What's in the year according to predictions. Predictions for past years

Vanga is one of the most famous clairvoyants. She accurately predicted the outbreak of wars and armed conflicts, natural disasters and social changes throughout the world. Full name fortune tellers - Vangelia Gushterova. She was born and spent almost her entire life in the small Bulgarian border town of Petrich. Having gone blind at the age of 12 after being carried away by a tornado, Vanga was endowed with the gift of clairvoyance.

At first, many of her prophecies, written in the form of quatrains, seem mysterious and incomprehensible. However, a comparison of Vanga’s visions and current events suggests that the prophecies of the famous blind woman are mostly coming true.

Predictions for past years

The outgoing year 2014 for Russia and the world community was turbulent, full of twists and turns. “Crimea will break away from one shore and grow to the other...” the Bulgarian seer predicted. Just a few years ago, people did not understand how the peninsula could break away; they made incredible guesses about global warming and the washing out of the isthmus between Crimea and Ukraine.

However, the events that occurred in May 2014 made it possible to correctly interpret the prediction and once again proved the veracity of Vanga’s visions.

The Bulgarian blind woman also saw the fate of Donetsk: “In the land of underground holes and man-made mountains, everything will shake, as a result of this, much will collapse in the West and much will rise in the East. And Sagittarius will come and stand for twenty and three years, and what stood for twenty and three years will be ground into powder...” The amazing “land of underground holes and man-made mountains” is Donetsk, and “Strelok” is Igor Strelkov, the leader of the Novorossiya militia. The final phrase is also obvious - Ukraine existed for 23 years after it left the USSR.

There is an interpretation that Russia will send its troops into Ukraine by 2016 to stabilize the political and economic situation. However, these thoughts have not yet received authoritative confirmation.

Vanga’s prophecies regarding the war in Ukraine and the attitude of the entire world community towards this continue to come true, and the situation is most accurately described by the following words: “Increasingly there will be people who will have eyes but will not see, who will have ears but will not listen . Brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children.” Indeed, Ukraine has split in two, turning its fellow citizens into irreconcilable enemies; people are forced to leave their homes, families, elderly parents in order to save own lives. And the West at this time does not want to see and hear all the horrors of war, they create their own “truth”.

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Vanga's predictions for 2016

2016, according to Vanga, will be a turning point in the history of all mankind. About 50 years ago, a soothsayer said that by 2016 Europe would be empty. This will happen as a result of a war between the United States and a Muslim country, during which the latter, as a final argument, will use chemical weapons. Terrible diseases, blindness, ulcers, ulcers will strike citizens of European countries, and after a while, cold, empty Europe, as Vanga predicted, will neighbor Russia.

The most dire predictions Vanga voiced it before her death. Much of what she said was simply incomprehensible. Just a dozen years ago, some of her revelations seemed like an unsolvable, meaningless puzzle. Today, her prophecies are becoming clearer. The seer usually did not indicate specific dates, but an analysis of the events of the last 5 years makes it possible to reveal Vanga’s predictions for 2016. So…

The war that will soon destroy Europe

Let's remember what the clairvoyant said: “2011 is a turning point.” The war that began in the East would “destroy Europe.” “The year sixteen... Europe is empty, cold...” Here it is - a clearly indicated date. Let's see how true Vanga's predictions turn out to be...

In addition to wars, the West will face a severe climate test: a certain celestial body will fall on the territory of what is now Europe. If it falls into the water, it will cause irreversible consequences - some continents will be flooded. Climatic conditions will change.

The fate of the US President is also sad. The seer says about him that the black president will be the last. His reign would end with the collapse of the United States as a result of war and the resulting economic crisis.
Thus, the blind clairvoyant speaks of Europe in 2016 as a deserted, cold and infertile territory, transformed into such as a result of the war of civilizations.

According to Vanga’s predictions for 2016, shock therapy will continue in Ukraine: crooks obsessed with hatred and lust for profit will come to power, violence and robberies will flourish, which law enforcement agencies cannot stop. The civilian population will have the hardest time - unemployment, hunger and cold - all this will have to be endured.

"Chemical rain..."

Remember this phrase in Vanga's predictions? Can you guess what disaster she was talking about? Of course, oh powerful earthquake in Japan. Then, in 2011, explosions and radiation leaks were recorded at Fukushima-1. The consequences are still being kept silent, but what is certain is that radiation entered both the atmosphere and the ocean. By the way, 370 km from the nuclear power plant, a dose rate of 30 mSv/hour was observed (despite the fact that 20 mSv/year is the annual maximum for nuclear power plant workers).

About the third world...

Vanga clearly named Syria as the epicenter of the devastating war - the cradle of many civilizations and cultures, a country where people have coexisted for thousands of years. different religions. And when asked when it will begin, the clairvoyant gave a specific answer: “Syria has not fallen yet...” Vanga predicts a war between East and West - Russia and the United States. The latter openly lays claim to world domination, anticipating victory in advance. “But the winner will be the wrong one...” Whose name didn’t Vanga say? It’s not difficult to guess: today’s battle for Syria can be called a battle for Russia.

It is interesting that Russia is destined to survive in this terrible cycle. Vanga argued that our country will have to experience a lot in 2016 and move forward with all its strength. But the efforts will not be in vain - the country will be saved.

Predictions for Russia

Russia is predicted economic development, stability. New enterprises are emerging. However, along with the growth of prosperity, the number of vices increases, the number of traitors increases. Society is becoming more and more corrupt. Already existing diseases associated with skin diseases and cancer are strengthened.

Vladimir is in power (we dare to assume that the current President, V.V. Putin), who centralizes the state, in some way infringing on the personal interests of people in the name of the common goal of the country’s prosperity. However, his actions are welcomed by most of society. These actions partly served as the fundamental basis for the further strengthening and unification of all Slavic peoples into a strong and united nation. The unification of the Slavs, according to Vanga, will happen between 2025 and 2030.

There is no information in the visions of the prophetess regarding the economic crisis in the country, which will cause irreparable damage to it. Vanga mentions the instability of the Russian economy, but does not observe any serious consequences.

Is it worth believing?

You can believe or doubt Vanga's prophecies. Skeptics argue that her words can be filled with any contextual meaning, but numerous prophecies have come true, and with extreme accuracy. This happened with the sunken submarine “Kursk”, the situation in Ukraine.

The opportunity to learn about such visions of Vanga is not a reason for grief, but a reason to think about whether we are living correctly and what we can change. After all, every person, nation, country is capable of creating own world, your story. To live following the norms of morality and conscience, to reject selfishness, the desire to get rich at the expense of others, to learn to live in peace with nature is, at first glance, a utopian task. In fact, it is the only possible way to preserve the nation and humanity in general.

In addition to the terrible and disappointing forecasts for 2016, Vanga bequeathed the following vision to her descendants: “The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the Earth. There will be no violence and theft. The wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it.”

Appreciate life and enjoy every moment of it, improve yourself, your home and the world around you.

Despite the fact that today a lot of forecasts are being made for the future, both for the long-term and for the more immediate, everyone is primarily interested in a specific tomorrow, namely: what awaits us in the coming 2016. (website)

And we turn again and again to the words of Vanga, who, before her death, tried to tell humanity the most important thing that she saw in the future. Some question her predictions, but the blind Bulgarian soothsayer almost never made mistakes.

The prophecy should not be identified with the forecasts of political scientists and economists

Another thing is that she often spoke in riddles, like all prophets, for example, her words about the flooding of Kursk at one time caused bewilderment, and only when she sank submarine with the same name, it became clear to everyone what Vanga meant. Approximately the same thing applied to Crimea, when blind Vangelina said that the peninsula would break away from one land and attach itself to another. Almost everyone then thought about anything, but not about the political separation of Crimea from one country (Ukraine) and annexation to another (Russia).

She said no less truth about Ukraine, that here brother will go against brother, and mothers will begin to abandon their children.

Why do prophets always speak in a vague and allegorical way? The fact is that they connect to a completely different reality, in which there are no such unambiguous concepts as in our world. They see pictures or symbols and convey their meaning as best they can. The rest is our business, that is, to understand and decipher what the person who managed to look into the area of ​​the future tells us.

Russia is gradually becoming a spiritual leader

Now let’s try to understand what Vanga wanted to tell us about 2016. Here is one of her phrases - Europe will be empty (“the sixteenth year... Europe is empty, cold...), since one of the Muslim countries will use the most terrible chemical weapons against the “false European democracy” that has bothered it. And the cold desert will be adjacent to Russia.

This is what the leadership of the European Union and all leaders of countries need to think about now Western Europe, since, according to the blind soothsayer, the current US policy, which the EU countries strongly support, will lead to this sad end. That is, they are practically chopping the branch on which they themselves are sitting.

Of course, as Vanga said, ordinary people will suffer the most in this situation; leaders and rich people will always have time to get away from terrible places. The same applies to Ukraine, where violence, robbery, hunger and cold will flourish...

In this situation, Russia will face stability and progressive development in economic, political and especially spiritual terms. True, with increasing prosperity, the number of traitors will also increase. However, Vanga said, Vladimir is in power, whose controversial policies in the name of the main goal - the prosperity of the country - will be supported by the majority of citizens of Russian society. And this is the essence of the formation and strengthening of Russia, which in the future will become the political and spiritual leader of the whole world.

To believe or not to believe?

And although skeptics claim that it can be filled with any content, in the end her prophecies always turn out to be true. Only some of our interpretations of her words became erroneous, that is, precisely the content that the unbelieving Thomases are so concerned about. For example, if Europe is not empty of chemical contamination, it may well become completely different (cold and lifeless for its current population) due to, say, mass enslavement by refugees from the East - the Muslim world, which the United States of America destroyed and continues to destroy.

In Vanga’s words, something else is more important, namely, that sooner or later, the day will come when all lies will disappear from the face of the Earth, wars will stop, there will be no theft and violence, and divine love will reign throughout the world. But, unfortunately, this is still a long way off, and the coming year will be only a small step towards this bright future...

I believed that from 2014 to 2016 the entire population of planet Earth would be on the brink of death more than once. One of the dangers will be an unusual drought in 2016. This problem will become main reason food shortages and drinking water in states Far East. Nostradamus also foreshadows a severe epidemic associated with a fish pestilence in the Pacific Ocean.

The fortuneteller confirmed the predictions of Nostradamus. Vanga also talks about a brutal war, which will be initiated by one of the states in the Middle East. The fortuneteller also said that after a terrible drought there would be a grand resettlement of people from Southern Hemisphere to the North.

Argues that in 2016 there will be significant changes on the political world stage. The four states of the Balkan Peninsula will leave the European Union and will create their own single state.

Alexey Pakhabov, one of the young futurologists, said that in 2016 the price of natural resources will rise sharply.

Egyptian fortuneteller Joy Ayad said that the Earth will face a huge collision with an asteroid.

Prophecies for Russia for 2016

For many years, predictions for the future have captivated people around the world. And if we take into account the fact that most people on earth are mainly interested in forecasts that concern him and his country personally, then it is very interesting what changes will happen in Russia next year 2016?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the prophecies of the great Nostradamus. He wrote in his notes that 2016 will be the year of the spread of swine flu, due to which many people will die, including in Russia. Nostradamus also warned about a great drought that covered the entire earth in 2016, because of which many refugees from all countries would move to Russian territory. According to famous Russian scientists in the field of astrology, including Pavel Globa, in next year Russia will become the founder newest state, which will include republics from the former Soviet Union. This association will become a powerful force that will be able to fight the NATO military bloc.

American political scientist Friedman also confirmed this and added that this will be the year of the rebirth of the USSR. In America, on the contrary, the banking system will collapse, and European Union will collapse. Russia's position will strengthen due to rising prices natural resources. Also, some psychics say that by the end of the year a war will begin, which could become the third world war. But the Russian Federation will become the main peacemaker and the bloody outcome can be prevented.

Everyone knows clairvoyant Vanga said that in 2016 a person would be born who would be the world's savior. He will become a preacher of a new religious movement, which will subsequently be able to unite the whole world.

Predictions by Pavel Globa for 2016. Predictions for Russia and Ukraine

The astrologer indicates that from the beginning of the year a period of conflict situations and hostility will begin. It may happen that many countries will be involved in this conflict. The Russian Federation will act as a peaceful state, and opinion of it will greatly increase. Besides this famous fortune teller He also spoke about the further split of Ukraine as an integral territory. Globa predicts - eastern part Ukraine will become part Russian Federation. In the coming year, China will greatly help the Republic of Belarus in solving economic problems. The Russian economic sphere will also undergo some changes, but they will not be very noticeable. The American dollar will weaken due to the crisis, its exchange rate will inevitably fall. The Russian currency will be supported due to the rise in price of natural resources.

Nostradamus' predictions for 2016

Nostradamus speaks of a great drought that will inevitably occur in July 2016. As a result of this disaster, numerous countries will have big problems with food and simple drinking water. Russia, as a result of the drought, will be forced to accept an influx of emigrants. Also, the Russian state will have many internal problems, in particular, there will be an intensification of terrorists, immigrants from North Caucasus. By the end of the year, the power of the Russian state will increase, the country will be able to prevent the outbreak of a new world war and will be a permanent leading player in world politics. Publishing a strange article will cause an incident among Christians and Muslims. China will resolve this delicate problem. The Celestial Empire will prescribe to all countries the basic rules of the game on equal terms with the United States. A certain European state will be driven to extremes due to internal disasters. An attempt will be made to internally restructure society and change power. But these actions will not lead to success. In another European country, according to Nostradamus, it will be Italy, its leader will suddenly die. But in an Arab state, an armed coup will be carried out successfully. With great achievements in the field of genetics taking place in 2016, people will successfully begin to explore the bottom of the world's oceans for a new life.

Vanga's prophecies for 2016

According to Vanga, it can be reported that the conflict situation that flared up in the Middle East Syrian war and the Egyptian confrontation could lead to a third world war. But the beginning will not be in 2016, because the peacemaker will be Russian state and him great leader. It is after this conflict that the Russian state will gain powerful strength and will be able to exert significant influence on other countries. The clairvoyant called 2016 the year of reunification, because 4 more states will appear within Russia. The Balkan Peninsula will also be preparing for reunification, but the European Union and all of Europe, on the contrary, will collapse. The blind clairvoyant Vanga spoke no less about catastrophes and various world cataclysms. Taiwan, Cambodia and India may be under water. Great losses will be suffered by England and Italy. The predicted epidemic of an unknown flu also raises concerns. The clairvoyant also touched on cosmic issues: in 2016, a new teaching about the history of the origin of our planet will appear, information will arise about a certain celestial object flying past our earth, and there will be a likelihood of a further impact on the earth. But this blow can only cause harm, and it will not lead to complete destruction.

Predictions and prophecies for 2016. Video

Date of publication: 07/03/2015

What did Vanga predict for 2016? Should we be afraid of something? Today's world is not very simple, and at times it gives very little reason for optimism... Although there is always hope for the best. And maybe the Bulgarian clairvoyant will help us strengthen it? Anyone, but Vanga, can be trusted in her predictions, for even people who were skeptical about her prophecies and studied them purely scientific methods, noted that the percentage of events that came true for the soothsayer is so high that this does not fit into the theory of probability. And Vanga’s predictions for 2016 are as follows...

Vanga about war and peace

2016, according to the clairvoyant, will be a continuation of the difficult period of the threat of the outbreak of a third world war. The situation will not change dramatically. The threat of escalating conflict will continue to come from the Middle East. Vanga argued that it would most likely be Afghanistan, Iran or Türkiye. Although these countries should still be named with the caveat “possibly”.

The theme will sound again chemical weapons, and this time they may actually try to use it. At the same time, it is possible that not only the countries directly involved in the confrontation, but also some European states will suffer from this. And this is where the danger of a local Middle East problem escalating into a global military threat will lie.

The shadow of World War III will hang over the world seriously enough that war will even seem inevitable. At the same time, the United States will become its most active instigator. Today this statement sounds like a self-evident thing. But Vanga in the 80s and even in the 90s of the last century could not know this one hundred percent. The clairvoyant believed that it would be possible to prevent a new world war, but only in last moment and exclusively through the efforts of Russia and China.

And a few more words about chemical weapons. Vanga predicted that if it were to be used, the consequences for the inhabitants of Western Europe would be truly terrible. They will be struck by terrible diseases - skin ulcers, blindness, etc.

Climate and disasters

A destructive element - a tornado - will sweep over the United States in 2016. Significant territories will suffer from it, and one of the cities will be completely destroyed. Moreover, according to Vanga, this will be big city, it is possible that the whole metropolis.

In addition, the clairvoyant spoke about a celestial body that would fall into the waters of the European continent. This fall will cause flooding of some coastal areas of Europe and, as a result, problems for the people living on them. But the main thing is that climate change will occur on the European continent because of this.


Next year, Russia will continue to strengthen its authority in the international arena. She will be able to unite even more states around herself, so that in the end a powerful alliance will emerge that will be able to provide significant resistance to the West and even dictate its own terms to it.

In the US, everything will happen almost exactly the opposite. This country will be overwhelmed political crisis, which, in turn, will lead to massive discontent among citizens. Discontent will result in protests and demonstrations of disobedience. By the way, in lately The topic of the future of America as a country is being discussed quite actively. And more and more often there are phrases about its collapse into separate states. Vanga also indirectly confirmed this idea; she predicted that the “black president” would be the last in this state, because he would lead it to collapse by constantly waging wars and inability to cope with the economic crisis.

In Europe, the situation will also be difficult. There will be a tendency towards a breakdown in relations between countries. Vanga did not specify which of them European countries will find themselves involved in these processes, so it cannot be said unequivocally that they will cause damage to the EU. However, the possibility of this certainly exists.

Another significant problem will be the economic decline in the Old World.

The predictions of the Bulgarian soothsayer about Ukraine deserve special attention. For this country in 2016, she predicted a worsening of crisis processes. And the point of no return will be the third Maidan, which will take place in the first half of the year. Its result will be the overthrow of the current government; Instead, the country will be headed by people who will try to return the situation back by uniting with Russia. By the way, in 2016 it will be possible to stop civil war. Moreover, it will also be possible to turn the situation around in this regard through the efforts of Russia. However, Vanga did not claim that these efforts would have anything to do with Russian military intervention in this war.

Well... Life, according to Vanga, in 2016 is not very simple. But still, positive trends for Russia will be clearly evident. And this cannot but rejoice, especially since we seem to have become accustomed to difficulties. And even if we are still far from heaven on Earth, life will slowly improve, giving more and more reasons for optimism and confidence in the future.

The situation in the world is increasingly leading humanity to mass depression, suffering and hopelessness. Unfortunately, Vanga’s predictions for 2016 do not inspire optimism as we would like.

Vanga’s dire forecasts fall on the period from 2010 to 2018, and 2016 will be the apogee of the global crisis and a turning point for many countries.

Don’t be afraid of the future - it’s not real!” Indeed, we have to endure trials and difficulties here and now. And sometimes you really want to look into the future with one eye in search of a ray of hope, to make sure that the end of all troubles is not far off.

Skeptics, undoubtedly, will believe more in analysts and political scientists who quite logically justify further development any situation in the world in the coming years.

However, one should not neglect people who really have the gift of prediction, and Vanga has proven this more than once with her prophecies. But they were made long before the events taking place and were always accurate, although she never specified the dates and her statements were mysterious or simply seemed fantastic.

So she saw the disaster of the Twin Towers on September 11, the explosion on Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Japanese Fukushima disaster, tragedy Russian ship“Kursk”, various earthquakes, tsunamis and cataclysms of destructive proportions, as well as the war in eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

Political and economic situation in the world in 2016

It is this year that the Third World War may be unleashed. World War. The escalation of the military conflict between the two Islamic countries will serve as its beginning and will involve the leading states of the world in it, since there will be a threat of the use of nuclear weapons.

The intervention of Russia and China, which by that time will take the palm in the world political arena, will allow the conflict to be peacefully resolved and protect the world from nuclear war. But a huge number of casualties and serious consequences will be the inevitable result of the clash of nations.

The most serious global economic crisis is predicted to occur in 2016. The USA will not withstand this blow. As a result of numerous protests due to the crisis, coupled with devastating natural disasters that demolish entire cities, the US will lose its power and influence, thereby allowing countries such as Russia, China and Germany to strengthen their dominance.

Vanga saw the “black president” as the last ruler of a powerful power. Thus, the geopolitical map of the world will be redesigned and will acquire a multipolar character. This year also does not bode well for Europe. Vanga spoke about empty Europe.

This could mean that Europe's population will decline due to bloody wars, disease or economic crisis. The collapse of the European Union is also predicted, all more countries will want to leave the alliance and, in the end, the European Union, like its euro currency, will cease to exist.

Strong new alliances will be created, with China and Russia playing key roles, and which will help other poorer countries.

What are Vanga's predictions for Russia in 2016?

Russia is destined not only to survive the global crisis, but also to get back on its feet more confidently. Russia will declare itself as a powerful superpower and from this year the revival of the country, the revival of culture and economy will begin. The country will be led to the rise by a leader named Vladimir, who will be called nothing less than the Great.

Vanga’s predictions for Russia say that no special cataclysms, natural disasters or large losses are expected. Of course, the global crisis will not be able to bypass the Russian people, but it will affect this country much less than the rest of the world.

Russia will begin to unite peoples who themselves will want its protection. As a result, an alliance is formed that can withstand any external enemies.

What awaits Ukraine in 2016 according to Vanga’s predictions

For Ukraine in 2016, Vanga’s predictions are not at all reassuring. The difficulties will not end. Economic recession will only intensify, the country will not be able to recover from the crisis of past years, and besides, a new revolution awaits it at the beginning of the year. It will continue to be internally split, suffer from an incompetent government regime, and drown in corruption, unemployment and problems.

The hostilities will not stop, leading the country into ever greater chaos and destruction. The civilian population will suffer the most hardships, while the government controlled from the outside will not be able to correct anything or restrain the ever-increasing popular hatred and indignation.

Europe and America themselves will be at a disadvantage, so there will be no place to wait for help. Vanga also predicted that Ukraine would have a happy future. But when this moment will come is unknown...

Should we expect global natural disasters in 2016?

Our planet cannot avoid even greater destruction and disasters. Global warming has been leading to complete climate change for many years. This process will accelerate in 2016. Vanga portends very powerful flashes on the Sun, which will lead to destructive earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis, and increased radioactivity.

The melting of glaciers in Antarctica and the Arctic, rising levels of the World Ocean will lead to the fact that part of Europe, areas of Northern and South America, as well as millions human lives. Also, forgotten diseases will return to our world, or new epidemic ones will arise that will cover many countries and continents, plunging humanity into a state of not only economic, but also moral poverty.

According to Vanga’s prediction, a disease may return to earth, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives, and most importantly, killing the human values ​​that make us human. Interestingly, no one is predicting the end of the world this year. Since the asteroid will not fall on Earth and there is no plan for a global flood, the fate of humanity remains in our own hands.

What famous soothsayers and futurologists agree on is that the global crisis will, to one degree or another, affect every inhabitant of the planet. The fact that people themselves will destroy each other and harm their neighbors is more than a natural disaster could do.

Soothsayers predict great geopolitical turns, the collapse of some world empires and the emergence of others, a change of eras.

A feature of the prophecies for 2016 is the birth of a certain baby. Which, according to Nostradamus, will become a terrible omen for humanity, but according to Vanga’s predictions, this child, on the contrary, will become the messiah and salvation for all the peoples of the earth.

Is there hope? Vanga saw not only gloomy pictures in her predictions for 2016. She predicted that scientists would finally be able to discover a cure for cancer that would save thousands of lives. I would like to believe that not all prophecies for 2016 will come true. But in any case, you and I need to try to preserve human values ​​and the world around us.

As they say: “Our present depends on many circumstances, our future largely depends on US!” And it starts right from this moment. Let's not think about possible disasters and troubles in the future, but enjoy every moment of life right now. Even if we end 2016 falling into the deepest hole from which it would seem impossible to get out, let's hope that the bottom of this hole will serve as a solid support for us to jump up.

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