Black box. The principle of operation of the “black box” method School tour of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in computer science and ICT

“Information Processes” - Ancient sages about the acquisition of information by humans and other intelligent beings. Animals searching for food in unfamiliar areas. It is to study information processes in nature is my goal. The child is not interested in anything except toys and maternal affection. Then the circle increases, and the range of interests consequently expands.

“Legal information” - Regulations and standards. Federal Law of January 10, 2002 N 1-FZ “On Electronic Digital Signature”. Document identification details. Legal basis. Presidential Decree of August 4, 1995 “On presidential programs for legal informatization.” MIEMP-NN Department of Informatics and Mathematics St. teacher Barashkin S.A.

Criminal liability. Responsibility for disclosing the secret of the source of information. Note. Attempts to improve the situation in the field of protection of information sources at the legislative level in the Republic of Kazakhstan. For discussion. Article 353. What remedies does a journalist have? International standards. Upk rk. What is meant by “court demand”?

“Information and computer” - Language - as a way of expressing information. Hypertext-. Return to Mr. Computer network device. Notation-. Figurative information-. Informatics-. Language-. Model-.

“Information 5th grade lesson” - Reel-to-reel tape recorder. Your home address. Architectural works. Other knowledge acquired at school. Receive. 5th grade Computer science teacher Elena Gennadievna Lopatina. RAM. Keep. Invention of cinema 1895. Other external information storage. Invention of photography 1839.

“Information storage” - Finally, the printing press was invented and books appeared. The human mind is the most perfect tool for understanding the world around us. Presentation on computer science on the topic: Municipal Educational Institution “Spasskaya Basic secondary school" And human memory is an excellent device for storing received information.

There are 11 presentations in total

A black box is an object internal structure which is unknown or unimportant within the framework of the problem being solved, but whose functions can be judged by its reactions to external influences.

A complete description of the functions of a black box is called its canonical representation. “Black boxes” characterized by the same canonical representations are considered equivalent.

Unlike a “black box,” a “white box” is an object whose internal structure is completely known to us, for example, some technical device or computer program we have created.

The term "black box" is widely used in many scientific disciplines, primarily technical, when studying and/or describing any objects of a relatively stable nature (without taking into account the development or change of the object itself). This is due to the fact that the “black box” is in a visual form representation of the result of the main process of human thinking - abstraction, and the use of a “black box” when describing an object greatly facilitates the understanding of the meaning. Philosophical Dictionary / Ed. I. T. Frolova. -- 4th ed. - M.: Politizdat, 1981. - 445 p.

Cybernetics, as noted above, is mainly concerned with the study of control mechanisms and information transfer in complex stochastic systems. To study the control process, cybernetics use the concepts of feedback and homeostasis; to analyze the probabilistic characteristics of systems they use statistical information theory; Finally, they study the complexity of systems using the concept of a black box. By representing a system as a black box, cyberneticists by default accept the cognitive limitations of their understanding of the huge number of possible states available complex system at any given time. However, they do recognize the possibility of manipulating some input signals and observing some of the system's outputs. If the output signals are continuously compared to specific desired values, then certain system responses can be determined in terms of their effect on the black box input signals in order to keep the system "in control."

When modeling a black box system, four sets of variables are identified: a set of possible system states (S); a set of disturbances that can affect its current state (P); a set of reactions to these disturbances (R); a set of goals defining acceptable states in accordance with established criteria (T). A system is considered to be in a “controlled state” if at any moment in time its state corresponds to a state from the set T. Using this model, an extremely important cybernetic principle is established: if the system is in a controlled state, then it is necessary that for any disturbance tending to bring out system of admissible states, there was a reaction that, after its implementation, would lead the system to one of the states from the set T. This principle was developed by the English cyberneticist Ross Ashby and was called the “law of necessary diversity,” usually formulated as follows: “only diversity capable of absorbing diversity.” William Ross Ashby, Introduction to Cybernetics, Foreign Literature, Moscow, 1959

Developmental program “Black Box”

Research (creative) work in Chelyabinsk

youth intellectual forum “Step into the future - Constellation - HTTM”

(Section 3.3 (3D) Software in education; computer intellectual developments in the competition of intellectuals “Talents of Developed Memory and Logic” (TRPL))

Sitnikova Lyubov Yurievna,

Chelyabinsk, MAOU Secondary School No. 153, 11th grade

Scientific supervisor:

Rogov Andrey Yurievich,

computer science teacher,

MAOU secondary school No. 153

Chelyabinsk – 2011


Modeling is one of the research methods actively used by humanity. Many objects can only be studied using this method. We asked ourselves, “What can we simulate with a computer?” By itself, the computer is a fairly rich tool for modeling. It’s not for nothing that there is a whole branch of science called “Computer Modeling.” Naturally, it is simply impossible to reflect all the capabilities of a computer in a model. But one of them is a completely feasible task. IN school course In computer science there is a section “Modeling”, within which the “Black Box” model is studied.

A black box is a system in which only input and output quantities are available to an external observer, and the structure and internal processes are unknown.

Examples of a “black box” are any household appliances(TV, radio, gas stove, iron, etc.), wind-up toy, wrist watch, automobile. It will not be an exaggeration to say that any thing, any object, any phenomenon - any knowable object - always initially appears as a “black box”.

As already mentioned, a “black box” is a system about the structure of which we know nothing. How can it be discussed, studied, explored? The “black box” represents the system from only one side: the relationship, the connection between “input” and “output”.

Each system is examined by gradually producing a long protocol, compiled in chronological order and showing the sequence of “input” and “output” states. As a result of such a protocol, we know which “inputs” the experimenter manipulates and what happens at the “output”. By gradually expanding the “input-output” circle, the experimenter learns the behavior of his “ward”. And as he gets acquainted with his behavior, he tries to reveal the internal connections in the “black box”, its structure.

If you imagine the black box model as a diagram, it will look something like this:

Such a system is quite easy to model. Therefore, the goal of the work was to use the capabilities of the computer to create a program that develops the user’s intellectual abilities.

The objectives of the work are:

    Collection of information about the “black box” modeling method, the possibility of implementation on a computer.

    Selection of the required number of algorithms, their presentation using the Pascal programming language.

    Creating an interactive program using the application development environment for Windows - Lazarus.

    Definition possible directions application of the program, using it in one of the selected areas.

Theoretical part

Algorithms and software used to develop the program

When collecting information about the “black box” modeling method, the possibility of implementation on a computer provided us with great help school books computer science and Internet materials. The selection of algorithms was carried out based on the restrictions on their programming. Two types of information were used as input and output data: textual and numerical. A total of 16 algorithms were selected, distributed as follows:


1. +1

2. -3

3. *2

4. Sum of digits of a number

5. Recording in reverse order

6. Last character

7. First character

8. Number of characters


1. *2+1

2. X 2 +1

3. 12/X

4. Product of digits of a number

5. Number of vowels

6. Number of consonants

7. If even, then +2, if odd, then +1

8. Number of characters -1

To implement the project, an object-oriented programming environment was required. Pascal was chosen as the main programming language, since it was studied earlier in the school computer science course. Two programs were considered: BorlandDelphi and Lazarus. The first one is widespread, but, unfortunately, is not freely distributed. But Lazarus, on the contrary, although it has less rich functionality, can be freely used for any purpose. Therefore, the choice settled on him.

Research part

Working with the Black Box program

The first window that appears when you start the program is the choice of difficulty level. To begin with, it’s a good idea to practice on an easy difficulty level. Completing tasks here requires no more than one action. At the complex level, algorithms contain two actions and are more complex to calculate.

The main working window of the program is the same for both difficulty levels. It contains the following main elements:

  1. The main menu of the program with the “File” and “Help” items;
  2. Drop-down list with the ability to select the algorithm number;
  3. The main working panel: a field for entering an input parameter, a “Process” button and a field where the result of the algorithm is displayed;
  4. A window that displays the progress of the study, indicating all inputs and outputs;
  5. “Exam” button;
  6. “Exit program” button.

The program has the following operating principle. It contains algorithms, the program uses them to process all the data entered by the user, whose task is to determine which algorithm the program uses.

Working with the program is carried out in the following order:

    In the main program window, select the desired algorithm number from the drop-down list. Each algorithm has its own number, which does not change from run to run.

    Determine what data the algorithm works with (numbers or text). It should be taken into account that numbers can also be represented as a sequence of characters. To check, you can try entering both text and a number in the “Enter” field (Please note that the program only works correctly with letters English alphabet. And the algorithms are configured to work specifically with this alphabet). After clicking on the “Process” button, the value obtained as a result of executing the algorithm on the input parameter will appear in the “Result” field. In this case, both the input and the result are entered into the table on the right, where all actions performed by the user will be displayed.

    Determine which algorithm the program performs. To do this, you need to enter data and process it until the pattern becomes sufficiently substantiated. After this, you can begin the exam.

    Clicking on the exam button allows you to go to the section of the program that checks the correctness of the algorithm guessed by the user.

In this section, you are asked to apply the resulting algorithm to the five input data listed on the left. You must enter the results in the appropriate fields on the right. Exactly one minute is allotted to complete the actions, after which the entered answers will be checked and the result will be displayed. If you have finished performing the actions earlier, you can click on the “OK” button.

Depending on the result obtained, you can either go to to the following algorithm, or, if the current algorithm has not been determined, try other input parameters.

The tasks given in the exam are different every time. Thus, the possibility of calculating answers in the main program window is excluded. The need to introduce the exam is caused by the fact that it is quite difficult to verify the correctness of the user’s assumption in any other way due to the loose formulation of some algorithms.

The main program window contains background information, which can be found by selecting “Help” from the main menu of the program.


Several applications can be found for the created product, for example, use in computer science lessons to study the topic “Modeling”, development of students’ logical abilities primary school and middle management, holding competitions between students, and, finally, anyone can use this program at home at a time convenient for them.

The black box model, examples of which will be given below, is an illustration of an object for which an output and an input are specified. However, its contents are unknown. Let us next consider how to build a “black box” model.

First stage

The initial action necessary to compile a model of absolutely any system is the separation of an object from its environment. This simplest operation reflects two most important properties: isolation and integrity of an object. The object of research is an object whose contents are unknown.

Interactions with the environment

Any model of system composition is not completely isolated. She supports with environment certain connections. With their help, there is a mutual interaction between the object and the conditions in which it is located. Accordingly, when building a “black box” model at the next stage, the connections are depicted by arrows and described in words. Those directed into the environment are outputs. Accordingly, the reverse arrows will be inputs.

At this level of system representation, the researcher deals with a declarative model. That is, outputs and inputs are determined according to a scale of names. As a rule, such a display is sufficient. However, in some cases it is necessary to provide a quantitative description of some or all of the outputs and inputs.


They are set so that the “black box” model is as formalized as possible. As a result, the researcher comes to specify 2 sets Y and X of output and input variables. However, no relationship between them is fixed at this stage. Otherwise, you will end up with a transparent rather than a “black box” model. So, for a TV set X can be the maximum ranges of mains voltage and broadcast radio waves.

Black box model: systems analysis

On final stage changes in the object are examined and reflected. For example, they may occur over a period of time. That is, the researcher illustrates the state of the object in dynamics. The description of the “black box” model should show the correspondence, firstly, of the components of the set X of probable values ​​of the input parameters and the elements of the ordered T-set of time intervals. In addition, a similar relationship for output indicators should be displayed.


The key advantage of the object under consideration is its simplicity. Meanwhile, in many cases it is very deceptive. Quite often, listing outputs and inputs is quite difficult task. If we consider the car as a “black box” model, this conclusion will be confirmed. when studying this object, it will exceed two dozen. However, the list of parameters will be far from complete.

This multiplicity of outputs and inputs is determined by the unlimited options for interaction of the object in question with the environment.


A structural model of a system is used in cases where it is necessary to illustrate a complex object that contains several elements. In the simplest situations, it contains a set of components. All of them are included in the object itself. In these cases, the concept of “system composition model” is used.

Meanwhile, there are a number of issues that cannot be solved with its help. In particular, to assemble a bicycle, having a box with all its elements is not enough. You need to know how to connect them correctly to each other. Obviously, the system composition model alone will not help in this case. Moreover, in some cases it is necessary to establish certain connections between components. Their character shows. It makes it possible to solve more problems. Block diagram answers the questions: “What is included in an object and what are the connections between its elements?”


Visual images are of particular importance to humans. The definition of a system used in practice does not characterize its internal structure. This allows you to distinguish it from the environment. At the same time, it will be depicted as a “black box” model - a holistic and relatively isolated object. The achieved goal represents pre-planned changes in the environment, certain products of the object's work, intended for consumption outside it. In other words, the black box model establishes certain connections and influences external conditions. As stated above, they are exits.

At the same time, the system acts as a means. Therefore, opportunities are needed for its use and influence on it. Accordingly, connections are established from the environment to the object - inputs. Using the “black box” model allows you to study only the interaction of the object and the environment. It displays only input and output parameters. Moreover, there are even no boundaries between the environment and the object (the walls of the box). They are only implied, considered to exist.

Black box model: examples

As mentioned above, sometimes a verbal meaningful display of outputs and inputs is enough. In this case, the black box model will be a list of them. So, for a TV, the display of connections will be as follows:

  1. Inputs - power cable, antenna, setup and control elements.
  2. Outputs - screen and speakers.

In other situations, it may be necessary to show relationships quantitatively.

Let's take another system - a wristwatch. It should be taken into account that outputs are aimed at specifying the goal. Accordingly, one of them can be used to record the time at any arbitrary moment. Further, it should be noted that the expressed goal applies to all watches in general, and not just to the wristwatch. To differentiate them, you can make the following addition - ease of wearing on the wrist. It will act as an entrance. With this addition comes the need for a bracelet or strap. With it, in turn, there is an obligation to comply with hygiene rules (exit), since not every fastening is acceptable on the hand. Then, if you imagine the conditions in which the watch is used, you can enter several more parameters: dust and moisture resistance, strength. Additionally, two more outputs can be used. They will be the precision required in everyday life, as well as the availability of information on the dial for reading at a quick glance. As you research, you can add a few more watch requirements. For example, such outputs as compliance with fashion and the ratio of price to the purchasing power of the consumer are introduced.

It is quite obvious that this list can be continued. It is permissible to include a requirement to read information from the dial in the dark. Its implementation will lead to a significant change in the design. It may provide, for example, different options self-illumination, touch reading, backlighting, signaling, etc.

Characteristics of the business entity

Let's look at the specifics of building a model using the example of an enterprise. It is worth saying right away that its creation is based on isolating from an infinite number of interactions such a set of them that would adequately reflect the purpose of the study. Of course, such a model should not be reduced to a monosystem. That is, to an object that has only one input and output.

The “black box” model considers the organization as a system of connections between the enterprise and the environment. When analyzing to justify a sufficient and necessary set of parameters for sets of outputs and inputs, techniques are widely used mathematical statistics. Often experienced experts are also involved in the process.

Regarding the relationship between the company and the environment, a few clarifications are in order. First of all, capital is needed to conduct production activities. It can be in the form of debt or the firm's own shares. Due to liquid assets, the enterprise has the opportunity to use production factors in the process. As you know, they are materials, equipment and other resources that are converted into finished products.

Another connection with the environment is expressed in the process of marketing products. Sales of products provide the company with funds, which, in turn, are used to pay off debts, pay wages, and so on. Interest is charged on borrowed funds. They are paid to the credit institution. In addition, the company makes mandatory payments to the budget. At the same time, the state provides subsidies to the company.

Practical significance

Often the black box model is not only very useful, but also the only one available for use in research. For example, when analyzing mental processes in the human body or the effect of medications on a patient, specialists can interfere with internal processes only through inputs. Accordingly, conclusions are drawn based on the study of outputs.

In general, this provision applies to such observations, the result of which must be obtained under familiar conditions, in an environment where special care must be taken to ensure that the measurement process has minimal impact on it.

The use of such an “opaque” object is also determined by the fact that the researcher has no information about its internal structure. In particular, it is not known how the electron is structured. But it has been established how it interacts with magnetic, gravitational, electric fields. This characteristic is a description of the electron according to the principle of the “black box” model.


One more important phenomenon should be noted. The model under consideration is already structured. It knows whether a link is categorized as an output or an input. Meanwhile, on initial stages studies and this information may be missing. The researcher has the opportunity to identify a certain connection between an object and the environment, observe and measure any parameter by which it is characterized. However, there will not be enough grounds to unconditionally establish its direction.

In such situations, it is advisable to examine two competing black boxes. In one, the connection will be considered as an input, in the other, respectively, as an output. An example would be the study of processes for which it is not established which is the effect and which is the cause, or whether their relationship even falls into the category of cause-and-effect.

Selection criteria

The multiplicity of outputs and inputs is determined by an unlimited number of interactions between the object and the environment. When building a model, a certain set of connections is selected that will be included in the list of outputs and inputs. The criterion in this case is the intended purpose of the object, the significance of the interaction in relation to the goal.

Accordingly, the choice is made as follows. Everything that is essential is included in the model, and everything that is not is excluded from it. However, it is at this stage that mistakes can be made. The fact that a model does not take into account a certain set of connections does not make them unrealistic. In any case, they exist and act regardless of the will of the researcher making the choice.

It often turns out that conditions that previously seemed unknown or unimportant are actually very important and must be taken into account. Special significance at the moment has when determining the purpose of the system. When establishing the outputs of an object, the main task must be supplemented with auxiliary problems. It should be emphasized that fulfilling only the key goal will not be enough. At the same time, failure to implement additional tasks can make solving the main problem unnecessary in some cases and dangerous in others.

At this point, it is necessary to pay special attention, since in practice there is often misunderstanding, ignorance or underestimation of the significance of this provision. In fact, it acts as one of the central ideas of systemology.


The opaque model is considered the simplest in systemology. Meanwhile, when creating it, various difficulties often arise. They are determined mainly by the variety of possible options for establishing connections between an object and the environment in which it is located. When using the model, it is necessary to take into account various factors and clearly define final and additional goals. The implementation of the latter is often extremely important for obtaining the planned observation results.

Theoretical tour school stage

in computer science and ICT

2015-2016 academic year

5-6-7 grades

  1. 1. (5 points) Find the pattern and continue the series:
    1. 1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,…
    2. 2) a, b, c, d, d, f, ...
    3. 3) 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,…
    4. 4) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 0, 1, 1,…
    5. 5) o, d, t, h, p, w,…
  2. 2. (24 points) Insert a three-letter word instead of dots, which will be the end of one word and the beginning of another.

Example:U(…)ESO – U(KOL)ESO.

CO(. . .)bba


BA(. . .) EAR
GOR(. . .)OLAD
OBY(. . .)KA
PRIC(. .)Y

BOY(. . .)TEJ
GA(. . .)ARONS
WITH(. . .)CAT


  1. 3. (10 points) Write a word in brackets on the left so that these equations can be solved.


  1. 4. (6 points) Scraps of notes are hidden in this table
  • Hare (A2, G6, G1, A6, B3, B1, G4, B4);
  • Wolf (A3, G2, B3, G5, B2, B6, B2, B6);
  • and notes for you (B5, A1, G3, A4, B1).

Restore these notes (don't forget to divide the text into words).

























You -









  1. 5. (5 points) Using the code, find the words that are hidden behind these numbers:
  2. 1) 6 8 7 4 10 8












  1. 2) 1 2 10 8 9 1 5 5CIPHER
  2. 3) 7 1 2 4 3 1 10 8 9
  3. 4) 1 9 4 11
  4. 5) 1 5 5 4 3 1 10 8 9

6. (5 points) Define the proverb. Dial - key:

12, 6, 1, 9

3, 2, 11, 8, 6, 10, 2

7, 9, 5, 8, 11, 4

  1. 7. (5 points) Determine the principle of information transformation in a “black box”.







In the morning – breakfast (B)
In the afternoon – lunch (O)
In the evening – dinner (U)

Answer: ABOUT











  1. 8. (10 points) The grasshopper can perform the following commands:
    1 - jump 1 step to the right,
    2 - jump 1 step to the left,
    3 - jump 1 step forward,
    4 – jump 1 step back.
    How many steps and in what direction from the starting point will the grasshopper be after performing the sequence of actions: (10)1 (20)2 (15)3 (20)1 (10)4 (10)2? The number of repetitions of certain actions is indicated in brackets.
    In your answer, indicate the number of repetitions and the command number
  2. 9. (10 points) Which diagram correctly describes the story: Seryozha is friends with Vanya and Sasha, and Sasha, besides him, is friends with Petya? (Vanya and Petya have one friend each.)

Practical tour of the school stage

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in computer science and ICT

2015-2016 academic year

5-6-7 grades.

1. (20 points) Robot. Roger Wilco wants to get the key from a labyrinth that he cannot get into himself, but he can launch a small robot into it. The robot knows the commands:

  • Up(move one cell up)
  • Down(move one cell down)
  • Left(move one cell to the left)
  • Right(move one cell to the right)

A command that the robot cannot execute, it simply skips and moves on to the next one. The robot has a limited amount of memory, so Roger can only write a program with four instructions. When the robot reaches the end of its program, it starts it again. When the robot finds itself in the cell where the key lies, the program execution ends immediately.

How can Roger program the robot to get out of the cage?S in a cage F where is the key?

2. (20 points) Aquarius. There are two empty vessels with a volume of 8 and 5 liters. Using the Aquarius software environment, create a program for obtaining 4 liters of water in any of the vessels.

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