the liberation of the city of Rivne, in the battles southwest of the city of Lutsk, in the Lviv-Sandomierz operation, including in the crossing of the San and Vistula rivers, in the liberation of the Polish cities of Yaroslav, Rzeszow, in the battles of Sandomierz bridgehead - in 1944;
- in the Vistula-Oder operation, including the liberation of the cities of Kielce, Piotrkow, in crossing the Oder River with the conquest of a bridgehead, in Berlin operation with access to the Elbe River and the liberation of the city of Wittenberg, in the Prague operation - in 1945.

121st Guards rifle division Under the command of the Guard, Major General Chervonia, on January 15, 1945, with her decisive actions, she ensured the capture of a heavily fortified enemy stronghold in the area of ​​​​the city of Kielce (Poland). On January 27, 1945, units of the division crossed the Oder River near the city of Steinau (Scinawa, Poland), captured and held a bridgehead.

U kazom of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR on April 6, 1945 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against German fascist invaders and the courage and heroism of the Guard shown to Major General Chervoniy Logvin Danilovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin (No. 36833) and the Gold Star medal (No. 4808).

Until 1946, he commanded a division in Czechoslovakia as part of the Central Group of Forces (CGV). In March 1947 he graduated from the Higher Academic Courses at the Academy General Staff, after which he served in the 7th Guards Army Transcaucasian Military District (ZakVO) commander of the 26th mechanized division, and from July 1949 - deputy commander of the 24th Guards rifle corps. Since May 18, 1950, Major General L.D. Chervoniy was retired due to illness.

Lived and worked in the city of Zaporozhye. Died January 29, 1980. He was buried at the Kapustyanoye cemetery in Zaporozhye.

Awarded 3 Orders of Lenin (04/06/1945; 11/15/1950; ...), 3 Orders of the Red Banner (08/12/1943; 07/29/1944; 11/3/1944), Orders of Suvorov 2nd degree (01/15/1944), Orders of Kutuzov 2nd degree (05/29/1945), Patriotic War 2nd degree (04/2/1943), medals “For the liberation of Prague”, “For victory over Germany”, “XXX years of the SA and Navy”, other medals.

Honorary citizen of the city of Rivne.

A street in the city of Rivne was named after the Hero.

As a 14-year-old young man, Logvin Chervoniy, after graduating from a factory school, came to a machine shop and began working as a turner. Oddly enough, but in the subsequent period of chaos of revolutions and Civil War The plant did not stop its activities, only changing its name from Martynovsky to the consonant one - named after March 8. The breeder turned out to be a very resourceful man, he managed to hold out under the Reds, and the Whites, and the Petliurists, and again under the Bolsheviks, smoothly entering the NEP. All this time, Logvin Chervoniy increased his turning experience, in his soul, however, sympathizing with the Bolsheviks and Soviet power not only because of his family name. In September 1924, he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army.

Having linked his fate with the army, Logvin Chervoniy served for 15 years in the same unit - the 95th Infantry Division, mainly in the 283rd Infantry Regiment. It went through all the stages of paint service. He served there as an officer after graduating from the Odessa Infantry School in 1929 and joined the Bolshevik Party. And even after completing the Shot course in Moscow in 1938, Captain Chervoniy returned to the 95th Infantry Division and served for a year as assistant commander of the 90th Infantry Regiment. In the summer of 1939, he received the rank of major and was appointed commander of the 406th Infantry Regiment of the 124th Infantry Division, and in November 1939 he was transferred to a similar position in the 335th rifle regiment 58th Mountain Rifle Division. In these positions in 1939, Major Chervoniy participated in the annexation Western Ukraine to the USSR, including such regions as Kamenets-Podolsk, Chernivtsi and Stanislav.

The 170th Infantry Regiment of the 58th Mountain Rifle Division of the 12th Army, which Major Chervoniy began to command in March 1940, carried out combat service on a front 85 km away, covering the area from the State border with Transcarpathia, which was part of Hungary, to the large village of Yaremcha, now Ivano-Frankivsk region. Back on June 17, 1941, the 12th border post on the Black Tisa River was attacked by Nazi troops. At that time, there was a strict order in our army not to succumb to provocations. Despite the ban, Major Chervoniy immediately threw his regiment to the aid of the border guards and for 3-4 days prevented the enemy from breaking through in the direction of Nadvirna - Stanislav, Yaremcha - Kolomyia. So, a week before June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began for Logvin Chervonia.

On July 1, 1941, the troops of the Wehrmacht 11th Army in the Kamenets-Podolsk fortified area launched a decisive offensive. The troops of our 12th Army, including the Chervonia regiment, found themselves deep in the rear of the enemy breakthrough. With heavy fighting, they began to retreat west to Chortkov, Dunaevtsy, to the line of the Letichevsky fortified area, which was part of common system defense along the so-called “Stalin Line”. By July 17, 1941, almost the entire Letichevsky UR was broken through by the Germans. Only at the very extreme southern point Hurray, in the area of ​​the village of Yaltushkov, Vinnitsa region, units of the 58th Mountain Rifle Division were holding out. On July 17, the Germans at the position of the 170th Infantry Regiment of Major Chervoniy went on the attack with many times superior forces. In this battle, many soldiers and commanders of the regiment died heroically, Major Chervoniy himself was seriously wounded and sent to the hospital, the remnants of the 58th Infantry Division joined the neighboring 18th Army and began to retreat to the west, and the Nazis, who broke through the Letichevsky fortified area, rushed to northwest in the direction of Gaysin, where, through joint efforts in the area of ​​the city of Uman, they managed to encircle and completely destroy and capture the troops of our 6th and 12th armies.

After his recovery in December 1941, Chervoniy received the rank of lieutenant colonel and was appointed acting commander of the 49th Infantry Division, which was being formed in the Moscow Military District. Having formed the division, Chervoniy ... handed it over to another commander, and he himself began to form the 257th separate rifle brigade. In the process of this action, on February 28, 1942, he was awarded the rank of colonel. Only on June 6, 1942, the Chervonia brigade arrived as part of the 9th Guards Rifle Corps of the 61st Army Western Front.

South of the city of Belev at the junction of three regions: Tula, Kaluga and Oryol - Colonel Chervoniy fought until the end of March 1943. The entire year of 1942 was spent in positional battles, sometimes giving way to attempts at real offensive operations. In July-August 1942, the Chervonia brigade took part in the battles for the village of Merkulovsky and on the Vytebet River, a tributary of the Zhizdra. In August-September 1942, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Zheleznitsa station and the village of Veyno, his fighters launched a flank attack on Nazi troops advancing on Sukhinichi. From October 18, 1942, Colonel Chervoniy commanded the 51st separate ski brigade of the same corps, which held active defense along the Ozyorsky-Goskovo line.

On March 13, 1943, Colonel Chervoniy was appointed commander of the 342nd Infantry Division of the 61st Army. The division under his command immediately, during successful battles, liberated a number of settlements south of the city of Belyov, including the village of Vygonovsky. For his skillful command of the division, in early April, Colonel Chervoniy was awarded his first military award - the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree.

At the end of March 1943, the 342nd Rifle Division was transferred to the 3rd Army of the Bryansk Front, and it moved to the line of the Zusha River on the northern front of the Oryol Bulge. For almost 4 months, Colonel Chervoniy was engaged in combat training of his soldiers and achieved high military training. One by one, he led the division's regiments to the rear, and the fighters received much-needed rest before the decisive battles.

On July 20, 1943, Colonel Chervoniy gave the order to his units to attack. On this day, along the banks of the Zushi, battalions, breaking enemy resistance, reached the outskirts of the city of Mtsensk, and participated in street battles to liberate it. And then there was a frontal attack on Orel, where the assault groups of the Chervonia division smoked the Germans out of defensive structures, buildings and basements, and destroyed them in the streets and squares of the city. On August 5, 1943, the city of Orel was completely cleared of the enemy, and this event was marked by the first fireworks display in Moscow. For the liberation of the city of Orel, Colonel Chervoniy was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Meanwhile, the offensive continued in the direction of the city of Karachev. At the end of August 1943, the 342nd Rifle Division was transferred somewhat north to the area of ​​​​the city of Lyudinovo. Here, on September 1, 1943, division commander Chervoniy was awarded the rank of major general.

In September 1943, the Bryansk operation began, during which the Chervonia division crossed the Desna River near the city of Zhukovka, liberated the regional center of Kletnya, and then, moving along the southern edge of the Kletnyansky forest, approached the city of Mglin on September 21, 1943. Divisional commander Chervoniy sent the 1146th Infantry Regiment, with the support of self-propelled guns, to storm the city. The Nazis put up stubborn resistance, but on September 22, 1943, this regional center of the Bryansk region was liberated. And the next day, units of the Chervonia division crossed the Iput River and liberated the village of Surazh. By September 26, 1943, they entered the territory of Belarus to the first large village of the Republic of Kostyukovichi. On the same day, joyful news came from Moscow that the 342nd Rifle Division under Major General Chervoniy had been transformed into the 121st Guards Rifle Division.

Already in the guards rank, the Chervonia division took part in the Gomel operation in November 1943. The division commander successfully mapped out the crossing points of the Sozh River, which made it possible not only to seize a bridgehead behind it, but also to break the enemy’s defenses over a 30-kilometer stretch, liberate the village of Korma, and on November 25, 1943 reach the Dnieper River near the city of Rogachev, forcing the enemy to flee from Gomel. For the liberation of Gomel, the 121st Guards Rifle Division received the honorary name “Gomel”, and the commander of the guard division, Major General Chervoniy, was awarded the Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree. But all this happened a little later. During the battles north of Gomel, division commander Chervoniy was seriously wounded and, refusing to be evacuated to the hospital, was treated in the division medical battalion.

In December 1943, the 121st Guards Rifle Division was transferred to the 13th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front, and Chervoniy, together with the medical battalion, made a 400-kilometer march to the area of ​​​​the city of Korosten, Zhitomir region. During 2 months of rest and travel, Divisional Commander Chervoniy practically recovered and returned to his post.

This happened already during the Rivne-Lutsk operation, after crossing the Sluch River in the area of ​​​​the village of Berezno and liberating the city of Kostopil by storm. Guard Major General Chervoniy, without respite, threw his regiments into an assault on the regional center of Ukraine, during the occupation - the residence of the Gauleiter of Ukraine Erich Koch, the city of Rivne. The assault groups started street battles. The 5-hour battle for the Koch office building was very difficult. However, on February 2, 1944, the city of Rivne was completely cleared of the enemy, for which the Chervonia division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. On the same day, other units of the 13th Army liberated the city of Lutsk, the center of Soviet Volyn. The 121st Guards Rifle Division was transferred here, on the Lutsk-Lviv highway, where during February-March 1944 it fought numerous defensive battles, repelling enemy counter-offensives from the areas of the city of Sokal and, especially, the village of Brody. All attempts by the Nazis to return Rivne and Lutsk were repulsed. Until July 1944, the Chervonia division held defenses in this area.

On July 14, 1944, the Lviv-Sandomierz operation began. The division of the Guard of Major General Chervoniy had to break through the heavily fortified enemy defense line “Eastern Wall of Prince Eugene”. On the very first day of the offensive, the fighters of the Gomel division coped with this task and broke into the village of Gorokhov. After 2 days, the village of Radekhov was liberated, after which the division commander Chervoniy, on orders from above, turned his division strictly west and on July 23 brought it to the San River. After crossing the river, units of the division liberated the Polish cities of Yaroslav, Rzeszow, and Przewursk. For these successful offensive actions, the 121st Guards Rifle Division was awarded the Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree, and its commander Chervoniy received the second Order of the Red Banner.

On August 1, 1944, the Chervonia division immediately crossed the Vistula River south of the city of Sandomierz and caught on the opposite bank. In these battles, the division commander, being on the very bank of the river, personally supervised the transfer of battalions to the already conquered bridgehead. On August 3, he crossed himself and from the new command post, which was constantly exposed to enemy fire, began to lead the defense of his units. Throughout August and half of September 1944, the enemy did not abandon attempts to liquidate the Soviet bridgehead across the Vistula. The division's soldiers took part in repelling numerous counterattacks by enemy infantry with the support of tanks.

The battles to hold the bridgehead gave way to battles to expand it. In September-December 1944, the Sandomierz bridgehead grew significantly along the front and in depth. There were battles ahead for the complete liberation of Poland and access to German territory. During the autumn months of 1944, division commander Chervoniy, despite the ongoing battles, with the help of his deputies, carried out extremely successful preparation division personnel for the upcoming large-scale offensive.

On January 12, 1945, the Vistula-Oder operation began. The 121st Guards Rifle Division attacked directly on the city of Kielce, but according to the plan of the command of the 102nd Rifle Corps, on the first day it was in the 2nd echelon. When other divisions of the corps reached the 2nd line of enemy defense, the Nazi command brought into battle the new 20th motorized division and, in some areas, mechanical units of the 16th and 17th tank divisions. The situation became critical. Breakthrough Challenge enemy defense at the Sandomierz bridgehead could not have been fulfilled. At this moment, seeing the difficult situation of neighboring units, Guard Major General Chervoniy, on his own initiative, brought his division into battle. The soldiers were prepared to repel tank attacks with infantry support and entered the battle. At the same time, the division commander skillfully used his regiments, most of which he concentrated to repel the attack of fresh German division. As a result, all this ensured the corps’ defeat of the enemy and the capture of the city of Kielce on January 15, 1945, and units of the Chervonia division took direct part in street battles in the city.

Subsequently, during the Vistula-Oder operation, the Cherwonia division liberated the city of Piotrkow, crossed the Warta River on January 20 and entered the territory fascist Germany.

By the evening of January 26, 1945, the advanced units of the 121st Guards Rifle Division reached the bank of the Oder River south of the city of Steinau (Scinava). Divisional commander Chervony gave the order to immediately cross the river, and on the night of January 27, the first assault companies crossed the Oder. In a short night battle, Soviet soldiers captured a small piece of land across the river. But on the morning of January 27, the Nazis launched massive counterattacks on the defenders of the bridgehead. Enemy aircraft and artillery crushed the ice on the river, and the crossing of other units slowed down. The Nazis threw 15 tanks and up to an infantry regiment at those who managed to take up defense on the bridgehead. Soviet soldiers entered into heavy fighting. They repelled several enemy counterattacks during the day, setting fire to 3 enemy tanks. At this time, Guard Major General Chervony personally supervised the transfer of new combat groups, entire battalions to the bridgehead, and finally, all regiments led by the division commander crossed the Oder. By February 1, 1945, as a result of counterattacks, the bridgehead was expanded to 1800 meters in depth, and artillery was transferred to it. And from the south, tanks from the 4th Tank Army came to the rescue. The bridgehead conquered by the 121st Guards Rifle Division merged with the bridgehead captured by tankers and motorized riflemen near the city of Koben (Khobenya). For the skillful management of the entrusted formation, personal heroism and courage shown in the battles for the city of Kielce and during the crossing of the Oder River, Guard Major General Chervoniy was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

From this common bridgehead, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front continued their further offensive to the west. On February 12, 1945, units of the Chervonia division crossed the Bober River, on February 14 they captured the city of Zorau (Zary), and on February 20, Benau (Lubsko). On February 23, 1945, units of the 121st Guards Rifle Division reached the bank of the Neisse River, which could not be crossed immediately. Divisional Commander Chervoniy made several more attempts to seize the bridgehead beyond the Neisse, but all of them were unsuccessful. Careful multi-day preparation was needed to overcome this line of enemy defense. The Chervonia division stayed on Neisse until April 1945.

During the Berlin operation, which began on April 16, 1945, units of the guard division of Major General Chervoniy successfully crossed the Neisse River, and then on April 20 the Spree. By April 25, his fighters reached the Elbe River and began fighting for the ancient capital of the Saxons - the city of Wittenberg. At the same time, the division commander planned to capture the city with his regiments from different sides, and the enemy completely lost the direction of the attacks of the Soviet units. On April 27, 1945, Wittenberg was completely cleared of the enemy, for which the 121st Guards Rifle Division was awarded the Order of Lenin. Divisional commander Chervoniy received the Order of Kutuzov, 2nd degree.

And then in May 1945 there was a historic attack on Prague. The regiments of the Chervonia division took part in the liberation of the Czech city of Most, settlement Komorzha, on May 8 they entered the city of Chomutov, and on May 11, 1945 - into the Czech city of Karlovy Vary. Here, in a historical place founded by Emperor Charles IV, the war ended for the Hero of the Soviet Union of the Guard, Major General Chervoniy. Just as it began for him even before it began, it ended after Victory Day.

After the end of hostilities, Chervoniy commanded his division as part of the Central Group of Forces (CGV) for another year. Then he attended higher academic courses at the General Staff Academy named after K.E. Voroshilov. For the last 3 years of his service, he commanded a mechanized division and was deputy commander of a rifle corps in the Transcaucasian Military District.

Having retired in May 1950 for health reasons, Logvin Danilovich Chervoniy and his wife Anna Nikolaevna moved to the city of Zaporozhye, where they lived for the rest of their lives. Chervoniy's son Vasily followed in his father's footsteps, becoming a military officer Soviet Army.

A street in the Basova Kuta area of ​​the city of Rivne was named after L.D. Chervoniy. He was also awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Rivne.” Until the early 90s, his portrait hung on a stand among others honorary citizens cities. But with the formation of independent Ukraine, the Industrial Bank building was built on the site of this stand...

11th Leningrad Rifle, Valginsk Division was formed during the Civil War and fought on various fronts with the interventionists. Until 1936, the permanent location of the division was the city of Leningrad. In 1936, in connection with the creation of new motorized rifle formations, the division was reorganized and sent to the DCK. Part of the command staff remained with the same number of the oldest 12th Turkestan regiment (219th joint venture).

Combat composition of the division:

163rd Infantry Regiment

219th Infantry Regiment

320th Infantry Regiment

72nd Light Artillery Regiment

539th Howitzer Artillery Regiment (until 10/05/1941)

11th separate anti-tank fighter division (until 09/15/1941 and from 12/23/1942)

325th separate anti-aircraft artillery division (from 12/27/1941 335th separate anti-aircraft battery)

33rd separate reconnaissance company

26th separate engineer battalion

87th Separate Signal Battalion

94th separate medical battalion

9th separate company chemical protection

60th repair and restoration company

23rd Motor Transport Battalion (123rd Motor Transport Company)

39th (13th) field bakery

87th Divisional Veterinary Hospital

111th Field Postal Station

186th field cash desk of the State Bank.

In 1939-1940 the division took part in the Soviet- Finnish war, operating further north Lake Ladoga as part of the 8th and then the 15th Armies. The division, brought into battle on the move, fought fierce battles against the enemy group, which cut off the 168th and 18th rifle divisions and thwarted the intentions of the White Finns, preventing them from connecting with their landing units operating from the islands and spreading further in order to cut off the only path through Ladoga lake, feeding part of the 168th Infantry Division. For the courage and heroism shown in the Soviet-Finnish war, up to 200 soldiers and division commanders were awarded Government awards, and the division commander, who died heroically in battle, brigade commander Pyotr Pavlovich Borisov, was posthumously awarded the title “Hero of the Soviet Union.”

After the war with Finland, the division, together with other formations, entered Estonia on July 17, 1940 and was stationed in the Narva-Jõhvi-Rakvere area until the start of the Great Patriotic War.

At the time of Nazi Germany's attack on Soviet Union the division was on the march to the state border. Having begun the march on June 19, 1941, the division entered the concentration area, exposed to fascist aviation, which repeatedly bombed the echelons of division units. Despite the exceptional difficulties of controlling units, it reached its concentration area.

On June 24, 1941, the forward units of the division entered into battle with enemy motorized mechanized units in the Siauliai direction in the Shandyany region (Lithuanian SSR). With a decisive counterattack, the enemy was thrown back 7-10 km, after which the division fought defensive battles and for 7 days steadfastly held back the fierce onslaught of the enemy’s motorized mechanized units.

The 219th and 320th Infantry Regiments and the 72nd Artillery Regiment distinguished themselves with particular resilience in these battles, destroying 48 enemy tanks in these battles and inflicting significant damage to them in manpower.

Retreating with continuous battles, the division covered the retreat of our troops across the river. Western Dvina. We had to cross the river in difficult conditions: all crossings, bridges and ferries had already been destroyed by our units, the enemy flanked and pressed the division to the river. However, the division, in difficult conditions, crossed the river using available means and crossed to the opposite bank, preserving manpower and equipment.

The next frontier where the division fought fierce defensive battles was the Põltsama-Pärnu region (Estonian SSR). The city of Pyltsama, occupied by the Germans, was taken by units of the division in battle on July 5-6, capturing it from the enemy large number trophies and prisoners. The 163rd Infantry Regiment, 72nd Up and 539th Gap, which were part of the division at that time, distinguished themselves by their particular tenacity in the capture and defense of Pyltsam.

The entire further withdrawal route from the Baltic states, the division exhausted the enemy rushing towards Leningrad. Significant battles of this period were the battles near Kingisepp. With a sudden blow, the division defeated superior enemy forces, captured the military town of Kaskolovka, and cut the Kingisepp-Tikopis road. In these battles, the German infantry regiment was completely defeated and a large number of trophies were captured.

In the subsequent period, units of the division were transferred to various areas, fighting in the areas of Chigirinka, Korovino, Gorbunka, Luizino, Sashino, etc.

The division fought stubborn battles for Peterhof, stopping the further advance of the Germans in the direction of Oranienbaum in this sector. Together with units of the 10th Infantry Division, it held and strengthened Old Peterhof.

On November 1, 1941, the division was transferred across Gulf of Finland to Leningrad, where she was in the reserve of the Leningrad Front and throughout November-December In 1941, she was preparing for new battles.

Having crossed the ice of Lake Ladoga, the division became part of the 54th Army and was given the task of breaking through the heavily fortified enemy defense line running along the embankment railway and Pogostye station.

On January 17, 1942, the division broke through the enemy’s defenses and captured the Pogostye station, creating a springboard for the further advance of the entire group of our troops to the south, in the general direction. For successful actions, perseverance and courage to everything personnel The division was thanked by the Military Council of the Leningrad Front. Up to 200 soldiers and commanders received Government awards.

On March 17, 1942, the division, in stubborn battles, captured the road leading from Shala to the west.

On April 20, 1942, in stubborn battles, units of the division captured the Dubovik-Myagry road.

On May 14, 1942, near Malinovka, the Germans managed to push back units of the 281st Infantry Division and create a threat to the entire active group of our troops in the Dubovik area. The division, brought into battle with the aim of delivering a counterattack, overthrew the enemy and pursued him to the Polyansky stream, destroying his manpower and equipment. The division fought these battles in extremely difficult conditions of spring thaw in swampy areas.

In August 1942, the division was put into reserve and on August 27 it was again brought into battle, advancing as part of the 8th Army in the Tortolovo-Mishkino area.

On September 10-27, 1942, in order to restore the lost position, the enemy went on the offensive, trying to cut off the group of our troops fighting in the Sinyavino area. Daily, repeated attacks by infantry and tanks, supported by massive enemy air raids /300-400 sorties per day/. The division's tenacity did not break. In these defensive battles, units of the division crushed more than one thousand German soldiers and officers and destroyed a large amount of enemy equipment.

In the battles to break the blockade of the city of Leningrad (January-February 1943), the division solved the problem of breaking through a heavily fortified enemy defense line along the Gontovaya Lipka-Sinyavino highway.

On January 19, 1943, units of the division, overcoming fierce enemy resistance, broke through its defenses. Until March 10, 1943, units of the division waged continuous offensive battles, making extensive use of small assault units.

Until the fall of 1943, units of the division fought continuous battles near Sinyavino. From September 28 to October 5, 1943, the division, together with the 160th and 267th penal companies, attacked the road to Sinyavino.

On the night of October 30, 1943, the division surrendered the defended area on the Sinyavin Heights to others and marched through Shlisselburg to the right bank of the Neva.

On November 12, 1943, units of the division were loaded into railway trains and in the evening of the same day they arrived in Leningrad, were loaded onto barges and transported to the Oranienbaum bridgehead, and took up defense in the sector in the Porozhki-Petrovskoye area.

During the Krasnoselsko-Ropshinsky operation in January 1944, she took part in the liberation of Ropsha and Volosov.

From 01/23/1944 he marched in the direction of Moloskovitsy-Ivanovskoye-Weimarn-Slantsy-Narva River.

In the first half of the day on 02/03/1944, she approached the river, and on the night of 02/04/1944 she crossed it in the area of ​​the village of Skaryatina Gora, capturing a bridgehead.

Until July 1944, units of the division fought heavy battles near Narva, after which they took part in the Narva offensive operation, then was transferred to the 1st Shock Army.

During the Riga offensive operation, she attacked Valga, distinguished herself during the capture of the city, also liberated the city of Tyrva, and reached Riga from the north-west. For its distinctions during the liberation of Valga, the division was given the honorary name “Valginskaya”.

After the Riga operation and until the end of the war, he fought with the enemy’s Courland group. As of 04/30/1945 11th Infantry Division was at the line Mengravil, Yatsy

Division commanders:

Brigade commander Borisov Pyotr Pavlovich - 02.1939 - 02.05.1940.

Major General Sokolov Nikolai Alexandrovich - 07.07.1940 - 21.09.1941.


  • 1 History
  • 2 Full name
  • 3 Composition
  • 4 Submission
  • 5 Commanders
  • 6 Awards and titles
  • 7 Division Warriors
  • 8 Famous people associated with the division
  • 9 Memory
  • Literature


117th Guards Rifle Division- military unit of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War

1. History

The division was formed based on the composition of the 8th Guards Rifle Brigade, the 81st Marine Rifle Brigade and the 107th Rifle Brigade in October 1943 as part of the North Caucasus Front. The 8th Guards Rifle Brigade became the 333rd Guards Rifle Regiment, the 81st Naval Rifle Brigade became the 335th Guards Rifle Regiment, and the 107th Rifle Brigade became the 338th Guards Rifle Regiment. In mid-October 1943, the division was stationed in Gadyuchy Kut (8 km west of Taman).

The division's first combat operation was participation in the Kerch-Eltigen landing operation, during which 03.11.1943 840 soldiers of the 335th Guards Rifle Regiment were able to reach the bridgehead captured near the village of Eltigen south of Kerch.

From the report of the intelligence department of the 5th Army Corps of the Wehrmacht.

5th Army Corps CP, 12/18/1943
Intelligence Department N 490/43
Enemy assessment.
About the Soviet landing in Eltigen (south of Kerch) from November 1, 1943 and about the battles for the bridgehead until it was cleared from the enemy on December 11, 1943.
...3a “On the night of November 2-3, the enemy suffered heavy losses. Judging by the cross-examinations of prisoners, manpower losses increased to 1,400 people as a result of the sinking of ships. The missile launchers being transported also drowned.”

The regiment transported with itself four 76 mm and three 45 mm guns, 18 tons of ammunition and food. It should be noted that the figures for losses during the crossing are probably underestimated, since they were sent from the Taman Peninsula as part of a rifle regiment, artillery and special units 3300 people¹

On 08.11.1943 By the end of the year, there were already 731 people left in the regiment. The regiment held the defense on the southern flank of the bridgehead until 06.12.1943 years, 04.12.1943 suffered heavy losses. 06.12.1943 the remnants of the regiment took part in the breakthrough of troops from the bridgehead to Kerch, forming the rearguard of the group, collecting the lightly wounded and rear guards. The group split up, and apparently the remnants of the regiment were completely destroyed.

The remaining units of the division were transferred to Ukraine at the end of November, where the division took part in the Zhitomir-Berdichev operation. The first days of the operation she was in the second echelon, and entered the battle with access to Korostyshev. 05.01.1944 took part in the liberation of Berdichev, fighting on the streets of the city; also took part in the battles near the city of Brody. At the beginning of January 1944, she fought at the Petrikovtsy-Volchynets line. Then she continued the offensive during the Proskurov-Chernovtsy operation, 14.04.1944 took part in the liberation of Ternopil.

C 13.07.1944 years takes part in the Lvov-Sandomierz operation, advancing on the right wing of the front, north of Lvov, through Rava-Russkaya. During the operation, the division crossed the Western Bug, San. In early August, the division crossed to the Sandomierz bridgehead, where it took part in battles to retain and expand the bridgehead.

Before the start of the Sandomierz-Silesian operation, it was located north of Poddembowiec, from there 12.01.1945 years went on the offensive, fought fierce battles for the village of Shatsk, to 16.01.1945 cut the Kielce-Krakow road, repulsing enemy counterattacks, broke into Kielce, and 18.01.1945 captured Piotrków with an unexpected blow. On the night of 26.01.1945 years, the advanced units of the division reached the Oder in the area of ​​​​the city of Hochbauschwitz north of Steinau (now Sytsinawa, Poland) and immediately at 06-00 of the same day seized a bridgehead on west bank, sending out an advance detachment, then expanding it to 3 kilometers wide and 2 kilometers deep, while the city of Temendorf was captured. 26.01.1945 the forward detachments fought to hold the bridgehead, January 27 and 28, 1945 The main forces of the division were transported to the bridgehead, with 27.01.1945 is fighting in the Glogau area, 28.01.1945 in the Luben area. 03.02.1945 was moved to the Teschwitz area due to fierce fighting in that area.

08.02.1945 year went on the offensive during the Lower Silesian operation in the general direction of Sprottau, Sorau, Forst. During the operation, she took part in the liberation of the city of Luben 09.02.1945 years and Sprottau 13.02.1945 years crossed the Bober River and reached the Neisse River.

From April 16, 1945, he took part in the Berlin operation, to 22.04.1945 years, occupied a line east of Luckenwalde, then took part in the capture of the city, repelled attacks from the enemy Cottbus group, trying to escape the encirclement to the west, 31.04.1945 counterattack drove back the group from the recaptured Kummersdorf, 01.04.1045 took part in the capture of Brandenburg.

She ended the war by participating in the Prague operation and took part in the liberation of the cities of Plaza and Pilsen.

The 335th Guards Rifle Regiment of the Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky took part in the 1945 Victory Parade.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the 117th Division arrived at its permanent location in Berdichev, where it was located in a military town on Krasnaya (Lysa) Gora. Here it existed for more than 50 years - until its disbandment in independent Ukraine. Its successor was the 62nd separate mechanized brigade, on the basis of which the 26th artillery brigade was in turn created (based on Directive of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine No. 312/1/014 of June 18, 2004). Now (November 2010) the issue of recognizing this brigade as the successor to the 117th Infantry Division is being decided.

Many veterans of the 117th division became Honorary Citizens of the city of Berdichev. Among them are the division commander Timofey Ivanovich Volkovich, as well as veterans who live in Berdichev - Stepan Iosifovich Livinsky, Ivan Vasilyevich Pavlenko and others.

2. Full name

117th Guards Rifle Berdichev Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky Division

3. Composition

  • 333rd Guards Rifle Order of Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Regiment
  • 335th Guards Rifle Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Regiment
  • 338th Guards Rifle Regiment
  • 305th Guards Artillery Regiment
  • 119th Guards Separate Anti-Tank Fighter Division
  • 115th Guards Separate Reconnaissance Company
  • 129th Guards Engineer Battalion
  • 160th Guards Separate Signal Battalion
  • 120th Medical Battalion
  • 118th Guards Separate Chemical Defense Company
  • 116th Motor Transport Company
  • 123rd field bakery
  • 108th Divisional Veterinary Hospital
  • 2301st Field Postal Station
  • 1255th field cash desk of the State Bank

4. Submission

5. Commanders

From the combat diary of the 5th Army Corps of the Wehrmacht

12/18/1943 In the area of ​​Feodosia on 12/12/43 the corpse of a Soviet colonel washed up on the shore. According to the documents, it was established that this was Colonel Kosonogov, commander of the 117th Guards. SD, who was awarded the rank of major general at Eltigen. According to the testimony of prisoners, Colonel Kosonogov was returning to Taman on November 8 and drowned.

  • Kitsuk Pavel Nikolaevich (02.11.1943 - 14.01.1944), colonel.
  • Volkovich Timofey Ivanovich (01/15/1944 - 05/11/1945), colonel, from 04/20/1945 major general.

6. Awards and titles

7. Division warriors

8. Famous people associated with the division

  • Evstigneev, Evgeniy Andreevich, chief of staff of the 305th Guards Artillery Regiment, later deputy chief of the USSR General Staff, head of the ACS and Electronic Warfare Department of the USSR General Staff, lieutenant general, candidate of military sciences, professor Russian Academy military sciences.

9. Memory

  • The premises of the Eltigen landing hospital, part of memorial complex village Eltigen.
  • Mass grave of Soviet soldiers at the Eltigen bridgehead
  • Museum of military glory of the 117th Guards Berdichev Order of B. Khmelnitsky Infantry Division of the 18th Army. Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, building 64, building 1.
  • Museum of military glory of the 117th Guards Berdichev Order of B. Khmelnitsky Rifle Division. Zhytomyr region, Berdichev, Krasnaya Gora, st. Budyonny, 17.
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/14/11 17:41:37
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