The institution of lease in Roman law. Definition of the word colon in dictionaries

explain the meaning of the words aqueduct, baths, atrium, column. and got the best answer

Answer from Gala Teya[guru]
Aqueduct (from Latin aqua - water and ducere - to lead) - a conduit (channel, pipe) for supplying water to settlements, irrigation and hydropower systems from their sources located above them.
Baths (Latin thermae, from Greek thermós - warm, hot), public baths in Ancient Rome; They were also public, entertainment and sports institutions. Baths (Latin thermae, from Greek thermós - warm, hot), public baths in Ancient Rome; They were also public, entertainment and sports institutions. As a type of building, T, in its main features, developed during the period of the republic to the 2nd century. BC e. , having received the most full development during the period of the empire. T. were often a complex complex of various buildings with numerous rooms. The main building usually had a symmetrical plan with a frigidarium, tepidarium and caldarium (cold, warm and hot baths) and two groups of identical rooms located along the main axis... TSB
Atrium or Atrium (lat. atrium) - central part ancient Roman and ancient Italian dwelling (domus), which was an internal light courtyard, from where there were exits to all other rooms.
1) a tenant of a small plot of land from a large landowner in Ancient Rome; 2) representative various categories peasantry in Romanesque countries and countries Latin America. __ COLON. city ​​in Panama, port on the Caribbean coast, at the entrance to the Panama Canal, adm. c. Prov.

Reply from Vladimir Alexandrin[guru]
Aqueduct - (from Latin aqua - water and ducere - to lead) - a water conduit (channel, pipe) for supplying water to populated areas, irrigation and hydropower systems from sources located above them.
Thermae - ancient baths in classical Greece - at large houses and gymnasiums; During the Hellenistic period, they were used by the entire population of the city. In Ancient Rome, baths arose according to the Greek model and became centers of public life.

Colon (lat. colonus, coloni) - a semi-dependent peasant in the Roman Empire during the times of decline (third-fourth centuries, the so-called Crisis of the 3rd century.) The colons as a socio-economic class of citizens were most widespread in the Western Roman Empire, primarily in the northern half of Roman Gaul, where the colons actually became the predecessors of the dependent peasants of the times of classical feudalism.

Reply from Inesska[guru]
Atrium or Atrium (lat. atrium) - the central part of the ancient Roman and ancient Italian dwelling (domus), which was an internal light courtyard, from where there were exits to all other rooms. IN modern architecture An atrium is an internal light courtyard in a building.
Therm - a pillar with a statue of a human bust at the top; the Romans depicted the god Terminus, guardian of borders; since the Renaissance - decoration of parks, gardens, terraces, etc.
Column (Greek κιων, στύλος, Latin columna) in architecture - structural element, used as a link between the base of a structure and its parts.
Column - a wooden, stone or metal pillar, often cylindrical, placed vertically. Often used to support arches and entablatures.
The column may also not support any massive building element, but serve as a decorative or triumphal display, such as with a statue on top.

Reply from Goddess of wind[newbie]
look on Wikipedia, everything is there even with pictures;)
into the search engine: “aqueduct - Wikipedia” and forward

Reply from Stas[guru]
Aqueduct (from Latin aqua - water and ducere - to lead) - a water conduit (channel, pipe) for supplying water to populated areas, irrigation and hydropower systems from sources located above them.
An aqueduct in a narrower sense is a part of a water conduit in the form of a bridge over a ravine, river, or road. Aqueducts of sufficient width could also be used by ships (Water Bridge). An aqueduct is similar in structure to a viaduct, with the difference that it is used to carry water instead of organizing a road or railroad track.
Aqueducts are constructed of stone, brick, reinforced concrete or steel. Such structures consist of a base on which stone, cast iron or brick supports are erected (usually stone arches are placed between them for stability), and a coastal abutment on which pipes are laid or ditches are arranged.

Tenant of a small plot of land from a large landowner in Ancient Rome

The first letter is "k"

Second letter "o"

Third letter "l"

The last letter of the letter is "n"

Answer for the question "Tenant of a small plot of land from a large landowner in Ancient Rome", 5 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word colon

This city in Panama got its name from the Spanish form of the surname of the discoverer of America, Christopher Columbus.

Rhythmic unit prosaic speech: groups of 2-4 words, intonationally and syntactically uniform, separated by light pauses

rhythm. unit of prose

Rhythmic unit of speech

Argentine football club

City and port in Panama

Byzantine, Roman peasant

Definition of the word colon in dictionaries

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Colon is one of the provinces of Panama. Administrative center- the city of Colon.

New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
m. Group of feet with one rhythmic stress (in ancient poetics); poetic line. m. Tenant of a small plot of land owned large landowner(in Ancient Rome). Representative of one of the categories of feudal-dependent peasants:...

Examples of the use of the word colon in literature.

True, this document so far only provided for the distribution of empty lands, as well as the transfer of ownership columns, sharecroppers, tenants of those small plots of land on which they work, with preliminary monetary compensation to the owners of this land, whether private individuals or the state.

Colon and Yash united their empires, Colon and there were enough people who knew metalworking who helped the Tarascans achieve such success that they even learned to cast cannons.

Po Shoseto se vlacheshe dalga column from ednakvi petnisti kamioni from karoseria from nagnato crookedly zaniteno zhelyazo.

He visited everywhere, walked with mestizos, and with Negritos in New Orleans, and with Chinese women in Seattle, Washington, and with a purebred Indian in Bette, Montana, and with French and German Jewish women in Colone, and with an old Caribbean woman of ninety years of age in Port of Spain.

If it were otherwise, they would have escaped too easily columns from the land, assigned and serfs - from arable land, arrears - from the collectors, slaves - from the owners.

- (Colón), a city in Panama. 52 thousand inhabitants (2000). Founded 1850–52 builders of the Panama Railway Main trade. the port of the country at the entrance to the Panama Canal from the Caribbean Sea, on the Manzanillo Peninsula. Zhel. and highway. connected by roads to the capital. Dictionary of geographical names

  • Colon- Colon (Honduras, Cuba, Panama) Spelling dictionary. One N or two?
  • Colon- Monetary unit of Costa Rica, introduced in 1896. Monetary unit of El Salvador, introduced in 1919. Numismatist's Dictionary
  • Colon- 1) city, Panama. Founded in 1850 and named after the discoverer of America, Christopher Columbus (1451 - 1506); Colon - Spanish form of his last name. 2) arch. see Galapagos Toponymic dictionary
  • column- COLON 1. COLON, -a; m. [lat. colōnus - landowner, peasant] 1. B ancient Rome: A tenant of a small piece of land owned by a large landowner. Dictionary Kuznetsova
  • column- I. COLON I a, m. colon m.<�лат. colonus. В Римской империи - арендатор небольшого земельного участка у крупного арендатора... Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian language
  • Colon- I Colon (Spanish colón, in honor of H. Columbus 1) monetary unit of Costa Rica, equal to 100 centimos. Introduced in 1896. The official parity rate to the US dollar on January 1, 1973 was 6.65 K. per 1 dollar. 2) The monetary unit of El Salvador is equal to 100 centavos. Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • COLON- COLON (Colon) - a city in Panama, a port on the Caribbean coast, at the entrance to the Panama Canal, the administrative center of the province. Colon. 55 thousand inhabitants (1990). Production of navigation equipment, electrical, textile, pharmaceutical products. COLON (Greek) Large encyclopedic dictionary
  • column- Column, columns, columns, columns, columns, columns, columns, columns, columns, columns, columns, columns Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • column- noun, number of synonyms: 8 tenant 19 archipelago 45 galapagos 3 city 2765 unit 830 peasant 73 port 361 turtle islands 3 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • column- spelling I colon, -a (unit of speech) II colon, -a (farmer-tenant; monetary unit) Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • column- -a, m. ist. 1. In ancient Rome: a tenant of a small plot of land owned by a large landowner. 2. The name of the various categories of peasantry (farmers, sharecroppers or semi-serf tenants) in the Romanesque countries and Latin American countries. [lat. colonus] Small academic dictionary
  • column- 1. colon/ (farmer). 2. column/ (size). Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • Colon- (Kολωνός) - one of the demos (dimov) in ancient Attica, the birthplace of Sophocles, belonged to the urban district of the Aegean phylum; the scene of Sophocles' famous tragedy "Oedipus in Q." Wed. R. Leper, “On the question of the dims of Attica” (St. Petersburg, 1893, p. 91). Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • Colon- Κολωνὸς Ἀγοραῖος and "Ίππιος, see Attica, Attica, 12, 14. Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  • Colon- COLON. - In ancient metrics, K. was the name for a group of feet united around one - with the main rhythmic stress - and forming this way. arr. the highest rhythmic unit - the metric member, or K. (lat. “membrum”). Depending on the number of feet included... Literary encyclopedia
  • column- [lat. colonus] - 1) in the ancient Roman Empire - a tenant of a small plot of land from a large landowner; paid rent in kind or money for use; Subsequently, the colons began to be enslaved by landowners (see. Large dictionary of foreign words
  • Colon- COLON or stake (Greek) is a combination of feet into a well-known system, which ends with a large (rhyming) pause, which can also be called a verse or a poetic line. Dictionary of literary terms
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