What is mined in Africa? Africa. Physico-geographical sketch. Minerals. What we learned

Africa has a diverse range of mineral resources, many of which represent the richest deposits in the world.

Deposits of ore minerals - iron, copper, zinc, tin, chromium ores, gold - are confined to the ancient foundation of the platform, composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Their largest deposits are located in the south and east of Africa, where the foundation lies shallow and the ores are close to the surface. Here, in particular, there are deposits of gold and copper, the reserves of which Africa ranks first and second in the world.

Africa is famous for diamonds - the most valuable precious stones. They are used not only as exquisite jewelry, but also as a material unsurpassed in hardness. Half of the world's diamonds are mined in Africa. Their deposits have been discovered on the southwest coast and in the center of Africa.

Deposits of non-metallic minerals - coal, oil, natural gas, phosphorites - occur in sedimentary rocks and cover the lower areas of the platform with a thick cover. Huge oil deposits have been discovered in the northern Sahara and the coast of the Gulf of Guinea. Rich deposits of phosphorites, from which fertilizers are produced, are concentrated in the north of the continent. In sedimentary strata there are also ore minerals formed as a result of weathering of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Thus, deposits of iron, copper, manganese ores and gold of sedimentary origin are common in western and southern Africa. The distribution of Africa's mineral resources continues to be studied.

Mineralization processes occurred mainly in the eras of ancient folding - in the Precambrian and at the beginning of the Paleozoic. Due to the fact that the ancient foundation of the platform is exposed mainly in Equatorial and Southern Africa, it is in these areas that all the most important ore deposits are concentrated. Deposits of copper in the Republic of South Africa, chromite in Southern Rhodesia, tin and tungsten in Nigeria, manganese in Ghana, and graphite on the island of Madagascar are associated with the metamorphization of the oldest Archean and Proterozoic formations. However highest value Among the Precambrian minerals, gold ranks.

Among the areas of Cambrian mineralization, the so-called Central African copper belt, which stretches from the Katanga region (in the southeast of Congo) through Northern and Southern Rhodesia to East Africa, stands out first of all. Numerous deposits within this belt are mainly epigenetic, have a high metal content and provide the bulk of copper, the production of which Africa ranks second among capitalist countries. Along with copper, cobalt, lead, tin and tungsten are mined in this zone.

In Katanga, in the Kazolo-Shinkolobwe region, one of the world's most important uranium ore deposits with a very high uranium content (0.3-0.5%) is exploited. The second major area of ​​Cambrian mineralization is concentrated in South Africa, where the formation of a number of large deposits occurred in connection with powerful outpourings of mafic lavas and intrusions of granitic batholiths. Complex processes of contact metamorphism culminated in the formation of large deposits of platinum ores, gold, chromites, and titanomagnetite ores.

In addition to non-ferrous metal ores, South Africa has deposits of iron ores. Iron ores are generally of low grade; it is believed that most of them were deposited in brackish sea or ocean waters. Their accumulation, which began in the Precambrian, continued into the Silurian period. The main deposits are concentrated in the Pretoria area and in Capeland. The third area of ​​concentration of Cambrian polymetallic ores is the Moroccan highlands of the Atlas Mountains, into which the oldest rocks of the entire mountain system are exposed.

The mines of Morocco produce cobalt, molybdenum, zinc and lead. Towards the end of the Paleozoic and the beginning of the Mesozoic era, when the African platform experienced a relatively calm tectonic stage of development and thick strata of continental sediments were deposited on its ancient skeleton, formations containing coals began to form. The coal basins of greatest industrial importance are in the Republic of South Africa, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, the Republic of Congo (with its capital Leopoldville), Tanganyika and the island of Madagascar.

North of the equator, during this period of time, iron and manganese ores of sedimentary origin and oil accumulated in the continental sandstones of the Sahara. Significantly more favorable conditions for the formation of various minerals were established at the end of the Mesozoic era, when the sea transgressed to northern Africa from the Tethys geosyncline area and faults began, leading to the isolation of the African block, accompanied by active volcanism and the intrusion of large granite batholiths.

Africa is exceptionally rich in natural resources. It is one of the main suppliers of ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores for the global metallurgical industry. The continent boasts graphite deposits, oil and natural gas deposits, and relatively small coal deposits.

And yet, the main treasures of Africa are deposits of gold and diamond jewelry. In addition, on the mainland there are deposits of uranium ores, the uranium content of which reaches 0.3%.

Features of the African relief and their impact on mineral deposits

The processes of mineralization of the subsoil of the African continent occurred in the Precambrian period, as well as at the beginning of the Paleozoic. And since the ancient foundation of the continental platform rose to the surface in the southern parts and in the region of Equatorial Africa, it is there that all the most important ore deposits are concentrated.

Metamorphoses in the layers of ancient Archean and Proterozoic plates in various areas of the mainland led to the formation of deposits of chromite in Southern Rhodesia, copper ore in the South African region, tungsten and tin in Nigeria, as well as graphite in Madagascar and manganese in Ghana.

As a result of hydrothermal processes occurring in the depths of the continent in West Africa, gold deposits were formed. gold ore igneous origin South Africa is rich.

Africa is so rich in diamonds that even one type of diamond pipe - kimberlite - was named after the African province of Kimberley, where a pipe of this type was first discovered. Kimberlite pipes are so-called primary deposits of diamonds formed from graphite, which for a long time was under pressure deep in the Earth's layers (at a depth of 100 to 200 km), was modified into diamond and brought to the surface by magma during volcanic eruptions.

Types of minerals in Africa

Combustible minerals

Coal(fields in South Africa). Formed from parts of ancient plants, it is one of the most important energy resources today.

Oil(fields in Libya, Algeria and Nigeria). It belongs to fossil fuels, has an oily liquid structure, and consists of hydrocarbons of varying masses. Highly valued in the world.

Ferrous metal ores

Manganese ores(fields in South Africa). Used as an additive to iron alloys to give them hardness and strength, for the production of alloyed cast iron and steel.

Chromite ores(fields in South Africa). Chromite is extracted from chromites, which is an essential component of stainless and heat-resistant superalloys.

Titanomagnetic ores(fields in South Africa). Ores containing vanadium are the rarest ferrous metal. Used for the production of grade alloys of steel and cast iron.

Non-ferrous metal ores

Aluminum(bauxite deposits in Cameroon). It is widely used due to its lightness, high thermal and electrical conductivity, and corrosion resistance. The most common metal in earth's crust.

Copper(deposits in the copper belt of the Republic of Congo and Zambia). The most valuable among non-ferrous metals. It is used in the energy industry, mechanical engineering, and in the production of various alloys.

Lead(SOUTH AFRICA). It is part of such minerals as cerussite, galena, anglicite, etc. It is widely used in the automotive, electrical, electronic and military industries.

Nickel(SOUTH AFRICA). Used for the production of nickel steel, as a coating for various metal alloys, in the manufacture of coins, etc. In the earth's crust it is present only in the composition of various ores.

Cobalt(Republic of Congo and Zambia). Used for the manufacture of high strength alloys and in the production of powerful magnets.

Tin. Most tin is mined from the mineral cassiterite (tin stone). The metal is safe, corrosion-resistant and non-toxic, so it is mainly used as a coating.

Antimony(Republic of Congo). Contained primarily in the ore mineral stibnite. It is used for the manufacture of fire retardants - compounds that reduce the flammability of various materials.

Precious metal ores

Gold(SOUTH AFRICA). A precious metal used in jewelry and other industries. It is found in ore, as well as in pure form in water sources.

Platinum and platinoids(SOUTH AFRICA). It is the rarest and most expensive among precious metals. It is valued due to its refractoriness, high resistance to corrosion and oxidation, high strength and electrical conductivity.

Ores of rare and radioactive metals

On the African continent there are deposits of mineral ores from which niobium (northern Nigeria), tantalum (Egypt), cesium (Zimbabwe and Namibia), and radioactive uranium (Namibia and South Africa) are mined.


The most famous among precious stones. They are highly valued as jewelry and are also widely used in industry due to their hardness.

Resources and deposits

Let us briefly consider the largest mineral deposits in Africa. The continent is considered a leading supplier of gold, platinum and diamonds. South Africa ranks first in the world in gold and platinum production (in 2011, 198 tons of gold and 151 tons of platinum were mined in the country). Also, large deposits of these metals are located in Zimbabwe, Ghana, the Republic of Congo and Mali. Zambia is the leader in copper mining in the world, and Zambia, together with Congo, leads in cobalt deposits.

In the depths of South Africa, invaluable reserves of minerals are concentrated: 91% of the world's reserves of manganese ores, 58% of chromite ores and 50% of vanadium deposits. Cameroon contains 3.8% of the world's aluminum reserves.

The richest diamond deposits are located in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Angola. It is noteworthy that 100% of diamonds mined in Namibia have jewelry value.

Large oil fields there are in Algeria (15th place in the world), Libya, Nigeria and Egypt. The northern coast of the continent is rich in iron, manganese and lead-zinc ores.

In Africa there is large number minerals. Of particular importance are the resources for various branches of metallurgy, which are provided by different African countries.

Deposits in the south

The southern part of the continent contains a huge number of different ores. Chromites, tungsten, and manganese are mined here. A large-scale graphite deposit was discovered on the island of Madagascar.

The extraction of precious metals such as gold is of great importance for African countries. It is mined in South Africa. In addition, South Africa contains large quantities of lead, uranium ores, tin, cobalt and copper. In the north, zinc, molybdenum, lead and manganese are mined.

Mining in the north and west

In the north of the continent there are oil fields. Morocco is considered its main producer. In the area of ​​the Atlas Mountains near Libya there is a strip of phosphorites. They are valuable for the metallurgy and chemical industries. Various fertilizers for the agricultural industry are also produced from them. It should be emphasized that half of the world's phosphorite reserves are mined in Africa.

Petroleum and coal are the most valuable African minerals. Large deposits of them are located in the region of the river. Niger. A variety of iron and non-ferrous ores are mined in West Africa. There are deposits of natural gas on the west coast, which is exported to various countries peace. It is a cheap and efficient fuel used in everyday life and industry.

Types of minerals in Africa

If we group all minerals, then the group of combustibles includes coal and oil. Their deposits are located not only in South Africa, but also in Algeria, Libya, and Nigeria. Ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals - aluminum, copper, titanium-magnesium, manganese, copper, antimony, tin - are mined in South Africa and Zambia, Cameroon and the Republic of Congo.

The most valuable metals are platinum and gold mined in South Africa. Among the precious stones there are deposits of diamonds. They are used not only in jewelry, but also in various industries due to their hardness.

The African continent is rich in various minerals. For some rocks and minerals, African countries make a significant contribution to global mineral production. The largest number of deposits of various rocks is located in the south of the mainland, namely in South Africa.

Africa is rich in its natural resources. African states are the world's main exporters of raw materials for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. South Africa is considered the richest country in mineral resources.

Minerals of South Africa

The regions of Equatorial and Southern Africa contain the richest mineral deposits in the world. Large deposits of chromite are located in Southern Rhodesia, Nigeria is rich in tungsten, and Ghana has manganese reserves.

The world's largest graphite deposits are located on the island of Madagascar. However, gold mining is of greatest importance to the economy of South African states.

The main gold reserves are located in the Republic of South Africa. Gold ores here were formed back in the Cambrian period.

For the extraction of such minerals as copper, lead, cobalt, tungsten and tin South Africa ranks first in the world. Also in this region there are unique uranium ores, the content of pure uranium in which reaches 0.3%.

Minerals of North Africa

In North Africa there are deposits of such minerals as zinc, lead, cobalt, and molybdenum. These fossils were formed in North Africa at the beginning of the Mesozoic era, during the period of active development of the African platform.

Also this region African continent rich in manganese. Oil-bearing sources are located in the region of Northern Sahara and Morocco.

Phosphorite-bearing zones are located between the Atlas Mountains and Libya. Phosphorites are used in the metallurgical and chemical industries, as well as in the production of agricultural fertilizers. More than half of the world's phosphorites are mined in the North African phosphate zone.

Morocco ranks first among the countries in the world in the production of phosphorites.

Minerals of West Africa

The main wealth of the subsoil of West Africa is coal and oil. Today, new methods of oil production in this region are being actively developed.

The main large deposits are located in the Niger Delta. West Africa is also rich in minerals such as niobium, tantalum and tin, iron ores, as well as non-ferrous ores.

The coastal regions of West Africa are home to large natural gas reservoirs. The southern territories are rich in gold ores.

Active mining in West Africa has a beneficial effect on the development of industry in this part of the African continent. Thus, over the past decade, non-ferrous metallurgy, the chemical industry and mechanical engineering have reached a high level of development.

Resources of Africa. Minerals

Africa is a continent of great economic opportunity, which is characterized by a variety of natural conditions, rich mineral reserves, and the presence of significant land, water, plant and other resources. Africa is characterized by slight dissection of the relief, which contributes to economic activity-- development agriculture, industry, transport. The location of most of the continent in the equatorial belt largely determined the presence of huge tracts of moist equatorial forests. Africa accounts for 10% of the world's forest area, which accounts for 17% of the world's wood reserves - one of Africa's main exports. The largest desert in the world - the Sahara - contains in its depths huge reserves fresh water, and the big ones river systems characterized by gigantic volumes of runoff and energy resources. Africa is rich in minerals, which are resources for the development of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and the chemical industry. Thanks to new discoveries, Africa's share in the world's proven reserves of energy raw materials is increasing. Reserves of phosphorites, chromites, titanium, tantalum are greater than in any part of the world. Global significance have reserves of bauxite, copper, manganese, cobalt, uranium ores, diamonds, metals, gold, etc. The main areas of concentration of mineral resources potential are: the “copper belt” of Africa, which stretches from the Katanga region to the Democratic Republic of the Congo through Zambia V East Africa(deposits of copper, uranium, cobalt, platinum, gold, manganese); Guinean part of West Africa (stores of bauxite, iron ore, manganese, tin, oil); the Atlas Mountains zone and the coast of North-West Africa (cobalt, molybdenum, lead, zinc, iron ore, mercury, phosphorites); North Africa(oil, gas of the Mediterranean coast and shelf).

vegetable soil africa mineral

The regions of Africa differ greatly in natural features: moisture supply, soil types, vegetation cover. There is one element in common - a large amount of warmth. Large areas of deserts and equatorial forests are unfavorable for agriculture. In deserts, agriculture is possible only if there are sources of water, around which oases are formed. In the equatorial forests, the farmer fights against lush vegetation, and when it is reduced, against erosion and excessive solar radiation, which negatively affects the condition of soils. Best conditions for farming in the highlands and savannas with favorable wet seasons. Most of the continent's soils have low natural fertility. 3/4 of the continent is covered with red and red-brown soils, the thin layer of which is poor in organic matter, is quite easily depleted and destroyed. Red soils and yellow soils in the subtropics and alluvial soils in other zones are relatively fertile.

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