What is mediocrity? A mediocre person is a comfortable person in all respects. What does a mediocre person mean?

A mediocre person is distinguished primarily by the fact that he does not have a clearly defined individuality. On some important life issues, such an individual does not have a clear point of view or a firm position.

In contrast to charisma, mediocrity makes its owner gray and invisible in the crowd. Such a person dresses and behaves in such a way as to be like everyone else. Often mediocre individuals are passive and lazy. They are not looking for ways to express themselves, they are not concerned with ways of self-development and improving their own talents.

Such people prefer not to look for a new solution, but to think and act in clichés. They easily accept other people's opinions and can be driven. A mediocre person tends to doubt himself; he believes more in the opinion of the majority. That's why he prefers to be in the shadow of others.

A mediocre person is usually not drawn to leadership and does not want to achieve outstanding results in anything. Average indicators are his maximum. The will to win rarely accompanies such an individual. He is characterized by some apathy. In addition, he prefers a predictable, boring, but reliable existence to an interesting, full life with a dose of risk.

Despite a fairly calm existence, mediocrity can suffer from reflection, melancholy and depression. The doubts mentioned above may be mixed with regret or sadness of some kind of loss. Statics, immobility, thoughts, melancholy, self-pity - these are the companions of mediocrity.

Mediocrity is characterized by such vices as overeating and alcohol abuse. After all, they have nothing to kill time with; they choose the most mundane, primitive pleasures. They don’t realize that they are simply wasting their time. Mediocre people can sit for a long time in front of a TV or computer monitor, leaving useful activities to more active and lively people.

It happens that some significant, random events occur in the lives of mediocre people, and radically change their lives. They seem to come to life after a dream, look at their existence from the outside and shake themselves up. Otherwise, your whole life may pass in fog and boredom.

Reasons for mediocrity

Often, indecisive, mediocre individuals may experience fear of life and self-doubt. They believe that it is better to keep a low profile, to follow a well-established, proven track, but not to tempt fate. Sometimes such people have low self-esteem. Therefore, they do not believe in their own strengths, they do not trust themselves.

Mediocrity can also be a consequence of the lack of some life goals and guidelines. If a person simply has no idea what he wants, then it is difficult for him to start trying and strive for something specific. It's the same with talents. Sometimes people don't develop their abilities because they simply don't know their own. strengths and inclinations.


-and I , -oh ; -ven , -venna , -venno .

Low in quality, not very good, average, mediocre.

Mediocre knowledge. Mediocre student response.

[Lange], like other luminaries of that time, was a man with a rather limited mind, mediocre talent, and immeasurable self-worship. Chernyshevsky, Lessing, his time, his life and work.

In the Soviet country, of course, there are films for children that are very strong and there are those that are artistically mediocre. Mikhalkov, The real art of children's cinema.

Done through someone or something.

The goal that interests me throughout my work as an artist is the impact on the viewer, mediocre (through the actor) and direct (through the set). Akimov, About the theater.

Small academic dictionary. - M.: Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Evgenieva A. P.:


    Synonyms See what “mediocre” is in other dictionaries:

    Average, weak, modest, unimportant, unpretentious, unspecial, not God knows what, so-so... He is not a very important artist. I had a poor upbringing and no income. Turg. We are small people, we don’t grab stars from the sky Wed. . Cm … Synonym dictionary

    MEDIOCAL, mediocre, mediocre; mediocre, mediocre, mediocre. 1. Low in quality, average, mediocre. Mediocre abilities. Mediocre cloth. He plays mediocre (adv.). Mediocre answer... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary mediocre

    MEDIOCAL, oh, oh; vein, vein. 1. Average quality, mediocre. P. writer. To perform mediocrely (adv.) in an exam. 2. mediocre, uncl., avg. Mark, assessment of knowledge: satisfactory. I scored mediocre on the exam. | noun... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    MEDIOCAL, mediocre, mediocre; mediocre, mediocre, mediocre. 1. Low in quality, average, mediocre. Mediocre abilities. Mediocre cloth. He plays mediocre (adv.). Mediocre answer... ...- mediocre, brief. f. mediocre and mediocre, mediocre, mediocre, mediocre... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    Adj. Low quality, mediocre. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Mediocre, mediocre, mediocre, mediocre, mediocre, mediocre, mediocre, mediocre, mediocre, mediocre, mediocre, mediocre, mediocre, mediocre, mediocre,... ... Forms of words

    MEDIOCAL, mediocre, mediocre; mediocre, mediocre, mediocre. 1. Low in quality, average, mediocre. Mediocre abilities. Mediocre cloth. He plays mediocre (adv.). Mediocre answer... ...- Original. Suf. derived from mediation in the meaning “middle, middle position”... Etymological dictionary Russian language

    MEDIOCAL, mediocre, mediocre; mediocre, mediocre, mediocre. 1. Low in quality, average, mediocre. Mediocre abilities. Mediocre cloth. He plays mediocre (adv.). Mediocre answer... ...- Formed in a suffixal way from the mean, meaning middle and derived from posrd - located in the middle ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Krylov

    MEDIOCAL, mediocre, mediocre; mediocre, mediocre, mediocre. 1. Low in quality, average, mediocre. Mediocre abilities. Mediocre cloth. He plays mediocre (adv.). Mediocre answer... ...- mediocre; briefly the shape of veins and veins, veins... Russian spelling dictionary

    MEDIOCAL, mediocre, mediocre; mediocre, mediocre, mediocre. 1. Low in quality, average, mediocre. Mediocre abilities. Mediocre cloth. He plays mediocre (adv.). Mediocre answer... ...- cr.f. mediocre and mediocre, mediocre, venno, veins; middle-aged… orthographic dictionary Russian language


  • Washington, Glagoleva Ekaterina Vladimirovna. George Washington (1732-1799) went down in American history as "the father of the nation and the savior of the Fatherland." Hero of the French and Indian War and the American Revolution, not very successful planter,...

MEDIOCAL, mediocre, mediocre; mediocre, mediocre, mediocre. 1. Low in quality, average, mediocre. Mediocre abilities. Mediocre cloth. He plays mediocre (adv.). Mediocre answer... ...

mediocre, mediocre; mediocre mediocre, mediocre.

    Low in quality, average, mediocre. Mediocre abilities. Mediocre cloth. He plays mediocre (adv.). Mediocre student response. He answered mediocrely (adv.). To reach the position of a mediocre scientist, he had to study for fifteen years. Chekhov.

    Accomplished through something. (books rarely).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.

MEDIOCAL, mediocre, mediocre; mediocre, mediocre, mediocre. 1. Low in quality, average, mediocre. Mediocre abilities. Mediocre cloth. He plays mediocre (adv.). Mediocre answer... ...

Aya, oh; -ven, -ve-nna.

    Average quality, mediocre. P. writer. To perform mediocrely (adv.) in an exam.

    mediocre, unacc., avg. Mark, assessment of knowledge: satisfactory. I scored mediocre on the exam.

    noun mediocrity, -i, f. (to 1 value).

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

MEDIOCAL, mediocre, mediocre; mediocre, mediocre, mediocre. 1. Low in quality, average, mediocre. Mediocre abilities. Mediocre cloth. He plays mediocre (adv.). Mediocre answer... ...


Low quality, mediocre, average.

Although the heavens are so different from each other that the angels of some heavens cannot communicate with the angels of other heavens, nevertheless the Lord unites all heavens into one by influx mediocre And mediocre: not by inspiration mediocre, from Him going into all heaven and influx mediocre- going from one heaven to another.

John-Tom found a joke mediocre, but thought it best to laugh as if being tickled.

When the trustee of the Kharkov educational district himself, later a comrade of the minister, Privy Councilor von Anrep, came to our gymnasium one day in a tailcoat with a large order star, Vladimir Ivanovich continued his next lesson as if nothing had happened and as if he was deliberately calling the most mediocre students who do not shine with their abilities and knowledge.

And just as an artist dissolves a house, a cart, people in a striking light effect that equalizes objects, so Berma covered with wide veils of horror or tenderness the words of the same cast, smoothed or, on the contrary, stilted, which mediocre the actress would mint every single one.

Looking back on all this, I come to the conclusion that they were sick to death of fiddling with mediocre rubbish and it was nice to deal with people who understood the difference between glycerin tears and real ones and did not haggle if the latter cost two dollars more.

Ephemeral insects spend their ephemeral existence in repeated intercourse, attracted by the odorous radiation of any mediocre a presentable female in whom sexual heat spreads to the dorsal region.

The apple tree seedling, which later became the Pervomaiskoe variety, was obtained by crossing the Renet champagne variety with the Renet Landsberg variety and was distinguished by many good qualities: late ripening, high winter hardiness, dense fruit pulp, but had mediocre taste qualities.

Here the situation is similar to the control of cars, airplanes, rockets, complex household appliances and, in general, all kinds of inventions, into which the genius of mankind has been invested for many centuries, but which can be used by millions mediocre and even intellectually disabled people.

I said that from the point of view of rationalism we have God and nature, two beings, two causes and two modes of action: one is not MEDIOCAL, mediocre, mediocre; mediocre, mediocre, mediocre. 1. Low in quality, average, mediocre. Mediocre abilities. Mediocre cloth. He plays mediocre (adv.). Mediocre answer... ..., which is attributed to real and natural beings, the other - MEDIOCAL, mediocre, mediocre; mediocre, mediocre, mediocre. 1. Low in quality, average, mediocre. Mediocre abilities. Mediocre cloth. He plays mediocre (adv.). Mediocre answer... ..., which is attributed to God, in exactly the same way as in constitutionalism two powers, the people and the sovereign, dominate or argue about dominance, whereas in naturalism only nature dominates, in true theism only God, so that therefore rationalism, like constitutionalism, is a system half-heartedness, contradiction, indecision, spinelessness.

Killed an hour - found a guitar at the level of a good Cremona or mediocre Spanish women.

So, for example, on the Tsaritsyn front General Mamantov is in command - militarily MEDIOCAL, mediocre, mediocre; mediocre, mediocre, mediocre. 1. Low in quality, average, mediocre. Mediocre abilities. Mediocre cloth. He plays mediocre (adv.). Mediocre answer... ... Human.

The fact that Burkewitz was not present in the assembly hall during the prayer for the granting of victory was not noticed at all, and they remembered this only after the collision had taken place - regarding his constant skipping of lessons on the study of the military system introduced in the gymnasium for now several months, then this was interpreted either by his ill health, or by his reluctance to give up his primacy, at least physically, mediocre Takadzhiev, who turned out to be a remarkably dexterous and strong guy.

From all these propositions it is impossible to conclude anything other than the fact that everything that a person thinks and desires comes from inspiration, and since all speech follows from thought, just as a phenomenon follows from its cause, and the same with every action relative to the will , then everything a person says and does is also from inspiration, although in a derivative and mediocre.

It's great that vegetable world in particular evokes aesthetic contemplation and, so to speak, begs for it so much that, I would like to say, this begging is due to the fact that these organic beings, like animal bodies, do not constitute direct objects of knowledge, which is why they need someone else’s rational individual, in order to enter the world of imagination from the world of blind desire, why, as it were, they yearn for such an entry so that although mediocre achieve what you can't mediocre they were refused.

Some heavens are united with other heavens, or one heavenly society is united with the society of other heavens by influx from one Lord, not mediocre And mediocre: Not mediocre from the Lord himself and mediocre from highest heaven, descending in order to the lower ones.

It’s unlikely that anyone will directly say that it’s time to agree to any option so as not to be left alone. It’s unlikely that your acquaintances will openly convince you to date a man you don’t like and don’t deserve. Still, society puts pressure, forces you to definitely look for a mate, even if those around you don’t talk about it explicitly.

Unmarried women over 30 are called too demanding and urged to lower the bar. They are more likely to experience social rejection and become the target of negative stereotypes. From childhood we are taught that a woman’s value is directly related to her ability to find a life partner. The wedding marks the transition to adult life. Marriage is the most important relationship in adulthood. We cannot consider ourselves whole until we find our other half. Control argument: the biological clock is ticking.

It's no wonder people rush to settle down, even if they aren't ready or haven't met the right person. However, it is better to be alone than to settle for what is. There is no need to put up with mediocre relationships, wait for the person with whom you will become truly happy. Here are some scientific arguments in favor.

Fear of loneliness shifts priorities

In 2013, a group of scientists led by Stephanie Spielmann from Wayne State University in Detroit conducted a survey and found that for people who are afraid of loneliness, it is not the quality of relationships that is more important, but their presence. They agree with statements like “I'm afraid it will soon be too late to find love” and “The older I get, the harder it is to find someone.” And they are less likely to express dissatisfaction with the relationship, even if there are real problems in it.

Psychologists also conducted a study in which they staged online dating. A self-sufficient person is unlikely to show interest in a user who says in his profile: “I love my job. I need someone who will respect that and take a backseat when necessary.” But people who cannot stand loneliness are much less likely to be embarrassed by this categorical attitude in a potential partner.

When fear of loneliness drives our decisions, we often make poor choices and become even lonelier.

It is logical to assume that for them any relationship is better than none. Researchers have found that in unsuccessful relationships, they feel just as depressed and abandoned as those who do not currently have a partner.

Social connections are important for well-being, so we seek out close relationships. But when fear of loneliness drives such decisions, we often make the wrong choices. And as a result, we become even more lonely and vulnerable. There is no need to treat choosing a partner as in a game of chairs, where the main thing is to take any chair, just not to stand. This approach makes it difficult to notice signals that indicate that a person is not suitable.

Independence has advantages

Unmarried women are usually considered immature, selfish and unadjusted in life. Sometimes they are even refused to rent an apartment, preferring a “more reliable” married couple. In fact, single people are often less selfish than those who are married or living with a partner, and they are more likely to help relatives, friends and sick parents.

You shouldn't follow popular stereotypes. No matter why you or someone else is single, it could be a temporary situation or a conscious life choice. Freedom from relationships makes it possible to build strong friendships, devote yourself to your favorite activities and develop a feeling of self-esteem, which does not depend on the opinions of the partner or others. This will benefit you when you meet “your” person and build a relationship. If you are unhappy with your life, you will probably expect your partner to satisfy your needs and make it better. Over time, this will destroy the relationship. If you're already happy, there won't be unrealistic expectations that will interfere with your happiness.

True love is worth taking risks

You may never find true love. But if you find it, the winnings will more than pay for the risks. You've probably heard stories about picky women who died as old maids. Not fewer stories about those who did not succumb to the pressure of relatives and friends and found a man who was perfect for them. It was worth the wait for this.

Psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky have proven that people tend to avoid losses and risks, so many people prefer to stay in mediocre relationships and miss the opportunity to find better ones.

Perhaps risk aversion is justified in financial management. But in other areas of life (in searching for a dream business or choosing a partner), this strategy is not always applicable. What's better? At the age of 40, meet the man you love with whom you will be happy, or for the rest of your life be with a person who is not suitable? If you prefer the first option, it's worth the risk.

You shouldn’t analyze a man into his pros and cons. See in general what kind of person he is, how you feel next to him

Another trap is the so-called sunk costs. For example, it’s cold outside, you have a cold and still go to a concert on outdoors. After all, you have already bought a ticket; you cannot return it. You forget that you still have a choice: go to a concert and get even sicker or stay warm at home. Staying in a relationship just because you've invested a lot of time and effort into it is like going to a concert if you have a cold, or investing money in a company that is doomed to fail. In any case, what is lost cannot be returned, but you can stop so as not to lose even more.

Accepting shortcomings does not mean reconciling

Sometimes women are really too picky about the qualities of their future husband. They reject great partners for unimportant reasons, such as being short. But in the long run this quality does not matter. Kindness, for example, is much more important. If your man doesn't have Brad Pitt's beauty and talent, that doesn't mean being with him is a bad idea.

You shouldn’t analyze him into pros and cons, look in general at what kind of person he is, how you feel around him. If you are comfortable in a relationship, you have common goals and values, your relationship is not mediocre. Who knows, maybe soon my husband will seem more handsome and talented than Brad Pitt.

about the author

Psychologist, works at Brandeis University.

“I have noted for myself the most common manifestations of mediocrity in acting technique:

1. Experience - not as a progress of abilities, but as a burden of the past, that is, long-outdated techniques, concepts and tastes.

2. Lack of training and drill both for the body and voice, and in the field of psychotechnics, lack of freshness and receptivity. In their opinion, all this is the director’s concern during rehearsal. They themselves bring a routine with them to the rehearsal and thereby take away the productivity of the rehearsal.

3. Lack of skill. This is a logical continuation of the previous one. Whatever the actor's desire, skill determines his boundaries. In rehearsal practice, this first of all means a lack of ability to speak (when thoughts are lumped together, without tracing each one separately, discarding emphasis), not listening to a partner, thinking during a partner’s text, that is, in essence, a lack of ability to communicate with a partner. At the same time, this is the inability to read poetry, to convey thoughts in poetry, the inability to perceive the beauty of language and the habit of “cutting a rhyme.” There is an inability to control tension (neck, scruff, body, arms, legs, face), control voice and breathing. Such an actor is not able to overcome the resistance of the material and be able to convey the subtle beat of living life.

4. Inability to immediately implement the director’s task, which comes directly from the previous one. Therefore, at rehearsals, stereotypical phrases are repeated: “I understand, but now I can’t yet”; “the text has not yet been remembered and is in the way,” etc.

5. Lack of precision, which is replaced by “in general” both in activity and thinking, and in feeling. Hence the lag in rehearsals, the inability to restore what has already been recorded.

6. Inability to act, which is replaced by “suffering.”

7. Tendency to have a dozen small feelings and inability to have one big experience. Hence the constant “I’ll show you tomorrow” until, as a result of lack of training in psychotechnics, the experience is replaced by personal hysteria.

8. Feeling - instead of thought and instead of feeling - acting emotion.

9. Playing according to the logic of the text instead of playing according to the logic of events and facts.

10. Inability to feel the events of the play, to grasp them widely and to play large and deeply.

11. Inability to see and capture the main thing.

12. Even with some ability to analyze, there is an inability to generalize, an inability to synthesize.

13. Inability to continue a new rehearsal from the place where the previous one was interrupted (in terms of level and quality). Hence the worst thing about rehearsals - repetition of the same comments.

14. Insufficiency homework- often not even from laziness, but from the inability to work on the role outside of rehearsals.

15. Lack of your own credo: stereotyped thoughts.

16. Poor taste and insufficient sense of proportion.

17. Inability to collect, process and carry with you the supporting role.

20. Feelings of inferiority as the fruit of past days. This can manifest itself in different ways. The game can turn into a means of livelihood, into a hopeless way of earning a living, into a bourgeois tranquility. In another case, failure deepens fear, and fear deepens the inability to create. The opposite can also happen: mediocrity deepens skepticism, skepticism gives rise to impudence, with which alcoholism and bohemianism are often combined, and as a result, a decline in the ability to create.

Mediocrity is often associated with provincialism.

By the way, provincialism does not necessarily mean province. The deepest provincialism can grow on the streets of the capital, and a spiritual metropolis can be created in the front gardens or forest silence of the periphery.

Mediocrity is not constant. It is like the horizon - it all depends from what height you look at it. And everything depends on time. What was good yesterday may be mediocre today. The results of the development of many sciences, which surprised the world in 1945, have already been overcome today. Time and progress are inevitable. We, actors, must, like everyone else, understand the law of dialectics: everything moves, changes and develops.

New talents, new personalities bring with them something new both in technique and style. But in order to keep up, to always remain new, it requires a lot of work, training, and brain strain. It's hard for those who stand at the top! It is a pity that in art, especially in dramatic art, we do not notice this as clearly as in sports, because there are no such rigid definitions as centimeter, second and knockout. Another still thinks that he is a champion, although he has long shared tenth place with someone else. Otherwise, we would not have heard the cries of the offended: “I knew how to do it for twenty-five years, but now suddenly I can’t!”; “I have reviews, they praised me, read!”

They resemble Gorky's Baron with his “carriage of the past.” The comet-like flight of prodigies can be followed by a long and featureless series of gray days...

The everyday life of workers of thought and heart can be followed by the heights of starry space. Youth is a virtue; it plays and exerts its influence in a special way, like a new face, a new personality, a new timbre. Have you noticed how these qualities sometimes walk alongside the role, overshadow the shortcomings and score points with the audience?

But haven’t you noticed how youth, novelty and charm begin to leave a person, he begins to remain alone on the stage: the aroma and pollen have fallen off, the man and manner are on stage? The viewer wrinkles his nose or yawns, and we, people of the theater, feel the beginning of the tragedy. And at the same time, haven’t you seen on another occasion that the intelligent eye of a mature master peeks out from behind the crumbling leaves of youth? And the audience says: “Yes, he plays very interestingly, let’s see what happens next.” This is the whole art of theater and the secret of a full house. During the intermission of a good performance we read on everyone’s faces: it’s very interesting, let’s wait to see what happens next.”

Panso V., Labor and talent in the work of an actor, M., “ Russian University theatrical art - GITIS", 2013, p. 167-169.

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